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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
After returning to Clandestine HQ, Laqara's team had gone their seperate ways. Laqara and Vaxla made their way to Operations. "Anybody see us?" Laqara asked as she entered Operations. "Nothing yet," one of the hackers, who Laqara recognised as Sakura, told her. "Good," Vaxla said. "It's nice to know I've still got it." Just then, a man named Branit entered the room. Branit was an Agent Superior, and it was he who had recomended that Laqara lead the operation. He walked over to Laqara. "I take it things went well?" "Better than expected," Laqara replied. "We lost Kajo, but he was the only casualty." "That's too bad. I liked Kajo. The kid was good. Real good. Especially seeing as how he only came in a couple months ago. He'd probably have made Superior if he'd lived long enough. What happened?" "Nothing that was his fault," Laqara explained. "He did everything right. Just got unlucky. He was Arseare's first target. Too bad, but at least he was the only casualty." "Only by a small margin," Vaxla put in. "According to what the team told me, Laqara damn near got herself killed dealing the finishing blow. Apparently, she shot herself onto the damn thing's head, then dropped in front of the dragon's mouth." "Jeus, Laqara!" Branit exclaimed. "You really need to be a bit more careful." "There wasn't time for careful," Laqara replied. "Well, it worked, at least. I don't suppose you'll actually be taking a break right now?" "I got more than enough rest durring the flight back here. It's a very long flight." "I thought so," Branit said. "In that case, why don't you meet me in Training Environment 4-A in about an hour? We're going to run a training excersize, and I'd like your help." Laqara liked the sound of that. Branit always had something entertaining in mind when he said that. "I'll be there," she promised. --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: When are you goint to start the main story, Solo? Oh, and the 'Training Environment' thing is basically a part of the facility dedecated to training excersizes. Each one is modeled after a certian type of environment (jungle, desert, etc.), allowing agents to get a feel for different types of terrain. Solo, please tell me if there's anything wrong with that.
i've got an idea for an RPG, but seeing as how the last few RPGs I''ve tried haven't even made it out of the Inn, I thought I'd get some advice here before starting the recruitment thread. Oh, one thing: This RPG takes place 20-30 years from now, so the world is more technologicaly advanced, but not by leaps and bounds. The concept is actually one I've tried before. Basically, there are two worlds. There's our world, the one we live in, and then there is another. This other world is a basic fantasy world. It's got all the basics: magic, low level of technology, all the standard fantasy creatures, etc. This other world was discovered, like many things, by accident. An R&D team in Washington (the state) that is attempting to create a quantum computer discovers it completly by accident. The government immediatly goes into cover-up mode, removing the original team, making sure they don't tell anything to anyone, then asigning its own scientists to figure out just what the hell is going on. Eventually, this government research team discovers a way to access this other world, to travel to and from it. Following this discovery, the government creates a new, top-secret organization by the name of the Extra-Dimensional Research Institution, or EDRI. The EDRI facility is located underground in the Nevada desert. It's so secret that only a very few people who don't live there even know that it exists. The purpose of EDRI is to conduct research on this other world, figure out why it's the way it is. Of course, one goal is to devise a way for people in our world to use the magic abilities found in the other world, but nobody at EDRI believes this will actually happen, despite what's said in their extremly confidential reports. Now, there are four types of people at EDRI. First, there are the ones in charge of running the place. Second, there are the ones who manage all the equipent and stuff, keep the place working properly. Third, there are the researchers themselves. And then there are the feild agents. EDRI field agents are carefully selected from all branches of the armed forces (though few are ever taken from the Air Force). They're taken to live at the EDRI facility, while their deaths are expertly faked in order to remove any question of what's happened to them. Once at EDRI, they're put through the most intense training program even devised. These people are good when selected, and after going through the EDRI training program, they are truly the best. Their job is to get whatever the researchers need from the other world, be it a piece of information, some kind of artifact, or even a live specimen. They also make sure that nothing happens which has the potential to affect our world. They have access to the most advanced equipment, from weapons and armor to transportation to obscure gadgets. They'd be the people we play as (though I plan to allow people to sign up as characters from the other world, as well). So, any thoughts?
Anyone who'd ever participated in the elimination of a creature such as a dragon was aware of an obvious problem: leaving the creature's body where it fell invited discovery, but a vehicle large enough to transport something as large as a dragon would be easy for people to see. The solution involved alien technology that Clandestine had figured out how to use, but didn't at all understand. Laqara's team followed standard procedure. When they emerged from Arseare's lair, they were immediatly spotted by the pilot of the Model ST-6G transport aircraft that was the standard mode of transportation for missions like this. The pilot, a woman named Vaxla, knew simply from seeing them emerge alive that they were uccessful, so she radioed a 'Mission Accomplished' signal to Clandestine. The body of Kajo, the team member who had been killed by Arseare, was placed in the ST-6G's cargo hold. Then, it was time to get Arseare's body. Laqara and her team took cables back into the lair, and tied them around Arseare's body. When they were all securly fastened, the team returned to the transport vehicle. The cables, which were of alien manufacture and didn't break easily, were part of a cargo hauling system. Machenery in the ST-6G's cargo hold reeled the cables in, pullng Arseare's body towards the cargo hold. The next part always gave people who'd never seen it happen before a bit of a scare. As the body, seemingly much too large to fit into the gargo hold, neared the ST-6G, it didn't slow down. The cargo hauling system kept reeling the cables in at the exact same speed. When Arseare's body was pulled against the open cargo hatch, the alien technology that nobody understood went to work. Arseare's body was somehow compressed to a size small enough to fit inside the cargo hold. When removed from the cargo hold, it would return to its original size. This process was commonly used by Clandestine, but nobody knew how or why it worked. After Arseare's body was in the hold, Laqara's team jumped in the passenger compartment. Vaxla closed the doors, and the ST-6G took off. "I've got U.S. Air Force planes in the area," Vaxla informed the team. "it looks like a training excersize." "Standard procedure," Laqara instructed. "Full stealth, fly low and slow. When we get back to base, we'll have hackers hack into and examine the Air Force database for anything relating to us, and they'll get rid of anything they find." Vaxla nodded. "Understood." -------------------------------------------- OOC: Solo, if there are any problems with any of that, please tell me. Oh, and just to make sure you know, the stealth fetures are radar and other scanning equipment only. Nothing they have can render an object invisible to sight.
