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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Well, you can count me in. There's been a general lack of the kind of RPGs I enjoy lately, so it's nice to see that someone's planning one I'd be interested in. Just one thing. If the RPG is set only 50 years in the future, don't go too crazy with technology. Some technological advancement is fine, but don't let it get out of control. For example, there shouldn't be terraformed moons or other planets. I could see a colony on the moon in 50 years (though not necessarily an American one), but it would be a contained environment, similar to a space station. An don't have illnesses be completely eliminated, either. Treatment for diseases we have today is fine, but there will always be new diseases. Anyways, aside from that, I think your idea's fine.
  2. [color=indigo]I've decided that I'll sign up for this.[/color] Name: Aesera Laorek Age: 19 Appearance: Aesera's often described as being 'good-looking' or 'pretty', but she's never heard anyone call her beautiful. She's a tall woman, standing well over six feet in height. She's big, too. Not fat, though. Looking at her, it's easy to tell that she works out a lot. She's in excellent physical condition, and she works hard to keep herself that way. Elemental: Metal Elemental Crest: Prudence D-Elemental Colour: Dark grey Digimon: KoKabuterimon is imposing for a Rookie-level Digimon, but his personality doesn't match this. He may look tough, but he's actually quite gentile, and he dislikes fighting. However, he is strong for a Rookie, and can put up quite a fight if he has to. Attacks: Scoop Smash: KoKabuterimon uses his horms to scoop up and toss the enemy. Beetle Lariat: KoKabuterimon shoots sharp barbs from his arms Digivolution Line: [color=dimgray]Baby: Pabumon[/color] [color=dimgray]Attacks:[/color] [color=dimgray]Bubble Blow: Pabumon blows adhesive bubbles at the enemy[/color] [color=blue]In-Training: Motimon[/color] [color=blue]Attacks:[/color] [color=blue]Bubble Blow: Motimon blows elastic bubbles at the enemy[/color] [color=darkslategray]Rookie: KoKabuterimon (see above)[/color] [color=indigo]Champion: BladeKuwagamon[/color] [color=#4b0082]Attacks:[/color] [color=#4b0082]Spark Blade: A peircing attack that is strongest when BladeKuwagumon's blades are glowing brightly. The attack is weaker when the blades aren't glowing.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Air Knife: Using rapid mothion of his blades, BladeKuwagumon creates a vaccum wave that can pull enemies towards him, making them easy targets for his blades.[/color] [color=green]Ultimate: MetalLifeKuwagamon[/color] [color=#008000]Attacks:[/color] [color=#008000]Homing Laser: MetalLifeKuwagamon fires lasers from his fingers. These lasers are homing to an extent, and therefore difficult (but not impossible) to dodge.[/color] [color=#008000]Emit Blade: Small beams emit from MetalLifeKuwagamon's fingers. These beams are essentially laser blades. This makes MetalLifeKuwagamon extremely deadly at close range.[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Mega: TyrantKabuterimon[/color] [color=#556b2f]Attacks:[/color] [color=#556b2f]Shine of Bee: TyrantKabuterimon fires a powerful beam from his tail. he can sustain the beam for a little while and move it to hit multible targets.[/color] [color=#556b2f]Bee Cyclone: TyrantKabuterimon releases a huge swarm of bees from underneath his sholder plates. The bees encircle the enemy, each bee delivering a powerful sting at least once. This makes Bee Cyclone an extremely deadly attack.[/color] [color=sienna]Elemental Digimon: (Will add as soon as appearane and attacks are avalible)[/color] [color=dimgray] [/color]Personality: Aesera is a pragmatist. She does what she has to. She always evaluating any situation. She takes action only after giving the action careful thought. However, when thinking about her actions she puts practicality above all else. Things like how her actions make others feel are secondary, as is how the actiions would make Aesera herself feel. Aesera will do whatever she thinks needs to be done, no matter what. As a result, she often comes across as cold and uncaring. This isn't true; she just doesn't let feelings get in the way of actions. Back-story: Aesera was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. Her childhood wasn't exactly ideal. Oh, her partents were nice enough. In fact, the situation at home was just fine. School, however, was a different story entirely. She didn't find any of her elementary school classmates particularly likable, so she tnded to be by herself. When the class bully needed a target, he chose the solitary person: Aesera. Aesera soon became the class target. At first, the abuse was only verbal, but Aesera feared that they would eventually begin hitting her. She didn't know why she was the target. She'd done nothing to the bullies. Plus, when she heard others discussing bullies and bullying behavior, they always talked about bullies picking on other guys. Girls were rarely targeted, it seemed. Aesera was an exception, and she had no idea why. She did know, however, that she needed to do something before things became violent. Neither the teachers nor Aesera's parents believed that the bullies would ever physically harm her. Aesera was certain that they would, and since she wasn't able to count on outside intervention, she did the only other thing she could. She prepared herself, physically and mentally, to resist. When the bullies eventually did try to hit her, she hit right back. After fighting off the bullies, Aesera was suddenly no longer their target. The bully situation was Aesera's first step tworads becoming the pragmatist she now is. It taught her that sometimes undesireable actions were necessary. The rest of Aesera's elementary and middle school years went smoothly, as did her time in high school. One day, after the bus dropped her off at her stop, she saw what she thought was movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look, expecting to see an animal. Instead, she saw a device of some sort sitting on top of a bag in a neighbor's trash can. She was curious about what the device was. She took it, reasoning that if it was in the garbage, its former owner clearly didn't want it anymore. Why did the element of metal choose Aesera? Probably because of its conection to prudence. Aesera is willing to take whatever action is necessary. She looks for the best possible option in any situation, and no matter what it is, that's what she does. Hers is a pragmatic veiwpoint, and is why she was chosen by the element of metal [color=indigo]Well, there's my sign-up. Hope I'm accepted. Oh, and since you're probably wondering, the colors in the Digivolution section of my sign-up have no relevance. I just thought that using different colors for the different Digivolutions made it easier to read.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo][i]Damn,[/i] Kiva thought. [i]This is taking too long. We need to finish Kalika and this Daego guy quickly and go join the battle against Mekratrimon's approaching force[/i].[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika and Daego's Digimon were putting up quite a fight. The wild BlackMegaGargomon aiding them had gone down, and Kalika's befriended Devidramon was unable to continue fighting, but Anubismon and SkullMeramon, along with Lilithmon and BlackWarGreymon, were still in the battle. They were outnumbered, but they weren't going down without a fight.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Vaxla's befriended Aquilamon was the next to drop out of the battle, followed by Lilithmon, who devolved to Salamon. When this happened, Daego spoke to Kalika. "We can't win tis," he told Kalika. "They've got us outnumbered and outgunned. We need to fall back. We won't be of any use if we let these people finish beating us down."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You're right," Kalika said after a moment. "I don't like to admit it, but they've got us beat. If we want to be of any use later, we need to retreat."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Daego nodded, and the two of them ordered their Digimon to fall back. They climbed aboard Devidramon, who, though too weak to continue fighting, was still just as good for transportation. Anubismon devolved to Labramon and climbed aboard Devidramon along with SkullMeramon and Salamon. Devidramon then took off, heading in the direction Mekratrimon's force was supposed to be approaching from.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well, that takes care of them," Kiva said as she, Sakura, Vaxla, and their Digimon watched Devidramon fly off. "Now, let's get going. We need to join the battle against Mekratrimon's force."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Just then, a substantial force of bird Digimon flew over Miskas, heading in the direction of Mekratrimon's force. A few of them broke off and landed at various locations in Miskas. Garudamon was one of them, and she landed by Kiva and the others.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"What's going on now?" Kiva asked Garudamon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I'm not entirely sure," Garudamon replied. "I took Deramon to where he said Ebonwumon was, but there was nobody there. Deramon thought that Ebonwumon had already started towards the battle, so I grabbed him again and took off. I didn't see Ebonwumon, so Deramon and I decided to come find you. Just then, we saw all those bird Digimon take off from various locations around where Deramon said Ebonwumon would be. I joined their force and was told by a Sylphimon that tehy would support the Miskas Digimon against Mekratrimon's force. She wanted me to come back here with a few others and help secure the city. There wasn't time to get a full explination, so I handed Deramon over to her and came back here."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Sounds like there's more going on here than we knew about," Vaxla said. "I mean, based on what you said, Garudamon, it sounds like those birds were waiting for Mekratrikmon's force to show up. Someone predicted Mekratrimon's move and took some measures. I say we do what that Sylphimon said and help protect the city. After all, she clearly knows more about what's going on than we do."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Definitely," Sakura agreed. "So let's do what she said. There are still some evil Digimon in the city; let's go clear them out."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Indeed," Kiva said. She indicated a pair of LIlithmon and a LadyDevimon. "Let's start with them." The others agreed with her, so they approached the Lilithmon pair and the LadyDevimon and attacked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Again, please don't have Mekratrimon or Ebonwumon appear. And yes, there's a reason the bird Digimon appeared. I'm not telling you now, though. You'll have to wait until my next post to find out.
