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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [color=darkslateblue]It had taken a while, but Kiva and Daego had managed to locate Kajo Flenke, on of Crystal's abductors. The two both worked in the London area, which had been relatively easy to determine. However, their exact location had been harder to get. Kiva and Daego had been going from safe house to safe house, getting what information they could, usually from handheld computers. But thanks to the Resistance's caution, each handheld contained only what its owner needed to know. Kiva and Daego were able to get the locations of more safe houses, which they went to in hopes of getting more information. This had continued for a while, but eventually they'd recovered a handheld with Kajo's location.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kajo didn't seem to be at the safe house where Crystal was. However, there did seem to be times when he left his safe house to go somewhere else. It was possible that he was going to Crystal's location, so he could very well know where that was. So Kiva and Daego had targeted the safe house he was at.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]When the [i]Catalyst[/i] was in position over the safe house, Kiva and Daego transported down to the surface and moved quickly. Daego blew down the door, and he and Kiva ran in. There weren't too many people in the safe house. Those who were there tried to resist, but they didn't do very well.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]It wasn't long before Kiva and Daego found Kajo. He had his handheld out and was doing something with it. Kiva knew that he had to be running a deletion routine, so she acted quickly. She stunned him, then ran over and grabbed his handheld. As she'd guessed, there was a deletion routine running. She cancelled the routine. Some information had been lost, but hopefully there was still something useful on the handheld.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, here's some good news," Kiva said as she examined the handheld. "Since he was using this thing, I don't even have to hack my way into it. Let's see here... okay, looks like there's some encryption on this thing still, but some of the content's already open, including Crystal's location."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Daego said. "Shall we go, then?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes. We'll take Kajo with us and hand him over the Stevens when re return to orbit Now let's go. I think Crystal's been in the Resistance's hands for far too long."[/color]
  2. [color=darkslateblue]After receiving the order to prioritize recovering Crystal, Daego had returned to Kim's cell. He drew his sidearm, set it to stun, and opened the cell door. "Come with me," he ordered Kim, pointing the gun at her. "It's about time we got down to business."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kim didn't say anything, but she did follow instructions. Daego took her a short way down the hall and into the interrogation room. "I'm sure this all looks somewhat familiar," he said as he secured Kim in the chair. "I know for a fact they put you through this kind of thing before handing you over to me. But let me assure you, this will be a lot worse than what you've already experienced."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego activated a display screen on the wall and displayed an image of Crystal's kidnappers. He saw a small reaction from Kim, enough to indicate that she recognized the pair. "Ah," Daego said, "so you do indeed know who these two are, then. Good. So tell me, who are they?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Why do you even care?" Kim said.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Tell me, Kim," Daego said, "or we'll have to do this the hard way."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"They're members of the Resistance," Kim said, a deliberately unhelpful response.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I knid of knew that already. I see you want the hard way, then. And here I was hoping we might be able to do this quickly. You should know that I'll be able to get the information out of you. I thought you were smart enough not to resist pointlessly. Oh, well. You'll tell me what I need to know sooner or later. And at least this way, I'll get to have some fun."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The interrogation computer system was online and loaded with Crystal's information on Kim. A routine had already been built, and all Daego had to do was activate it, which he did. Kim may be trying to resist, but sooner or later, she would talk.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kim had finally revealed what she knew about Crystal's kidnappers, though she of course didn't know why Daego had wanted that information.Unfortunately, she hadn't known much. Their names were Sako Alkalero and Kajo Flenke, and they worked out of the Europe base , but that was all Kim knew about them that was even potentially useful.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego was, however, able to get some other useful information out of Kim, including the fact that in the rare event that the Resistance took prisoners, they were never kept at primary bases. In this case, that meant that Crystal would be in a safe house somewhere. This was good, as the safe houses had prooven much easier to locate than the bases. Kim hadn't known the locations of any, but Kiva still had the locations of a couple. She'd been intending to move on them before the business with Crystal came up, and now it seemed that she would be doing so anyways. And even though it was extremely unlikely that Crystal would be in either of them, there was a substantially better chance of finding information that would lead her to other safe houses. It might take some time, but eventually, Kiva would locate Crystal.[/color]
  3. [color=darkslateblue]When the 'message received' signal sounded, Kiva went over and viewed the message. "Looks like Stevens decided to heed my recommendation about Kim," she said to Daego. "She's being transferred to us. Also, Crystal wrote up a medical report on Kim for us. She was quite thurough, too. It loks like this report has all the information on her we could possibly want. Also, Stevens wants to know if we want Kim sent over via shuttle or transportation door. I'm thinking transport door."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I agree," Daego said. "I'll feed Crystal's information on Kim into the computer system in the interrogation room."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said as she replied to Stevens's message:[/color] [indent][i][color=#483d8b]Send Kim via transportation door. Include door instruction RD.A-007 to send Kim directly into cell A. No need to wait two days; send her as soon as you can.[/color][/i] [/indent][color=#483d8b]After sending her reply, Kiva went back to what she'd been doing before the message came, analyzing the captured hacking routine to see if it contained any more clues as to the bases' locations.[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kim's transfer went without problems. She was transported right into cell A, and Daego went down to 'greet' her. He looked her over on the moniter before ativating the cell's two-way speaker system. "Hello, Kim," he said. Kim didn't respond.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, you're no fun at all," Daego said. "I was hoping for some entertainment after what I heard about you from Stevens. Oh, well. I guess he just took all the fight out of you. Too bad, really. Makes things much less enjoyable for me."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's just too bad, isn't it?" Kim said.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Oh, so you do talk. Well, well, well. This may be fun, after all."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Enjoy it while you can. It won't be long before I'm gone, now, will it?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego laughed. "It 'won't be long'? Amusing. I suppose you think you're on a transport to sector 1, don't you? That's not the case, though. No, you'll be here for quite some time, I'd say. Long enough for me to completely break you. Should be fun."[/color] [color=#483d8b]At that moment, the speaker system suddenly turned off. "Sorry to cut you off," Kiva said over the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s comm system, which didn't include the cells and so would be inaudible to Kim with the cell's speaker system off, "but it's best if Kim thinks you're done for now. Get to the bridge immediately. We've got a situation here."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," he said. [i]Man, being a bad guy was fun[/i], he thought as he left Kim and headed for the bridge.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"What's going on?" Daego asked as he took his seat on the bridge.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"We just recieved two messages," Kiva said. "Bring up the contents yourself. The first one's from the [i]Conqueror[/i], and the second one's directly from the High Council. To summeraize the first message, Commander Crystal has been abducted, presumably by the Resistance. We know from security camera footage that it was Versilans who did the job, but no identity matches have been made."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Shit, they captured Crystal? How the hell did they even get to her?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, they somehow got in armed. It's likely they had help on the inside, but nothing's been confirmed yet. Once inside, the abductors took out the security personell, went straight for Crystal, and escaped with her via transportation door."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Damn, these people are good," Daego said. "It's a shame we're enemies. I assume the High Council's message is an order to locate and retrieve Crystal?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's right. Rescuing Crystal is to be our top priority. The High Council did not detail the reason, though. The message says only that she's vital to classified research taking place in sector 14."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Just them, the 'message recieved' signal sounded again. "What's next?"Kiva said as she opened the message. "My god."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"What?" Daego asked as he viewed the new message, which was about the Resistance's strike in sector 4. "Oh. Shit, what the hell's next? First the store in sector six, and now production in sector 4. About the only thing harder to do would be an attack on sector 1."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, you've got that right," Kiva siad. "okay, this makes our job that much more important. Someone on Earth may at least have a clue as to how all this is being done. Crystal's still priority number one, though. All right, we need to put this out of our minds for now. Daego, get back down to Kim. Show her the camera footage. She may recognize the abductors. Get everything about them out of her that you can. I'll go back into the computer network. There probably won't be anything, but there's always a chance we'll find a clue."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said as he went back down to Kim's cell. As he left, Kiva made her way back into the Resistance's computer network. She modified her latest report to include the new developments, then planted it in the usual location while her search programs ran, looking for anything that might conceivably be useful.[/color]
