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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
"Look, Nida,' Laqara said, "I don't think anyone's going to be out to kill you. At least, not in this villages. In other places, yes, but not here. These people have seen enough weird shit that others have gotten as gifts. they may be a bit... put off, but they certainly won't be out for blood." "You're one to talk," Nida replied. "Your change works. You don't look like a complete freak, like I do." "Nida, I'm just as changed by this as you are. The effect is different, true, but I'm as much a freak as you are. If either of us ever sets foot in any city, town, or village besides this one, people will try to do things to us. We may be attacked, although I'd say that's a little extreme for most people. We'd certainly be turned away by almost everyone." "I would. You wouldn't be, at least not as frequently." "Nida, would you please just cut it out? Yes, you've changed, and so have I. Yes, there are people who will turn you away because of that change. And yes, there are probably those who will attack you. All of those hold true for me, weather you think they do or not. "Now, our group is going to be traveling together for quite a while. I can't speak for everyone else, but I know that I don't want to put up with anyone's constant bitching, and I'm guessing that none of the others do, either. So would you please just stop whining about it?"
When Laqara placed her hand on the symbol, a bluish-green light seemed to flow into her from the symbol. She reflexively tried to remove her hand, but could not. It was being held to the symbol by the flow. As the flow intensified, it started to hurt. Eventually, it stopped, and Laqara fell to the ground, extremly disoriented. It took Laqara a few seconds to recover. When she did, the first thing she noticed was that the moisture in the chamber felt a lot greater. This effect increased as she stood up. "Is it just me, or did the moisture in this room suddenly double?" she asked. It was meant as a retorical question, but is wasn't taken as one. "I think it's you," Sakura said. it was now that Laqara realized that everyone was staring at her. And not the 'are you all right?' stare that she'd expected. What they were giving her was the 'what the fuck?' stare. Laqara turned to face the Asestis wall. She was able to get a view of herself from the polished surface. Her skin was now a bluish-green color. Her hair was a similar color, but with more green than blue, and her eyes were the same color. She turned back towards the others. "What happened to Nida?" she asked. "Something similar," Treana told her. Treana, having seen other groups recieve some unusual gifts, wasn't too shocked by Laqara and Nida's changes. "She left the chamber." Laqara walked back out through the tunnel, finding Nida near the exit. Nida looked up as Laqara approached. Both of them were surprised to see the other's changes. "what the hell happened to us?" Laqara wondered. Back in the Asestis chamber, Treana turned to face the rest of the group. "Who's next?" she asked.
OOC: I'm going to go ahead and introduce Amon's character so that we can get this RPG moving. ----------------------------------------- Laqara had noted the arrival of the others while practicing. When Breea arived, Laqara decided it was time to head in herself. Not long after she entered, amon arrived and sat down. Treana looked over the group. "Looks like we're all here," she said. "Time to get going. Follow me, please." Treana revealed a concealed flight of stairs inside her hut. Treana led the group down the stairs and into an underground tunnel. There was an odd glow in the tunnel, providing sufficient light. "The village leader lives directly over the entrance to the Cave of the Asestis," she explained. "This was seen as the best way to keep the entrance hidden. Nobody in this village but me and now you knows where it is." Eventually, the group reached what appeared to be a solid wall with a small indent in it. Treana placed a small object into the indent, and a door slid open. "More protecion," Treana explained. "Only the person who holds the Mark of the Asestis can access the Asestis." Treana led the group through the door, and into a large chamber. the far wall of the chamber was, unlike the rest of the chamber, clearly not a natural formation. It was perfectly cmooth and looked polished. It was also covered with glowing symbols of many colors. "That is the Asestis," Treana said. "It's all that keeps the seal from breaking. Notice that one large symbol, the one that keeps changeing color?" She pointed. "That's the Asestis's center, as it were. What you all need to do is walk up to it, one at a time, and place your hand within it. You will then recieve your gift. Now, who's first?" ------------------------------------------ OOC: All right, now you get to post about your characters recieving their gifts. Have them place their hands on the center symbol, after which they will recieve their gifts. Then, have them discover what those gifts are. Blanko, if you post before my next post, have the symbol split into two, and Laqara and Nida recieve their gifts at the same time.
