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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]Kalika's quick assault had taken Kiva completly by surprise. That had obviously been Kalika's intention, as she'd taken advantage of Kiva's momentary distraction to bail out. daemon grabbed her and took off, stupidly flying in a straight line. Machinedramon took careful aim and fired. Kalika dissapeared just before the shot his Daemon, finishing him off. Kalika's defeat had quite an effect on the dragon clan. She'd obviously been one of the attacking force's leaders, just as Megidramon had been. Kiva was willing to bet that there was at least one more leader left, but that probably wouldn't be important. The dragons were already extremly disorganized following megidramon's death, and kalika's defeat only made things worse. The defenders were quick to take advantage of the dragons' confusion. There was still fighting going on, but the defenders had basically already won. Kiva looked around, trying to see where everyone was. There was garudamon, still with Rosemon. Over there was Machinedramon, who devolved to Hawkmon. And Eiffel... there he was, in a small crater. He looked... well, Kiva wasn't quite sure. He was just standing there. Kiva climbed down into the crater and approached Eiffel. 'What's going on?" she asked. Eiffel did not reply. He muttered something about killing virtual beings, and that was all he said. Kiva looked around and located Eiffel's partner. Gabumon was climbing down into the crater with Guilmon. Kiva walked up to them. "What the hell happened?" she asked. "Um... Eiffel just killed Kalika's partner," Gabumon said. "Oh. Well, the bitch deserved it, and with her reputation, she probably won't be able to get anyone to go after Eiffel in retaliation. She definatly deserved what she got. Was it deliberate, or did it happen accidentally?" "it was deliberate," Gabumon replied. "He ordered me not to do it, to just get Volcdramon to devolve to the rookie-level Monodramon." "Wait a minute. You're telling me that Eiffel did it [i]himself[/i]? As in walked down there and illed Monodramon [i]personally[/i]?" "Uh, yes," Gabumon said. "Shit! Why the hell would he do that?" Kiva asked. "it's not for us to tell," Guilmon replied. "It's Eiffel's story. If he wants to tell you, he can, but it's his choice and not ours." Kiva nodded and looked at Eiffel. [i]Why did he do it?[/i] she wondered. [i]I know he doesn't like Kalika, but killing her partner is a bit extreme. And why the hell did he do it [/i]personally[i]? Kalika, what the hell did you do?[/i][/COLOR] --------------------------------------------- OOC: Your turn, Circeus.
  2. Katrina stepped off the ship and on to the island. She'd forgotten the name of the island, but it was the closet one to Navel Island. Because of recent events, as well as the current conditions around the island, not many ships were currently stopping at Navel, so she hadn't been able to get there by boat. She'd need another way. Fortunatly, she had one. Katrina'd often been called obsessive. It wasn't true, but she understood how it could seem that way. The best trainers had to spend a lot of time and energy on it. And she was among the best. She'd won the Pokemon Leauge Championship tournament three years ago, and again last year. She was currently training for this year's tournament. That was one reason she was in the Orange Islands. She was there to train. As an area she was unfammiliar with, she wouldn't know what to expect, which was good. The other reason for Katrina's presence in the Orange Islands was the recent dissapearances on Navel Island. She was curious about what was going on. And since nobody seemed to know, the only way she'd know was to go see for herself. Was there danger? Yes. It wouldn't be risk free, but Katrina was willing to take some risks. Besides, it's not like she hadn't taken risks before. Anyone who'd been a trainer for any length of time had been in some danger. Katrina eeded to get to navel island, but her chances of finding a ship that would stop there were slim. Fortunatly, she had other options. She was close enough to Navel that getting there wouldn't be a problem. Her Charizard could fly her there easily. She grabbed one of her poeballs and released Charizard. She climbed on, and Charizard took off., heading for navel Island. ------------------------------------- OOC: Weak post, I know, but I didn't exactly have much to work with.
  3. There's one thing I just realize d I never mentioned. I never specified what happens in the event that a player's partner is killed. If that happens, the player is logged out of the game. If the player wants to continue playing, he/she must choose a new partner. After doing so, the player is restarted in a random location taken from a specified set of various in-game cities. Any Digimon that the player had befriended stay with the player. Also, the player's new partner gets some experience from the old one, just like a normal partner switch. Also, let me state that it's rare for one's partner to be killed. Wild Digimon usually don't do it because they've been programmed not to do it. Players rarely do it because if a player kills someone else's partner, that player becomes a target and is usually pursued by multiple players, often working together. Again, I'll edit if I need to.
  4. OOC: Sheath, please try to put a bit more effort into your posts. Right now, they're too short and look like you didn't put much effort into them. So please work on that, will you? ------------------------------------------------- [color=indigo]Kiva's battle with Kalika was now substantially different. Kiva'd disarmed Kalika and taken her weapon, so Kalika had no weapon while Kiva had two. Instead of closing in and attacking as she'd done before, Kalika was now attempting to stay away from Kiva while she tried to find some way to turn things wround. Kiva was trying to get within striking distance of Kalika and take her down, but so far Kalika was managing to hold the range open.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva threw one of her weapons at Kalika, who was easily able to dodge. She smiled; Kiva'd just made a big mistake by throwing one weapon. Kiva'd just given up her advantage. Or so Kalika thought. Kiva's known full well how dumb her move had been. She'd made it seem like a last resort, an attempt to take Kalika down after finding herself unable to close in on Kalika.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva's plan worked well. Kalika was going after the thrown weapon, which was exactly what Kiva wanted her to do. As Kalika bent down to pick up the weapon, Kiva ran at her as fast as she could. Now armed and willing to let Kiva approach, she stood with her weapon ready, expecting Kiva to close in and take a swing at her. What Kiva actually did was throw her weapon as she was closing in. Taken by surprise, Kalika was unable to react quickly enough to dodge it. The weapon hit her with enough force to knock the wind out of her.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva didn't wait for Kalika to recover. She yanked Kalika's weapon out of her hand and knocked her to the ground. She gave Kalika a couple hard kicks and another whack with her weapon. before she could hit her again, Kalika managed to roll away and get to her feat. She was, howeer, unarmed, and Kiva got to her weapon before she could.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Are you done yet?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You're good," Kalikareplied, "I'll give you that. That was a very effective move you pulled. Yes, you got me, though I hate to admit it. But don't think that this is over. I've still got my Digimon, and they're the ones who'll make a difference. It doesn't matter that you got me. My Digimon will still emerge victorious."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva chuckled. "Really? Well, there's Daemon over there, but I don't see Volcdramon anywhere. I wonder what happened to him? He probably lost his battle. Maybe you should have paid attention. Oh, wait a minute, you couldn't. You were busy with me. See, there are two reasons I took you on. One was for the personal satisfaction of beating the shit out of you.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"The other reason-and, I'll admit, the lesser of the two in my mind, though more important in terms of the overall battle-was to distract you. You were unable to modify your strategy to adjust to my presence, because I didn't give you time to. I, on the other hand, knew what my Digimon and I would be facing, and was able to give my Digimon clear instructions ahead of time. You weren't able to compensate for my presence because I didn't give you time to do so, meaning that your Digimon will have been following orders intended for a battle against a much weaker force than they're actually facing. So it actually does matter that I had my fun with you."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Don't think this is over yet," Kalika replied. "It's not. It's barely begun. Take a look."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva looked. Volcdramon had resurfaced and attacked Rosemon. The surprise attack had left Rosemon weakened, and another hit would finish the job. Garudamon was doing her best to protect Rosemon, but whether she'd succeed or fail was anyone's guess.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] --------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that's all right with you, Circeus. Oh, and I'd like to wait for your next post, beause I don't know what you were intending to have happen with Volcdramon and Rosemon, but if you take too long, I'll probably get impatient and post without waiting on you.