  4. This sounds like it could be interesting. [color=darkslateblue]Name: Kalria Selkes[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Age: 26[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Gender: Female[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Class: Elementalist[/color] [color=darkslateblue] [/color] [color=darkslateblue]Weapons: Kalria weilds a pair of bladed staffs.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Magic: Kalria is an Elementalist. Specifically, she is a 'Dual Elementalist', one who has powers of two diferent elements. Dual Elementalists are uncommon, but hardly unheard of. However, Kalria is different from most Dual Elementalists. First, most Dual Elementalists are not as strong in either of their elements as a standart Elementalist. Kalria, however, is just as strong, if not stronger, in both of her elements. But although this is unusual, it's hardly unique.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]What makes Kalria unique is the fact that her two elements are fire and water. She is the first known Dual Elementalist to have powers of two opposing elements. There's a possibility that her stronger-than-usual powers are related to this unprecedented combination of elements. Also, this combination is almost certainly related to the... unpredictability of her powers.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Kalria's powers are not fully stable. The opposing nature of her two elements prevents a seamless combination of their powers within one individual. Because of this, Kalria's powers are in a state of flux. At one moment it may be dificult for her to use her water-based powers, and at another she may have trouble using her fire-based abilities. Sometimes she's unable to draw on enough energy to use specific abilities, such as the creation of fire or water.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]The actual abilities Kalria has are pretty standard. She is able to manipulate and, to an extent, create fire and water in any form. Her fire powers allow her to sense heat, and she has a greater resistance to temperature extremes. Her water powers allow her to sense water in any form, as well as allow her to stay underwater longer than most people can (not indefinitely, though. She can stay under for a lot longer than most people, but she can't actually breath underwater).[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Due to the instability of her powers, Kalria is not always able to use certain abilities. However, the conflicting nature of her powers does have a positive side. Sometimes, her powers will enter into a complimentary state, rather than an oppositional one. When this happens, Kalria's abilities are boosted far beyond their normal limits. And when she's in this state, people notice something... different about her. Nobody can articulate just what this difference is, bun almost everyone notices it. However, this state occurs randomly; it's not something Kalria can control. Also, the state usually lasts for only a short period of time.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Because of the somewhat unpredictable nature of Kalria's powers, she doesn't rely completely on them like some magic-users do. She is very skilled with her bladed staffs, and she is always sure to maintain her skill. Her weapons are the one thing that Kalria knows she will always have avalible.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Appearance: Kalria stands well over six feet tall. She's often described as 'good-looking' or 'pretty', but only rarely is she described as 'beautiful'. She's in superb physical shape, and she works hard to keep herself that way. Looking at her, one can tell that messing with her would probably be a very bad idea.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Biography: Kalria's childhood can be described in one word: ordinary. It was as she became older that she discovered her abilities and her unique combination of elemental abilities was revealed. She was trained to use her powers by a woman named Trea. Trea never did understand Kalria's... uniqueness, but she was quick to accept it. It was Trea who first told Kalria that it would be unwise to rely on her powers, as they were somewhat unpredictable.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]In addition to the lessons on the usage of her powers, Kalria began learning the art of weapon combat. Before long, she selected the bladed staff as her weapon of choice. Once she'd become skilled with one bladed staff, she began learning to fight with a pair. Before long, she became a force to be reckoned with.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]As an adult, Kalria found herself with only one marketable skill: fighting. She considered the path of a gladiator, but instead became a mercenary. She quickly earned herself quite a reputation. She wasn't the best at stealth, but she could fight. She'd return successful from jobs other mercenaries had failed to complete.[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Kalria had no desire to join anyone's army. She wanted no part in wars. However, she became a participant in one when her parents were killed by soldiers of the Warlords. When the call for skilled warriors went out, Kalria did not hesitate to answer it.[/color] Well, there's my character. PWNED, please tell me if I need to change anything.
  5. [color=indigo]Kiva risked taking another look around the corner. She didn't like doing so because of the risk that Kalika would spot her, unfortunately, she needed to know where Kalika was. Her timing on this had to be perfect. [/color][color=#4b0082]Kalika was coming down a coridor that had no branching paths. Her only possible route was to continue through the corridor to where it turned. Kiva was waiting around the corner.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva and Kalika were both in the underground portion of the Temple of Kaolos. The undergound area was large and quite the maze. The various corridors all looked the same. There were few indicators of exactly where one was, making it very easy to get lost. It was very possible to keep track of one's location, but it wasn't easy. Kiva was planning to take advantage of this.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Earlier, Kiva had chosen a specific tunnel that had no real identifying features. It looked just like any other tunnel. However, that was a bit of a problem, as Kiva was planning to teleport there, and do so so, she needed a specific enough mental image. And one drawback of Kiva's teleportation ability was that in order to go to locations other than cities, towns, etc., it needed a more detailed mental image that other teleportation skills did. A general image wasn't enough. It had to be a specific image, but the locagtion Kiva'd chosen was generic. So Kiva'd koncked a small chunck off of the wall. This provided her with an identifier for that location which she could use to teleport there. She'd done a similar thing at her current location so that she could teleport back.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]As Kalika drew closer, Kiva began concentrating, focusing her energy for the teleportation ability. She'd needed to begin doing this at the right time, which she had. Just as Kalika came around the corner, Kiva teleported. An one advantage of Kiva's teleportation skill was that it could be used to teleport more people than just its user. More people made teleporting herder, especially over longer distances, but one extra person was easy. Besides, Kiva's destination was just a different spot within the Temple of Kaolos.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva appeared at her destination, and as she'd planned, Kalika was there as well. Kiva immediately focused on a second teleportation. As the energy from the previous teleportation was stil around, it took Kiva much less time to teleport again. She reappeared at the spot where she'd been waiting for Kalika. This time, however, she'd left Kalika behind.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva's teleportation maneuver had been intended to confuse and disorient Kalika. Kalika'd know that she'd been taken to another point within the temple, but she wouldn't know where in the temple she now was. It'd likely take her quite some time to get a sense of just where in the temple she was, which would keep her from efectively searching for the coin. Of course, there was a chance that Kiva'd placed Kalika closer to the coin's location, but it was just as likely that she was now farther away from it. Any specific location was just as likely as any other to be where the coin was. And even if Kalika was indeed closer to the coin than she had been, her disorientation from the sudden location shift would more than even things out. With her teleportation move, Kiva'd bought herself some more time.[/color]
  6. OOC: Well, I'm doing what I can to keep this alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=indigo]Just as Vaxla and Biyomon moved to join the battle, there was a noise from outside the pub that sounded like something impacting the ground. Vaxla and Biyomon immediately reversed course. "I'll see what's going on," Vaxla said as she and Biyomon exited the pub.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]A couple seconds later, there was another impact. The sound distracted Kiva for a split second. Kalika took advantage of this and pushed Kiva off of her. She got to her feet and ran towards the door, shouting "Let's go, Daego" to the player with her. The two of them and their partners ran outside, followed by Kiva, Sakura, and their partners.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]When Kiva, Sakura, and their Digimon had walked into the pub, Miskas had been calm and peaceful. This was no longer the case. Kalika's befriended Digimon, a Devidramon and a SkullMeramon that Kalika'd probably befriended just for the advantage a fire Digimon would have against the plant Digimon of Miskas, along with Daego's befriended BlackWarGreymon, along with a wild BlackMegaGargomon, were fighting Kiva, Sakura, and Vaxla's befriended Digimon. Kiva could see a couple of similar battles, and there were presumably more going on throughout Miskas.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well," Kiva said, "this had to happen sooner or later. When you get 'good' and 'evil' players together, you're going to have a fight on your hands. Stay alert, everybody," she continued as she, Sakura, and Vaxla triggered their partners' Digivolutions to Mega while Kalika triggered Labramon's Digivolution to Anubismon and Daego triggered Salamon's Digivolution to Lilithmon. "If Mekratrimon's going to make her move, now would be when she does."