That could probably have come from more than one movie, but the one I've heard it in is [i]Robin Hood: Men in Tights[/i]. Here's my next quote: "Two weeks ago, y'all was as useless as hen s*it on a pump handle.'
I don't think you could have possibly made that any easier. It's from [i]Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace[/i]. Here's mine: "Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
OOC: Everyone, please ignore InuyashaFandom's post, and any posts he makes in this RPG until further notice. On a different note: elementalshadow, please work on post quality. I realize you don't have a lot of material to work with right now, but that hasn't prevented everyone else from making dencent-length posts. Please try and flesh your future posts out a bit. I don't have time to post in context right now. I'll try to do so tomorrow or Sunday.
Most of your sign-up is good, but your gift is a little much. Posession is a bit too powerful. Please choose something else.
[i]Legend tells of a time long ago, before the age of Man, when monstrous beasts were in control. These creatures possessed unimaginable power. There were none that could challenge them, and they ruled for thousands of years. However, they were not at peace with wach other. These great beasts hated and feared each other. They fought and killed each other. When the fighting ceased, none remained. The power of these beasts flowed into the land, into the creatures that inhabited it. Creatures who bore the resembalence of the dead beasts. Thus, the ones we know as dragons were born. That was a time seemingly impossibly far in the past to have any relavance. But it does indeed matter, for one of those great beasts did not die in battle, but later. it was the only survivor, but was too badly injured. It could not save itself. What it could do was seal itself away, letting tme pass before the seal broke and it returned to rule over all. The beast's seal has weakened throughout the ages. The only thing keeping it from breaking is the Asestis. Nobody knows what the Asestis is, or how it was created. All that's known is that it keeps the beast sealed away. It's also assumed to hold the key to the beast's permanent destruction. The only people who still know the truth of this live in a small village. This village, bulit over the Cave of the Asestis, periodically send small groups of willing individuals out to discover the secrets of he Asestis and find a way to destroy the beast for good.[/i] What do you do the day you're going to leave the place you grew up in? Especially when you know there's a chance you won't return? Many people would spend some time with their families, while others would spend the time circling the village and saying good-bye to everyone. Laqara was practicing. She was already a skilled fighter, but she insisted on practicing whenever she could. SHe was getting to be very good at it. Laqara's hardcore attitude was familiar with he other villagers by now. Despite this, nobody had expected her to be practicing on the day she was to leave. Especially not in front of the village leader's hut, where those going on the journey were to meet. But Laqara had arrived early, and she did not believe in wasteing time. Laqara, like everyone else in the village, had heard the stories told by the survivors of previous journeys. She, like everyone else, knew that there would be a great deal of danger on the journey, and she was not going to be caught unprepared. The village leader herself, a woman by the name of Treana, exited her hut and watch Laqara for a while before turnng around and heading back inside. Treana's job would be to lead Laqara and the others down underneath the village to the Asestis itself. Once they arrived, that is. She sat down inside her hut, while Laqara kept practicing. Both were waiting on the others. When evryone had arrived, the journey would begin. -------------------------------------------- OOC: In case it wasn't clear, your characters are to head for Treana's hut. Remember, they do not yet have their gifts, and they have no idea what those gifts will be.
What you have so far is good, Kitty. Just be sure to add the rest before you post in the actual RPG thread. I have some unexpected free time right now, so I'm going to go ahead and start this. I will leave sign-ups open for a few days, so if you still want to join, please do so.
You're both in. I'm going to try and start this sometime this weekend, but it may very well end up being Monday or Tuesday (I've got a lot to do this weekend). One more thing: sign-ups are going to remain open, so anyone who still wants to sign up can still do so.
