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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [color=purple]As the others split up to search for Leo, Katie volunteered to remain behind in case Leo returned. [i]Maybe I should suggest we post watches tonight,[/i] she thought as she waited for the others to return. [i]I'm surprised none of us, myself included. thought of that last night. I guess everyone was still a bit unsteady after what happened. I suppose I was, too, though for different reasons. It's still hard to believe that out of all her followers, the Goddess chose me.[/i][/color] [color=gray]"As I stated previously, you misjudge your worth."[/color] [color=purple]Katie spun aorund to see the Goddess standing behind her. "My lady Selestiae."[/color] [color=gray]"So, you have successfully decieved your friends?"[/color] [color=purple]Katie nodded. "As far as I can tell, yes. I told them what you instructed me to, and I think they all believed me. I did notice a reaction on the part of Kim, but it wasn't disbelief. It looked like a combination of shock and recognition. Perhaps she experienced something similar to what I described."[/color] [color=gray]"Investigate further, but be careful. Do not give them any reason to mistrust you. It would be best to let Kim bring up the topic. If that does not happen, then do what you must, but make sure that whatever you do, you do not give yourself away."[/color] [color=purple]"I understand, my Goddess."[/color] [color=gray]"Good, Selestiae said.[/color] [color=#800080]The Goddess dissapeared, leaving Katie alone once again.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Raphael][font=Palatino Lintoype] :animesigh, at least you both could had said "Yeah Raph, your character's sucks!" or something like that for answering my question. :animesigh For the undead idea....I like it :animesmil, it would surely add more battles for the heroes. For the moral ambiguity things we could just use other fighting (such as Ecstasy's Leo vs Katie) :animesmil.[/font][/QUOTE] There will be plenty of battles for the heroes. I've got quite a few ideas for situations to put them in. There will be plenty of action for the heroes, don't you worry. We don't need undead soldiers for that. And as I said before, I just can't see Selestiae using an undead army. It's not her style.
  3. [color=seagreen]Alkesel led Gold Team towards the volcano. As they drew closer, Liquid was able to make out a couple openings, presumably entrances to the caverns. Alkesel led them through one of the openings and into the volcano.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]After a very short distance, the tunnel curved upwards. Gold Team followed Alkesel upwards, and quickly broke the surface of the water. They followed Alkesel as he stepped out of the water. The cavern they were in was lit by an unknown source. The light wasn't extremely bright, but it was there.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Well, I can think of one question right now," Melinoe said. "Where is the light coming from?"[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"To be honest, I'm not sure," Alkesel replied. "It may have something to do with the amber, but I don't know."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"This amber seems very important," Liquid remarked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Of course it is," Alkesel responded. "As I explained earlier, the amber changed us into what we are today. Without it, we wouldn't be alive. Our ancestors would have perished when Atlantis sank. The amber was actually first located within these caverns."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"You've explored the volcano's interior then," Liquid said. "I assume that this particular volcano happens to be extinct?"[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"I'm not completely sure on that one. It's dormant, certainly, but I don't know if it's just dormant, or if it's completely extinct. Either way, it's safe enough for us to be inside. We Atlanteans make use of this network of caverns inside the volcano."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Really? For what purpose?" Tetros asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Storage, mainly," Alkasel replied. "It helps us avoid cluttering our city. I think there are other things that these caverns are used for, but I don't know what they would be."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Just how large is the cavern network?" Liquid wondered.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"I don't know," Alkesel said. "Quite large, certainly, and it's all interconnected. One could quite easily get lost in here. We have, of course, taken many precautions, and nobody's gotten lost in here yet, but it's definitely possible. The network is just too large an complex to easily keep track of."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Sounds like a good place to hide something," Melinoe remarked. "It might be a good idea to explore these caverns."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Sounds like that would probably take a while," Tetrol replied. "Still, it does sound like a good idea, and I could certainly keep a record of our path so that we didn't get lost or wander through caverns we'd already explored."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Hold on," Liquid said. She was looking inwards, further into the cavern. "I can see someone coming."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Tetros took a look. "I can, too."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Should we do anything?" Melinoe asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"No, I don't think so," Tetros replied. "Let's just wait here and see what this person wants. After all, it can't hurt, can it?"[/color]
  4. Personally, I'm against the idea. It's way too cheesey for my taste. Plus, I just can't see Selestiae doing that. An undead army just isn't her style. And about the guilty feelings part, well, I don't see why we need to make things so black-and-white. What's wrong with adding a little moral ambiguity? All right, so you have my opinion. I say no undead.
  5. [color=purple]Katie began spinning her staff around. As Selestiae had said, Katie somehow knew how to properly use it. She'd never wielded a weapon before, but she was able to weild Esleri without hesitation or imperfection.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]After a little while, Katie noticed that the others were watching her. She stoped practicing and faced them.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I thought you didn't know how to use any weapon," Leo said after a few seconds.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I-I'm not," Katie replied. "I've never used one before."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"Then how can you use that staff so well?" Kim wondered.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I... well, I'm not quite sure," Katie replied. "I just started swinging it around, and it was like I knew exactly how to weild it. I don't know how thay happened."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"That staff of yours seems to be quite unusual," Kay observed. "Where did you find it?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]KAtie remembered what Selestiae had told her to say. "It... well, it just... appeared. I 'd gone to what's left of my house, looking for my parents. I- I'd hoped to find them alive, but I saw no sign of them. I- i don't know what happened."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I'm sure they're alive," Kay said.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I hope so," Katie replied. "I came here hoping to find them. This seems like a natural place for any survivors to gather."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"They're probably on their way here right now."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Katie nodded. "I'm sure you're right. Anyways, I was at what's left of my house. I'd just decided to come here when there was... well, I'm not quite sure what it was. It looked like some kind of ripple in the air. There was a rippling, and some kind of shimmering effect, and then this staff was there. I felt like I was supposed to take it, so I did."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]As she spoke, Katie noticed that Kim suddenly had a look of shock on her face. It was gone in an instant, but it had definitely been there. Katie gave no sign that she'd noticed, and decided that she would not ask Kim about it, lest she inadvertently give herself away. If Kim brought it up with her, that would be good, but she would not mention it herself.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]"I have no idea where the staff came from," Katie continued. "But I think you're right, Kay. This is certainly no ordinary weapon. Unfortunately, I really don't know any more about it than you do."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Kay and everyone else seemed satisfied by Katie's story. [i]Well, I passed my first[/i] [i]test,[/i] Katie told herself. [i]Now I just have to watch myself, make sure I don't slip and let my true intentions show through. This won't be easy, but I cannot allow myself to fail. The Goddess has placed her trust in me, and I will not fail her.[/i][/color] [i][color=#800080][/color][/i] ----------------------------------------------- OOC: Heartless Me, if you want to go ahead and build on Kim's reaction to Katie's story (which was similar to what Kim herself experienced), feel free to go ahead and do so. Just remember that nobody suspects anything. They all think that Katie's telling the truth.
