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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: (To himself) If Renamon is under the control of the enemy, then Frankie's in danger. I can't leave her. Teth: Go. I can protect her. David: No. I'm staying. Teth: We'll be fine. David: It's not that. Teth: Then what is it? David: She's my sister. I thought she was dead. I thought is was only my mom and I that survived. I can't risk her dieing. I'm staying.
(David stiffens for a moment) David: What the hell was that? Ken: What? David: I just felt something incredibly strange. It was something I felt through Frankie. Davis: Trough Frankie? What's that supposed to mean? David: She and I are connected somehow. She felt something, and I felt it through her. Ken: What kind of something? David: I don't know. Whatever it is, it's not good. You follow Labramon. Find the others. I'm going to help Frankie. (He climbs on wargrowlmon, and they head back to where Frankie is)
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: I've been unconcious. Guilmon and I have been in some sort of limbo ever since we last saw each other. Sphrin: What?! David: I think it has something to do with that person whose point of view I keep seing things from. But it gets worse. Sphrin: How? David: I forced a link with this person, and I learned that there's some big trouble. S@bermon found this artifact called the Stone of Enlightened Endurance. Sphrin: Didn't you mention that stone? David: Yes. the person whose pint of view I've been seeing things from was trying to convince S@bermon to find the stone. Anyways, S@bermon found it, but he's not quite himself. You see, the stone corrupts the mind of anyone who hlds it. He still has some control, but it's slipping fast. We need to stop him. Sphrin: Where is he now? David: I don't know, but it doesn't matter. We couldn't face him. The stone contains a large amount of energy. this energy can be used in several ways, and i don't know all of them. It's possible that there's nothing we could do to him. Sphrin: Whad should we do? David: Remember how we were looking for those twelve stones five yearrs ago? Sphrin: Yes. Jake and Kyle have them. David: First, we need to locae Jake and Kyle, then we need to find the rest of the stones. -
David: All right. They're right below us. Ken: I don't see them. David: They're underground. Land here. (Wargrowlmon lands) We'll look on foot. Davis: (Points to a Digimon running through the village) What's that? David: It's Labramon! The others must be close. Davis: How do you know that? David: That Labramon can sense the locations of the stones we're looking for. Let's follow it. We'll find the stone, and maybe the others.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(David works on his laptop. He has the stone connected to it) Guilmon: What are you doing? David: I'm attemting to locate Sprindell by using her stone. It's likely that the stone is somehow connected to her. If I can locate the connection, we can use it to locate her. (He works for about half a minute) Got it! And it's even better than I thought. Guilmon: What do you mean? David: I may be able to open a portal through the connection. It will take us right to her. (He activates the portal program and opens a portal) Got it! Let's go. (They enter the portal, and appear in front of Sphrin and Rraik) Hi. -
(They continue to look for the others) David: Guys, Ii just thought of something. Ken: What? David: I can still track Aidan. (He takes out his laptop) All right. Got him. Digi-Modify! Matrix digivolution activate! Guilmon-Growlmon-Wargrowlmon (Everyone clibms on Wargrowlmon) David: Digi-Modify! Hyper-speed activate! Let's go. (Wargrowlmon heads toward where where the others are.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(Guilmon wakes up) Guilmon: Where are we? David: I don't know. What I do know is that we're somewhere in the digital world, the last thing I remember is explaining one of my point-of-veiw changes, and we've been held in some kind of limbo for five years. Guilmon: Five years? David: There's more. I forced a point-of-view change, and managed to learn a few things. We need to find Jake, Kyle, and Sprindell immeadeatly. -
(David is tireing out quickly. He had used a lot of energy to bring Teth back. He sat down on a rock) David: I need a break. That really took a lot out of me. (The others sit down) Ken: We'll rest here. (Davis notices that David looks uncertian about something) Davis: What's going on, David? David: It's Frankie. I'm worried about her. I don't know why I left her with Teth. Even though Teth sacrificed himself, I still don't fully trust him. I want to, butthen I remember when we first met. He had a knife to my throat withen ten seconds. Ken: I'm sure Frankie will be fine. And Teth is very trustworthy. David: I know. It's just hard to accept.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
OOC: David doesn't know that Sprindell devolved. He doesn't know much of anything right now. -------------------------- David: Nothing. All right, step five. What happened? I wake up in the middle of a desert, and the last thing I remember is explaining a vision-type experiance. It's just me and Guilmon, and I can't contact the others. I have no clue about what's going on. (Pause) But I might know how to find out. Maybe this person I've been seeing the point of veiw of knows what happened. If I can force a link, I might be able to learn what this person knows. All right, let's try it. Focus... focus... (He stiffens for a few seconds) Whoa. Five years? We've been out for five years, held in some sort of digital limbo. But even that wasn't the worst of it. This is bad. -
Call of the Haunted When Yami was dueling the fake Kiaba and the real Kaiba infected the fake's Blue Eyes White Dragon with a virus, how low did its attack points get?