It's official. There's actually a character I hate more than Leo Stenbuck. His name: Lloyd Irving from [i]Tales of Symphonia[/i]. God, I can't stand that guy. Yes, he's good in battle (I use him whenever Presea isn't in the party), but as a character, I can't stand him. Not only is Lloyd, like Leo, the kind of guy who's upset after killing his worst enemy (this made worse by the fact that whenever he's not whining about killing someone, he's saying how much he wants them dead), he's also an idiot. I realize he's not supposed to be the brightest bulb, but his lack of knowledge was way overdone. Plus, he's an idealist, and I mean a [i]major[/i] idealist. As in, I don't think anyone who believes what he does qualifies as sane. Christ, I wish I could whup him like I did Leo Stenbuck (too bad you never get to fight Lloyd).
Thanks for changng it. You're in. I'd like to get a couple more people before we start this. I'll give it a few more days, then start it regardless of how many people join. It'll be up sometime this weekend.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Teaser Trailer Now Online!
GuyYouMetOnline replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Dagger] [b]Lunox[/b']: Personally I think GoF would lend itself well to some serious trimming. Enjoyable though the book may be, it has a lot of filler; I imagine even a 2 or 3 hour movie could manage to hit upon most of the main points of the story.[/quote] I don't. yes, there was a fair amount of non-essential stuff in the book, but that's true of every book I've read, and certainly true for the other three HP books. For Prisoner of Azkaban, they even cut some pretty important stuff from the book (such as how Sirius escaped from Azkaban), and it was still a long movie. I'm betting on a movie well over three hours long. On a different note, the trailer I saw didn't have any cast information, and I'm curious about that. People have mentioned the casting, and I'm wondering who these actors are. Spesifically, who plays Cedric, and who plays Krum? -
SadBlue, just one problem. Creating physical duplicates is a bit too much. Everything else is fine, including the rest of your gift, but please remove the ability to create physical duplicates. Do that, and you're in. Oh, Blanko has changed her mind about her character's gift, and I have given her permission to change it.
Well, it is a similar concept, but it's not the same RPG. I have a few twists planned. Oh, both of you are in. Now, I forgot a couple things. First, I want to make it clear that our characters don't have the full power of their gifts as soon as they recieve them. Instead, the powers will develop over time as our characters learn to use them. Second, I forgot weapons. Specify your character's weapon preference in your sign-up (Medievil (sp?) weapons only, please (swords, bows, etc.). No modern weapons). Blanko and Sakura, please edit a weapon into your sign-ups. Okay, three things. Here's number three: our characters have no clue what their gifts will be until they actually recieve them. All right, here's my sign-up: Name: Laqara Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Laqara is pretty much exactly six feet tall. She has shoulder-length black hair, and blue eyes. She's in very good shape physically, though not what anyone would call beutiful. Nobody would ever think of her as ugly, though. Good-looking, but not what people would consider truely beutiful. Weapon: A pair of bladed staffs. Personality: Laqara's a very determined person. Once she starts doing something, she's going to finish it. Even though she seems laid back at times, she always does her best. She tends to be critical of people she doesn't think are doing their best. She's a little paranoid, but not to the degree of thinking everyone is out to get her. She's just a bit suspicious of strangers. She's very skilled with her staffs, and will not hesitate to kill anyone who's a threat. Gift: Laqara obtains elemental abilities of water, but with a twist that's unique, as far as she knows. Instead of simply gaining elemental powers, Laqara is... altered. She is changed by the elemental energy, becoming something else, a being not human. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this change include the ability to actually see water in any form, from water as a gas in the air to the water inside people and animals. Also, her skin toughens significantly, functioning more as a hide. And as her powers develop, she will become able to temporarily shift herself into a liquid state. The most noticeable disadvantage of the change is that she no longer appears human. Anyone who sees her will know that she is not human. Laqara's actual water-element powers are pretty standard elemental powers. She can manipulate water to an extent, and will become more able to do so as her powers develop. She can also create imited abounts of water, and the amount she can create will increase as her powers develop. She also has the ability to breate underwater.
