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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (David, Frankie, and their digimon start walking) Frankie: Where are we going? David: I'm not sure. (He sees a man) Who is that? Frankie: I don't know. David: It's Daleth! (They walk towart him) Hi, Daleth. This is Frankie. She's on our side. Frankie, this is Daleth. Frankie: Hi. David: We met someone who appeared to know you. He didn't know the code, but he was close. He got it backwards. He said that the enemy has dark tattoos. I pretended that he had the code right, and that I knew about the dark tattoos. I think he bought it. He threatened me with a knife when I recognised your name. Daleth: Did you get her name? David: He called himself Teth Danaku. Daleth: Teth! I thought he'd be running the show, not doing the fighting. David: You know him? Daleth: He's my brother. He dissapeared last year. Now I know why. David: We've got to stop him. By the way, do you know anything about these tattoos? Daleth: No. I'll try and find out. David: Thanks. Frankie, let's go. (They leave)
  2. David: (Whispering to Frankie) The code is actually Danaku Daleth. Also, Daleth said nothing about a dark tattoo. I decided to play along and see what would happen. And Teth fell for it. Frankie: Do you think she's related to Daleth? David: I'm not sure. I do know that we can't trust her. She obviously dislikes Daleth. i think she's with the enemey
  3. David: Okay. Omi, Chris, you take the one in the mountains. The rest of us will take the dessert ones, then meet up in the city where #7 is. Chris: We don't know where it is. David: Your digivices will lead you to others with digivices. Use them to locate us. I can locate the city using a map program in my laptop. Go. We'll see you later. Take Calumon, too. We'll be fine. We have more experiance. See you later. (Omi and Chris leave)
  4. David: My turn. Digivolution, activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Digi-Modify! Power activate! Hit him togeather! Growlmon: Pyro Blaster! Kikiyoumon: Spiny Spin! (Magnamon is hit by both attacks. He flies backward, lands, and is temporarily stuned) David: Now! Finish him off!
  5. David: If he's on the other side, then he'll be sure to report that there are humans here. We need to take him out. Guilmon: David, he's coming toward us! (They turn around and see Magnamon heading toward them) David: Okay, then. Looks like we have no choice. You ready, Frankie? Frankie: Yes. David: Then let's do it.
  6. David: Two things. First, any kids on are side will know the code phrase, Danaku Daleth. Frankie: Clever. David: that's exactly what I said. Second, Daleth is supposed to find me and tell me what to do. But, what do we do until then? Frankie: I don't know. David: Why did that Magnamon attack you?
  7. David: Are you in? Frankie: How do you know that stuff. David: I was told by a strange man. Frankie: Who? David: A man called Daleth Danaku.
  8. David: I'm working on that part. My idea is to use our digivices as energy conduits. We can use them to trigger the energy withen the Destiny Stones. Once they are all triggered, our digivices will be able to act as an outlet for that energy. I just don't know how to activate the destiny stones.
  9. (David and Guilmon see Frankie and Renamon at the bottom of the cliff) David: That's Frankie! Guilmon: You know her? David: She's in my class. And that's a renamon, right? Guilmon: Right David: Mabey Daleth recruited her. (They walk over to Frankie and Renamon) Hey, Frankie. Frankie: David? What are you doing here? David: I'm on a mission. And you? Frankie: I'm not quite sure. David: Listen to this. (He explains what Daleth told him) So, I could use some help. Are you with me?
  10. (David and Guilmon arrive in the digital world. They are in a desert) David: That was a rush. Now what? Guilmon: What did Daleth tell you to do? David: He told me that he would find me in the digital world. We should probably look around. Daleth will find us. I'm sure of it. (They start walking)
  11. David: So, you became afraid of flying, but you like digimon? Even after one attacked the plane? Saffire: Yes. David: Intiresting. Do you remember which digimon it was that did it?
  12. David: Let's go. (Everyone climbs on Megidramon) Blackwargreymon, lead the way. (megidramon follows Blackwargreymon) Stone #1 is in the middle of a desert. So are stones 2,3, and 4. #5 is in a mountain range, and 7 is by a city. #6 will be hard. It's underwater.
  13. David: You're quick. Yes, that's what we want. And it needs to be quick. But let me talk to the newcomers first. Hey, you! Come here! Saffire: Okay. (She walks over to David) I'm Saffire. David: I'm David. (He introduces the others) No time for the whole story. We need to find the destiny stones. We're going to try to use their energies to destroy an entity called the D-Reaper. We could use your help. Will you help us?
  14. (David finishes packing and goes to his computer) David: The gate is open. We're ready, right? Guilmon: Yes. David: Then let's go. (He puts on his backpack) Grab on. (Guilmon grabs him) Activate! (They are sucked into the digital world through David's computer)
  15. David: Watch this. (He walks up to Lawrence III) Hey, Lawrence. Lawrence: Hi, David. David: New data. Lugia will appear here only if someone brings the legendary pokemon Suicune here. However, Eusine just got on that boat, and he knows where Suicune is. Ask him. Lawrence: thanks. (He gets on the boat) David: Idiot.
  16. David: Let's do it. Digi-Modify! Power activate! Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! (the attack hits Blackwargremon, sending him backwards) David: Are we done yet?