  6. Personally, I don't think a 'mission' format will work very well. In my experience, RPGs run that way just don't work out. Yes, the characters should have specific goals, but these goals should fit smoothly into the story. Don't break things up into missions. It hurts the flow of the story, plus people can feel like they're somewhat limited in what they can write. Trust me, I've been there. What you did in your most recent post was good, as it fit smoothly and naturally in the story. It didn't feel like "Okay, this is what you have to do". It felt like the characters were reacting naturally to the situation they found themselves in. That's what you should aim for. If you want some help with doing that, don't hesitate to PM me. Oh, and please note that Katie's not actually going to be found. I have plans for her. And no, I'm not going to tell you what they are. You'll find out soon enough. EDIT: Okay, it's all right to include Katie in your posts now. Just remember that she's pretending to know nothing about Selestiae. Nobody suspects a thing, all right?
  7. [color=#800080]Katie did not hesitate in her response. "Just speak your will, and I shall obey."[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=gray]"Good." Suddenly, a staff materialized in Selestiae's hand. The staff was embedded with jewels, and there were varios symbols all along its length. The design was quite elaborate, yet somehow did not come across that way. It all seemed to fit perfectly, as if every jewel and symbol was meant to be where it was.[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=#808080]Selestiae held the staff out towards Katie. "Behold [i]Esleri[/i]," she said. "It is to be your weapon. Take it."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]Katie stepped forward and lifted the staff from Selestiae's hand. "It's beautiful," she breathed.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"You will find that the use of it comes naturally to you," Selestiae told Katie. "You will need no training to master it."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]"I can feel power in this weapon," Katie said.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"There is power within it," Selestiae confirmed. "That power is avalible to you. Its use will also come naturally."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]"It is a great gift. I am honored that you chose me to recieve it."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]Selestiae was about to speak again when she felt the approach of two people. "Others are coming," she told Katie. "They are looking for you. We shall go elsewhere. I do not yet wish you found."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]The area around Katie and Selestiae seemed to shimmer for a moment, and then the two of them were suddenly somewhere else. Katie stumbled, disoriented by the sudden shift in location. After recovering, she looked around. She and her Goddess had not gone too far. They were just in a different part of the city. "What happened?" Katie wondered.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"As I said, I do not yet wish you found," Selestiae explained. "I simply took you to another location. I would have taken you farther, but humans are not meant for instantanious relocation. Moving you even this short distance was a painful and disorienting experience for you. Moving you farther would have worsened the effects. Over time, the power of Esleri will strengthen you. Eventually, you will be immune to the effects you just experienced. Until then, I felt it wise not to test your limits.[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=#808080]"Now," Selestiae continued, "I shall tell you what your first task shall be."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]"Speak, my Goddess," Katie said, "and I shall do as you command."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=#808080]"You are to rejoin your friends. They will head for the Temple of Bahamut, and you will rejoin them there. Remain with them. I believe that they will have some part to play in what is to come, so I wish them under observation. Do not speak of me at all. Tell them that after seeing that your house was destroyed, you headed for the Temple, believing that any survivors would gather there."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]"Will I find my parents there?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"No. They are elsewhere. Act as though you believe them to be dead. And when you are asked about your new weapon, say that you do not know where it came from. Say that you aquired it while walking towards the Temple. Describe a ripple in the air, and the staff appearing before you. And do not tell anyone its name."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]"I understand, my lady Selestiae. I will do as you command."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"Good. And do not worry about communicating what you observe to me. I will take care of any such necessity. Now, it is time for you to begin."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]There was the same shimmering effect, and then Katie found herself near the remains of the Temple of Bahamut. The Goddess was nowhere to be seen. After recovering from her disorientation, Katie traversed the short distance to the Temple, where she would wait for her friends as Selestiae had commanded.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Okay, Katie will be at the Temple of Bahamut. Remember, nobody knows that she is a follower of Selestiae. Nobody suspects anything, all right?
  8. OOC: Actually, Rhym, that's quite fine. --------------------------------------------- [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Katie stood with the other three students, gazing upon the destruction that had been caused by the suden meteor shower. Like them, she was shocked by what had just occured. But unlike them, she had at least a guess about what had happened.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080][i]Is this the Coming? [/i]Katie wondered. [i]The Coming is supposed to involve destruction. Is that what this is? Has Selestiae come to claim sovereignty over the world?[/i][/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Suddenly, a realization hit Katie. "By the Goddess!" she exclaimed, and took off at a run, leaving Leo and the others behind. She ran as fast as she could. For once, she envied those studens who lived in the dormitories. They could tell themselves that their families were safe. She could not, as her parents lived in the city. For the first time ever, she wished that they hadn't and that she had instead been staying in a dorm.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Katie came to a stop in front of her house, or what had once been her house. As she'd feared, it was completely destroyed. Worse, there was no sign of her mother. Part of Katie hoped that her mother had escaped, but she knew this was not likely. Odds were that her mother was dead. And probably her father, too, though he would have been out working. She knew that the odds were against either of them having escaped the destruction. [/color][color=#800080]Katie tried to tell herself how lucky she was to have survived, but it didn't help. She fell to her knees and started to cry.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#808080][i]Do not grieve. They are not dead.[/i][/color] [i][color=#808080][/color][/i] [color=purple]Katie jerked to her feet, startled by the voice. She looked around, but could not find its source. "Who's there?" she called out. "Where are you?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray][i]I think you know who I am.[/i][/color] [i][color=#808080][/color][/i] [color=purple]"S-Selestiae?"[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]Suddenly, a figure materialized in front of Katie, a woman of unearthly beauty. Katie immediately knew that this was no woman. This was the Goddess Selestiae herself. Katie dropped to her knees.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"Rise, Katie," Selestiae commanded.[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]Katie rose to her feet. "My lady Selestiae. I am not worthy of such an honor."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=gray]"Your worth is more than you believe. I have seen the potential for greatness within you, potential not matched by any other. I would have uses for one such as you."[/color] [color=#808080][/color] [color=purple]Katie did not hesitate in her response. "Just speak your will, and I shall obey."[/color]
