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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Well, I've thought about the points made by Sage, Shy, and everyone else, and I think I might just have an idea. It seems to me that there'smore than one issue here. One is that some participants are getting impatient, wondering when their turn will come. I'm sure that's especially true among those of us such as myself who are not in missions yet, and are faced with the prospect of waiting for weeks, if not months, before we are in missions (I mean, there's still only been one post in the event itself, and that was posted by a team leader). Yes, the team leader has to post first, but aside from that, I don't think a post order is necessary. The other issue is that some people don't have the time to post as often as others. I think Shy's concerns here are valid. It's hard to maintain the feel of a group progect when every other post is by the same person (a fact I learned the hard way). A posting order is a workable solution to this problem, but ends up causing the issue I mentioned above. Now, those who are tired of waiting for their turn to post probably aren't going to be posting all the time. They just want to participate in the event. However, there may very well be people who'd want to post every day. So here's my idea: instead of creating a required post order, why not simply limit the frequency people are allowed to post? For example, limit Gold Team members to one post every three days (note: this is only an example). Gold team members could, of course, post less frequently than once every three days, but not more frequently. This would allow Gold Team members who can post twice a week to have the same level of participation as Gold Team members who are on every day, while at the same time giving Gold Team members eager to participate the chance to do so without waiting days or weeks for their turn. Now, obviously the maximum post frequency (mpf) would vary between mision threads. For example, Gold Team might be limited to once every three days, while Blue Team members are allowed to post every other day, and red Teammembers once every five days. The MPF for a mission thred would be based on the number of people in that particular mission thread, as well as their avalibility. And a mission thread's mpf could be changed for each specific mission if necessary. Any questions or comments?
  2. Branit Selkaro quickly made his way to Medical Bay 1. He was head of External Management, meaning that it was his job to oversee all operations in the other world. The agents were the ones who actually went over, but it was his department's job to decide what their tasks were. They also decided which agents went on which missions, and to assign teir equipment. Though others (many of whom were ex-field agents) actually made those decisions, they all eventually came to him for final approval. Which meant that for him to be called down to a medical bay, there had to be something major going on. As soon as Branit entered Medical Bay 2, he was approached by two men. One was a doctor he didn't know the name of, but the other he recognised, even though the man looked like he'd just had the shit beaten ot of him. "Jorman! What the hell happened to you?" "Hello, Branit," Jorman said. "I regret seeing you under these circumstances, but given what happened, I'm lucky to even be standing here." "What happened?" "we had just finished our research and were en route to the extraction point. We'd almost reached the point when we were ambushed. I'm not quite sure what all went on, it was all happening so fast. Before I knew it, it was just me and two of the escorting agents, Treana and team leader Kiva, left alive. The enemy had suffered losses as well, and were down to three mages and an archer. We'd taked cover, but couldn't do anything. The minute we showed ourselves, they would have killed us. So Kiva distracted them. She showed herself and opened fire. Treana and I escaped while she kept them busy. I looked back at one point. There was only one survivor, and it wasn't Kiva. She sacrificed herself so that Treana and I could escape. We're the only two survivors." ~One hour later~ Sako had just left the mess hall. He thought that he'd return to his quarters for a while and relax. He'd been training hard the past couple days, and thought he deserved a little break. He never got it, because his personal communicator beeped as soon as he entered his quarters. He answered the call. "Sako here." "Sako, you are ordered to report to Briefing Room 3 at once." "Understood." Sako terminated the connection. [i]Well, so much for relaxation,[/i] he thought. He turned around and left his quarters, heading for Briefing Room 3. Upon his arrival, he took a seat and waited. ---------------------------------- OOC: All EDRI agent characters need to report to Briefing Room 3. Characters from the other world should keep going about their lives. I'll bring them into all this shortly.
  3. This could be fun. I think I'll just have to join. Code Name/Call Sign: Liquid Gender: Female Location: Phoenix, A.Z. Age: 28 Personal Appearance: She's almost exactly six feet in height. Her physical form is, well, attractive. She would be considered very beutiful if she appeared human, but she does not, even though the general form is the same. Her skin is a uniform blueish-green color, with her hair and eyes a similar but more green color. Her 'clothing', which really isn't actually clothing at all (not even she knows exactly what it is), is sparse, though she's covered where it counts. She can alter her form to apear human, and when doing so she keeps the same looks, just without the non-human features (for example, the blue-green skin color). Personality/Behavior: She's a solitary person, but not realy antisocial. She just likes to be alone, though she is willing to tolerate the presence of others. She has a general dislike of human nature, though this doesn't mean she dislikes humans. She knows that there are some very bad people, but also knows that not all of them are bad people. She tends to assume and prepare for the worst, simply out of caution. She's what she calls a 'realistic pessamist', meaning that she has a less-than-optimistic view of the world that she has developed based on fact and experience. It also means that she prepares for the worst just in case, even though she knows the worst isn't always going to happen. Personal History: Liquid was born in the city of Flagstaff, Arizona as Laqara Solero. From the start, she was different. Her father had died before she was born. Her mother remarried when she was still a baby, and for a while she thought the man was her real father. When Laqara was 8 years old, her mother and stepfather divorced, and it was durring this time that she learned about her real father. This discovery, coupled with the turmoil of the quite messy divorce, caused a severe decline in Laqara's acedemic performance. Eventually her mother, who had custody of her, pulled her out of school for a while. When things calmed down and Laqara had accepted her situation, her mother hired a private tutor. She was homeschooled for the rest of elementary school, as well as middle school. She attended a public high school and did vary well. On the night of her graduation, her mother was killed in a drunk driving accident. Having nowhere else to go, Laqara began living with Kajo, her late mother's ex-husband. At the time, Kajo was going through some personal troubles of his own, though he never said exactly what those troubles were. Laqara knew only that he was frequently drunk, and tended to break things in anger. Though Kajo at first did his best for Laqara, he soon began taking out his anger on her. At first, he would simply shout at her, but one night, he went a bit further. He attempted to rape Laqara. What Kajo didn't know is that Laqara, frightened by Kajo's violent behavior, had begun learning how to defend herself. What Laqara didn't know is that Kajo owned a gun. When he tried to rape her, Laqara fought back. At least, she started to. But then Kajo pulled a gun on her. She acted submissive, let Kajo approach, then slammed her knee into his groin and bolted. Not even Laqara herself is quite sure what happened next. She ran as fast as she could away from the house, barely even noticing the pouring rain. She was running away from all signs of civilization, not really caring where she wound up. The next thing she knew, she was on her back. She saw something she couldn't identify, then blacked out. When she came to, the world appeared to be glowing, an oddly non-illuminating glow that was in literally everything, lighting up the night for her. This was the first step in the process of discovering her changed appearance and new powers. From that point on, she remained by herself. Laqara wanted to leave the city of her birth behind, but she needed money. So she broke into Kajo's house while he was asleep, took his bank card, withdrew a large sum of money, and returned the card. She was careful to put it exactly where she found it, and left no signs of her presence. Kajo never even realized he'd had money stolen. Laqara managed to reache Phoenix, which was far enough from Flagstaff, but close enough for her to reach. She managed to hitch a ride with a sympathetic truck driver. Upon arrival in Phoenix, she located an appartment complex with avalible space. After taking the required certification classes, she was able to get a job as a lifeguard at a local pool, and she also taught swim lessons. Considering her situation, she was doing very well in life. Special Skills or Abilities: Along with the physical change came water-based powers. Laqara has basic water-manipulation abilities, and can create water to a limited extent. She is able to see water in any form (the 'glow' she saw in everything after her change). She is able to shift her form to something more human-looking, and although she can hold it for a couple days straight if she has to, she is unable to maintain this state indefinatly (sp?). She can also shift herself into a liquid state, though she can only maintain this state for a few minutes at a time. She's also a skilled fighter, though this is not really a power. I try to get online at least once a day, but I may not be able to post evvery day. Certainly multiple times per week. My posts can range anywhere from PG to M, depending on the RPG and the current situation within it.
