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Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[img]http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/6279/bowserodd2fz.jpg[/img] When he woke up next to Bowser the next morning, Mario vowed never to drink beer again. -
[i]She rose to her full height and faced her opponent. The other dragon was smaller than she, yet clearly not at all intimidated by her. She could tell that he was significantly younger than she was. He was certainly confident; perhaps he was stronger than most his age, or maybe he had powers that he felt would-[/i] [i]She attacked the human party that had been foolish enough to challenge her. She killed three of them right away, leaving two alive. The survivors turned to flee, but she didn't let them. She knocked them to the ground with a sudden, strong gust of wind, then ripped them apart with her claws. She leaned over one of the bodies, and-[/i] [i]She stood over the dead body of the dragon she'[/i][i]d just killed. Her opponent had been large, much larger than she was, and stronger as well. But unlike her, he hadn't had any powers. Her powers had given her the advantage-[/i] The memories cut off, and the stress on Aulea's mind lessened again. Her first class with the new batch of students had gone rather well. Better than the last batch, certainly. As they'd left, memories had begun to flash through her mind again. She'd sat down and let them come. Now that they'd stopped coming, she stood up again. The memories came only when Aulea's mind was less stable. They almost never came when she was focused on a particular activity. Focusing helped her maintain her mind. The stress lessened when she was doing something, so the memories rarely came when she was engaged in any sort of activity. Aulea was surprised to see one of her students, a girl named Kaela, runing towards her. "Aulea, something's happening," she said. She pointed into the sky. Aulea looked, and saw several dragons approaching the city. "I don't know what's happening," Kaela continued. "I thought it was just some Lords coming to the city, but people are running around, and some dragons just took off, and everyone's acting like someone's trying to kill them, and I don't know what's happening, and I hoped one of the teachers would, and you're the only one I've found, and-" "Calm down, Kaela," Aulea told her. "Find your dragon and stay with it. Don't do anything. If something's happening, the Lords and I will take care of it. You just stay out of the way." Kaela nodded and ran off. Aulea watched the incoming dragons. [i]They're definitely not friendly,[/i] she decided. Just then, she heard someone call her name. She looked and saw Alno'dra coming towards her, Aria wrapped around him. "Alno'dra, what's going on?" Aulea asked. "Those dragons aren't friendly," Alno'dra said. "We're under attack." "Well, that's just great, isn't it?" Aulea remarked. "They're probably all exiles, too. This isn't going to be easy. I assume the others are in the air?" Alno'dra nodded. "Yes. Aria and I can't join the battle unless one of them lands, so we decided to find you." "Well, you found me. I guess we just wait and watch for now. If someone's heading for a landing, we can go take care of them. Until then, we just wait and watch." ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Gemini_Phoenix, please tell me if I got anything wrong with your character.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Snake: "What the... who put the 'water' label on my grenade?" It says he has water equipped, but there's an explosion. -
Aulea watched as the new batch of students approached her. Some came with their dragons, while others did not. That decision was up to the individual, for the dragons would have no part in Aulea's instruction. Her job was to instruct the students in the art of armed combat. They were not allowed to use any powers they might have, and their dragons had no role in the training. Some elected to bring their dragons anyways. Aulea didn't mind, as long as the dragons didn't interfere. She had no problem with observers. Suddenly, a large dragon swooped down, and a boy jumped off. The dragon rose into the air, circled the area, then landed next to the boy. Aulea looked at him, but didn't say anything. [i]Not bad,[/i] she thought. [/i]Better than the last guy who tried that move, certainly. Unlike him, you actually pulled it off. And look at you now, thinking you're so good. Looks like you're the usual breed, too. Have to be, if you still think you're so much better than everyone else. Well, we'll just see how you fell after I'm done with you. This is going to be fun.