  9. [color=#2e8b57][color=seagreen]As the person Liquid had detected approached, Liquid wondered again just how she was able to communicate with the Atlanteans. She understood how the other two could--Melinoe's whip allowed her to communicate with them, and Tetros had been programmed with as much of the Atlantean language as possible. However, she did not know how she could understand and speak that language. She'd known she could before the mission had begun; that had been confirmed with the same recordings Melinoe had translated for Tetros. But how was she able to?[/color][/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid pushed that question aside as an Atlantean arrived at the cell. Unlike the soldiers, this one wore no helmet. Obviously, the Atlanteans did not need the helmets. They were probably standard millitary equipment, though what purpose they served Liquid did not know.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]The Atlanteans seemed to be basically human, but there were a few significant changes. Speech, for example. And obviously they were able to breathe underwater. Yet they were still close enough to humans visually that Liquid had no trouble making observations. This particular Atlantean, for example, was certainly a male, and he was clearly upset about something.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]The Atlantean was muttering something to himself as he fumbuled with the coral-mesh door. Eventually, he got it open. "Come on out of there," he said.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid was the first out of the cell, with Melinoe and Tetros close behind. "I apologize for the way you've been treated," the Atlantean told them. "I don't know what those people were thinking, locking you up like that. You haven't done anything; I mean, you hadn't even reached the city before they got to you."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"It's all right," Liquid said. "They probably just enjoy exercising power over others. I've known some people like that."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"That's good. I would have gotten to you sooner, but those soldiers didn't even come to me. They just had one of the guards get a cell ready and then stuck the three of you in it. The guard only came to me after that. I've never seen such a breach in procedure!"[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"We understand," Tetros assured him.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]The Atlantean nodded. "Anyways, welcome to Atlantis. I'm probably not the best person to be doing this--I run the prison, after all--but thanks to those soldiers, I'm the one who's here. My name is Alkesel."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid took care of introductions "Mine is Liquid," she said. "This is Tetros, and that's Melinoe."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid found the business of names quite interesting. Names did not translate, as there was no definate counterpart in another language for a name. Yet somehow, Liquid 'heard' Alkesel's name in English, even though it shouldn't have been translatable. It was probably similar for Melinoe. Tetros didn't get that, however. He could tell that the man was giving his name, but he had no word to match to that name. Fortunately, he didn't need a matching English name to use an Atlantean name. Of course, he did need the Atlantean version of an English name before he could use it. Because of this, Melinoe had run through a great deal of names for people and places with Tetros during her translation session.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Alkesel examined the three members of Gold Team. 'You're quite an assortment," he remarked. "Tetros there seems to be a bl-uh, surface-world human, but he's clearly not, being down here without any form of breating aid. And I have even less of a clue what you other two are."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"I'll leave it up to Tetros and Melinoe how much about themselves they wish to reveal," Liquid replied. "As for me, well, I don't actually know what I am, though I used to be a... well, I guess your term is 'surface-world human', though you seemed as though you were about to use another."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Well, yes," Alkesel said. "'Blue-skyer'. It's a slang term we have for people who live on the land. I didn't think it would be an appropriate term to use, but it's so habitual that I almost couldn't stop myself."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"No offense taken," Tetros told him. "And it's nice to know the term."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"So what happens now?" Melinoe asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Well," Alkesel replied, "I honestly don't know. There's not really any procedure to follow, as this is actually the first time anyone from above has come here. I'm curious as to what brings you here-and about how you found our city in the first place-but it's probably none of my business. Anyways, I sent word to Atlantis's leadership right before I came here to release you. It shouldn't be too long before they respond. As you probably saw, those mounts of ours can move pretty fast. I guess you'll just have to stay here until then. You don't have to sit in the cell, though. Of course, we really don't have a good place for you to wait. This place wasn't designed with guests in mind. I guess you could wait out in the lobby. I'll go with you so there's no confusion."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Sounds good to me," Tetros replied. He, Liquid, and Melinoe followed as Alkesel led the way.[/color]
  10. I'm probably going to end up using this Katie person as one of Selestiae's followers. I'll try and do some stuff with her in my next post. Until then, I'd appreciate it if we could keep mentions of her to a minimum (just maybe say that she's there so that people don't forget about her).
  11. [i][color=gray]Artime, Nox, and Ninyata were meeting. They had not wanted Selestiae there, so wouldn't have informed her of the gathering even if they'd been able to. But that would not be enough to keep her away. She could sense them, tell that they were togeather. The combined energy of three gods was impossible to miss. Selestiae had known exactly where they were, and had gone there herself without them knowing. The concentration of power was easy to sense, but one inside the concentration would find it impossible to sense anything beyond it. The concentrated energy would obscure what was beyond it. For that reason, none of the three detected Selestiae's presence, depite the fact that she was listening in on their meeting.[/color][/i] [color=navy][i]Nox spoke first."You two know that the time is near," he said. "Mankind has turned their backs on us, and now there is nothing else we can do."[/i][/color] [color=navy][i]"But what about those who do belive? Those who follow us and our laws?" Artime asked. "Will we sacrifice them, as well as those who oppose us?"[/i][/color] [color=navy][size=1] [/size][/color][color=gray][i]Selestiae was not surprised by Artime's reaction. He always had been fond of the human race. Selestiae didn't[/i] [/color][i][color=gray]understand why he cared about them the way he did. They certainly did nthing to deserve it.[/color][/i] [size=1][color=navy][i]"[/i][/color][/size][color=navy][i]You forget, Artime, that most who follow us follow Selestiae, and her alone," Ninyata put in. "They aren't ones that we three would be willing to save."[/i][/color] [color=gray]So, Ninyata, you don't try to hide your contempt when you don't think I'm around, [i]Selestiae observed.[/i][/color] [i][color=navy]"But still, there are those who follow us...why shouldn't they be spared?" Artime replied.[/color][/i] [color=gray]When are you going to give up, Artime? [color=gray][i]Selestiae wondered.[/i][/color] You're lucky you've convinced those two to give the humans as much time as they have. You certainly kept them going for much longer than I expected. But no longer. They're out of patience.[/color] [i][color=navy]"Artime, they are a lost cause," Nox said. "We could destroy this planet, build a new one, and create creatures that are solely devoted to us," said Nox. "It would hurt us deeply to do this, yet it seems to be the best thing to do in this situation."[/color][/i] [i][color=navy]"I agree with Nox," said Ninyata. "It would be better this way."[/color][/i] [i][color=navy]"No!" Artime exclaimed. "Let's give them one last chance. This is all I ask of you."[/color][/i] [i][color=navy]"One, and only one, last chance, Artime," Nox replied after a brief silence. "They have failed in each other chance, and have tested my patience too much. Only by your commitment and passion do I grant them this one last chance."[/color][/i] [color=gray]So I was wrong, then. They aren't quite out of patience yet.[/color] [i][color=navy]"Nox," Ninyata said, "why do you waste our time with this hopelessness? I understand your reasoning, but it all seems pointless to me. I'll have it known now that I will not aid the humans this time."[/color][/i] [color=gray]Well, Nox isn't out of patience, though it seems that Ninyata is.[/color] [i][color=navy]"Ninyata..." muttered Artime, shock stealing his voice.