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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(David appeared beside Frankie) Frankie: David! David: Frankie, anr you OK? (He notices Frankie's arms and legs fadeing in and out) What's happening? Frankie: My job is done. I don't have anything left. David: What are you saying? Frankie: For my whole life, I've been alone. When I learned why, I felt like that was all I had to live for. After the program activated, I knew that I would go soon. David: You can't! You're not alone! Not anymore. Frankie: I am alone, David. That's why I'm going. David: You're not alone, Frankie. Not as long as I'm here. You're not alone.
Sign Up DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened Endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
I don't think tamers are required. Most of the Digimon found partners, and I guess that S@bertooth was generalizing. -
Sign Up DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened Endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
Let's start this up. S@bertooth, I recommend you set the stage, and let us bring our characters in. I'm starting David and Guilmon from where the origional DIgital Destiny left off, so read that thread for the whole story. -
David: All right! Gcm: We won. We won that fight, but we're not done yet. (Everyone returns to normal) That wasn't Daleth. It was a copy. The real Daleth is looking for the stones. We need to find the others. (He takes out his computer and opens a portal) Go. I'll find you. Ken: Where are you going? David: To find Frankie. She's still around somewhere. I can feel it. Guilmon, you go with them. YUou won't be able to follow me. I'm not quite sure why what I'll do works, but it only works on me. I'll find you later. (He dissapears)
Gcm: Don't! Teth: I must. Gcm: No! (Teth transfers his energy to the others) Everyone! NOW!!! (They all attack. Gcm uses Teth's energy in his attack. All the attacks hit, tearing a hole to a pulsating energy core) Dcm: What?! No! Gcm: Yes. Crimson Strike! (He hits the energy core. Dcm dissipates)
OOC: S@bretooth, you might want to tell people about the new thread(see recruitment)
Sign Up DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened Endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
You can use Digimon from the show, but probably not humans. Digital Destiny is pretty much dead, but I'll enter this one. Digimon: Guilmon Tamer: David Champion: Growlmon Ultimate: Wargrowlmon Mega: Megidramon Bio-Merge: Gallantmon(can change to Crimson Mode) Background: Guilmon met David, and they began to look for twelve stones with Sprindellmon. After a seiries of adventures, David began to experiance strange feelings, and occaisonally saw things as someone else. He knew that S@bremon was after the Stone, but couldn't do anything. See the origional DIgital Destiny thread for the full story. I'll probably start up the search for the stones again. Hopefully we'll get everyone from the origional thread. -
Joey: I'll beat this guy even if he is psyco. Esper: That's psyCHIC. Kaiba's Computer: i thought I'd seen it all, but having to break in to your own home? Yugi: I guess i just don't know what to call you. I was thinking monster, but I don't want to insult the cards. Joey: i knew this duel would get ugly, but I never thought THAT ugly.
Don't let this die. I'll start posting here as soon as I have time. Great story. Keep Tamers alive! (That should be this thread's offical slogan) [edit] Here's my first part. Shadowdramon, I'm sorry, but they can't return to the real world. Alice's ability will be explored in this post and in future posts. Here's the story: Seraphimon was extremely confused. ?Why would the device reverse its effect? What could cause it to do that?? ?I?m not sure,? Omnimon said. ?It?s possible tha-? He began to flicker, changing between his current form and something else. ?No. Can?t hold form? Must? form? Morpheus? destroyed?? ?What?!? Seraphimon exclaimed. ?You can?t hold ?form?? Are you one of them?? ?Must? hold? can?t?? ?It was a trick! You?re one of the Shifters!? ?Not? because? Throne? destroyed?? ?Throne? The Morpheus Throne?? ?Yes? destroyed?? ?Destroyed. The throne was destroyed.? Seraphimon said. ?You were given extra energy by Metamormon so that you could become Omnimon. When the Morpheus Throne was destroyed, you began to lose the extra energy, causing you to begin to change back to your natural form. The