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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: The required infomation is all here, but the connections to the cloning equipment are dissconected. I was hopeing that someone would be here who could help, but that person hasn't arrived. I can't make any sense of this wireing. I can't proceed further. However, there is something I can do. (He works some more) Good thing I checked. Bremma: What? David: Team Rocket sent a force here to retrive equipment they needed. The force is arriving ahead of scedule. They'll be here shortly. Xion: What sould we do? David: We fight. Xion, this is your type of thing. You're the best trainer currently here. If they know this, which they might by seeing you-they might have seen pictures when you won-they'll focus on you. Can you handle it? Xion: Yes. David: Good. (A girl walks in) Xion: Who are you? Venna: I'm Venna. David: Good (He introduces everyone, explains the situation, and tells her what the current state of events is) Venna, you're here because of your past. Venna: What do you mean? David: Two team rocket members that assisted in the operation to recapture the first Mewtwo left after the base was under construction. As a result, they remembered everything, The memory loss was apparently isolated in that area. They were placed in charge of security when the nem Mewtwo was hooked up to the equipment.They were re-assigned to the mission here, and will arrive ahead of sceadule. I believe you know them. They are Butch and Cassidy. Venna: I know them. David: A large part of all of this will be in battle agains them or trying to prevent them from doing something. You can help us predict what they will do, which will help us stop it.
(David looked after Aidan as he left) David: Whatever he's doing, i want to know. Good thing I bugged him. Frankie: What? (David tells Frankie about his dad) Oh. David: Meanwhile, we should look for Ken. We can't afford to wait until Teth returns to get the cure for the dark marks. Frankie: Who's that? David: (Looks where Frankie pointed) Perfect timing. That's Ken. Hey, Ken! over here! Ken: (Walks over to join them) Hi, David. David: We neen your help.
Choose one speacialty, and then you're in.
David: Well, if you're staying, then let's do this. Megidramon, attack! Megidramon: Pyro Force! Beelzemon: Double Impact! (CDavid dodges both attacks, then changes into something else. It turns blueish, wing-like things appear on the back, and the face is really messed up(If you watch the show, it loks like Jeri's copy did, except a male version)) CDavid: resistance is useless. You will all be deleated. David: Not without a fight.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wolf Maximas13 [/i] legendary: Suicuin Specialty: martial arts [/B][/QUOTE] It's spelled Suicune, and please choose a speacialty from the list in the opining post. There are no other options. Darkfreak, you're in.
David: There's more. The first test of the new Mewtwo's abilities was to have it locate and destroy the first one. It succedded, so assistance from the first one is impossible. After a few other tests, mostly for obediance, it was placed in a special unit for further work. They're trying to make it even stronger. If it works, it will be around ten times as strong as the first one. I came up with two options. Xion: What? David: One option is to attack the rocket base where it is currently located and destroy it while it is out. The other is even more unlikly to succeed, but is safer by far, and is why we're here. Although this building is colapsing, the equipment inside it is quite functional. We could use it to try and do what they did. Bremma: You mean, use the equipment here to make another Mewtwo? David: Yes. Bremma: That's ridiculous! David: I know. If it fails, which it most likely will, we'll need to attack the base. The facilities here will be used to locate help for the attack. While I'm messing with the cloneing facility, you two search for signs of the Legendary Pokemon Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. I was hopeing for a legendary pokemon expert to arrive for assistance with that, but you two can start. I was also hoping for someone skilled with machines to help me with the cloning problem, but we'll just have to work around the lack untill they arrive, if they ever do. Bremma: So, you want us to find Riakou, Entei, and Suicune so they can help us attack the base? David: Not just them. I already have locations for the other legendary pokemon. My father, a communication researcher, developed devices for understanding pokemon. I have the prototypes. each one needs to be mached to a pokemon, and can only be used with that pokemon. Bremma, you won't need one, because you can already understand pokemon somehow. You can make sure the devices work correctly, and translate if they don't. Xion, you're here because of your victory at the Indigo Leauge. We'll need you if we have to attck the base. Okay, let's get to work. Everyone inside. (They enter the building)
OOC: I never planned to. ------------------------------- (David sees someone) David: who's that? Jake: I don't know. David: whoever it is, he's normal, so he's probably on our side. Still, we should be careful. Kyle: what should we do? David: Ignore him for now. We have more important things to do. Jake: Yes. We need to find the stones. David: So, where is the next one, and who's guarding it? Also, we might be on our own. I think it's the others who left.
