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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
I'm joining in. Name: David Nickname: None Age: 16 Personality: Couragous and persistent, he never gives up. He is very inteligent. He has little experiance working with others, and as a result is kind of a loner. He wants to make friends, but isn't quite sure how. Background: His dad died in a car accident when he was 3. He has lived with his mom, who never got over the crash. He never went to school, but was taught by his mom. He is very intirested in computers, and when Guilmon appeared, he began trying to learn about Digimon. He wants friends, but has no idea where to start. Digimon: Rookie: Terriermon Champion: Gargomon Ultimate: Rapidmon Mega: MegaGargomon Attacks: The usual
(David and Wargrowlmon land) David: It should be right around here. (He looks around, and notices a small white digimon with a weird symbol on its head. He points his digivice at it) Calumon. Rookie level. (Looks at his digivice) The catalyst should be here. (He looks at Calumon, then back at his digivice, then at Calumon again) Wargrowlmon: What? David: I think this thing is the catalyst.
LDavid: Let's do this. LGuilmon: Right. Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon (Devimon enters the room) LDavid: I guess you're first.
OOC: Well, then. ------------------------- (FDDavid and FDGuilmon are taken to a large room. A voice is heard, but there is noone else in the room) Voice: You have something to tell me? FDDavid: Number 7 was working with the light spirits. It put up a fight, but I managed to capture it. What would you like me to do with it? Voice: Destroy it. FDDavid: Understood. (He puts the pendant on the floor, then pulls out an odd-looking device. He inserts the pendant into a slot in the device, then presses a button. The device glows for a second. FDDavid removes the pendant from the device) Done. Voice: Good work. Your next assignment is to destroy the human children that have been causing problems. FDDavid: what can they possibly do to us? Voice: They could storm this place and destroy the device. FDDavid: Thank you for that information. Now, I have a supprise for you. (FDDavid changes his appearance to LDavid. FDGuilmon does the same) LDavid: You've been had. The spirit I just destroyed was dark spirit number 4, the one previously in this body. You're next.
David: Guilmon, let's go. The others can handle this. We need to locate the catalyst. Digivolution activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Matrix digivolution activate! Growlmon matrix digivolve to: Wargrowlmon David: Digi-modify! Hyper-speed activate! Let's go find the catalyst. (David climbs on Wargrowlmon's back, and they leave)
David: All right. The catalyst appears to be located somewhere over there. (He points to the north) Zach: Then let's go. (They head in the direction David pointed) David: I hope you guys prepared for a long stay here. This might take awhile.
OOC: Just read the posts. ------------------------------------- (FDDavid and FDGuilmon appear at the entrance to the HQ of the dark spirits. A Devimon is guarding the door) FDDavid: Number four, reporting in. I have news for the boss. Devimon: (Points at FDGuilmon) Who is this? FDDavid: My host's Digimon partner is the new host for number 1. Now, we need to speak to the boss. Devimon: Very well. Follow me. (He leads FDDavid and FDGuilmon into the base)
David: Calm down! We could use their help. Venna: Okay, fine. Zach: So, what do we do now? David: When I hacked into the Hypnos data banks, I saw something about a "catalyst". There was also a sampling of the D-Reaper's origional program. I managed to isolate a part of that program. It seems that the D-Reaper is programed to locate and destroy something. I think it's looking for this catalyst. We should probably do the same. Zach: But how do we find it? David: The D-Reaper's program contains a search program. It uses this program to locate what it's searching for. I copied this part of its program, and loaded it into my digivice. We can use it to locate what the D-Reaper is looking for.
OOC: The attack is Pyro Blaster. And yes, you're in. ------------------------------------ David: Good job, everyone. Zach: It was nothing. David: One question, though. Zach: What? David: Where are Kairi and Chris?
OOC: When LDavid is pretending to be DDavid, I will refer to him as FDDavid(Fake DDavid). The same goes for Guilmon. -------------------------- LBliss: There is a light spirit who will help. (A light spirit enters the room) This one already knows your plan. LDavid: Great. (The light spirit enters Guilmon) We're ready. (LDavid changes his apperance to make it look like a dark spirit is in David) Let's go. (FDDavid and FDGuilmon dissapear)
Fine. Fine. Fine. You're in.
(Raremon begins to slow down) David: I think it's working. Zach: Let's finish this. David: Right. Digi-Modify! Power activate!
[Spirit: Do you really think this will work? David: Sure. Just remember that although I will resiet you, it's only an act to make the others think that I'm still possesed by a dark spirit.] LDavid: Is the plan okay with you guys?
David: We need a new stratagy. Zach: Any Ideas? David: Yes. Digi-Modify! Hyper-speed activate! (Growlmon begins to run around Raremon) We tire it out.
You're in. It's already started.