Things happened fast. Arseare made the first move, attacking with her fire breath. Laqara was able to counter it, giving her team a chance to fire. A couple shots did hit the dragon on the inside of her mouth, and while it certainly hurt, there was no real damage done. Arseare reeled back with a suddenness that did not match the damage dne to her. It was simply shock; she'd never imagined that mere humans could cause her pain. Laqara had anticipated Arseare's reaction. She had something that all the best agents had; she was able to tell a lot about someone from very little. For example, from what Arseare had said, Laqara could tell that the dragon was overconfident, and couldn't comprehend the possiblilty of being defeated by anyone short of another dragon, and she'd have trouble comprehending even that. Also, Laqara was able to figure out that Arseare wouldn't try anything in the way of trickery, but would use the brute force approach. She wouldn't think, only act and react, and she'd also be slow to learn her opponents' capabilities. None of this decreased the danger of the situation, but it did help Laqara predict what Arseare would do. Laqara took advantage of Arseare's shock, firing a few shots of her own before the dragon could react. None entered Arseare's mouth or hit her eyes, and no damage was done. Arseare tried her fire breath again. Like before, Laqara countered with water, and the eam had a brief window to fire. Again, a couple shots made it into Arseare's mouth, hurting her but doing no real damage. Arseare moved forward, grabbing one of her attackers and throwing the man against the wall. The team scattered, moving fast and erratically. They could dodge faster than Arseare could correct the direction of her attacks. However, this would not last forever, and Laqara knew it. Which was why she was extremly pleased to discover four eggs grouped together against the wall of the lair. She acted fast. At the same time that Arseare managed to grab another of the team members, Laqara shot all four eggs. And as dragon eggs were easily destroyed by gunfire, there was no way anything would ever hatch from them anymore. this got Arseare's attention. She dropped the person she'd just grabbed, who was a bit dazed but otherwise fine, and went for Laqara. As she was enraged now, Arseare failed to remember Laqara's water ability, lowering her head to attack Laqara with her fire breath. However, Laqara didn't aim her water at the fire. She aimed a water blast at the ground, using it to boost herself into the air. She used the same move to blast herself away from the wall, over Arseare's fire, and towards the dragon. She landed on Arseare's head, waited until Arseare stopped breathing fire, then dropped off in fron of her still-open mouth. She fired into it at point-blank range, and her aim was good. One of her shots made it into the dragon's brain. As Laqara used another jet of water to slow her decent and land unharmed on the ground, Arseare let out an ear-splitting scream of pain, then fell over. She was still twitching, but she was dead. After shaking themselves off, Laqara and her team rerieved the body of their dead teammate, intending to return it to Clandestine for the proper burial ceremony. They carried it with them as they walked out of Arseare's lair.
The team moved in a wide-spread formation. They were spaced so that a surprise attack from any angle would get one or maybe two of them, but were close enough that they could all se and hear everyone easily. It was a common formation, employed whenever an opponent had any kind of area-affect ability, such as a dragon's fire breath. Even the couple on Laqara's team that had never actually fought a dragon before knew the formation and its uses. Everyone was trained very well, so even the ones who hadn't gone up against a dragon before knew what to do. The cave entrance was big, but not as big as the actual lair of Arseare, and it actually looked too small for such a large creature to pass through. In this case, however, looks were decieving. Dragons were able to fit through spaces that seemed much too small for them. They used this to their advantage in their lairs, because a cave entrance too large would attract more attention than most dragons wanted. However, their lairs themselves were always a more accurate reflection of their size, and Arseare's was no exception. like many dragons' lairs, she had enlarged a natural cave to create her lair, then finished it by digging out any additional chambers she wanted. After about half a minute of walking, Laqara called the group to a halt. Although everyone did have night-vision equipment, Laqara's seeing of the water was more effective. She saw Arseare's approach sooner than the others, so she halted their advance. Arseare, realizing that they knew she was there, came closer so that they could see her clearly. She hoped to intimidate them with her awe-inspiring size and physical power. She let out an ear-spliting roar, surprised that the intruders had not yet fled. When they still remained, she spoke to them. Her voice had an unnatural sound to it, but her words were comprehensible. "I do not know who you are or what you want," she said, "but I do know that I do not want you here. Leave now, or I will kill you." Laqara signaled the team to fall into attack formation, still spread out but positioned for the best set of angles for firing at the target. "We aren't leaving until you promise to stop your killing of humans. You are putting your own kind in danger. If you do not promise to stop, we will kill you." "You threaten me? You can't possibly believe that you'll be able to kill me. Leave now, or you will die." "We'll see about that," Laqara said. She gave the signal to attack, and the team opened fire.