  17. (David enters his room and opens his closet. Guilmon comes out. David grabs his backpack, empties it, and begins to pack) David: We need to go to the digital world. There's trouble, and this Daleth guy asked me to help. Guilmon: There's a guy outside. Is that Daleth? (David looks out his window and sees Daleth. He opens the window) David: Did you forget something, Daleth? Daleth: Yes. Some humans have desided to help. The digimon have promised them things for helping. If a human you see says "Danaku Daleth", there on you're side. David: Clever. See you whenever. (He closes the window)
  18. David:Blackwargreymon is a Mega-level digimon who can somehow locate the destiny stones. The problem is, he's a fighter. we'll have to prove ourselves to him before he'll help. Venna: Do we have a choice? David: Not really, no. Zach: Then let's go. David: Right. Calumon, a little help, please. Calumon: Okay. Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon David: Let's go. (They climb on Megidramon) Digi-Modify! Hyper speed activate! (They head towards the area where Blackwargreymon is)
  19. (David follows the man) David: Who are you? Man: My name is Daleth Danaku. I know who you are. I also know about your secret. David: My what? Daleth: Don't play dumb with me. I know you have a digimon partner. David: How did you know that? Daleth: I need you to help me. David: I know that. What's the deal? Daleth: For years, the digital world and the real world have existed in peace. But recently, digimon have begun to prepare for an invasion of the real world. David: Why would they do that? Daleth: I believe that they feel they are supirior to humans, and they've decided to wipe us out. David: How do you know this? Daleth: I spied on a meeting in the digital world. I heard everything. David: I'll help. just let me get some things. I can enter the digital world from there, too. Daleth: Very well. I will find you in the digital world. (David returns to his house and goes inside) That was easy. He fell for that one. (He leaves)
  20. David: Why don't you just give up? Cassedy: Never! David: You won't get anywhere. We know your plan. Butch: How colud you possibly know about that? David: I read it. Meganium, return. We have what we want. I'm sure we'll see each other again. Let's go find the others. (They leave. They walk towards where the others are) Venna: Why did you let them leave? David: We can't keep them with us, and if we tied them up, they would have escaped sonner or later. Besides, they want revenge, and they also want their control box back. They'll come after us, and stop trying to kill others untill they get us. (They see a man ahead of them. He is walking toward them) Uh-oh. Venna: Who is that? David: That's Eusine. He's obsessed with catching Suicune, one of the legendary pokemon. We need to get him off of the island before we call the legendary pokemon here, or he could screw up everything. (He sees another man) And that guy's even worse. His name's Lawrence III, and he's obsessed with catching Lugia. He must have heard the rumors that Lugia lives near here, and he's here to catch it.
  21. David: We need a new plan. Meganium, come here. (He whispers something to Meganium. Meganium leaves the house. David turns toward Butch and Cassedy) You know what you're problem is? You're too cockey. You thought that there was no way you could possibly loose, so you didn't bother to think of any backup plans. Cassedy: Is there a point? David: No. i'm stalling. (The window behind Cassedy breaks, and two vines come through it and grab the control box from Cassedy. Meganium jumps through the window and runs over to David, who takes the control box) I'll be needing this. (He turns it off) Now, where were we?
  22. OOC: You're in. ------------------------- David: It's harder than you think. I can't determine the exact locations of them. Venna: Then we'll just look in each area untill we find them. David: We don't have time for that. I have another idea. Venna: What? David: There is a digimon who can sense the exact locations of the destiny stones. The problem is that he might not be too friendly. Venna: Who is it? David: i know his location, so we can find him, but we need to be ready to fight. We'll probably need to beat him in battle before he'll help. Venna: who is he? David: A digimon called Blackwargreymon.
  23. (David boots up his computer and logs on to the Internet. He checks his E-mail, and sees a strange message) I know what you want. I can help you, but first, I need you to help me. Meat me outside your house. I'm probably there already. (David shuts down his computer) David: Does this person really know what I want? (He looks out the window and sees a man standing outside. The man is covered compleatly by the cloak he wears) that must be him. I might as well see what he wants. There's nothing better to do anyways. And if he can help me, then I'll help him. (David steps outside and walks over to the man) David: I got your message. What do you want? Man: Follow me. David: Fine. (They leave)
  24. David: Go Meganium! Rocket1: We have a suprise for you. David: Or not. Butch. Butch: How did you know that? David: I've seen pictures. Cassedy, I know you're there too. Give me the device before I have to take it. Venna: What device? David: It's a control unit for things they have on their pokemon. It works by makeing the pokemon it's used on very angry. The angrier the pokemon, the harder it is to beat. Cassedy: How did you know that? David: Doesn't matter. Venna, do NOT destroy the control box. We need it. Cassedy: You won't get it. Go Houndour! Butch: Go Hitmontop! (Both pokemon have devices on their heads) David: Meganium, Vine Whip! Aim for the headband on Hitmontop! Butch: Hitmontop, Rapid Spin! (Hitmontop starts spinning. it dodges the vine whip) David: Bring it on.
  25. David: I have an idea. (He gets a laptop computer out of his backpack and turns it on) I've linked to a computer network in a large city in te digital world. I'm using the network to scan the digital world. (His laptop beeps) What's this? Zach: What is it? David: 7 different locations giving me an identical reading. The reading is very similar to Calumon's reading. I'm trying to find out what they are. (He works on that) Here we are. these spots hold the digital world togeather. The readings are form things called Destiny Stones. Not only do they hold the digital world togeather, but they also contain some of the same energy that Calumon does. If we can somehow tap into this energy, we can use it against the D-Reaper.
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