  4. OOC: Raze_3103 and digiX, I believe I made it perfectly clear that there is absolutly nobody from the other world who even knows that our world exists, let alone that people cross from it to the other world (I can't believe I missed the 'seeing EDRI agents arrive' part in your sign-up, Raze. Now that I have, I must ask you to remove that part before posting in this thread again). Both of you must remove everything in your posts that mentiones EDRI or our world. Oh, and digiX, your character can't just travel around encountering every other character from the other world. Running into those characters is fine, but traveling all over just so that this can happen is not. All right, I'm going to introduce the first part of the main plot in this post, but since I'm expecting Frankie to sign up any time now, I'll give her a chance to do so before I get our characters involved in it. ----------------------------------------------------- Kiva was screwed, and she knew it. She was the leader of a team of six field agents. Their mission was supposed to be a simple one: they were assigned to protect a team of EDRI researchers investigating the remains of an aincient struchers of some kind. The researchers semed to have come up with interesting results, but Kiva and her team were not enlightened, nor did they ask to be. Their job wasn't to learn what the researchers discovered. It was to keep them safe. And at the current moment, that mission seemed doomed to failure. Kiva's team had been taken completly by surprise. The enemy had expertly prepared an ambush. Kiva's team had spotted them a bit sooner then they'd intended, but they'd still managed to take out three of Kiva's team, as well as both of the group's vehicles. Another field agent, as well as two of the three researchers, had died in the ensuing battle, leaving only the researcher Jorman, Kiva, and her teammate Treana alive. And Kiva doubted that any of them would survive. The enemy group had been reduced significantly, but it wasn't enough. An archer and three mages were still alive, waiting for one of the EDRI people to make a move. All three EDRI people had taken cover in the mess of debris (sp?) created by the battle, but the moment any one of them showed themselves, they would die. "There's only one choice," Kiva whispered to Treana and Jorman. "We can't win, and not all of us will survive. The only reason the mages haven't destroyed this whole mess is probably because they think we have something they want. Sooner or later, they'll grow tired of waiting for us to show ourselves. They'll eliminate us without caring about whatever they're after. We need to make our move now, and there's only one move we can make. One of us is going to have to die. "The only way to get out of here alive is if those mages aren't paying attention to you. Someone's going to have to create a diversion, and it can't be you, Jorman. You need to survive. Trea and I are expendable. Treana, you have a better chance of making it then I do. You're smaller and faster. Which means that I get to be the diversion. Don't bother arguing about it with me. The decision has been made. When I reveal myself, you two make a run for it. I'll do as much damage as I can, but I won't be able to get them all. Treana, if the survivors pursue you and Jorman, it'll be your job to stop them. Understood?" Both nodded. "In that case," Kiva said, "it's time. Good-bye." Kiva didn't think about what was about to happen to her. She just acted. The moment she revealed herself, she opened fire at one of the mages. The only his was to the mage's arm, but Kiva's gun fired explosive rounds. The mage might survive, but he wouldn't be doing much of anything for a while. Staying in motion, Kiva attacked the other two mages. She killed one mage and wounded the archer before the other mage was able to take her out. By then, Jorman and Treana were gone, and the mage didn't pursue. He decided that it wasn't worth the risk, especially not when the bodies of everyone else of their group were right there. The odds were good that one of them had what he was looking for. Jorman and Treana slowed their pace a bit once they were out of sight of the battle area, but they still kept moving fast. Fortunatly, they were not far away from the crossing point, the point where they would be able to cross out of this world and back to the EDRI facility, a process which, for reasons not fully understood by most of the people at EDRI, could only be done at certain locations in the new world ('The other side', as it was known at EDRI). They would be at the crossing point shortly, despite their lack of a vehicle. They only hoped that they'd be able to reach it alive.
  5. digiX: I cannot dechipher your bio. Please make it a bit easier to understand. sand dragon 19: First of all, EDRI does not recruit from groups like Chronos. They recruit field agents from alll branches of the U.S. armed forces, but that's basically it. Also, you can't decide to join EDRI, simply because you don't know it exists. EDRI finds you, not the other way around. Even if you say yes, you don't learn the name until you're inside the facility. Since your character is built around Chronos, you'll essentially have to come up with a brand new character in order to be allowed to participate in the RPG. EDIT: sand dragon 19, I don't think the Marines do much in the way of asassinations (correct me if I'm wrong), but the rest of your new sign-up is fine.