Much of the Rocky Mountains, like other mountain ranges, is almost never visited by humans. This makes it a great place for mythical creatures to make their lairs. But occasionally, there would be one that was not content to remain away from humans. Usually, these particular creatures were using the humans as food. This increased the risk of humans figuring out that these creatures were real, as well as being a danger to humans. So if the creature couldn't be convinced to stop, then it had to be eliminated. Which was why Laqara Solero was standing outside a large cave in the Rocky Mountains. Laqara wasn't alone. She was a member of a seven-person team, and all seven were armed. Their mission was to eliminate Arseare, a dragon that had recently started flying through the Rockies, attacking, killing, and eating any humans she came across. Laqara had a lot of experience in dealing with dragons, which was why she had been assigned the role of team leader. If anyone knew how to kill a dragon, it was her. Laqara faced the other six members of the team. "I'm only going to say this once," she said, "so listen up. We're about to go into the lair of a very powerful dragon, so I don't want any mistakes. If you screw up, you're probably going to die. "Now, most of you have faced dragons before, but a couple haven't, so I'll go over the basics. Dragons are among the most dangerous creatures around. For one thing, they're very hard to hurt. Their scales are hard to penetrate. The best target is the eyes, but the eyes aren't easy to hit even with the accuracy-boosting features of our guns. The other weak point of a dragon is the inside of the mouth. A dragon's scales are only on the outside. If a dragon opens its mouth, fire into it. You'll be certain to hurt it, and a lucky shot might even enter the thing's brain. "Of course, durability is only one aspect. The offensive capabilities of dragons are what make them so dangerous. They're big, and they're strong. A dragon can attack using its arms and clawed hands, it's legs and clawed feet, or its tail. All of those attack options are deadly. A direct hit will probably kill you outright, though you might survive a glancing blow. "Some dragons have unusual abilities, but the one we're going up against, Arseare, does not. All we have to worry about are the physical attacks and the fire breath. Do your best to keep a distance. She'll be most dangerous when attacking physically, but she can't do that if we keep our distance, and I should be able to counter her fire breath, at least for a time. I'll probably tire more quickly than her. "Dragons are able to fly, but that won't be a concern for us, as she won't have room to fly inside her lair. Of course, we'll still have plenty to worry about. Arseare is one of the largest as most powerful dragons to have ever lived. We won't have a lot of time before she kills us. We'll just have to kill her first. Now, let's do this." With that, Laqara turned and led her team into Arseare's lair. ------------------------------------------------ OOC: If anyone wants their character to be a member of Laqara's team, that's quite fine.
Discuss Clandestine Underground [PG-VLS]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Well, I'm guessing that it's a pretty large facility, and I'm pretty sure that all of our characters live there (that was more or less stated in the Adventure Inn thread, as was the fact that the facility has accommidations for a lot of different races, and presumably everything required for the more millitary aspect as well). I do have one question for you, Solo: what year does this RPG take place in? I ask because they date willprovide a clue as to the level of technological advancement (also, I'm assuming that Clandestine is ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology, seeing as how there are aliens at the facility, and I'm assuming that they are ahead of earth, simply because they'd have to have interstellar travel to reach our planet). -
[i]Legend tells of a time when mankind was not the sole dominant race, but one of many races of intellignt beings. Humans were always the most numerous, the most agressive, and the most inventive of these many types of intelligent creatures. However, the other races had gifts that humans did not. Many of these beings are well-known, the most recognisable being the dragons. Though oppinions frequently differ on what dragons look like, all would recognise a dragon were they to see one. Other creautres are less well-known, and some types that are commonly seen in legends, such as the centaurs, are nothing more than products of human imagination and never actually existed. These other races, these creatures, had abilities no human could match. Many had the ability to fly. Quite a few were extremly powerful with a certain element of magic, such as water or fire. Most were stronger than humans physically, and some possessed greater intelligence. One commonality among all these different creatures were the [/i]Rilae[i], the rulers. Each Rilan was gifted beyond the normal abilities of the race it ruled over. They were the undispute leaders of their races. While these different races do exist today, they are no longer as dominant as they once were. We humans, through ingenuity and sheer numbers, have become the sole dominant race. However, these creatures still exist, and still have the same powers. The only difference is that the Rilae are no longer as visible, no longer as well-known by those outside their race as they once were. But they have not vanished entirly from the world of man. Their representatives, called [/i]Rilae-Saen[i], still walk among us, wearing our race's form. However, they have noticable differences in their appearance, and are easily distinguisable from normal humans. Many fear the Rilae-Saen, while many others adore them. There are even those who worship them, and who would gladly do anything they ask. The Rilae-Saen are the eyes, ears, and voices of the Rilae among humans. The Rilae count on the Rilae-Saen to inform them of any potentially threatening developments. The Rilae-Saen also serve as messengers between humans and the Rilae, and are the only ones able to freely venture into the territories of all races. Their powers differ, but all can shift their appearance to a normal human appearance for periods of a couple hours at a time. Unfortunatly for the Rilae-Saen, events are taking an unexpected turn. They have been targeted by mercenaries and assassins, and random people have begun to take violent action against them. King Jorman is rumored to be behind it, but nobody has any proof. Even worse, the deaths of the Rilae-Saen are angering the Rilae. The Rilae may soon take action against the humans, forming an alliance among their races to eleminate a common threat. If the one behind the killings is not exposed soon, mankind will be faced with a war it may not be able to win.