device used to send the children home was powered by the throne. The device malfunctioned because the throne was destroyed.? Seraphimon was angry. ?Why did you send them home?? ?Not? real? duplicates?? ?Duplicates? Fakes?? ?Yes? Shifters? gone? Throne?? ?You sent Shifters back? Why?? ?You? not assist?? ?You sent fakes so that everyone would think they were sent back, and we wouldn?t help them? but nothing happened? They?re still where they were?? ?Yes? Shifters? gone without? Throne? ?You monster!? Seraphimon had never been this angry in his life. ?Strike of the Seven Stars!? He fired seven energy blasts. All of them hit. When the smoke cleared, the Shifter was no more. They were in Piedmon?s ship, escaping from the Mold. Kenta was sitting against the side, upset about what he did. Jeri was talking to him. Henry, Rika, Kazu, and Suzie were wondering where Takato and Guilmon were. Yamaki was talking with Riley and Tally. The Digimon were with their partners, with the exception of Devidramon, who was flying behind the ship. Alice was sitting by herself, thinking. I don?t know how much longer I can control it, she thought. I can?t risk harming them. I have to leave before I do. Suddenly, a rather loud noise rang out through the ship. ?Dimensional rift ahead!? Piedmon said. Jeri looked toward the rift. ?Alice,? she said. ?Alice, you need to enter the rift.? ?Me? Why?? Alice asked. ?Takato?s in there,? Jeri said. ?He needs help.? ?What can I do?? Alice asked. ?Something none of us can,? Jeri said. ?That world is in danger, and only you can stop it. Use the Reaver.? I need to go, Alice thought. I can?t stay here. But what does she mean, use the Reaver? How? Why? ?Go, Alice,? Jeri said. ?Now.? The ship landed, and Alice passed through the rift. Alice appeared in a barren desert, and the rift closed behind her. She looked around, and saw nothing but sand. Ok, I'm here, she thought. Now what? She was about to start looking for Takato when she noticed that her left hand felt strange. Looking down at it, she saw it flickering, changing between Alice's hand and Youkomon's paw. It?s happening, she thought. I can't control it much longer. Suddenly, a figure appeared right next to her, causing her to fall over. She looked at it, and gasped. It may have been dressed in the weirdest costume she ever saw, but it was him. "Takato!" she exclaimed. ZAP! The figure shot her with blue energy blasts fired from its scepter. "DON'T call me that!" he said angrily. "Then... then who... who are you?" Alice asked. ZAP! "NEVER speak to the Overlord that way!" Alice was on the ground. Those blasts had HURT! She felt her control slipping. Her other hand began to flicker and change between hand and paw. The Overlord noticed. "What?" he said. "How is that possible? Could you be the source of the anomaly?" "I... don't know." Alice said. She was having trouble speaking because of the blasts the Overlord hit her with. "If I did, I... wouldn't... tell you." "WHAT?!" the Overlord screamed. He raised his scepter, ready to attack Alice, when she stopped him. "I... wouldn't do that... if I were you," she said. "And why not?!" The Overlord yelled. He had NEVER been spoken to like this. "If... you hit me again... I'll... lose control." "NOBODY speaks to me that way!!!!" he screamed. ZAP! He shot Alice again. Alice's body began to flicker and change between Alice and Youkomon. Why am I fighting it? she thought. That thing isn't Takato. That? that monster deserves it. She stopped resisting, and immediately became Youkomon. "What?!" the Overlord exclaimed. "How did you do that?!" How did I do that? She thought. I?ve never been able to absorb attacks. "I warned you," Youkomon said, "but you didn't listen." She walked towards the Overlord, who immediately attacked her with his strongest blasts. The attacks didn't have any effect. "What?!" the Overlord screamed. "How did you survive that?!" "I'm not what you think," Youkomon said. "You see, I'm very hungry. I haven't had anything for days. I need energy. Your attacks were, let's say, useful. Unfortunately, they weren't very filling. You, on the other hand, will make an excellent meal." The Overlord was shocked. Nothing could eat him! He didn't know who or what this creature was, but he didn't care. He blasted Youkomon repeatedly, but she was unharmed. "You didn't listen," she said. "You can't harm me with those energy blasts. You're just providing me with the energy I need." The Overlord knew that