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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [quote name='Kei'][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]The game isn't dead. Real life just tends to take priority. lol[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]People are getting (or have gotten) the information they need to keep going, so it's all just a matter of time.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Good to hear. Although I haven't yet gotten the information I need. But I don't mean to rush you; you're right that real life takes priority.
  2. Man, it's been a while since there's been any activity with this. I hope it's not dead. Anyways, assuming that it is, in fact, not dead, Allamorph, I'm still waiting on information as to what happens next, now that the assault teams are ready to move out. I can't really make another post until I know what's up.
  3. I've been wondering about something, too. Telepathic communication has been included in a couple people's posts now, and psychic humans were mentioned in I believe one of Allamorph's posts. Given the existance of psychic abilities, I think it's important that we all know what varieties exist and what limitations they have (this is outside of the psychic energy used by Pokemon in battles).
  4. [quote name='Kei'][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Gymo:[/B] Heard you the first time, darling. =p[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Um... okay, that's strange. I thought I posted it the first time, but when I checked the thread again, I didn't see it, so I posted it again. But now there the first one is. Odd.
  5. I'm planning on doing the same thing with Aesera's Espeon, which would make Espeon the only telepathic Pokemon shown so far that's actually a psychic-type.
  6. I'm planning on doing the same thing with Aesera's Espeon, which, unlike you two's telepathic Pokemon, actually is a psychic-type.
  7. Well, my post's up. Allamorph, if I need to change anything, please let me know.
  8. [COLOR=black]That was not something Aesera had expected. Sure, she'd known she'd draw Falkner's attention eventually, but she'd only had the one incident, which was a purely verbal exchange. Yes, she'd delt with her fair share of angry parents during her time at the Trainer's School, but those were purely a matter of the Trainer's School.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=black]That guy obviously reported me, [/COLOR][/I][COLOR=black]Aesera thought. [I]Probably called it 'harassment' or something like that. Would've had to exaggerate my actions even to qualify it as that, though. And Falkner spoke as though there were multiple reports, too. I guess the guy must have had some friends make similar reports. Hm.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Falkner had told Aesera to keep her beliefs to herself, but she wasn't going to. The League had need of people like her, people who viewed Pokemon as equals and treated them with compassion. The League's brand of government was a much better choice than anything its opponents could be expected to come up with, but not if it included the oppression of intelligent life. If there were voices for the notion that Pokemon were tools, but no voices for treating them as equals, such oppressive treatment would no doubt become the norm. Aesera intended to be one of those needed voices, and she wasn't going to stop, no matter who told her to. [I]Still, I should probably try to avoid any... confrontations for a little while. Find a less... disruptive way to make my point.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Hey, there. You're Aesera, right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]The voice snapped Aesera out of her thoughts. She looked over the good-looking man who had approached her. [I]Not bad. [/I]"Yes," she said. "I am."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I'm Brandon. Brandon Merke. Call me Brand."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Brand extended his hand, and Aesera shook it. "Aesera Alkalero. Nice to meet you, Brand."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Likewise." Brand released Aesera's hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Given how busy everyone is preparing to move out," Aesera said, "I'm going to assume you're not just making idle conversation."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Brand chuckled. "Right you are. We've been paired up, Aesera."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I see," Aesera said. "This standard?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Well, many of us do have partners. Working in pairs is generally a lot better than working solo, I think. It's not any kind of standard policy, and most of the time it's not even official. It seems to just happen naturally. It's most common among roommates. There are official pairings sometimes, though. This is one of those."