[/i] All right, there's the backstory. This RPG will basically be about exposing the one behind the killings of the Rilae-Saen, though I'll most certainly be throwing in a couple of twists along the way. Also, this is no detective RPG. It'll be pretty open at first, and our characters will eventually become involved in the whole Rilae-Saen murder thing. Obviously, people are allowed to sign up as humans. You can sign up as a member of a different race, too, and I'll also allow people to play as Rilae-Saen. Now, here's some basic information on the various races I'll be allowing people to sign up as: Dragons: Very powerful creatures. Dragons are capable of flight, are extremly strong physically, and their hides are very difficult to get through wih weapons. A dragon's main weak point is its eyes, though a dragon can also be harmed if you can get your weapon inside its mouth. And a dragon's hide offers it no additional protection from magic. The dragon Rilae is Plejalta. His Rilae-Saen are human-like in appearance with one exception: instead of normal skin, they have a reptile-like hide. They are physically strong, but have limited magic ability. Phoenixes: Large birds that possess powerful fire magic. It's common for legends to claim that a poenix is immortal, going up in flams upon its death and being reborn from the ashes. This is not true. Phoenixes die just like other creatures, though they are among the longest-lived. Phoenixes have significant self-healing powers. If you're trying to kill a phoenix, you can't leave it wounded. There is virtually no possible way to fatally wound a phoenix. If it's not dead on the spot, the phoenix will eventually recover. Aside from this, phoenixes are weak physically. The phoenix Rilae is Aelaroa. His Rilae-Saen differ in appearance from humans in a couple ways. First, their skin is an unnatural golden color, distinctive enough to be picked out of crowds easily, even from a distance. Also, their eyes an hair are the red of fire. They posess fire magic, but have no special strength physically. Gryphons: Gryphons do not possess the magical powers of other creatures, though some show ability with wind magic. This is made up for by the physical strength of gryphons. Physically, they are the strongest of all the different races. quick, strong, toug, and flight-capable, it's a very bad idea to fight one if you have no magical ability yourself. The gryphon Rilae is Thalesae. Her Rilae-Saen are similar to Plejalta's in the basic difference in appearance between them and humans. However, where Plejalta's look somewhat reptilian, Thalesae's are more mamillian. They have no magical ability at all, but are very strong physically. Elemental Spirits: Unusual creatures, elemental spirits have no clearly defined form. A spirit is of a certain elemet, such as fire or water. A spirit of a certain element has powers of that element. Spirits can assume human forms, and in their natural forms they seem to be made of their element. Their powers are strong, but they are physically weak. The spirit Rilae is Kreaesel. Her Rilae-Saen have elaborate tattoo-like markings all over their bodies. They all have a special one in the center of their forheads that indicates what element they are. Each one has powers of its element. They can also assume human form for periods of a few hours at a time. Aquae: Water creatures. Tales of them are common but inconsistant. They have been given many different names, and sightings of several different physical forms of creatures have been confirmed. The water creatures are collectivaly called aquae. Their powers and physical strength very, but any magic they have is always water-based. The aquae Rilae is the great sea serpent Tethero. His Rilae have blue-green skin, the color of water, that is more hide-like than anything else. Their hair and eyes are a similar color, but more green. They have water-based powers. All right, here are the sign-ups. You're allowed to be a human, any of the races previously mentioned, or a Rilae-Saen. Nobody is allowed to play as the Rilae themselves. Each category has a different sign-up. Oh, I'll allow people to play as two characters. Now, let's start with the sign-up for humans: Name: Age: Nothing below 16, and try not to get below 21. This RPG is not about a bunch of kids. Gender: Appearance: Personality: This can be as short or as detailed as you want, but put at least a couple sentences. you need enough to gives others an idea of how your character acts. Class/Job: What your character does for a living. This is also where you put any magical abilities your character has (healing, basic spellcasting, fire magic, etc.). Weapon: The weapon your character uses. Optional, and any weapon must fit the character and class/job (a pacifist would have no weapon, a mage would likely have a staff, etc.). Bio: Optional. You can have it if you want, but I feel having a set bio limits character development. you can have one, but it's not mandatory. A note for humans: you can play as one of the people killing the Rilae-Saen, but if you want to do so, you must PM me first. Here's the sign-up form for the other races: Name: Age: Many of these creatures live very long lives, so this can be a large number. Gender: Spirits have no actual gender, so put the gender of their human form. Race: What type of creature your character is. Your choices are confined to the list above. Appearance: This must match you creature type. Personality: Bio: If you want a bio for a creature, you must PM it to me for approval. Here's the Rilae-Saen sign-up: Name: Age: Rilae-Saen typically live for a few hundred years. Gender: Rilae: The Rilae you represent. This also determines your basic powers. Personality: Bio: You must PM the bio for a Rilae to me for approval. I think that's everything. PM me with any questions. EDIT: I just realized tht I forgot a couple things. First, creatures that can't produce human speach, such as dragons, communicate with humans through one-way telepath. They can broadcast their words to human minds, but they can't recieve. And second, humans need both first and last names, but everyone else just needs one name.