David: There are five others. We can probably work without them, but it would be best if they were here. But you're right about one thing. We can't wait too long. I'll explain the situation to you, and to any others when they get here. Xion: So, what's the deal? David: Team Rocket once used a fossilized remnant of Mew to create the pokemon Mewtwo, the stronges pokemon ever. However, Mewtwo refused to obey the Team Rocket leader, Giovanni, and escaped. After an attempt to reclaim him failed, Giovanni's memories of Mewtwo werre erased somehow. However, the records were never touched. I hacked into team rocket's computer network-I'm good with computers-and found them. I also learened that Giovanni re-learned the events, and deccided to create another one. However, he made a couple changes. First, the new Mewtwo was made even stronger, so it's around three times as strong as the first. He also infused obidiance, so the new Mewtwo is incapable of disobeying Giovanni. Needless to say, this is a problem.
(David arrives at New Island on Feraligatr. The island is mostly empty. The only structure is a broken-down, half collapsed building. He walks around the building like he's looking for something, then looks inside before walking over to two oter trainers) David: Hello. I'm David. Bremma: i'm Bremma. Xion: I'm Xion. Do you know why we're here? David: Because of the message, I believe. You both recieved it? Xion: Yes. David: Good. I sent it. Bremma: So, what's the big deal? David: There should be others. We need to wait for them.
I think I'll start this up. Hopefully others will join. If not, it'll be though, but I think we can handle it.
David: Oce. Oce. Oce. I'm missing something. Aidan: It says Dark Oce. David: Of course! Frankie: What? David: Teth didn't have time to finish writing this. Oce is an unfinished word. It sould be Ocean. Aidan: So, what's a Dark Ocean? David: Another world. Probably where the dark markes come from. Frankie: How do you know this? David: 6 months ago, I met a guy who's been there. He apparently had an experiance there that he wanted to forget. He was very shaken up by the whole thing. Frankie: Who? David: A really smart kid named Ken. He had a Digivice that looks like yours, and it was black. We met when we noticed each other's digimon partners. His was Wormmon. Frankie: Do you know what happened to him? David: No. However, I think he has a way to enter that world. If we want to follow Teth, we should find Ken. We need the cure for the dark marks. Because he's one of the enemy leaders, it's only natural that he has one.
OOC: Sorry. I didn't remember that. Besides, something like that is easy to correct. I'll do it in this post, even. ------------------------------------------ Kyle: Something's been bothering me. David: What? Kyle: Sprindell, didn't you say that that Imperialdramon couldn't mode-change? Sprindell: I thought it couldn't. David: Mabey it was given the ability to do it. MetalEtamon was made stronger by some kind of dark energy. It probably wouldn't be much harder to give Imperialdramon the ability to mode-change. Kyle: Good point. David: When we learened that MetalEtamon was made stronger, I suspected that the others would be powered up in some way, too. I could have been wrong, but I decided to take no chances. He was easier than I thought, however. He must not have been very strong to begin with. Anyways, where's the next stone, and who's guarding it? (He stops) Kyle: What's wrong? David: I just felt something. It was similar to what I feel when I enter the portals Sprindell makes, only weaker. Someone else must have used a portal. But who, and where are they now?
OOC: I can capitalize the name if I want to, and you never mentioned that this one couldn't mode change. If you want people to know something like that, you need to tell them. Besides, he wasn't that tough. MetalEtamon was powered up by the darkness. Imperialdramon mode-changed instead. -------------------------------------------- Gcm: That takes care of that. Jake: He's not gone yet. Gcm: He will be. Crimson Stream! (This time, when the attack hits, Imperialdramon dissapates into data. The bio-merge ends) David: That was not as dificult as I expected. I bet we'll have some real hard fights later on. Now, let's find that stone, and then find the others. Kyle: I think that's it where Imperialdramon was. (He grabs it) David: Good. Sprindell, where's the next one, and who's the guardian?
(David, Frankie, and their digimon find themselves in the town. They see Aidan and the digimon with him) David: It's Aidan. (Aidan sees them) Aidan: It's David. David: What's going on? Aidan: Teth's in there. (He points toward the building. David walks in) Don't! David: I just want to see what happened. (He looks around, and sees Teth in a corner) There's Teth. (He sees another person) Now I get it. Bit off a little more than you could chew, huh, Teth? Adain: What do you mean? David: (Points to the other person) That's Daleth. Teth obviously located him, and they fought. I don't know what happened, but Teth lost.