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Do you know why?" Aesera asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Well," Brand said, "even though you just reported in, I understand you've already made an impression. Officially, it's so I can help you adjust to being a member of this force, but I think Falkner wants someone to keep an eye on you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Ah."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"What did you do, anyways?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I saw a guy abusing his Arcanine and told him off. That guy, actually." She indicated to Brand the man, whom she'd just spotted. He gave her a brief glare, but quickly returned his attention to whatever task he currently had.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Ah, yes," Brand said. "Mathis. Yeah, I'm not surprised to hear that about him. He's... less than kind to his Pokemon. And he doesn't take kindly to being told this. How nasty did it get?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Not very, although he may very well have tried to hit me had I not pointed out that, myself having not even made a minorly threatening comment, he'd have started a fight without provocation, am I'm certain the repercussions for such a thing are... less than pleasant. He backed down after that. I didn't think it'd come up again in anything more than personal relations with him, but Falkner just told me to cut it out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"When there wasn't even a threat?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I think the guy-Mathis, you said? I think he made a stink and... exaggerated my role in the encounter. I'm guessing he had some friends of his make similar complaints."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Brand nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Yeah, that somuds like something he'd do. Still, even if it was just the one minor incident, you might want to think twice about starting up another."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Yes," Aesera agreed, "but that doesn't mean I'm just going to ignore that kind of thing."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I know how you feel. I'm rather unfond of Mathis' attitude myself. It's just wrong to treat Pokemon the way he does. They're not here for us to abuse. They need to be treated properly; any tool does. Tools break if they're improperly kept. Fortunately, I think a majority of us realize that."[/COLOR] [I][/I] [I][COLOR=black]And here I was starting to think he shared my view, [/COLOR][/I][COLOR=black]Aesera thought. [I]Guess not. Hell of a lot better than that Mathis guy, though. [/I]"I... see."[/COLOR] "[COLOR=black]Hey!" a man called to them. "Stop standing around! We've got work to do!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Guess we should get busy," Aesera said."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Brand nodded. "Yeah. We're preparing assault teams. We need to pack supplies and join with the rest of our team. Come on."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Tell me something, Brand," Aesera said as the two of them loaded supplies into their packs. "Was Falkner's... behavior earlier typical of him?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I don't know," Brand said. "I didn't just come in today like you did, but I'm a recruit like you. One of the first ones, yes, but I still haven't spent much time around Falkner. He always has stuff to do, and we didn't exactly have a lot of down time ourselves. Preparing for war takes a lot of work, you know."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Well, it seems the war's started now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Yeah. Anyways, Falkner's outburst today is the only one I know of, but there are enough rumors that there almost has to be some truth to some of them, and I hear that he does have his share of outbursts. Some people say he's got something of a vindictive streak, too. I don't know if that's true or not, but you might want to try to avoid pissing him off, just in case." Brand zipped his pack shut. "Well, I'm good to go."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Me too," Aesera said as she finished with her own pack. "Now what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"We join with the rest of our assault team. Come on, let's go."[/COLOR]
  9. Actually, I was planning to introduce a more sympathetic character in my next post, and I certainly don't intend to have everyone act all bad-guy-like. Those characters will probably be the ones that stand out from the rest of my NPC crowd, though, as Aesera's interactions with them are likely to be more... memorable. But don't worry; she'll run into plenty of non-evil characters, and I do not intend to go for a one-dimensional presentation of the League. So, basically, I understand your concerns, and I agree with them, even though one might assume otherwise from my opening posts. Don't worry; I'll be doing this the way you want.