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=darkslategray][/color] [color=#2f4f4f][i]It's time for me to go[/i], Mekratrimon thought. Assuming that everything was proceeding smoothly, a force of her warriors would be approaching Miskas. This force would most likely be sufficient to lure out her objective. And she wanted this done before arrival, as it was possible that if she was spotted, the Digimon of Miskas would not allow her objective to be revealed. It was a small chance, however, as the Digimon of Miskas would likely assume that her power would be insufficient to overcome her objective, which was wrong. But just in case they did know that she was capable of overcoming her objective, she was allowing her warriors to draw the objective out. If she left now, she should reach Miskas just as her objective began to attack her warriors. So she would leave now. She exited the caves of Saware, spread her wings, and took off, heading for Arbora Forest and the city of Miskas.[/color] [color=#2f4f4f][/color] [color=#2f4f4f][/color] [color=indigo]As the fighting in Miskas continued, many of the plant Digimon began to take action. However, their efforts were not directed towards any of the players within Miskas. In fact, Kiva didn't know what they were doing. Most headed in one direction (the direction Saware was in, Kiva noticed), but some were headed elsewhere.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva stopped a Deramon that was running by her, one of the Digimon heading in the direction of Saware. "What's going on?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"A force of evil Digimon has been sighted in the forest," the Deramon explained. "They have to be Mekratrimon's. Most of us are going to intercept them before they reach the city."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva nodded. "Makes sense. That way, damage to the city is minimized. Now, where are the others going?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"The enemy force is enough to defeat us. Most of us are going to keep it busy while the others awaken the great Protector of the Forest."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"The 'Protector of the Forest'?" Kiva repeated.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]The Deramon nodded. "Yes. That's what we call him."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"And who is he?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"He is Ebonwumon," the Deramon replied.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Ebonwumon!" Kiva explaimed. "That's- shit!" [i]Could it really be that simple?[/i] she asked herself. [i]Well... yes. Yes, it could.[/i][/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"What?" the Deramon asked. "What's wrong?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Mekratrimon," Kiva replied. "I think her objective in this area is to take out Ebonwumon."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"What?!" the Deramon exclaimed. "Why?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Because Ebonwumon is a unique 'good' Digimon," Kiva explained, "and one of the more powerful ones, at that. Mekratrimon has reason to want him out of the picture. It'd take a lot of ordinary Digimon to take out Mekratrimon. Trust me, I've seen her in action. She's powerful. But a Digimon as powerful as Ebonwumon could take her out with much less help, though he'd still probably be unable to do it by himself. Him and another 'unique' Digimon, such as, say, Azulongmon, could probably take her out withought much additional help."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You think Mekratrimon's trying to eliminate Digimon that could threaten her," Deramon said.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva nodded. "That's right."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"She isn't with the approaching force, though," Deramon told Kiva.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"She wouldn't have to be," Kiva replied. "She'll be arriving shortly, I suspect. She probably didn't want to risk you choosing not to call on Ebonwumon on the basis that even he wouldn't be enough to win the battle. No, she's coming, but she's not here yet. And that gives us a little time. Ebonwumon can't be allowed to enter the battle."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"There's no way we'll be able to reach the Digimon going to awaken him before they do so," Deramon said. "They're probably awakening him right now."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Then we have to get him away from here," Kiva replied. "Go find Ebonwumon and tell him what's happening. We'll hold off the enemy for as long as we can. Do you know where Ebonwumon is?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Deramon nodded. "Yes. I'll tell him."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Good," Kiva said. She then spoke into her Digivice. "Garudamon! I have a Deramon who needs to get somewhere fast. Get down here, pick him up, and take him where he tells you too. When you've dropped him off, return to me. I think things are about to turn nasty."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]As Garudamon carried Deramon away, Kiva turned to Sakura and Vaxla. "The situation's just changed," she told them. "Mekratrimon has a force headed this way. It's not too large, though the Digimon of Miskas don't think they can stop it. So they're going to get Ebonwumon, whom they call the 'Protector of the Forest'. Mekratrimon's not with the force, but she's probably on her way. I think her objective is to take out Ebonwumon. Garudamon'a taking a Deremon to warn Ebonwumon and get him away from here. Let's finish up with Kialika and her friend, but quickly. Then we'll go join the Digimon of Miskas against the enemy force. If we can't defeat them, then we'll just have to keep them busy for as long as we can."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] -------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Okay, people, feel free to come join the fun. Just please allow me to post Mekratrimon's arrival, as well as the appearance of Ebonwumon. And as always, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  7. [color=indigo]It wasn't long before Kiva discovered that she wasn't the only person in the Temple of Kaolos. There was someone else in the Temple with her. Kiva 'd caught a glimpse of the other person as he or she rounded a corner. Kiva wasn't surprised to see another person in the Temple; she knew she couldn't be the only one who thought it a likely hiding spot for the coin. True, one of the reasons Kiva thought the coin was in the Temple was because most people were unlikely to think it would be in such a popular and well-explored area, but she'd also know that somebody else was bound to draw the same conclusions she had about the Temple.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva stepped around a corner and almost literally ran into the other person. Kiva recognized the person immediately. [i]It would be her[/i], Kiva thought. [i]The two of us do seem to think alike in more ways than one[/i]. "Hello, Kalika," she said aloud.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Kiva!" Kalika exclaimed. "I knew I saw somebody else in here. Lovely to see you again."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Really?" Kiva replied. "I, on the other hand, was hoping that I'd never bump into you again. I should have known better. Well, I'd say 'bring it on', but PvP has been disabled for the duration of the current event, so I guess this marks the first time we run into each other but don't end up fighting."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"True," Kalika said. "Of course, that's only pecause the game won't let us fight, so I don't think this really counts."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"For once, I think I have to agree with you. I would kick your ass right now if the game would let me. But since it won't, I guess I'll just have to settle for beating you to the prize. And now that I think about it, this actually is a fight. It's just not the same kind of fight. So I guess we actually are going to do battle here, just not in the usual way."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika nodded. "For once, you and I are in complete agreement. NOw, shall we do this?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Bring it on," Kiva replied. She and Kalika took off in seperate directions, trying to find the coin before the other could. And just because PvP was disabled didn't mean thatKiva and Kalika had to leave each other alone. There were plenty of ways that they could interfere with each other without it falling into the realm of PvP. So there would be plenty of interferance. Kiva knew that, win or lose, she was going to enjoy this.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo][i]Well, damn, [/i]Kiva thought after the event announcement was made. [i]And here I was hoping to have some fun with other players. Oh, well. Odds are that everyone on this quest is going to be looking for the coin, so there's not much danger of somebody completing the quest until after the event. SO I guess I might as well go join the fun.[/i][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva teleported herself to the Sky Dome. She found a list and signed up, after which she logged out. EVIO saved her status, then there was a brief moment of disorientation. [/color]When that passed, Kiva found herself back in reality. SHe immediately logged back into EVIO. There was another moment of disorientation as Kiva was inserted into VR, after which [color=indigo]she was in EVIO once more. She was in the Sky Dome, exactly where she'd been when she logged off. She checked her bank, confirming that the mount was indeed there. Then she found a place to sit, opened up her map, and tried to figure out where the coin was hidden.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva was able to eliminate several locations right off the bat. Many were simply too obvious. Also, she doubted that it would be hidden in a city. With so many people in the cities, a coin hidden in a city would be found pretty quickly. Also, she expected that it wouldn't be in an extra-dangerous area. After all, it wouldn't exactly be fair if the coin was hidden in an area where only more-experienced players could go to with any hope of surviving.