[/i] "Where's your dragon?" the boy asked Aulea as the other students approached. "Maybe it saw mine and knew it wouldn't stand a chance." "Dragons have no part in what I will be teaching you," Aulea replied. "Your dragon may remain to watch, but that is all." When the other students arrived, all their dragons moved to the side, including the self-confident kid's. The students themselved lined up, and Aulea turned to face them. This batch looked like the usual; some dedicated students, a couple who were clearly the brown-nosing type, and one or two slackers. And, of course, the one kid who thought he was better than everyone else. "Welcome," Aulea said. "My name is Aulea. So far, your instruction has been about various aspects of your relationship with and connection to your dragons. In fact, I believe you began lessons with Alno'dra earlier today. Your lessons with me will be different. I am here to instruct you in the art of armed combat. Your dragons will have no part in these lessons, though they may watch if they so desire. You are also forbidden to use any powers you may have. "You will be instructed in the use of various weapons, from swords to spears to bows. Eventually, you will be expected to choose and master a specific weapon. Depending on your weapon of choice, you may end up recieving instruction from another, but for now, training you is my job." "And why exactly do we need this training?" Aulea looked at the boy who'd spoken. Not surprisingly, it was the same self-confident kid who'd swooped in on his dragon earlier. "You think that this is a waste of time? That your time would be better spent doing something else? Is that it?" "That's it," the boy said. "Why do I need to learn this when I have my dragon and my powers? And besides, I'm more than good enough with a sword already." Aulea smiled. She loved this part. "Really. What's your name, boy?" "Kalest." "All right, Kalest. If you think you're so good, then why don't you-" Kalest cut her off. "Proove it? Fine." Aulea watched as Kalest walked over to the weapon rack and selected a practice sword. [i]He's definitely been through this before. You'd think he'd have learned by now, but obviously not. Well, that just means that I get to have some fun with him, too.[/i] Aulea selected a practice sword of her own from the rack. She and Kalest faced each other. "Ready?" Auleas asked her opponent. "Bring it on." "Let's do this, then." Kalest ran at Aulea. A few seconds later, he was disarmed and face-down in the dirt. "Still think you're too good?" Aulea asked as Kalest picked himself up. "You got lucky," Kalest replied. "Really? Care to try again?" The second fight was just as quick as the first. "Are you done yet?" Aulea asked as Kalest picked himself up off the ground again. The boy said nothing as he put his weapon back on the rack and rejoined the other students. "Well," Aulea said, "Now that that's out of the way, let's get started, shall we?" -------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope you don't mind me using Kalest in my post, Gemini_Phoenix. I decided to do the same thing you did for my first post, and I wasn't about to let the fact that you actually got yours posted first change that.
Kairi has said I can sign up as a rather, well, unusual character. Name: Aulea Gender: Female Alligence: Dragonheart Location: The Golden City Appearance: Very good-looking. Not quite 'beautiful', but still very good-looking. She's almost exactly six feet tall, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She's in very good physical shape. She has a few scars, most of them hidden by her clothing. The only exception is one on her left arm. She also has an odd mark on her chest that's been there since birth. Personality: Aulea's personality is not consistant. As a result of, um, mental difficulties, Aulea's mind is in a state of constant flux. It's impossible to predict what she'll be like at any time. However, she is good at concealing her inner turmoil, so it's not easy to tell that she's actually struggling to maintain her sanity. Weapon/Skills: Aulea can use a variety of weapons, but she's best with her bladed staff. Power: Aulea has air-based elemental powers. This includes basic manipulation of air. Aulea is able to control the winds to an extent. She can't whip up a tornado or anything like that, but she can certainly knock someone over, or disrupt the flight of flying creatures. Air may not seem as useful as other elements, but Aulea has mastered the proper use of her powers, and can be quite deadly with them. Aulea also has increased speed and agility. It's not a huge increase, but it can make a difference. Writing Snippet: Aulea placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. Things were bad right now, and she had to pull herself together. Unfortunately, in her case that was easier said than done. Memories popped into her head as she struggled against her own mind. This had once shocked her, but she was now used to it. She recognized some of the memories, but others were new to her. That, too, she'd gotten used to. This wasn't the first time she'd remembered new events. The first time had been many years ago. Aulea remembered that night very well. She was 20 years old at the time. A man had pulled her into an alleyway and tried to rape her. For several months prior