Gcm: You won't win. Ifm: You're wrong. Positron Laser! Gcm: Crimson Stream! [QUOTE]Crimson Stream is an energy beam fired from the sword-like thing Gcm has.[/QUOTE] (The attacks meet in mid-air and cancel each other out. Gcm circles around Ifm, attempting to get behind him. Ifm continues to face Gcm, who imeadeatly dives under Ifm) Gcm: Crimson Stream! (The attack impacts Ifm hard. Gcm charges in) Crimson Strike! [QUOTE]Crimson Strike is an energy-stregnthened slash of the sword-like thing.[/QUOTE] (Ifm is unable to avoid the attack, and takes another hit. Gcm flies above Ifm) Gcm: Like I said, you won't win. Crimson Strike! (The attack hits, sending Ifm into the ground) Time to end this. Crimson Stream! (The attack drives Ifm further into the ground) Take that.
David: Let's go. (They start walking) Jake: Who do we fight this time? Sprindell: Imperialdramon. David: That's not good. Kyle: What's the problem? David: Imperialdramon is a very strong digimon. Its quite possible that, at our current strength, we will lose. Jake: Why's that? David: We will likely wear ourselves out during the fight, but still win. However, when he's almost defeated, Imperialdramon will likely change to Fighter Mode. The battle will basically start over, except he'll be stronger and we'll be tired. Kyle: Oh. David: I think I have a solution, though. Guilmon: What? David: Sprindell, when we enter battle, I'll need you to send some of you're energy to me and Guilmon. You'll see why shortly. We're here. (They arrive in the area, and Imperialdramon immeadeatly appears to do battle) Imperialdramon: Leave at once, or I will destroy you. David: Never. You'll have to fight. Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Imperialdramon: I'm not afraid. Gallantmon: I'm not done yet. Now, Sprindell! Do it now! Sprindell: Okay. I don't se why, though. Gallantmon: You will. (Sprindell sends energy from her jewels to Gallantmon, who begins to glow) Gallantmon mode-change to: Crimson Mode Gallantmon Crimson Mode(Gcm): Let's go. Imperialdramon: I'm still not afraid. Imperialdramon mode-change to: Fighter Mode Imperialdramon Fighter Mode(Ifm): Now, we'll fight. Gcm: Bring it on.
OOC: One ultimate only, and no dna digivolution thing. Fix that, and you're in. --------------------------- David: What are you doing here? Beelzemon: Helping you. David: Don't bother. Help the others. Beelzemon: You need help, not them. David: Listen, the D-Reaper won't leave me alone. it knows our plan now, and will try to stop it. I'm trying to delay it, but it won't work for long. You must help the others locate the Destiny Stones. When that's done, come and find me. I'll be fine. Tell the others to activate the Destiny Stones in this area. When they're all active, go to the final one's location. I'll be there. Go. Now.
David: This will take a while. Guilmon: Then let's get started. David: Not quite yet. I need to do something first. (He takes a laptop computer out of his backpack, turns it on, and attaches an adapter of some sort to it. He attaches the jewel to the other end) Guilmon: What are you doing? David: I'm analysing the jewel. I should be able to locate the fifth stone by using the jewel. I have a world map on this thing, and I should be able to pinpoint the stone's exact location with it. Guilmon: You can do that? David: Yes. I'm a computer expert. (He does a few things) Here we are. I've found it. (He holds his D-Power up to his mouth) Come in. This is David. I've located the fifth stone, but I think we should all be there. Come in.
You're both in.
(MetalEtamon gets hit, flies into the ground, and lies there) Gallantmon: Time to finish this! Lightning Joust! (MetalEtamon rolls out of the way and gets up) MetalEtamon: I'm not finished yet. Concert Crash! Gallantmon: Shild of the Just! (The attacks cancel each other out) MetalEtamon: You can't stop me for long. Gallantmon: I don't plan to. MetalEtamon: You don't have a choice. Gallantmon: It's too late for you. The others have been setting a trap for you while I distracted you. MetalEtamon: You're lieing. Gallantmon: Look behind you if you don't believe me. (MetalEtamon turns around) MetalEtamon: I don't see anything. Gallantmon: Shild of the Just! (MetalEtamon doesn't see the attack, gets hit, his the ground, and dissapates into data) Idiot. He fell for the oldest trick in the book. (The biomerge ends) David: That was cool.