OOC: Can we [i]please[/i] work on post length and quality, people? -------------------------------------------- "Actually, Amon, I don't really know too much about Nida," Laqara said. "I actually haven't known her for too long. We were seperated early in life, and it wasn't that long ago that we reunited back in the village. So I really don't know her any better than you do." "Oh," was all Amon had to say. Laqara didn't say anything more to Amon. She had a lot to think about. [i]All right, so Nida is fire. Makes sense, given her new appearance. Me, I'm probably water. I certainly look like it. There's also the fact that, after the change, I noticed the moisture before I noticed that I was still alive. That one's certainly something to think about. It didn't seem like the others noticed any increase in moisture, so why did it feel like that to me? Well, actually, that one's pretty obvious. I'm guessing I have water-based powers now, and it really shouldn't be too surprising that with that comes an increased perception of where water is. The moisture didn't go up; I was simply more aware of it. I'm more aware of the water now. That's te first step in learning what powers I have. The question is, what comes next?[/i]
Gaming Series jokes (from Tingle to Biggs and Wedge)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
Desbreko's right. each game fetures a diferent Link and Zelda (well, except for [i]Majora's Mask[/i], which has the same Link as [i]Ocarena of Time[/i]). Anyways, back on topic. I've noticed that Namco keeps sticking Pac-Man into its games. For example, in [i]Tales of Symphnia[/i] there's a statue of Pac-Man in Flanoir. He also pops up in [i]Baten Kaitos[/i] in the form of the Pac-Man Magnus. I haven't played any other recent Namco titles (well, except for [i]Star Fox: Assault[/i], and I did't see pac-Man in that game), so I don't know if he shows up in any of them, but it wouldn't surprise me. -
Sign Up Clandestine I: Terracotta [PG-VLS]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Name: Laqara Solero Callsign: Liquid Age: 31 Gender: Female Race: Elemental Spirit of Water Origin: America Function: Feild agent Equipment: Weapons-Her weapons of choice are a pair of bladed staffs, but she'll use whatever's best for whatever her assignment is. Powers-Laqara has pretty standard elemental abilities of water. She is able to manipulate water in any form, and can create it to an extent. She can see water in any form, wether it be a liquid, a gas, or even the water in the bodies of living things. She can shift herself into a liquid state, and also shift her appearance into something more human-looking. Appearance: Laqara's basic form is human, but she does not look at all human. Her skin is a blue-green color, the color of water, and is significantly tougher than normal skin, functioning more as a hide. Laqara's hair and eys are a similar color to the skin, but a bit more green. Legacy: Laqara was born human, and lived a pretty normal life until she was about 25. Her memory of the event is not quite clear, but she remembers the basics. Not how it was done, or why, but certainly what. She accidentally ran into a water spirit. This spirit fused with her for reasons she doesn't remember, and is what changed her into what she now is. Laqara knew she couldn't return to her previous life after the change, so she lived off in the wilderness by herself. She learned to master her new form and its abilities. She was discovered by Clandestine about six months after her change, and now works as a feild agent for Clandestine. She's become a skilled fighter, and her rather... extreme interrogation techniques have prooven very effective, making her a very valuable agent. Deity/Lord: Laqara was never a religious person, and still is not. She has no god she worships. Quote: "Most men want only one thing from women, and they want it very badly. Threaten their ability to have it, and they'll do almost anything." "Movies have it wrong. The first hit usually kills. The key to surviving is to always land the first hit." -
OOC: Just to make sure it's clear, Eric and Saelar are ahead of our group. Also, nobody is to suspect anything. Like I said before, no seeing them out of the corner of your eye, or hearing them (I don't know if it was them you intended to have Nida hear, Frankie, but it's not going to be them), or anything. Frankie, I'm not sure what you intended Nida to have heard, so what I do with it may not be what you intended. ----------------------------------------- The group came to a halt. Laqara inspected the bushes. There was indeed someone hiding in them. Before Laqara could react, the man turned and bolted. In his haste, he dropped something. The man didn't notice, and kept on running. Laqara picked the dropped object up. She took a look at it as she walked back to the others. It was an ordinary-looking rock, except for two things. First, the rock was a perfect circle about four inches in diameter, with a thickness of about half an inch. Second, the rock had markngs on it, a symbol of some sort. It didn't take Laqara long to recognize it. "That man dropped this," Laqara explained as she showed it to the others. "Wouldn't be worth looking at twice if not for the shape and the symbol. even its shape wouldn't be too puzzeling, although a bit odd, but we've all seen this symbol before." And indeen they had. It was same symbol, albeit (sp?) a smaller version, as the one they'd placed their hands on to recieve their gifts. It was the symbol of the Asestis. "This brings up a couple questions," Amon said. "First, who was that man? And second, why is there a perfectly circular rock with the symbol of the Asestis on it?" "I have no idea," Laqara replied as the group resumed walking. "However, that man may very well come back. He'll probably be wanting his weird rock back. When he comes back for it, we'll just have to ask him." "I don't think he'll be too willing to talk," Nida said. Laqara smiled. "Then we'll just have to make him talk." ------------------------------------------ OOC: Nobody is to recognise the man or anything. Nobody knows who he is. Speculation is allowed, of course, and even encouraged, but nobody actually knows.