to that night, Aulea'd been having strange dreams. She's also been experiencing brief moments of disorentation. These events had been occuring more and more frequently. Aulea's still not quite sure what all happened when the man tried to rape her, but she does know that it was then when she first remembered events that she'd previously been unable to recall. These memories were hers, but in a way they were not. They were of a previous life, a life in which she hadn't been human. A life in which she'd been a dragon. It was then that she gaind access to her powers, the same powers she'd had as a dragon. Aulea sat down as her first meeting with the great dragon Onyxia replayed itself in her mind. It had only been a month since that night when one of the Dragonheart Lords--she doesn't remember which one--found her. He, or rather, his dragon, had sensed something different about her. When he asked her, she told him the truth. He brought her before Onyxia in the Golden City. After extensive contemplation, Onyxia decided that despite her age and lack of a dragon partner, Aulea would be trained as a Dragonheart Lord. She never did get the title because of her questionable mental state and lack of a dragon partner, but she did recieve the instruction. Aulea's mental state had worried Onyxia. Unfortunately, nothing could be done about it. In a way, it wasn't even unnatural. It had been the emergence of the memories of her previous life that had caused her current problems, as it wasn't just her memories and powers which had emerged that night. Her former mind had awoken as well. The joining of her current and former selves was what had fragmented her mind, and since neither self could be removed, her mind had to remain fragmented. Aulea felt the stress lessen, and she stood up. The increased instability had passed for now, though Aulea knew that it would come again. For now, thought, she had things to do. She was an instructor of future Dragonheart Lords, and her students would be waiting for her. Since she had no dragon, there were many things that she couldn't teach very well, so she didn't teach them. Her job was to instruct them in the ways of armed combat. They had their dragons and their powers, but sometimes one had to do battle without those. Skill at armed combat was essential, and Aulea taught them well. It was a fitting area for her to teach. Sometimes she had difficulty using her powers, but her skill with weapons was always readily avalible for her to use. Well, that's everything. Kairi, please tell me if I need to change anything.
Man, things have been slow lately. I don't know about the others who currently aren't participating in missions, but I know I'm getting bored. When's the next mission launching, Shy? I'm about ready for some more action.
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] You were chosen because Team Leaders got to elect one person from their team to die, and one person from their team that wouldn't die for Body bags.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] So that means that DeathKnight chose Liquid to go on the mission and live, and chose Arachnid to come on the mission and die? Well, I guess I should thank DeathKnight for not picking Liquid for the Green Team casualty. All right, then. Body Bags is done. Well, done for now, at least. When's Hero Patrol going up, Shy?
For you, DeathKnight, that was not a hokey post. EDIT: I've posted now. Just so you all know what happened, the symbols (which I intended to be the same ones Kaida drew on the mirrors) each represent someone's doppleganger. When a character looked as his/her corresponding symbol after it had faded in fully, the symbol recognised that character and faded out, becoming the second reflected image. Those second images are images of the dopplegangers. The dopplegangers themselves have now entered the room (except for Liquid's, which is underwater in the next room). Whoever posts next can ether enter into battle with the dopplegangers or do something else. I'd personally prefer at least a short battle, but whatever. If there is a battle, Liquid should probably be the one who goes after her doppleganger (after all, that thing's underwater, and Liquid's the only one who can realy fight underwater). Oh, and if you don't like what I did for your doppleganger, or if I messed up your character, please tell me, and I'll see what I can do. END EDIT Oh, on a different but related note, I couldn't figure out whose doppleganger the snake-woman Hagar was supposed to be, so I PMed Minako. The reply was confusing, but to me it indicated that Hagar wasn't supposed to be anyone's doppleganger. Unless Minako tells me otherwise, I'm going to assume that Hagar wasn't anyone's doppleganger. Oh, and Domon, I keep forgetting to point out a mistake you made in your most recent post. In your most recent mission post, it seemed as though you were saying that Liquid has her gun. She does not, as she never got it back from Melinoe. Melinoe still has it.