  5. [color=indigo]"You're not too bad at this," Kalika remarked as she blocked a strike from Kiva.[/color] [color=indigo][/color] [color=indigo]"Only if by 'not bad', you mean 'very bad'," Kiva replied. She and Kalika exchanged a series of strikes.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"What are you talking about?" Kalika asked. She took a swing but Kiva dodged and took a swing of her own.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"We both suck at this," Kiva explained as Kalika blocked her strike. "We may look to the untrained eye like we know what we're doing, but we don't. Anyone who's been instructed in this particular form of combat could kick either of our asses without much trouble."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"We're not exactly swinging wildly here," Kalika said after another series of strikes. She swung at Kiva, who blocked and countered with her own strike. Kalika dodged and atacked. Kiva blocked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well," Kiva replied, "this isn't exactly the first time I've used this kind of weapon in-game. I can usually do pretty well, but if I ever came up against anyone who'd actually been formally instructed in this area of combat, I wouldn't stand a chance. The same goes for you."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika tried to sweep Kiva's legs out from under her, but Kiva saw it coming and avoided the strike. She swung with her weapon, but Kalika ducked under the strike and swung her weapon. Kiva jumped back, avoiding the strike. She attacked again, exchanging a series of strikes with her opponent.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika took another swing at Kiva. Kiva dodged and countered, expecting that Kalika would block, which she did. Kiva let go of her weapon and tackled Kalika to the ground. Before Kalika was able to get Kiva off of her, Kiva had managed to take her weapon. When Kalika threw her off, they both stood up. Kiva picked up her own weapon befre Kalika could.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You lose," Kiva said.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Really? I wasn't aware of this."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Yeah? Well, maybe you will be when I'm done beating the shit out of you." Kiva ran at Kalika, swinging both weapons. Kalika managed to avoid Kiva's initial strikes, but Kiva was evenually able to sweep Kalika's legs out from under her, knocking her to the ground. "Give up yet?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika rolled to the side and stood up. "Of course not. I'm nowhere near done yet. Let's see just how good you are."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva laughed. "Cocky bitch, aren't you? Well, suit ourself. maybe I can knock some sense into you. Let's finish this."[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Garudamon and Machinedramon made short work of the oncoming dragons. It was a mega and an ultimate against two ultimates and a couple of chamipons. Not even a contest. When the dragons were deffeated, Garudamon flew high once again, observing the battle in an attempt to determine where she, Kiva, and Machinedramon were most needed. She landed quickly.[/color] [color=#4b0082]"What's the situation?" Kiva asked as Garudamon landed.[/color] [color=#4b0082]"Our primary target has shown herself," Garudamon replied.[/color] [color=#4b0082]"About time!" Kiva turned to Lanamon and Agumon. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay with you any longer. Try to stay out of sight. I'll be back."[/color] [color=#4b0082]Machinedramon devolved to Gigadramon for faster movement, and Kiva climbed onto his back. Garudamon and Gigadramon took off, heading for Kalika's location. She had a Daemon with her in addition to her partner, and she was engaging Rosemon. [/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva siddenly realized what Kalika was up to. [i]Of course! She was waiting for Rosemon! How the hell did I miss that? She wants Rosemon, so she kept back until Rosemon joined the battle. Now she's freash, while we're not. But we outnumber her, and though she seems to have an advanage right now, that won't be true as soon as I join the battle. And I'll have my fun with Kalika. I'm glad I kept that pole.[/i][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Kalika's going down," Kiva said to Gigadramon and Garudamon. "Let's move in. Gigadramon, fly low and fast. I'll jump off and trigger your digivolution. Garudamon, do what you ca to protect Rosemon, but stay away from that Daemon. Gigadramon, you'll engage Daemon as Machinedramon. I'll take Kalika personally. Go!"[/color] [color=#4b0082]Gigadramon flew low and Kiva jumped off, landing in front of Kalika and her partner. She triggered Gigadramon's digivolution to Machinedramon. Machinedramon attacked Daemon as Garudamon moved to help protect Rosemon. Kiva faced Kalika and her partner, pole raised in a battle-ready position. "It's been awhile, bitch."[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kalika laughed as she leapt to the ground, landing in front of Kiva. "Kiva! How nice of you to join us."[/color] [color=#4b0082]"Nice my ass. I'm here to give you a beating you won't soon forget. As for you, well, you probably just want another target."[/color] [color=#4b0082]"So? Is that a problem? It's not like they're real, you know. Why not have some fun with them?"[/color] [color=#4b0082]"I've heard this speach before," Kiva said. "How about we skip to the part where I kick your ass? How's that sound?"[/color] [color=#4b0082]"You're confident," Kalika replied. "And I see you have a weapon. I'm starting to like where this is going. Are you going to fight me?"[/color] [color=#4b0082]"No shit, Sherlock. I've been wanting to do this for a long time."[/color] [color=#4b0082]"Have you, now? Well, I'm afraid that's not going to happen." Kalika bent over and picked something up off the ground. It was a piece of debris similar to Kiva's pole, usefful as a weapon. "You see, I happen to be armed, too."[/color] [color=#4b0082]"That just makes this a lot more fun," Kiva replied. "Bring it on, bitch."[/color] [color=#4b0082]"My pleasure."[/color] ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that's all right, Circeus
  7. It's been quite a while since you've done an RP, Sakura. This one looks like a lot of fun. Real World Statistics: Name: Kiva Salqarian Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: Kiva's one of those people who isn't afraid to tell the truth. If you want an honest oppinion, she's the one to go to. But she'll give you her honest oppinion whether you want it or not. She says what she thinks, without worrying about whether or not it will offend someone. She can be a difficult person to get to know because of this. Kiva doesn't understand why people would ask for one's oppinion if they don't want an honest answer. In fact, she has a poor understanding of most aspects of human behavior. She's not anti-social; she just has trouble understanding people. She's a smart woman, but she doesn't understand people too well. Physical Description: A little over 6 ft. in height. She's good-looking, but not what people would consider 'beautiful', and she doesn't really care about that. She has no desire to ruin her body just to be 'beautiful'. She's in very good shape, and makes sure to work out regularly in order to stay that way. Background: Kiva's father died before she was born. Her mother, Selna, remarried when Kiva was only two years old. She grew up believing that Daego, her mother's new husband, was her real father. She didn't learn the truth until she was eight years old. Selna and Daego went through a messy divorce, and it was then that Kiva learnd about her real father. Selna was granted sole custody of Kiva, and Kiva has lived with her mother since then. Selna never remarried, though there was one man she started seeing. They split up after less than a month. After that, Selna never even tried to find another man. Kiva didn't understand why her mother had kept the truth about her father secret for so long. Selna kept teling Kiva that it had been for her sake, but Kiva never understood. Eventually, she stopped asking. Neither would mention Daego, because he was cleary a difficult topic for both of them. Kiva never entered into a romantic relationship with anyone. Oh, there were a couple people who'd tried, but she just didn't understand what they were doing. She didn't understand why they'd go out of their way to please her, or why they'd inconvienience themselves for her sake. And in her usual direct manner, she asked them. She didn't know why, but this seemed to anger them. They'd leave, angry, and she'd never get an answer. No,, she didn't unerstand that, and she didn't particularly desire to. And she didn't really want to be stuck with someone for the rest of her life. She was perfectly content with just her mother, her friends, and the game [i]Third Edge[/i]. In Game Statistics User Name: Kaia Gender: Female Weapon: A pair of bladed staffs Class: Sorceress Upgrade: Summoner Physical Description: Kaia's appearance is that same as Kiva's is in reality. The only diffference is in the outfit. Kaia wears the traditional robe of the spellcaster, though she'll never, ever be seen wearing a stereotypical pointed hat. Kaia's robe is not one of those overly long, flowing robes, as one of those would substantially impair movement, but it is still a robe. Kaia has woven defensive spells into the fabric of her robe, and it serves her as armor would a figher or other such class. Hope that's good, Sakura. Tell me if you want me to make any changes.
  8. [color=#00ffff]Lesarioth had not left the island chain on which she made her lair for over 2500 years, but she knew that she would now have to. She did not want to, as she very much preferred isolation. Yet she'd known that the day would come for a long ime now, known it for longer than most beings lived. She would have preferred not to, but she knew that she had no choice. Events had conspired against her, and she knew that if she did not intervene, the result would be disasterous. So she had intervened. The battle in the skies about the human city of Alsoto had been the first step in that intervention. She hadused Kaenosetek for that, and she would use him again, but he alone would not be enough. And eventually, he would become a hinderance. Currently, he was valuable, but eventually he would become a problem. When that time came, she would have to kill him.[/color] [color=#00ffff][/color] [color=#00ffff]She knew that she could delay no longer. Though she did not want to, she knew that she had to leave her lair and fly to what humans called 'the mainland'. She would not reveal herself to them just yet, but she could not control events from her remote lair. And if she did not put herself in control, there was no telling what the result would be.[/color] [color=#00ffff][/color] [color=#00ffff][/color] Eso'd had a very busy day, and he was exhausted, as anyone would be after what he'd been through. But unlike his companions, he and the other soldiers had been trained to push themselves. He wasn't nearly as exhausted as Tesera and the otehrs were, which was why it came as no surprise that they all went to bed early. Eso stayed up a bit longer, making sure that everyone was safe, checking on the progress of the interrogation, and answering a few more questions from Branit, who never seemed to run out of them. But he was eventually able to make it to his quarters. As he started to fall asleep, Eso wondered just what would happen tomorrow. It wouldn't be a restful day, of that he was certain. He needed to figure out what was going on as soon as possible. And he was under no illusion that the attempts on Tesera's life would end. Then there was the risk of a return apearance by the dragons, though Eso didn't believe that that would happen. And of course, there were innumerable potential events that might happen. He wouldn't know what would happen until it did. He'd just have to hope that when it did happen, he'd be able to do something about it.