  6. OOC: Well, here we go. Oh, just a note: this RPG takes palce in the year 2042. Also, EDRI has the most advanced technology there is, so keep that in mind when thinking about weapons and equipment. ----------------------------------------------------- Sako circled around, doing his best to remain unseen. He was engaged in a training excersize. There were two teams of EDRI agents involved in the excersize, and he was leading one of them against the other. His team was good, but their opponents had positioned themselves extremly well, and were prooving difficult to take out. Nothing Sako's team had tried so far had worked, meaning that Sako needed to get creative. Sako circled around to the rear of the enemy's position. He knew they had the area covered, so he didn't attempt an approach. And he couldn't see any of his opponents, as they were too well concealed. He had a general idea of possible positions from observing the enemy's angle of fire, but the enemy kept changing positions to compensate. Sako had decided to remove the problem by aiming not for his opponents themselves, but for any trees, bushes, rocks, and anything else the enemy could use of concealment or cover. Sako's team was spreading out, encircling the enemy's location. Sako allowed his team time to get into position, then opened fire, signaling his team to do the same. Their fire pattern was not meant to take out anyone, but it did an excellent job of altering the terrain, especially sinse a couple of Sako's men were armed with rocket launchers. A couple of the opponents were taken out, but most were able to easily avoid the incoming fire. However, they found themselves without any decent cover, and though they put up a fight, Sako's team didn't have too much trouble finishing them off. The excersize, of course,had not involved live ammunition or anything of the sort. EDRI used a combination of holographic projection and virtual reality technology to duplicate the feel of actual combat. It was set up so that nobody would be harmed durring an excersize, yet was closer to actual combat than anything else had managed to get. After the excersize, Sako approached the other team's leader, a man by the name of Jaht. "Congradulations," Jaht said. "I didn't think you'd be able to pull a victory out of that one." "We were never in that bad a situation," Sako replied. "We just had trouble penetrating your position. I'm sure you were prepared for something like what I did, but not from the distance we managed it from." "Indeed. That was some impressive positioning and fire planning." "Well, I didn't actually do that part myself," Sako admitted. "I came up with the idea, but it was Kajo who did the positioning and laid out the firing plan. I don't know if anyone else could have done it, but Kajo's good enough." "I noticed. Well, you got me this time. Next time, we'll have to put your team in as the defenders, andsee how well you can fend off my boys." "I'm sure you'll put up a fight," Sako said. "Anyways, I'll see you around." With that, Sako left the training area. ---------------------------------------- OOC: All right, it's started. Introduce your characters however you want to. For EDRI agents, you can be on a mission, participating in a training excersize, or whatever. For characters from the other world, just do whatever it is your characters would be doing. I'll introduce the main plot shortly.
  7. All right, everyone's in (although you still need to add a bit more to the personality section, kyo'slove91). I'm going to start this now, but sign-ups will remain open.
  8. Amon: Good for the most part, but I'd prefer a more alien-sounding name. I won't require you to change it, but I'd prefer it if you did. kyo'slove91: You need to add a personality. All you put is 'he's nice once you get to know him'. I know I said the personality didn't have to be very detailed, but I need more information than that. Dragon Speaker: It'd be good if you could add a few years onto your character's age. 19 seems a little too young to be teaching magic. You don't have to, but I'd prefer it if you did. SolarPrincess: You're good. Ditsy_Taurus888: Could you add a couple years onto your character's age? I know I said 21 was acceptable, but I'd prefer it if your character was a bit older than that. You don't have to change the age, though. Venge: Remember, EDRI normally selects people who have nobody they're close to. If Matt's the kind of person who'd leave his fiance for a top-secret job he's not told anything about before accepting, then that's fine. If he's not a person who'd do that, you'll need to make some changes. cheese master: That's a few too many languages. It'd probably be best if you removed a couple, but I won't make you. Well, that's everyone. I'll see if I can find the time to start this within the next few days. Sign-ups are still open, so don't be afraid to join if you haven't done so yet.
  9. "Not bad for your first time," Sako told Nicola as Anubismon devolved back to Cerberumon. "Most of 'em shit themselves first mission. Not literally, of course." "Well, thanks," Nicola said. "Of course, it didn't all go as planned, did it? Gigadramon escaped." "True, but we got everyone else. He may pop up again sometime, but that's really not relavent to this mission." "Well, I may have something else that is," Nicola replied. "At the start of the battle, I noticed a civilian approaching. I don't know what happened to her." "Well, she's probably not here anymore. Most of them try to stay away from any battles. Sometimes, someone will stay to watch, but even if that's what she did, she's probably going elsewhere right now. Either way, she's not our problem. We should return to base for debriefing and, if they have one, another assignment. Though the odds are slim that we'll be together again. Still, it could happen. Anyways, let's get back to base." "All right," Nicola agreed. ---------------------------------------------- OOC: Sheath, I recommend that you give us another assignment in your next post. The mission should be part of this RPGs main plot (if you don't get the plot going soon, this RPG won't last any longer than it already has).
  10. [color=#000000]That was short, not long. It's fine, though. You're in. All right, there are a few things I forgot to mention. First, in your sign-up you need to include which world your character is from. Also, if your character is from our world (meaning that he/she is an EDRI agent), your bio needs to include your character being selected by EDRI. For characters from the other world, you must include your character's occupation (but only if the character in question is human). And I also forgot to mention that I will allow people to have two characters (I may end up having a second character myself, but I haven't decided yet). Now, here's my sign-up: Name: Sako Alkalero [color=#000000]Age: 30[/color] [color=#000000]Gender: Male[/color] World of Birth: Ours [color=#000000]Race: Human[/color] [color=#000000]Appearance: Sako is a tall man, standing well over six feet in height. He's in very good physical shape,as are most EDRI agents (the demands of the job frequently necessitate good physical condition). He's sure to keep himself in good physical condition, if for no other reason than the action his job frequently demands. He has short black hair, and brown eyes.[/color] [color=#000000]Personality: Sako doesn't like to give up. Once he starts something, he finishes it if at all possible. He's smart, and a quick thinker as well. He's one who'll get the job done at any cost. He's ruthless, but not cold. He simply gets the job done. When not out on a mission, he's frequently found in the training areas.[/color] [color=#000000]Bio: Sako's parents died in a drunk driving accident when he was 12. He was placed in an orphanage, but he didn't stay there long. He was adopted after about four months in the orphanage. He never developed any real feelings for his new parents, but not because they weren't his real parents. He just didn't like them much. They were better than the orphage, though, so he didn't say anything about it.[/color] Sako graduated from high school with high marks, but didn't continue ot to college. Instead, he decided to join the army. He didn't see much action, but was known to perform extremly well in excersizes. When he eventually was involved in real combat, he performed just as well. He was selected by EDRI at the age of 24. Since then, he has become a very skilled field agent. [/color]