[color=SeaGreen]It was Pandora who saw it first. Something was appearing on the walls, the walls that they'd all noticed were very polished, and reflective as well. "Um... look at the walls." What Pandora had seen was five symbols fading in on the walls. The others looked, but they didn't know what the symbols were. Tetros, however, recognized one of them. "We've seen that one before," he said, pointing. "It was on Sheba's altar." "Anything else you think may be relevant?" Liquid asked. Tetros nodded. "Yes. The five symbols are evenly spaced around the wall. Their positions correspond exactly to those the mirrors had before they stattered. I'm willing to bet that each symbol is the exact same as the one on the mirror that occupied its corresponding position. i don't know the significance, however." By that point, the symbols had finished fading in. Liquid took another look around. As her gaze passed over one of the symbols, she became extremely disoriented and fell to the ground. Picking herself up, she looked at the others. The same thing seemed to have happened to Arachnid, who was facing the symbol Tetros had identified as having been on Sheba's altar. Pandora fell over a couple seconds later, and Kaida was next. Each of them had been looking at a different symbol when whatever it was had happened. Those symbols then began to fade back out. The only one who seemed unaffected was Tetros; nothing happened no matter which symbol he looked at. He did pause briefly when looking at the only remaining symbol, which then faded out like the others. Liquid was wndering what had happened when Arachnid spoke. "Um, guys? Could you come over here for a sec?" Liquid had been closest to Arachnid, so she got to him first. "What is it?" Arachnid pointed at the wall. "Explain that," he said. Liquid looked at the wall, and what she saw shocked her. Arachnid's reflection was there, but there was a second image there as well, behaving as though it were also Arachnid's reflection. But it couldn't be, because that second image was one she recognized, and it wasn't Arachnid. It was the spider-woman, Sheba. "I have no idea what's happening," Liquid told Arachnid. The others were there now, and they were all as stumped as Liquid. Liquid let them wonder. She turned her attention to her own reflection. There was a second image in her reflection, as well. She could only describe it as some sort of aquatic creature. By now, the others had noticed that it wasn't just Arachnid's reflection that had a second image. All of their reflections did. Kaida's second image looked kind of like a human woman, but there were mechanical parts showing. Some kind of cyborg, maybe. Pandora's was humanoid, but clearly not human. Liquid wasn't quite sure what it was. But the greatest mystery was Tetros' second image. The second image of Tetros' reflection was a normal reflection. While the dual reflections of the others were a normal reflection and the image of something else, Tetros' dual reflection was just two normal reflections. "What is this?" Kaida wondered. "Our reflections have two images, and Arachnid's is Sheba. Mine's a cyborg, Pandora's is... something, and Liquid's is a water creature of some kind. And Tetros' is just a second normal reflection. I just don't get it." "Neither do I," Liquid said. "These second images do seem to have some kind of similarities to us, I can see that. My second image is of a water creature, and I myself am a being of water. Arachnid has the abilities of a spider, and his second image is of the spider-woman, Sheba. Yours is a cyborg, Kaida. Have you ever done anything involving cyborgs?" Kaida was clearly uncomfortable with the question (which made Liquid suspect that the answer was 'yes'), so Liquid moved on. "Pandora's second image is of some humanoid creature. Maybe that creature has powers similar to Pandora's. Personally, I consider Tetros' second image to be the biggest mystery. All of our second images are of different creatures, but Tetros' isn't. Why are ours of different creatures when Tetros' is of himself?" "It's not," a voice from behind them said. "He and I simply look exactly alike." The team spun around to face the unknown speaker. The speaker was standing near the door leading further into the temple. he was flanked by two figures that Liquid immediatly recognizesd as the creatures who were Kaida and Pandora's double images. The creatue from Arachnid's was absent, but then, Sheba was dead (or nearly dead, or whatever the correct term was). The creature from Liquid's was also absent, but Liquid could see and sense water in the room on the other side of the door; perhaps the creature was in there. And the speaker himself was from tetros' double image, meaning that he looked exactly like Tetros. "Let me begin," the Tetros double-image said, "by saying that you've all been fooled. The one you believe to be Tetros is not Tetros. You may find this hard to believe, but it is the truth." "You're right," Arachnid told the Tetros double-image. "That is hard to believe. Especially since this crazy place seems to be full of crazy things. Personally, I think you're full of s*^t. I assume that now you'll be telling us that you're the real Tetros?" The Tetros double-image nodded. "That's right." "I agree with Arachnid," Liquid said. 'You're just bull$^itting us. And it's not going to work. Kaida?" "They can't be friendly," Kaida said. "Let's take them out."[/color]
