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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [color=darkslateblue]"This one seems to have heavier shielding," Daego said, "but it's not uniform." [/color][color=#483d8b]The [i]Transcendence[/i] was currently over another safe house. This one was just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. And this particular safe house, it seemed, had bettershielding. But the non-uniformity suggested that the stronger shielding wasn't complete.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"They must still be in the process of upgrading the shielding," Kiva said. "That's why there's variation. It won't be uniform until instalation is complete. Anyways, are you getting anything?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes. It's a fainter signal, thanks to the heavier shielding, but I've definitely got a locator beacon, and the frequency matches Sandra's. It looks like we've found her. I'm also getting something odd from underneath the city."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"We'll worry about that later. Do you have a shot at the shield generator?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego nodded. "I do. Firing... now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As before, it only took a couple shots to destroy the shield generator. With the shielding down, it was easy to grab Sandra with a transport door, and like with Darren, she was relayed to appear on the bridge.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Greetings, Commander Sandra," Kiva said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Elite Specialist Kiva," Sandra replied. She was suprised at the sudden change in surroundings, but she recovered a lot faster than Darren had. "Good to see you. I assume thios man is your crew?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Indeed. This is Daego Kelse. He and I were assigned to retrieve you and Darren. Darren has already been located and returned to the [i]Creator[/i], and you'll be back there shortly. Daego, has the [i]Creator[/i] responded yet?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"They're standing by to receive," Daego said. "Opening transport door now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Please enter the transport door, Commander" Kiva said as a transport door opened in front of Sandra. Sandra nodded and walked through the door, which closed behind her.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay," Kiva said, "what's this odd reading you're getting?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]'Take a look," Daego said. "It's distorted both wby the natural rock formations and by what can only be high-level shielding, but it's definitely there."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It looks like the readings we got from the last base," Kiva said. "Did they put the third base under Salt Lake City?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That seems likely. You're right, these readings are like the ones we got from the last base. I think we've found it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, then we've got work to do. Contact the [i]Creator[/i]. We need them to make sure the next transport coming to this area has a full assult team. Hopefully, we'll have a way in by then."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I guess we can't use our last trick again, can we? They'll have modified their sensors to flag disturbances of the level we'd make."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yes. So we'll need a new method of entry for this one. I'll start working on one while you contact the [i]Creator[/i]."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. As he contacted the [i]Creator[/i], Kiva quickly hacked into the base's systems and left a brief message, marked as high priority:[/color] [indent][i][color=#483d8b]The final Earth base has been located. Entry method undetermined, but attack will likely commence soon. Presence of important personell in base is expected, so evacuation ahead of time would risk compromising my position. I will attempt to trigger the alarm prematurely, though this may not be possible. Regardless, evacuate as soon as alarm sounds, prioritizing important personell.[/color][/i] [/indent][color=#483d8b]With her message planted, Kiva withdrew from the base's network and began attempting to determine an entry method. Hopefully, they'd have their mathod of entry by the time the assult team arrived. Although the loss of this base wouldn't completely eliminate the Resistance presence on Earth, it would be a severe blow, one that would at the very least present an enormous setback for what Resistance forces would remain.[/color]
  2. Well, Darren's been found, so now all Kiva has left to do right now is find Sandra. So I'm almost set for a new objective. I want to know what's coming next.
  3. [color=darkslateblue]"Okay, I've got a signal here," Daego said. The [i]Transcendence[/i] was above yet another safe house. Kiva and Daego'd been going from safe house to safe house as planned, but they hadn't found either Darren or Sandra. However, it seemed that one of them was at this safe house.[/color] [color=#483d8b]All high-level officers and other important individuals were given tracking beacons that could be zeroed in on by pretty much any sensor equipment, provided the beacon's frequency was known. Sandra and Daego both had beacons, though Darren had only recently gotten his, and Kiva and Daego had the frequencies for both beacons. The beacons were intended to allow precise location of necessary individuals at any time, and were very nice to have in case someone important went missing. The beacons were actually injected into the skin, a simple operation to perform which made the beacons almost impossible to remove. However, any kind of sensor shielding rendered the beacons practically useless. Even the [i]Transcendence[/i] had to be basically right above the beacon to detect it through the safe house's shielding. But it was, and a beacon had been detected.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, this one has Darren's frequency," Daego said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right, so we've found Darren. Do we have a clear shot, or is he in the way?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"We've got a clear shot, all right," Daego said. "I'm taking it."[/color] [color=#483d8b]When Kiva and Daego had been searching for Crystal, they'd still had the [i]Catalyst[/i], and advanced though it was, not even that ship had been able to pick up a locator beacon through even what shielding the safe houses had. For that reason, they hadn't known where in the safe house Crystal was. Because of this, they hadn't been able to risk doing anything from the ship, because there was always a chance that Crystal would be in the way. But with the [i]Transcendence[/i], they could get Darren's beacon, so they knew he wasn't in their intended line of fire.[/color] [color=#483d8b]At this close range, it was easy to pinpoint the location of the shield generator. That was the target, and the [i]Transcendence[/i] fired a perfectly aimed shot. The generator wasn't designed to withstand heavy fire, so only a couple shots were necessary to destroy it. And with the shilding down, transport doors could be freely opened within the safe house. There was no need to go in on the ground this time; Kiva and Daego just grabbed Darren with a transport door. Using a relay, they sent him right to the bridge. They both got a kick out of Darren's bewildered expression.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Hello, Darren," Kiva said. "I am Elite Specialist Kiva Salqarian, and this is Daego Kelse. We've been assigned to retrieve you and Sandra. I don's suppose you know where she is?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Uh... n-no, I don't," Darren said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"I thought so."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Um, so this is your ship, then?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "It is. I assume you're aware of the beacon you have?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]Darren nodded. "Yes, I am. I didn't want it, but now I suppose I'm somewhat glad to have it."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Why didn't you want it?" Daego asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Because it felt like an invasion of privacy. I don't like the idea of anyone being able to know my exact location at any time. I thought they didn't work through shielding, though."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"This ship could find it," Kiva said, "but only when we were right over the safe house you were in. And don't worry. The beacons are for use in emergencies only. It's not exactly easy to get the frequency for one. I got the frequencies to aid in your retrieval, but normally only a very few people have the frequencies. That information is regulated by the High Council directly, simply because of the potential for abuse."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"I see," Darren said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. Daego, is the [i]Creator[/i] ready?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"They're standing by to receive," Daego said. "Opening transport door."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, time for you to get back to the [i]Creator[/i]," Kiva said as a transport door appeared in front of Darren. "They're expecting you."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Darren nodded. "Thanks," he said as we walked through the door, which closed behind him.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Proper transmission confirmed," Daego said. "[i]Creator[/i] reports proper reception. Darren's on the [i]Creator[/i]."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said. "Let's hit the next safe house. Now we've just got Sandra to find." And hopefully, finding her wouldn't take too long.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] --------------------------------------------------- OOC: I hope the whole beacon thing is okay.