Discuss Metroid Omega: The Final Conflict [PG-VL]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Roxas's topic in Theater
[quote name='Amon']Trust me when I tell you that we are going to need every race in this war. So the Luminoth, with the few thier are, will still need to be part of the war. Luminoth are basically a different sub-race of Chozo. Being the insectoid version. They have all the same abilities as the Chozo and are just as strong.[/quote] I wouldn't put them in just to have another race, but whatever. they're certainly a better choice than the Chozo (see below). [quote name='Amon']The Chozo aren't extinct. The Metorid Prime handbook stated, that the Chozo "left for an unknown destination." They are still alvie, but how many are left I am not sure of, but I am guessing around a few dozen.[/quote] Well, this all depends on where in the Metroid timeline you plan on placeing this RPG. See, Metroid Prime falls into the series timeline right after the original Metroid. If you're putting this RPG after the farthest along point in the timeline (Fusion), then wether or not there are any Chozo left is unknown. It really depends on where in the Metroid timeline you're putting this RPG. Of course, I would still say to leave the Chozo out of it, for one simple reason: virtually nothing is known abou them. It's known that they were technilogically advanced, colinized more than one world, and are now extinct or virtually extinct. We also know that they gave Samus her Power Suit, and that Samus was raised by them. Certainly nowhere near the amount of informationthat would be needed for people to play as them. [quote name='Amon']Are you mad! Do you realize how much weaker I would have to make the "threat" if I removed Samus. Even with Samus' help, their isn't much hope on anyones survival as it is. I had a very good plot idea that included Samus. I am not removing her. And, I never said she would be the main character. In fact she's staining behind the scenes through out most of this. [/quote] I fail to see what Samus could do that nobody else could. She has two things going for her. 1: Skill. 2: The Power Suit. I see no reason that others can't be just as skilled as Samus, or even more skilled. As for the Power Suit, well, I've seen nothing that says the Chozo never gave anyone else a Power Suit. There's nothing Samus could do that nobody else could. [quote name='Amon']Humans=Federation. I never said peopel would have acess to the power suits. And just a side note. The Power Suit, is activated via the brain. the Chozo blood infusion was probably for stuff they had made that need a certain gene to work. Kinda like the gene the anceints had in Stargate Atlantis.[/quote] I've never seen Stargate, but I understand what you're saying. It's what I said: the fact that Samus has Chozo blood is probably important to Power Suit operation. And as I stated above, I've seen nothing to indicate that Samus was the only person to ever be given a Power Suit. Following that logic, there's no reason other people can't have been infused with Chozo blood. I'm not talking about huge numbers here, but there's no reason that a few people can't have Power Suits. That would be my second two cents' worth. -
Eric knew exactly where the group was headed. The group knew only to go east, but Eric knew the exact location. He'd been there many times before, and it was where he was heading now. Though Treana had already returned to the village, Eric would not be traveling alone. He had a companion of his own, a woman named Saelar. Treana didn't even know Saelar existed; she thought Eric had come alone. But she was wrong. Saelar had stayed back a ways while Eric was with Treana. After Treana had returned to the village, Eric had rejoined Saelar. The two of them made haste. They had to make it to the [i]Alkar Aeilsa[/i] before the Asestis group could. "This would be so much easier if we could simply kill Treana and have it done with," Saelar said to Eric as the two of them made their way east. "There's no way we'd be able to," Eric replied. "Believe me, I'd like that as much as you would, but we wouldn't have a chance. No, we need to keep doing what we've been doing. Shouldn't be too hard, as long as Treana doesn't figure it out. Shouldn't be too much longer, after all. Just another group or two, then Treana will be out of time. All we have to do is stop another couple groups, and the Asestis will burn out. When that happens, Treana will have lost, and we will have won." Laqara took another look around. The battle had ended, and it didn't look like there'd been a single casualty among her group. Breea was still uncouncious, but that was it. Laqara knew that the group couldn't remain at the battle site for long. The scent of blood would attract predators. The group would have to move before long. As things currently stood, they couldn't easily take most predatory animals. As they developed their powers, they'd be able to, but right now, it would be difficult. No, they'd have to move soon. And if Breea hadn't awoken by then, they'd just have to carry her.
Discuss Metroid Omega: The Final Conflict [PG-VL]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Roxas's topic in Theater
I have some advice. First, I can't see the Luminoth factoring into the story, so you probably shouldn't include them (unless they are important to the story, of course). Also, the Chozo are, as far as I know, extinct. there are plenty of Space Pirates left, though, and I can think of quite a few ways to put them in the story. And now, the most important point: remove Samus Aran. Yes, remove Samus Aran. First of all, the lack of already created characters makes it easier for a story to develop itself. Also, needing to be true to established characters makes an RPG a lot less accessable for people. So remove Samus from the story. As for characters people play as, Space Pirates are definatly okay, as are Federation soldiers. Working in people with Power Suits is a bit more difficult, but probably essential to attract enough people for a successful RPG. Well, maybe not too dificult. The only trick is that the Power Suits were Chozo-made, so characters could only have gotten them from the Chozo. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the fact that Samus was infused with Chozo blood is important for the Power Suit's operation, and so having Chozo blood is essential for characters with Power Suits. Well, there's my two cents' worth. -
OOC: Frankie's right. Please edit your posts accordingly. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I managed to find a computer I could use, though I probably won't be able to get on again until I return home tomorrow evening. ------------------------------------------ Laqara looked around her at the finishing battle. It didn't seem like anyone really needed help, not even Breea, who was uncouncious but did not seem to be otherwise injured. So Laqara turned her attention to Nida, who seemed a bit upset. Laqara overheard Nida's conversation with Amon. "I'm not quite sure what the whole tooth thing is supposed to mean," Laqara said to Amon, "but this is certainly not something it's going to be easy to get used to. You can think what you want, but this isn't something you actually have to deal with yourself. I don't think you really get it." "Doesn't seem too hard to understand," Amon replied. "Yeah? Well, you certainly don't seem to get it. Look, Amon, virtually nobody is going to be as accepting of the change Nida and I have gone through than you and the others. You actually saw us change. Most other people will see a pair of strange creatures, and their first reactions may well be violent, especially in Nida's case, as much as I hate to say it. But that doesn't mean I'm safe, and if either of us ever enters a village other than the one we're from, I'd be surprised if there wasn't any violence. So how about you stop pretending that you know what we're going through?"