  10. "...and when I tell you to do something, you damn well better do it!" Aesera paused at the entrance to the Violet City Gym and looked towards the sound of the angry voice. A man was standing off to the side, shouting angrily at an Arcanine, a male from the looks of it. [I]Guy must have lost a training match, [/I]Aesera thought. [I]And he's clearly not happy about it.[/I] "I don't care what you think," the man was shouting. "You acted without any instruction. That's why we lost, you piece of shit. You do what I tell you to, and only what I tell you to. Is that understood?" Arcanine growled at the man, then jerked back with a whimper as the man's foot landed in his face. "I'm in charge here, not you! I don't want any damn protests, or objections, or anything! I'm the boss here!" The man didn't notice Aesera's approach until she tapped him on the sholder. He spun around to face her. "What d'you want?" "Well, I couldn't help but overhear your, well, outburst, and I thought I'd advise you to cut the anger down a bit. I don't think Arcanine there likes that kind of treatment." "Yeah? And just who are you, anyways?" "New recruit." "New recruit, huh? Well, then, let me give you a free piece of advice, girl: stay the hell out of my business." "Probably a good piece of advice," Aesera said, "but I don't think so. I saw the way you're treating Arcanine, and I don't think he likes it." "Ha! Like they even have feelings. They're just dumb beasts." "Kind of like you, then?" "Kind of- okay, [I]girl[/I], I've heard enough out of you." He stepped up right in front of her and glared threateningly. "I think you should shut up now." Aesera didn't even flinch. She stared straight into the man's blue eyes. "What, you think I'm afraid of you?" She laughed. "You don't scare me. But I'm not in the mood for a fight." She stepped away from the man. "I just wanted to say that I thought you should be nicer to your Pokemon." "You sound like one of them 'protesters'. Maybe I oughta turn you in for sympathizing with the enemy." "Amazing," Aesera said. "I was starting to think you were too dumn to use four-syllable words." The man stepped forward, but Aesera just laughed. "You don't really want to start a fight, do you? When I've never even uttered a single threat? Because I wouldn't think you'd like the consequences for starting a fight. I don't think the guys in charge take kindly to that sort of thing." The man stepped back. "You better hope I never see you again, girl," the man said as he recalled his Arcanine to its ball. "Because if I do, you're mine." "I'd love to see you try," Aesera said. "Well, I've got to go report in. 'Bye." She left the man behind and entered the gym.
  11. [quote name='Kei'][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]It wasn't just aimed at you; there were other people it was meant for and it was also a general "hey, now" for people that read those posts and thought this was something that we were leaning strongly towards.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]We both can understand if there is the occasional bit of swearing for emphasis if the situation warrants it and the character would actually do something like that. We just don't want to see people dropping f-bombs and the like for the sake of lulz. That's it, that's all.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]That being said, err on the side of caution with it, please. It's not Pokémon: Pulp Fiction edition. ;p[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Yeah, that's about what I thought. I was just a bit worried when Allamorph said he didn't want gratuitous profanity, then said he'd had to axe a player five posts in. And my post was the only one with much profanity. Kind of made me nervous.
  12. I hope you're not talking about my post. I did use a fair bit of profanity, yes, but I only did so because I felt it was appropriate for the characters and situation. You'll notice that there wasn't a single swear word after Roger left (unless you count 'ass'). In other words, yes, I include swear words, but I try to do so only when I feel the characters would actually be using them, and I certainly try to avoid gratuitous vulgarity. The level of swearing in my post is definitely not going to be the norm; expect much less swearing most of the time. Oh, and if I did use too many swear words, please let me know, and I'll make sure not to include that much swearing in any post. I guess what I'm saying is that if you have any problems with anything I post, please let me know, and I'll correct them.
  13. Thanks for the info, Allamorph. I can get into war preperations next post; I wanted to start by wrapping up Aesera's life prior to the war, so my post is about her leaving the Trainer's School. Also: [quote name='Ace][B][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1]"I think I'll call you Vera."[/SIZE][/FONT'][/B][/quote] You, sir, are officially awesome.