  4. [color=darkslateblue]"Well, Kim didn't know anything," Daego said as he entered the bridge. "You have any luck?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Not much," Kiva said, "but I did find something unusual. Here, take a look at this. These are medical reports I found in the remaining base's computer network. Most of the reporst identify the patient and describe the condition and treatment, but as you can see, these two don't name the patient. Also, look at the described conditions. They seem to match what Sandra and Darren looked like on the security recording."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You think they're at the base?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No. I think they were there initially for medical treatment, but they were likely moved when treatment was complete."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"If they were treated, why don't the reports have their names?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Simple," Kiva said. "Those reports are usually done automatically. The program matches the patient's information with his or her identity. The identity is determined by searching through a personell database for a match. If no identity can be determined, the name is usually left blank, though the program can be set to take a different action. My guess it that Sandra and SDarren were treated, but they, of course, aren't in the Resistance's personell database, so the program was simply unable to identify them."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I see. Was that all you found?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Unfortunately, yes." As before, there hadn't been much of any useful information. Not even having the names of the Resistance personell helped, since they all went by false names. So Kiva and Daego would have to do things the hard way."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"We'll start with safe houses," Kiva said. "We have a couple locations we haven't hit yet. We'll do this just like we did when looking for Crystal. We hit the locations we know, and hopefully learn of new locations. Eventually, we'll find Sandra an Darren."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, it worked before," Daego said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes, which is why we're doing it again. Okay, let's get started."[/color]
  5. Okay, just a litle clarification here. Just like at the start of the RPG, my posts have not been synchronized with everyone else's in terms of time. Your posts skipped over a few weeks, but Kiva's investigation was happening durring that skipped time. So just like last time, assume that as of my most recent post, my posts are once again synchronized with everyone else's. I hope I didn't cause too much confusion.
  6. [color=darkslateblue]"Proper emergence confirmed," Daego said. "We're back in sector 13."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Almost immediately after the [i]Transcendence[/i]'s arrival, a message was recieved. "A message this soon after we arrived can only mean one thing," Kiva said. "They were waiting for us to show up, and they wanted to get this message to us immediately when we did."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"So something's happened, then," Daego said. "What the hell is it this time?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Let's find out," Kiva said as she opened the message. The message was rather large, and it wasn't long before Kiva and Daego saw why: the message was actually two messages sent as one. One was direct from the High Council, who would have sent it to the [i]Creator[/i] for relay to the [i]Transcendence[/i] as soon as possible. The other had originated from the [i]Creator[/i], and it was that one that Kiva and Daego opened first. It was about the attack in sector 7.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"My God," Daego said. "How the hell did they pull that off. Do you have any idea what kind of explosives they'd need for something like that?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Big ones, I assume," Kiva said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's something of an understatement. Access to that level of explosives is regulated level 1.0.5. How the hell did they get that kind of authorization?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Probably the same way they got the security codes they used. How they did that, I don't know. I can't imagine an undercover operative would make it thought the examination you need to pass to get even our level of clearance, much less 1.0.5 access. How the hell did they pull that off?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego wasn't paying attention. He'd seen the mention that the Resistance had broadcast theiir usual statement, and after learning about the second project in sector 14, that statement got to him even more than it usually did. He didn't hate all of the research being done there-the third project in particular continued to fascinate him, and he's spent a good deal of time durring the trip back going over the Council's provided information on it-but project two disgusted him, and now that project was making him wonder if the Resistance was as wrong as he'd always thought. He was just sitting there, muttering to himself. Kiva ignored him and opened the High Council's message.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Daego, we have updated orders," Kiva said as she read the message. "Sandra and Darren have been taken prisoner by the Resistance."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]That got Darren's attention. "What? Even after security was stepped up as a reaction to Crystal's capture? And why those two? Sandra I get, but why Darren?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good question," Kiva said. "The only thing he'd know about is the shipping protocalls, and the Resistance has to know that the protocalls will just be changed if we suspect the Resistance knows how to beat them. My guess is, they were there for Sandra. Darren was down there with Sandra, and when the Resistance found him with her, they probably decided to take him, too. Anyways, the reason isn't our concern. [/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Our job, of course, is to find Sandra and Daego. We've got every bit of information availible, including salvaged security recordings. The audio couldn't be salvaged, but the video seems fine. Okay, we'll do this just like we did when looking for Crystal. Daego, take the security recordings and see if Kim recognizes anyone involved in the capture. I'll hack into the Resistance base and see what I can find."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. He went to get Kim, and Kiva made her way into the Resistance base's computer network. After starting her programs running as usual, she left a report. This report had the usual information, including Kiva's updated orders. In addition, Kiva included all of the information she had on the three projects in sector 14. She added a clear warning not to release the information, as some was so highly classified that even some members of the High Council didn't have it. Releasing that information could severely compromise Kiva's position.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]With her report planted, Kiva waited for her programs to finish running. When they had, she pulled out of the base's network and began going over the information her programs had gotten. Hopefully, there would be something useful.[/color]