Sign Up Secondhand Fiddles Registration [PG-V]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Okay, I was hopeing this would be up by now, so I could introduce my character before leaving on vacation. Unfortunatly, I probably won?t be able to get on before I leave later today, so there?s absolutly no chance of that happening, and I?ll be gone for most of the week. So, whatever we end up doing in the early posts, try to keep contact with Laqara to a minimum (if we?re performing, then she obviously does her part). She?ll be researching the legends surounding the Dragon Dews, so if she is seen in someone?s post, have her be occupied with that. I?ll try and find a computer to use while I?m on vacation, but that probably won?t happen, so I?ll probably not be back on until Thursday evening. Try not to use my character too much before I can get an introductory post up. -
As the battle continued, two unseen observers, a man and a woman, were in the trees, haveing a whispered conversation. "I told you this group was promising, Eric," the woman whispered to the man. "You were right, Treana," Eric whispered back. "This group's doing better than any other. No group has ever made it through the first attack without at least two deaths." Treana nodded. "That's true. And I don't think this group even has one. Breea, there, went down, but she doesn't look dead. Simply unconcious. No, this group is good. Nice selection of gifts, a lot of combat skill, and a good combination of personality types. There's somebody in that group who'll be ready for any situation. I think they're going to do it." "So do I," Eric agreed. "Though it would be a lot easier if we could do it ourselves. I can't help but think that maybe he was too clever for his own good." The two watched as Laqara took out her opponent with an impressive series of acrobatic moves. "This group will make it," Treana assured Eric. "If our little test here is any indication, they won't have a problem." "I wonder what they'd do if they knew we set up this attack?" Eric remarked. "Well, the villagers would certainly lynch me. Or try to, at least. It's not like I couldn't handle them. Well, it shouldn't be a concern for much longer. I really think this group will do it." "I hope you're right, Treana. I hope you're right." ------------------------------------------ OOC: Nobody knows about Eric and Treana watching the battle, or their conversation. Nobody is to have any clue that it happened. No haveing heard something, or catching a glimpse of somebody out of the corner of your eye, no getting the feeling that you're being watched, no nothing. And certainly our opponents will say nothing, not even hinting at it. Oh, I'm going to be leaving tomorrow on vacation. I'll be gone for the better part of a week, and I'll probably not be able to access a computer (I'll be able to get on before leaving tomorrow morning, but nothing after that until I'm back). Finish up the current battle, then just have the group keep going in the same direction. Do character development, and maybe a wild animal attack or something if things are getting boring. Just don't stop posting because I'm gone, all right? I don't want this to die out.
[quote name='sbrebaby']I like good graphics and story lines. :rolleyes:[/quote] The two least important elements of a game. It could be the worst game made, but as long as it looks good and has a good story, you'll like it? I just don't get it. Well, I do have some recommendations (assuming you can stand games that actually have good gameplay). First, the two [i]Zone of the Enders[/i] games, only on PS2 (I'm not talking about the GBA one). I don't often like the storylines in video games, but I liked the story in the ZOE games (despite the fact the the main character in the first one sucks). The graphics are good, too, but the excellent gameplay was the main draw for me. One of my favorite games would have to be [i]Drakengard[/i], also for PS2. Some people find it repetative, but I don't really care. There are three different gameplay modes in the game, and even though the three don't really change any durring the game, it's enough variety to keep me interested. But sinse you don't care about that, let's get to what you do care about. The game looks really good, especially during cutscenes. Oh, and don't skip the cutscenes or 'events' (these advance the story, but use the same character and area modles as when you're actually playing). This game has the best storyline I've ever seen in a game. Doesn't look too special at first, but later on it becomes excellent (just wait until you enconter child priestess Manah, or the giant killer babies. Yes, giant killer babies).
Laqara picked an opponent. Well, actually, her opponent picked her. He was a tough-looking man who weilded twin swords. "You look... unusual," he said. "I'm aware," Laqara replied. "Why the hell does it matter to you?" "Well, I happen to be a curious man. I'd love to know what happened to you, though I think I can hazzard a guess." "And what guess would that be?" Laqara asked. "That you were changed by the Asestis." "What... how did..." The man laughed at her reaction. "Oh, we know a lot more about that whole thing than you'd think, despite the fact that very few people know anything about it. You're not the first Asestis group my boys and I have taken on, and our little band has been around a lot longer than I have. No, we're very well aware of what you're doing. Well, what you think you're doing. we happen to believe you're wrong. Yes, this 'Asestis' of yours clearly exists, but none of my boys buy the shit about that powerful creature sealing itself away. Do we know what the Asestis is, or how is was made, or why it was made? No. we just think you're wrong. of course, we don't really care. It just so happens that you people tend to carry... profitable items. That's really all we want." "You're not getting anything off of us," Laqara stated firmly. "If you want to try, I'll just have to kill you." The man laughed. "We'll just have to see about that. Let's go." --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: To those of you who have finished off opponents already: keep posting. Have your characters help out other characters who might not be doing so well (just don't interfere with Laqara's battle). and to tose of you who haven't posted during the battle yet: post already!
[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']And TOS has a great storyline, even if it is choch full of steriotypes. They're the best stereotypes IVE ever seen.[/quote] I don't even want to know what you consider to be 'bad' cliches. TOS has the worst ones I've seen, including the extremly overused [spoiler]'I'm your father'[/spoiler], the 'going from place to place to activate the whatevers and save the world', the 'OMG my worst enemy just died!' (seriously, what the f**k is up with that? Why would you start crying after someone who's been trying to kill you dies?), the 'dumb-sh** main character', and a lot more I'm not going to bother listing. Well, at least it's better than the story in [i]Baten Kaitos[/i] (not that that's saying much). Anyways, if you're the type that likes obsessivly doing everything in a game, then the [i]Pokemon[/i] games should keep you busy for a while. If you just play through to get to the end, it's easy to finish in under 15 hours, but I don't even want to think about how long it would take to get every single Pokemon on even the first three, with only 151 Pokemon to catch, and I think the total number of Pokemon there are now is above 380, and you have to trade between R/S, FR/LG, and [i]Colleseum[/i] (sp?) to get them all. I don't even want to think about trying that (heck, I got bored getting the 50 you need for the National Pokedex in FR/LG).