Discuss Digimon: Immersion-Help Database [PG-VL]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
All right, well, I want you to ask yourself something. If you're playing a game, do you want to be required to find food and that sort of thing? I think that most people would prefer not to have to worry about that. I hadn't intended to introduce anything like that into the game, because it's just boring when you have to do that kind of thing in a game. Oh, and I believe I already told you to clear it with me before introducing any game mechanics. I won't make you change your posts, but just please be sure to check with me next time, okay? -
Um, is anybody going to post in the Body Bags mission? It's only a few days until we're done, you know. I'd post, but I don't have enough time to do so right now. I'll try and get something up tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe someone else should post. After all, we've still got some stuff to do, and it's not that long until the mission ends.
I usually prefer the standard system (like what's being used for Body Bags), but in the case of The Legionnaires, I don't think that it's the best idea. So let me one again say that I feel that the ideal post system for this event is the maximum post frequency (mpf) system that I described earlier in this thread. The correct usage of and mpf system would eliminate the problem of waiting for a specific member to post. At the same time, an mpf system would result in a slower pace than the standard system, allowing people more time to write their posts. I think it's work very well. My vote goes to the mpf system.
Hopefully. I'll certainly make sure I have plenty of time when I decide to post next, whenever that is (I'm currently out of ideas; the only ones I've had over the past couple days have been crap). If I'd had more time last time, I'd probably have seen just how bad an idea it was and scrapped it, but I was rushed, so I posted before thinking about it. Well, we all make mistakes, I guess. I'm just glad that nobody'd posted after me, so that I could delete the post without risking making things worse. On a different note, Shy, will those of us whose characters die still be eligable to participate in Hero Patrol?
OOC: Don't worry about real-life concerns such as hunger, Circeus. Remember, it's just a VR game. Besides, I thought you wanted to join the Astralis event. Maybe you should finish your current thing and come join the fun. ---------------------------------------- [COLOR=Indigo]Kiva ran into the corridor after the woman with the Angemon. Just as she made it into the corridor, the woman she was after dashed back out and shouted new orders to her partner. She was staying on the move and trying to keep out of sight. She was a smart one, and she knew that she'd be a target, so she kept moving. She kept Angemon moving, too, maximizing his effectiveness while preventing the attackers from identifying him as an enemy. Kiva had to admire the strategy. The woman attempted to retreat into the corridor. Kiva'd anticipated this, however, and she was ready. As the woman ran by, Kiva tackled her to the ground. The woman managed to turn the fall into a roll and threw Kiva off of her. Both got to their feet. Still holding her weapon, Kiva faced her opponent. "Hello, Kalika." "I wondered if you'd be here, Kiva," Kalika said. "And here I am," Kiva replied. 'I have to say I'm a bit surprised to see you here. I'd have though that you wouldn't involve yourself in something this big so soon after the major ass-kicking Eiffel and I delivered to you yesterday. I mean, not only did Eiffel kill your old partner, but Machinedramon took out the Daemon you'd befriended. All you've got right now is your partner, and he can't go past champion." "Well, where do you think the Daemon came from? I met him here, in Astralis. If I do well enough in this battle, I'll probably come out of it with a befriended Digimon no lower than ultimate-level. And besides, Monodramon had enough experience that it won't take too long to get my new partner up to Ultimate. In fact, it'll probably happen with his next kill." "Perhaps. I do have to commend you on your choice of partner. You may be a bitch, but you know what you're doing. Too bad for you I figured it out. By now, your ruse won't work. There's no Angemon with our forces, which are being notified that there is an Angemon with the enemy. I don't know how long he'll last. And to be honest, I don't really care. I don't want your partner. I want you." "A distraction tactic won't work as well this time," Kalika said. "angemon has more detailed orders, and this time your appearance hasn't changed anything." "I don't care," Kiva said. "I thought I told you last time that I'd engaged you more for personal enjoyment than anything else. That's true now, as well. I'm not doing this for any strategic reasons. I'm doing it for the enjoyment of beating the living shit out of you." Kalika picked up a piece of debris similar to Kiva's. "Then let's do this."[/COLOR]