[i]Legend tells of a time long ago, before the age of Man, when monstrous beasts were in control. These creatures possessed unimaginable power. There were none that could challenge them, and they ruled for thousands of years. However, they were not at peace with wach other. These great beasts hated and feared each other. They fought and killed each other. When the fighting ceased, none remained. The power of these beasts flowed into the land, into the creatures that inhabited it. Creatures who bore the resembalence of the dead beasts. Thus, the ones we know as dragons were born. That was a time seemingly impossibly far in the past to have any relavance. But it does indeed matter, for one of those great beasts did not die in battle, but later. it was the only survivor, but was too badly injured. It could not save itself. What it could do was seal itself away, letting tme pass before the seal broke and it returned to rule over all. The beast's seal has weakened throughout the ages. The only thing keeping it from breaking is the Asestis. Nobody knows what the Asestis is, or how it was created. All that's known is that it keeps the beast sealed away. It's also assumed to hold the key to the beast's permanent destruction. The only people who still know the truth of this live in a small village. This village, bulit over the Cave of the Asestis, periodically send small groups of willing individuals out to discover the secrets of he Asestis and find a way to destroy the beast for good.[/i] All right, hope that wasn't too confusing. Basically, there's a seal keeping a very powerful creature locked up. The seal is weak, but there is an artifact called the Asestis that prevents it from breaking. Asestis Village, the existance of which is not know to anybody outside of it, is built over the cave where the Asestis is located. periodically, young men and women set out to find a way to destroy the beast for good. Now, the first step in this journey is the Asestis itself. These young people enter the Cave of the Asestis as the first step in their journey. The Asestis, the purpose of which seems to have something to do with the beast's eventual destruction, is supposed to point these people towards the means to destroy the beast for good. None have successfully found this means, but that doesn't mean Asestis Village is giving up. The Asestis does one other thing. It aids the people chosen for the journey. It's always something attainable no other way. Some people are partnered up with young creatures, like dragons or gryphons or other such creatures. Others gain elemental powers. There are many other gifts, of course. These people then set out, attempting to find the means to destroy the beast for good. Here's the sign-up: Name: Age: 16-21 Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio (optional): Gift: Be imaginative with this. I gave a couple examples of possible gifts, but don't be afraid to have something else. Use your imagination. Go wild. Nothing too powerful, though. Don't worry, I'll tell you if you need to tone it down a bit. Well, I think that's it. PM me with any questions.
[i]That[/i] one was a shock. Laqara had been expecting something a bit shocking, but not something like that. "You're- but- if you- then Jag- and you- are you serious?" Nida nodded. "I am." "Then Jag is your brother? And your father ordered him to kill you?" "Yes." "But he didn't kill you. He drugged you and your mother and left you somewhere, then went back to his father." "That's right." Laqara could hardly believe it. Of course, it was also hard to believe that her egg had entered her and changed her into some sort of water-based being, but she'd accepted that. In fact, compared to what had happened to her, Nida's situation was actually pretty ordinary. Laqara looked around at the others, and could tell that they were having a harder time than she was with accepting what Nida said. A couple were nervously looking at Nida's weapons. Laqara noticed that Katelyn in particular seemed uncomfortable around Nida. Laqara stood up and walked over to her. "You look nervous," Laqara said to Katelyn. "Is it because of Nida?" Katelyn nodded. "I don't think we can trust her," she said, her voice a whisper. "You heard what she said. She's one of them." "One of who?" Laqara asked, not bothering to keep her voice low. "A bandit? Look around you. I don't see any bandits in our group. Do you?" Katelyn was still whispering. "Keep your voice down! I don't want her to hear us. Yes, I see a bandit. I see Nida." Laqara still didn't lower her voice. "I don't see any bandits," she told Katelyn. "I