Sign Up Secondhand Fiddles Registration [PG-V]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Name: Laqara Salaeso Gender: Female Age: 26 Skill: Laqara is, basically, an elementalist of water. That?s not the whole story, though. She used to be human, but over the years, her powers have changed her. She is no longer human. laqara is now more of an elemental being of water. This transformation hightened her elemental abilities, but changed her into something else. She is no longer human. Laqara?s abilities include the basic creation and manipulation of water. She?s able to ustalize water in any form, including frozen as ice or as a gas in the air. She?s able to see it in any form, includig the gaseous state. She can even see the water in another person?s body. she?s able to shift her form into a more liquid state, and is also able to breathe underwater. Entertainment: Laqara brings visual effects to the show. She uses herself and her abilities to maximum visual effect, and can put on quite a show even by herself. Appearance: Laqara?s change to an elemental being altered her form. though her basic body shape is that of a human female, she doesn?t look at all human. For one thing, her skin is a kind of blue-green color, the color of water. Though it looks like normal skin aside from the color, it?s significantly tougher, funcioning more like a hide. Laqara?s hair is a similar color to that of her skin, but with more green. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. Personality: Laqara is the kind of person who doesn?t give up. She finishes what she starts. She?s a pretty smart person, and a quick thinker as well. She?s very good at putting the pieces together, figuring out riddles. Laqara has an intest in ancient legends, and can frequently be found doing research durring her free time. Her enthusiasm for finding the Dragon Dews comes more from her intrest in the legends surrounding them than from a desire for cash. Other: For weapons, Laqara uses a pair of bladed staffs. Yes, DW approoved that. Oh, and to you, DW: please do not add music to the Adventure Square thread when you put it up. -
Well, if you don't mind spending the better part of an hour on a single boss fight (then having to do that fight twice in a row later in the game), Namco's [i]Baten Kaitos[/i] should keep you bust for a long time. Of course, this is assuming that you can sit through a story even worse then the cliche-ridden, easily predictable plot of Namco's previous RPG, [i]Tales of Symphonia[/i] (also a nice long RPG experience). I didn't like TOS's plot at all, and the characters were just as bad. Well, except for Presea. That girl's awesome. Anyways, [i]Baten Kaitos[/i] has a very bad story, with just as many cliches as TOS's, and the same bad characters. Unfortunatly for the cast of [i]Baten Kaitos[/i], that game has no Presea (Mizuti tries her best to fill the gap, but doesn't quite pull it off). Actually playing the game is great, though, and the characters are much cooler in battle, especially Lyude. The battle system itself is very enjoyable, as are some of the dungeons. This game has some very inventive dungeons, especially when you're in Mira. Bottom line: [i]Baten Kaitos[/i] is a fun game to play, even if the plot and characters suck. You just have to be able to sit through the horrible plot and a couple unnecessarily (sp?) long boss battles. If you can do that, this game will keep you entertained for a long time.
OOC: Sheath and Amon, please try to work on post quality and length. Many of your posts have really been pretty pointless. Please try to work on that. ------------------------------------------- Laqara had to wonder about Nida's concerns. She was certainly on to something. Laqara doubted that they'd be attacked the moment they entered a town, at least not at first. Well, maybe a few of the more superstitous villages would immedeatly set upon them, but there probably wouldn't be any reason to visit any of those. Of course, there certainly would be some trouble. Humans had always looked down on those who were different. There was no reason to expect a different attitude towards Laqara and Nida, or the others if there gifts were ever revealed. The only exception would be if they ever returned home. That village had seen too many strange things to be put off by the latest group. Laqara was distracted from her thoughts by the sudden appearance of a few nasty-looking people in front of the group. All were armed. Laqara and the rest of her group drew their weapons. "Who are you?" Amon asked. One of the men spoke up. "Who we are doesn't really matter, now, does it?I don't think we're going to tell you. Not that the information would do you any good, anyways. See, we're kind of going to kill you." "Why the hell would you do that?" Jiu exclaimed. "They don't care about us," Nida said. 'They're the bad kind of people. Thieves, bandits, barbarians, I've heard so many names for their type." "Names don't seem to matter at this point," Laqara noted. "The bottom line is that we're being attacked." She looked over the enemy group, then said, "Same number of them as there are of us. That means there's one for each of us. Let's do this." ------------------------------------------- OOC: Battle time! This one will be mostly with weapons, as our characters aren't good with their gifts. Some gift useage is acceptable, of course, but only very limited. It'd be more of a distraction tactic. Transforming people, that gift wouldn't work right now. With the current lack of experience, transforming would take too much time to be a useable tactic.
"I think so," Treana said. "You've all recieved your gifts, so there's no reason to wait. Supplies have been packed while we were down here. Take them and go." "And where exactly do we go?" Laqara asked. "I know only that your first destination lies to the east. I don't know where it is or what you're looking for, only that it's to the east." Treana led the group out of the Asestis chamber. When they were all out, she removed the Mark of the Asestis from its slot in the wall, causing the path to the Asestis to seal itself shut. She led the group back above ground. Many of the villagers had gathered to see them off. Laqara and Nida's changed appearances drew a good deal of attention. Neither felt like sticking around. They were the first to gather their supplies. Eventually, everyone else was ready, and the group set off. The villagers watched the group walk off, then returned to whatever they'd been doing. Treana stood there a bit longer than everyone else, then went back into her hut. She took the stairs back underground and used the Mark of the Asestis to gain access to the Asestis chamber. Treana walked up to the Asestis and put her hand on the symbol. "An interesting group this year," she said. "Especially Laqara and Nida. I've never seen a physical change like that before. An interesting choice. Might work, too. Overall, this is probably the best selection we've had. Hopegully, this won't take much longer." Treana left the chamber, closing it behind her. "Shouldn't be long at all," she said to herself.