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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(David and Guilmon appear in an underground chamber with several corridors leading in various directions) David: She's close. I can feel it. Guilmon: What do you mean? David: i'm not sure how, butI can feel that she's near. I think it has something to do with my connection to Frankie. She is connected to Renamon, and I think that I'm feeling the effects of that connection through her. I can tell that she is near, but not quite herself. It feels like she thinks we're the enemy. Guilmon: That's bad. David: You know it. I'm getting ready. Guilmon Warp-Digivolve to: Megidramon David: Activate! (He becomes Gcm) Gcm Now, we're ready.
OOC: Maybe we know that, but I didn't think the characters did. David certianly didn't. ------------------- David: Fine. Hand me your Digivice. I may be able to use it to find her. Frankie: All right. (She hands David her digivice. David attaches it to his laptop, and runs the scanning program. When it's finished, he returns the digivice) David: Done. (He opens a portal) Guilmon, let's go. Frankie, be careful. We'll be back as soon as we can. (David and Guilmon enter the portal)
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: Hold, please. Let me check something. (He stiffens for a moment, then shakes his head) He's near. Guilmon: Who? David: RedWarGreymon. We'd better get ready. Guilmon: Right. Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Gallantmon mode-change to: Crimson Mode (RedWarGreymon walks by) Gcm: Looking for me? RedWarGreymon(Rwg): Who are you? Gcm: The one you were sent for. And you won't take me without a fight. Rwg: I didn't expect this. Gcm: Too bad. I'm your opponent, and I'll take you down! -
David: I think Team Rocket has something planned. There's a new file here. (He opens it and reads it) Oh, ****. Shinobe: What? David: It's possible that we have a traitor on our hands. Bremma was once in Team Rocket, but she quit. This file says that she never did, and is working undercover. Let's see here... Clever, but not good enough. Shinobe: What? David: The file was a fake. I found her real file, which says to attack her on sight, and there's even a part here that says that the other file is a fake. Shinobe: Idiots. David: I know. I wanted her gone while I looked, and Rei went just in case.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: Hold, please. I'm going to link. (He stiffens for a moment, then shakes his head) Oh, ****. Guilmon: What? David: ExDevaS@bermon has pulled an Arukenimon on us. He has created the Digimon RedWarGreymon, and convinced it to destroy us. I don't know how strong it is, but I do know that here in the real world, we can digivolve. Also, ExDevaS@bermon is currently incapable of coming to the real world, so we can help the others as long as they stay in the real world. But first, we'll handle RedWarGreymon. I think we can handle him. Togeather, we can become one of the strongest Digimon, Gallantmon Crimson Mode. I think we can take RedWarGreymon. And if not, I have a backup plan. -
David: Portal ready. Let's go. (They enter the portal, and appear by Frankie) Hi. Frankie: David! (She sees the Teth that is with David) What the hell is going on here? How are there two Teths? David: Two Teths? (Frankie explains what happened to her) Oh. Frankie: We need to find out who the real Teth is. David: How? Frankie: I don't know. David: I have an idea. (He takes out his laptop and calls up the locator program) I can determine where the real Teth is, and from that, which one he is. (He works for a moment) Got it! Frankie: Which one is he?
David: Connecting that system isn't a requirement, but if you can, please do so. I'm going to check the Team Rocket database for more information. ----------------- (Suicune had started looking for Bremma and Rei where they found him, but they weren't there. He relized that they were probably using flying Pokemon, so he decided to locate Entei and Suicune. Hopefully, Rei and Bremma would find one of them. Suicune began to check their locations, constantly running back and forth so that he wouldn't miss them)
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
Kyle: You can't go! David: I have to. I'll check in whenever I can, but don't look for me. I'll find you. I'll help when i can, but I can't stay with you. Jake: Don't do it, David. David: I have to. Don't worry. I'll keep him chaseing me, and I'm never without an escape route. (He opens a portal with his laptop) I have a program set up that will immedeatly open a portal to a random location. Jake: Don't go, David. David: I have to. Gilmon, let's go. (David and Guilmon enter the portal, and appear right in front of ExDevaS@bermon) **** **** **** ****. ExDevaS@bermon: Just who I was loking for. David: ****. I appeared right where I didn't want to. ExDevaS@bermon: And now there's no way to escape. You can't run. (Uknown to ExDevaS@bermon, David has activated his emergency portal program) David: Everybody runs. Or in my case, dissapears. (David and Guilmon enter the portal, which closes behind them) That was close. -
David: We have no time for your attitude. The world is in danger right now. I don't know how long we have before Mewtwo's enhancements anr completed. Shinobe: Do you have any proof? David: Yes, actually. Please follow me. And don't worry. There was just a major battle here, and the building is still here. Shinobe: There's no way that's safe. Bring the proof out here David: I know you won at a Leauge tournament, but don't think that that entitles you to boss us around, because it doesn't. And by the way, Wolf and Xion have both won at Leauge tournaments, and the rest of us aren't pushovers. Now please follow me. the proof is in Team Rocket's computer network.