  7. [color=darkslateblue]It had taken a while, but Kiva'd finally figured out just how Kleos had been doing it. She and Daego had already confirmed that he was the agent, but they hadn't figured out how he'd been getting access to information he wasn't supposed to have. There was no evidence of hacking, and he didn't seem to be using anyone else's access codes. But that turned out to be exactly what he was doing.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Somehow, Kleos had gotten Director Edwards' access codes. He'd been using them to gain access, but thanks to some very clever work, he'd made it look like Edwars was the one using the codes. the changes had been very well done and very well-hidden, but no change was invisible. Kiva had eventually found a couple minor inconsistancies, and by going from there, she was able to discover the changes Kleos had made. What she didn't know was how he'd gotten Edwards's access codes. So she asked Edwards about it.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, Kleos knows some of my access codes," Michael Edwards said. "I told him what they were. As my assistant, he needs access a lot, and I didn't want him to have to come to me every single time he needs it. He doesn't have my highest-level codes, but he has most of the others."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That was dumb," Kiva said. "Never give out your access codes. You should know that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, but I've known Kleos for a long time. I know he's trustworthy."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You're wrong on that one," Daego said. "We've determined that Kleos Telmes is a Resistance agent."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Edwards was clearly shocked by this, but he did his best to hide it. "It's Kleos? You're certain?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Of course. He covered his tracks well, but everyone makes mistakes, and I found one of his. From there, it was pretty easy to identify him as the agent."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I see. Have you contacted the High council yet?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No. We wanted to figure out how he got your access codes first. Now that we know, we will be contacting the High Council."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"...and Edwards confirmed that he had given Kleos the access codes," Kiva said. She and Daego were back on the [i]Transcendence[/i], and they were speaking with the High Council. Kiva'd just finished detailing the investigation and her identification of Kleos as the agent. "After that, we returned here to contact you."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I see," one of the Councilmen said. "Well done. Have you destroyed the relay stations?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Not yet. There was always the chance that the agent would attempt a transmission, and I wanted to use the relay stations against him if he did. We'll take out the relay stations as we leave the sector."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. Depart as soon as you can. Once you've finished with the relay stations, return to sector 14 and resume your previous assignment. We'll have Kleos taken care of. And I suppose we'll have to do something about Edwards, too. Even if he didn't have any reason to suspect Kleos, giving Kleos his access codes can only be seen as a display of incompetence. At the very least, he will be releaved of his rank and position. Anyways, you have your orders. Carry them out."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," Daego said. "I would like to add one thing, though. I must formerly protest the goals of research project two. Minor mental modifications are one thing, but the extent to which this project is taking it is another matter entirely. There's a reason that kind of research is forbidden. I find it unacceptable."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Your protest is noted," the Councilman said. "However, the project is already underway and will not be cancelled."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I cannot ask for anything more than that my protest be noted."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. Is there anything else?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No," Kiva said. "We'll be on our way."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good luck, Kiva. Out." The transmission was terminated.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, we know what we need to do," Kiva said to Daego. "Let's get to it."[/color]
  8. Just an update in regards to Kim: even though Kiva and Daego haven't needed any specific information from her recently, she's still being interrogated regularly. Over time, Daego's prying every detail she knows about the Resistance out of her. Okay, I'm writing my post right now, so it'll definitely be up today.
  9. Well, she'll be finishing the investigation in my next post, which should be up later today, so I'd say te investigation's pretty close to finised. I was also going to have Kiva contact the ig Council in that post, as well, so if there's anything that would affect that, please tell me as soon as you can.
  10. [color=#483d8b]Of the five people who were left after the initial investigation, Selna Trekel and Seok Lemese were ruled out rather quickly. That left three people who might be the agent: Velane Menekos, on research team one; Kleos Telmes, another from team one and also Director Edwards' assistant; and Jomo Trelmesk, a team three researcher and personal assistant to Telo Kemelesk, team three's head.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, so we've got these three left," Kiva said to Daego. "We'll need to do a complete analysis on each one, but that'll take some time, so we want to pick the best one to do first."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah," Daego said, "but which one? Which one of these three is most likely to be the agent?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, at this point we know quite a lot about them, so let's go over that. We'll start with Velane, from team one."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"She might be a good bet. You saw how much of a suck-up she is."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yeah, that's for sure. I don't think she can see an ass without imediately kissing it. Which is actually a mark in favor of her not being the agent."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Really? I'd think that an agent would want to gain as much favor with higher-ups as possible."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yes, that's the general assumption, which is why no good agents act that way. You see, the worst thing an agent can possibly do is act like people would expect an agent to act. I think you can understand why that's bad."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, now that you mention it. So you don't think Velane's the agent?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Her ass-kissing would seem to indicate that she's not, but there is evidence that she's the one. Remember, we did find security footage showing her making an unauthorized transmission."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I remember," Daego said. "You don't think she would've done anything about the security cameras?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Of course she would have. Any competent agent knows to deal with security cameras. But everyone makes mistakes, even the best. An agent can only catch as many as possible, and hope that the ones he/she doesn't catch don't cause problems. Still, forgetting to deal with security cameras is a pretty big mistake, and not one a skilled agent is likely to make.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Now, if you look at Kleos, there are a couple inconsistencies with him, but nothing big. His are the kind of mistake an agent is more likely to make."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, and as the Director's assistant, he probably has an easier time accessing information he doesn't need as a team one researcher."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"True," Kiva said, "which is actually a reason not to suspect him. After all, if classified information is leaked, suspicion will naturally fall on people who are allowed access to that information. It's much safer for an agent to find ways to access information he or she isn't supposed to have. That way, the agent avoids suspicion. However, some of the leaked information isn't stuff Kleos would be likely to have access to even in his role as Director Edwards' assistant. So he might just be our man. I certainly consider him a more likely candidate than Velane."