  4. [color=darkslateblue]"Okay, looks like just one more relay," Kiva said to herself. She was working with the copy of the Resistance's hacking routine. Specifically, she was attempting to trace the signal path. She knew that the hacking signal would have originated at one of the two remaining bases; only the bases would be able to do digital transmissions. Safe houses tended not to have the needed equipment, as they were meant for taking shelter in, not operating from. So the hacking signal would have originated from one of the remaining bases. The hacking routine contained traces of the signal path, which a skilled hacker suck as Kiva could find and use to back-trace the path. And it looked like the next relay point for the signal would be the last, meaning that from there, the next location she found would be that of one of the Resistance's bases. But the Resistance, it turned out, was as cautious and clever as always.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What the hell?" Kiva said. "How the hell did they do a fragmented transmission with a program as complex as this hacking routine?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego was reviewing sensor data to see if he could find any clues as to the bases' whereabouts. "What's a 'fragmented transmission'?" he asked in response to Kiva.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It's a method used to obscure the origin point of a signal," Kiva said. "Instead of being sent as a whole, the signal is sent in simoultaniously transmitted fragments. The fragments are bounced repeatedly around multiple relay points in a pattern that makes it virtually impossible to determine the actual point of origin. It has to be done with a fragmented signal, because it't be possible to determine the bounce pattern of a single signal. With the fragments, however, the number of bounces is increased geometrically by the number of fragments, and it's usually next to impossible to determine which signal fragments match with which bounces. It's a very efective technique. I've seen it before, even used it myself once. It's a nice hacker tool, because it obscures where you're hacking from."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, so what's so special with the Resistance's setup?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Because of the complexity of the hacking routine," Kiva said. "The more complex a program is, the harder it is to fragment. I don't think anyone's ever successfully fragmented a program as complex as this hacking routine. As far as I know, this is the first time it's been pulled off.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Anyways, because of the fragmentation system, I can't determine the exact location of the base where the signal originated. However, it has to be close to at least one of the fragmentation relay points, and I know where those relay points are. From that, I can say for certain that there is a Resistance base somewhere in the UK."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, that certainly narrows it down a bit," Daego said. "Still, that's not a small area. Should we try to grab someone like we did in Australia?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, that's certainally a good idea. However, do remember that we got lucky in Australia. The transmission to the Resistance agents allowed us to pinpoint their locations. Odds are we won't have that kind of luck again. I have located a couple safe houses, so we'll hit those, but the odds are against us finding what we're looking for. Still, it's worth a try. Just let me finish up a couple things here, and then we'll move on the safe houses."[/color]
  5. Well, I thought of something else that could be done with Kim. I just posted in the RPG, and in it I mentioned that Kim could be sent to the [i]Catalyst[/i]. I thought this would be something Kiva and Daego would think of, since just because they don't have any new questions for Kim at the moment doesn't mean they won't have any in the future. They want to keep her around just in case, and if Stevens has no further use for her, it'd be more convenient for them to have her on the [i]Catalyst[/i]. Anyways, that's just another possibility.
  6. [color=darkslateblue]"About time we got a reply," Kiva said as the signal sounded. She opened the message, and she and Daego began going over its contents. Although there wasn't much new about the locations of the bases, aside from the fact that one base was in the USA, some of the other information would prove quite useful.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Man, whoever did this is good," Kiva said. "Looks like the [i]Conqueror[/i]'s got someone who know what he or she's doing. I mean, code snippets are one thing, but snagging and copying the entire hacking routine? Shit, that's impressive."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"How hard is that knid of thing?" Daego asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It depends on how good the routine is, but I've done it a couple times, and I know from experience that it's never easy. And this looks like a pretty good routine. I know a few tricks I probably could've used to catch it, but still, it wouldn't be easy. Whoever caught this is pretty damn good."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, well, let's move on," Daego said. He and Kiva continued to look through the report. In addition to what they'd already seen, the report contained a detailed description of what had been gotten from Kim. Not much of it was very useful, although this 'William' was someone to watch out for. There was a request to send a reply in regards to Kim; Stevens wanted to know if they had any questions they'd like Kim to be asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego didn't have anything then wanted from Kim at the moment, but they knew that she was too valuable a resource to give up just yet. So in her reply to Stevens, Kiva requested to be kept informed of his intentions for Kim. She also recommended that Kim be kept alive and in the sector. Additionally, her message asked said that if Stevents had no further use for her, he could transfer her to the [i]Catalyst[/i]. Like everything else on the ship, the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s containment and interrogation equipment was the best there was, so handling her would be no problem, and if nobody else had a use for her, it would be more convenient for Kiva and Daego to have her on the ship if they wanted anything from her.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay," Kiva said after sending the reply to Stevens, "you start in on our sensor logs. See if you can't narrow down the Europe base's location any more, I'm going back in to the Resistance's computer network. Now that I know more about who set it up and how they work, I may be able to get some more information."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said as he got to work on the sensor logs. Kiva got into the Resistance's computer network through the signal from the grade B sensor gear as usual. Once in, she ran her search programs, which now had information about the likely programmers to work with. Which they were running, Kiva left another report. This particular report included, in addition to the usual updates, the information they'd just gotten from Stevens, including the fact that the Resistance's hacking routine had been caught and copied and a recommendation not to use the same routine or a similar one again. Kiva also included Kim's current situation.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]In her report, Kiva also included a recommended method for coping with the loss of the relay stations. It wasn't perfect, but it would allow secure communication with Resistance members outside the sector. Kiva's suggestion would also make the signal harder to trace, though it wouldn't get the signal security back up to the level it'd been at with the relay stations.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]With her report planted, Kiva waited for her programs to finish running, then pulled out of the Resistance's computer network. She began reviewing the gathered data, looking for any new piece of information that might be useful.[/color]
  7. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] I'm begging both you and who ever else in here decides! That way having the resistance snatch her before she gets there would be less cliched and poor Kim would finally be free![/quote] Less cliched, perhaps, but still a bit cliched. Still, of all the ways she could be freed, that would be the most realistic, especially since Kiva would know that this was going to happen and when it would happen (I think Stevens would notify her of this in case she had anything she wanted to find out that Kim might know). She'd pass the information along to the Resistance on Earth, and from there it could go to William (I plan to have Kiva include in her next report a suggestion for safely doing this even without the relay stations, regardless of what else happens). William could either free her himself or arrange for someone else to do so. So if Kim is to be freed, I think that's how it sould be done.