  11. [color=gray][color=black]I apologize in advance for the length of this post.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color][color=#808080][i][font=Times New Roman][size=3][i] [i]The human race is very interesting in that it frequently contradicts itself without even realizing it. Some of these contradictions, like the countless different religions that are supposedly the only 'correct' religion, are easy to see but, for some reason, are never labled as the contradictions they are. Others are harder to notice. The issue of magic, for example.[/i] [i]Most humans, when asked, will tell you that there is no such thing as magic. They will say that the only real 'magic' is nothing but sleight of hand, clever deceptions, things that seem impossible but are simple to explain if you know the tricks behind them. True magic, people say, does not exist. And yet, these same people do believe in actual magic, often in the form of some kind of god. People believe in the existance of a god that created the universe, yet they dismiss any possibility that magic exists. Some, however, do know that they believe in magic, in the stuff of fantasy, but these people are usually considered insane. In reality, these people are correct.[/i] [center][/size][/i][/font][/color][/i][color=darkslategray]Welcome to EDRI.[/color][/center] [center][color=darkslategray][/color] [/center] [left][color=darkslategray]Congradulations on your selection for this assignment. We take only the best of the best, so even being approached about this job is a sign of your skill. You should be proud. Of course, we didn't tell you what 'this job' actually is, simply because that would violate our security procedures. You can get the details later, but right now I'll give you the quick version of just what this place is and what we do here.[/color][/left] [left][color=#2f4f4f][/color] [/left] [left][color=#2f4f4f]It all started back in the year 2031. A team of scientists was attempting to create a quantum computer. Based on the theroy of paralell universes, a quantum computer would be able to access versions of itself in paralell universes and work in tandem with them, giving it unparalelled speed and processing ability.The team never suceeded.[/color][/left] [left][color=darkslategray][/color] [/left] [left][color=darkslategray]Long story short, the multiple-universe theroy seems to be wrong. Instead of a quantum computer, the research team accidentally opened a portal to what seems to be the only paralell universe. Its verion of our world is a place out of fantasy novels. The government moved fast, erasing all records of its discovery and, um, 'dissapearing' the research team. Every member of that team now lives in this facility.[/color][/left] [left][color=darkslategray][/color] [/left] [left][color=darkslategray]This is the Extra-Dimensional Research Institute, or EDRI. Our job is to figure out just what makes the other world tick. There are four types of people here. There are people like me, who run the place. There are the maintenance (sp?) people, who make sure everything works right. There are the researchers themselves, and then there are the field agents, the ones who will actually enter the other world. You have been selected to join their ranks.[/color][/left] [color=deepskyblue][/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]Well, there's the backstory. To summarize, EDRI is a top-secret facility located underground in the Nevada desert. The classification level is so high that there are only two or three people that know of its existance who don't live there. Everyone else lives there, and almost all of them have no contact with the outside world.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]EDRI exists to conduct research on the paralell world. It's a world out of fantasy (you know, low tech level, magic, dragons, the works), and EDRI's goal is to figure out how it all works, why that other world is the way it is. How magic is possible, how massive creatures such as dragons are able to fly, why technological advancement seems to be on hold, etc.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Four types of people live at EDRI: researchers, technicians, the people who run the place, and the field agents. The job of the field agents is to go into the paralell world and do whatever the researchers need done. This could be retrieving some kind of artifact, capturing a creature of some kind for study, etc. Sometimes they do favors in exchange for an artifact or a piece of information. They also ensure that nothing happens that could affect our world They are frequently [/color][color=black]placed in dangerous situations, so they are all very skilled.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]EDRI field agents are carefully selected from all branches of the armed forces (though few are ever taken from the Air Force, simply because few pilots are needed. Aircraft attract more attention then ground units, and so are used by EDRI only when absolutly necessary). They're taken to live at the EDRI facility, while their deaths are expertly faked in order to remove any question of what's happened to them. Also, those selected almost never have anyone they're close to (meaning family, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, that sort of thing), simply because it's easier for people to leave the world they know behind forever if they don't have anyone they're attached to.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]Once at EDRI, they're put through the most intense training program even [/color][color=black]devised. These people are good when selected, and after going through the EDRI training program, they are truly the best. They have access to the most advanced equipment, from weapons and armor to transportation to obscure gadgets.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Though the people of the other world see the EDRI agents, nobody knows who they are or what they want. As always, there are differing beliefs. The vast majority believes that these people with the strange 'powers' (translation: advanced weapons and equipment) are just mages who've mastered a new type of magic (and among these people, oppinions of the EDRI people's actions differ: some are all right with the removal of artifacts and creatures [many of which are dangerous to humans], some are indifferent, and some are against it). However, there are always other beliefs. Some believe that the EDRI people are divine beings, while others believe they are agents of Hell. Strictly small groups, but they exist. There are also other beliefs, of course. Too many to list.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Now, in this PRG you can play as either an EDRI field agent or a resident of the other world. Just to make sure it's clear, EDRI agents, being from our world, cannot use magic and must be human (PM me if you want to be a non-human EDRI agent). Residents of the other world have no knolwedge of our world, and though they can have magical ability, have no technology beyond what most fantasy worlds have (you know, swords, bows, horses, that kind of thing).[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Here's the sign-up form:[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Name:[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Age: EDRI agents cannot be below 21, and I'd prefer nothing lower than 25. This RPG is not about some random group of kids. These people are professionals. Characters from the other world can be as young as 16, but nothing below that, and please try to keep it above 18 (again, this RPG is not about some random group of kids).[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Gender:[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Race: This one's not whay you might expect. See, while I will allow characters from the fantasy world to be non-human, there will be no elves, dwarves, or anything like that (those races are so similar to humans that there's no point in having them). I'll allow you to play as fantasy creatures such as dragons, phoenixes (which are not immortal in this RPG, though they are in the fantasy novels. In this RPG, they simply have an extrordinary self-healing ability), gryphons, etc. If you want to be a 'humanoid' or part-human, you must PM me. EDRI agents are always human (if you want to be a non-human EDRI agent, PM me). Oh, and those of other races need names that sound like what other races would come up with, and age needs to match race, as well (for example, dragons will be hundreds or thousands of years old, while phoenixes, which would live even longer due to the self-healing ability, can be even older).[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Appearance: This must be consistent with race.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Personality: This can be as basic or detailed as you want. For characters of non-human races, try to stay away from stereotypes (that goes for human characters, too).[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Bio: Again, I don't need something huge. A couple paragraphs is fine. The bios of non-human characters should reflect their races. Again, stay away from stereotypes.[/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000]Well, I think that's it. PM me with any questions.[/color][/color]
  12. Sign-ups are now open. Look for the RPG under the title of 'Duality' in the Adventure Inn. I hope to see all of you there.
  13. Sako concealed himself in a clump of bushes and watched as Cerberumon approached Gigidramon's group. Everything happened as he'd expected. Gigadramon immedieatly assumed that Cerberumon had help, and it didn't take long before Beelzemon was spotted. Gigadramon sent four of the Megadramon after Beelzemon, more than enough to take him. Gigadramon, the fifth Megadramon, and the two Guardromon remained to deal with Cerberumon. Beelzemon wouldn't last long, so Cerberumon would have to work fast. "Your little ruse failed," Gigadramon said to Cerberumon. "You were wrong to assume I'd be fooled by such an obvious 'deception'. Your friend was unable to destroy any of us, and he's now facing more than he can handle. And so are you." Sako made his move. He lept out from his hiding place, triggering Cerberumon's digivolution to Anubismon as he dashed towards the battle area. The enemy was so surprised by the digivolution that Anubismon was able to take out the Megadramon before it could react, leaving only Gigadramon and the two Guardromon. Anubismon took out the Guardromon first. They were easier to take out than Gigadramon, and it was almost always a good idea to reduce the enemy's numbers as quickly as possible. With the Guardromon out of the picture, Anubismon could focus on Gigadramon. Gigadramon put up a better fight than Sako had expected, but he was clearly out of his leauge. And he knew it, too. Which is why he fled before Anubismon could finish him off. Though Sako didn't like it, he and Anubismon had no choice but to let Gigadramon escape. They didn't have time to chase after his, as they needed to aid Beelzemon. Locating Beelzemon wasn't hard, and Anubismon wasted no time in coming to his aid. One of the four Megadramon was down before Anubismon's presence was noticed. The other three realized imediatly that they'd been had, but there wasn't anything they could do about it now. They readied themselves as Anubismon and Beelzemon moved in to finish the battle.