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What about Jomo?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What's there to say about him, really? He's pretty unremarkable, realy. Sure, he's certainly one hell of a smart man, or else he wouldn't be at this facility at all, but for this place, he's very average. There's really not much to say about him."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sounds like a good candidate to me," Daego said. "Someone like him is unlikely to draw much attention."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Again, that kind of person's a bit to obvious. A lot of people assume that if an agent isn't a suck-up, he or she will seem pretty unremarkable. And as I said, the last thing an agent wants to do is act like people would expect an agent to act. So I don't think it's Jomo. No, of these three, I think Kleos is the most likely candidate. We'll check him first. If he checks out, I think we should check Velalne next, and save Jomo for last."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sounds good to me."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All rght, then," Kiva said. "Let's get started."[/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue]There were three research projects being conducted at the research facility in sector 14. Each team was made up ten people, for a combined total of thirty. The facility's director, Michael Edwards, was number thirty-one. This was actually a rather small number of suspects. Usually, there were a lot more, but there weren't too many people at this particular facility.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"It doesn't seem likely that our target is on team three," Kiva said. She and Daego were onboard the [i]Transcendence[/i], going over what information they had. The first thing they'd done was a detailed scan of the system. This scan lcated several well-hidden relay stations located underground. A Specialist had been in this area previously, but the old messanger ships were unable to detect the underground relay stations. It took the [i]Transcendence[/i]'s greater sensor capabilities to locate them.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]One of Kiva's objectives was to destroy these relay stations, but she'd do that upon leaving the system. Right now, she was hoping to use them. It was always possible that the target would attempt to send a transmission even though Kiva and Daego were looking for him. It normally wasn't a good idea to do that , but there were reasons to. For example, there was some information that would need to be sent no matter what. An agent might also send a final transmission if the agent thought that he or she'd been found out. And some agents were just plain cocky.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Instead of destroying the relay stationss, Kiva hacked into each one and made a slight addition to its program. This addition would precisely record the location a relayed transmission originated at, as well as the exact time it was received and relayed. With that information, Kiva and Daego would be able to access security records and see who was at that location at the proper time. This would make identifying the agent quite easy. But they'd have to get lucky for that to happen, and information that exact wasn't already available. Odds were they'd have to identify the agent the old-fashioned way.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, that mkes sense," Daego said. And it did. The Resistance hadn't released any information on the third research project, which suggested that they didn't have any. This would mean that the agent hadn't sent any, which implied that he/she didn't know anything about project three. Thus, it was unlikely that the target was working on that project.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed," Kiva said. "We can't afford to ignore team three, though. It's possible that the agent only sent information on the first to projects in order to throw people off his.her trail. It's also possible that the Resistance does have information on project three and just decided not to release it. So we can't ignore team three. Still, we should check teams one and two first. We'll also need to check Director Edwards, of course."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego nodded. "Yes. All right, who's checking who?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You start with team one," Kiva said. "I'll start with Edwards, then move to team two. You'll pr[/color][color=darkslateblue]obably finish your group before me, since I'll be ckecking one more person than you, so move on to team three when you're done with team one."[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Got it," Daego said.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]That exchange had occured a week ago. In that week, Kiva and Daego had gone over everyne in the facility, and had narowed down the list of suspects. Still on the list were Velane Menekos and Kleos Telmes, who also served as Michael Edwards's assistant, on team one. The list also included Selna Trekel, team two's head, as well as Seok Lemese and Jomo Trelmesk on team three. Everyone else had been ruled out for various reasons. Now, Kiva and Daego were giving the remaining five suspects more thrurough inspections. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too long before they were able to identify the agent.[/color]
  12. [color=darkslateblue]As soon as the [i]Transcendence[/i] was en route to sector 14, Kiva began going over the data the High Council had provided. She started with the information on just what the research being done in sector 14 was. There were three seperate projects, and Kiva read about them in order.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The first project was research into increasing the other races' lifespans. Nothing about it was very shocking, though the details were, of course, classified. It was the research station's 'official' project. Before the leak ohnly a few people outside the facility had known there were actually three research projects being done at the facilty.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The second project, Kiva soon learned, was banned research. Like the first project, the second one involved modifying other races. But where the first project was about physical modifications, the second project was mental modifications. Specifically, the second team was researching how to make the 'slaves' submissive and obedient. Mental research like this was strictly banned, so the fact that it was being done was highly [/color][color=darkslateblue]classified.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]As distasteful as she found this research to be, Kiva had to laugh. [i]Man, I can't wait to see Daego's reaction to this[/i]. It was certainly something Daego would hate. Kiva wouldn't be suprised if Daego ended up making a formal complaint to the High Council. He certainly wouldn't be pleasant company for members of the second research team. He wasn't likely to do anything to anyone, but he certainly wouldn't be friendly towards them.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego entered the bridge just as Kiva was finishing with the information on the second research project. "Well, Kim didn't know much we don't already know," he said. "Seeems like Resistance bases are all pretty much standardized. Access codes, security systems, those things differ from base to base, but aside from that, each base is pretty much the same as other bases. You learned anything?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yes, and you aren't going to like some of it. You don't need to go over any of the details right now, but take a look at this summary of the second research project."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego's reaction to the information was just as amusing as Kiva'd predicted. She later described the look on his face as the funnieist thing she'd ever seen. The amusement was short-lived, however, because she did agree with Daego, although she wasn't as... passionite about it as he was.