You're both right, but, well, I was rushed, so I went with the first idea that popped into my head, and it sucked. Well, my mistake. Now I know better than to go with a rush job. Lesson learned, and post deleted. We're back to Baron Samedi's post now, so let's go from there. I won't be making the next post, I don't think. Someone else can do that, and I garuntee you that you'l do better than I did with my ****** rush job. Take it away, whoever. Now, I'm still trying to come up with a good idea for a monstrous version of Liquid. Any ideas, anyone? Oh, and Sandy, even though I deleted my post, Melinoe still has Liquid's gun (Liquid gave it to her during the battle with Sheba and forgot to get it back).
All right, Liquid's now given a theroy about the nature of the enemy, based on its statements earlier in the mission and information given by Melinoe. And then I set things up to split up the group. If you want to make use of the opportunity, go right ahead. Just remember that I'd like to have Liquid end up with Kaida.
[color=seagreen]As the team resumed their journey into the depths of the temple, Liquid glanced back down the corridor through which they'd come. "I hope that thing's really dead this time," she remarked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"The creature's body was destroyed," Melinoe said. "So was the blood sphere, though I am uncertain as to whether it had her mind or simply an image of her mind, an imprint used by the power that formed it. I suspect that it is the latter. Regardless, both the spider-woman and blood sphere forms were destroyed. However, I believe that the mind of the spider-woman survived. Do not worry, though. She will be of no further threat to us. While she may eventually reform her body, it will certainly take centuries, if not longer. And that's if it even happens at all."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Okay, so is the thing ailve or dead?" Arachnid asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Technically, she is alive," Melinoe replied, "in the sense that her mind, her conciousness still exists. But she is only that, and it's likely to be a couple hundred years before that conciousness actually becomes self-aware again. We delivered quite a blow, and the creature's mind is probably quite fragmented right now. It takes time for something like that to correct itself."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"So we don't have to worry about the thing anymore," Kaida said. "That's good to know."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]A few seconds later, Liquid spoke again. "Melinoe, you just gave me the answer to something I've been wondering about."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"And what would that be?" Melinoe asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"This... thing, the whatever it is that's been trying to kill us ever since we got here, it said that it had slept for centuries," Liquid explained. "I've been wondering why it was sleeping. Now I think I have a guess. It was sleeping because its body was once destroyed, just like what we did to that spider-woman thing. Perhaps its mind now resides in this temple. Not 'in the temple' in the sense of being inside the temple, but in the sense of... well, of actually being the Temple. Remember the other stuff it said? About us being inside it? My theroy is that, in essence, this thing isn't in the temple. It [i]is [/i]the temple. Its mind may reside in a specific location-perhaps we're being herded in that direction, if indeed we're being herded somewhere-but that wouldn't change anything. I'm guessing that the damn thing is the temple."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"That's... well, I'll be honest," Arachnid said. "That sounds pretty dumb to me."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Well, did I ask for your opppinion? Besides, it's not like I'm giving you a well-developed theroy. It's just a guess, something that fits with the little information we have."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]As Liquid finished her sentence, things started shaking again. "I think something's coming!" Tetros shouted over the noise of the rumblings. "Get ready! This could be nasty!"[/color]
Okay, Domon killed Sheba in his post. Happy now, DeadSeraphim? I personally think that Sheba should have put up a little bit more of a fight. I mean, Domon and I are the only ones who even mentioned Sheba's powers. Everyone else just seemed to overlook that part. Well, too late for that, I guess. Sheba's dead now. Perhaps Unhate should fire a couple of those bomb bullets into Sheba's body. You know, make sure she's really dead by blowing up the body. And the Tetros confirms that the pieces of the body are real and not just an illusion. maybe whoever posts next could put that in the post (it won't be me. I don't want to post too frequently, and I just posted a couple posts ago).