Youkomon was right. "I'll be back!" He yelled, then vanished. Youkomon became Alice again. That's what Jeri meant, she thought. That's what I can do, but nobody else can. That thing must be causing trouble for Takato, but it can't hurt me! I can fight it. I can win. Suddenly, the ground opened up beneath her, and she fell in. Henry and Terriermon were preparing to go to the surface to investigate an odd energy signature. Takato was watching them open the hatch and prepare to exit when Alice fell through the opening, landing on Takato. Takato and Alice were in the room Takato was sleeping in, and Takato was explaining the situation to her. "So that thing is you?" Alice asked. "No," Takato replied. "The Overlord is this world's Takato, but it's not me. Somehow, it gained the power to control other Digimon. According to this world's Henry, the Overlord in our world is Terriermon." "What?!" "I know. I don't know what made this world's Henry call Terriermon our world's Overlord." "I think I do," Alice said. And she certainly had an idea. "What?" Takato asked. Alice?s answer was one word. "Juggernaut." ?How did you know about Juggernaut?? ?I?ve been through a lot. Terriermon-our world?s Terriermon-still has it inside him. It?s caused a few problems.? Alice and Takato decided to speak to Henry. ?Why did you call Terriermon our world?s Overlord?? Takato asked him. ?You told me that he was,? Henry replied. ?Henry,? Alice said, ?our world?s Terriermon isn?t like that thing at all. Why would you think he?s the Overlord in our world?? ?I was told that he had the program,? Henry said. ?You mean Juggernaut?? Alice asked. ?Yes,? Henry replied. ?Juggernaut.? ?That?s why it couldn?t hurt me. It uses Juggernaut!? ?What?!? Henry and Takato exclaimed. ?Juggernaut is a program designed to destroy Digimon. The Juggernaut energy is different from the energy of a Digimon?s attacks. I must be able to use Juggernaut?s energy!? ?Alice, what are you talking about?? Takato asked. ?That?s right,? Alice said. ?You and I didn?t see each other until now. You couldn?t know.? ?Know what?? Takato asked. Alice explained what happened after Dobermon died. As she spoke, she was thinking about what Jeri told her. Use the Reaver. I know what that means, but how do I do it? I can change when I want to, but how do I absorb the energy? I?ve done it, but how? In the past, it just happened. But how do I make it happen? I need to know how. Alice, Henry, and Takato were in the control center. They were looking at a map of the area. ?The Overlord?s base is located there,? Henry said, pointing to the exact middle of the desert. ?There?s a back entrance, but it?s sealed. We couldn?t break in. The entrance needs to be opened from inside the base. You?d need to use the front entrance, but it?s heavily guarded. We tried to get in, but we were forced to retreat almost immediately.? ?You don?t need to get in,? Alice said. ?That?s my job.? ?There?s no way you?ll survive,? Henry said. ?That?s where you come in,? Alice explained. ?You?ll create a diversion. Draw the guards away from the entrance so that I can sneak in. Once I?m in, get out of there. Leave, then circle around and wait by the back entrance. I?ll open it for you. When you?re in, we?ll find the Overlord. You?ll create another diversion, and I?ll take care of the Overlord.? ?If you break in, the Overlord will leave,? Henry said. ?He?ll teleport out.? Takato took over the explanation. ?The overlord is just a normal person without that scepter. If we take it, he?ll be helpless. That?s why I?m coming. I?ll distract the Overlord while Alice grabs the scepter. Once we have it, Alice will become Youkomon and take care of the Overlord. Any questions??
Gcm: We can't worry about that right now. We need to fight. Minarmon! Fall back! Over here! (Minarmon joins the others) Minarmon: About time you got here. Gcm: Listen up! We need to hit that that thing all at once. Aim for the face. Minarmon: Got it. Ifm: Understood. Megidramon: I'm ready. Spm: Same here. Gcm: On my signal... Now!
Gcm: Hi. Good to see you. Davis: What's going on here? Gcm: Frankie's spirit was looking for you, and we were holding off Dcm until you got here. (He looks around) Where's Ifm? Ken: We don't know. We lost him in the rift. He probably appeared in a different location. Frankie's spirit is looking for him. Gcm: All right. we'll hold off Dcm while Frankie looks. Let's just hope she finds him soon. I don't know how long we can last.