  8. [color=darkslateblue]"Scan complete," Daego said. "As expected, Pluto's clean."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The [i]Catalyst[/i] was in orbit around Pluto, the last object Kiva and Daego had to scan. they'd already found five control stations with three relay stations each, but they had finished scanning every potential location anyways, just to be sure they'd found all of the stations, which they had.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, that takes care of that," Kiva said. "I've confirmed signals from all stealth drones; they're functioning properly and ready to relay the signal when it comes."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Daego said. "Let's get back to Earth. It's about time we struck another blow against those idiots."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed," Kiva said, giving the command for the [i]Catalyst[/i] to return to Earth. "Let's just hope our tracking plan works."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. We need to get rid of them before they fuck up anything else."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego's attitude towards the Resistance had been angrier than usual over the past few days, something that Kiva had expected. She'd seen it before when the two of them had served together in the past. Daego was like that for a while after every major Resistance strike. The reason had to do with the messages broadcast by the Resistance after every such strike, the ones claiming credit for the strike. These messages always stated the Resistance's position, that the superior Versilan race should protect inferior races instead of enslaving them.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Hearing that always got to Daego, as it matched how he saw things. He agreed with what they said. His view was that it was the duty of the superior Versilan race to protect inferior races; he had joined the millitary because of that belief. So why would the Resistance, the enemy, believe the same thing? If their positions were really the same, why did they fight each other?[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego's reactions to the messages always followed the same pattern. First came the shock of hearing them state his position as their own. For the next couple days, he would question the Resistance's reasoning, the Empire's actions, his membership in the Empire's millitary, etc. As the doubt faded, it was replaced by anger at the idiotic Resistance, which fought those who shared its position. This anger would slowly fade over the course of a few days, until Daego was back to normal.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva was hoping that striking a blow against the Resistance would speed up Daego's return to normal. He still carried out his duties with the same level of ability, but still, Kive preferred to have him in his normal state of mind. Hopefully, hurting the Resistance would help him return to normal.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Returning to Earth didn't take much time at all, as there was no need to stop and scan anything on the way back. So before long, the [i]Catalyst[/i] was back in Earth orbit.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sensors properly set," Daego said. "Ready when you are, Kiva."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it. Sending signal... all drones report signal was recieved and relayd properly. Detonation in five seconds."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]When the bombs exploded, Kiva and Daego knew immediately. The sudden destruction of the relay network caused huge signal disruptions, which the [i]Catalyst[/i] picked up immediately and began tracking. The equipment on Earth quickly adjusted to avoid detection, but the disruption had still been sufficient to lock on to. However, it prooved to be less useful than Kiva had hoped.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Damn, these people just aren't taking any chances," Kiva said. "They had the relay stations set to signal burst upon destruction." A signal burst was when a sudden burst of meaningless data was sent, the purpose being to confuse sensor equipment. It wouldn't have been enough to confuse the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s sensors, except that fifteen bursts had been sent simultaniously. However, some of the actual signal, despite being hidden within the bursts, did get traced, and this, combined with the disruption pulses temporarily scrambling anti-tracing safeguards, was enough for Kiva and Daego to narrow down the location of one of the resistance bases. Unfortunately, it wasn't narrowed down to a small area like the base in Australia had been.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay," Daego said, "it looks like the area is fully within the continent the database says is called Europe, not counting the part that's in the ocean. Of course, there's a lot of Europe to check. The area includes places that the database identifies as the U.K., Ireland, and parts of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. I don't think we can narrow it down any further."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. At least we don't have to check the section of the area that's in the ocean. There's no way the Resistance could have a base under water. The necessary equipment would be impossible to hide from our sensors. Still, we've got a pretty large are to search."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, so let's get started."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No, not yet," Kiva said. "First, we need to send a report to Stevens updating him on our progress. Also, we should ask if he has any updated information or orders for us."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right," Daego agreed. "Let's get on that."[/color]
  9. [color=darkslateblue]"Scan's done," Daego said. "Nothing found. Jupiter's clean."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right," Kiva said. "Let's move on to Saturn."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it." Daego gave the command, and the [i]Catalyst[/i] began moving towards Saturn. A couple minutes later, the 'message received' signal sounded again.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Man," Kiva said, "how many things do they have to tell us?" She began viewing the message, and gasped in shock. "Holy shit!"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What is it?" Daego asked as he began to view the message as well. It wasn't long before he saw what had provoked Kiva's reaction. "They... how the hell did they do that?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I have no idea," Kiva said. "Someone in the Resistance found a way, though. Shit, and I thought the stuff we've seen in this sector was impressive. Man, those people are good."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, you can say that again. And they obviously had inside information, timing it as perfectly as they did. Shit, it looks like their plan was just about perfect."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No, not quite. Look at the data. Multiple civilian ships were caught in the blast, and the Resistance doesn't like harming civilians. And if you look at the trajectories here, they could've greatly decreased civilian casualties by detonating the explosives earlier while still doing substantial damage to the fleet."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Is that significant?" Daego asked. "They could have miscalculated, or maybe they had some sort of problem and had to blow the bombs late, or something."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"There's a more likely possibility," Kiva said. "Look at the data on the explosion and the resulting shockwave. Would you have known that the explosions would cause that kind of an effect? Because I certainly didn't."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Neither did I," Daego said. "I knew that crystals could make big explosions, but not that kind of thing."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Exactly, and judging from this data, it's likely that nobody in the Empire would've expected it, either. I think the resistance, just like all of us, didn't anticipate the severety of the blast. Anyways, it's not our problem. Says here that another Elite Specialist is being sent. Even though we'd be able to get there faster, we're still assigned here."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. Well, we'll just have to take those Resistance bastards down."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "We'll do our part, don't worry. Let's get back to the data from the previous transmission. We may still find something useful. And remember, odds are that when we get back to Earth, we'll soon have the location of at least one other base."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I hope so," Daego said. "I hope so."[/color]
  10. [color=darkslateblue]"That's it for Jupiter's moons," Daego said. "Ready to move on."[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"[/color][color=#483d8b]Not yet," Kiva said. "I want a scan of Jupiter first. We've seen how ingenious this resistance branch is on several occasions now. It wouldn't suprise me too much if they've somehow managed to have a relay or control station suspended within Jupiter's atmosphere."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, they are quite good. All right, initiating scan... scan has commenced."[/color] [color=#483d8b]At that moment, the 'message recieved' beep sounded. Kiva took a look at the new message. "Looks like Stevens messed up," she said. "I've got a lot of files here about the wanted Resistance members suspected to be on Earth. The summary indicates that a lot of this would have been useful earlier on. There's also evidence of a pretty major security breech. Stevens wants us to take a look at the stuff and see what we can do with it. There's also some stuff that may help me with my hacking. Looks like information on Jason and Celestia's programming skill. I'm going to examine that stuff first. You start going through the rest."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva began examining the information about Jason and Celestia's programming abilities. It seemed that those two were quite intelligent and resourceful. By matching the provided information with data from the attempts to hack into the [i]Catalyst[/i], she was able to confirm a similarity of techniques. It seemed quite likely that those two had been behind the attempts to hack into the [i]Catalyst[/i]. Stevens would want to know this. He'd already been notified of the hacking attempts and advised to assume that the fleet's ships had been hacked. Now he'd learn who was probably behind it.[/color] [color=#483d8b]Some of the information Kiva was able to put to immediate use. "I think I might be able to get a bit of information out of the control stations," she said. "I'm going to hack into the one we found on that last moon and see what I can find."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva hacked in and, using the new information, was able to decipher some of the data. "Okay, it looks like this confirms what we've seen so far. There should be three relay stations to each control station. Also, it looks like there should be a total of five control stations."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's good to know. But we're not going to change anything, are we?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "That's right. We're still going to scan everything. There's no garuntee that what's recorded here is all there is. We need to be absolutely certain that we've got everything, and the only way to do that is by scanning every possible location."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right, then. We'll continue on after we're done scanning Jupiter."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. In the meantime, let's go over the rest of the information Stevens sent us."[/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue]"That's that," Daego said. "Phobos is clean."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, that takes care of both moons, I guess," Kiva said. "Now, before we move on, let's get that scan of Mars."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I know. I've already got the routine ready. Executing now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]At first, the scan was finding absolutly nothing. Nothing was picked up until the scan was about 20% complete, but at that point, there was something.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay," Daego said, "let's see here... what the fuck? Kiva, you seeing this?