David: Well, maybe I can assist. This sounds like the kind of thing where another person can be a big help. (Guilmon was worried about David. He and David had been togeather for over a year, and Guilmon didn't want to lose him) Guilmon: I hope David's okay. Ken: He'll be fine. Davis: From what i've seen, he can take care of himself. Guilmon: I know. I'm just woried.
David: This is getting weird. Ken: You can say that again. Davis: What should we do? David: You two go find the others. I need to stay here. There may be a way for me to help Frankie and Teth. Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Guilmon, you'll need to go with them again. You can't go with me. I'm sorry. (David focused and faded out) How did i know how to do that?
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(David woke up in the middle of nowhere. he sat up and looked around. he was in a large desert) David: What the heck is going on here? Where am I? And why? okay, David. Calm down. Step one. what's the last thing you remember? Let's see here... I had just experianced a conversation from the point of veiw of someone or something else, and I was explaining it to the others. Okay. Step two. Is everyone here? (He looks around, and sees Guilmon beside him, but nobody else) Guilmon's here, but none of the others are. All right. Step three. Take inventory. (He empties his backpack. As he takes each item out, he says what it is) Laptop. Half-full water bottle. Digimon cards. Sprindell's stone. I really need to give that back to her. All right. Step four, contact the others. (He grabs his D-power digivice, holds it up to his mouth, and speaks into it) Jake. Kyle. Anyone. This is David. Come in. Do you read me? Come in. -
David: (To himself) Frankie and Teth are connected? How? And if what Frankie says is true, why haven't I started to fade? She and I are connected somehow, too. Oh, well. we have a job to do, and we can worry about this while we do it. (He walks over to Frankie and Teth) Guys, I think we need to go. Frankie: Why? David: We still need to find the others. And the stones, too. We'll worry about this on the way.
Yes, I read everything. Quite a story. It must have taken me a total of around 12 hours to read it all. I bet it's close to 300 pages now. Anybody still keeping track? Anyways, here's mt next bit. ----------------------- Henry immediately hit the alarm, as Alice became Kuzuhamon. Henry and Terriermon biomerged, and MegaGargomon entered the battle. ?Mega Barrage!? He launched all sorts of projectiles at the enemy force. Kuzuhamon attacked Megidramon. ?Spirit Strike!? Megidramon countered with his own attack. ?Megiddo Fire!? The two attacks met in midair and canceled each other out. Kuzuhamon ran toward Megidramon, who launched another attack. ?Megiddo Fire!? Kuzuhamon rolled under the attack and dove under Megidramon. ?Spirit Strike!? She launched her attack at point-blank range. Megidramon didn?t even have a chance to dodge, and screamed in pain. AncientIrismon, HighAndromon, Sakuyamon, MarineAngemon, and Beelzemon entered the area and prepared to fight. The enemy force looked at the newcomers. This Megidramon, unlike the one Takato remembered, was capable of rational thinking. He wasn?t ordered to be here. His force was on a different mission, when they stumbled upon the base. He knew that his force, prepared for the assigned mission and made up of champion-level Digimon, was no match for seven mega-levels, and ordered a retreat. Everyone returned to normal, and Henry immediately activated the emergency containment system, sealing off the hole Megidramon made. ?This is bad,? Rika said. ?They know where we are. As soon as they can, they?ll be back with reinforcements.? ?What should we do?? Miki asked. ?We need to attack,? Alice told Henry. ?It?s the only way.? ?You?re right, Alice,? Henry said. He turned to face the others. ?Everyone, meet in the briefing room. Top priority. Be there in fifteen minutes.? To Alice, he said, ?We?ll use your plan. Find Takato. You need to be in the briefing room in ten minutes. It?s your plan, so you do the briefing.? After Alice and Takato briefed everyone, Henry instructed them to meet in the exit chamber. Henry was about to go there himself when Alice and Takato met him in the hallway. ?Why didn?t you tell me that the Overlord has the Juggernaut program?? Takato asked him. ?Because I didn?t want to tell you,? Henry replied. ?I didn?t want