  9. [color=indigo]Kiva had Garudamon attack a Triceramon as Thunderbirdmon scouted the battlefield from the air with Kiva on his back. They didn't see Kalika, but Kiva was able to pick out a couple of the enemy's other leaders. One of them, a Megidramon, was heading their way. Thunderbirdmon landed and Kiva jumped to the ground as she triggered her partner's digivolution to mega.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Machinedramon immediately fired a Giga Cannon at Megidramon. He scored a direct hit, but Megidramon was tough enough to take it. The mega-level dragon shifted his focus to Machinedramon, moving in and attacking. Machinedramon took the hit and counterattacked. Megidramon avoided the shot and attacked again.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]While the two megas fought, Kiva found a metal pole on the ground and picked it up. It was probably a forme part of some now-destoyed object, but Kiva had a better use for it. She'd noticed a surprising nuber of rookie-level Digimon in the attacking force, and while her weapon would be pretty useless against a champion-level or higher Digimon, it would work just fine against rookie-level Digimon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva's first target was a nearby Veemon. She ran up behind it and brought her pole down on the thing's head, knocking it out. The little dragon never even saw it coming. Next, Kiva was charged by an Agumon. She sidestepped and whacked it hard with the pole. After that, she took down another Veemon.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva stopped and located her Digimon. Garudamon had just finished Triceramon, and she landed by Kiva. Machinedramon hadn't defeated Megidramon yet, but it didn't look like it would take much longer. Megidramon was clearly hurting, and though Machinedramon had taked a few hits, he'd be able to take a lot more before going down.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Garudamon joined the battle against Megidramon. She hit the dragon with Wing Blade, distracting it just long enough for Machinedramon to finish it off. the two of them returned to Kiva.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Nice job," Kiva congradulated them. "That's one dangerous dragon taken down. But we're nowhere near done yet. Any sign of Kalika?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I haven't seen her," Garudamon replied. "She doesn't seem to have shown herself yet. I did just see another human, though. I don't know which side he's on."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Let's go take a look," Kiva said. Machinedramon devolved one level to Gigadramon, a much faster Digimon than Machinedramon. Kiva climbed onto Machinedramon's back as he and Garudamon took off. Garudamon pointed the human out to them.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"It doesn't look like he's moving," Kiva observed, "though it's ard to tell from this height. Let's land for a closer look."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Garudamon and Gigadramon landed, and Kiva jumped to the ground. She saw that the human was indeed uncoucious. With the uncouncious human wera an Agumon and a Lanamon. "Who are you?" the Agumon asked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"My name's Kiva. What happened?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"We were attacked by a Tyranomon," Agumon explained. "I was Greymon at the time, but I'd just been in battle, and Tyranomon took me by surprise. Before I knew what was happening, I was back to Agumon and Haku was unconcious. Fortunatly, Lanamon here, who Haku and I'd rescued from a ShadowWereGarurumon not too long ago, had recovered enough to fight Tyranomon off."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well, I guess you're on our side, then," Kiva said. "You've entered a battlefield, and you unknowingly chose a side. And... yep, here comes the enemy." A group of dragons, led by two Paildramon, were heading their way.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Agumon was clearly frightened. "What do we do? We don't stand a chance against them!"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"You don't," Kiva replied. "I do." She triggered Gigadramon's digivolution back to Machinedramon. He and Garudamon turned to do battle with the oncoming dragons.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] ------------------------------------------------ OOC: Hope that was okay with you, Lionheart.
  10. "No problem," Eso said. "Besides, you're right on a couple things. The interrogation, for example. I'm well aware that a real interrogation is a long process. Sure, I got some answers from that one guyearlier, but he didn't really tell me anything useful. He and the other attackers were hired by a man who knew that the dragons would fight. I'd already guessed that there was a connection between the arial melee and the attempts on Tesera's life. No, that man really didn't give me any new information. "As for the captives undergoing interrogation right now, well, the one who seems like he's about to break is undoubtably faking it. I know what I told everyone, and it was the truth. The guy does seem close to breaking. What I didn't say is that he's undoubtably faking it." "Why didn't you just tell us that?" Ashwin asked. "Because I needed to buy time," Eso repliied. "It's like you said, Alno'dra. If James tries to go undercover, he'll undoubtably die. I didn't think that saying 'it's too risky' would stop him, so I told him that it might not be necessary, because we might have some new information soon. If I'd said that the guy was probably faking it, James would have probably gone with the undercover plan." "So you told him to wait," Alno'dra said. "What are you going to tell him tomorrow?" "That any information we've gotten from that captive is at best a lie, and at worst a trap. I'm hoping to have a better plan by that time." "And if you don't?" "Well," Eso replied, "I'm afraid I don't know." ------------------------------------------- OOC: Okay, let's wrap up the very eventful day 2 of the festival. It's getting late, so evening activities, and maybe some thinking about everything that's happened. I'll get things moving along again in my next post.
  11. OOC: Okay, shadowofdeath13, Beelzemon is a Mega-level Digimon, not an Ultimate-level. I just looked at your sign-up, and you did indeed put Beelzemon as your partner's Mega-level form. I'm guessing that your calling Beelzemon an Ultimate-level was a simple mistake. Correct it, please. Oh, and while you're at it, shadowofdeath13, please remove one of the two Beelzemon forms from the digivolution line in your sign-up. Clearly, I should have mentioned this in the Underground: there is to be no going past Mega. Once a Digmon reaches Mega-level, that's it. Now, if you want to use a Digimon such as Beelzemon Blast Mode or Gallantmon Crimson Mode, that's fine. Just use that Digimon as the Mega-form. If you want Beelzemon Blast Mode, for example, use that as your partner's Mega-level form instead of Beelzemon. Just be sure to remember that in this RPG, Digimon like Beelzemon Blast Mode and Gallantmon Crimson Mode are no more powerful than any other Mega-level Digimon. -------------------------------- [color=indigo]It didn't take[/color][color=indigo] long for Garudamon to reach Arnett. She landed near the greatest concentration of Digimon, placing Kira, Eiffel, Hawkmon, Gabumon, and Guilmon on the ground. Looking around, Kiva saw that the Digimon around her didn't exactly look welcoming. She could guess why. "Don't worry," she said. "We're here to help."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Proove it," one of the Digimon, a Woodmon, demanded. "Proove that you aren't with the dragon clan."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I'd have though that would be obvious just from looking at us," Kiva replied. "Eiffel here has a Gabumon, a reptile Digimon, with him. The dragons hate reptile Digimon."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"She's right," a Lillymon put in. "The dragons wouldn't tolerate anyone with a reptile Digimon. These people are certainly not with the dragons."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Woodmon backed down. "Okay, so you're not with the dragons."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"That's right," Eiffel confirmed. "We're on your side."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Any information on the enemy?" Kiva asked.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"There's a lot of them, and they're heading this way," Lillymon replied. "All able Digimon in the area have gathered here. This is where we'll make our stand."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Can you stop them?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Maybe, but it won't be easy. The dragons have a powerful force. They have dinosaur Digimon fighting for them, and we've confirmed that they have at least one human, as well."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Kalika," Kiva said. "She'll be a major figure in this, and you can bet she'll be ready to exploit every weakness you all have. Leave her to me and Eiffel. She won't be expecting us, and by double-teaming her, we should be able to take her out without too much trouble."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"We'll let you handle her, then," Lillymon replied.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Lillymon was about to say something more when a Searchmon flew over their heads. It came zooming out of the woods into Arnett, making a loud noise the entire time. "That's the signal," Lillymon said. "He's one of our sentries, and he clearly just saw the enemy approaching."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"It's time, then." Kiva said. "You ready, Eiffel?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"I'm ready," Eiffel confirmed.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Then let's do this."[/color]
  12. No, that's not how it will work. One partner Digimon, and up to two befriended Digimon. That's it. And that was already stated. Please read everything I've already posted before asking questions.