A message has been sent out to selected trainers: I need your help. You have been selected to assist me. This is not optional. The fate of the world rests on this. Meet me at the shore of New Island. You'll need to use pokemon to get there. A map is enclosed. The trainers set out for New Island to see what was going on. To sign up, you need to fill in the following information: Name Age(No one over 16) Pokemon(List the 6 you will use and their 4 attacks. See notes for restrictions) Chosen Legendary Pokemon(Choose one from the following list: Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Ho-oh, Entei, Raikou, Sucuine. See notes for details and restrictions) Specialty(Choose one of the following: Legendary pokemon, communication, familiarity, machinery, training. See notes for details and restrictions) Notes: Only pokemon #1-250 accepted. Pokemon you may not use are:Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Ho-oh, Entei, Raikou, Sucuine, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, and Celebi. Your pokemon's attacks must be ones they or their earlier forms can learn. When you choose a legendary pokemon from the list above, you may not choose one that has already been chosen. Same with the specialty(the exception is training). The reason for this will become clear when we get into the story. Explinations for the specialties are as follows: Legendary pokemon: The trainer knows a lot about the legendary pokemon, an is considered an expert on the topic. Communication: The trainer can understand what pokemon are saying. Familiarity: The trainer knew the leaders of the enemy operation when they were younger(I'll tell you who they are when this gets started) Machinery: The trainer is famillier with electronic devices, and can assemble dissasemble, and modify them easily. Training: The trainer has been victorious at one or another of the major tournaments(Indigo Leauge, Whirl cup, ect...). Three people can choose this option. My stats are as follows: Name: David Age: 16 Pokemon/attacks: Meganium/Razor Leaf, Giga Drain, Vine Whip, Solar Beam Typhlosion/Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Mega Punch Fraligator/Hydro Pump, Bubblebeam, Mega Punch, Iron Tail Alakazam/Recover, Psycic, Psybeam, Confusion Espion/Bite, Psybeam, Confusion, Psywave Gengar/Night Shade, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Lick Chosen Legendary Pokemon: Lugia(Which is why Lugia isn't on the list above) Specialty: Computers(I know it's not on the list. That's because I chose it. My character is an expert when it comes to computers) Please sign up. I'll take the first 7 who meet the guidelines.
OOC: Just to make sure you know, you're activating the fourth one. The other activated ones are #1, #5, and #6. --------------------------- David: Let's do this. Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon David: We'll need more power for this. And I think I know just what to do. Digi-Modify! Gigantula activate! (Megidramon grows to twice it's normal size) And here, size does matter. Megidramon: I'm ready. David: Good, because here it comes. (The D-Reaper's copy of David walks toward them) Copy David(CDavid): Resitance is pointless. Why do you resist? David: Because you want to destroy both worlds. CDavid: Both worlds have vastly exceeded their parameters. They must be deleated. David: You'll get a fight first. Megidramon, get it.
OOC: You didn't mees up anything ------------------------- David: Guys? Mena: What? David: I don't know how much longer I can control myself. Guilmon: I'm having problems, too. Frankie: So am I Renamon: Me, too. David: We should leave, before we hurt you. Mena, I recommend that you come with us. And that you leave Kamimon behind. Mena: No. David: it's your choice, but you might start attacking the others. Let's go. (David, Frankie, and their digimon leave)
OOC: Sorry. I was on vacation. ---------------------------------- David: I'm not just going to stand around this time. Guilmon: What can we do? David: I have an idea. Come on. (They run at MetalEtamon) (Shadowmon adds some of his dark energy to the attacks, and they both his Metaletamon, causing a large explosion. When the dust clears, MetalEtamon is still there) Shadowmon: The extra energy has beed driven from him. David: Then let's finish him off! MetalEtamon: Concert Crash! (He aims the attack at David) Guilmon: David! (David's D-Power begins to glow) David: Aaaaaahhhhh!!!! Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Jake: Whoa. Kyle: Cool. (Gallantmon dodges the attack) Gallantmon: Let's do it.
Fenix: He had a point, David. How do you know that Teth is evil? David: His actions. Fenix: What do you mean? David: The first time we met, he had a knife to my throat in less then five seconds. The only other time, he attacked me on sight. Also, he's certianly against us. Fenix: And that means what, exactly? David: We're fighting to save both worlds from destruction. If that's not the right thing to fight for, then I don't know what is. Fenix: Good point. David: Further proff is the effects of the dark marks. If we were helping the enemy already, we wouldn't need them. They are trying to turn us against you with these marks. Teth doesn't have one. He used that to confuse us. Aidan is going to help Teth because he thinks Teth might not be evil. This only means that Teth is good at lieing. He's with the enemy.