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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: I didn't make any digimon. At least, not that I know of. It's possible something happened to create it from data on my computer. There was this one real strange thing while I was using it once. Omi: What? David: I saw data being transfered to an unknown location. The thing is, I hadn't transfered anything. It's possible that that data was transfered to the digital world, and became a digimon. It was data I had gathered on virus- type digimon, so the guardian of virus-types would be something you would think could come from that.
(David and Guilmon appear in Primary Village) David: (Looks around) What just happened? Guilmon: We're back in the digital world. This is Primary Village. David: Good. it doesn't appear to hae been affected by the darkness. Guilmon: What about Frankie? David: What she said is very strange. How can she be a program? And if she's a program that can help, like she said, then why did she save Teth? We know Teth's evil. (An explosion is heard) what was that? Guilmon: I don't know. David: (Points in the direction the noise came from) It came from over there. Let's check it out. (They run toward the area where the noise came from)
David: What's going on here? Guilmon: I don't know. David: This is not good. We need to find Teth and get out of here before whatever happened to them happens to us. (He looks around and sees a cave in a nearby cliff) Let's check that cave. (They run over to the cave) I hear voices in there. Guilmon: I'm scared. David: So am I, but we can't let that stop us. Let's go. (They enter the cave, and come within sight of Teth and the others) There you are. Teth: I told you not to come looking for me. David: I had to. We're going to settle this now. There's no escape this time. Guilmon, let's do it. Biomerge activate! [They said that in the show] Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Gm: Bring it on.
(Digital World) (Dark Sprindell and Dark Guilmon step aside to reveal a human figure) Human: It's pointless to resist. Give up. Katzemon: No. Human: Then you will be destroyed. (As the human walks closer, they realize who he is) ------------------------ David: There's that feeling again. Are you sure you're not feeling this? Jake: Not me. Kyle: I don't feel anything. David: This is weird. (He turns around) Kyle: Now what? David: It's pointless to resist. Give up. Jake: What? David: Then you will all be destroyed. Kyle: What are you talking about? (David shakes his head and turns around) David: That was very weird. I saw the others surrounded by digimon, but shadowey ones. I saw Sprindell and Guilmon clearly. I don't know what's happening, but I don't like it.
David: The rockets have set up an effective blockade. We won't be able to get past it. Xion: Then how do we get out of here? David: Their attention will be focused on the island. If an attack comes from somewhere else, they won't know until it's too late. Xion: So, how does that help us? We can't get out. David: We're not done here yet. We still need locations for Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. I already have locations for Lugia, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, and Ho-oh. We'll call all of them here as planned. They'll break the barrier for us. Rei, that's your job. You've been studying legendary pokemon. Where do you think they would be?
David: That was really strange. Kyle: What? David: I-It felt like I was in two places at once. Jake: How can you be in two places at once? David: I don't know. I have been feeling strange things ever since I found my digivice. I don't know why, though. Has this happened to you? Kyle: No. Jake: Nope. David: Huh. (He turns around) Kyle: Now what? David: It's that kid again. I wonder who he is.
(David, Frankie, and their digimon step out of the portal as it closes behind them. They look around at the area they arrived in. The ocean is compleatly black, and everything is dark. The light is not very bright, and has no apparent source) David: They don't call this place the Dark Ocean for nothing. Frankie: No kidding. David: Stay away from the water. Frankie: Why? David: Remember what Ken said? Something happened to his digivice when he stuck it in the water. We don't need any more problems. Let's find Teth.
OOC: They aren't fighting anymore. They are boarding their transports and suroundint the island. and if they are going to speak with Giovanni, they need to contact him. -------------------------- (Team Rocket's forces withdraw into the transports, and surround the island, forming a blokade around it. David sees this, and calls everyone back inside) Xion: What's happening? David: I don't know. (Pause) Do you hear that? Bremma: Yes. David: Stay here. I'll go check it out. (He exits the building and walks around until he sees Rei crying. He walks over to her) What's wrong? (He sees Twilight) Oh. (He rummages through his backpack) I know I packed some... here we are. (He pulls out a Revive and hands it to Rei, who uses it on Twilight) Rei: Thank you. I'm Rei. David: I'm David. Glad you're here. Rei: What do you mean? David: I sent the message. (He explaines the situation and the plan) We need your help. Come on. (They enter the building. David introduces everyone) Rei: Why did the rockets leave? David: Let me see. (He sits down at a computer terminal. He works there for a moment) That's odd. Bremma: What? David: They're canceling the operation on Mewtwo. But why? (He works a little more) A password-protected file in the middle of the research files? Odd. (He clicks on it) Now for the password. Xion: what is the password? David: Rage. (He types it in) Ha! Nobody keeps me out! (He reads the file) Uh-oh. Bremma: What? David: we have three hours to get off this island. if we're still here in three hours, we're dead. We should be able to finish in two, but we leave in two and a half if we're still here, no matter what. Xion: Why? David: They've determined that this force can't get through us. They're trying to keep us here. In three hours, Mewtwo will be ready for an assignment, and will be sent here. We need to be gone before that, but we need a way out. ------------------------ OOC: Nobody else start a plan to leave. I have more important information, and the way we will leave is important to the story's development.