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes. Yes, I am. That particular effect could only be caused by a class X security field." A class X field was the best sensor shielding there was. There were shields that were stealthier, but when it came to preventing a scan, nothing was as good as a class X field. Not even the [i]Catalyst[/i] could penetrate the field and see what it was hiding. And a class X field was pretty damn ahrd to detect. The [i]Catalyst[/i] wouldn't even have picked up the field without being in Mars orbit.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What the hell is down there?" Daego wondered. "What could be set up down there that justifies a class X field?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I have no idea. All I know is that whatever it is, the number one security priority is not avoiding detection. With a class X field, that has to be the number 2 priority, even though class X fields are damn hard to detect. The top priority is clearly preventing anyone from learning just what is down there."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed. What the hell is down there?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I don't know, but we'll be filled in if it ever becomes necessary. Untill and unless that happens, wat's down there is not our concern. Take us back to our previous location in the belt. Let's get back to work.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You'd think that I'd be used to these things by now," Kiva said, "but this Resistance branch continues to amaze me. Shit, I'd love to meet the person who thought all of this up."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Shortly after returning to the asteroid belt, the [i]Catalyst[/i] had picked up an unusual signal on an asteroid it was scanning. It was some sort of facility, but not a relay station. A direct scan was able to identify just what the facilty was: the automated control station for the relay station found earlier. The Resistance had seperated the actual relay equipment from the system that controled it, which made both parts much harder to detect. And since each control station could handle a cluster of nearby relay stations, the loss of a couple stations wouldn't be a setback. And a control station was easier to replace by itself than as part of a relay station, making the loss of a control station easier to compensate for.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Looks like there'll be a lot more targets than we anticipated," Daego said. "We won't have enough stealth drones for all of them." [/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, but we don't need them for every target. We only need them because in Earth orbit we'll be out of range of the bombs without the drones' superior comm range. If we place explosives on the relay stations and put drones only at the control stations, the drones can relay our signal to the bombs, including the ones within the drones. We'll be able to hit every target simultaniously with the drones we have, and we may still have a couple left over."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That... yeah, that should work."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed," Kiva said. "You start setting the stealth drones up for the relay. I'm going to try hacking into the control station. If we're lucky, I'll be able to figure out how many relay stations it controls. I'll also try to get the stations' locations, of course, but given how good the Resistance's signal security has been so far, I don't think I'll be able to do that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As Daego went to set the drones to relay the destruction signal, Kiva hacked her way into the control station. No matter how hard she looked, she was unable to determine anything about the relay stations, including how many there were. But she did get one thing done. She had composed a brief report for the Resistance, telling them what she was doing. She also suggested a small modification to the signal security that would basically be unnoticable and would have no effect on most things, but that would minimize the disruption caused by the destruction of the relay stations, thus vastly decreasing the chance that the [i]Catalyst[/i] would be able to find either remaining base. One or both might still be located, but the chance would be much smaller with the modification. Kiva's report concluded with the information that something was on Mars, shielded by a class X security field.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva sent the report through the control station to one of the relay stations. From there, it would eventually get sent to one of the Resistance bases, where whoever had been recieving her reports would see it and be able to prepare for what was coming. After sending the report, Kiva pulled out of the control station. Daego had already sent the first prepared drone down to the station, so Kiva set the [i]Catalyst[/i] moving towards the next asteroid to scan, then went to help Daego with the rest of the drones. [/color]
  12. [color=darkslateblue]"Contact confirmed," Daego said. "Drone is secured in position and has entered standby mode."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva replied. The [i]Catalyst[/i] was currently within the asteroid belt. Kiva and Daego had been scanning the larger asteroids for a couple days, and now they'd found the first relay station. But they didn't just destroy it. No, they were going to try and make use of it first.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva had come with the idea to use the destruction of the relay facilities to attempt to locate one or both of the remaining Resistance bases. This was possible, but not exactly simple, and even if done perfectly there was a chance that it wouldn't work. But Kiva and Daego were going to do it anyways.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The signals being relayed were heavily scrambled. However, the destruction of a relay station would cause a temporary degradation in the scrambling as the remaining relays adjusted to its absence. But this degradation would be over too quickly to be made use of. Unless, Daego had said, all of the major relay stations were taken out simultaniously. This would cause a significant disruption, though still a very brief one. But it would be significant enough for signal tracking to be possible during its duration.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]In order to destroy all of the stations simultaniously, Kiva and Daego planned to deploy remote-detonated heavy-duty explosives carried within stealth drones. These drones were designed specifically to avoid detection from even the most advanced sensors. They were virtually undetectable. They were normally used for scouting purposes, but it was possible to store objects within them. Kiva had decided to store explosives in them, then have one attach to each relay station. When Kiva and Daego had finished their sweep and the [i]Catalyst[/i] was back in Earth orbit, they'd send the signal, and the explosives would detonate, destroying the relay stations. They would use the brief window of opportunity this would provide to attempt to locate the remaining bases. It might work, or it might not, but they were going to give it a try.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, what's next on the list?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well... okay, we've actually come far enough around in the belt that it's time to divert back inward to Mars and scan its moons." Since Mars and Earth were not in allignment, the [i]Catalyst[/i] had circled through the asteroid belt, scanning the larger astroids while getting closer to Mars. and now it seemed that it was time to leave the belt temporarily and check Mars's moons.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"We're that far already?" Kiva said. "man, it doesn't seem like it's been that long since we started. All right, then, divert from the belt. Let's go check the moons of Mars."[/color]
  13. [color=darkslateblue]"All right, looks like we'll get another load here," Daego said. "How many more can we hold, Kiva?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Um... okay, we should be able to cram all of them in, but we won't have any room left. Good thing this is the last target. Has the [i]Conqueror[/i] confirmed our request?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yes. Transport shuttles will be standing by at the designated coordinates. We'll be able to transfer the captives immediately."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego were at the final safe house, and had basically blown its top half off, exposing the interior. They'd done this with some of the other safe houses as well. Doing this eliminated the sheilding in place, allowing for easy abduction of the Resistance members within. Daego locked onto each person and transported them up. With so many transportations, the Resistance's equipment would detect the location and the people in charge would undoubtably figure out what was happening, but this was okay, as they'd know that the safe houses were being destroyed anyways, and this way there would be captives. After all the Resistance members present had been captured, Kiva gave the command and the [i]Catalyst[/i] fired, destroying the rest of the safe house.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That takes care of that," Kiva said. "Daego, take us to the given coordinates. Let's get these captives away. I'll inform the [i]Conqueror[/i] of our success."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's the last of them," Daego said. "All captives are away. Confirming shuttle routes... yep, looks like we were right. The prisoners are being divided pretty much evenly among the ships of the Fleet."[/color] [color=#483d8b]It was then that the 'message received' chime sounded. "Looks like we've got another order update," Kiva said after reading it.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Another one? What're we doing this time?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, remember what you guessed about the Resistance's signal-leap setup?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah. In order to maintain a random leap network of the complexity they seem to have, they pretty much have to have a number of large relay stations."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"And these, of course, would be well-concealed using state-of-the-are stealth technology. Any we also agreed that in order to avoid having these stations noticed by anyone, they'd have to be located off-planet."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego nodded. "Yeah. Are we supposed to find them?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's right. Which means we'll be putting our search for the bases on hold for a while. We have to assume that the Resistance is using the best gear they have, since even we haven't been able to see anything yet. We're going to need to scan every planet and moon at point-blank range. And although this wasn't mentioned in the message, we should probably scan every good-sized asteroid within the belt, as the large asteroids would be sufficient for such a facility."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, that'll take a little while. I assume we can skip the gaseous planets?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Of course. You can't build a relay station on one of those. We'll still have to check their moons, though. Oh, and interestingly enough, we're being told to skip Mars."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"What? Why?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well," Kiva said, "the reason isn't given, but it's obvious that there's an Imperial presence of some sort on Mars. Otherwise, they wouldn't have given the planet the kind of exhaustive sweep needed for them to be that certain. With their equipment, they'd need a surface-level, low-extent scan, and that would take days. So you can be sure there's something on Mars. But that's not important, though I would like to take a basic scan to confirm security-you know, test the sheilding, see how well-hidden this whatever is. No, all we need to know is that there isn't a relay station on Mars. We'll still need to check its moons, though."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, what are we waiting for, then? We should get started."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed. I've sent conformation of orders to the [i]Conqueror[/i], so there's no reason to wait. Let's get going."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Just so it's clear, nobody important was captured. I just thought it made sense for Kiva and Daego to take prisoners.