[/color][/i] [i][color=navy]"A good idea, Ninyata," said Nox. "The Gods are forbidden to aid them this time. We will leave this world, and when we hear the collective voice of all mankind pleading for our return, then we will have judged them worthy of our return. But, if only one voice doesn't call out, we shall destroy them all."[/color][/i] [color=gray]So, [i]Selestiae thought,[/i] that's the way it will be. You did better that I thought you would, Artime, but not good enough. Nox and Ninyata may still be observing, but they will not intervene, and they will not allow you to intervene. And I honestly don't care whether you're all watching or not. You may be hoping, Artime, that what I do to the world will cause the humans to call out for forgiveness, but you are wrong. If anything, they will become futher distanced from you as they blame you for allowing what I will do to occur. Face it, Artime. You've lost.[/color] [i][color=gray]Despite what Nox had said, Selestiae knew that he and the other two would not destroy the world. Why bother, if they didn't care what happened to it? They didn't need to destroy it to create a new world elsewhere in the universe. They might even see leacing the old one as advantageous, as it would serve to keep Selestiae occupied and stop her from exerting her influence on the new world. Selestiae would let them do that. She didn't care what they did after abandoning the world of humans. Their abandonment meant that the world was hers.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae left the area quickly. She preferred that the other three not know she'd overheard their meeting. So she left as soon as they were done, and was gone quickly enough that none of the three suspected a thing. And she would not descend upon the world until the three had pulled away, so as not to arouse their suspicions.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]She did not have to wait long. Very quickly after their meeting, the three gods withdrew. They disconnected themselves from the world. Selestiae could feel it happen, and it was then that she advanced. With the other three gone from the world, she had no opposition. The world was hers to do with as she wished.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae had been planning for this for quite some time. Eventually, she would take human form and walk among the humans, leading her followers against those who stood against them. True, she could deal with all opposition herself, but where was the fun in that? She would show her power in her initial coming, but after that, she'd do things differently. It was more fun that way.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae had selected her initial targets with care. She had chosen several large cities, as well as scattered towns and villages. Though it would probably take the humans some time to realize it, all of the cities, towns, and villages she'd selected had one thing in common. Every one of them was a concentration of those who still had faith in the other three gods. Some worshipped one, others more than one, but all worshipped at least one of the three, and none worshipped Selestiae. Those places were Selestiae's targets.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae released her power upon her targets in a variety of ways. She called tidal waves up from the ocean. She spun tornadoes and huricanes. She made fires and earthquakes. She called forth lava from under the ground. She rained rocks down from the heavens. All of her targets suffered complete destruction.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]There were survivors, of course. There were always survivors. Selestiae did not mind; in fact, she had a use for them. They would seek refuge throughout the world, spreading word of what had happened. Selestiae's followers would recognize the destruction as the sign that she had come.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae could imagine how the other gods, especially Artime, would react to what she had just done. But it did not matter, for the gods were forbidden to intervene. They could only watch as Selestiae had her way with the world.[/color][/i] [color=navy][/color]--------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Again, Ecstasy, please tell me if there's anything I need to change.
  12. I think that's quite good, Ecstasy. Certainly much better than what I was expecting you to have Selestiae be the goddess of (which was stuff like chaos and destruction). Oh, and I'm sorry if you felt that I was pressuring you into rushing the cataclysm. I just didn't want you to wait too long. I've learned from experience that if it takes too long for an RPG's opening event (the cataclysm, in this case) to occur, people lose interest. I just didn't want that to happen to this RPG.
  13. Well, I don't really have much to post about right now, so I'll just wait for the cataclysm. Oh, and I have a question, Ecstasy. The evil goddess is Selestiae, but what are the names of the other three gods?
  14. I say let's get the cataclysm going, Ecstasy. People will post more once things start happening. That's what always happens. And besides, I'm probably not the only one who's tired of waiting. So let's get this cataclysm going, all right? Oh, and please PM me with anything you want me to do, or any information that I might find useful.
  15. [i][color=gray]Humans, Selestiae knew, did not excel at having faith. Faith, by its very nature. is a one-way relationship. A person gives his or her faith to a god or gods, and recieves nothing tangiable in return, a concept that Selestiae had yet to see understood by the human race. They expected things in return for their faith. They made requests of the gods, and grew angry when their requests went unanswered. They would lose faith when the gods did not respond to their requests.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray] [/color][/i] [i][color=gray]There were, of course, many humans who claimed to be aware of this fact. They didn't lose faith when simple requests were not answered. Personal tragedies were how these people commonly lost their faith. If the gods don't solve their little problems for them, they're fine with that. If they lose a loved one, though, or contract a fatal disease, or something of the like, they usually lost their faith. They thought that since they were followers of the gods, those gods were obligated to protect them. When the gods failed to do so, they lost their faith.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray] [/color][/i] [i][color=gray]When the human race was first created, all humans had faith. But as generations passed by, humans began to lose their faith. The more time that passed, the more humans lost faith. And those people who had lost their faith taught their children that there were no gods, that faith was pointless. They passed their lack of faith to their children, who in turn passed it to theirs.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray] [/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Eventually, only a small percentage of humans were still faithful. For the most part, they were the ones whose faith was unshakable, the ones who continued to believe no matter what happened. There were always some like that, some who differed from the norm. In absolute terms, the number of humans who still believed was significant, but it was only a small percentage of the human race that remained faithful. These faithful were largely concentrated in a number of cities and towns. They lived among others like themselves, as has been the case with minorities throughout history.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray] [/color][/i] [i][color=gray]Selestiae looked upon her followers as seperate from the rest of the human race, for they were different. Their faith was never challenged in the way the faith of others was. Their belief was that when the true goddess, Selestiae, arrived to proclaim her rule over the world, there would be paradise for her followers and hell for the rest. They did not expect her to do them favors, or to protect them, as her coming had not yet occurred.[/color][/i] [i][color=gray] [/color][/i] [i][color=gray]None of Selestiae's followers had lost their faith, but they had always been a minority. The beliefs of her followers were not very attractive to most. But there were those who found those beliefs quite atractive indeed. Selestiae had quite a few followers. A small percentage, perhaps, bu tstill a respectable number. And when her time came, they would be rewarded. They would be above the rest of their race in her new world, a world that she knew would come soon. She knew that the other gods would soon lose patience with humans and abandon the world as a failure. And when that happened, the world would become hers.[/color][/i] --------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that's okay. I wasn't quite sure what to write. Anyways, how about we have this catacylsm happen, Ecstasy? Don't worry about the people who havn't posted yet. I'm sure they'll post once things start happening. They always do.