  14. [COLOR=black]"Are you Ms. Alkalero?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Aesera looked the man over. He was angry, that much was certain. He didn't look too threatening, but he did seem angry enough to hit her. Or attempt to hit her, at least; he wouldn't like what would happen if he actually tried to.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I am," Aesera said. "And you are?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Roger Martin. Robert's father. Would you mind explaining why my son comes home spouting nonsense?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Well," Aesera said, "you'll have to tell me what 'nonsense' you're referring to. I'm afraid I don't know what he says at home."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Don't give me that attitude. You know exactly what I'm talking about."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"How could I?" Aesera replied innocently. She was, of course, faking; she knew exactly what had pissed Roger off. Not that she was about to tell him that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Fine, play your damn games. I'll tell you exactly why I'm here. I'm here because you keep filling my son's head with this nonsense about compassion towards Pokemon."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I haven't done anything like that," Aesera told the man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Bullshit. My son repeats your shit all the time. Are you saying he's making it up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Aesera shook her head. "No, I never said aanything like that. I merely told you I haven't filled your son's head with nonsense."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Then where the hell does he get it from?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"You misunderstand me. I am not denying that I'm the sourse of the things your son says. I'm merely saying it's not 'nonsense'. And it's not."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Roger took a step towards her. "How the hell is it not? You're telling him to treat Pokemon as his equals. How the hell can you see nothing wrong with that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Because there is nothing wrong with it," Aesera replied.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"[/COLOR][COLOR=black]Nothing wrong with it? The entire goddamned [I]idea [/I]is wrong!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"And can you tell me why that is?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"[I]Why that- [/I]it's because it is wrong! Pokemon aren't our equals. What the hell are you doing filling my son's head with these goddamned lies? You're telling him he's no better than animals!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]This was hardly the first time Aesera's gotten complaints from a parent about what she taught at the Trainer's School, but Roger was a good bit angrier than any of the previous ones. Aesera, however, wasn't about to put up with it. "Tell me something, Mr. Martin," she said. "Do you have any valid complaints, or are you going to keep distorting what I tell the students here through your own prejudice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]That one gave Roger a pause. "I- you- what? Prejudice? What the hell are you talking about? What prejudice?[/COLOR][COLOR=black]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"The prejudice you've been shouting at me this whole time," Aesera said. "You clear prejudice against Pokemon. I don't think you can deny having such prejudice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"And just how the hell is that prejudice? Recognizing the truth is not prejudice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"No, but refusal to see it can be. As can getting bent out of shape when someone challenges that prejudice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I've had about enough of this," Roger said. "I'll make things simple for you: stop teaching my son this bullshit."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"And I'll make it simple for you: if you don't like what I say, don't send your son to me. Or just wait; I don't expect to be here much longer. The war will soon be upon us, and I've been recruited by Falkner. I expect to be employed in that regard fairly soon. So your son won't have me around for much longer, anyways. Now, if you have nothing more to say, would you please leave? Dealing with ignorant assholes makes me nauseous."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"You haven't heard the last of this." Roger turned and stomped out of the room.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Aesera sat down behind her desk and sighed. Roger was only the latest to take offense at what Aesera was teaching. That wouldn't matter any more, though. She'd actually misrepresented how much longer she would be as the Trainer's School; she was actually in the process of moving herself out. In fact, today was the day she finalized her departure.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Encountering Roger on her last day was unfortunate, but Aesera knew she wouldn't be leaving people like him behind. Her attitude would draw attention in service of the League, and could prove problematic. It'd start at lower levels, but eventually the higher-ups would get wind of it, and there could be problems when that happened. Hopefully, she'd have some successful assignments under her belt by then, preferably difficult ones. Nothing shielded one from unpleasant concequences like showing that one could be counted on to produce results.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Laresa, a fellow teacher, was waiting for Aesera at the exit. "Hey, there," she said. "I saw Robert's dad heading out, and he was pissed. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Aesera chuckled. "Guy decided to chew my ass out. I don't think he realized who he was messing with."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Yeah, not a smart move on his part."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Like Aesera, today was Laresa's last day at the Trainer's School. She was leaving for different reasons, however. She wanted no part in the coming war, so she was getting the hell out of Violet City and into neutral territory.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"You're sure you want to stay here, Aesera?" Laresa asked. "The offer's still open if you want to come with me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Thanks," Aesera said, "but no. I've made my choice."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Yeah. Just be careful."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"I will," Aesera said. "See you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Yeah. See you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]The two of them passed through the exit and went their seperate ways.[/COLOR]