(Minarmon and Dcm begin to fight. Dcm isn't hitting Minarmon, but Minarmon's attacks aren't doing much) Gcm: This could be intiresting. Megidramon: Minarmon'll get creamed. Gcm: Maybe not. Megidramon: Huh? Gcm: Teth has realized that the real Daleth might not be evil. He hasn't thought like that for a long time. He's incredibally angry at this fake. Rage can be useful, as long as it doesn't control you. Megidramon: He needs help anyways. Gcm: Yes, but we aren't trying to win right now. We're just trying to survive until Frankie finds the others. One-on-one fights will prolong the battle, giving Frankie more time.
OOC: There's still one more stone. Modify or delete your post, please. -------------------------------------------- David: All right. Only one more. Let's move! (They climb on Megidramon) Digi-Modify! Hyper-Speed activate! (They head towards the last stone) Okay. The last stone is near a digital city. It's hidden in a pond of some kind of soup, if you can believe that. Venna: Soup?! David: Yes, soup. Before we left, I told the others to meet us there. Hopefully, they'll be there when we get there..
Gcm: Let's do it. Dcm: It won't be that easy. Davis: You won't win against all of us! Dcm: I won't be fighting all of you. Gcm: What do you meen by that? Ken: Oh, ****. Davis: What? Ken: It's one of this world's properties. A signal sent in the correct frequency creates a rift. Dcm's going to use a rift to seperate us. Dcm: Very good. Davis: How will he open the rift. Ken: He's part machine. he'll send the signal himself. Dcm: Correct. (He emits a loud noise, and a rift appears and engulfs everyone but Megidramon and Gcm, transporting tham to another part of the dark ocean) You two first. Gcm: Not without a fight! Frankie! Find them, and get them back here quickly! Dcm: She's not here. Gcm: Not physically, but her spirit is. The rift couldn't affect it. Go, Frankie! Now!
(David freezes for a second, then turns around) Jake: Now what? David: Why share your findings with them , you could become immortal if you go it alone, why let those others follow you? Jake: What?! David: Ha, some friends, look S@bre, I've known you for a long time, and those so called friends, they treat you like trash. remember when they left you alone? Jake: What are you talking about, and who are you talking to? David: Don't you remember how they laughed at your attempts with me to bring them down.... how much it hurt. Jake: David, stop it! David: Now you go insulting my intelligence by calling me a dumb ape. Jake: Stop, David! David: when you reach the bottom, you will find the stone of enlightened endurace. Then it will open your eyes to their trickery! Jake: David, stop! (David shakes his head) David: THAT was weird. I was talking with S@bremon. I was trying to convince him that we're his enemies, and that he needed to find some weird stone. Jake: We heard what you said. You scared me. David: You heard what I said? That means I was still here, which means that I was looking through someone eles's eyes.
Gcm: Well, let's do it. Crimson Stream! Ifm: Positron Laser! (Both attacks hit the enemy, who just stands there and takes the hits. They don't have any visable effect) Gcm: That didn't work. Davis: Ehat is that thing? Darkmon Cyborg Mode(Dcm): I am Darkmon Cyborg Mode. Gcm: Names don't matter. Let's see what you can do. Crimson Strike! (Dcm grabs Gcm before the attack hits, and throws him into Ifm) Ifm: Ouch. Gcm: This isn't working. Ken: We need to work togeather. Combine your attacks! Gcm: Crimson Stream! Ifm: Positron Laser! (Both attacks hit Dcm in the same spot, but it doesn't have any affect) That didn't work. Dcm: You can't win. Davis: Aim for the eyes!