  16. [color=seagreen][i]Why do I always get the weird assignments?[/i] Liquid wondered as she, Tetros, and Melinoe headed towards the underwater city of Atlantis. [i]I mean, it's like every time there's a weird mission, I'm on the team. Like that time travel thing a while ago. That one was crazy.[/i][/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]The memory of that particular mission was still fresh in Liquid's mind. It wasn't easy to forget something like that, especially since it was during that mission that she'd discovered how her father had died, that he'd been shot by her stepfather, Kajo. Liquid clearly remembered how she'd felt after seeing that. She'd been pissed, and she'd wanted to kill the man responsible. She thought she'd done just that until she learned that the people causing problems in the past had been nothing more than a diversion. She'd become determined to kill the man who was really in charge.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid had cooled off a bit since then. She still wanted the bastard dead, of course; she simply no longer cared who did it. And as for Kajo, well, he'd somehow made it back from the past, but he was no longer alive. Liquid had read in the paper a couple days ago about a major drug bust that had occurred. Kajo had been involved with the drug ring, and he'd been killed resisting arrest.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid pushed her memories out of her head. Right now, she needed to focus on the present. Gold Team was on approach to the legendary 'Lost City', Atlantis. Liquid was curious about what the city was like. And what about the people? What were they like? Liquid was expecting something clearly different than normal humans, but not by too much. Maybe something between humans and whatever she was.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]The Atlanteans would certainly be different mentally, Liquid knew that much. They'd had to adjust to life under water. Liquid couldn't imagine what it was like. She knew that she herself wouldn't be comfortable living underwater for the rest of her life. Her body certainly would be, but mentally she just didn't think she could handle it.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]LIquid tried again to clear her head. She often lost her focus when approaching the unknown. It was something she'd been trying to work on for quite a while, but she just couldn't seem to do anything about it. She put out a good effort, though, trying to stay focused as Gold Team arrived at its destination.[/color]
  17. My apologies, but I don't know when I'll be able to do this RPG. I've just been hit with a truckload of schoolwork, plus I just started a new job. I don't think I'll have much free time over the next couple weeks. If I'm lucky, I'll have enough time to post in RPGs every few days, but I certainly won't have enough time to run my own RPG. Now, I know you all want to participate, so if I do find time to do this RPG, I most certainly will. I don't think that'll happen, but I'll try. If nothing else, I've got spring break in a couple weeks, and I should have plenty of time then (unless my parents decide that we're all going on vacation, which is quite likely). Again, I apologize.
  18. Pretty good so far, everyone. Those of you who have recieved PMs, please make the changes I described. Sakura, you might want to tone down the powers a bit (no creating creatures out of water). And now, here's my sign-up: Name: Lisiae Age: Unknown Gender: Female Appearance: Lisiae's form is that of an incredably beautiful human woman. Her body is absolutely perfect, putting even the most beautiful of women to shame. There is, however, something unmistakably nonhuman about her. Nobody can put a finger on what it is, but there's definitely something. Personality: Nothing is known about Lisiae, though there are some things that can be inferred from her actions. She is clearly quite fond of destruction, and doesn't seem to care how many people she kills. She doesn't make much of an efort to kill everybody. If she sees you, she'll probably kill you, but she doesn't try to find and kill everyone. She appears to be completely without mercy. Bio: Again, nothing is known. There are, of course, many theories regarding Lisiae's origin and motives. The most popular theory is that she is a demon, but that is far from the only theory. Some believe her to be a being born at the time of Creation who has slept for ages, awakening now. others believe her to be a former servant of the gods, destroying that which her former masters treasured. Others believe that she is a goddess herself, imposing her will upon her creation. And there are many other theories. But despite all the theories, nobody actually knows anything. Skills/abilities: Lisiae has been seen to have a wide variety of abilities, though whether or not she's shown the full extent of her power is unknown. She has used many forms of magic, and has displayed mastery over every element. Some say she is skilled with illusions. Some believe she has various psychic powers, though it is not known if this is true. Lisiae has displayed unmatched power in every area. She has easily overpowered anyone who has chalenged her. Her indurance apeares unlimited; she never seems to tire. Physically, she is unmatched in speed and strength. When she chooses to fight with a weapon, she pulls her weapon of choice seemingly from nowhere. Sometimes she uses a sword, other times a spear, other times a staf, and sometimes another weapon. She is extremely skilled with all the weapons she as been seen using. Okay, there we go. I know I didn't tell you much, but did you really expect me to reveal everything before the RPG has even started? I'll give people a few more days to sign up before I start the RPG. Count on the RPG starting by this weekend. As always, PM me with any questions.
  19. Ecstasy has given me permission to sign up as the evil goddess. Name: Selestiae Age: N/A Gender: Female Personailty: The goddess Selestiae is extremely confident in her superiority. She does not fear defeat, as she knows that no mortal creatures could hope to challenge the power of a goddess. She pays no attention to the desires of mortals. And why should she? She is a goddess; she has the right to do as she pleases. She will have her way with the world, and she will not allow anything to stop her. Class: Goddess Race: N/A Apperance: Selestiae prefers to take on the form of an extremely beautiful human woman. Her form is perfect, and her beauty beyond compare. Lust has driven many men into her arms, and all women envy the perfection of her body. Selestiae allows nothing to mar her body's perfect appearance. Weapon: Selestiae uses whatever weapon she feels kile using. Sometimes she'll weild a sword, other times an axe, other times a staff. She can create her desired weapon on the spot. Her weapons are beyond equal, and her skill with them is unmatched. Powers: The goddess Selestiae's power is unmatched. She has unequaled power with all forms of magic, including that which no mortal has ever seen. She possesses psychic abilities, including telepathy, empathy, and telekinesis. She can alter her form at will, and is also capable of altering the environment to suit her desires. Stats: As a goddess, Selestiae is beyond equal. No mortal can come anywhere close to matching her power, and she is unmatched physically as well. Writing Sample: [color=navy]The other gods were gone. They had left the world to its own designs, discusted with the mortals' lack of faith. They had left it in [/color][color=navy]Selestiae's hands. For the first time, Selestiae was unopposed. Her reign would finally begin. The mortals could do nothing against her, and the other gods no longer cared. Her conquest was assured.[/color] [color=#000080]Selestiae began immediatly. She decended upon the world, intending to demonstrate her power to the unsuspecting mortals. She chose as her target the thriving port city of Vanduo. She materialized in human form in the center of the city. Her appearance now was different than normal. Her body was still absolutely berfect, but there was something unmistakably nonhuman about it. [/color][color=#000080]The people who saw were startled by Selestiae's sudden appearance, and perplexed at her oddly nonhuman-seeming form. She allowed them a few seconds to wonder, and then began the destruction of Vanduo.[/color] [color=#000080]It was over fast. With the full power of a goddess at her command, Selestiae reduced Vanduo to ruins in a matter of minutes. Few people survived. Those that did, Selestiae used her powers to pull towards her[/color][color=navy]. Gathering the survivors before her, she spoke.[/color] [color=#000080]"Your world is now mine," Selestiae proclaimed. "It it rightfullly mine, and I have come to claim it. You have seen my power. You have seen that I am beyond challenging. Your world is mine, and I will do with it what I wish. Such is my right, for I am the goddess Selestiae. The future of the world is mine to decide."[/color] [color=#000080]Selestiae rose into the air. The survivors looked upon her as she floated above them, vanishing a few seconds later. They would leave the destroyed city, travel elsewhere in search of a new home. And they would tell what had happened. They would spread the word that she had come to claim the world. They would tell how she destroyed Vanduo a matter of minutes, a task beyond anyone's power but hers. And she intended to create more such examples. She would release her minions into the world, and she herself would appear in other locations, imposing her will on the world.[/color] [color=#000080]She was going to enjoy this.[/color] Well, there you go. Ecstasy, please tell me if I need to change anything.