  13. OOC: Circeus, while your character is in the game, please refer to him only by his username. That goes for everyone else, too. Also, I'd like to repeat something I put in the underground thread, just to be sure that it's clear. Though players constantly use game terms such as 'game', 'player', 'log out',etc., this does not suggest the concept of a game to the Digimon. To them, those are simply the words used. The Digimon have [i]no idea[/i] that they're nothing more than part of a game. Even being told that they're not real doesn't even suggest the idea to them. I hope that there's no confusion on this particular point. If there is, please PM me, or better yet, post your questions in the Underground thread so that everyone can see both them and my answers to them. Oh, and you're fine, Frankie. ------------------------------------------ [color=indigo]Arriving at Sentry Peninsula, Kiva could see that she'd missed the start [/color][color=indigo]of the action. There had clearly been an attack already, and the dragons had definitely come out ahead. There were multiple destroyed villages, thoug the destruction had stopped at a certain point. Kiva knew that it would only be a matter of time until the dragons returned. If she was to join the fight against them, she'd have to find the resiistors.[/color] [color=#4b0082]As Kiva looked at the destruction below her, she couldn't help thinking that this was one of the things she liked most about [i]Digimon[/i]. There could be massive battles resulting in a ton of destruction, but give the area a few weeks and everything was back, a nice feature that allowed for major battles and power struggles while simoultaniously helping to prevent serious changes in the world of the game. Oh, if a group like the dragon clan took control of an area, they'd stay in control, at least until someone managed to overpower them in combat and force them out. But the area would be fast to recover from the effects of battle. Destroyed villages would be rebuilt quickly, the area would be repopulated at a very fast rate, etc. That way, destructive battles could keep occuring without the risk of destroying too much.[/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva spotted a human riding a Digimon. They appeared to be heading for Arnett. It was a good destination, as its position made it the likely next target of the dragons. It was where Kiva and co. had been heading. Upon seeing this human, Kiva instructed Garudamon to land in from of him and his Digimon. As Garudamon landed andplaced Kiva and hawkmon on the ground, Kiva saw that the Digimon being ridden was a Boarmon, and that there was a Guilmon as well. As she approached him, she was able to identify the human. She'd met him before.[/color] [color=#4b0082]"Hello, Eiffel," Kiva said. "I should've known you'd be here."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Nice to have you here, Kiva," Eiffel replied. "This one's going to be nasty, so your help will be appreciated. It seems that the dragon clan has recruited dinosaur Digimon. Theey've already done some major damage, as you've probably seen."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Kiva nodded. "I saw. Hard to miss. You heading for Arnett?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Yes. It'll probably be the dragon clan's next target, and also the best place to stop them. I'm sure the Digimon living in this area have prepared their forces by now, and those forces will probably head to Arnett for the same reason we are: to stop the dragon clan's invasion."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Kalika?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"As bad as ever," Eiffel said.[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Still acts like Queen Bitch of the Universe, then?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Seems that way."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"Well," Kiva replied, "something's going to have to be done about that. You with me?"[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Eiffel nodded. "I'm with you. We'll show her a thing or two."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]"If we're going to do that," Kiva said, "We need to get to Arnett before she and the dragons do. Man, this one's going to be fun. I love these major battles, and one like this will probably draw in more humans than just you, me, and Kalika[color=#4b0082][/color]. I'm going to enjoy this, that's for sure. Anyways, Garudamon can get to Arnett faster than Boarmon here could, so let her carry you. We'll get there much sooner."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=#4b0082]Eiffel agreed. Boarmon devolved to Gabumon. Garudamon picked up both humans, Hawkmon, Gabumon, and Guilmon, then leapt into the air and made haste to Arnett.[/color] ------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that's okay with you, Circeus. And to everyone else: feel free to join the party if you want to (you don't have to, but you have the option). Just remember that 'good' players would be against the dragon clan, while 'bad' players would probably fight on its side.
  14. OOC: Sheath, I kind of figured out that your character is a 'bad' player. It just didn't seem that way in your first post. Just be sure to remember that in this RPG, Digimon which were extra-powerful in the shows (such as Myotismon) are no more powerful than other Digimon of their level (so Myotismon is no more powerful than any other Ultimate in this ROG). There is some variation, of course, but there are no Digimon that are too much more powerful than others of their level. Also, Revelation, please remove the Royal Knight bbit. You can still have RhodoKnightmon, but in this RPG, there's no such thing as the Royal Knights. Oh, and I think I'll call Garudamon a female. If I'm wrong, then someone please tell me. ----------------------------------------- [color=indigo]After wandering through Serenity City for a while, Kiva sat down and thought about what she wanted to do next. She hadn't found any specific missions; nobody had had any specific things they wanted done. Well, none that interested her, at least. She had, however, heard plenty of information. Most notably, it seemed that the 'dragon clan' was going to try once more to take over Sentry Peninsula. Also, it seemed that there were a couple players who would be assisting them, most notably Kalika.[/color] [color=indigo]Kiva had recognised the name Kalika immediately. Kalika had something of a reputation. She was constantly changing partners and digivolution lines, for former less frequently then the latter simply because of the fact that when one switched partners, one's new partner wasn't quite up to the level of the old one. However, digivolution lines could be changed without any such penalties. The so-called 'power players', who made a point of exploiting any Digimon's weaknesses, changed digivolution lines quite frequently, sometimes on an almost daily basis. Kalika switched partners more frequently than any other 'power player', and was known to cycle through befriended Digimon as well. If you were going up against her, it was best that you take her by surprise, because if she knew to expect you, she'd be fully prepared to take you on.[/color] [color=indigo]Kiva never hesitated to exploit an advantage whenever she could, but she wasn't a 'power player' in any way. What she wanted was a well-balanced team. That's why she'd befriended Garudamon. Garudamon's speed and agility nicely complemented Machinedramon's power and toughness, and she was also a flyer. Yes, Hawkmon's Champion and Ultimate forms were also flyers, but Machinedramon was not. For another befriended Digimon, Kiva wanted one that could fight just as well in the water as on land. There was a Zudomon she was thinking of going for. Kiva wanted to have an option in any situation, not to optimize for a specific situation.[/color] [color=indigo]Kiva'd actualy met Kalika before, a meeting that was peaceful and completly random. Kiva hadn't liked her very much. She'd come across as very cold. Kiva was well aware that [i]Digimon [/i]was nothing more than a game, but she prefered to accept it on its own terms, to act as though it were real. She had more fun that way. Kalika, however, treated Digimon with cruelty and disrespect. "There's no reason to treat them like people when they're not," she'd said. Though it was true that Digimon were noting more than the result of advanced computer programming, Kiva didn't like that kind of talk. It sounded way too much like something her extremely racist grandfather would say. Kiva'd walked away from that meeting with a strong desire to kick Kalika's ass around, but she'd never had the chance. Now, however, it seemed that she just might be able to get her shot at Kalika.[/color] [color=indigo]"Let's head for Sentry Peninsula," Kiva said to Hawkmon and Garudamon. "It would appear that things over there are about to get interesting. It looks like the dragon clan is ready for another go at control of the area, and Kalika seems to have sided with them. I've been wanting to kick that bitch's ass for a long time. So let's get going, shall we? I don't want to miss the fun."[/color] [color=indigo]Garudamon grabbed Kiva and Hawkmon and took off, heading for Sentry Peninsula. Hopefully, they'd be there in time for the action.[/color] ------------------------------------ OOC: Hope you didn't mind me embellishing on Kalika a bit, Circeus.