[/color] [color=#4b0082]After eliminating as many areasas she could, Kiva began considering individual areas one at a time. She used any information she had on the areas, whether it was from personal experience, word of mouth, or just what was listed on the general area descriptions that each area in EVIO was given. However, she was no longer simply eliminating areas. Instead, she ranked them based on how likely she considered each location's being where the coin was hidden.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Eventually, Kiva got to the Temple of Kaolos. It was a complex structure, a large temple that had an extensive underground portion. According to the in-game history, the temple was originally built in honor of the earth god Kaolos. However, as time passed, the temple saw less and less activity. Eventually, it was abandoned completely. Over time, the temple becameovergrown with vegetation. The entire temple was in disrepair, and some areas had completely collapsed. The underground portion, however, was more or less intact. All in all, it made for a large and complex structure, yet one that Kiva foundvery enjoyable to explore.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva'd been to the Temple of Kaolos once before, on a quest, and the more she considered the area, the more likely it seemed that the coin was hidden there. The Temple of Kaolos was one of Kiva's favorite areas, and it seemed that she would be visiting it once again. It was the perfect place to hide something. The lpace had so many secret passages and hidden rooms that it would be extremely difficult to find them all. Also, the area's difficulty level was about perfect for this kind of event. And then there was the fact that it was a pretty well-explored area. Many people would pass over it, thinking that the coin wouldn't be hidden in such a popular area. Kiva, however, wasn't one of them.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva hadn't been to the Temple of Kaolos recently enough to have a mental image of it that was clear enough for teleportation, so she teleported herself to the nearby city of Eneos, then used the gryphon mount provided for the event to get the rest of the way. She was soon at the temple. Reterning her mount to her bank, she entered the temple and began to search for the coin.[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope all that's okay with you, White. Please tell me if I need to make any changes.
  9. [color=indigo]Kiva looked over the postings on the bulliten board. She found a few requests for party members for quests that sounded somewhat interesting, but nothing really caught her eye. Then she came across one similar to a posting she'd already viewed. Both were advertising for the same quest, something called 'Gorfenlopp's Warning'.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]It was common for multiple players/parties to take on the same quest. In fact, Gorfenlopps Warning wasn't the first quest on the board Kiva'd seen multiple postings for. However, after looking over the rest of the board, she saw that Gorfenlopp's Warning had more postings than any onther quest on the board. As she watched, one such posting flashed and faded out, indicating that that particular party had found what they wanted. There would be no more joining that group. Another posting did the same thing a few seconds later, and a third after that.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082][i]Well, this could be interesting,[/i] Kiva thought. [i]With so many different groups on the same quest, there's bound to be some encounters, especially with so many groups deciding they're ready to begin in such a short amount of time. I think I'll go join the fun.[/i][/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva examined the Gorfenlopp's Warning postings that remained on the board. As usual, some gave more information on the quest than others. How much to reveal in a posting was always tricky to decide. Say too little, and people might not be interested. But say too much, and people might get enough information to do the quest on their own, perhaps beating one's group to the end of the quest and claiming the reward. None of the Gorfenlopp's Warning postings gave away that much information, but there were quite a few postings.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]By putting together information from multiple postings, Kiva was able to get a pretty good idea of what this particular quest involved: go to Hinderance Road and find an angel, then follow the angel's instructions to find the reward and complete the quest. Kiva knew that it was quite possible she wouldn't be the one to finish the quest first and claim the reward, but she didn't care. Even if she didn't get the reward, she'd probably come across some items during the quest. If nothing else, there were sure to be materials usable in customization. But the real reason why Kiva was interested was the number of different groups going on this particular quest. Kiva always enjoyed it when groups of players engaged in multi-way battles. And the number of groups on the Gorfenlopp's Warning quest meant that there would likely be quite a few encounters between groups.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva opened up her map and located Hinderance Road. She'd been there once before, but that was long enough ago that she was no longer able to picture the place clearly enough to teleport to it. However, the city of Alsoto wasn't too far away from Hinderance Road. Kiva concentrated, using her teleportation ability to reach Alsoto. From there, she found an NPC teleporter and paid for teleportation to Hinderance Road. This wasn't too expensive, as Alsoto wasn't that far from Hinderance Road. That was why Kiva'd teleported herself to Alsoto in the first place.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Once at Hinderance Road, Kiva took a look around. [i]It probably won't be too long before people start showing up,[/i] she thought. [i]In fact, some are probably here already. They have to know that this is a pretty popular quest, so they'll be getting here as fast as they can, which means teleportation, either with individual skills or by paying for NPC teleportation, or perhaps a combination of the two like what I did. Anyways, if nobody's here yet, it certainly won't be long before people start showing up. So I guess I should take a look around[/i]. [/color][color=#4b0082]She started off down Hinderance Road.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] -------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Like I said in the Underground thread, if you're not sure what to post about, feel free to meet up with Kiva. She won't actually join anyone's party, though. Instead, she'd just be traveling with you (don't worry, she won't stab you in the back). Oh, and White, please tell me if I got anything wrong about the quest or the NPC teleportation thing.
  10. Um... did I miss something? I haven't been telling you how to do things, I've been giving suggestions and asking questions. And I'm fully aware that this is your RPG. You make the rules, and just because I'd do things differently doesn't mean I'm going to ignore those rules. I'm not choosing to do what I want, I'm saying how I'd do things. The decision on how things will actually be done is yours, not mine. Now, about the 'strong player killing weak player' thing, well, I realize that would be a concern. However, it wouldn't be too hard to program into EVIO a system to determine the relative strengths of two fighting players, and if one is significantly stronger than the other, well, the death penalty could be reduced or even nullified. But you don't have to do tat if you don't want to. Like I said, these are just suggestions. And as for the transportation bit, well, you made it sound like the cost of teleporting to farther-away areas would be expensive even to a higher-level player. Perhaps I was right, perhaps I was wrong. Either way, what I suggested was meerly a suggestion, and if you choose to do things a different way, well, that's fine. It's your choice to make.
  11. Well, White, what you put about what happens when you die seems rather... pointless. The way you have it, whenever a player dies, all that happens is that the player needs to find his/her way back to the body. If you ask me, there should be some sort of penalty when you die. Perhaps some money and/or item loss, or in some cases, perhaps some stat decreases. Something that gives players an incentive not to go charging into areas they're not really ready for. Now, about the teleportation thing, you have to realive that we're not dealing with an ordinary MMORPG, but with a full-blown virtual world. In normal MMORPGs, realism doesn't really apply. It's the concept of the overworld: it takes you less time to travel between locations in the overworld than it does for you to explore those locations. But with a virtual world, that really doesn't work too well. Distances would be closer to what they are in real life. Now, if you want to handle things your way, that's fine, but I'd recommend having free teleportation avalible, at least when going to certain destinations (you know, like the faction capitals and other major cities). Oh, and about your response to Kitty and Ezekiel, well, I got the idea that they don't want to make up their own quest or just go kill monsters. My impression was that they want to get involved with the other characters. Now, to Kitty and Ezekiel (and anyone else who isn't sure what to post about), I have no problem with your characters running into Kiva and teeming up with her. In fact, I'll tell you what I plan to have her do. On the bulliten board, she's going to see postings for party members for the quest White called 'Gorfenlopp's Warning'. She'll see more than one posting (remember, it was never established how many others Gorfenlopp told about the quest), and from information on the various postings (some giving more detail than others), she'll figure out where to go to start the quest (Hinderance Road). She'll head to that area, but on her own, not as a part of any group. However, if someone wants to encounter her on Hinderance Road, and team up with her, that's fine with me (just make sure to wait until I post her arrival at Hinderance Road). So there's my suggestion for what to post about.