  20. [i][color=indigo]It is a time of great danger. The world is threatened by a being of great power. She does whatever she pleases and kills anyone who opposes her. Some say she is a demon, bringing destruction to the world. Some believe she is a former tool of the gods, no longer serving them but still possessing the power they gave her. Still others believe that she herself is a goddess, doing what she desires with her creation.[/color][/i] [i][color=indigo]Her name is Lisiae.[/color][/i] [color=gray]Keith pulled his daughter, Elia, after him as he ran up the hill as fast as he possibly could. He could see a couple others ahead of him, but most of the villagers had run in other directions. And so many others had died before they could escape. That demon Lisiae had killed them in her destructive rampage.[/color] [color=gray]At the top of the hill, Keith and Elia stopped. The two of them looked back at the destroyed village. Lisiae could be seen heading to the north, leaving behind the ruins she'd created. The man could make out many bodies in the destroyed village, and knew that there were more that he could not see.[/color] [color=gray][i]I can't grieve now, [/i]Keith told himself. [i]Right now I need to focus. We need to find somewhere to go[/i].[/color] [color=gray]He turned to his daughter. "We need to find a place to stay," he said. "Would your old boyfriend be willing to take us in?"[/color] [color=gray]Keith was referring to a young man named David. David had loved Elia, and she'd loved him. But he'd gone to the nearby city of Alsoto while she'd stayed with her father. At the age of 19, she could have gone if she'd wanted to, but she'd elected to stay behind and help her father run his tavern. Now, just two months later, she and her father no longer had a tavern to run.[/color] [color=gray]"I think so," Elia told her father.[/color] [color=gray]"Then let's go."[/color] [color=gray]Elia nodded. She and Keith took one last look at the destroyed village, then walked away, two more people who'd lost everything they had to Lisiae.[/color] Okay, this RPG is pretty simple. You'll be playing as people who decide to attempt to defeat Lisiae. Of course, since nobody's been able to do that, you're not just going to go straight into battle with her. Your characters will be attempting to figure out how to defeat her. Keith and Elia have no special role in the story, but you may sign up as one of them if you want to. Now, I'm not runing this RPG on my own. Sakura has agreed to give me a hand. She and I are doing this RPG togeather. That means that if she says something, it's the same as if I said it. She'll be including plot elements in her posts, so please do not ignore, dismiss, disprove, etc. anything in her posts. She'll be playing as one of the people attempting to defeat Lisiae. I will be playing as Lisiae, so that spot is not open. Sign-up time! Make your sign-ups good, as I probably won't let everyone who signs up participate (unless I don't get many sign-ups, in which case you'll be accepted as long as your sign-up doesn't suck). Now, here's the sign-up form: Name: Last name is optional Age: No younger than 18. I don't want this to be another story where a bunch of kids save the world. Gender: Appearance: Either a picture or a description is fine Personality: This doesn't have to be too detailed, thought it certainly can be if you want it to. Just give us a basic idea of how your character acts. Bio: Again, this doesn't have to be too detailed. Just a couple paragraphs about your character's life. Definitely include why your character has decided to try and defeat Lisiae. Skills/abilities: Okay, this is where you put what your character can do. If your character is skilled with a particular weapon, put that here. If your character is a magic-user, describe what magic he/she can do here. And don't hesitate to include non-combat-related skills. Just make sure that what you put has some chance of being relevant (for example, it doesn't matter how good a cook your character may be, but if your character has knowledge of old languages, that's something you should include). Okay, I just have a couple more things to say. First, make sure your sign-up is consistent. For example, if your character doesn't really care about others that much, than he or she would not be fighting Lisiae for the good of the people. He/she'd need to have more personal reasons. Second, please keep your character's age in mind when detailing skills/abilities. For example, a guy who's 18 years old isn't going to be a master swordsman. He can know how to use a sword, but he's not going to be an expert with it. Similarly, a guy who's 19 years old isn't going to be the most skilled mage. He can have the abilitiy, but he won't be as good at using his magic as someone who's older and more experienced. So please keep your character's age in mind when deciding on his/her skills and abilities. Oh, one last thing. For simplicity's sake, as of the start of the RPG all of your characters will be in the city of Alsoto. They don't have to live there, but I want them all there at the start of the RPG. That makes it easier to bring them all into one group. All right, I think that's everything. PM me if you have any questions.