  14. [color=darkslateblue]"I've got another location," Kiva said. "Adding it to the list."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I see it. Coordinates confirmed.l Beginning scan... yep, it's another one."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Over the past couple days, Kiva and Daego had been examining the salvaged remains of the resistance base's computers. In particular, Kiva was focusing heavily on what was left of Kim's handheld computer, as she considered it more likely to have useful information. And so far, she had managed to get some information off of it, though this was made more difficult by the thuroughness Kiva had come to expect from this particular branch of the Resistance.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva had expected all information to be heavily encrypted, but with the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s advanced computer system and Kiva's onw decryption programs, this hadn't been too much of a problem. But the data was additionally protected by deliberate ragmentation. Basically, this meant that anything saved on the computer was fragmented, and each fragment was saved in a seperate memory location. This made piecing the information together much more difficult, especially since Kiva only had the remains to work with. But she'd still managed to pull out some useful information.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]So far, Kiva had been unable to find anything relating to the locations of the other bases, but she had found the locations of several safe houses in Australia. This was valuable information, any not just because knowing anything about the Resistance was good. These safe houses were likely being used by those who had escaped from the destroyed base. Which was why when Kiva sent a status update to the newly arrived [i]Conqueror[/i], she wasn't supprised that the reply included and order update to take out the safe houses. Also, Australia was one of the areas where[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I think I've got what I can here," Kiva said. "I'm not seeing any more locations. Inform the [i]Conqueror [/i]that we're entering Earth's atmosphere to begin our run on the safe houses."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]While Daego composed and sent the message, Kiva quickly connected to a Resistance base, which ended up being the same base she'd connected to the first time she'd hacked in, through the grade B sensor gear. She normally would have waited for a better opportunity, but she felt that she should update the Resistance on recent developments as soon as possible, especially the fact that Kim was alive and currently on board the [i]Conqueror[/i]. So while Daego was busy, she quickly planted her report and withdrew from the Resistance network, leaving nothing besides the report to indicate that she'd been in. She removed all evidence from the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s computers as well, so there would be nothing for Daego to find.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, the [i]Conqueror [/i]has confirmed receipt of message," Daego said. "You ready, Kiva?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I'm ready. Let's get started."[/color]
  15. OOC: No, everything's fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [color=darkslateblue]Kiva had known that someone would have to be in the command center. The base's lockdown had been triggered shortly after the assult began, and someone would have to manually control the security doors or else the base's personell would become trapped. And it would likely be a higher-ranked individual, as common troops weren't usually familiar with command center operations. So Kiva told Daego, who'd been blowing through the security doors un untill then, to stand back and let the branch of the assult team with herl demolish it in a manner less likely to injure anyone on the other side. However, debris did end up hitting the woman in the room, apparently knocking her unconcious. Just to be sure, Kiva set her guns to stun and fired a couple shots at her before setting the guns back to standard shots.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As Kiva examined what remained of the command center's computers, Daego took a closer look at the unconcious woman. "I think we got lucky again," he said. "This is none other than Kimberly Spencer."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Really?" Kiva said. "Excellent. She's probably one of the best people in this base to capture, and we've got her. She may even know where the other two bases are. Okay, this changes things. Alpha One, your team's on its own from here on. Daego and I are taking Kim, here, and pulling out. Daego, help me gather up everything that's left of the computers in here. Kim did a good job of destroying them, so there won't be much information left, but any scrap of data left is a scrap we need to get. So I don't care how blown to hell it is, I want everything that hasn't been blown completely to bits. Alpha One, this applies to you as well. I want you and your team to retrieve any computer remains, no matter how damaged. Pass this order on to the other branches of the assult force. The [i]Exodus[/i] can deliver the retrieved items to me before leaving the sector."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Understood," Alpha One replied.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego quickly gathered up what was left of the command center's computers, and they also found what little was left of what had to be Kim's handheld computer. Kiva then sent a signal to the [i]Catalyst[/i]. Beta branch had taken out the base's main power supply, so its sheilding was no longer active, allowing transport doors to be opened freely. And upon receiving Kiva's signal, the [i]Catalyst[/i] opened a transport door at her location. She threw Kim's unconcious body through the door, and she and Daego followed with the gathered computer remains. The door shut behind them, and the [i]Catalyst[/i], at Kiva's command, began its return to Earth orbit.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Daego, contact the [i]Creator[/i]," Kiva said. "Inform them that the assult team is finishing up planting the explosives, and that the base will be destroyed imminently. And have them send a shuttle over to retrieve Kim. They can handel her interrogation; we've got our own work to do. Just make sure they report to us any information about the locations of the other two bases, and I do mean anything. I'm going to get out of this armor, and then I'm going to get to work on these computer remnants."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that's good, SunfallE. Oh, and I don't plan to say much about Kim being taken to the Creator (just a general mention that she shuttle picked her up), so don't feel like you have to wait for me to post anything involving her, SunfallE and Aaryanna_Mon.
  16. [color=darkslateblue]"Kiva," Daego said, "we just got lucky."[/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego were onboard the [i]Catalyst[/i], which was currently hovering just above the ocean, near Australia. With all steath features active, the ship was virtually impossible to spot with even the most advanced sensor gear, and certainly not detectable by what the Resistance had, though the Resistance would know that she ship was no longer visible on scanners. Or they would, had Kiva and Daego not taken measures against this.[/color] [color=#483d8b]Before entering Earth's atmosphere, Kiva had deployed one of the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s ECM drones. This drone was set to produce an exact replica of the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s sensor reading, becomming, to scanners, indistinguishable from the real [i]Catalyst[/i]. And like everything else on board the [i]Catalyst[/i], the drone was the most advanced version there was. It could reliably fool all but the most advanced sensor equipment at closer ranges than any previous model. It had a much longer duration, as well, being able to operate at full effectiveness for almost twice as long as the current millitary standard.[/color] [color=#483d8b]With these safeguards in place, only one potential source of detection remained. upon entering the atmosphere, and ship would produce a noticable atmospheric effect easily visible on sensors. When the Resistance was unable to detect the object they'd have to know was there, they'd probably assume it was the recently-vanished [i]Catalyst[/i]. Kiva and Daego didn't want to give even the slightest hint of what was coming, so they hid their entry signature by following right behind a transport ship destined for Australia. And they were using this ship for more than that. In addition to the standard troop load for maintaining control of the captured natives, the transport ship [i]Exodus[/i] was carrying a full assult team, ready at any time for deployment under Kiva's command. Kiva and Daego were almost ready to attack the Resistance base, so they wanted the necessary troops available immediately when the base's entrancce was discovered.[/color] [color=#483d8b]The base's network hadn't contained the location of the entrance, but Kiva had known that there had to be one, and that agents outside the base would have to know what it was. And she had managed to get general information on them. She didn't have any exact identities, but she had enough for her and Daego to find them, with some work. But now it was starting to look like that work would not be necessary.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"What is it?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"The agents we've been trying to locate have just been sent a transmission," Daego said. "It was a compressed, heavily scrambled burst transmission. None of the other ships within the sector would have been able to detect it, and even we couldn't have if we were too much farther away from the base than we currently are. Like I said, we got lucky."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Indeed. And to receive such a transmission, they'd need up-to-date handheld computers. We just might be able to get the entrance the easy way. Okay, Daego, deploy a snare drone, and have it grab one of the agents. We can't use a transport door, because if we do that this close to the base, they'll detect it. They won't see us, but they'll know that the Empire has one of their people. And we want them to be caught completely off-guard."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I know. Okay, drone's target is locked. Launching drone... drone is away."[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said. "Just out of curiosity, did you manage to understand any of the transmission?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Not much that's specific, but it looked like new orders. Something about trying to isolate a glitch in one of the sensor leap relay points. The only detail I got is that the glitch showed up about when the fleet was arriving. You think it could have been caused by our tracking pulse?"