  12. That's not quite what I meant, White. What I meant was something more like your NPC teleportation thing, only without the charge. But I don't think there's any real problems with what you've got. Now, I can't help but notice that there've been no posts in the RPG since my most recent one. Is there a reason for this? I didn't screw anything up in my post, did I? I mean, it didn't involve anyone but my character (oh, and the NPC Daego). So, is it my post (which I doubt, but I just want to be sure), or is it something else? Oh, and I have a question, White? What happens when a player is defeated? Or have you even thought about that (if you haven't, tell me, and I'll help you come up with something)?
  13. [color=indigo][i]Now, time to go find something else fun to do,[/i] Kiva thought. [i]But first, it's time to change my weapon a bit.[/i][/color] [i][color=#4b0082][/color][/i] [color=#4b0082]Kiva concentrated, drawing on wind energy. She was using her teleportation skill. There were multiple teleportation skills in the game. The one Kiva knew was, of course, wind-based. Unlike some other teleportation skills, Kiva's required a little time to use, so it couldn't be used in battle, or as an emergency escape route. Which was just fine with Kiva. She'd wanted a teleportation skill for one reason: travel distance. Teleportation skills made getting from place to place quick and simple, and that's all Kiva used hers for. Besides, hers did have one advantage over other teleportaion skills. The one Kiva knew could be used to get to certain locations with only the name of the desired destination, instead of the mental picture needed to teleport to non-specific locations.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva dissapearred from the forest she'd been in, and appeared within the Wind Faction capital, the Sky Dome. She quickly located the person she was looking for, an NPC blacksmith who went by the name Daego.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Hello, Daego," Kiva said. "I found the stuff."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Show me," Daego told Kiva, who nodded. She selected the item in question from her inventory. When it appeared in her hand, she handed it to Daego.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"This is it, all right," Daego said after examining the item. "I'm impressed you managed to find some so quickly."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I had to get some once for a quest," Kiva explained, "so I knew where to look."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I see," Daego replied. "Now, down to business. Let's talk price, shall we?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva and Daego haggled for a bit. After they came to an agreement on the price, Kiva handed her weapon to Daego, along with the materials to be used. Daego then went to work on Kiva's weapon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]When Kiva'd first begun playing EVIO, it hadn't taken her long to discover that her weapon type of choice, bladed staffs, were harder to find than other weapon types, such as swords. Non-bladed stafs were common, but bladed staffs were a bit harder to find. Oh, they were there, but they were harder to find, and Kiva'd often had trouble finding one with the stats and/or attributes she wanted. SO she tended to rely on equipment customization.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]To customize equipment, one first needed the proper materials. Different materials had different effects when used for customization. Some added one or more elemental attributes to weapons/armor, while others increased one or more stats, sometimes with accompanying decreases in one or more other stats. And other materials could have other affects, such as adding to a weapon the chance to temporarily decrease one or more of an opponent's stats. When one had the materials, one took them to a blacksmith, along with the weapon to be customized. For a price, the blacksmith would use the provided materials to customize the weapon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Customization did have some disadvantages. The most significant one was that in order to customize a weapon, one needed to have the proper materials. And this couls sometimes be difficult, as there were many different kinds of materials. One could often get hints on where to find certain materials from NPCs or helpful players, but finding the materials could still be difficult. Also, the customization efects were applied to the starting stats of the customized weapon. While a weaker weapon could be made stronger through customization, it wouldn't be as strong as weapons that had started stronger.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Of course, customization also had some advantages. The most notable of these was that when customizing, it was much easier to get weapons with specific stats/attributes/abilities than it was when trying to find a weapon with those stats/attributes/abilities. One just needed materials that added those attributes. Also, customization tended to be cheaper than purchasing weapons.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva liked customization because of the ability to select precisely what stats/attributes/abilities she wanted her weapon to have, and she didn't mind searching for the needed materials. And the bladed staff she currently used had started as a pretty strong weapon, so she hadn't started the customizing process on a weaker weapon. to her, the advantages far outweighed the disadvantages, especially since bladed staffs were harder to find.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Daego was soon finished with Kiva's weapon. For the sake of being user-friendly, it never took long for a blacksmith to customize a weapon (waiting around for a while wouldn't be much fun, now, would it?). Daego handed the weapon back to Kiva, who immediately felt the difference.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Another thing that Kiva found strange about VR was stat changes. If, for example, one equipped an item that boosted strength, one could immediately feel the difference. And the state change didn't really feel unusual. One didn't need to get used to a stat change. The change happened, and then one was going about things as though one'd had the new stats from the start. And when unequipping these items, or when logging out of the game and thus reverting to one's real-life physical state, it never felt like anything was missing. If one was faster in the gane than in real life, one never felt slow after logging out. If one was stronger in the game than in real life, one didn't feel weak after logging out. Kiva knew that whoever'd programmed the stat system in was a programming genius.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]The material Daego used to customize Kiva's bladed staff had two effects. First, it boosted speed, allowing Kiva to move faster and react more quickly, and increasing the speed with which her weapon could move. And second, it added a Wind attribute to the weapon, allowing it to be used in tandem with many Wind-based skills, strengthening the effects of those skills.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]After getting her newly customized weapon back from Daego, Kiva walked off, wondering what she wanted to do next. [i]Maybe there are some interesting quests avalible,[/i] she thought. So she made her way to the nearest bulletin board to see if there were any quests that looked like fun.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] --------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I hope that whole weapon customization thing is okay with you, White. Please tell me if it's not. Oh, and when is there going to be an event?
  14. Okay, White, I have a question. Is there any sort of teleportation function within the VR game? I know that there are teleportation skills, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm referring to something that any player could use. It wouldn't be a go-anywhere thing like the teleportation skills. Rather, it'd be more of a convienience thing. What I'm talking about is basically a warp function that can be used by any player to get to distant places, thus eliminating travel time (and I don't know about you, but if I were using a VR game, I wouldn't want to spend too much time just getting to places). It couldn't be used an any time, of course. It would be unusable when in batle, for example. And it couldn't be used from anywhere, either (for example, one couldn't use it to get out of a 'dungeon' area). And, of course, one could only use it to get to certain locations, such as cities. What do you think about putting such a mechanic into the game, White? Personally, I think it's a good idea, as it saves us from having to worry about travel time in our posts. Basically, it would let us cut out meaningless stuff, plus it would save us from having to worry about how much in-game time has passed. So, White, what do you think?