  21. [color=#ff0000]After her match with Alno'dra, Aulea went to the Great One and voiced her concerns about Vylon. [/color][b]"Do not worry,"[/b] [color=red]the Great[/color] [color=red]One said. [/color][b]"I have known Lord Vylon for a long time. He is trustworthy"[/b] [color=red]"Then I suppose I should try to trust him," Aulea replied. "It's just that something about him feels wrong somehow. I don't know what it is, though."[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [b]"He is an unusual man, but he is trustworthy."[/b] [color=red]"I trust your judgement, Great One. If you say he can be trusted, I will trust him."[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [b]"Good. I believe he is outside now. Please find him and bring him here. The Dragonheart Lords have arrived, and it is time for us to speak."[/b] [color=red][/color] [color=#ff0000]Aulea found Vylon at the Great Lift. [/color][color=#ff0000]"Lord Vylon,"[/color] [color=red]she said. As he turned around to face her, [i]images began flashing by in her mind. They were images from her previous life; indeed, she recognized many of them from memories she'd regained durrng her human life. But many of the images were new. Unlike the memories, these images flashed by quickly, quickly enough that she was unable to make sense of them.[/i][/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"Yes?" [/color][color=red]Vylon[/color][color=red] said.[/color] [color=red]Aulea was off-balance as a result of the sudden rush of images, but she forced the images to the back of her mind "Um...," she said, hesitating a bit as she recalled why she was there, "T[/color][color=red]he remaining Dragonheart Lords have arrived and the Great One is requesting your presense to begin the meeting."[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"Thank you very much."[/color] [color=red]Vylon replied[/color] [color=red]as he leapt to the ground.[/color] [color=red]As she walked with Vylon towadrs Onyxia's chamber, Aulea returned to the images flashing through her mind. She was able to stop the onrush, at least temporarily. With that taken care of, she turned her attention back to Vylon. [i]I sounded uncertain earlier,[/i] she told herself, [i]nervous. I'd better stick with that, act as though I'm nervous at meeting a mysterious new person. I don't want him to get any ideas about me while I fish for information about him.[/i][/color] [i][color=#ff0000][/color][/i] [color=red] "So," Aulea said as she and Vylon walked, "how have you known The Great One for so long...forgive me for my intrusion...but humans are not supposed to live for so long."[/color] [color=red]Vylon smiled. [/color][color=darkolivegreen]"I'm[/color][color=darkolivegreen] sorry, I know that does seem quite odd, but there is a simple explanation...I too once had a dragon."[/color] [color=red]"What does it have to do with your dragon?" Aulea wondered.[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"Zoku was his name...he had such a loving personality...and had quite an unusual power. He was immortal..."[/color] [color=red]A pause, then, [/color][color=darkolivegreen]"I'm sure you're thinking to yourself if I was a Dragonheart Lord...and the answer is no. Me and Zoku lived in isolation...in peace...before he died...he gave me his power."[/color] [color=#556b2f][/color] [color=red] "How did he die?" Aulea asked. [/color] "[color=darkolivegreen]The same reason I'm here now...killed by a monster, the same one who's been attacking the cities as of late...for this has happened before."[/color] [color=red]Vylon interrupted Aulea before she could speak again.[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"Please...no more questions...everything will be explained when the full councel is here."[/color] [color=#556b2f][/color] [color=red]"All right, then. I'll just wait a few more minutes."[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=#ff0000]As the two of them entered Onyxia's chambers and sat down, Aulea relaxed her mind and examined Vylon. As she'd expected, the images began flashing through her mind again. She looked away from Vylon and forced the images out of her mind. She'd focus on that mystery another time. For now, she needed to focus on the meeting that would begin shortly.[/color]
  22. OOC: Gemini_Phoenix, that was just about perfect. Oh, and to makes things less confusing, I will be using[color=red] this color[/color] when Aulea's dragon self is more dominant in her mind. I'll use the default black when her human self is the more dominant side. Also, please note that all belifs and outlooks mentioned are those of the side that is dominant at the time I mention them, and do not necessarily carry over to her other side. [color=#ff0000][/color] -------------------------------------------- [color=red]Aulea smiled as she walked out of the sparring room. She always enjoyed her training matches with Dragonheart Lords. She didn't approve of the Lords, didn't like the way they were connected with the dragons. Humans, she believed, could do nothing for dragons, and could only be a negative influence on the great creatures. The fact that, for the most part, the partnered dragons wanted to remain with their humans was the only reason she was able to tolerate the Lords.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=#ff0000]Aulea believed that the Lords, because of their connections to the dragons, saw themselves as superior to other humans. Such a thing would only be human nature. It was not true, though. Their connections did not make them superior. In many ways, it made them into worse people, as evidenced by the large number of exiles. But even those allowed to become Lords had their poor qualities, so Aulea took it upon herself to remind them that they weren't deities. She did so by beating them down in armed combat.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=#ff0000]Aulea was no dragon's partner, so she did not need to train in areas the Lords put a great deal of time and effort into. She had fewer areas to train in, so she was able to train more in those areas. That, coupled with the speed she gained as a result of her powers, resulted in her being far better then the Lords at weapon combat. Which meant that she was consistantly able to wipe the floor with them in training matches.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=#ff0000]Aulea's thoughts turned to the conversation she'd had with Alno'dra during their match. Aulea trusted the Great One's judgement, but there was something about this Vylon that made her uneasy. She didn't know what it was, though. She didn't even know where the feeling came from. She'd never spoken with the man, never even gotten a good look at him. She'd gotten a couple glimpses of the man, but that was all. Still, there was just something about him that made her uneasy.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=#ff0000]There was certainly something strange about the man. Apparently, Vylon had known the Great One for over three hundred years. No human lived that long, so perhaps Vylon wasn't actually human. Or perhaps he was like Aulea. Aulea didn't know how long she would live for; perhaps she would still be alive three hundred years from now. It was certainly possible that Vylon was a reborn dragon like she was. Possible, but not definite. Aulea simply didn't know the truth, and despite the Great One's trust in Vylon, she planned to keep an eye on him. After all, her instinct had served her well in the past, especially durring her life as a dragon. She'd long ago learned to listen to her instincts. So she would keep an eye on Vylon. She trusted the Great One's judgement, but she would keep her guard up, just in case.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] ---------------------------------------------- OOC: I know, that post really didn't have much of a point to it, but I wanted to start developing the dragon Aulea's character. Oh, and keep in mind that those things I put aren't meant as facts. They're simply the dragon Aulea's beliefs.
  23. Aulea exited Onyxia's temple and turned her gaze to the sky. The attacking dragons were retreating. The battle was over, and the attackers had lost. That was no surprise; they hadn't had anything close to the force they'd have needed to take the Golden City, though they did seem to have done better in the battle then Aulea'd expected. But they hadn't won, and now they were pulling out. Aulea again wondered why the exiles had attacked. Onyxia's death as their objective had made sense. Onyxia was certainly not very popular with the exiles. After all, he was the one who'd made them exiles in the first place. And though the attacking force couldn't have won the battle, there'd been ample time to sneak a couple dragons in for a g at Onyxia. But that wasn't what had happened. And Aulea just could not think of any other reason for the attack. Aulea looked down towards the city and noticed Alno'dra coming towards the temple. She walked down to meet him. "Aulea, what happened?" Alno'dra asked. He was clearly exhausted. "It wasn't what I thought," Aulea said. "The Great One's death wasn't the enemy's objective." Most of the Lords would know who Aulea was referring to. Only a few, Alno'dra included, knew what Aulea's use of the term 'Great One' meant. Aulea referred to Onyxia as 'the Great One' only when her mind was closer to that of her former self. Alno'dra was not speaking to the human Aulea, but to the dragon Aulea had once been. "Do you know what they were here for?" Alno'dra asked. "I do not," Aulea replied, "but I believe the Great One has at least a guess. He certainly knows more than I do. He informed me that other cities have been attacked." "Other cities were attacked?" Aulea nodded. "Yes. Unfortunately, the Great One said no more than that. I don't know which cities were attacked, or even how many were attacked. I know only that other cities were attacked, and that the exiles are working for an unknown master." "But you don't know who this master is," Alno'dra guessed. "That's correct. Yuri, whom I encountered inside the Great One's temple, mentioned this master but said nothing about him or her. And the Great One cannot determine anything about him or her." "That can't be good." "It may be worse than either of us could guess. The Great One has called the other Lordsw here." "You're right," Alno'dra replied. "If Onyxia's called the other Lords here, the situation must be serious. I just hope we can handle it." ----------------------------------------------- OOC: I know, you were probably expecting more difference between Aulea's human and dragon personalities. Don't worry, I'll get to that in future posts.