  15. OOC: Venge, please do not put all those smilies in your posts. Oh, and a note to Sheath and shadowofdeath13: based on the Digimon your partners have befriended, your characters should probably be 'bad' players. If they aren't 'bad' players, then they wouldn't have been able to befriend those Digimon in the first place. Oh, and I can't remember if Garudamon is male or female. Does anyone remember which gender Garudamon is? [color=black]--------------------------------------------[/color] [color=indigo]"Giga Cannon!" Machinedramon fired a powerful blast from the cannons on his back. Ornithmon, who was, like most flying Digimon, very agile, was able to dodge the attack. She countered with Cosmic Ray, which did hit the not-so-agile Machinedramon. Fortunatly, Machinedramon could take a lot of punishment. Machinedramon fired again, this time managing to graze hisopponent. Ornithmon used Cosmic Ray again, but this time, Machinedramon was actually able to dodge.[/color] [color=indigo]The battle between the two of them proceeded in that manner. Machinedramon would attack, then Ornithmon would dodge and counter. Ornithmon did occasionally break pattern and launch an attack before Machinedramon did, but she was very careful when she did so. She knew that she wouldn't be able to take a direct hit from Machinedramon and recover in time to avoid the follow-up blast, which would be more than enough to take her out. So she had to focus on not getting him. Machinedramon, on the other hand, could absorb a lot of punishment, but wasn't very good at dodging. To win' he'd have to land a direct hit on Ornithmon before he was dealt more damage than he could take.[/color] [color=indigo]Kiva momentarily turned her attention to the battle between Garudamon and Karatenmon. Their battle was a lot more exciting to watch. The two of them were flying all over the place, attacking and dodging. They'd attack each other from a didtance, then move in for closer-ranged attacks befre seperating again. Fortunatly for Kiva, Garudamon appeared to be winning without too much trouble. Kiva's guess was that Karatenmon had only recently reached Ultimate, and so was still not fully used to her current form. Regardless of the reason, Garudamon was able to finish off Karatenmon without taking too much damage.[/color] [color=indigo]After disposing of Karatenmon, Garudamon joined the battle against Ornithmon, who seemed to be winning against Machindramon. Garudamon hit Ornithmon with a Wing Blade, then quickly moved away to avoid Ornithmon's counterattack. Machinedramon took advantage of Ornithmon's distraction to aattack with Giga Cannon. Ornithmon reacted fast enough to avoid a direct hit, but the shot still did significant damage. Ornithmon knew that she didn't have a very good shot at winning now that Garudamon had entered the battle. The only thing she could do was flee, which she did. Garudamon got in one last hit with Wing Blade, but it wasn't enough to finish Ornithmon off. The Mega-level bird Digimon had escaped, but she wouldn't be causing any more trouble for a while.[/color] [color=indigo]Garudamon landed beside Kiva and Machinedramon, who devolved to Hawkmon. "Nice work," Kiva said. "It's too bad that Ornithmon esccaped, but there's nothing we can do about it now. We'll probably see her again."[/color] [color=indigo]"We should search for her," Garudamon advised, "finish her off before she cacn recover from her injuries."[/color] [color=indigo]"That sounds good," Kiva replied, "but it won't work. This is a big world, and there's no telling where Ornithmon will go. We'll have to wait until she shows herself again. When she does, we'll go in again, and next time she won't escape. In the meantime, we'll just have to find something else to do."[/color] [color=#4b0082][/color] [color=indigo][/color] [color=indigo]Garudamon grabbed Kiva and Hawkmon and took off. by having Garudamon carry them, they could get around very quickly. The large bird Digimon would get them back to Serenity City, where they'd find another mission, in no time at all.[/color]
  16. "Hold on a second," Eso said. "We're all jumping to conclusions pretty fast here, aren't we? The dragons, for example. You all seem to be assuming that they'll be back. I don't think that'll happen again. After all, they wouldn't have all been here in the first place if Tesera hadn't called them. Besieds, if your plan doesn't work the first time, you don't do the exact same thing again. No, we won't be seeing the same show again." "Maybe so," James replied, "but we should still do something about all this. Even if the dragons don't come back, Tesera's still got humans after her. And so do the rest of us." "Well, that's why you're all here. No killer'll be able to get you while you're here, no matter how good he or she is. And though I certainly agree that we should do something, we don't need to act immediatly. Besides, if we wait, we may very well have some new information. "What 'new information' would that be?" Tesera asked. "Well," Eso replied, "we do have a couple captives. According to Brinit, the interrogation is going well. Apparently, one if them seems close to breaking, despite the short amount of time we've had them. If we're lucky, we may have some new information before the end of the day." "So," James said, "you're saying that we should wait until tomorrow?" Eso nodded. "At least. Never rush into battle unless you absolutly must. If you have a choice, it's almost always best to take your time. Don't worry. We'll take action eventually. I just want to e sure we have as much information as possible before we do." "Seems logical," Ashwin replied. "Yes. Now, if nobody has anytiing else to say, then you can all go do whatever. Just [i]stay here[/i], okay? I don't want anybody running off this time. I'm serious. No killer will be able to get to you here, but if you go wandering off, we can't protect you. I would expect that you'd be captured and used as a hostage. So, whatever you do, please do not leave the barracks. Understand?" They all gave the affirmative. "Good," Eso said. "I don't have anything else to say right now, so you can all go do whatever, as long as you stay in the barracks area. I'll find you if anything comes up."
  17. Okay, The Monster and Revelation, remember that you are limited to two befriended Digimon. Please change your sign-ups so that your characters only have two befriended Digimon. Oh, and shadowofdeath13, please remember that, in this RPG, Digimon like Lucemon aren't any more powerful than any other Digimon. Also, Revelation, VR technology hasn't been around for six years. I didn't mention that because I didn't think anyone's character would have been a player for more than two or three years (shadowofdeath13, you're okay here, but barely). Please reduce the number of years your character has been playing for. Oh, and those of you who have nothing in your sign-ups mentioning how long your characters have been playing for, I'm going to assume that your characters are new players unless you tell me otherwise. And one last thing: I've edited the Underground thread again, so please go take a look at the new stuff. EDIT: Okay, it's started. Everyone's in, so get posting! I'll be leaving sign-ups open for a little while longer, so if you want to join, you can still do so.
  18. Kiva lay down in the mechanism that would allow her mind to enter virtual reality. Even after two years, it still seemed impossible that what the machine would do was, in fact, possible. VR had been common enough in science fiction, but Kiva had never thought it would become a reality, at least not in her lifetime. It just seemed too complex. The necessary computing alone would prevent it from happing, she'd believed. But she'd been wrong. Oh, she'd been right about the complexity, and about the necessary computing power. In fact, security around VR equipment was very tight because of that. Nobody wanted a hacker to gain access to that much computing power, so access was carefully regulated, and users were extensively monitered. Another problem that Kiva had seen was safety. Even if the equipment was perfected, made so that it was impossible for anything to go wrong, what happened if the power went out? Well, that hadn't stopped VR. The equipment was very safe, though certainly not perfect, and users were required to assume responsibillity for any damage they sustained while using the equipment. The power concern was a big one, because if the power went out while one was in VR, one would, at the very least, sustain brain damage and partial memory loss, with death a very real possibility. Because of this, there were extensive precautions taken. If the power was failing, all VR units were programmed to immediatly pull the users out of VR. An instantanious extraction was possible, though it usually resulted in severe disorientation and nausea. Additionally, the larger VR facilities, including the one Kiva was at, had backup generators that would take over and provide power in the event of a power outage. The smaller facilities normaly did not have backup generators, and neither did places like community recreation centers that only had a few VR units. In those paces, use of equipment was not allowed durring conditions, such as severe thunderstorms, that significantly increased the risk of a power failure. The necessary complexity of VR programs had been the main reason Kiva'd believed VR wouldn't happen. This was especially true of the program she would be using, [i]Digimon[/i]. [i]Digimon[/i] was an entire virtual world, fully interactive. Kiva'd thought that the complexity of such a program would prove impossible to overcome. Yet it somehow had been overcome, and the result was the most fun Kiva'd ever had. As Kiva inserted her Digivice into the VR unit, she thought of the way her friends and family, especially her brother and sister, kept wondering how she could posssibly still be entertained by a program she'd been using for two yeas now. She'd explained it several times, but they never seemed to understand. Kiva didn't think she'd ever get bored with [i]Digimon[/i]. It was an entire virtual world, and there was a seemingly endless supply of things to do. It would keep her entertained for a long time. Kiva knew that many people did grow tired of [i]Digimon [/i]after a while, though she didn't understand how one could get bored with such a program. They'd play for a while, then stop. Some knew they'd resume playing after taking a beak, so they'd have their accounts suspended so that they could keep their data and not have to start over from scratch. One couldn't play until taking the accound out of suspension, but there was no charge for the time during which the account was suspended. The charge that there would have been was subtracted from the usual monthly fee. The VR unit had finished making preperations, and proceeded to insert Kiva's mind into VR. No matter how many times she did this, she didn't think she'd ever get used to the insertion. She'd managed to adjust to the fact that her VR ''body' was just a computer construct, even though it looked, felt ,and behaved identically to her real body. She'd quickly acepted that the seemingly real world of [i]Digimon[/i], and the amazingly life-like Digimon themselves, were nothing more than part of a program. But she would probably never get used to the actual insertion into VR. [color=indigo]Kiva's thoughts were cut off by the brief moment of blankness that acompanied the insertion. Then she was in virtual reality. She took a quick look around, remembering what exactly she'd been doing during her last session, where she'd been when she'd logged off.