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"My god," Daego said after calming down a bit. "What the hell is the Council thinking? I mean, this is... it's just wrong. For god's sake, there's a reason this kind of thing's banned."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I domn't know what the Council's thinking, either," Kiva said," but we don't need to know. Our job is simply to close the leak. We may not like this research, but there's nothing we can do about it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Still, I can't just accept this. I mean, the theory's fine. Mental alteration is the only way we'll ever be able to subdue the lesser races. It'd actually be better for them if we did. If we could be certain they wouldn't revolt, we wouldn't have to be as opressive as we often are. But this... this isn't suppressing aggression. This is moving over into the realm of mind control, and that... I can't support that. This is exactly the sort of thing the Resistance always accuses us of. Seeing this makes me wonder if they're as wrong as I thought."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, we can't do anything about it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeay, but I'm still going to formally complain to the High council as soon as I can."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You do that. Anyways, I haven't looked at the information for the third research project yet. So let's take a look, shall we?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Though less appalling than the second research project, the third research project was certainly the most shocking. This project was also banned research, and was even more highly classified than the second project. The resistance hadn't leaked any information about this project, so it was safe to assume that whoever their agent was didn't know much about it. Even many members of the Council were unaware of it.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Like the first project, the third project involved physical modification, but modification of a different sort. It was actually quite an interesting concept, and Daego in particular was facinated by it. "I didn't know anything like this was even possible," he said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Neither did I," Kiva said, "but it obvoiusly is possible."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. I'll have to ask the research team about this when we get there. this is just incredible."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You do that," Kiva said. She turned her attention away from the research informatio and began examining the personell records.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]During the journey, Kiva and Daego had throughly examined all of the provided information. They now knew the complete layout of the sector, the facility's layout and operating methods, the complete histories of the researchers, etc. They'd also read everything about the research projects, and though they didn't understand most of the details of the actualy research processes, they did know precisely what each research team had already accomplished and where they all currently stood, as well as various details about the projects. And it would soon be time to put that knowledge to use."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Proper emergence confirmed," Daego said. "Location confirmed. We're in sector 14, all right."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, and we're already being challenged," Kiva noted. "Security here is certainly tight. Okay, transmitting clearence codes."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]With the proper codes received, the security system backed off. The [i]Transcendence[/i] was challenged several more times, but each time the security systems backed down when the proper codes were sent. Before long, the [i]Transcendence[/i] was in-system and had arrived at the research facility. It was time for the mission to begin.[/color]
  13. [color=darkslateblue]"Who is it this time?' Kiva said when the signal sounded to indicate a transmission. When she accepted the transmission, she saw that it was the High Council. "Greetings, Council," she said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"We have a new assignment for you, Kiva," one of the Councilors said. "I assume you're aware that information regarding the research in sector 14 was leaked?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"I am," Kiva said. "I assumed the Resistance got the information off of Commander Crystal's handheld."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"As did we. But Commander Crystal contacted us, and she informed us that some of he leaked information was not on her handheld. She's also the only person in that sector who would have known the information, and she has assured us that she tolld the Resistance nothing. And there's only one other way the Resistance could have obtained that information."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"An agent on the research team," Daego said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Correct. The Resistance's goal in revealing this information is obvious, especially given that some of the research is forbidden. So far, we have things under control, but if much more is leaked, things could become quite problematic. So this agent neds to be found, and we've decided to assign you to the task.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"You are to depart for sector 14 as soon as possible. You have two objectives. The first is to locate and capture or kill the Resistance agent or agents. Your other objective is to locate and destroy or otherwise render inoperative the means by which the Resistance agent or agents send the information.[/color] [color=#483d8b]At that moment, the 'message received' signal sounded. "You have just been sent detailed information on the research facility," the Councilor said. "This includes complete files on all personell, including information which is Council-level classified. There is also detailed information on the sector and the research facility, as well as the Resistance base that was found in the sector. And we've also included information on the three research projects being conducted at the facility. Understand that this information is classified at the highest level."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Understood."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"One more thing. Before her defection to the Resistance was on the team that investigated the sector 14 Resistance base. She may know something useful. Also, when you are finished in sector 14, you are to resume your current assignment unless otherwise notified. That is all. Out." The transmission was terminated.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, we've got our orders," Kiva said. "I'll set a course for sector 14 and get us mving, and then I'll start examining the data. You get down to Kim. We need everything she knows about the old sector 14 base, as well as anything she might know about Resistance operations in the sector."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. As he went down to get Kim, Kiva set a course, and the Transcendence began the journey to sector 14.[/color]
  14. Well, I think I got things straightened out, so everything should be back to normal. I should have a post up shortly.
  15. Okay, just a little heads-up for you all. It may be a couple days before I can post again (computer problems). I'll try to post, but just know that I may not be able to do so for a bit. SO if I'm not posting, that's why. I guess it's a good thing Kiva and Daego are going to be on their own for a little bit (oh, and do feel free to post as though she's already left the sector). Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know, and I'll post again as soon as I can.
  16. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Would Daego tell Kim his name?[/quote] Nope. If he eventually decides to, I'll post him doing it. Until then, just assume he won't be telling Kim his name.