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Rip-off? Maybe so, though I didn't directly source it from anywhere. But it's not as if "scary hallucinations representing as physical manifestations" is a completely original topic.[/size][/quote] Well, like I said, I didn't know if you got the idea from Shelob or if you came up with it on your own. And as for the nightmare thing, that was Shy's idea, as far as I know. I don't know where he got it from, or if he just came up with it on his own.
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]It's been going for five days, and we have eight left to go. I hardly view 6 or 7 posts on the subject an inordinate amount. If we continue at this rate, we'll make around 4-5 pages, which is 60-75 posts. I think we'll probably do around 60 odd posts. I don't view this detour as extraordinarily long. This is a ceature that has been around for centuries. Takuya's post might have been somewhat forced, but without it, the battle did end too quickly. There is no need for anyone's panties to get into a knot. Plenty of time and posts left for other things.[/size][/QUOTE] Well, nice to see that someone agrees with me. And yes, maybe it was a bit forced. However, it's not like I made Sheba invincible or anything. She just shifted states and the bullets fell out. Liquid can do the same thing, as I stated in my sign-up. She can still die, which probably won't take much longer to happpen. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I don't agree with the concept of making a huge thing out of this boring, stereotypical, and worst of all, ripped-off monster. That's my final word on it. I'll post again when things are, what's the word cool kids are using? Oh, right, [i]interesting[/i].[/font][/size'][/color][/quote] Hey, Baron Samedi's idea was the rip-off (although I don't know if he got the idea from Shelob or thought of it on his own, so maybe he didn't rip it off). I changed it to something I did think up on my own (the spider-woman is actually a creature I was planning on using in an old RPG of mine, but the RPG didn't ever reach that point). Like I said, Shelob was a part of my decision to make Sheba more than just a giant spider. Oh, and Sandy, yes, there was a door, 'was' being the key word here. The door got blown up.
OOC: Um... *counts posts* ...four, five. Five posts' worth of battle (plus my introduction). Yep, definitely too easy. Something that powerful deserves at least one or two more posts' worth of battle before dying. Hope nobody minds if Sheba's not quite dead yet. -------------------------------------------------- [color=seagreen]"I don't think we're done yet," Melinoe said. "I can still feel the creature's presence. It's not dead yet."[/color] [color=#2e8b57]Melinoe was right. Just as she finished her sentence, Sheba came leaping back onto the platform. She looked... well, different. Less solid. "S%!t!" Liquid swore. "She has a state-shift ability like I do! The bullets fell right out of her when she shifted states!"[/color] [color=#2e8b57]"The 'bodily debris' has no heat signature," Tetros observed. "It's most likely illusory. Our opponent is not. She's still alive."[/color] [color=#2e8b57]"She has to be hurting," Kaida said. "Let's take this thing out!"[/color] [color=seagreen]The team hit the spider-woman with everything they had, but it wasn't enough. The bulllets from their guns hit, but didn't really do much. Unhate's bomb-bullets did do some damage, but Sheba'd clearly learned to avoid them. Whenever one hit her, she shifted states and let it fall out before resolidifying. When detonated, the bullets schorched her underbelly, but didn't do much more than that. Any ranged powers used didn't even seem to make contact. Sheba was blocking them somehow. The creature clearly posessed significant power of her own.[/color] [color=#2e8b57]Sheba began firing powerful energy blasts at the team. Those targeted were quick to get out of the way. Some of the blasts hit the platform, but the platform was obvoiusly built out of something very tough, and it suffered no damage. Some of the blasts flew out into the cave, while others impacted the cave's wall and blew chunks of rock everywhere. One of Sheba's blasts ended up hitting the door in the wall, which blew apart.