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]"Welcome back," she heard a familiar voice say. It was Hawkmon, her partner. The befriended Garudamon was there, as well. One thing that did take Kiva a little while to get used to was the fact that Hawkmon and Garudamon, despite being in exactly the same position and condition as when she'd logged off previously, always had clear memories of the intervening time. She did, however, find it very useful, as they usually knew the status of whatever objective she'd been pursuing before logging out.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]"Good to be back," Kiva said. "What's the status of our objective?"[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]"Still there," Hawkmon told her. "Nobody's beaten you to this one. A couple've tried to take her out, but without success. Looks like you've found a tough one."[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]"That's how I like 'em," she replied. "It's much more fun that way."[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]Kiva, Hawkmon, and Garudamon had been after Ornithmon, a powerful Mega-level, virus-type bird Digimon that had been causing some problems for local Digimon. They'd managed to locate Ornithmon's lair in the mountains, and had been at the base of Ornithmon's mountain when Kiva had logged out. Now, since it seemed that nobody had yet taken out Ornithmon, Kiva and co. were going to do battle with the powerful bird Digimon.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]Garudamon took to the skies while Kiva and Hawkmon waited on the ground. Garudamon's objective was to draw Ornithmon out. When Ornithmon emerged, likely expeting an easy victory over the Ultimate-level Garudamon, Kiva would trigger Hawkmon's digivolution all the way up to Mega, taking Ornithmon by surprise and possibly bringing the battle to a quick end.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]Of course, Kiva wasn't dumb enough to rely on that scenario, which was actually not very likely. Though Ornithmon would most likely be taken by surprise, she hadn't survived for so long by reacting slowly. Kiva was prepared for a longer battle with Ornithmon. Also, Kiva had confirmed that there was at least one Karatenmon with Ornithmon, presumably Ornithmon's offspring digivolved to the Ultimate level. Garudamon would engage Karatenmon, leaving Hawkmon, in his Mega-level form of Machinedramon, to deal with Ornithmon. Hopefully, that would be enough.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]It didn't take long for Ornithmon to emerge from her lair. Garudamon immediatly attacked, but Ornithmon was easily able to counter. Before Ornithmon could launch an attack of her own, Kiva triggered Hawkmon's digivolution to Mega. Machinedramon immediatly attacked Ornithmon, but Ornithmon was able to react fast enough to avoid a direct hit. Machinedramon landed only a glancing blow. As Ornithmon came at Machinedramon, Karatenmon emerged from the lair and was immediatly engaged by Garudamon. The battle was on.[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]-----------------------------------------[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]OOC: Here we go! Log in and get started. Those of you whose characters are new users (which is everyone who has not specifically stated otherwise), this doesn't necessarily need to be your character's first log-in, but it should be one of his/her first. There really isn't anything specific I want you to do, as this is a very free-form RPG. Just remember that I want both 'good' and 'bad' players (Sheath and shadowofdeath13, your characters would be good for 'bad' players, due to the Digimon they've befriended). Oh, and one last thing. I'd apreciate it if you'd use a different text color when your character is in VR than when he/she is in reality (like what I did).[/color] [color=indigo] [/color] [color=indigo]Okay, that's all. Have fun![/color]
  19. After waking up and finding something for breakfast, Rorohiko sat down on the ships deck, thinking about recent events. Not Kageryn, though. Less recent then that. No, Rorohiko was once again thinking about what happened two months ago, about his discovery of Ekratrel. Rorohiko's goal had been to figure out just why Absol were the way they were. There'd been two seperate mysteries. There was Absol's tendancy to appear before natural disasters, and then there was the Pressure phenomenon, which caused any Pokemon that happened to be facing an Absol to tire out twice as quickly. The effect wasn't noticable in most battles, but could make a huge difference in longer fights. Absol wasn't the only Pokemon with this ability; several legendary Pokemon were known to exhibit the Pressure phenomenon. Rorohiko's first discovery had been prooving that there was a connection between the Pressure phenomenon and the disaster thing. However, that discovery hadn't brought him any closer to discovering why Absol had them. Rorohiko did eventually figure it out. Absol's tendency to appear before natural disasters came from Erivel. Erivel was a very powerful Dark/Psychic-type Pokemon with the ability to create and control natural disasters. It turned out that Absol were desended from Erivel, and that's where Absol's tendency to appear in an area before a natural disaster hit came from. As for Pressure, well, that came from Erivel's mate, Ekratrel. Rorohiko'd achieved his goal, but he wasn't satisfied by it. It wasn't that there's been a lot of luck involved. All discoveries had a bit of luck involved in them. No, Rorohiko's problem was that he hadn't actually done anything. He'd just been in the right place at the right time, allowing him to discover two legendary Pokemon from whom Absol were desended. Anyone could have done that, even the biggest moron alive. Rorohiko hadn't actually discovered anything. He'd simply been told it. Rorohiko had no idea what he was going to do now. He wasn't satisfied, that was for sure. People knew him as the discoverer of two legendary Pokemon, but Rorohiko knew that that was nothing significant. He hadn't done anything. He'd just been there. He wanted to do something that was an actuall accomplishment, to actually discover something major instead of stumbling onto someone who could tell him about it. The problem: he didn't know what answer he wanted to find. Rorohiko's presence in Kaijin was due to nothing more than aimless wandering. Kaijin was the one region he'd never been to. He'd been pretty much everywhere else, but never Kaijin. In the absence of anything better to do, Rorohiko had decided to visit Kaijin. He'd anticipated a peaceful journey, but that's not what he was getting. Rorohiko'd been in some interesting situations in his life, and this was one of them. There were all these new trainers from Windsand Village who had legendary Pokemon. That Kageryn thing had shown up and attacked the boat that all of those trainers were on. Now, one of them was a Team Magma member who may or may not know more than he was saying, and who was probably hiding something. About the only thing missing was Victor Trolmont, and Rorohiko would not be surprised if the man showed up. Rorohiok was reaching a decision. He was well aware that remaining with this unusual group of new Trainers would be risky. Rorohiko, however, was no stranger to risk. And he wanted to know just what the hell was going on with Kageryn, and with these trainers that had legendary Pokemon. He decided that he would remain with them at least for a little while, see if he could figure out just what was going on. There would be some danger, sure, but no more than he faced from that cult. Besides, it wasn't like he had anything better to do.
  20. Solo has given me permission to use a character I've used in a previous RPG. Solo, tell me if there's anthing I need to change. Name: Katrina Alkarlo (and that was her name when I first came up with her, so shut up) Age: 22 Species: Human Gender: Female Affiliation: N/A Appearance: Although she doesn't exactly meet society's definition of 'beautiful', there are none who would call Katrina ugly. She's reasonably good-looking, but she really doesn't care about that. She's also in good physical shape, as most trainers are. After all, they normally walk everywhere, and you have to be in shape to walk with enough supplies to last until the next town. Pokemon: She carries six with her at all times, but right now she's focusing on training the first two, Charizard and Tyranitar (meaning that those are the one's she'll be using, though she'll keep the others with her). Being her newest two Pokemon, they're not yet at the level of her other Pokemon. She's made progress (they weren't caught in their final evolutions, after all), but they still need a lot of work. 1: Charizard 2: Tyranitar 3: Absol 4: Gardevoir 5: Lapras 6: Salamence Personal Equipment: Everything you'd expect a top-of-the-line trainer to have (pokeballs, pokedex, etc.) She also carries a cell phone. Personality: Katrina is a very serious trainer, and very skilled. She can seem obsessive at times. She's always pushing her Pokemon to their limits, but never beyond their limits. She knows how much is too much. She challenges herself, too, always refining her strtegies and developing new ones. She knows pretty much everything there is to know about training and battling. Katrina can seem cold at times, she's really anything but. Like most trainers, she cares about her Pokemon, even though i may sometimes be hard to see that caring. Katrina's a realist and a bit of a pessimist. She's also very determined, as most good Trainers are. She's able to think fast, too, and her improvised stategies are normally very effective. Biography: Katrina was born in Lilycove City, where she lived for quite a while. Her aunt and uncle owned (and still own, along with their two children) a very large pokemon ranch, so she'd seen a large variety of Pokemon at a very early age. eventually, she decided to become a trainer. Katrina started her journey at the age of 15, later than many other trainers start theirs (OOC: but still younger than anyone would be when they leave home in real life. WHY are these people always so young?). One of her earlier catches was an Absol, which she gave to her brother Rorohiko, who'd always been facinated with that particular species of Pokemon, as a present (she later caught another one). Katrina made a name for herself by winning several local tournaments in various cities. Eventually, she moved up to regional tournaments, and then the Pokemon Leauge Championships. She won the Leauge Championship tournament when she was 19, and she won it again two years later. She's currently in training for this year's Pokemon Leauge Championship tournament. Well, that's it. As I said earlier, Solo, please tell me if I need to change anything.