  14. Sako was not one to give up. He and Cerberumon had made a name for themselves among Network field agents by facing situations where the odds were against them and coming out on top. Nobody had triumphed against the odds as many times as Sako and Cerberumon had. The reason? Sako had a flair for the unexpected, and catching opponents by surprise is always extremly effective. Unfortunatly, formulating a plan was prooving difficult this time. The opposition was very cautious, which made things difficult. Then, a solution presented itself in an unexpected form: another Network agent arrived. She was wandering around the area, clearly looking for something. Sako approached her, and noticed that when she saw him, she didn't seem too surprised. Sako introduced himself. "Hello. My name is Sako. And you are?" "I'm Nicola, AKA Agent Beast Rider," she replied. 'I thought you were with the Network," Sako said. "You almost never see a non-Netowrk person with a high-leved Digimon like Beelzemon. Yes, you see Meaga after a Digivolution, but prety much nobody outside of the Networ has a Digimon that's naturally at the Mega level, or even the Ultimate level like Cerberumon, here." "You must be the other Agent investigatin the disturbances," Nicola told him. Sako nodded. "That's correct. I was just thinking I could use a hand. I believe I've found the group responsible for the disturbances. Unfortunatly, even if I have Cerberumon digivolve to Anubismon, he's still way out of his leauge. This group isn't exactly weak. They've got two Guardromon, five Megadramon, and a Gigadramon that appears to be their leader. I've been trying to figure out a way to catch them off guard, but they're very cautious and very well organized. Plus, those Guardromon don't seem to ned to sleep, so it's not like a night attack will work well. They'll see me coming and wake the others. Yes, they'd lose a couple while they composed themselves, but in the end, they'd win. However, you and Beelzemon tip the odds in my favor, even though they still have the force to out-power us. But that doesn't matter, because I know how we can take them by surprise." 'Just don't give us anything too hard to do," Nicola said. "This is my first mission." "All right, then, I'll give you the easy part. Here's the plan: Cerberumon approaches the group in plain sight, making no attempt to hide. The Gigadramon will immediatly assume that there are others trying to approach unsen, using Cerberumon's aproach as a distraction. He'll be right. Beelzemon will be coming in from the other side, and will undoubtably be seen. That's what I want. Nicola, you can't let yourself be seen, but I want them to see Beelzemon. Gigadramon will probably send four of the five Megadramon after you, more than enough to defeat Beelzemon, who should be focusing on evasion instead of confrontation. That leaves Gigadramon himself, the fifth Megadramon, and the two Guardromon to take out Cerberumon, more than enough to defeat an Ultimate. But they won't be facing an Ultimate. "What Gigadramon won't know is that Cerberumon is partnered with a human. That's why he can't see you, Nicola. He must not suspect that our Digimon are partnered with humans. That way, he'll be taken totally off guard when Cerberumon digivolves to Anubismon. The surprise of this move will allow Anubismon to gain the upper hand early, and he should win withoug much trouble. After he's done, he and I will aid you and Beelzemon in taking out the remaining four Megadramon. Understood?" "Sounds a bit risky, but I'm supposed to do what you tell me to, so I'll do it." "That's not a risky plan," Sako replied. "Compared to some of the crazy shit I've done, this will be simple. Now, let's do it."
  15. As it happens, I've already considered all those points, and here's what I've come up with: 1: The EDRI facility has an extremly effective quarintene (sp?) system. Though you do have a valid point in that nobody could know how to treat a new disease, that disease could most certainly be detected. The virus, or bacteria, or whatever could be detected in a scan of the body (remember, this is set 20-30 years in the future, and EDRI is ahead of pretty much everyone in terms of technology), and identified as not belonging in the body. At that time, the infected person or people would be quarintened immediatly, and kept there until they die, or until a cure is found. Whichever happens first (oh, all field agents are aware of this procedure). 2: Just as EDRI doesn't let any new diseases into our world, they don't let any of our diseases into the other world. I forgot to mention the physical screening process all new recruits have to go through. If a person has a curable disease, the cure is given. If a disease is incurable, the infected person is not allowed to cross to the other world (unless it's something like AIDS, which can only be transmited under certain conditions). 3: Well, consider a scenario that pops up more than once in the history of the world. When the people from Europe or wherever sail across the ocean and come into contact with the primitive natives, the natives treat the newcomers as supernatural beings. It's a concept I like: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Now, add to this the fact that the other world is a fantasy-type world, and has dragons and mages and all that stuff. People there alreadly believe in magic, so when people show up doing things nobody else knows how to do, they just see it as some new form of magic. As for people's reactions to EDIR's actions, well, first of all, EDRI doesn't exactly advertise what they're doing. Our world doesn't know about them, while the other world knows they exist but doesn't know who they are or what they want. As always, there are differing beliefs. The vast majority believes that these people with the strange 'powers' are just mages who've mastered a new type of magic (and among these people, oppinions of the EDRI people's actions differ: some are all right with the removal of artifacts and creatures [many of which are dangerous to humans], some are indifferent, and some are against it). However, there are always other beliefs. Some believe that the EDRI people are divine beings, while others believe they are agents of Hell. Strictly small groups, but they exist. There are also other beliefs, of course. Too many to list. Well, I think that's about it. Now, I'm going to go ahead with the idea, though I probably won't have time to until next week. Oh, and Frankie, I will allow playing as people from the other world.