[/color] [color=#2e8b57]After all her dodging, Liquid ended up next ot the unarmed Melinoe. "Here, take this," she said, handing Melinoe her gun. "Now you can actually do something. I know you don't use a gun, but that thing's a big target, so aiming shouldn't be a problem. Just try not to hit any of us. And try to get it back to me intact."[/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Don't you need it?" Melinoe asked.[/color] [color=#2e8b57]"I can fight without it," Liquid replied. "This way, you can fight too."[/color] [color=#2e8b57]With her gun in Melinoe's hands, Liquid shifted into her liquid state and charged Sheba. As she neared the spider-woman, she used jets of water to propel herself into the air and over the thing's head. She spun in midair as she returned to her normal state. She created and chilled water to form ice spikes, which she sent flying towards the back of Sheba's head. Liquid landed on Sheba's body and quickly leapt away from the thing, landing on the platform.[/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid's aim had been a bit off. Instead of Sheba's head, the ice spikes became imbedded in the back of her 'human' half. Sheba shifted states, and the spikes fell to the ground. Sheba resolidified and turned her attention towards other members of the team[/color] [color=#2e8b57]Liquid ended up by Kaida. "I've got an idea," she told the team leader. "I'll create a layer of water under that thing, making the platform slippery. Then, you shoot one of your orbs at it. Put a lot of power into it, too. With any luck, the force of the blow will send the thing sliding over the edge."[/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Worth a try," Kaida said. Liquid nodded, shifted into her liquid form, and slipped behind Sheba. Resolidifying, she blasted the area around her with water, and got some underneath Sheba as well. "NOW!" she shouted as she shifted into her liquid state and moved out from behind.[/color] [color=#2e8b57]The plan didn't work. Sheba saw what was happening and nullifed Kaida's orb with a blast of her own. [/color][color=darkslategray][b]"You won't win that easily," [/b][/color][color=seagreen]Sheba said. [/color][color=darkslategray][b]"No mere humans can hope to defeat me. You will all die here."[/b][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Kaida shouted. "If you want us, then you're in for a fight!"[/color] ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Yes, we can kill this thing. Sheba' though, and she's powerful, but she's not invincible. Remember, she's taken quite a beating, and is probably not too far from death. I just thought that five posts was a little too quick for something that powerful.
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GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Nice to see that someone's still interested. -
Liquid doesn't need to know, Sandy. Melinoe knows, and that's enough. In the dark corridor, however, she wasn't there, so that's irrelevant. However, she was there in my most recent post, so I've edited that one to include her ability to see in the dark. Oh, and I noticed the similarity to Shelob, too. That's one reason I had Sheba be a spider-woman-thing instead of just a giant spider. I thought Sheba shold be different than Shelob. And a note to StarrStruck: Sheba's face is basically a human face, so she doesn't have multiple compund eyes like spiders do.
Sign-ups are closed. Besides, the RPG's basically dead now anwways.
I didn't go with an actual spider, but... well, read my post and you'll see for yourself. Two things. First of all, Baron Samedi, I may have gotten Tetros wrong, so please tell me if I did. And second, Sandy, I figured that Melinoe was the team member most likely to recognize a sacrificial alter. Please tell me if I got that wrong. Oh, and I guess we could be split up as a result of the battle with Sheba. If someone does decide to do that, I'd like to have Liquid end up with Kaida (assuming that it's all right with you, DeathKnight). Okay, that's all.