  21. Ashwin, Kira, and Lynn entered to find Eso holding Tesera's flute, as well as the gem that had adorned it. "What's going on?" Ashwin asked. "Tesera took off," Eso said. "She gave me these, then she left. I have no idea where she is." "Yes, we'd heard she ran off." "Well, we need to find her. I believe it's possible to use magic to locate the owner of an item. I was hoping that you might be able to help me. I know your area of expertise is... well, far from mainstream, but there are some spells that most mages know." "There's nothing uusual about my talents," Ashwin replied quickly. "Surely you don't actually expect me to believe that. There's only one this that that hand you called up earlier could have been. You're a necromancer, Ashwin." "But- look, Eso, it's not-" Eso cut him off. "I'm not interested in hearing your excuses, Ashwin. And I'm not dumb enough to believe that every necromancer is evil. Some people will make that assumption, but... well, I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't done that thing with the hand, and neither would the others. It's that simple." "Oh. Okay. Um... sorry about that." "No problem," Eso said. "I can understand your attitude. I mean, necromancers do have something of a bad reputation." "That's quite true," Ashwin agreed. "Anyways, you wanted me to attempt to locate Tesera?" Eso nodded. "That's right. Here, use these." He handed Ashwin the flute and jewel. Ashwin used his spell on the flute. "I think I have her," he said after a few seconds. "Yes, it'd definitely her. She's alive, ut not moving. I don't think she's been captured by anyone." "That's good. Now, I know you've been through a lot, but you're the one who can locate Tesera, so I have to ask you to go get her." "I'll do it," Ashwin said. "You'll be coming too, right, Eso?" Lynn asked. Eso shook his head. "No, I can't. Branit wants to discuss the earlier events with me again. Lynn, you don't really have to go if you don't want to. I'm sure ashwin and Kira will be fine on their own. Of course, it never hurts to be sure." Eso called two soldiers over. "Jaht, Azufe, I want you to go with Ashwin. He and Kira can probably take care of themselves, but there's no point in taking chances. Besides, Treana isn't quite so good in a combat situation." "We'll make sure she's safe," Azufe said. The man turned to Ashwin. "Shall we go?" ------------------------------------------ OOC: DeathKnight, please tell me if you have any objections. Oh, and you can choose to have Lynn go with Ashwin or stay at the barracks.
  22. Just to make sure you all know, I've put some more information in the Underrground thread, so make sure you take a look. Oh, and everyone looks good so far. Name: Kiva Salqarian Age: 21, and has been playing for about two years. Gender: Female Username: Kiva Appearance: A little over 6 ft. tall, aand of about average build. Good-looking, but not beautiful. Over the so-called 'ideal' weight, which basically pusts her at about the ideal weight (in terms of health) for one of her size and build. She's in very good physical shape, as well. Partner Digimon: Hawkmon Digivolutions: Champion: Thunderbirdmon Ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Machinedramon Befriended Digimon: Garudamon
  23. [b][u][center][b][size=3]Welcome to the world of [i]Digimon[/i][/size][/b][/center] [/u] [u][/b][/u][i]Welcome to [/i]Digimon[i].[/i] Digimon[i] is a fully interactive virtual reality game. Players will explore an entire virtual world, interacting with other players as they wander throughout the vast landscapes of the Digital World. It is a world inhabited by creatures called Digimon. Many are dangerous, but fear not. You will have your own Digimon for your protection as you travel the world. You will encounter many Digimon. Some will be good, some neutral, and some evil. Will you fight for truth and justice, or will you cause death and destruction? Will you protect innocents, or destroy them? The choice is yours.[/i] [i]New players are advised to browse the [/i][url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=688868#post688868"][b][color=blue]help database[/color][/b][/url] [i]before registering to play. It contains detailed information about the mechanics of the game, and is a vital tool for new players. If you enounter any problems durring registration or play, please consult the help menu before contacting a system administrator [/i](translation: you [i]must[/i] look at the Underground thread before signing up, as it has a lot of information about just how this RPG will work. Also, if you have any questions, look in the Underground thread before asking me)[i].[/i] [b]Getting Started[/b] [i]Before you begin your adventure, you will need to register. To register, you must provide the following information:[/i] Name: [i]First and last, please.[/i] Age: [i]Anyone under 18 years of age must have written permission of a parent or guardian in order to be permitted to use the VR equipment. Nobody under the age of 14 will be accepted under any circumstances. [/i](note: your character does not have to be a new player. If your character is an experienced player, put both the character's age when he/she started playing and his/her current age) Gender: Username: [i]This is the name you will go by when using the [/i]Digimon [i]program.[/i] Appearance:[i] What you desire your character in the game to look like. It's recommended that you use your natural appearance[/i] (translation: this is what your character looks like in both the real world and the[i] Digimon[/i] program) Partner Digimon: [i]The Digimon you desire as a partner. Select a Rookie-level Digimon from our[/i][color=blue] [/color][url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE.html"][b][color=blue]database[/color][/b][/url]. [i]Digimon at a level other than Rookie will not be accepted. Also, your chosen Digimon must be in the database. You may not create and use your own Digimon. If you desire to change your Rookie-level Digimon after you begin playing, please consult the help database for the procedure[/i](yes, I'll allow you to switch Digimon in the middle of the RPG. For more information, visit the Underground thread)[i]. Each player may start with only one Digimon. For information on befriending other Digimon, please consult the help database.[/i] Digivolutions: [i]Many Digimon have more than one potential digivolution line. All potential digivolutions for a specific Digimon are listed in the database. Using that information, select a Digivolution line for your Digimon. You may not choose a digivolution that is not listed. Choose one Champion form for your Rookie-level Digimon, one ultimate form for the chosen Champion form, and one Mega form for the chosen Ultimate form. If you wish to change your chosen digivolution line, please consult the help database for the procedure[/i](if you want to, you may change any part of your chosen digivolution line in the middle of this RPG. See the Underground thread for more information)[i].[/i] [i]After registering, you will be given a small device called a digivice. Your digivice contains all of your player information. Before playing, insert the digivice into the slot on the VR unit. The unit wll read your information from the digivice and place you exactly where you stopped at the end of your previous session. When you end your session, the digivice will record your status so that when you next play, you will begin exactly where you left off.[/i] [i]You will notice that your digivice will be with you in-game. While in-game, the digivice has several functions. You can use it to access the help database while in-game. You may also use it to access the Digimon database and display information on any Digimon you may encounter. The digivice will record any information youmight need to know at a later time. You may review this information at any time. The digivice is also used to trigger the Digivolution of your partner Digimon.[/i] [i]Further information on game mechanics and other topics may be found in the help database.[/i] [i]Enjoy the world of [/i]Digimon! [u][b]Warning:[/b][/u] [i]While no physical injury inflicted on the player in-game will have any effect on the player's real body, such injury may result in mental trauma, and there have been rare instances of permanent brain damage in cases where a player's character has sustained major injury. By regestering, the player acknowladges awareness of this risk and assumes full responsibility for any such occurances.[/i]
  24. Welcome to the [i]Digimon: Immersion[/i] underground thread. This thread contains detailed information about precisly how [i]Immersion[/i] will work. Most of it is information about the workings of the VR game [i]Digimon[/i]. This is also the place to post questions, comments, or concerns. Well, there's a lot to cover, so let's get started, shall we? [b]Basic Information: [/b]This RPG takes place in the year 2023. Virtual reality technology has become a reality (no pun intended). VR equipment is not avalible for purchase, however. It's not just headsets, after all. That's just not realistic. VR equipment is large and complex. Each individual unit contains a space large enough for a single person. The person's body is maintained by the VR unit while the person is in VR. VR units are avalible for use in most recreational facilities, and there are many VR centers that have nothing but VR equipment. [i]Digimon[/i] is a virtual reality program. It's the first of its kind, an entire interactive virtual world. Much like the MMORPGs we have today, [i]Digimon[/i] players can meet and interact with players all over the world. The language barrier is bypassed by a translation feature. If a player is interacting with another player that speaks a different language, what they say is translated. The translation system's 'voice' is rather mechanical-sounding and has problems with tone, but it does allow players who speak different languages to understand each other. The virtual world of [i]Digimon[/i] is populated by creatures called Digimon. Digimon have disctinct personallities and can think and plan on their own as well as humans can, the result of advanced AI. However, no Digimon will ever consider the possibility that it's nothing more than part of a program. To them, game-related terms are simply normal, a part of everyday life and really just how things are said. Our characters in this RPG are simply people who play the game. They have normal lives. There wil be times in this RPG where characters