see newly hatched creatured and respectable or at least decent people. No bandits. I see a girl who's related to bandits, but Nida's not one of them. I've known her for a while. You probably have, too. We lived in a pretty small village, after all. No, she's no bandit, even though she's related to some." Laqara could tell that Katelyn was still skeptical, so she decided to approach things from a different angle. "Let's look at this another way," she said. "You're judgeing her based on her relaives and the fact that she lived with bandits in her early childhood. that was a long time ago, and she's not that erson. She's no bandit, just like Kyo there is no monster." Katelyn didn't get it. "Why would Kyo be a monster?" she asked. "He's not, but he's different," Laqara explained. "He's a half-elf. He was actually banished from his hometown. because of what he is, he's considered a monster." "Why? Why would people think that?" "Because they don't nderstand perspective. If people understood the difference of perspective, that they're the different ones to Kyo, I think they'd understand that he's no monster. here, let me demonstrate. What do you consider the most obvious difference between yourself and half-elves like Kyo." "The ears," Katelyn replied, her voice at a normal volume this time. "Half-elves have pointy ears." Laqara nodded. "Yes. Now, let's ask Kyo the same question. Hey, Kyo!" Kyo turned towards her. "Yes?" "What is the most obvious difference between half-elves and humans?" "The ears. Humans have rounded ears." "Thanks." Laqara turned back to Katelyn. "Notice a difference?" "Different words," Katelyn said, "but the same meaning." "Not the same meaning," Laqara stated firmly. "You noticed the difference as half-elves having pointy ears. That they're the different ones. But Kyo noticed the difference as humans having rounded ears. To him, [i]humans[/i] are different. To humans, he's the odd one, but to him, [i]we're[/i] the odd ones. "Now, let's go back to Nida. Kyo and other half-elves are outcast because of minor differences. They're seen as monsters, or if not that, certainly not respectable individuals. They are hated for being half-elves, with no though given to what kind of people they are. You, on the other hand, are judgeing Nida by her family. You're assuming that because her father was a bandit, because her mother was a bandit, because her brother is a bandit, that she's a bandit. You saw her brother, Jag. You're assuming that because her brother's a bad person, she is, too. That's simply not true. Nida is Nida, and not Jag." Katelyn seemed to be thinking about what Laqara had said. Laqara took a look at the others. They'd overheard the conversation, and seemed to be thinking about it as well. Laqara returned to Nida and sat down next to her. "That's some pretty surprising stuff," Laqara said to Nida. "I think some of the others are having second thoughts about having you in the group. I hope I talked at least a little sense into them, but I don't know. Well, either way, we'll know before too long. Meanwhile, is there anything ese you have to say?"
"Maybe," Laqara said, "but it wouldn't be easy. It may be something I'll later be able to do without a problem, but not right now." "What are you two talking about?" Katelyn asked. "We're talking about me," Laqara replied. "I don't understand how, but I'm able to control water. It took me longer than it should have to figure out the significance of water in all of this, but then, this whole change thing was supposed to be something that just never happened. "Anyways, remember how, when I woke up after changeing, the first thing I said was that the air felt wetter? I was simply more able to feel the water in the air. I'm somehow more sensitized to it. then last night, I discovered that I can see it now, too. That's how I was able to see the bandits in the grass earlier. I saw the water within their bodies. They were a bit brighter to my sight than the grass, so I could make them out. I've been working on the other stuff, the control of it. I really can't do much of anything right now, but give me some time and I'll figure out everythng I can do. Anyways, right now I think there are more important matters." Laqara turned to face Nida. "What the hell is going on, Nida. I got a little from you and that bandit. Jag killed his mother and his sister, and fed the other bandits a bunch of bullshit. You named your dragon after Zash, but who was Zash? Or is. It sounded like Zash and her mother died, but that was never actually said. Basically, what I'm asking is: what the hell was all that about?"