  15. Okay, Allamorph, I edited my sign-up. How's it look now?
  16. I remember this RPG. I'm definitely giving it another go. I'm using my character from last time, although some changes were necessary. Everything's been discussed with Kei, though, so Aesera's back in action. Heh, this is the first thing Ive done on OB in months. Name: Aesera Alkalero Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance: [COLOR=black]Aesera is a rather tall woman, standing at well over 6 feet in height. She's pretty good-looking, but not someone who would usually be described as beautiful, as she keeps herself in good physical shape and many people's idea of 'beautiful' would be unhealthy. Aesera is in very good shape and looks like it. She has a couple small scars on her arms and one large one on her upper left leg that's usually under her clothing.[/COLOR] Allegiance: League Status: Recruit. Recruited by Falkner. Bio: Aesera is not a native of Johto or Kanto; she was born in Lilycove City in Hoenn, the youngest of three children. Aesera was interested in becoming a trainer in large part because of her sister, Katrina, who was a trainer, and one of the best. Aesera wasn't trying to follow in her footsteps; it was simply that Katrina was responsible for introducing her to the idea. Aesera got her start as a trainer in Kanto; her brother knew Professor Oak, and was able to get him to provide Aesera with her first Pokemon. She traveled around the various regions for quite some time, and became a very skilled trainer, although not at her sister's level. She was especially good at the strategic end, thanks to her often unorthodox strategic style. In her travels, Aesera became interested in the myths and stories surrounding the various so-called 'legendary Pokemon'. Everyone has personal interests; that became one of hers. As a result, she knows quite a bit about the legends. She learned as much about them as she could during her travels. Eventually, Aesera decided to take a break from her life as a trainer, and settled in Johto's Violet City, a place she'd found she liked on visits there durring her travels. She took a position at Violet's Trainer's School, helping teach new trainers the basics. She did stills engage in trainer activities herself sometimes; in particular, she was more than willing to battle with anyone who wanted to. When tensions between the League and its opponents began to mount, Aesera was recruited into the League forces by Violet's Gym Leader, Falkner. She assumes that Falkner did so because of her reputation for creative and effective battle strategies. It certainly wasn't because of any familiarity with her; the only time she'd met Falkner previously was when she challenged the Violet City Gym for its badge. But regardless of the reason, it happened, and now Aesera is preparing for whatever the war may bring. Personality: Aesera is, first and formost, a pragmatist. It's why she supports the League, despite personal objections to some of their policies; a strong government is, she believes, a necessity, and flawed as the League may be, it is, in her mind, preferable to any of the other currently available options. Aesera's strongest point of dissagreement with the League is on the treatment of Pokemon. Many in the League see Pokemon as tools, a position Aesera makes no secret of her contempt for (although she's still fairly certain that Falkner didn't know about that when she was recruited). She hates how common this attitude seems to be in the League, and does everything she can to instill an attitude of compassion towards Pokemon in others. She knows this attitude is not exactly favored within the League, but that's not enough to stop her; she's not someone who gives up on anything easily, especially when it's an issue that's important to her. Primary Pokemon: Espeon, Tyranitar, and Rhydon are the heavy hitters of Aesera's team. She also has a Pigeot which, although not quite as tough, is no slouch in battle. The newest additions to her six-member team (a standard she wholehartedly agrees with) are Sneasel and Flaffy.
  17. Yeah, hi. It's been a while since I posted, so I wanted to let everyone know that I haven't left this. It's simply been quite a while since I had anything to post, since Kiva and Daego are still planting the program in the relay stations and I don't really have anything else to post about that particular assignment. Anyways, yeah, just wanted to make sure youall know that I haven't left.
  18. Well, I gave it a try, but there've only been two sign-ups so far, so I guess there wasn't much interest after all. Oh, well.
