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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. There's more I need. Please go to the Adventures fourm and fill out the information in the thread there.
  2. David: Well? TJ: Can't you see we're busy here? We've biomerged and are in the middle of a fight. wait there, and we'll deal with you later. (everyone goes back to fighting) David: Lok at them, Megidramon. Just look at them. Simply pathetic. These guys aren't a threat. Megidramon: We were told to kill them. David: I know, I know. Megidramon: Who's first? David: The Imperialdamon. It pissed me off. Megidramon: Right David: Digi-Modify! Power activate! Megidramon: All right! David: Digi-Modify! Gigantula activate! (Megidramon grows to twice it's origional size) Megidramon: Now we're talking. David: Go get him. Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! (A red energy beam shoots out of Megidramon's mouth and hits Imperialdramon, who is knocked down and sent flying) David: Take that, ****-er! (everyone else stops fighting and looks at David and Megidramon) What's this? It looks like we've got ourselves a good fight after all.
  3. (David and Waargrowlmon reenter the fortress) David: Sorry. I didn't know you knew her. I'll stay with you while you finish extracting the spirit. I'm still blocking its mental abilities, so the extraction should be simple.
  4. David: Do you ever give up? (silence) Guess not. Digi-Modify! Hyperspeed activate! (Megidramon dodges War Dramon's attacks and flies circles around him.) David: Ha! He can't hit Megidramon at that speed. Now, time to finish this. Digi-Modify! Gigantula activate! (Megidramon grows to double his origional size) David: Go get him. Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! (War Dramon gets hid and is sent flying again) David: It looks like size does matter. Now, are we done yet?
  5. Actually, some people don't have anything in the subforum
  6. David: I didn't think you knew how to do that. It won't matter. Digivolution activate! WarGrowlmon digivolve to: Megidramon David: Digi-Modify! Power activate! Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! (War Dramon is hit and sent flying) David: Have you had enough yet?
  7. David: So what's it gonna be? TJ: Let's fight! David: BAD CHOICE! Digivolution activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Scared yet? (Silence) Didn't think so. (pulls out fancy electronic device) Let's see... energy content: check. Avalibility ratio: check. Let's do it! Matrix Digivolution activate! Growlmon matrix digivolve to: War Growlmon! Wargrowlmon: Atomic Blaster! (Tiny Dramon is knocked over and sent flying) David: Now, can we please be done with fighting?
  8. Suddenly, the wall explodes. When the smoke clears, a boy and a digimon are seen. Dark/Bliss: Who are you, and what do you want? David: I'm David, and this is Guilmon. I know all about you, and your mind tricks won't work. I'm jamming them using a device I made. I'm here for Chris. Chris: Where's Patamon? Patamon flies in the hole Patamon: I'm right here! These two rescued me. Chris: Thanks! Dark/Bliss: You won't escape! David: Wanna bet? Digivolution activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Matrix digivolution activate: Growlmon matrix digivolve to: War Growlmon David: Hyper speed activate! Get on, Chris. (Chris gets on, and David gets on behind him) Let's go! (they leave)
  9. Okay. It has been 2 years since the d-reaper was destroyed, and everything is more or less back to normal. The government says that it was a publicity stunt, and most people believe them. Only a few kids don't. One year ago, each of those kids got a Digimon partner and a digivice. Things are beginning to happen all over. There are frequent electrical disturbances, and noone knows what the cause is. Digimon have begun to appear, and the kids know that they need to do something about it. There. If you want to sign up, go to the main board in the Adventures forum.
  10. I'm gonna join. Name: David Digimon: Guilmon
  11. (David and Guilmon appear) David: Hey, bozos. you've got bigge things to worry about than each other. TJ: Like what? David: Like me. Digivolution activate! Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: I'm not done yet! Matrix Digivolution activate! Growlmon matrix digivolve to: Wargrowlmon David: I have a large advantage in this fight, besides your unwillingness to cooperate. TJ: Oh, yeah? What? David: I'm a bad guy, I know it, and I like it. Which meens I can do this. Dark Digivolution! Wargrowlmon dark digivolve to: Megidramon David: Now, bring it on.