  17. OOC: Actually, that was perfect. --------------------------------------------------------- [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Confirmed," Daego said. "It's got to be transport doors. Outbound ones, from the looks of it. They're moving a lot out of that base. Not even this ship can determine any more than that, thanks to the shielding. We can't get anything else even at this range."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, well, we know there's outbound traffic," Kiva said. "My guess is, this is a response to the declaration of martial law. I doubt they're shutting the base down, though. They're probably evacuating all non-essential personell and equipment. They'll run minimal systems until things have normalized. Or at least, they would if we weren't going to attack. Well, they'll certainly have all the top people out by now. Odds are there's nothing left we could use, but we'll look anyways. Are the troops ready?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"They are. They've been briefed and are in position."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, then. Give them a transport door. When they're through, we'll transport down ourselves. Let's do this."[/color] [color=#483d8b][i]"I came up with an idea," Daego said.[/i][/color] [color=#483d8b][i][color=#483d8b]"Really?" Kiva said. "What do you have in mind?"[/color][/i] [i][color=#483d8b]"Something that we couldn't have done even with the Catalyst," Daego said. "This ship, however, can target with much more precision. Which is good, because my idea requires precise targeting for transportation doors. Here's what I'm thinking, then.[/color][/i][/color] [color=#483d8b][i][color=#483d8b][/color][/i][/color] [color=#483d8b][i][color=#483d8b]"Okay, to the base is protected by a disruption field. We can't transport in without the proper codes. The classic responce, of course, is to transport as close to the target as possible and move in from there. Our target, however, is underground, making that difficult.[/color][/i][/color] [color=#483d8b][i]"Here's what we do. With the Tr[/i]anscendence[i]'s improved capabilities, we can open a precisely located series of transport doors right at the edge of the disruption field. The locating has to be precise, because we'll be using the transport doors to hollow out a chamber, and we don't want a cave-in.[/i][/color] [i][color=#483d8b]"Once we have a chamber large enough for our purposes, we transport a combat drone down there. Those things may not be too good against ships, but digging a tunnel won't be a problem for one. And with full stealth active, the Resistance will never see it coming. We'll have it tunnel from the chamber to the wall of the base. Then we transport into the chamber with the troops and proceed down the tunnel to the base. We'll place supports so the tunnel won't collapse on us, then blow a hole in the wall and move into the base. From there, it'll be just like what we did in Australia."[/color][/i] [color=#483d8b]"Supports are in place," Kiva said. "Daego, make us a door." She, Daego, and the assult team were all in the tunnel the drong had dug. They were all in full body armor, and their rebreather systems were active. They wouldn't need that once they were in the base, but there was no air filtration inside the tunnel. Also, if something went wrong with the suports and the tunnel colapsed, the rebreathers would allow the troops to survive long enough to be located and picked up by transport door.[/color] [color=#483d8b]The precaution turned out to be unnecessary. Daego placed the explosives, then backed up and detonated them. The supports held fine, so there were no problems. Daego led the charge through the hole and into the base. The rest of the troops followed, with Kiva bringing up the rear. An alarm was sounding, no doubt triggered automatically when the wall section was destroyed, but it didn't matter. They were in, and the Resistance's suprise was complete.[/color] [color=#483d8b]As with the Australia base, the assult force split into three teams. One went to the transport area to shut down the transport doors and trap those remaining inside the base. Another made its way to the shield systems to destroy them, allowing transportation out of the base when all the explosive charges were set. And the third team, along with Kiva and Daego, went for the base's command center. There wasn't much left when they got there, though. Three people were in the room. The computers had already been destroyed, and the trio was firing disruptors at the remains. Kiva stunned quickly, then went to inspect what was left.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Damn," Kiva said. "I don't think I'll be able to get anything out of this. Well, let's gather it up anyways. Daego, signal the [i]Transcendence[/i] for a transport door. We'll gather this stuff, but then our part's done. The assult team will handle the rest. And remember," she said to team leader Kaio, "try not to kill anyone. These people aren't of any use dead. Keep them alive, and someone may just know something useful."[/color]
  18. Yeah, I like how you've been doing Kim, too. I was hoping you'd post as her again so I could see (read, whatever) Kim's reaction when she saw Daego again (and he did question her more, remember? In particular, he asker her about diferences in the bases' security levels). And I'll get my next post up within the next couple days.
  19. [color=darkslateblue]The descent to Earth had been a bit more interesting than expected. The [i]Transcendence[/i] was operating under full stealth, so it was unlikely that the Resistance attackers noticed it. It noticed the attackers, though. "This could get interesting," Daego said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, but we're staying out of it," Kiva said. "Fall back and warn the [i]Influx[/i]. They've got a pulse cannon down there, and one of thouse could easily take out the [i]Influx[/i]."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The warning was too late. The [i]Transcendence [/i]fell back and sent the warning, but the [i]Influx[/i] was hit before it could do anything. The following transport had more time to react, but it was hit anyways. The [i]Transcendence[/i] had stayed far enough back that the Resistance people couldn't see it, and the stealth systems would prevent them from detecting it, so that wasn't a problem, but the loss of the transports messed things up a bit. Kiva and Daego had planned to make use of troops being brought down on the [i]Influx[/i], but now those troops were dead. They could be replaced, though, so the operation was still a go.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, let's do this," Kiva said. "Daego, clear us a zone as close as possible. I'll get more troops sent down.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"...and the two of us can't do this ourselves," Kiva was saying to Stevens over a transmission. "We need replacement troops down here as soon as possible, so we can move on the base. And make sure they have the same special-issue gear the original team had. They'll need it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," Stevens said. "Response teams are already in London, and more troops will be sent as soon as they're ready. We can send aditional troops for your assult with them."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. Have them notify us when they've arrived. We should be ready to commence the attack by then. Kiva out." She closed the channel, then turned to Daego. "How're things going on your end?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I've cleared a space, and the drone is in and moving. And yes, I remembered to set its stealth systems to full." With the drone at full stealth, it wouldn't be detected, and if the Resistance did detect anything, it'd look like a simple fluxuation in the base's shielding, something that they'd be used to. Such fluxuations were common when shielding was used underground, so the Resistance wouldn't see anything suspicious about it. Which would only make their suprise than much more complete.[/color]
  20. Yeah, so do I. And as you all can see from my latest post, the Resistance will indeed be getting a nasty suprise soon. Well, except for Daniel. He'll know it's coming. Of course, I think he'll still be suprised by what Daego's planning (and no, I'm not giving any hints. I already dropped a hint in what Daego said, and I'm not giving any more).