Laqara wasn't rushing into battle. She was staying by the creatures. Laqara knew that the odds favored somebody getting through to the creatures, so she was staying by them. As a result she wasn't actually engaged in combat when Nida was attacked by the one she called Jag. Laqara knew how to recognise a challenge when she saw one. Nida clearly knew and had a grudge of some kind against this Jag. Laqara let her fight alone, but she did keep an eye on the battle, and was close enough to hear some of the conversation. She nearly dropped her weapons when she heard Nida say, "Secret family recipe. What, did you forget it already?" [i]What the hell?[/i] Laqara thought. [i]Are those two [/i]related[i]? I know she said her mother was a bandit, but I didn't think she had other relatives were bandits. And she knows this Jag guy, definatly. Who the hell is he, how is he related to Nida, and why are the two of them trying to kill each other?[/i] Laqara didn't have any more time to think, as a few bandits came in the direction of the creatures. Fortunatly, she wasn't the only one guarding them. The others picked their targets, and Laqara picked hers, a pretty mean-looking man who actually didn't seem to be a total dumb-shit. He was certainly not charging blindly in. He was cautious, moving quickly but carefully and with sword drawn. The man noticed Laqara and, like the other bandits, was startled. Unlike the other two she'd killed, however, he was too far away for her to reach before his brief moment of shock passed. "What the hell are you?" he called out to her. "It is not important," Laqara said. "The knolwedge would do you no good, and to be honest, I'm really not quite sure myself. But it really doesn't matter right now, does it? Not when you people are trying to kill me and my group." "I think I like you," the man replied. "Too bad we're enemies." With that, he charged at Laqara. Laqara attempted a simple sidestep and parry, but the mad had anticipated the move. His first swing was a fake, and he quickly moved into his real swing. Unfortunately for him, Laqara had two bladed staffs to his one sword. She used her second staff to block the man's swing, then took the offensive. The man was good. Very good. Most wouldn't have lasted for more than a few seconds against Laqara with only a single weapon, but this man had some amazing dodgeing moved, and he used them. He didn't have any time to go on the attack, but he was stretching the battle out a surprising amount. Of course, he couldn't keep it up, and it wasn't long before Laqara had him disarmed and on the ground. Guessing that the man could still fight even without a weapon, she promptly brought her staff down on the man's right knee before he could get up. She didn't hit it with the blade, but she'd swung it hard, and the man's knee broke. Laqara proceeded to break the man's other knee, then smashed his right arm. She positioned one staff with the blade against his neck, and the other with the blade against his chest. "That Jag man," Laqara said. "What can you tell me about his family?" "I don't know anything about anyone's family but my own," the man replied, "and I don't really have one anymore. Why the hell do you care, anyways?" "Because one of my companions said something that indicated a relation to him." "Well, I don't know anything about it. Of course, I don't know why you'd expect me to tell you even if I did know." Laqara pressed on the staff she was holding at the man's chest. The blade drew blood, and the man flinched. "I don't know anything," he said. "I mean it." "I believe you," Laqara told the man. "But it's like yousaid. We're enemies. Which means that I have to kill you now." And she did, jabbing her staff's blade directly into the man's heart. She pulled the staff out of him, took a couple steps back from the dying man, and turned to watch for the next bandit.
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
OOC: Actually, that works just fine. ---------------------------------- [i]This 'Abstract' is probably not an Absol,[/i] Rorohiko thought. [i]There are too many differences. Abstract could very well be the answer I'm looking for. I'll have to find it. Rin should be able to help me with that.[/i] "Is there any way you can tell when Abstract's going to show up?" Rorohiko asked. "No, it seems random," Rin told him. "I never know when he'll appear." "Well, then I guess I'll have to stick with you until it, or he, or she, or whatever shows up." "Why are you interested in Abstract, anyways?" Rin asked. "I am a researcher," Rorohiko explained. "I'm trying to figure out just what the deal is with Absol. You know, the whole disaster thing. Well, I've almost got it figured out, but I'm missing a critical piece of information. Based on what you told me, I think Abstract is the missing piece." "You're going to try to catch him?" "I have no desire to catch Abstract," Rorohiko assured Rin. "All I need to do is talk to Abstract and make an audio/visual recording of the conversation to proove it actually happened. And since Abstract appears around you, I'll be sticking with you until I get my chance. Good thing we're traveling together." Rorohiko walked back to his former seat, thinking the whole time. When he got his chance, he wasn't going to waste it. It might be the only one he had. -
Actually, I don't think Pong was the first game ever made. I remember reading what the first game was, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't Pong. I don't remember what it was, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Pong. Anyways, I've heard some pretty stupid stuff, the only memorable ones being secondhand. My brother used to have a friend who full of ****. He wasn't stupid, he was just a liar. My brother, however, was pretty stupid about video games back then. Here's some of the ******** that his friend fed him (and he believed): 1: If your total score is above 1400 in Star Fox 64, you get to fly the Great Fox. 2: In the original Super Smash Bros., if Ness PK Thunders himself into you, it does about 100% damage. 3: You can unlock Raichu in the original Super Smash Bros. There were a lot of others, but I don't remember them right now. One thing I do remember hearing from a differend person is: 4: You can unlock Goku in Super Smash Bros. Melee. That one cracked me up.