OOC: All right. Wait's over. Here we go. ----------------------------- Daleth: It's time I taught you brats a lesson. Gcm: We can take anything you've got. Daleth: I don't think so. (The digimon behind him stepped into view. It was a massive black dragon. A rippling mass of black scales, its red eyes glared fiercely at David, Teth, and the digimon. Two twisted blood-red horns spiralled out of its head, glinting in the red lightning. Its claws, like sharpened scythes, were ready to attack at any moment) Meet Darkmon. Gcm: Not quite what I expected, but we can take it easily. Daleth: Maybe now, but not when I'm done. (He begins to dissipate as he walks toward Darkmon. When he reaches Darkmon, he walk right into it) Teth: What the?! Gcm: We're data here, just like in the digital world. Daleth combined his data with Darkmon's. But I wouldn't think he'd take a risk like that. Teth: It's not Daleth. Gcm: No. It's probably a copy of his data. It fused with Darkmon. Davis: What does that meen? Gcm: It meens that the new digimon will be extreamly tough to beat. (Daleth finished fusing, and everyone stared at the new creature. It had a dragon?s face, and large wires came from the back of its head and coiled up into its back. Huge dark wings loomed over it; blood red claws glinted menacingly at the end of its large, muscular hands. Its body was a twisted mix of metal and dragon flesh and a long thin tail sliced through the air like a knife) Teth: Oh, ****.
Gcm: What's going on? Teth: This isn't Daleth. I think we're about to see who he really is. Ken, I think you got here just in time. Ken: I know. By the way, this is Davis. Gcm: I'm David, but I'm a digimon right now. Davis: Nice to meet you. Gcm: Save the pleasantries. We need to stop this thing that was pretending to be Daleth. --------------------- OOC: Nobody reveal what's happening to Daleth, or who the digimon behind him is. And don't have anything happen to either of them. I have something in mind, but I need to ask someone first.
(Everyone helps Kyle into the portal, and they all enter the digital world. David activates his computer and attaches a strange-looking cable to it. He puts the other end on Kyle, then uploads Kyle's data. Kyle dissapears) David: He's in my computer now. Next, I isolate the problem. (He works for about a minute) That must be it. Jake: What? David: It's the Jun-Bug virus. Jake: Jun-Bug? Again? David: I think it's my fault. When the virus infected my computer, I transferred it to a disk, which I threw out the window as someone was walking by. He grabbed the disk, which shattered. The person was Kyle. I then wrote the anti-virus program we used on Sprindell, but it won't work here. Jake: Why didn't you tell us? David: It wasn't important. Besides, I thought it would be impossible for a computer virus to infect a human. But don't worry. He's fixed. Commensing reconstruction now! (He pushes enter)
Gcm: You monster! i'll get you if it's the last thing I do! Crimson Stream! (The attack hits Daleth, knocking him backwards, but he gets up quickly) Daleth: That's not good enough. Gcm: Who are you? Daleth: It doesn't matter Teth: I don't think that's him. That's not Daleth. Daleth: Took you long enough. (A portal opens, and Ken steps through. Another kid is with him. An Imperialdramon in Fighter Mode(Ifm) Passes through the portal, which remains open) Who are you? David: Ken! Ken: I've brought backup.
When's the next part? All these cliffhangers are getting annoying.
David: Let's hope this works. (He runs outside) Suicune! Over here! We're the ones you were sent to meet! (Suicune hears him and approaches. it says something, but the translator didn't pick it up) Come on, you stupid thing! Work! (Suicune says something else, but the translator doesn't work) What's wrong here? (He examines the translator) Oh. It's not on. (He turns it on) Suicune! Say something! Suicune: Why was I sent here? David: Yes! It works! (He explains the situation to Suicune)
Gcm: Oh, ****. Daleth: You will all be defeated. Gcm: Not without a fight! Crimson Stream! (The atack passes right through Daleth) Frankie: What the? Gcm: We're not fully in phase yet. Our digimon might be able to digivolve before we're in phase. Guilmon, try it. Guilmon warp-digivolve to: Megidramon Daleth: What?! Gcm: Digivolve now! Before you're in phase! Now!
David: I have an idea. It's extreamly risky, but I don't know of another way. Jake: What? David: While in the digital world, we're data. If we enter the digital world, I may be able to load his data into my laptop, locate the problem, and erase it. Memory wouldn't be a problem. I took care of hat after the Jun-Bug virus entered Sprindell. I knew something lke this might be required. Sprindell, I know you can get us to the digital world. Sprindell: Yes. David: Many things could go wrong. I could erase a vital function, the upload could damage him, he could be damaged in the recontruction of his body, ect. Do we try it anyways, or do we look for a safer option?"