  19. [I][COLOR=darkslategray]They call it 'Genesis'.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]My name is Aesera Laoresk. I was selected for the Genesis project on September 5th, 2023. I've been involved for a year, and it still seems unreal. But then, why wouldn't it? I've been alive for 27 years. I've had one year to unlearn 26 years' worth of 'truths' that are no longer true.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=#2f4f4f][I]Genesis is a top-secret U.S. millitary research project. Its objective was the creation of artificial life. Not just artificial intelligence; artificial [/I]life[I]. And they succeeded. Or maybe not; not even the Genesis research team knows if the new world was there all along or if it was created as a result of the project, although the prevailing theory is that Genesis inadvertently accessed and existing but unformed world which then formed according to the Genesis criteria.[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]They called this new world the 'digital world', and the creatures there, the artificial life that was Genesis' objective, were called 'Digimon'.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]I'm not a Genesis researcher. I'm a soldier. Originally, only scientists were involved, but the digital world is a dangerous place. The Genesis team can go there, but no scientist has much hope of surviving long enough to accomplish anything. So they brought in a number of soldiers, myself included [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]We weren't brought in all at once; Genesis brought in soldiers as it needed them. I wasn't the only woman, but nobody was chosen because of gender; only ability matered. [/COLOR][/I]We didn't know what we were chosen for; they didn't even tell us the name until we were inside the Genesis facility. And once you're in, there's no going back out.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Genesis soldiers are the ones who actually enter the digital world. Sometimes we're on our own, and sometimes we're escorting scientists. They do need to enter the digital world, as it's currently impossible to bring anything from the digital world back to the so-called 'real world', so any direct contact with Digimon requires entering the digital world. Anything sent there from the real world can be brought back, but nothing from there can be brought to the real world. It's a problem that the Genesis team is busy working on, because the real objective of the project requires it.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]You don't have to spend much time in the digital world before you know what Genesis is really about. Digimon aren't just artificial life; they're weapons. Living weapons. And thanks to a process called 'digivolution', they're adaptable. They can be used for stealth operations as well as direct attacks. They can sneak in in smaller forms before changing into larger, more powerful forms. to attack the enemy from within. And they're very dangerous weapons. They can do a hell of a lot of damage, and even with our weapons, which are specialized for use against Digimon, they're very tough to kill. In fact, the only way to efectively fight some Digimon is with other Digimon. Which is why all genesis soldiers have Digimon partners.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Digivolution of a partner Digimon can be controlled with a device called a 'digivice'; these digivices also serve to allow communication with one's Digimon partner even at a distance, and in addition, they function as communicators. However, a partner can't reach its most powerful levels right off the bat; it has to be capable of reaching a form before Digivolution to that form can be induced. So we don't have partner Digimon just for their aid; we have them so we can test them as weapons, and test new equipment using them.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Digimon are, in many ways, the perfect weapons, there are currently two problems Genesis is faced with. One is that Digimon cannot currently be brought to the real world. the other is that Digimon have varied personalities, and not all of them like fighting. Not all of them are willing to kill. And what good is a weapon that won't kill? So Genesis is attempting to change this, trying to find a way to... adjust Digimon who don't want to fight. For many of us soldiers, this was the last straw. Digimon may be weapons, but they are also lintelligent, sentient, self-aware life, and some of us weren't willing to participate in what amounted to the enslavement of such life. So we sabotoged the project.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]There weren't many of us, and we couldn't do much, but we did what we could. We couldn't bypass the security on the Genesis systems, so we took the direct aproach and did as much damage as we could. All data has multiple backups, so we could do little about it, but we destroyed as much equipment as we could before making our escape in the only way we could: we fled into the digital world. We reunited with our Digimon partners (in my case, a Dorumon) and put as much distance between us and the arrival zone as we could.