[/color] [color=#483d8b]"It's possible, but I wouldn't have expected it, not with the apparent quality of the Resistance's equipment here. Unless the unit in question needed maintainance. That could explain it. Not that it really matters. Soon, that base won't be around any more."[/color] [color=#483d8b]It wasn't long before the snare drone returned, its target successfully captured. The unconcious captive was identified as a Versilan and not just an enhanced human, and as expected, he had a Versilan handheld computer on him. Kiva immediately began going through it, and it didn't take her long to discover the method for entering the base. It was simple: the base was accessable only through a transport door. This transport door's equipment was kept seperate from the base's main network to prevent its discovery, and could only be accesed via a scrambled, direct-contact line that was virtually impossible to detect even with the most advance sensor gear. Upon receiving the transmission for entry from an operative's handheld computer, a transport door was opened at the location of the transmission's origin. It was left open only briefly so as to avoid detection, so it needed to be entered quickly.[/color] [color=#483d8b]Now that Kiva and Daego could gain access to the base, it was time for the attack to begin. Kiva contacted the [i]Exodus[/i], which immediately deployed the [/color][color=darkslateblue]assult team. The [i]Catalyst[/i] moved to their location and landed. Kiva and Daego exited the ship, outfitted in combat armor that was, of course, significantly more advanced than what the other troops had. Kiva was equipped with her weapon of choice, the ML-SS.7, while Daego was outfitted with a selection of various heavier weaponry.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay," Kiva said to the assembled troops, "you all know what to do, so I'm not going to repeat your orders. Remember than even though I am in overall command of this operation, your team's chain of command is unchanged, and I do not require you to obtain authorization for your actions. You know how to do your jobs, so do them.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right, then. As you know, the transport door will remain open for only a few seconds. Our timers are sinchronized, and the door will be opened on zero. When it opens, hit the forward boost, multiple times if necessary. I don't care what you have to do, just get through that door as fast as possible. If anyone's left out here, I'll try to reopen the door, but it's possible that this won't be possible, so if the door doesn't reopen, remain here until the [i]Exodus[/i] returns to pick you up.[/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, people, here we go. 5... 4... 3... 2.. 1... ZERO!"[/color] ------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Take it from here, Aaryanna_Mom.
  17. [color=darkslateblue]It was two days before the fleet's arrival when Kiva attempted to run her latest signal tracking program. "I've got a signal to the sensor gear. Sending tracer... now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Confirmed," Daego said. "I'm getting its signal. Tracer program is funcioning."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. I'm linking with the sensor gear now... and I'm linked. Beginning signal relay now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva was relaying her signal through the sensor gear as she had previously. This time, however, her intent wasn't to get into the Resistance base's computers. Loaded into her signal was a tracing program. This program would track the signal's path, allowing Kiva to see where it went. This would give her the location of the Resistance base if it worked. However, the sensor signals were very heavily scrambled and sheilded, which was why Kiva's previous tracker programs had worked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I think we've got-damnit," Daego said. "I had it for a second there, but then the tracer was lost."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, I see that. Pulling out."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, we were closer this time," Daego said. "We're making progress, at least."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva, her signal terminated, reviewed what data the tracker program had sent before becoming scrambled." A lot of progress," she said. "In fact, I think we'll get it next time."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Really?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yep. See, at this point we have two options. One is to continue refining tracker programs like we've been doing. This will likely take a while, but there is a faster way. That last program got me enough data to set up a tracking pulse."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What's a tracking pulse?" Daego asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"A tracking pulse is basically a brute-force solution to the problem of secure sensor transmissions. With a little data on the sensor signal in question, it's possible to configure the tracking pulse, which basically recreates itself during transmission. The tracking programs we've been using have been degraded by the signal's security. A tracking pulse will also be degraded, but by the time it is, it'll have produced a non-degraded duplicate of itself. This will repeat until the signal is at its destination.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Now, there is one drawback to using a tracking pulse. So far, I've been able to use the sensor signals without the Resistance knowing, but a tracking pulse is easier to detect. They can't stop it, but they'll know we've found them."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Is there a way around that?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"As a matter of fact," Kiva said, "there is. A tracking pulse will register as simply a purst of sensor activity. If we time it so we run the pulse when the sensors are recording heavy activity, it will go unnoticed."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What level of sensor activity are we talking about?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, it's a lot more activity than is actually necessary, but we could hide the pulse in, say, the mass of signatures caused by a large number of ships emerging from hyperspace."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"The fleet. We're going to hide the pulse in the fleet's arrival signatures?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "That's my plan. The pulse should be ready long before they get here, so that's not a concern. And the fleet's arrival isn't exactly something that'll look suspicious, so it's a perfect cover."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, if we'll be ready by then, let's do it."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I'm linked with the sensor gear," Kiva said. "Tracking pulse loaded and ready to send. Pulse set for transmission upon detection of the fleet's arrival signatures."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Confirmed. Fleet arrival in one minute... 30 seconds... 10... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Multiple hyperspace emergences detected. They're on time."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Tracking pulse is away... holy shit!"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego spun around to face Kiva. "What is it?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I- I think I just figured out why this signal's been so hard to track," Kiva said. "The tracking pulse data here shows a multi-signal leap, combined with rotating transmission-receipt units."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What?! How the hell did they pull that off?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]A signal leap was a common tactic used to make a signal harder to trace. Basically, a signal leap was an interval where the signal was not being directed at all. The lack of direction impared signal tracking. And a multi-signal leap was simply a series of signal leaps. Rotating transmission-receipt uints referred to when relay points for a signal were not set, instead changing randomly. This also made signal tracking more difficult. However, nobody'd managed to set up a combination of the two before, signal leaps originating from and ending at random locations. Nobody, that is, except whoever'd set up this particular system.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I don't know how they managed it," Kiva said, "but they did it somehow. Shit, it's no wonder we haven't been able to track the signal."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"We've got it now, though. We've got the data, so let's see here... damn, they're not taking any chances here, are they? Even after all they've got set up, they're still dispersing the signal at the end. And it's a pretty wide dispersal, too. We've got a 25-mile radius to search."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's a lot better than we had, and I think I know where within that radius it is. See, there one city within that radius, and only one. Our Earth database is identifying it as Canberra, Australia. My guess is that the Resistance base is right under the city. That way, they're protected from an arial or orbital strick, because we'd have to destroy the city and kill its inhabitants to do that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, and that's unacceptable," Daego said. "If the base is under the city, we'll just have to take it out from the inside. The fleet'll have enough troops for that. We just need to figure out where the base's entrance is."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I doubt that'll be in their computers anywhere," Kiva said, "but there might be something that'll help us out. I'm in their network, so I'll just take a look." She ran her data-retrieval programs, then pulled out. She and Daego had just begun to review [/color][color=darkslateblue]the data when they received a transmission.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"This is from the fleet's flagship, the [i]Creator[/i]," Daego said after viewing the transmission. "They have an order update for us from the High Council. The Council wants the Resistance bases swept for wanted individuals before destruction. Not suprising, I guess, what with the live-capture criminals the [i]Crimson[/i] has confirmed the presence of."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, we'll just sweep the base before blowing it up. We'd have to go through it to plant the bombs anyways, so this won't add too much. Of course, we need to know how to get in first, so let's take a look at the data I pulled out and see if we can't learn anything."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] ------------------------------------------ OOC: Hope that was good. SunfallE, let me know if I need to change anything.