  16. I think I'll say my piece, then sit back and enjoy the reactions. Anyways, I think satan665's got it right: violent games do not make people violent, but, like the guy in the [i]Reader's Digest[/i] article, may choose as acts of violence things thay saw in violent games. I agree with Morpheus, too, in that video games can be great for stress relief. When I'm really pissed for whatever reason, I'll pop in [i]Drakengard[/i] and kill a couple thousand people. That normally helps. Now, here's what really gets me about the whole violent video games thing: while everyone's talking about violent video games, we've got things like alchohol that have an undeniable correlation with violent and/or dangerous behavior, yet nobody's doing anything about them. If you really want to cut down on violence, what should you go after? Well, how about the single greatest contributor to violence in the history of mankind? For those of you who are wondering, I'm talking about religion. Before you all start b%tching at me, read my reasoning. First, take a look at the history of Christianity. We've got the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and about ten bazillion onther, less well-known incidents. The irony here is that Jesus preached for peace and compassion, yet more people have died 'in his name' than for any other reason. As for other religions, well, I confess to not knowing much, but I'm sure that there have been incidents of violence ustified by religion for all major and most minor belief systems. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that religion should be banned or anything. I just find it odd that the big focus is on violent video games when things that have a prooven conection with violence, like alchahol and religion, go unchallenged. I just don't get it.
  17. OOC: Mimminx, I don't know how to do the accent mark, so that's why I've left it out of your character's name. Oh, and I hope I got your character right. Tell me if I didn't. --------------------------------------------- Laqara noted each person's arrival, but didn't really pay much attention to any of them. The exception was Adele. When Adele entered, it didn't take Laqara long to figure out that this was Adele's first mission, and that she was feeling very nervous about it. Laqara had seen the signs on several first-timers, including herself. And she knew from experiance that the Agent Superiors were ususally not exactly confidence-boosting. Laqara didn't know what would have happened on her first mission if her team leader hadn't taken her aside beforehand. Whenever Laqara saw the signs of an unsure first-timer, she did the same thing. Laqara motioned to Adele to come and sit down by her. "hey there," Laqara said as Adele did so. "Um... what's your name?" "Adele." "Adele. I'm Laqara." "Nice to meet you, Laqara," Adele said. "Same here. I take it this is your first mission?" that startled Adele. "How do you know that?" "It's pretty obvious," Laqara told her. "Most of us agents who've been here a while know the signs. You seem extremly nervous, which is quite understandable, and I'm guessing that the Superior who briefed us, Carrs, took you aside like the Superiors usually do to first-timers." "Yeah," Adele said. "He did." "I take it he wasn't exactly reassuring?" "That's for sure. He basically said that I had to learn total control of my pwers before our departure or I might end up getting someone killed." "Don't worry about it," Laqara told Adele. "They're always like that. Fortunatly, we all remember our first missions, and tend to do our best to help first-timers out. I remember my own first mission very well. My situation was a bit different than yours, because I already had control over my powers. See, I used to be a normal human. Then I came across a dying water spirit. I don't know how or why, but it kind of fused itself with me. The resulat is that my appearance changed to what you see now, and I gained water-based elemental powers. Most of us at Clandestine can pretend to be normal, but due to my appearance, I can't. Oh, I eventually learned how to temporarily alter my appearance. I can look like my old self for a time, but it took me a long time to learn how to do it. When I first changed, I couldn't. I couldn't live with normal humans looking like this, so I had to cut myself off from society. Fortunatly, I quickly learned of my powers, which is the only reason I survived. "I lived on my own for a few months before Clandestine found me. I agreed to go to the facility as a filed agent. They put me through the training program, then put me on a tough assignment. The job was actually similar to the one I got back from earlier today. The assignment was to eliminate a mated pair of dragons that had been hunting humans. The Superior who did the briefing, Sealk, took me aside afterwards. Basically, she made it sound like anything that went wrong would be my fault. Fortunatly, my team leader, a woman named Treana, took me aside and assured me that I didn't have anything to worry about, that she'd watch my back, and that she wouldn't let anyone blame me for a problem. It was the first time someone'd actually been kind to me at this place, instead of having an all-business attitude. We're pretty close now, her and I. "Anyways, I know how you feel because I've been there, and I'm doing for you what Treana did for me, and what I've done for other first-timers besides yourself. Any problems are not going to be your fault. Things go wrong all the time, and no individual person is to balme. The only thing you can control is yourself. Just try your best. And if something does go wrong, you won't take the blame. I may not be your team leader for this mission-I actually don't recall Carrs picking anyone in particular-but that won't stop me. They won't blame you for things you can't control, Adele. I'll make youe of that." "Um... thank you, Laqara." "You're welcome. Well, not much to do now but wait."
  18. Well, first off, I'll admit that, in the Pokemon RPGs I've done, characters basically never fail to catch Pokemon. However, participants aren't having their characters catch Pkemon after Pokemon. Battles with wild Pokemon are normally not too common, as having too many can make things take way too long, or even add a lot of confusion to an RPG (I speak from experience here). Ommiting failed attempts to catch Pokemon helps reduce the number of battles with wild Pokemon, thus allowing for more rapid progression through the plot (not many people like to go for pages without anything important happening). However, it would be simple to mention failed attempts in a post without discribing them (something like a character saying something like, "I had to try five times before managing to catch one of those"). As for characters catching too many Pokemon, well, if you feel that a person's character is catching too many Pokemon, it would be your job, as the creator of the RPG, to inform that person that his/her character is catching too many Pokemon. Now, on to your decision not to have a character of your own. That is a very bad idea. That type of thing never works out (I'm speaking from experience again). It's hard to point out exactly why it doesn't work, but every RPG I've been in where the creator doesn't have his/her own character has failed as a direct result of that decision. Trust me, it's much easier to manage an RPG when you have a character of your own. If your worried that your character might come across as too important or too skilled or something like that, PM me and I'll give you some advice. Actually, no matter what your reason is, I could probably help you, so why don't you tell me why you made that decision?
  19. If you ask me, the simpler the better. I'd reccommend that you yourself play no part in the actual catching. I know I wouldn't want to wait for you to tell me if I caught a Pokemon or not, plus some peoples' wrighting styles might not be what you like, which predisposes to towards saying that the Pokemon was not caught. Of course, I've learned firsthand the need for some regulation, because some people go a bit nuts wiout regulation, especially newbies. So, I reccommend restricting the types of Pokemon that can be caught. And you don't need to do any work. Just go by the games (unless this RPG takes place in a new region). If you can catch it in an area in the game, you can in your RPG. Here, I'll give you an example. Say our characters arre all in Mt. Moon. they would find a lot of Zubat, as well as some Geodude, Clefairy, and a few others (I don't remember every Pokemon that appears in Mt Moon), but nothing that doesn't appear in Nt. Moon in any of the games. Now, you'd need to create those restrictions yourself for a new region, but you could always just say something like "In this area, you can catch any Pokemon that appears in Mt. Moon." That's what i'd do, at least.