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Genesis would know exactly where we'd arrived; there's only one access zone, once area where anyone can arrive in the digital world. The arrival point can vary within that area, but only within that area, and it's not exactly a huge area. They knew where we were, so we had to get away as fast as we could. We made for the nearest of the safe houses set up by Genesis; food is easy to find in the digital world, but we needed other supplies. We took as much as we could, which was quite a bit; we used the 'Champion' forms of our Digimon to carry the supplies. We cleaned it out of weapons and ammunition, then got the hell away from there.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#2f4f4f]We are now in hiding. We could simply flee and never be found. The digital world is as large as the real world; finding us would essentially be impossible. But we can't run to the other side of the digital world; Genesis is still there, and its objective remains unchanged. We didn't intend for our actions to be a one-time thing. We will continue to fight against Genesis. It won't be easy; the enemy will be people we knew, soldiers we fought togeather with. We will be put against those we considered friends. And we will have no choice but to fight, because they also have no choice. We may not like it, but we all know that we'll have no choice but to fight.[/COLOR][/I] Yeah, so as you may have figured out, this isn't your typical Digimon RPG. We're soldiers, not kids. Also, I intend for this to be a somewhat more realistic take on Digimon. By this, I mean that they get injured. A Digimon can lose an arm, a leg, an eye. And although they car eventually recover from pretty much anything that doesn't kill them outright, injuries will hinder them in the meantime. And Digimon in the RPG can die. I don't just mean they're defeated and become data; when Digimon die in this RPG, they actually die. Also, I indend to stay away from attack names. If you want your character to have a name for an attack, that's fine, but they won't have their own names. They're just what the Digimon are able to do. Anyways, sign-ups. You can be one of the soldiers against Genesis, or you can be one who's still with Genesis. Or you can have two characters if you want to. As for actually signing up, I want a writing sample. It doesn't really matter what you write about; it could be your character's first trip to the digital world, some incident that happened there at some point, your character's role in the 'betrayal' of genesis; whatever. However, it does need to include the following information: Name Age: 18 or older. There aren't any kids in the millitary. Gender Affiliation: Are you with genesis, or the 'traitors'? Partner Digimon: You only need to give the rookie form, although it's okay to digivolve to champion if it's part of what you're writing. Nothing above champion, though; our Digimon can't get any higher yet, although this will happen eventually. Well, there you have it.
  20. UNfortunately, I don't know that there's enough interest in the idea. People, if you're interested, please tell me, or else I won't think you are.
  21. Maybe, maybe not. There are several directions the story could end up going in. As for your first question, the 'traitors' would indeed be fighting against Genesis, and there would be Digimon who would ally with them. There'd be some that would attack them, too, of course. And others would just try to stay out of it.
  22. Yeah, so I've got what I think is a pretty good idea for an RPG, but I've had good ideas before that weren't successful, so I figured that this time, I'd see if there was any interest before giving it a go. Anyways, this is a Digimon RPG, but don't assume too much from that, as this is far from your typical Digimon RPG. There won't be any kids saving the world with their Digimon here; this would be a very mature-themed RPG, as well as a somewhat more realistic take on Digimon. By that, I mean things like if a Digimon in injured, it's performance in battle will be hindered by said injurt. I mean that Digimon can get limbs blown off, or lose an eye. I mean that they bleed, and I mean that they die. And they kill, too; death is a very real possibility for the humans in this RPG. The RPG involves 'Genesis', a top-secret millitary research program with the goal of creating artificial life. The result of this project is the digital world and its Digimon inhabitants. However, these aren't just mindless creations (in fact, the researchers aren't certain if the digital world was created as a result of the project, or was already there and was just accessed, or what, although the prevailing theory is that the project inadvertently influanced the development of an existing but somewhat unformed digital world). They're truly life, like the project was attempting to create. Anyways, the digital world is a dangerous place, thanks to all the Digimon.So soldiers were selected to join the Genesis project, and like the researchers, they now live within the Genesis facility; nobody who knows what