  18. [color=darkslateblue]"The [i]Tempest[/i] is reporting readiness," Daego said. "They're standing by to recieve coordinates."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. The transmission is set, and I'm starting the broadcast."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The [i]Catalyst[/i] had entered Earth's atmosphere and was descending towards the surface with the [i]Tempest [/i]following closely behind. Earlier, Kiva had recorded a essage, and now it was being continually broadcast. And naval vessel in range would receive the message, which said to abandon ship immediately or the crew would be killed when the ship was destroyed. Since the [i]Catalyst[/i] couldn't broadcast the message across the entire planet at once, it was being looped so that each vessel would receive the message in enough time for the crew to abandon ship.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego had planned a basic route in advance. It would, of course, require some modification to adjust for the movement of the targets, which was why Daego was running a continual area scan.The [i]Catalyst[/i] would follow the pre-planned route as much as possible while destroying all ships they came across. The coordinates of these ships would be transmitted to the [i]Tempest[/i], which would be following, though it would quickly fall behind, thanks to the fact that its job would take longer. Still, it would be more than fast enough to pick up all the survivors before they were waiting for too long.meanwhile, after finishing up with the active ships, the [i]Catalyst[/i] would proceed to take out all naval bases and beached vessels that had been able to reach land in time, just not a port. After that, the vessel would return to orbit.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Most of the operation went off without a hitch, though there were a few ships whose crews had chosen not to evacuate, but to fight. Of course, nothing they had was of any use against the [i]Catalyst[/i], so their efforts were meaningless, and just served to get them killed, as Kiva and Daego weren't going to give them more time to abandon ship. They'd warned everyone to abandon or they would die; it wasn't their fault that some people chose to ignore the warning. But most of the people had complied and abandoned ship, and the [i]Tempest[/i] would be coming to pick them up.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That went rather smoothly," Daego remarked as the [i]Catalyst [/i]returned to orbit.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Indeed. I actually thought that more people would try to fight, seeing as how they were initially so reluctant to start moving as ordered in the first place. But yeah, it went well. Of course, we've still got some work to do."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I know. How's your new tracer program coming?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I think I've almost got it finished. I just have to work out a couple bugs in the program, then it'll be good to go. Of course, it still may not work. And if it doesn't, well, I guess we'll just have to try something else."[/color]
  19. Well, thank you, Mariskah. Oh, and Aaryanna, you don't have to wait for me before you post. I'll probably post this evening, but if you want to post before that, then go ahead.
  20. [color=darkslateblue]"Any progress on that tracker, Kiva?" Daego asked.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"No. I can't get anything to work. Whoever set up that signal scrambler routine is [i]good[/i]. I've never seen one this solid. One thing's for sure: we can't let whoever's in charge down there escape. Which won't be easy to do, since we don't even know who the person is. Anyways, how are things looking down there?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego had left Kiva to work on locating the Resistance bases and had taken a look at how things were going down on Earth. "Well, not too good," he told Kiva. "They're moving at about the speed we predicted, but it looks like they wasted a day or so before getting started. God, are they even inefficient down there. Anyways, there'll be a lot more casualties than we anticipated unless we do something."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"What can we do? It's not like we can save them ourselves. And we can't give them more time; the Fleet's not going to wait for us. I just don't see any way to avoid it, Daego."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What about the [i]Crimson [/i]or the [i]Tempest[/i]? We could make sure the crews get into lifeboats and then have them come down and pick the people up."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"True, but that would likely interfere with their own duties. No, that's not really a workableoption, I'm afraid."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Just then, the 'message received' beep sounded. Daego sent confirmation that the message was received, then read it. As he finished reading the message, he just had to laugh. Kiva looked at him. [/color][color=#483d8b]"What's so funny?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Just a very amusing coincedence, that's all. This message is from the [i]Tempest[/i]. Commander Crystia is informing us that she's noticed the delay in naval evacuation, and she says that if necessary, it would be no problem for the [i]Tempest[/i] to pick up survivors. She also says that they could help us blow the ships up if we need the assistance."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva had to laugh at that, too. "Really? That is kind of funny. Well, it sounds like our problem is solved. Send a reply thanking Crystia for her offer. Tell her that although we should have no problem destroying the ships, we will inform her of the locations of evacuees needing retrieval."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. As he sent the message, Kiva started another sensor sweep, this time a quicker one. She wanted updated positions of all naval vessels, which would make it easier to locate them tomorrow, when the destruction would begin.[/color]
  21. That was my understanding, too. That's why I went ahead and used them.
  22. [color=darkslateblue]The sensor sweep was nearing completion when the message indicator went off. The tone used indicated that this particular message was from the High Council. Kiva left Daego to finish analyzing the sweep's results and went to view the message.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"What was it?" Daego asked Kiva when she returned. "New orders?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yes, new orders. It seems that, as we thought, the timetable has been advanced. The fleet will be arriving in a week, and they want Earth's millitary neutralized before they get here. Our job is to take out the planet's naval forces."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right. Not sure why we're needed for that, though. The [i]Crimson[/i] or even the [i]Tempest[/i] could do that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, the Council wants us to remain in-system anyways. We're to work on locating those three Resistance bases we learned about, and when we find them, we destroy them. We're also to keep an eye out for some wanted individuals. It would appear that Kim and Jason are indeed on Earth as was suspected. Jason's sister, Sara, is also with the Resistance, and we're to look for her as well."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That makes more sense," Daego said. "There's nobody better at tracking down the Resistance than you are, and we already know how well-hidden these bases are."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Yeah, that's for sure. Anyways, that's what our orders are: locate and destroy the Resistance bases, and take out the naval forces. Now, we've got a preset timetable for the naval forces. We're to begin four days from now, and finish by the time the fleet arrives.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"This mission is a bit different from out previous one. For one thing, our targets don't have fixed locations. The naval bases do, but the actual ships don't. so we can't pinpoint their locations ahead of time. Many will be in the bases, but many wil also be all over the place. We'll have to hit them as we locate them. That won't pose a problem, though. Since the invasion is imminent, we will not be required to hide ourselves, which is good, because we'll have to enter the atmosphere for this. We don't have enough missiles for the job, of course, so we'll have to use energy weapons, and using those from orbit as many times as we'd need to would have negative effects on Earth's atmosphere."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Makes sense. What about notification? Can we get the people off the boats, or are they targets too?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"They're not targets," Kiva said. "We can have them evacuate. Not all of them will be able to do so in time, however. Their ships are slow, and many won't be able to reach land before we have to blow them up. The crew could evacuate in lifeboats, but those don't even have food or water, so nobody would last long.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Now, if we want to evacuate as many people as we can, our best bet would be to make a blanket transmission as soon as possible. We notify everyone that all naval vessels will be destroyed beginning four days from now, and tell them to use whatever means necessary to get at many ships evacuatedd as they possibly can withing the allotted time."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Sounds like the best choice to me," Daego said after thinking about it for a minute. "Of course, we'll need relay points in triangulation around the planet to reach everyone at the same time. We'd be one of the points, but we need two others."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Well, we could always deploy two of our relay drones, but there's no reason to waste them when we can use the [i]Crimson[/i] and the [i]Tempest[/i]. We'll have those two ships triangulate their positions with us."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That... that's a good idea. Yeah, let's do that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, then. You get position coordinates for us and the [i]Crimson[/i] and [i]Tempest[/i], and send those ships their coordinates. I'll record our message for transmission once we're all in position."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"...and we were also behind the destructions of the Hindburg nuclear weapons facility. I assume you all know how quickly that place went down. You should know that we're perfectly capable of doing what we say. So please comply as soon as possible. Remember, we will commence the destruction of naval forces in four days, regardless of how many people we will kill. I hope you'll make the right decision and get as many people to safety as you possibly can." And with that, Kiva terminated the transmission.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Confirmed proper relay from the [i]Crimson[/i] and the [i]Tempest[/i]," Daego said. "The blanket transmission was a success. Translation programs are reporting succesful language identification and translation. Our message was globally recieved and properly translated. Everything went as planned."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good. Thank the [i]Crimson[/i] and the [i]Tempest[/i] for their aid, and tell them that we have no further need of them at the moment."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Go it," Daego said. He quickly composed and sent the message, then turned to Kiva. "Well, we've got four days before we start blowing things up. We going to work on the Resistance bases until them?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Of course. In fact, we should get started right now. You start examining that grade B gear. See if you can make any progress in unscrambling the signal so we can trace it. I'll try to modify a tracker program so it'll work through the scrambling. Let's get to work."[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I hope the bit with using the [i]Crimson[/i] and the [i]Tempest[/i] was okay. If it wasn't, please tell me, and I'll change it.