  21. [color=darkslateblue]"There's only one thing this could be," Daego said. The [i]Transcendence [/i]had scanned the US in search of the Resistance base located there, but had found nothing. The scan of the UK, however, produced results. Specifically, a signal pattern was detected beneath London. And there was only one thing it could be.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed," Kiva said. "There's nothing on that planet that would give this kind of reading except one of the Resistance bases. Looks like we were right. The shielding they have down there isn't quite enough to stop what this ship's got."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, well, remember that we didn't find anything when we scanned the US."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"There's a simple explination for that. The US base just has beter shielding. It may be the Resistance's Earth headquarters. That would certainly explain it having better shielding. And we had a much larger area to search, too. We may have more luck if we can manage to narrow its location down a bit. Maybe something we find in the London base'll help us do that. For now, go do your think with Kim. Ask her about the relative shielding strength of the bases, see what she knows. I'm going to hack my way into the London base and see if I can find any clues that'll help us get in."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Once in the base's network, Kiva ran her search routines as usual. She also left a report, knowing that it would be sent to Daniel even if he was at the US base. The report contained a complete update. It included a summary of the [i]Transcendence's[/i] capabilities, as well as the fact that the facility on Mars was doing crystal research. It also identified Kiva and Daego as the ones who'd been attacking the safe houses, and also that they were the ones who rescued Crystal. And Kiva added one more thing to the report:[/color] [indent][color=#483d8b][i]The [/i]Transcendence[i]'s advanced capabilities enabled the location of the Europe base. Entry method currently undetermined. I anticipate that this problem will be solved and the attack will commence within a week, maximum. I recommend that all essential personell there immediately be moved to the US base, the location of which is still unknown. Do this carefully, however. In order to avoid the potential of alerting the Empire to my true allegience, only the most important personell should be moved, and you must provide a believable reason for moving them.[/i][/color] [/indent][color=#483d8b]Kiva marked her report as urgent and left it in the base's network, as usual. When her search routines were finished running, she withdrew from the network.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]When he was done with Kim, Daego returned to the bridge. "Doesn't look like there's anything we can use," I told him. "What'd you get from Kim?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]'She didn't know anything of direct use to us at the moment, though she was able to confirm that the US base has better shielding. However, I don't think we'll need any more information than what we have now to get into the London base. I came up with an idea."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Really? What do you have in mind?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Something that we couldn't have done even with the [i]Catalyst[/i]," Daego said. "This ship, however, can target with much more precision. Which is good, because my idea requires precise targeting for transportation doors. Here's what I'm thinking..."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's brilliant," Kiva said when Daego had finished his explination. "Okay, you get to work confirming the coordinates we'll need to use. I'll contact one of the London-bound transports. Let's see... okay, looks like the [i]Influx[/i] will be arriving down there first, so we'll go with it. We'll procede as we did in Australia.A decoy drone is ready. We'll deploy it so the Resistance thinks we're still up here. We'll follow the [i]Influx[/i] down so our descent isn't detected. We'll finish preperations on the surface, then we'll lead troops from the [i]Influx[/i] into the base."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sounds good to me."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right, then. Let's get to work."[/color]
  22. [color=darkslateblue]Sako's handheld hadn't contained anything useful. Clearly, he didn't need easy access to a Resistance base. Kajo's handheld was more useful, but the information it contained was incomplete. This, of course, was thanks to the deletion routine Kajo had started running. Kiva'd stopped the routine before it got everything, but there was no longer enough information to determine the UK base's location. There was still some useful information, though. In particular, part of the contact routine was still intact. This was enough to narrow down the base's location to the southernmost half of the UK. But Kiva and Daego didn't have anything to go on from there.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Once again, a signal sounded. But this time it was not the 'message received' signal. Instead, it was the 'incoming transmission' signal. "What's this about?" Kiva wondered as she put the signal through. She wasn't too suprised to see Stevens on the other end of the transmission; nobody else in the sector was likely to have a reason to speak with her, except maybe Sandra or Jared.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Hello, Stevens," Kiva said. "How may I assist you?" "I have new orders for you, Kiva," Stevens said. "As soon as you possible, you are to proceed to Mars to pick up a new project that will assist you in your hunt for the resistance on Earth."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"I see. Where will I find this project?" "I am sending you the necessary clearance codes now." The 'message received' signal sounded, and Daego opened the message.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Broadcast the recognition signal I've included," Stevens said. "When you're challenged, send the clearance codes. At that point you will be given approach instructions. You'll be taking the Catalyst though a very small opening in a class X shield. As I'm sure you are aware, this situation confuses even the best qutomatic piloting systems, so manual piloting will be required. This will also be the case when you leave, of course. I understand that Daego is skilled at manual piloting, so should be no problems." Daego nodded. "Yeah, I can do that." "Anything else, Stevens?" Kiva asked. "No. All further information you'll need will be provided when you pick up the project. Oh, and one other thing." "Yes?" "Good work on recovering Crystal, both of you."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Mars orbit confirmed," Daego said. "Sending signal... okay, we're being challenged. Sending clearance codes... confirmed. Incoming transmission, audio-only. Putting it through."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"[i]Catalyst[/i], you have clearance to proceed," a male-sounding voice said. "Approach vector has been transmitted to your autopilot system. You will hear a warning signal ten seconds prior to the autopilot's deactivation. When manual kicks in, maintain previous course and speed. Do not deviate at all. The shield opening has been set based on that course and speed. Any deviation will create a security risk."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," Daego replied. "Will comply."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The approach went smoothly. The autopilot took the [i]Catalyst[/i] in as far as it could, then switched over to manual. Daego kept course and speed perfectly, and it wasn't long before the autopilot kicked on again.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Very good, [i]Catalyst[/i]," the unidentified man said. "The autopilot will handle the rest. Your ETA is approximately five minutes from now. Upon arrival, please disembark immediately. You will be met by personell who will take you from there. Before landing, please ready all internal systems for complete data transfer and ensure that storage areas are set to allow transport doors for full equipment transfer." [/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," Daego said. "Please be advised that we do have a prisoner on board. She will also need to be transfered."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Confirmed. Out." The transmission ended.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"A complete data and equipment transfer?" Daego said. "Why the hell do they need to do that?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I don't know," Kiva said, "but one thing's for sure: We won't be staying on the [i]Catalyst[/i]. Okay, I'll take care of things on this end. You go hit the manual units to authorize both transfers."