Genesis is is alowed to leave. It's the soldiers who actually enter the digital world, and thanks to millitary training and access to advanced weaponry (this seems like a good place to mention that the RPG would be set 15-20 years rom now), they can usually come back alive. These soldiers do have Digimon partners, for two reasons. One is that against a lot of Digimon, not even their weapons are of much use, so they need Digimon of their own. The other reason relates to the true objective of the Genesis project, which is not to create artificial life, but to create living weapons. Which is what the Digimon are; living, thinking weapons that, thanks to digivolution, can adapt to a number of situations. The soldiers' partners are there to allow testing of Digimon as weapons. However, although humans can go to the Digital World, there is currently no way to bring Digimon to the real world, although the research team is attempting to develop one. Anyways, that's all backstory. What would happen in the RPG is this: some of the Genesis soldiers, unwilling to let living beings be exploited in the way Genesis intends, sabatoge the project before fleeing into the digital world. This is where the RPG would start; the 'traitors' are now living in the digital world, and they're a danger to the Genesis project, so other soldiers are sent in after them. Yeah, sorry if that's a little long. I'm bad at summarizing; I always feel like a breif summary doesn't get enough information across. Anyways, that's my idea. Participants could play as a Genesis soldier or one of the 'traitors' (or you could have two characters if you wanted to). Let me emphasize that there aren't any 'good guys' or 'bad guys' here, so you shouldn't thing of Genesis as 'evil', because it's not, nor are the people involved in it. ...okay, I'm going to stop writing now, before this gets any longer. Please tell me what you think, and if you'd be interested in participating in this RPG. If you have any feedback for me, please give it to me, weather positive or negative. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Okay, now I'm really done.
  23. [COLOR=indigo]Many other Hunters preferred more... covert means of transporting all their equipment while traveling. But Vaxla didn't care. Although she couldn't exactly carry a sword on the plane with her, she wasn't taking anything she couldn't bring as checked luggage. And aside from the sword, there were no weapons. To a normal person, it would just look like an extremely unusual collection of items. Vaxla kept some items with her, but there was nothing wrong with having a flashlight or garlic in her carry-on bag.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4b0082]There hadn't been any vampires on the flight, but now Vaxla saw a pair. She'd rented a baggage cart and was wheeling her bags out to her rented pickup truck (nothing else they'd had could hold everything Vaxla'd brought). When she was inside the rental car place, she'd seen them with a different clerk. They hadn't been on Vaxla's flight, but they'd obviously been on one that had arrived around the same time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4b0082]Vaxla didn't need anything fancy to take a pair of vampires. She placed her bags in the back of the pickup and began wheeling the cart back. On her way, she passed the vampires, who seemed to have found their car. She acted quickly, taking out her flashlight. She turned it on, said, "[I]Lux[/I]", and a vampire was dead before it had even known anything was coming. Vaxla turned the light on the second vampire, who was just as surprised as the first one. It managed to react, though, charging Vaxla just as her light fell on it. The vampire slammed into her as its body disintegrated, knocking her to the ground. But it didn't accomplish anything; the vampire was already dead. Vaxla pushed what was left off of her and stood up as the vampire's body was burned away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4b0082]Vaxla returned the baggage cart as if nothing had happened, then went back to the pickup she'd rented. She removed some straps from one of her bags and used them to secure the bags as a precaution, then hopped in and pulled out of the lot, headed for the specified location.[/COLOR]
  24. Vaxla's already on the way, although I think she'll probably be temporarily occupied upon arrival in New Orleans, by which I mean she'll kill some vampires before going to the specified location.
  25. Yeah, but Vaxla's first thought when she saw the message was still 'bullshit'. So I gave her two reasons for going. One is to investigate and find out what the message is about, and whether or not it's accurate, even though she's relatively certain there's nothing to it. She's going anyways for the second reason: the vampire nest that was located in the area. She figures that if she takes out a vampire nest, it won't be a wasted trip no matter what else happens. Those of you whose characters are'nt obsessed with killing vampires may need different reasons, though. Oh, and obviously, I've got Internet access again.
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