you to know what I did.? ?What are you talking about?? Alice asked. ?I should have told you,? Henry said. ?When Shibumi asked me if it was okay to put Juggernaut inside Terriermon, I told him no. I told him to put the program inside of something else. He put it inside a scepter he found somewhere, and gave it to me. When the time came to use it, I couldn?t. I gave it to Takato. After the battle, he went completely nuts. That?s when he found the Digimental of Darkness. Combined with Juggernaut, it gave him the power to do what he did.? The group exited the base. Henry and Terriermon biomerged, and carried the others. About halfway there, Alice stiffened up for about two seconds, and then said, ?What the heck was that?? ?What?? Takato asked. ?What happened?? ?I just felt something,? Alice explained. ?Something? Familiar.? Something I shouldn?t be able to feel, she added to herself. Something I couldn?t possibly feel. Is it possible that I have the same connection with this world?s? ?Henry, what happened to this world?s Alice?? she asked. Terriermon asked Henry privately. Henry replied. ?She?d dead,? MegaGargomon said in Henry?s voice. ?She sacrificed herself to give us the ability to biomerge in the real world, just like Adrian did in your world.? ?What happened to Adrian?? Alice asked. ?He disappeared right after the Overlord took Jeri. We think he got Adrian, too.? No, he didn?t, Alice thought. Adrian?s still alive. As they neared the base, MegaGargomon explained the situation to Alice and Takato. ?There are three separate sets of guards. The first set is a pair of BlackRapidmon. Easily defeated. The second set is a pair of BlackMegaGargomon. A little more difficult, but still very simple. The third set is where things get nasty. Among the Overlord?s first Crimson Spiral victims was a group of eight Agumon. Since then, they?ve all reached Mega level, and are now eight BlackWarGreymon. When they come out, we?ll need to leave almost immediately. You?ll have about half a minute to get in. When you?re in, make your way to the back entrance. Use your Digivices. They?ll lead you to us.? ?Got it,? Takato said. ?Be careful, Takato,? MegaGargomon said. ?Without Guilmon, you?re pretty much defenseless.? "Don't worry," Alice said. "I'll protect him." Nobody noticed Takato looking at his digivice, which was displaying an arrow that was pointing toward the Overlord?s base. Megidramon reported to the Overlord. "You found their base?" the Overlord said. "Good work. Prepare an assault force. We?ll take them out once and for all." "Yes, sir!" Megidramon replied. Just then, an alarm went off. The Overlord immediately contacted the auxiliary security station. What?s going on?" "Sir, we are under attack," a deep voice replied. "Security wave one has been destroyed, and wave two is almost destroyed." "Is it them?" the Overlord asked. "Yes, it's them." "You can handle it, wave three. Get rid of them." With that, the Overlord terminated communications. "Gargo Missiles!" "Spirit Strike!" MegaGargomon and Sakuyamon's attacks eliminated the remaining BlackMegaGargomon. "Good work," MegaGargomon said. "Now for the tricky part." The main entrance to the base opened, and the eight BlackWarGreymon emerged. Alice and Takato waited against the wall. When the BlackWarGreymon exited the base, they quickly entered. "All right," Alice said. "Let's move. We need to find the back entrance." As they began to look for it, Takato glanced at his Digivice. "You go on ahead," he said. "There's something I have to do." "What?" Alice asked. She noticed Takato looking at his Digivice. "Is it-" "Yes," Takato replied. "It is." One of the BlackWarGreymon contacted the Overlord. ?Sir, this is wave three reporting in. The enemy was driven off. Unfortunately, we couldn?t destroy any of them. They fled as soon as they saw us.? ?Interesting,? the Overlord said. ?Too bad you couldn?t kill any of them. Oh, well. It doesn?t matter. We?ll destroy them soon enough. Good work.? With that, he terminated communications. Henry, Rika, Miki, Kazu, Kenta, Ai, Moko, and their Digimon were waiting for Alice and Takato at the back entrance. Henry was tracking them with his digivice, and he noticed the signals from their digivices separate. ?What are they doing?? he said. ?What? What?s going on?? Rika asked. ?Alice and Takato split up,? Henry said. ?One of them-I don?t know who-is headed our way, and the other is going somewhere else. If