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As enstructed, Kiva and Daego exited the [i]Catalyst[/i] immediately after the landing. There was a party of five waiting for them. Four were heavily armed and were clearly security personell, while the fifth, the sole female of the group, was likely the head of whatever project Kiva and Daego had come to pick up.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Greeting," the woman said. "I am Lasera Krales, Project Chief at this facility. Were you informed about why you're here?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"We re told only that we're to pick up whatever you've been working on," Kiva said. "We don't know what it is, but I think we've probably both figured it out by now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, what you're here for isn't really our project. We've been working on refining crystals to their perfect state. What you're here for was made elsewhere and then sent to us, as it requires such crystals for operation. As you seem to have guessed, you're here to pick up the first of the new messenger ships designed for Elite Specialists."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Thought so," Kiva said. "Why else would you have had us prepare for a complete equipment and data transfer?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed. You'll find detailed specifications on the ship in its data banks, so I won't bother stating its capabilities here. I'll just say that the ship is an improvement over the old messenger ships in every aspect. You should be able to appreciate how impressive that is."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, you can say that again. And this new ship's even better?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's correct. But enough talking. Come on, I'll take you to it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The new ship didn't look much different from the old model. It was slightly larger, but aside from that, it looked basically the same. In fact, unless they took a real close look at a scan of the new ship, the Resistance might not even realize it was a new ship. [/color][color=#483d8b]The inside of the ship didn't look too much different, either. Oh, it wasn't identical, but the basic layout and things like that were all the same.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]It didn't take long for the facility's personell to complete both the data and equipment transfers. When they were done, Kiva confirmed the data's correct transfer while Daego confirmed the equipment transfer. He also confirmed that Kim had been sent from her cell on the [i]Catalyst[/i] via transport door directly to a cell on the new ship.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I kind of have to wonder what Kim thinks of this," Daego said to Kiva upon returning to the bridge. "When I first spoke to her, she thought she was on a transport ship headed to sector one. When I started interrogating her, I think she realized that wasn't the case, but now that she's been moved, I have to wonder what she's thinking. After all, a standard transport that left when she came to the [i]Catalyst[/i] would be reaching sector one around now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. Anyways, you've confirmed a complete transfer?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes. Everything's been transfered."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Same here," Kiva said. "Okay, let's begin our departure."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego took the pilot's seat and confirmed readiness for departure. The procedure followed was the same as the one for landing. It also went smoothly, and before long the messenger ship [i]Transcendence[/i] had left Mars and was en route to Earth.[/color]
  23. [color=darkslateblue]"We're in position," Daego said. "Ready to go."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said. The [i]Catalyst[/i] was above the safe house where Kajo's handheld had indicated Crystal was being held. Kiva and Daego were not wearing full combat armor, unlike they were when attacking the base in Australia. Like at the safe house Kajo'd been at, there wasn't likely to be too much resistance. And the Specialists' light combat armor was still far superior to the millitary's armor.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As with the previous safe house, Kiva and Daego moved immediately after transporting down to the surface. Daego blew up the door, and Kiva ran inside, stunning the only person she saw, who she then recognized as Sako. Daego came in right behind her.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sako's here," Kiva said. "That's probably a good sign. Daego, look for Crystal. I'm going to check Sako's handheld here."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. He went upstairs, and before long he had returned with Crystal.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Ah, excellent," Kiva said, looking up from the handheld. "So she was here. Greetings, Commander Crystal. As you've probably figured out by now, I am Kiva Salqarian. I'm sorry it took us so long to find you, but the Resistance has prooven to be extremely capable."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes," Crystal said. She noticed Sako, and said, "Is he dead?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You mean Sako?" Daego replied. "No, Kiva just stunned him. We'll be giving him to Stevens along with Kajo, the other man involved in your capture. Why?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It's just... well, Sako suprised me," Crystal said. "We're on opposite sides, but he... well, he didn't seem to dislike me. He didn't accept my viewpoints, but he actually listened to what I had to say. He actually respected my opinions."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, there'll always be people like that on both sides of a conflict," Kiva said. "I'm a little suprised they picked that kind of person for his duty, though. He sounds like the kind who would sympathize with your situation, and that's never the right person for prisoner duty."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It might have been deliberate," Daego put in. "Maybe the Resistance was hoping Crystal would sympathize with Sako and the Resistance."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"If so, they were wrong," Crystal said. "I mean, yes, I understand what they think, but I don't agree wit hthem."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Anyways," Kiva said, "when questioned, Kim informed us that you would be treated well, and that you wouldn't be interrogated. Is this correct?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Crystal nodded. "Yes. They didn't even ask me much. They did take my handheld, of course."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Shit. Well, at least it should take them some time to hack into it. I'm assuming it has high-level security?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Very high-level. Grade Alpha, to be precise."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Really? Okay, so yeah, it's pretty secure, then. Odds are, they won't get much that's important even if they manage to get through the security somehow. Still, there's always a chance they'll get everything. Crystal, as soon as possible, you need to make sure Stevens knows what was on that handheld. We have to assume that the Resistance knows everything on it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right, I will," Crystal said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said. "Now, [/color][color=darkslateblue]if you?ll just follow Daego outside, he?ll see that you're returned to the Tempest.?[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego went outside with Crystal, and returned by himself shortly thereafter. "No problems," he said. "Crystal has been recovered."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. All right, let's search the rest of this place, then get back into orbit."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Their search sdidn't turn up anythinguseful, so they returned to the [i]Catalyst[/i], taking Sako had his handheld with them. Upon returning to orbit, they transported Sako and Kajo to the [i]Conqueror[/i], along with a message reporting their successful recovery of Crystal. Daego added his own bit to the message, requesting that Jared not be involved with either of them. This didn't suprise Kiva; Daego hated people like Jared. He didn't like Stevens, either, but unfortunately he had to put up with both of them. As least they were capable officers. That helped Daego; they were useful, so they could be tolerated. But if they ever ceased to be useful, Kiva knew that Daego would not be someone either of them would want to encounter.[/color]
  24. No, that was fine. I'll post Kiva's side of the rescue either later today or tomorrow. I will add some dialouge between Kiva and Crystal before Daego takes Crystal outside, but everything else is good.
  25. Okay, now that my post's up, Kiva and Daego have Crystal's location. Aaryanna, feel free to post Crystal's rescue. If I have anything to add, I'll add it when I post next.
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