  15. [color=indigo]"If you think you're so tough, then proove it," Kiva said.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva was facing another player, Kalika, with her bladed staff drawn. Kalika had her weapon, a sword, drawn as well. Kalika was a Fire Faction fighter who Kiva'd encountered more than once before. The two of them had run into each other on multiple occasions, and every time they'd ended up fighting. The reason was simple: Kiva hated Kalika. She didn't know Kalika in real life, but within VR games, she was a bitch. EVIO actually wasn't the first game in which Kiva had encountered Kalika. They'd first met in one of the other VR games, [i]Digimon: Immersion[/i]. Their rivalry from that game had carried over when Kiva'd first incountered Kalika in EVIO.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"If you want to challenge me," Kalika said, "then bring it on. You may have kicked me around last time, but that won't happen again."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"We'll just see about that," Kiva replied. "Let's do this."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva focused, drawing wind energy into herself for her Wind Boost ability, which provided a boost to physical attributes for as much time as it could be maintained. It wasn't easy to maintain for too long, however. But it was still very useful. Kiva'd used it to kick Kalika around the last time they'd fought.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva'd gotten used to most of the oddities of VR, but one thing that she still found odd was the usage of skills. Within EVIO, the usage of these skills came naturally. They were used the way they would have been if they were possible in real life. What was really odd was how naturally the usage of learned skills came. Kiva;d gotten used to this, but she still found it odd.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva charged Kalika in her boosted state. Kalika'd been expecting this, however, and she was ready. She countered with a wave of fire energy, a skill she'd learned since her last battle with Kiva. Kiva was surprised by the new skill, but that didn't change anything. She'd expected a counterattack from Kalika. In her boosted state, she was able to dodge the fire wave easily.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika'd clearly guessed that Kiva'd be ready for a counterattack. She anticipated Kiva's dodge and sent another fire wave at the spot she expected Kiva to end up in. She'd picked the right spot, but Kiva acted faster than she'd anticipated. Kiva used a downwards-aimed blast of wind to launch herself over the fire wave. Kiva landed within weapons range of Kalika. From there, the battle [/color][color=indigo]was over quickly. Kiva's boosted state was part of this, as was the fact that her bladed staff was more maneuverable than Kalika's large sword. Also a factor was the fact that Kiva was simply more skilled at weapon combat than Kalika.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You've slipped lately," Kiva said after kicking Kalika's ass around. "You're on something of a losing streak against me."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You got lucky," Kalika replied as she picked herself up off the ground. "That won't happen again. Next time we meet, you'll be the one who gets her ass kicked." And with that, she turned and walked off.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082][i]Well, that was fun, [/i]Kiva thought. [i]Now, time to go find something else fun to do.[/i][/color] [i][color=#4b0082][/color][/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Some of you may remember Kalika from my VR RPG, [i]Digimon: Immersion[/i]. She's a great character, IMO, so I decided to use her in this RPG.
  16. Well, I'm sorry to see you go, but it's your choice. Oh, and Kitty, I have a question. What race is Aym?
  17. OOC: Okay, people, it's spelled 'Crimson Blaze', not 'Crimson Blayze'. ---------------------------------------------------- [color=#800080][color=purple]While flying back to the Glowing Star army, Saeneles and Alesis could see that the Crimson Blaze army was drawing ever closer to Raven's Eye. [i]The battle will begin soon[/i], Saeneles thought, [i]and it'll be a close one. The Crimson Blaze army clearly moved faster than anticipated. It hasn't yet begun to feel the full effects of the raids we and the Black Falcon have been conducting. I don't know who'll win the coming battle, but I can see that it'll be a close fight.[/i][/color][/color] [i][color=#800080][/color][/i] [color=#800080]When they reached the Glowing Star army, Saeneles and Alesis didn't land within the army's camp. Instead, they landed about half an hour's walk away from the came and went the rest of the way on foot. This was a standard precaution intended to prevent any unfortunate 'friendly fire' incidents.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]When they made it to the army's camp, Saeneles and Alesis immediately located their commander, a human man named Branit. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon," Branit remarked upon seeing them. "Why are you back already? And where's the rest of your group?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Actually, Commander, that's why we're back," Saeneles replied. "Alesis and I are the only two from our group who are still alive. Everyone else is dead." She explained what had happened.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Well, sounds like you did your best," Branit said when Saeneles was done. "In fact, I'm impressed that you two managed to survive. What happened wasn't your fault. You two did all you could. More than I'd have expected from you, actually. I mean, you actually managed to take out the target after the escort ambushed you. None of the other groups have pulled that off."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Other groups?" Alesis repeated.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Branit nodded. "Other groups. Yours isn't the first group to get taken out like that. Others have run into similar situations, and with similar results. None of them took out their targets after being ambushed, though. It would seem that your reputations are not undeserved. You did a good job out there."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Thank you, Commander," Saeneles said. "And yes, I realize that there was nothing more either of us could have done. But we had to try."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I understand," Branit replied. "I've been in similar situations myself. Some people would have abandoned their companions, but not everyone could live with themselves after doing such a thing. I'm one of those people, and it seems that the two of you are, as well."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Alesis nodded. "Indeed. By the way, Commander, Saeneles and I caught sight of the Crimson Blaze army while on our way back here. They're on final approach to Raven's Eye."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]That bit of information clearly surprised Branit. "They're that close already? That didn't take them as long as we'd anticipated. You're sure it was the Crimson Blaze army?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"We're sure," Saeneles replied. "They weren't making any effort to hide what faction they're from.They were in the usual Crimson Blaze colors, flying Crimson Blaze flags, all that."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Thay're closing in already," Branit said, mostly to himself. "General Athek needs to be informed. Saeneles, Alesis," he said aloud, "you should go get some food and rest. We may well be moving out soon."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Got it," Saeneles said as Branit hurried off. She faced Alesis. "Well, you heard the man. Come on, let's go get something to eat. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."[/color]
  18. OOC: You don't need to change anything, Circeus. ------------------------------------------------------- [color=indigo]The hunt for Kalika didn't go well. After scouring the area where Sakura had seen her and finding nothing, Kiva, Sakura, and their Digimon decided to return to Miskas and figure out their next move. Also, Kiva was wondering if any of the other players she'd sent her message to had shown up in Miskas.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]When Kiva and the others arrived back in Miskas, they decided that step one would be to try and gather information. They were especially curious as to what the secret something rumored to be in Arbora Forest was.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Personally," Kiva said, "I've always thought it's one of those 'insertion points'. You know, the places marked by the programmers as locations to put new areas. For example, Mekratrimon's lair was placed on an insertion point."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I know what insertion zones are," Sakura replied. "I think it's quite possible that there's one in this forest. That would explain why nobody's discovered the so-called 'secret of Arbora'. It hasn't been found because there's nothing there yet. Although if Mekratrimon's interest in this area is related to the secret, and the secret is an insertion point, there's probably something there now."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva nodded. "True. OF course, I'm not sure what intrest Mekratrimon would have there. No, there's just something odd about this whole thing. I don't know what, but I think we should find out."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"So do I," Sakura agreed. "Hopefully we'll learn something here."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva, Sakura, and their Digimon wandered around Miskas for a while, listening to rumors and gossip. They didn't learn anything, though. But they did catch sight of quite a few other players. Some were easily identifiable as 'good' players, others were clearly 'evil' players, and some were hard to identify as either. But despite this variety, Kiva and the others didn't see a single incident. There was clearly some tension between some of the players, but nothing more than that. However, that changed when Kiva and Sakura entered a pub. Their partners entered with them, but their befriended Digimon remained outside, observing the situation and listing to what people were saying, trying to pick up any kind of information.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]The pub wasn't very crowded. There were a few wild Digimon in it, and a couple players with their Digimon, but that was all. Of course, this made it easy to pick out individuals that you knew. It didn't take Kiva and Sakura long to recognize a certain player.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I guess Kalika was on her way here when you saw her," Kiva remarked to Sakura.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Sakura nodded. "Looks that way. Well, at least we found her, right? Now, let's see if she knows anything."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Definitely," Kiva said. She, Sakura, and their partners moved towards Kalika, who was, like them, with her partner but no befriended Digimon. Kiva was surprised to see that Kalika's partner was still Labramon. And [/color][color=#4b0082]Kalika didn't appear to be alone. Another player was with her, someone who neither Kiva nor Sakura recognized. He also had only his partner, a Salamon, with him. And befriended Digimon he had were also outside.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva wasn't about to waste time with subtlety. She tackled Kalika to the ground before Kalika wasable to react. The other player moved to help Kalika, but Sakura cut him off. Labramon and Salamon moved in, but were attacked by Hawkmon and Patamon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Everyone else in the pub had stopped what they were doing to watch the fight. At the moment, however, only the partner Digimon were really fighting.Sakura and the unknown player were facing off, but had yet to actually start fighting each other. And Kiva had Kalika on the ground. Kalika was doing her best to throw Kiva off of her, but she wasn't suceeding. Kiva was able to keep her pinned down.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Before long, there was a brief pause in the battle between the four partner Digimon. They'd done a little damage to the pub, but not much. Currently, they were standing on four different tables, facing each other. KIva, Kalika, Sakura, the unknow player, and the four Digimon were all in those positions when the door to the pub opened. Kiva took a quick look and saw Vaxla and her partner, Biyomon, standing in the doorway, looking in surprise at the scene before them. Her befriended Aquilamon was presumably still outside the pub, like the befriended Digimon of the others.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Hi, Vaxla," Kiva said. "Care to join the fun?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] ----------------------------------------------------- OOC: Edited, Circeus. Everyone else, assume that all this is occurring in a different pub than the one Eiffel's at.