anybody sees Takato alone, there?s no way he?ll survive. Alice reached the rear entrance, and located the entrance control panel. There was a BlackGargomon at the panel, but it didn?t see her. She became Kuzuhamon, and destroyed it before it even had a chance to turn around. She became Alice again, and opened the entrance. The others entered, and Henry immediately walked over to Alice. ?Where?s Takato?? he asked. ?And why did you split up?? ?Takato has something he has to do,? Alice said. ?He?ll meet us outside the central chamber.? ?If he?s seen, he won?t stand a chance,? Henry said. ?Don?t you realize that?? ?He?s more capable of defending himself than you realize,? Alice replied. Takato met them in a corridor near the entrance to the Overlord?s chamber. ?Hi, guys,? Takato said. ?About time you got here.? ?Takato, you shouldn?t have gone off on your own like that,? Henry said. ?Do you realize what could have happened?? ?I had to go,? Takato said. ?Why?? Henry asked. Guilmon stepped around the corner. ?That?s why,? Takato said. ?My digivice led me to Guilmon. He was being held captive, but I helped him escape.? ?Great!? Henry said. ?Anyone who can fight is needed.? ?Guilmon will sneak in with Alice,? Takato said. ?If necessary, he and I will biomerge to fight Megidramon. We?ll also biomerge if Alice attacks us.? ?All right,? said Henry. ?Let?s do it.? Henry, Rika, Kazu, and Miki biomerged, and Impmon digivolved to Beelzemon. Two BlackMegaGargomon were guarding the Overlord?s chamber, and there were several BlackRapidmon and two more BlackMegaGargomon in the nearby guard?s quarters. None of them expected any trouble, and they were all relaxing when MegaGargomon, Sakuyamon, HighAndromon, AncientIrismon, MarineAngemon, and Beelzemon appeared from around the corner and launched their attacks. When the smoke cleared, both BlackMegaGargomon were gone, but the other guards emerged. Takato opened the door, he and Guilmon walked into the room, and Alice slipped in unseen. The walls and ceiling of the room were black. The room was empty except for a chair in the middle, where the Overlord sat. Megidramon had been sent to gather troops for an assault, so he wasn?t in the room. When Takato and Guilmon entered, he stood up and walked toward them. He didn?t see Alice enter. ?You!? he exclaimed. ?What do you think you?re doing?? ?I?m here for you,? Takato said. ?You?ve caused enough trouble. It?s time you were stopped.? ?What?!? the Overlord shouted. ?What can you do?? He raised his scepter, preparing to attack, but Takato wasn?t worried. ?That won?t work this time,? he said. The overlord was furious. Not even that girl (Alice) had spoken to him like this. ?And just what can you do to stop me?!? he screamed. He was about to attack when he realized that he didn?t have the scepter anymore. ?What?!? he yelled. He turned around and saw Alice holding the scepter. ?Hello,? she said. ?Remember me? Takato, catch!? She threw the scepter to Takato, who caught it. All right, she thought. Showtime. Let?s hope this works. Relax, Alice. Let it flow. Feel the hunger, but don?t let it control you. Let it flow. She became Youkomon, and advanced on the Overlord, who turned to run out the door, only to find his way blocked by Takato and Guilmon. ?There?s no escape this time, monster,? Youkomon said. ?Your time is up.? She leaped onto the Overlord, who dissipated into data from the feet up. The data flowed into Youkomon. With a white flash, the Overlord was gone. Youkomon absorbed the rest of his data, and then turned back into Alice. ?It worked,? she said. ?We won.? In the corridor, the Crimson Spirals disappeared, and everyone returned to normal. ?They did it,? Henry said. ?They did it.? ?Who would have thought that another world?s Takato and some girl who can become a Digimon would actually be able to defeat the Overlord?? Rika said. ?I?m just glad they did.? In the central chamber, Takato put the scepter on the ground, and stared at it. ?Who would have thought that such an ordinary-looking thing could be used to cause so much pain,? he said. Alice was thinking about something else. He?s in this room, she thought. Just then, somebody said, ?Very good. I didn?t think that you could actually pull it off. Impressive.? ?Who?s there?? Takato said. Alice, however, knew who it was. ?Show yourself!? A figure stepped away from the wall and into view. ?It is you!? Alice exclaimed. ?What are you doing here, Adrian??