  12. I'm going to join as a bad guy. Name: David Digimon: Guilmon
  13. Not necessarily. I do have a notice in that subforum about it, though. if you want to sign up, you'll just need to do it here
  14. I'm going to be participating in my story, so here are my stats. Name: David Nickname: None Age: 15 Personality: Couragous and persistent, he never gives up. He is very inteligent. He has little experiance working with others, and as a result is kind of a loner. He wants to make friends, but isn't quite sure how. Phys. Discription: 5' 6'', 165 lbs. Brown hair and eyes. Background: His dad died in a car accident when he was 3. He has lived with his mom, who never got over the crash. He never went to school, but was taught by his mom. He is very intirested in computers, and when Guilmon appeared, he began trying to learn about Digimon. He wants friends, but has no idea where to start. Digimon: Rookie: Guilmon/Attack: Pyro Sphere Champion: Growlmon/Attack: Pyro Blaster Ultimate: WarGrowlmon/Attack: Atomic Blaster Mega: Megidramon/Attacks: Pyro Force/Pyro Destroyer Romance: He dosen't even have friends, and isn't worring about romance. Notes: I chose Megidramon for the Mega level because I like him better than Gallantmon Megidramon wasn't given attacks, so I made them up. Pyro Force is a pair of red energy waves fired from the hands, and Pyro Destroyer is a high-power red energy beam fired from the mouth.
  15. Okay, I'm going to start a Digimon adventure. It will involve new characters (the people who sign up) and a new story. This is what I need from you... Name: Nickname (if any): Age/Grade(No one over 16): Personality: Phys. Description(only average humans!): Family/Background(but I don't want all bleeding-heart stories!): Digimon Rookie(Name/Attacks): Digimon Champion(Name/Attacks): Digimon Ultimate(Name/Attacks/): Digimon Mega(Name/Attacks/): Romance(what you like in a person): I don't want any OC+ORIGINAL. If I have someone write me 'I love Tai' or 'I love Sora' or something like that, I won't use them. Also, I don't want supernatural people! I'll allow wierd hair and eye colors but no tails, or fangs, or powers, or any of that. Also, I have a plot allready(see top). Do NOT make up any digimon. If a Digimon you want to use wasn't given attacks, you can make those up, but make them consistent with the digimon (no ice attacks on a fire digimon) and its level, or I will not use you.
  16. I'm going to start a Digimon adventure. It will involve new characters (the people who sign up) and a new storyline. Please sign up.
  17. (David appears from behind some bushes with his Digimon, Guilmon) David: Hi. I heard everything, and decided that I should help. By the way, I'm David, and this is Guilmon. Also, it's a bad idea to fight with each other. That will not get you anywhere. I used to fight with Guilmon all the time, but I don't anymore. So pull it togeather. Or, if you still want to fight each other, you'll have to get past me first. But let's not fight.
  18. If it's not to late, I'd like to join. Here are my stats: Name: David Nickname: None Age: 15 Personality: Couragous and persistent, he never gives up. He is very inteligent. He has little experiance working with others, and as a result is kind of a loner. He wants to make friends, but isn't quite sure how. Phys. Discription: 5' 6'', 165 lbs. Brown hair and eyes. Background: His dad died in a car accident when he was 3. He has lived with his mom, who never got over the crash. He never went to school, but was taught by his mom. He is very intirested in computers, and when Guilmon appeared, he began trying to learn about Digimon. He wants friends, but has no idea where to start. Crest/color: Determination/black Digimon: In-training: Demi Guilmon/Attack: Bubble Blast Rookie: Guilmon/Attack: Pyro Sphere Champion: Growlmon/Attack: Pyro Blaster Ultimate: WarGrowlmon/Attack: Atomic Blaster Mega: Megidramon/Attacks: Pyro Force/Pyro Destroyer Romance: He dosen't even have friends, and isn't worring about romance. Notes: I chose Digimon that already existed, and I hope you don't mind. Guilmon never went to his In-Training form, so I made it up. I chose Megidramon for the Mega level because I like him better than Gallantmon Megidramon wasn't given attacks, so I made them up. Pyro Force is a pair of red energy waves fired from the hands, and Pyro Destroyer is a high-power red energy beam fired from the mouth. I've read the posts, and know the story so far.
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