  20. OOC: It's spelled 'Laqara', not 'Laquara'. ------------------------------------- There didn't seem to be any questions, so the agents were dismissed with instructions to report to the launch bay in two hours. Laqara headed to her quarters, grabbing a few items which had been useful to her in the past. This included her blades staffs. She knew that the agents would be provided with low-noise-output weaponry, but she always liked to have her staffs with her. Though she was skilled with most forms of weaponry, the staffs had always felt more natural to her than anything else. She grabbed a couple personal items, then looked around to see if there was anything else that might be useful. Her eyes fell on a perfectly round, polished sphere, blue in color and about three inches in diameter. She'd found it while serving as a guard for a research expedition. It looked like some kind of magical artifact, but was nothing more than a perfectly round, polished, blue sphere. It had no magical properties of any kind, but Laqara had used it as a deception on more than one occasion. She liked to have it along, as one never knew when such a decpetion would proove necessary. After taking what she wanted, Laqara headed to the nearest cafeteria for a bite to eat before she and the other agents departed. After her meal, she made her way towards the launch bay. Right after she boarded the transport car, her communicator beeped, and she answered it. "Laqara here." "Laqara, this is Treana." "I thought it might be you," Laqara said. "How'd it go?" "Well, I'll just say that I enjoyed myself immensly. Daego's boys tried, but Branit and I threw so much shit at them that they couldn't possibly succeed. I think it was when I attracted some attention by bring down one of the planes right in the middle of the battle between his squad and mine that his boys really started panicing. I mean, they're not supposed to be seen by anyoue from outside, so a plane crashing right in front of them while they're fighting my group, which has no such restrictions, is about the worst thing that could happen. In the resulting confusion, two of the four gryphons ecaped, though the other two were contained-though Daego's boys thought that three had escaped, of course. However, those two were enough. The plane crash attracted the attention of the other pilots doing the drill, who say the gryphons, recorded them in sensor logs, and sped off for a 'return to base'. Mission failure. Not that I was satisfied with just that, of course. After that, my squad went in the lair and took care of the rest of Daego's boys. They were all pissed, especially when they learned about the 'equipment malfunction'. Daego suspects it was your idea. Apparently, this isn't the first time you've caused him trouble durring an excersize." "It's not," Laqara confirmed. "Well, good job. Now, I'm about to leave, so I don't know when we'll see each other again. I'll try and get in touch with you when I get back. Laqara out." With that, she deactivated her communicator. Wher the transport car reached her stop, she got off. It took her another minute or two to get to the launch bay, after which she simply waited for the other agents to arrive, including the pilot (whom she hoped was Vaxla; Vaxla was experianced at penetrating millitary security). She was already thinking about the mission, but it was really just to pass the time until the mission got underway.
  21. Well, Blanko, I personally think that the Network agents should start with high-level Digimon (more powerful Digimon mean it's easier for them to do their jobs). Name: Sako Alkalero Age: 27 (I know that's over the range, Sheath. I'll change it if you want me to) Gender: Male Appearance: Sako is a tall man, standing well over six feet in height. He's in excellent physical shape, and it shows. He's sure to keep himself in good physical condition, if for no other reason than the action his job frequently demands. He has shork, black hair, and brown eyes. Crest: Deception Digivice colour: Purple and black Personality: Sako frequently seems to have two personalities, but in reality, one of them is just some very skilled deception on his part. It's a skill that's served him well in his job as a Network field agent. When he needs to, he can come across as emotionless, uncaring, and ruthless, the type of parson who has no limits to what he's willing to do. However, that is not what Sako is really like. In reality, Sako is, well, not exactly the biggest socializer (sp?), but he doesn't isolate himself, either, even though he's not willing to reveal too much about his past. He's very dedicated to his job, and is not the type of person who tolerates faliure. He can be a bit hard on people at times, but he's just as hard on himself. He's a smart man, and is not the type to rush headlong into battle. Yes, he'll fight, but he fights smart. He's a quick thinker, too. Back Story: Not much is known about Sako's life; he hasn't been willing to say much. What is known is that he's an orphan. the cause of his parents' deaths are not known to anyone at the Network, but it's theorized that it had something to do with Digimon. However, Sako himself dismisses this as pure speculation, but there are still people who wonder if it's true. Nobody knows for sure why Sako wanted to join the Network, but the common opinion is that it had something to do with his parents' deaths. Sako has not dismissed this theroy, but neither has he ever confirmed it. But whatever his reasons for wanting to be a Network agent, he performs his duties admirably. His results lead to nobody reall pressing him for personal information; they know he's committed to the Network, and the reason why is not very important. Digimon: Name: Cerberumon Level: Ultimate Restriction Level: Mega Type: Virus (I think) Gender: Male Personality: Cerberumon tends to be quite agressive. Though he recognizes the value of a good plan, he prefers a simpler approach, which at times is the better way to do things. That's one reason Sako values him so much. Their styles differ, meaning that their oppinons on how to proceed differ, leading to a compromise that is frequently better than either's original plan. Despite his agressive attitude, Cerberumon knows when he is outmatched, and though he will take on more powerful opponents, he will de so only if he believes that he has a decent chance of winning. Digivolutions: Anubismon (Mega) Yes, Sheath gave me permission to be a Network agent. Sheath, tell me if there's anything I need to change.
  22. I love [i]The Daily Show[/i], and I think that they do a really good job of pointing out some of the non-news things shown on the news (such as the interview with Ronald McDonald on MSNBC. Not as the person who plays the role, but as the Ronald McDonald character). However, I think that Comedy Central's new show, [i]Mind of Mencia[/i], actually beats Jon Stewart in that area. For those who haven't watched [i]Mind of Mencia[/i], the show has a segment entitled "Why the F@#& is This News?", where Carlos Mencia points out something on the news that shouldn't have been. For example, in the most recent episode, he brought up the story of a student who threw up on the Spanish teacher and was accused of doing it intentionally (yes, you read that right). Oh, I have to mention the whole mess with the Canadian store selling copies of [i]Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[/i] before its release. That one got way too much attention. I mean, a court order was issued to those who'd bought the book, legally forbidding them from telling anybody anything about the book. Something is wrong with society when the accidental sale of a book before its release date is not only international news, but the subject of a court order (and to the people who bought the book, at that. I haven't heard anything about the person or people who sold it). Personally, I was startled that this didn't make "Why the F#$& is this News?". Well, maybe next episode.