David: There's no data. Nothing. Whatever that thing is, I can't identify it. (He looks around) Where's Frankie? Ken: She's at the base of the hill. David: Come on. Let's go. Davis: What's going on? David: I don't know. Somethings happening to Frankie. I can feel it. I just don't know what. Davis: You can 'feel' it? How? David: I don't know. (They reach Frankie) Frankie, what's happening?
David: I may be able to identify this digimon. Ken, gice me your digivice. (David hooks Ken's digivice to his laptop) Davis: What exactly are you doing? David: I'm analyzeing the data in Ken's digivice. It's possible that I can get data on the digimon you saw using a program Ken transferred to my laptop. Apparently, someone named Izzy uses this program all the time. (He runs the program) Frankie: is it working? David: Yes. Displaying results now.
Frankie: That's a picture of my twin. David: Twin?! Frankie: Yes. Bliss died in the crash. David: I never thought anybody in our family had a twin. On the other hand, I thought that my mom and I were the only survivors, so i guess it's not too suprising that i don't know a lot about you. Anyways, let's save this discussion for later. We're here. (They enter the library, and David picks a computer. They sit down, and David goes to work) Frankie: Where will we appear? David: I don't know. I told Ken to take my laptop. i had to leave it with them to maitain the portal I opened. I'm opening a connection to my laptop. We'll appear wherever it is. (A beeping noise is heard) Portal ready. Let's go. (They enter the portal)
David: All right. I don't think we can leave the way we got here, so we'll have to find another way. I can think of two options. Frankie: What? David: One, we look around for an open portal. They appear from time to time. The other option if the prefferable one. Frankie: What is it? David: I can open a portal from a computer. If we can get access to one with the requiered capabilities, I can open a portal useing it.
It is a great story. Just one thing is wrong with it. You stop it at the good parts. I hate chiffhangers.
Certianly one of the best I've seen. Keep it up! And PLEASE hurry up with the next part. PLEASE.
David: I'm glad you're back. Frankie: Someone's still missing. Where's Renamon? David: Before I came, I opened a portal to the Digital World. I instructed the others to go through and help Aidan's group find the rest of the stones. Guilmon's with them. He couldn't come here. I don't even know how I came here. Frankie: Maybe it has something to do with what Rylonamon said. 'All it took was for you to say how you felt... purely and with your heart' Maybe your feelings drew you here, in the same way that they saved me.
David: You can't go! You can't! Frankie: I don't think I have a choice. David: You do have a choice! Rylonamon asked you if you're ready. Say no. Frankie: I don't know if it works that way. David: You can't go! We need you! (Softer) I need you. Frankie: You? David: You're my sister. I can't let you go. I can't.
What? No "Welcome to the group," no "Nice job," no "Good idea," or anything? You didn't even mention my slogan suggestion. No respect. Sheesh. Anyways, I'd like to take the Overlord story ark. I have some great ideas for it. Is that okay with everyone?