  23. All right, my objective's complete. Now what, SunfallE? Should I just wait until you start the next part, or is there something you want me to do in the meantime?
  24. [color=darkslateblue]"Well," Kiva said, "it looks like the bomb units have finally given up."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It's about time," Daego replied. "They cut it close, didn't they? There's only a few minutes left before it's time to blow the places up."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego were on the bridge of the [i]Catalyst[/i], which was once more in orbit around Earth. After disposing of the procured nuclear weapons, Kiva and Daego had returned to Earth and immediately started on their next targets. Next on their list were several large facilities, though not ones that were as large as the first facility they'd hit. There were a couple of nuclear facilities among the targets, but neither of them actually kept radioactive materials on the grounds, which made things easier.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego had contacted all of the large facilities. The facilities were given two hours to evacuate before the buildings were destroyed, and that was two hours ago. Thanks to the previous day's destruction of the transportation facility by the [i]Crimson[/i], these threats were all taken seriously, and the facilities were quickly evacuated. Bomb squads had gone in to try and find the bombs, but they hadn't found anything. Kiva doubted that they would have even had their been anything for them to find. But there wasn't anything for them to find, and eventually they'd withdrawn.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The [i]Crimson[/i] couldn't blow up its targets from orbit while remaining inconspicuous, so it had been necessary for people too go down to the planet and actually plant bombs. However, there was a missile-based weapon for use from orbit against surface targets; it was designed to look, when it hit the target, like the destruction was because of standard explosives like those Jared and the others were using. Because of its specialized useage, this [i]Chameleon[/i] missile weapon wasn't a very common one, but all of the Elite Specialists' messanger ships were fitted with it. So Kiva and Daego didn't have to go down to Earth and plant bombs; they could destroy their targets from orbit, and nobody would know that standard explosive's weren't used. Not even grade B sensor gear would be able to pick up the firing of the weapon, though some of the more-advanced equipment could. But nothing on Earth would be able to.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The [i]Catalyst[/i] fired the missiles right on scedule. The targets would be hit precisely two hours after the evacuation calls had been made. And those facilities weren't the only locations being targeted. Since Resistance personell were the primary targets at the other locations, they were being targeted now as well. Otherwise, it was possible that some of the Resistance people would guess what was hapening and evacuate. Kiva and Daego were nullifying this possibility by destroying every remaining target simultaniously, something that was quite simple, thank's to that nice [i]Chameleon[/i] launcher.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]As each missile impacted, the target was marked as destroyed. And when all the missiles had hit, every target was destroyed. "That takes care of that," Daego said. "Now what?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Send a message to the [i]Crimson[/i] updating them on our status. Tell them that we've taken out all identified targets and are going to make one final in-depth sensor sweep of the planet to confirm destruction of all targets. And send that message to the Hign Council as well, through the standard channel they have for Elite Specialists. And ask if there are any mission updated or new orders, too."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Daego nodded. "Got it," he said. He composed and sent the messages as Kiva started the final sensor sweep.[/color]
  25. [color=darkslateblue]"You're certain we can't afford to allow these other facilities to be evacuated?" Daego asked Kiva.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I'm sure. With all those minor facilities, they could clear out everything if we gave them time to evacuate. It would render our destruction of them pretty pointless. And as for the big one, well, if we announced our intent, they wouldn't evacuate that place. The Resistance members in it would probably get the hell out of there, but to the humans, that facility is extremely valuable. Remember, those 'nukes' are the humans' deadliest weapons. They won't want to lose the facility. So calling in ahead of time will only serve to spare the lives of our enemies."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"True. Yeah, I guess you're right, as much as I hate having to kill so many innocents."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I'm not fond of that, either, but I just don't see a way to avoid it. Anyways, are we decided on the [/color][color=darkslateblue]order, then?"[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Yes."[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Good," Kiva said. "In that case, we might as well get started."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The first target was a nuclear weapons facility at which Resistance presence had been confirmed. After taking it out, Kiva and Daego would hit other large facilities. For those, they'd call in ahead of time to get the facilities evacuated before destroying them. And last was a number of smaller, less important locations that would be taken out in rapid succession.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The first target, the nuclear facility, would be the toughest. The heavy security and millitary presence wouldn't give the [i]Catalyst[/i] any trouble, and the ship could easily destroy the facilty, but first the nuclear weapons had to be secured. This wasn't likely to be that hard to pull off against the humans' inferior technology, but it would still be more difficult than destroying the other facilities.[/color] [color=#483d8b]Under cover of night, the [i]Catalyst [/i]desended towards the facility with full stealth systems active. Een the best stealth systems couldn't prevent somebody from seeing the ship, however, hence the nighttime approach. Nobody would see the ship coming until it was right over the facility.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Coming up on the target," Daego said. "Defens are as primitive as expected."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Take them out anyways."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said "Targeting defensive units... targets locked. Opening fire."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Nothing could be seen or heard from within the ship, but that didn't mean that nothing was hapening. The [i]Catalyst[/i] was automatically locking on and firing at the various defenses around the facility, none of which had enough time to do anything. Before anybody could react, it was over, and the [i]Catalyst[/i] was hovering over the facility.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"All right," Daego said, "that takes care of that."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva replied. "I've got the communications signals traced. I'm opening now. Audio only, of course." Kiva and Daego had agreed to use audio only. It made things easier, as they didn't have to disguise their faces, and voice alteration was much easier to do. And audio-only was the norm on Earth, so the lack of video wouldn't be unusual.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]It wasn't long before someone answered the call. By now, the people running the facility had to be peeing themselves. Their defenses had just been wiped out, and not they were being contacted on a private line. So Kiva could only imagine what was going through this particular man's head as he answered the call. "Just who the hell are you?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"That's not relevant," Kiva said, knowing that the the voice the man was hearing sounded nothing like her own. "All that you should care about right now are my instructions."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Just what the hell do you want?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"It's quite simple, really. I want you to evacuate this facility, and I want you to do it now."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"And if I don't?"[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"If you don't," Kiva said, "then everyone in the facility will die when I blow it up."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"You couldn't do that," the man scoffed.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Couldn't I? I just tore through your defenses like they weren't even there. I'm more than capable of blowing this place up, and you know it. Now, I'm going to destroy this facility in one hour. Whether or not you evacuate it is your choice, but remember that either way, I will destroy the facility." And with that, Kiva cut the channel.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego weren't going toto let the people escape, of course. After all, many of them were with the Resistance, and since Kiva and Daego didn't know which ones were and which ones weren't, they were going to play it safe and kill everyone. But they wanted the people out of the facility because they had to secure the nukes before blowing the place up, and they didn't want any humans making things harder.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]The operation went quite smoothly. When the facility had been evacuated, the [i]Catalyst[/i] opened fire at the fleeing people. They all died quickly. Next, Daego pinpointed the locations of all nuclear weapons within the facility. The [i]Catalyst[/i]'s pinpoint lasers cut through the facility to the weapons, which were grabbed by the [i]Catalyst[/i]'s grappling lines and hauled aboard. When all the weapons were onboard, the [i]Catalyst[/i] opened fire once again, destroying what was left of the facility. The ship then ascended into space, and Daego set a course for the Earth's sun. After dumping the nukes near the sun, Kiva and Daego would return to Earth and take out the rest of their targets.[/color]
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