(David sits down at his laptop) David: Let's see here... This will take some work, but I think I can open a portal along the connection. Teth: How? David: I don't think you could understand. It's very technical. (He begins to work) Teth: Oh. David: Connection consistancy good, connection strength good, everything's good. Now I locate the end, and open a portal.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: But there's an even more serious problem. I don't think I should come with you. Everyone Else: WHAT?! David: The other me, code-named Gemini, is able to influence the actions of whoever has the Stone of Enlightened Endurance using a rather complicated device. ExDevaS@bermon will soon be overcome with the urge to destroy me. Kyle: ****. David: If he catches me, he will destroy me. I need to be constanly on the run. I can't come with you because that would only get you killed, as well. I'll try to contact you whenever I can, but don't try and find me. Jake: Don't do this. David: I have no choice. -
(As Gcm fights, the bar on the computer screen changes to a rather strange color pattern) Teth: Uh, the bar is now multipule colors. All the colors of the rainbow. (Gcm knocks Kuzuhamon backwards) Gcm: That means that Frankie is experiancing something very personal. Is there any black? Teth: No. Gcm: GOod. That means that this isn't her partner. It's probably a copy of her data, but changed. That means that I can destroy it. Crimson Strike! (Gcm's attack makes Kuzuhamon begin to flicker) Crimson Stream! (Kuzuhamon dissapates into data, and Gcm becomes David) David: Now, we need to find Frankie and Renamon. And fast.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
OOC: David, Kyle, Guilmon, and Rraik appeared in the cave. David was positioned so that he could see outside it. ---------------------- DDavid: Contact Olympus. (Flunkie 1 puts a call in, and the image appears on-screen) Olympus: What is it, Gemini? DDavid: The operation is a success. DevaS@bermon has digivolved past the final level and become ExDevaS@bermon. There was a slight problem, however. Olympus: What? DDavid: S@bermon's last attempt to resist. He called one of his former friends to him. The friend, Grashmon, almost succeeded in destroying him, but we were able to influence Grashmon to return the stone to S@bermon. Our plan is working. Olympus: What about David? DDavid: We're about to eliminate him. We'll leave him no options for escape. We just began the operation. ExDevaS@bermon will soon be overcome with the urge to track down and destroy David. Olympus: Excellent. Olympus out. (The screen turns off) -
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****. Kyle: We get it already. David: Sphrin, we need to find the stones. Do you know where they are? Sphrin: Yes David: Come with us. we need help. In the real world, there are no problems with digivolution, but the enemies are getting stronger. I remember you saying that the next guardian is Gcm, and that they will keep getting harder. Sphrin: Correct. David: Then help us. We need to do this, or else we'll lose. Kyle: Please, help us. -
It's a good duel, but nothing I've seen so far can compare to what [spoiler] Yugi and Kaiba dueling on a team [/spoiler] could be if done right.
Great story. Just one problem. You keep stopping at the good parts. You're worse than the people who make the show!