Since noone seems to to have seen the form for the character you have, I'll post it here. Please make sure you provide all of the required information. Name: Nickname (if any): Age/Grade(No one over 16): Personality: Phys. Description(only average humans!): Family/Background(but I don't want all bleeding-heart stories!): Digimon Rookie(Name/Attacks): Digimon Champion(Name/Attacks): Digimon Ultimate(Name/Attacks/): Digimon Mega(Name/Attacks/): Romance(what you like in a person): I don't want any OC+ORIGINAL. If I have someone write me 'I love Tai' or 'I love Sora' or something like that, I won't use them. Also, I don't want supernatural people! I'll allow wierd hair and eye colors but no tails, or fangs, or powers, or any of that. Also, I have a plot allready(see top). Do NOT make up any digimon. If a Digimon you want to use wasn't given attacks, you can make those up, but make them consistent with the digimon (no ice attacks on a fire digimon) and its level, or I will not use you. :wigout:
OOC: Conversations with a spirit inside of David will be enclosed in brackets[] (The spirit exits David) David: All right. That went well. Chris: What's up? David: I've got a plan. This spirit has agreed to help me. Chris: What's the plan? David: We're the only ones who know that I'm not possesed by a spirit anymore. I plan on infiltrating the HQ of the dark spirits, learning what I can, and then blowing my way out. However, the spirits can tell when someone is possesed. The light spirit has agreed to enter me, so the dark spirits will think I'm still one of them( A beeping noise is heard) Excuse me. That's the dark spirit's communicator. (He pulls it out) Number 4 here. I know. I'm on it. (He puts it away) They know that you caught one, Zach. That means I can pretend to have freed it. We can pretend that Guilmon is its host, but we'll need another light spirit. We need to find the others. In the meantime, I will be the light spirit's host. (The light spirit enters him) [David: Do you know where we can find the others? Spirit: Probably not. Who exactly are they? David: I don't know who all is there, but there are two light spirits. Spirit: Okay. I can take you there. David: Bring Guilmon, too. Spirit: Okay, but I can't bring the others. I don't have enough energy.] LDavid: Guilmon and I are going to go now. We'll be back when we're done. (LDavid and Guilmon dissapear) Chris: Good luck. (LDavid and Guilmon appear in the room with the others) LBliss: How the heck did you get in here? LDavid: Don't worry. I'm one of you. David captured the dark spirit. Nadou: You mean you're a light spirit? LDavid: Yes. The dark spirit is in David's pendant. [David: get down to business] LDavid: David has come up with a plan. (Explains David's plan) We need a light spirit to enter Guilmon, and then we'll be ready to go.
David: Are you sure we can trust that thing? Zach: Yes. David: We need to capture the one that was in me, but I can't tell witch one it is. Zach: Surely there's a way to tell them apart. David: The spirit said that the dark spirits have a higher temperature. Zach: How does that help? David: I just thought of something. whe the spirit possesed me, it got a pair of infrared goggles. I still have them. (He takes them out and puts them on) Now I can tell who's who. Call that spirit back. Zach: Okay. Spirit, you can stop now. (A spirit flies over to Zach) David: Capture it again, quick! (Zach recaptures the spirit) Good. Now I can get the other one. (He touches his capture pendant to the dark spirit) Without a host, you can't resist. (He captures the spirit) Take that. (He turns to the light spirit) We need to talk. enter me, please. (The spirit enters him)
David: All right, let's rock. Growlmon: Pyro Blaster! (Raremon gets hit, but comes at Growlmon) David: Man! This thing just doesn't give up
(DDavid appears by Zach, Chris, and Venna) Venna: What the?! Who are you? Chris: Someone who's possesed by a spirit. I'll explain later. DDavid: There won't be a later. (A beeping noise is heard) Not now. I can't take them all. I'll have to catch it. (A spirit flies into the area and crashes into DDavid. The dark spirit is knocked out, and the other spirit moves over to it, and they begin to fight. ExVeemon grabs David out of the air.) David: Thanks. A light spirit knocked it out, and it looks like they're fighting. I just hope the light spirit wins. Where's Guilmon?
David: All right. Let's rock. Digi-Modify! Power activate! Go get him! Growlmon: Pyro Blaster! (Raremon is hit and falls into the portal) David: All right. He'll be back shortly. Let's go! If we move, we can get to the digital world before he comes back. We'll finish him there. (He jumps into the portal. Growlmon jumps in after him)
OOC: Read the posts. ------------------------------- DDavid: Okay. Time for plan B. (He walks out to where the others weere waiting) What? Where are they? They must be hiding. but one spirit couldn't transport them all, so.... Crap. That's how they got here. Someone else has a light spirit, too. Okay, then. Plan C. (He dissapears)
David: Crap. This isn't good. We need to take him fast. Digivolution activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Let's do it.
(David grabs what his laptop, some clothes, and basic supplies, and puts them in a backpack. He then writes a note to his mom explaining where he is. He and Guilmon then return to the park) David: Now, we wait. Again. Guilmon: I hope it doesn't take long.
DDavid: So you're a light spirit, huh? that explains why my jammer didn't work. It was designed for use against dark spirits. But this changes nothing. Actually, it makes things worse for you. Now that i know what you are, i know just what to do. (He pulls out a black pendant) This is a pendant designed to capture light spirits. I think I'll try it out on you. (He touches the pendant to LBliss)