David: Got it. Jake: What do we do? David: I've seen this virus before, but it was called the "eater" virus, because of it's behavior. I didn't recognise the name Jun-Bug. I programmed an anti-viral system for the virus, which worked very well. Kyle: How does that help? David: I might be able to use your digivice to transfer the program into Sprindell. Give it to me. (Jake hands him the digivice, and he uses a connecter cable to hook it up) All right. Transfering program now. (The digivice begins to glow) Aim it at Sprindell. Jake: Right. (He grabs the digivice and points it at Sprindell. A beam of light emerges from it and hits Sprindell) David: Let's hope this works.
(David take out his computer and activates a map of the digital world. He zooms in on his current location, then holds his digivice out) David: Portal ready. Ken, open it. Ken: Right. (He holds his digivice out. A portal opens, and the dark ocean is seen through it) David: Let's go. (David, Frankie, and their digimon step through the portal, which closes behind them) Ken: Good luck.
(After terminating communications, Giovanni turns to Professor Nanba, who is working at a computer terminal) Giovanni: How long will it take to safely halt the procedures? Nanba: 2 hours for re-stabilization, 45 minutes to disengage unit, and 15 minutes for extraction and orientation. Giovanni: Begin the procedures. ------------------------------ (After turminating communications, Cassedy turns to the rockets in the area) Cassedy: Withdraw into the transports and form a parimiter around the island! Nobody is allowed to arrive or depart!
Xion: (Runs over to the building) They've called in air support. We can't fight that. We need to go. David: I'm a little busy here. Espeon, use Confusion! (Espeon's attack affects Arbok and Venomoth, sending them into the wall) Rocket 1: What? David: Poison types are weak against psychic types. Your pokemon don't stand a chance. Besides, I've got more if you do beat Espeon. I'd recommend running. Rocket 2: Let's scram! (The rockets exit the building) Xion: David, we need to go! David: Standard procedure. Frighten the opponent. It's a trick. They don't want war. They use the air support trick to frighten the enemy. And it worked on you. get back out there. ------------------------------------- (Cassedy radios Giovanni) Giovanni: What is it? Cassedy: These kids are tougher than we thought. We couldn't scare them or beat them in battle. Giovanni: What will work? Cassedy: backup plan Omega One appears to be the only option. Giovanni: Omega One is reserved for emergency situations. Cassedy: Then we will probably not be able to complete the mission. Giovanni: Very well. This mission is extremly important. Omega One will be activated.
(David runs a search program for information on the virus) David: (Looking at the results) This one's odd. No location. It just popped up. (He clicks on it) That's even weirder. Jake: What? (He looks at the screen. It's filled with 1's and 0's) David: The entire entry is in binary. It must meen something. Kyle: What does it say? David: Hold on. (He runs a program that translates it into words) Wierd. Kyle: What? David: All it says is "Stone" Jake: What does that meen? David: I think the stone I scanned was infected with the virus. That's why there was no location. The stone's not hooked up anymore.
OOC: Everyone's a little busy to introduce themselves. When things settle down, we'll get to you're character. ---------------------- (While pretending to work, David grabs one of his pokeballs. He turns around, ball ready) David: My turn. Rocket 1: Go, Arbok! Rocket 2: Go, Venomoth! (Both pokemon emerge and prepare to attack) David: Easy. Go, Espeon! (Espeon emerges, and faces Arbok and Venomoth) And I have the advantage. ------------------- (Outside of the building, Cassedy contacts Giovanni, and informs him of the current situation) Giovanni: We can't let them go. They must have a reason for being there. Capture them, and bring them here. If you can't hold them, kill them.