are not actually in the game. It's okay if you only briefly mention these occasions, but you must at least mention the fact that most of your character's day is spent outside of the game. To make sure that there's no confusion, let me clearly state that in this RPG, Digimon is nothing more than a VR game. In the world of the RPG, there have been no TV shows, card games, video games (aside from the VR one), etc. It's nothing more than a VR game. Oh, one more thing: you are [i]not[/i] allowed to use Digimon you make up at any point in this RPG. I included a link to an excellent Digidex site in the sign-up thread. Use that site if you need to find a Digimon for whatever reason, or if you need any information about Digimon (attacks, digivolutions, etc.). [b]Game Basics:[/b] [i]Digimon [/i]does not have any one set storyline. Players are free to explore the virtual world, doing pretty much anything. There are, of course, plenty of evil Digimon for players to fight, and sometimes taking care of them can be a long and involved process. There are also planty of wild Digimon to fight. Players do not necessarily have to be good guys. Many players choose to be bad guys (or girls). They and the 'good' players often go up against each other, and epic battles between multiple players are not uncommon. I'd like to get some 'good' players and some 'bad' players. Important note: a player's partner Digimon does not need to match the player's actions. For example, a 'bad' player can have a Patamon for a partner and use the Patamon-Angemon-MagnaAngemon-Seraphimon line. Wild Digimon, however, do have such restrictions (for example, a wild Angemon would never harm innocents, while a wild Devimon would never protect innocents). [b]Befriending Digimon:[/b] Though a player starts with only a single partner Digimon, he or she can befriend up to two others (if your character isn't a new player and you want him or her to have befriended Digimon, you must list them in your sign-up, along with their levels). The player can attempt to convince a nywild Digimon to come with him or her. Usually, the player will have to do somethig for the wild Digimon in order to befriend it. Lower-level Digimon are easier to befriend than higher-level Digimon. It's easy to befriend a Rookie-level Digimon, but almost impossible to efriend a Mega-level Digimon. If a player has two befriended Digimon with him or her and wishes to befriend another, the player must get rid of one of his/her befriended Digimon. Once successfully befriended, the Digimon becomes essentially another partner, though there are a few differences between befriended Digimon and partner Digimon. These differences are as follows: First, befriended Digimon are subject to the same alligince restrictions as wild Digimon. A 'bad player will not be able to befriend a 'good' Digimon such as Angemon, while 'good' players will be unable to befriend 'bad' Digimon such as Devimon. Second, a befriended Digimon can choose to leave the player. This usually only happens for reasons of allegiance (for example, if a 'good' player with a befriended Angemon starts to become a 'bad' player, the Angemon will leave that player). And third, befriended Digimon cannot be made to Digivolve. A befriended Digimon is stuck at the level it's at. For that reason, players almost never attempt to befriend Rookie-level Digimon. [b]Digivolution:[/b] When someone first statrs playing [i]Digimon[/i], that player's partner Digimon is able to digivolve to the Champion level only. As the player travels with that Digimon and gains experience, the Digimon will eventually gain the ability to digivolve to the Ultimate level, and then finally to Mega. This only applies to partner Digimon; as I stated earlier, befriended Digimon cannot digivolve. Use your own judgement as to when your partner Digimon becomes able to digivolve to higher levels, and I'll tell you if you need to change it. Also, if your character is not a new player, his or her partner Digimon may already have the ability to digivolve beyond the Champion level. If that's the case, you must specify which lever your partner Digimon can digivolve to in your sign-up. [b]Changing Digimon:[/b] As I mentioned in the sign-up thread, I will allow you to change your partner Digimon in the middle of this RPG. You can only change it to another Rookie-level Digimon. You'll probably also need to change your Digivolution line, though you can keep it if your new partner has those same potential dgivolutions. To change your partner, PM me. Tell me which Digimon you want to change to, and what you want its Digivolution line to be. I'll either approve or deny the change, but don't worry about getting a 'no', because unless you choose an illegal digivolution line, you'll undoubtably get a 'yes'. You must then post your new Digimon and its digivolution line in this thread. After you've done that, I'll post your character switching partners. This same procedure applys for changing just the digivolution line. Some experience will transfer from an old partner Digimon to a new one, but not all of it. If your old partner Digimon had gained the ability to digivolve to its Ultimate form, your new one will gain the ability to digivolve to Ultimate after just a couple battles. If your old partner Digimon could reach Mega, your new one will stat with the ability to reach Ultimate. You can also change any part of your partner Digimon's digivolution line, provided that your partner is able to digivolve into the new line. You can change as much or as little of the line as you want, though changeing lower levels may necessitate changing higher levels in order to keep a valid chain. C hanging the digivolution line has no effect on your partner's digivolution ability. It you partner is able to digivole all the way to Mega and you decide to change its Ultimate and Mega forms, it'll still be able to digivolve all the way up to Mega. Okay, I think that's everything important. I'll make additions if it turns out I forgot something. If you have any questions, please PM me. EDIT: Okay, there are a couple things I forgot to mention. Here they are: 1: Time in the real world and the VR game is synchronized; if a week passes in reality, a week passes in the game. However, while in-game, players will experience a kind of time-compression effect. It's a bit complicated, but basically, players are able to do more in a specified period of time than they would otherwise be able to do. 2: Some Digimon were portrayed os one-of-a-kind in the shows. A good example is the Soveriegns from season 3 of the show. Each of them was one-of-a-kind, and each had its own role to play. They were also far more powerful than other Digimon. In the VR game of this RPG, there are no such Digimon. No one-of-a-kinds, no uber-powerful Digimon (though some Digimon are more powerful than others, of course), and no specially mportant Digimon. I bring this up because Circeus chose Ebonwumon as his partner's Mega form. In season 3 of the show, Ebonwumon was one of the Soveriegns. In the VR game, Ebonwumon is just another Mega-level Digimon. The same applies for any special Digimon from the TV show. Thay can show up in the VR game, but they would have no special significance. Again, I'll edit if I think of anything else I need to mention. EDIT: I can't believe I've forgotten this part not once, but twice. [b]Player role:[/b] What kind of game would it be if the players did nothing more than stand back and issue orders durring a battle? Okay, an RPG. But that's just not a good genre for a game like [i]Digimon[/i]. Why bother entering a VR world for something like that? In [i]Digimon[/i], there are always ways that the player can enter a battle alongside his or her partner. A resourceful player will be able to find many ways to infuence the battle. Use your imagination, but be realistic. If you're in a jungle invironment, you won't be able to, say, electrify your opponent with a power cable. Be creative, but make sure that what you do fits where your character is. All right, I think I've got it all this time. If it turns out that I don't, I'll edit again. EDIT: I was just asked a question by Lionheart. He wanted to know how I'm handlng the hybrid Digimon (you know, the ones the season 4 Digidestined became) in this RPG. Well, it's simple. They're just normal Digimon. No youmans turn into them. They're just Digimon. Human hybrids are considered Champion-level Digimon, beast hybrids are considered Ultimate-level Digimon, and the ones using both human and beast spirits (Aldamon for example) are considered Mega-level Digimon. Digivolution lines for these Digimon are on the digidex site. ANOTHER EDIT: I figured that I should probably mention this in order to avoid confusion later on. All our characters live in the same city. I know this may seem an unnecessary rule, but I do have a reason (and no, I'm not going to tell you what it is. It'll become clear eventually). YET ANOTHER EDIT: This was brought up by Circeus. A Digimon's type (Vaccine, data, or Virus) has no impact on battle. What does influence battle is stuff like what element your Digimon is based on. For example, a water Digimon such as Seadramon would have an advantage against a fire Digimon like Meramon. This won't overcome a major power gap, however (Seadramon would most likely lose to an Ultimate-level fire Digimon).
  25. I'd like to mention a couple things about my character, Liquid. First, you may notice that I've been referring to her both as Liquid and Laqara, her real name, and I just wanted to clarify which name is used when. Laqara will be the name used when she is using her human form, while Liquid will be used when she is in her natural form. Regardless of that, anyone who knows her only as Laqara will always use Laqara, and anyone who knows her solely as Liquid will always use Liquid. I ho[e that that wasn't too confusing. Oh, one other thing. I forgot to include something in Liquid's apppearance when I posted my sign-up, and since the sign-up thread is closed and you can't edit posts in a closed thread, I''ll post it here. While in her natural form, Liquid wears a belt. this is because of her natural form's lack of any real clothing. She uses the belt to hold items. Her gun, for example. the belt was specially made and is infused with elemental water energy. As a result, neither it nor items it's holding will fall to the ground when Liquid shifts to her liquid state. Hope that clears things up a bit.
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