  19. This could be fun. [font=Tahoma] [b]Name:[/b] Kiva Salqarian [b]Birthdate: [/b]January 20th, 1996 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Username:[/b] Kiva [b]Appearance: [/b]A little over 6 ft. tall, aand of about average build. Good-looking, but not beautiful. Over the so-called 'ideal' weight, which basically pusts her at about the ideal weight (in terms of health) for one of her size and build. She's in very good physical shape, as well. [b]Faction:[/b] Wind [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Weapon: [/b]Kiva's weapon of choice is a bladed staff. This may not be a standard Wind Faction weapon, but Kiva chose it anyways. It's certainly a more manuverable weapon than a sword or an axe or other such weapons. Kiva can pull off some pretty impressive moves with her staff. She's very skilled with it. [b]Known Skills:[/b] As a Fighter, Kiva doesn't have actual spells. However, she has mastered various elemental skills. She can use her affinity with the wind to increase her agility, though it's difficult to maintain this for more than a short time. She's able to call upon bursts of wind, which she can use to move objects or knock opponents around. She's also able to use the wind to give herself a temporary burst of speed, useful when she needs to move quickly. She can also manipulate the wind in order to increase the height or distance of a jump, though only to a certain extent. [b]Skill Level:[/b] Kiva first played EVIO two months after its release, and has been a regular player ever since then, so she's been playing for ten months now. And she's learned fast. She may not be among the absolute best players, but this is only becasue she doesn't play quite as much as those people do. Unlike them, she has a life outside of EVIO. However, she is a very skilled player. Plus, she's got a good mind for the game. She quickly got used to the oddities of VR, and got used to EVIO's gameplay mechanics even more quickly. And she's proven herself to be quite inventive. If you're fighting her, you need to be ready for anything, because there's no telling what she'll do. Well, there's my sign-up. I realize I did the known spells bit differently. I even called it something different, known skills. I didn't think 'spells' was appropriate, as Kiva's skills really aren't spells. ALso, I didn't give them names. This is because they're not really stand-alone abilities. Kiva uses them in tandem with her staff. Alone, they don't do much. If I need to change anything, White, just tell me.[/font]
  20. OOC: I'm assuming that the double-posting was unintentional, Deathseye. Please delete one of the posts. --------------------------------------------------------------- [color=indigo]It didn't take long for Kiva and her Digimon to reach Miskas. While they were en route, Kiva sent messages to a few players she was familiar with, including Sakura, Eiffel, and Vaxla. In the messages, Kiva summarized her deductions and invited the players to join her at Miskas.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Once in Miskas, Kiva's first task was to look for a shop. The battle in Saware had severely depleted her item supply, and she needed to restock. She also wanted to see what kind of speciality items were avalible. Though shops in general cities such as Serenity usually just had basic items (though the specific items avalible did vary from shop to shop), in places such as the forest city of Miskas one could usually find items avalible for purchace that couldn't be found in any other city. These items, called 'speciality items', were always related to the area in which they were sold. In this case, that meant that any speciality items in Miskas would be related in some way to plants.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]In the shop, Kiva restocked her supply of basic items like Healing Tablets before looking at speciality items. She wasn't too impressed by the speciality items, but neither was she dissapointed. The speciality items were mostly of the usual varieties; there were plant-themed weapons avalible, as well as temporary power-ups that were related to plants. There was one item, called 'Nature's Syphon', that did catch Kiva's eye. It allowed the Digimon it was used on to draw energy from surounding plantlife for a short period of time. This would give the Digimon a boost in all attributes while the item's effect lasted, and the boost would be stronger in areas with more plantlife. It wasn't a universal item, as it was only good when used in locations with plenty of plantlife, but it was still a useful thing to have. Kiva purchased a few.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Lot more business today that I usually have," the shopkeeper, a Floramon, remarked as she and Kiva completed the transaction. "You're far from the first one to come through here."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Other players have been here?" Kiva replied.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Floramon nodded. "Yep. Quite a varied bunch, too. Is there something going on near here that I don't know about?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Possibly," Kiva said. "I think so. That's why I'm here. I guess others have drawn the same conclusions I have." [/color] [color=#4b0082]"What conclusions?" Floramon wondered.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"That Mektatrimon is after something in this area," Kiva answered honestly.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Mekratrimon? What could she want here?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"That's what I hope to find out," Kiva said. "I take it you don't even have a guess as to what she might want."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Not really," Floramon replied. "I mean, sure, I've heard rumors of some kind of... well, something in this forest somewhere. That's all, though. And the rumors tend to contradict each other, so I've never thought that any of them are accurate. Sorry I couldn't be of any help."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"It's all right," Kiva told Floramon as she walked out of the shop. "Thanks."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well, we're not the only ones here," Kiva told Hawkmon, Garudamon, and Phoenixmon. "The shopkeeper in there, a Floramon, said that quite a few players have visited her shop already today. It would seem that we're not the only ones who suspect that this area is important. Floramon didn't know anything about what Mekratrimon might want, though. Let's wander around the city and see if we can pick up anything."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva looked around as she and her Digimon moved through Miskas. Miskas didn't look much like other citied. A forest city, Miskas had a very low-teck feel to it. Everything was built out of dirt and wood. In some cases, these 'buildings' were built into existing trees. Overall, Miskas had quite an interesting feel to it. As for its inhabitants, well, they were the usual variety. Some were friendly, while others weren't quite so nice. A few were pretty hostile towards Kiva, but none of them tried anything.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva and her Digimon had been wandering around for a little while when Sakura and her Digimon touched down beside them. "Hello, Kiva," Sakura said. "I got your message and decided to come."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well, it's certainly nice to have you here," Kiva replied. "Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get any kind of information yet. All we know is that quite a few other players got the same idea we did, so we're not the only ones in the area."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Sakura nodded. "I know. I saw a couple on the way here. I even recognised one of them. This may be a helpful piece of information. The player I recognized is Kalika."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"So she's here," Kiva said. "You're right, Sakura. That is useful. She may know something. Where was she?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"In the forest northwest of here," Sakura replied. "She won't be in the exact same location anymore, of course, but she should still be in the same general area."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Then let's go find her," Kiva said. She and Hawkmon got on Phoenixmon's back, and the angles grabbed Sakura and Veemon. The Digimon took off and began searching in the direction that Sakura had indicated.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Tell me if you want me to change anything with your character, Sakura.
  21. You can use other player-characters if you want to, but you don't have to. If you do use other player-characters, make sure that their inclusion fits sommthly into your post. Sazabi, you didn't do that so well. I'm assuming that your intention is to have the two mages mentioned in your post be Saeneles and Alesis. Not only did the encounter with them seem forced, you made a bit of an error. Saeneles and Alesis are indeed flying, but not clost to the ground. They're actually high in the air.