(Unknown to them, there was a person watching them as Megidramon lands. The others get off.) Person: That thing is very clever. I'll need proof. (He empties his pockets and backpack) No good. It has all of this, too. (He puts the stuff back) I'll just have to trust Megidramon. (He walks into veiw. The others all see him) Saffire: It's David! Venna: No, I've been with David. He's right here. Person: I'm the real David. The D-Reaper made two copies. One was left unaltered. Thet one is with you now. Megidramon, you should be able to tell. Who's the real David? ------------------------- OOC: If anyone else resolves this situation, the newcomer is the real David.
(David turns around suddenly) Kyle: What is it? David: I thought I saw that kid again. Jake: I wonder who he is. David: And what he's up to. Kyle: What do you mean? David: He's acting very suspicious. Every time we see him, he dissapears. He seems to be trying to avoid us, while still watching us. It's like he's spying on us.
Jake: Which one is it? The jewel or the person? David: I'm not sure. I need to run a test on the jewel. Kyle: What kind of test? David: When I first hooked it up to my laptop, I made an electronic scan of it. I'm going to make a new scan, and compare it to the old one. (He works for a couple minutes) Nothing I can see. But that might not meen anything. Jake: Why not? David: This jewel is like nothing I've ever seen. The scan couldn't display some of the properties of it. It couldn't get an accurate reading. There might be damage to those properties. Kyle: Can you find out if there is? David: No. Ask Sphrin. She might know.
David: Looks like the party's started. Bremma: What do we do? David: Bremma, you get to the left of the entrance. Venna, you get to the right. Venna: What about you? David: I'm the bait. (Bremma walks to the left of the entrance, and Venna to the right. David positions himself at a computer terminal that can be clearly seen from outside, and pretends to work) Let's see here. I'll need to disconnect these, and reconnect them here... I think. If not, it's likely that all this stuff will be useless. Venna: (Whispers) Are they really that stupid? Bremma: (Whispers back) Most of them. The leaders aren't. The grunts will likely come running in, with or without orders to.
Thank you. You're in.
OOC: I believe you meant Dragonite Please work on your spelling. -------------------------- David: That would be fine. The rest of us will get ready here. They'll have a hard time getting in. Venna, what do you think they'll do first? Venna: Cassedy was always very aggressive. Butch was less so, but still not very passive. They'll likely come head-on. David: Perfect. Bremma: What's the plan? David: we'll set up a trap here. Hopefully, they'll walk right into it.
OOC: Read the posts to learn where we are. I don't believe your group is with us, though. ------------------------- David: You're losing energy? How? Sphrin: I... don't know. Jake: Whatever's happening, we need to do something. David: (Pulls out his laptop) Let's see here. (He does some work, pauses, looks around, and sees the unkown person again) Him again. Kyle: Who? David: That person I saw earlier. I'm getting a strange energy reading from him. I'm not sure, but he may be the problem. (He turns back to his computer, and notices that he still has the jewel hooked up to it) Or mabey not. I forgot to unhook Sprindell's jewel after I scanned for the stone. It might have been damaged somehow. Because these jewels are the source or her power, a damaged one could cause an energy drain.
OOC: I thought I'd been giving enough. I'll try and give more. You already know that I don't have much experience at this. By the way, I believe it's Bluster Mode, and not Blast Mode.
Ken: Why? What's going on? (David explains what he knows) Oh David: You told me you could get to the dark ocean, so I was hopeing you would get us there. Ken: I could, but.... David: You never did tell me what happened there. Ken: I don't want to remember. I know I wasn't in full control of myself, but it doesn't matter. David: You mentiond something about dark spores, but never told me what they were. Are they related to the dark marks? Ken: Possibly. They certianly had a similar effect. They changed the way I thought. They influenced me, making me think that nothing in this world was real, and that it was rightfully mine. I almost destroyed it. David: That's not what I expected. Ken: The dark ocean was where the dark spores became truly active. I stuck my digivice in the water, and that somehow activated the dark spores. (Pause) I'll get you there, but I wan't come. David: That's all I wanted.
Bremma's correct. You can't take one that's already been chosen Wolf, thank you for fixing your specialty. You still need to work on spelling, though.
David: Digi-Modify! Power Activate! Hit him hard! Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! (The attack knocks CDavid flying into a nearby rock. CDavid tries to recover, but can't move) David: Finish it off! Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! Beelzemon: Corona Blaster! (Both attacks connect with CDavid, pushing it through the rock and out the other side. CDavid is destroyed by the impact)