  24. Aulea ran inside Onyxia's temple. She stopped using her powers and slowed to a more normal running speed, though still pretty fast. She made her way through the temple to Onyxia's chamber. Upon entering, she saw a boy facing Onyxia, a boy whom she recognized. She drew her staff. "My new master says 'hello'" Yuri said to Onyxia. He saw Aulea out of the corner of his eye, and turned to look at her. "Why, hello there, Aulea. So nice to see you again." "You know," Aulea replied, "I kind of thought you hated my guts." "True. And this time, I'm able to take it out on you." Aulea laughed. "Really? Because I seem to remember that you were never nearly as good as I am." "I don't need to be," Yuri said, and dissapeared. Aulea knew what was going on. Yuri's power was that of illusions. The boy was creating the illusion of empty space over his body, efectivly rendering himself invisible. But Aulea could get around that. She focused, feeling the air around her. Using the air, she could feel Yuri's location. It wasn't accurate enough for weapon combat, but more than accurate enough for Aulea to target him with a blast of wind. The blast knocked, Yuri into the wall, breaking his concentration. The illusion of empty space vanished, and Yuri was again in plain sight. "Not bad," Yuri said. "Now give this a try." Instead of his dissapearing trick, Yuri created several illusions of himself. All of the Yuris kept moving, and in a way that made it next to impossible to keep track of the real one by sight alone. But again, Aulea was able to use the air to her advantage. The illusory copies had no mass, no substance. They were just images, and so had no effect on the air no matter what they did. Aulea used the air to pick out the real Yuri, who pulled his vanishing trick when he realized he'd been identified. Aulea used the air to locate him, then blasted him into the wall again, breaking his concentration and causing the illusions to vanish. Yuri created more illusory copies and bolted. He was gone before Aulea could pick out the real Yuri, and the illusions vanished as he left. Aulea turned to Onyxia. "I was coming to warn you that your death is probably the objective of this atack," Aulea told the great dragon, "but it would seem that you already know." "Yuri himself said that while posing as you," Onyxia replied. "But he did not fool me. I could sense the evil within him, just as I could sense the absence of the turmoil I sense within you." "Why would he tell you that?" Aulea wondered. "Because it is not the truth. Other cities have also been attacked. I have summoned the other Lords here; I will say more when they arrive." "Understood," Aulea replied. She turned her gaze towards Yuri's escape route. "Yuri, too. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." She turned back to Onyxia. "Raine came, too. Alno'dra entered into battle with her while I came here. She wears these strange wings now, and I believe that she's become a cannibal. She's quick, too. She moved faster than I can." "She is probably under the same master Yuri mentioned," Onyxia said. "Unfortunately, I cannot determine anything about this master." "That can't be a good thing, especially since this master is clearly very dangerous. Hopefully, we'll be able to find him and take him out." "It must be done, and before he completes his plan. I do not know what that plan is, but I do know that we must prevent it from succeeding." "I have to agree there," Aulea said. "I just hope we can." ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Kairi, please tell me if I got anything wrong.
  25. [i]Why are they doing this?[/i] Aulea wondered as she and Alno'dra ran. [i]Their force isn't nearly strong enough to take this city, and since these people are probably exiles, they should know that. So why are they here? This attack can't be intended to take the city, so they must have another objective. But what is it?[/i] And then, suddenly, she had it. "My god!" she exclaimed, coming to a halt. Alno'dra stopped and looked at her. "What? What is it?" "These people aren't here to take the city," Aulea said. "They almost have to be exiles, so they should know that the force they brought won't be enough to do that. So we have to assume that they're here for something else. That they have a more limited objective. An objective such as the elimination of a certain individual." Alno'dra was quick to understand. "Onyxia! You think they're here for Onyxia?" Aulea noded. "Yes. And they may just be able to pull it off, too. See, their main force came in and drew out most of the Lords. If they sneak a couple dragons in while their main force keeps the Lords busy, those dragons will be able to get to Onyxia without any trouble, and even Onyxia would be hard-pressed to survive against two decently powerful enemy dragons." "They we need to get to Onyxia, and now," Alno'dra said. "Come on!" He and Aulea ran off. It wasn't long before the two of them came across a rather unusual scene. A student who Aulea immedeatly recognized as Kalest was facing a young woman who appeared to have wings on her back. There was blood all over her, and a dead body lay nearby. Both Kalest and the woman had swords drawn. Aulea immediatly began cursing the boy's arrogance. Students didn't carry weapons around with them, so Kalest would had to have gone and found a sword in the armory. Which meant that he'd been looking to enter the battle. His dragon was probably participating in the fight above. "Get the hell away from her, Kalest!" Aulea shouted as she and Alon'dra drew their weapons and sprinted towards the pair. But Kalest didn't listen. Ha remained where he was, facing his opponent. The woman raised her sword, intending to attack. She didn't get the chance. Aulea hit her with a strong gust of wind, knocking her over. The woman reacted quickly, flipping over and landing upright. Aria sent flames at her, but she dodged them all with an impressive series of maneuvers. [i]She's quick,[/i] Aulea observed. [i]Much quicker than most humans.[/i] As she and ALno'dra approached the woman, Aulea got a better look at the dead body that was nearby. The guy hadn't simply been killed. It looked like pieces of his flesh had been ripped or cut off. This, coupled with the amount of blood on the unknown woman, especially her face, led Aulea to a disturbing conclusion. [i]Was this woman [/i]eating [i]him?[/i] When he saw that the woman was distracted, Kalest charged. The woman reacted extremely quickly, and Kalest found himself disarmed quickly. Before the woman could make the kill, Aulea used the wind to push her away again. Kalest, who amazingly seemed to realize that this woman was too much for him, turned and ran. With Kalest gone, the woman faced Aulea and Alno'dra. Now that they were close, Aulea was able to recoginze the woman. She was Raine, a former Lord student who was exiled because of her taste for killing. Why she was back, Aulea didn't know, but apparently she'd become even worse since her exile if she was a cannibal now. [i]We don't have time for this,[/i] Aulea thought. "Deal with her," she said to Alno'dra. "I'll go to Onyxia." Alno'dra nodded. Aulea sheathed her weapon and ran off, using the wind to boost her speed. She just hoiped she wasn't too late. ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Yes, I know that the exiles aren't actually attacking in order to kill Onyxia, but Aulea doesn't know that. Oh, and tell me if I screwed up any characters or anything.
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