  23. The transport cars were fast, but Laqara had been pretty far away from Opperations when the call came, plus the car made several stops along the way, so it was a bit of a ride. When it did reach Laqara's stop, she got off. As she walked towards Operations, her communicator beeped again. She answered it. "This is Laqara." "Laqara? Treana. Branit tells me you've been called for a mission." "That's right," Laqara confirmed. "It's why I told him to call you in for the excersize in my place." "Yeah, he told me. I take it this means we won't be getting together later?" "Probably," Laqara replied. She and Treana hadn't had coenciding time off for a while, so had planned to get together in another couple hours. Laqara'a mission call changed all that. "We'll have to do it some other time." "That's too bad," Treana said. "Oh, by the way, I have something to ask you about the training excersize." "Seemed simple enough to me. Stanard Delta-4. Branit told me." "Yeah, I know. What he didn't tell you is that the squad doing the excersize is made up of a bunch of assholes. I believe you know one of them, Daego. He's the squad's leader for this excersize." "I know Daego," Laqara said. "guy's an asshole. Skilled agent, but an asshole." "Well, the rest of the squad's that type, too. Cocky, overconfident, and generally unplesant. Branit's rigging this excersize against them. He wants them to get their asses handed to them. He's trying to teach them a lesson. Thing is, they're all pretty good, so the kind of spectacular failiur Branit wants won't come easy. He's already introducing all the predictable stuff; you know, a scientist team from outside (note: 'outside' means people who aren't with Clandestine and have no knolwedge of the supernatural), fighter pilots doing drills overhead, that sort of thing. He's even going to put an unexpected third gryphon in the lair with the mated pair, and not tell the squad about it. Then there's the group I'll be leading gainst them. But Branit wants more than that. He's wondering if you have any other ideas, and honestly, so am I." Laqara had to think for a few seconds, but then it came to her. Gryphons weren't exactly prone to pack behavior, but neither were they solitary creatures. Mated pairs lived together and raised their young, and it was not unheard of for multiple gryphons, or even multiple mated pairs, to inhabit the same lair. That's the rationale Branit would be using for putting the third gryphon in. Laqara's idea took that a couple steps farther. "Put two extra gryphons in," Laqara explained to Treana, "and don't tell the squad that there are any gryphons other than the mated pair know about. Daego will undoubtably send people in to contain the mated pair, while the rest remain outside the lair, ready to prevent a gryphon exit just in case. I assume that the squad will have full gear, including tracking headsets?" "Correct," Treana replied. Tracking headsets were standard for most missions. They allowed instant location of any team members, came equiped with all the standard vision features (infrared, night-vision, etc.), and tracked mission objectives. "Simulate an equiment function," Laqara said, "but don't make it look like one. That's just the rationale. Have the second pair of gryphons regester on objective tracking as Secondary 2 and 3. As soon as the squad finds them, they'll all go nuts searching the lair for a Secondary 1 that doesn't exist. Now, while all this happens, whoever the best steath expert on your squad is should be watching the outside-the-lair group unseen, while the rest of you are nearby. When the squad starts freaking out, you're person notifies you. You do some of your crazy shit, but make sure you're not seen by Daego's squad. You don't want them to see you, but you want to be noticed by the fighters doing their drill. When they react to you, stop your stuff. The fighters will converge on your location. Daego's squad will assume that the ellusive 'Secondary 1' has ben seen, and really start freaking out, doing whatever they can to neutralize all fighters, as well as the outside researchers. And by 'neutralize', I mean 'eliminate'. Destroy. Kill. WHatever word you like best. This is when you lead your squad in for the attack. You'll catch Daego's boys with their pants down at the worst possible time from their point of view, and you should have no problem eliminating them, or at least most of them. Next, you go into the lair and cause enough chaos to alow the primary objective mated pair of gryphons to escape. Game over, Daego loses." "I like that," Treana said. "I like it a lot. We'll do it. Thanks." "You're welcome. See you... well, sometime. Bye." With that, Laqara terminated the connection. She had reached Opperations. She was escorted inside the area, where she took a seat and waited for the briefing to begin. ------------------------------------------ OOC: Solo, I reccommend just having the characters whose players haven't posted yet arrive in Opperations in your post. That way, we're not waiting on everyone to post, and people will be more likely to post when the story gets going. So, I suggest that you have the characters reach Opperations, recieve their assignments, and get going.
  24. Laqara was waiting for a transport car when her communicaor beeped. She answered it immediatly. "Agent Laqara here." "Laqara, you are to report to Opperations immediatly," the man on the other end instructed her. "Understood," Laqara replied. When the other side terminated the connection, she looked around and saw that the transport car that went in the direction of Opperations had just pulled up. She borded immediatly. After taking a seat, she activated her communicator again, contacting Branit. A couple seconds after Laqara initiated the call, Branit answered. "Branit here." "Branit, this is Laqara. It looks like I'm not going to be able to make it. I've just been called to Operations. I don't know why, but I think it's something serious." "That's too bad," Branit replied. "I was planing to give the squad participating in the excersize a real test." "Tell me what you had in mind," Laqara said, "and I'll see if I have any ideas." "All right. The scenario we have planned is a basic Delta-4. A mated pair of gryphons want to leave their lair, and they'll be spotted if they do. The team's job is to prevent them from escaping without harming them. I asked you to come because I have a little surprise planned. What the squad doesn't know is that I'm sending in a second squad, whose mission is to take out the first squad. I wanted you to lead the second squad." "I'm sory I have to miss that," Vaxle told Branit. "Sounds fun. Anyways, I suggest you call in Treana as my replacement. You know her record, right?" "Right. She's about as well-suited for this as you are. I'll call her in. Good luck with whatever your assignment is going to be." 'Thanks. Laqara out."
  25. Well, in that case, I have some nominations: 3: Nohman (I think that's how you spell it), from the two [i]Zone of the Enders[/i] games (mainly the second one, though he is in the first one). I normally don't go in for the 'destroy everything' type of bad guy, but Nohman makes it work. Why does it work with him? Because he's bat-f**king insane, that's why. The guy's a complete nucase, but he's used well. He's not in your face durring the entire game, and his insanity only becomes clear as you near the end of the game. Also, though the game definatly made you hate him, this was not overdone like it commonly is. 2: Manah, from [i]Drakengard[/i]. Manah is a complete freak show. Why? Well, because she's a little girl who happens to be high priestess of the Cult of the Watchers. She performs rituals, sacrifices, and such stuff while clearly enjoying herself, plus her voice constantly changes between 'little girl' and 'demon'. This all comes together to create a very creepy, yet quite excellent 'villian' character. And last, but not least, my #1 nomination: Bowser, from almost every Mario game. He may be, well, not exactly bright, but you have to admire his determination. No matter how many times Mario kicks his *****, Bowser always comes back for more. Plus, he's the source of much comic relief in [i]Mario $ Luigi[/i] and [i]Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door[/i]. Plus, he doesn't make you hate him like a lot of villians do, which is a nice change of pace. Sure, he's a bad guy, but he's very likable in his own way (seriously, how can you not love his stuff in [i]Paper Mario: TTYD[/i]?). Oh, and Kefka's not going to win. I'll faint if Sephroth doesn't win (seriously, what is everyone's obsession with him about?).
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