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(Flunkie 1 turns to DDavid) Flunkie 1: Call from Olympus. DDavid: Put it through. (The same shadowy image appears on-screen) Olympus: Status report, Gemini. DDavid: Sir, DevaS@bermon has stopped resisting, and the stone has been energized. DevaS@bermon is digivolving, and there is a 95% chance that he will bypass the final level. There is a 3% chance that he will digivolve to the final level, and a 2% chance that he will remain DevaS@bermon. Olympus: Very good. And what about David? He has the potential to be a major problem. DDavid: DevaS@bermon has sent his three strongest servents to deal with David. I believe that the others will be eaisly destroyed without him there. Olympus: Very good. Olympus out. (The screen turns off) -------------------- Kyle: Let's go, then. David: Wait. Let me do something first. Kyle: What? (David stiffens for a moment) oh. David: Put it through. Kyle: I hope this is quick. DDavid: Sir, DevaS@bermon has stopped resisting, and the stone has been energized. DevaS@bermon is digivolving, and there is a 95% chance that he will bypass the final level. There is a 3% chance that he will digivolve to the final level, and a 2% chance that he will remain DevaS@bermon. Kyle: ****. David: DevaS@bermon has sent his three strongest servents to deal with David. I believe that the others will be eaisly destroyed without him there. Kyle: Double ****. (David shakes his head) David: ****. Kyle: We need to get moving. David: I don't know where the next stone is. I hate to do this, but we need to find Sphrin. (He takes out his laptop and opens a portal through the connection. They enter it, and appear in front of Sphrin) Hi. Sorry to break my promise, but I had no choice. we need to know where the other stones are. (He sees the control spires) Triple ****. -
Sorry for the double post, but this wouldn't make much sense if I edited my previous post. This is the information I have. KiaraStarr, tell me if I've screwed something up. Name: Iko Age: 16 Used to live: Castle(Obviously) Description: 5'7". Brown hair and eyes. Heritage: Should be obvious. Heir to the throne, son of the King and Queen, that sort of thing. Valuable Possession: Diamond Bracelet. Kita's information is basically the same, except for description and valuable possession. If nobody taes her, she'll just be used by everyone. Let's start this up. Hopefully others will join.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(Flunkie 2 turns to DDavid) Flunkie 2: Sir, the stone is ready to propell the holder past the final level of digivolution. it will happen when we activate the process. DDavid: Good. Do it now. (Flunkie 2 throws a switch) Soon, the only ones who can stop it will be gone. -------------- (Gcm prepares to finish off Bbm when he stiffens for a moment) Kyle: Why does it happen in the middle of a fight? Gcm: Good. Do in now. Soon, the only ones who can stop it will be gone. (He shakes his head) They're doing it. no time to waste. Crimson Strike! (The attack hits Bbm. Gcm attacks again, and Bbm dissipates into data. The stone is left behind. Gcm seperates, and David grabs it) David: We need to find the other stones FAST! ----------- (In DevaS@bermon's hands, the stone begins to glow. energy from the stone washes over him, and he begins to digivolve) -
(David finishes explaining) David: Will you help us? Suicune: (Thinks for a moment) Yes. David: Good. first, do you have any idea where to find Riakou and Entei? Suicune: i don't know where they are, but I can find them. the three of us can sense the locations of the others. David: Great! Bremma and Rei are looking, but they don't know where to look. Could you go help them? Suicune: Yes. (Suicune leaves. David walks back inside the building) David: Suicune will help. right now, it's looking for Rei and Bremma. suicune can sense the locations of Raikou and Entei, and is going to help Rei and Bremma find them.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
Bbm: DevaS@bermon? Who's that? Rraik: I didn't think anyone didn't know. Gcm: He's a very nasty Digimon who wasn't always bad. He's been corrupted by the Stone of Enlightened Endurance. We're collecting the twelve stones in an attempt to stop him. Bbm: It doesn't matter what you're doing. I can't let you have the stone. Gcm: The hard way, then. Crimson Stream! [QUOTE]Crimson Stream is an energy beam fired form Gcm's weapon.[/QUOTE] (Bbm dodges the attack) Bbm: Corona Blaster! (Gcm flies above Gcm's blast) Gcm: Crimson Strike! [QUOTE]Crimson Strike is an energy-strenghtened strike of Gcm's weapon.[/QUOTE] (The attack connects, sending Bbm into the floor) Gcm: Are you done yet? -
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(DDavid and his men are in the control room. Flunkie 2 turns to DDavid) Flunkie 2: Sir, the subject has lost all resistance to the effects of the stone. DDavid: Good. And what about the final level? Flunkie 2: He hasn't digivolved yet, but that is to be expected. He won't digivolve again until the stone is at maximum output potential, which should happen in 5 minutes. DDavid: Good. It won't be long now. ---------------- Gcm: Are you ready for- (He stiffens for a moment) Kyle: Not now. Bbm: What the heck? Gcm: Good. And what about the final level? Kyle: This sounds bad. Bbm: What is going on? Gcm: Good. It won't be long now. (He shakes his head) Uh-oh. DevaS@bermon has lost all control of himself, and should bypass the final level of Digivolution in 5 minutes. -
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: All right. Everybody ready? Kyle: Yes. Rraik: Yes. David: Good. Guilmon, let's do it. Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Gallantmon: Let's go. (They walk up to the cave and enter. Inside, there is a large cavern. Beelzemon Blast Mode(Bbm) is seen at the other end) Bbm: Who are you and what do you want? Gallantmon: Who we are doesn't matter, and we're here for the stone. Bbm: You can't have it. Gallantmon: The hard way, then. Let's go. Gallantmon mode-change to: Crimson Mode Kyle: Good to know he can still do it. Gallantmon Crimson Mode(Gcm): Let's do this.