  22. All right, this RPG has officially started, so go ahead and post. You can either make up your own events, or use information I provided in my post. Oh, and this was brought up in a PM I recieved, so I want to make sure that it was clear: feel free to use NPCs in your posts. There's no need for your characters to be going things alone.
  23. [i][color=slategray][b]Doccument: General Intelligence Sumary[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][b]Glowing Star[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [color=#708090][i]Recent intelligence reports indicate that a [/i][color=royalblue][i]Kutisok[/i] [/color][/color][color=slategray][i]army is advancing towards the [color=darkslategray]Black Falcon [/color][color=slategray]stronghold Falcon's Nest. Our spies believe this to be an act of misdirection. They believe that the Kutisok army's real target is within nearby [/color][color=lime]Emerald Fist [/color][/i][color=slategray][i]terrirory, but they have been unsuccessful in determing the army's exact destination. Other Kutisok forces have been spotted in [color=darkorchid]Deadly Flower[/color][color=slategray] territory, but their objective within the area is unknown. The force level seems to be small, suggesting a raiding operation or, since they're Kutisok forces, a suicide attack.[/color][/i][/color][/color] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090]The [/color][color=darkorchid]Deadly Flower[/color][color=slategray] have been attempting to track the [color=royalblue]Kutisok[/color] force, but have so far been uncuccessful. The force is skilled at remaining unseen. It was pure luck that allowed the force to be spotted at all, and luck has not struck against the Kutisko force a second time. As it's quite likely that the Kutisok force will not be stopped short of its target, the Deadly Flower may be planning a retaliatory strike, though nothing has yet been confirmed.[/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090]The [/color][color=lime]Emerald Fist[/color][color=slategray] have forces advancing towards [color=darkslategray]Black Falcon[/color] territory. Our spies have yet to determine exact targets, but they are confident that the Emerald Fist army is indeed going to advance into Black Falcon territory. The Emerald Fist seem to have reached the same conclusion we have about the true destination of the Kutisok force supposedly heading towards Falcon's Nest, as they are strengthening their defenses in the area.[/color][/i] [i][color=red]Crimson Blaze [/color][color=slategray]forces are advancing towards a [/color][color=darkslategray]Black Falcon [/color][color=slategray]city, Raven's Eye. However, we do not believe this to be a fake-out like the [/color][color=royalblue]Kutisok [/color][color=slategray]advance on the Falcon's Nest stronghold. As things currently stand, the Crimson Blaze army will take Raven's Eye without much difficulty. The Black Falcon forces stationed at Raven's Eye will not be enough to resist the Crimson Blaze advance.[/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090]The [/color][color=darkslategray]Black Falcon [/color][color=slategray]are conducting raids on [/color][color=red]Crimson Blaze [/color][color=slategray]supply caravans and other things important to the approaching army in an effort to weaken it enough for them to be able to successfully defend Raven's Eye. On their own, they probably wouldn't succeed, but we've been conduction our own raids on the Crimson Blaze forces. A Crimson Blaze loss at Raven's Eye would be advantageous to our own plans for an advance into Crimson Blaze territory.[/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090]Our forces have been conducting small-scale operations in [/color][color=red]Crimson Blaze [/color][color=slategray]territory. We've deployed general raiding parties to attack Crimson Blaze supply caravans, and slightly stronger forces to take out small groups of Crimson Blaze soldiers heading to join the main force. Our supply raiders are remaining in enemy territory as long as they can, hitting targets of oportunity while remaining on the move to avoid being located. As they can take supplies from the caravans they hit, they have generally been able to remain for a while. They have all been instructed to leave enemy territory and return to our nearby force when either a set period of time that differs for each individual group has passed, a group has only enough supplies left for the journey back, or if a group suffurs more than 50% casualties. Though some forces have reported back for both reasons, others remain in Crimson Blaze territory.[/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][/color][/i] [i][color=#708090][b]End of Intelligence Summary.[/b][/color][/i] [b][i][color=#708090][/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=#708090][/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=#708090][/color][/i][/b] [color=purple]Saeneles had been a member of a small force send into Crimson Blaze territory to attack supply caravans and disrupt the flow of supplies to Crimson Blaze forces. Her force had done very well up untill now, losing only two of their original ten in the several attacks they'd conducted. But all that had changed when they'd moved in on the caravan, passing through a forest, that was their most recent target.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]The Glowing Star force had split into two teams of four. One team, the one Saeneles was a part of, circled around the caravan. Saeneles and another magic user, a Sylph woman named Alesis , had attacked the caravan's front from a distance with magic. This attracted the attention of the caravan's estort, which pursued the team.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]The plan was for the second team, which had the other two magic users, to move in and take out the caravan while the first team distracted the escort. However, it turned out that this team had been spotted by the caravan. Some of the excorts who had ran off after Saeneles' team had actually circled around and taken the second team by surprise.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]As far as Saeneles knew, the only survivor from the second team was Grant, a human male who was an expert archer. He'd reached the first team and informed them of what had happened. The warning came just in time, as they were soon attacked by the two escort groups. Saeneles and Alesis had caused some havoc with their magic while the others scattered, and then they'd taken to the air to escape. They'd blasted the caravan from the air with magic, then split up to search for the rest of their force.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Saeneles was currently concealed high in a tree, watching as two of the escorts pursued Grant. There had originally been three, but Saeneles had taken one out with magic. Now she was after the other two. She leapt into the air, landing in front of them a couple seconds later with staff drawn. She knocked one of them unconcious before either could react. The other aced fast enough to come at her with his sword, but she didn't have too much trouble with him. After killing him then taking the life of the one she'd knocked unconcious, she continued after Grant.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Saeneles soon came upon Grant. Unfortunately, she came upon him just as he was taken down by a Crimson Blaze soldier. The escort saw Saeneles and advanced towards her. He never reached her, though, as she took him out with magic before he even got close.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Saeneles was about to move on when Alesis landed in front of her. "There you are, Saeneles," she said. "I sure hope you've had better luck than I have. I found Lekis' body, minus the head. Then I saw Keseh, but he was engaged with one of the escorts. That guy was good, too. Keseh was a damn good swordsman, but this guy just took him out. I wasn't able to save Keseh, but I sure as hell took down the man who killed him. Took out a few other escorts here and there, too."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I didn't do any better," Saeneles replied. "I found Grant, but he got killed. I got the one who killed him, though, and a few others. By now, we've probably taken out most, if not all, of the escort, and our arial bombardment earlier basically took out the caravan. Let's get out of here."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Definitely," Alesis argeed. "We need to get back to the Glowing Star army. And since we're the only two from our force who're still alive, I don't think we should stay on the ground in Crimson Blaze territory. We need to get out of here fast. I know we've tried to stay on the ground to avoid the risk of being seen, but that's no longer a concern. If we fly, we'll be back with our army before nightfall. The enemy knows by now that their supply caravans are being attacked, so we won't be giving anything away there, and we don't have to worry about them finding us because we're leaving their territory. Besides, we'll quickly be high enough up that nobody'll be able to see us."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Saeneles nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. We need to get back as quickly as possible, and that means flying. So let's go."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Let's," Alesis said. "I'm a bit dissapointed that our run's ended, though."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Well, at least it was a good run," Saeneles replied. "We did a good job. But now it's over. Let's get out of here."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Alesis nodded, and the two of them took off. They headed for Glowing Star territory, and the army that was gathering near the border.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Okay, here we go. The 'intelligence summary' in my post is there to provide a general idea of which faction's currently doing what, so feel free to use that stuff in your posts. But don't feel like you're limited to what I put. You can do your own thing if you want to. I provided the information to give people something to use if they wanted to, but you don't have to use any of it if you don't want to. All right, then. Have fun.
  24. Mostly good, but I need you to make two name changes. Please change PicoDevimon to DemiDevimon and Demon to Daemon. Do that, and you're in.
  25. Yes, sign-ups are still open. One nice thing about an RPG like this one is that it's easy to get new characters into things.You're in, White.
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