OOC: Um, Drake? Blanko said there were 6-12 bandits. -------------------------------------------------- As Laqara moved closer to the bandits, she noticed that she wasn't the only one doing so. With her changed vision, she could make out another sneaking toward the approaching bandits, though she couldn't tell who it was. This other reached the bandits before her. She watch the person take out a couple, then made her move. Laqara stepped directly into the path of the approaching bandits. A pair of them stumbled into her. They were prepared for an ambush, but Laqara's appearance caught them off-guard. They didn't know what she was, and they hesitated in their shock. Laqara used this to her advantage, thusting the blade of one staff into each bandit before they could react. The other from her group managed another kill, but then the bandits were past them, and moving quickly towards the others. Laqara took off after the bandits. She wasn't trying to conceal herself. She just wanted to get back to the others as quickly as possible. The other seemed to be doing the same. Their paths converged, and she saw that the other was Kyo. The two of them moved as quickly as possible, emerging from the grass at pretty much the same time as the bandits. Laqara ran over to join those guarding the creatures, then spun around to face the attacking bandits, several of which were heading in that direction.
The noise was coming from the tall grass. The bandits were coming from the grass, and had probably discovered their original location. Laqara looked into the grass. She could make out a number of people approaching. They were... brighter than the grass, there was more water in them than in the grass. But there was a lot of grass, and the cumilative glow of the grass made it hard to make out the approaching shapes. but what she had was better than what the others had. "They're coming," Laqara said. "I can't make out how many. There could be anywhere from six to twelve of them." "You can see them?" Katelyn asked, unbelieving. "Through that grass?" "Not at all clearly, but yes. I can see them. I'll explain how later. right now, we need to deal with the bandits." Here, Laqara dropped her voice. "I'll head into the grass. I can see them, but they won't see me until I'm right in front of them. and when one does see me, he'll hesitate. He won't know what I am, so there will probably be a very brief hesitation, allowing me time to kill him. "If any of you want to come with me, I won't stop you. I'll lead you to them, but I can't help you once the fighting starts. You'll have the same disadvantages they do. Also, there's no way we'll be able to get all of them before they make it here. Some of us need to stay here and guard the creatures, definatly more than one person. You decide who does what, but the longer I wait, the less time I'll have before they exit the grass and I lose my advantage. If you want to follow me, you'll have to come now, because I'm going now." And she didn't. Laqara moved into the grass, quickly and quietly making her way towards the approaching bandits.
Laqara had fallen asleep, but the ruckus caused by the sudden hatching of the remaining eggs woke her up. Oddly, she was feeling much more refreshed than she should have been, considering how short a time she'd been asleep for. She was still tired, but she felt like she could function for a while if she had to. Maybe her new self didn't need as much rest as her human form did, or maybe it was something else. At this point, her discovery of this difference between her former self and new self didn't really shock her. She just accepted it. By now, she was used to discovering changes. Laqara took a look at the others, and her eyes fell on Katelyn, currently very excited about her egg hatching. Laqara could tell that, despite this enthusiasm, Katelyn was still jelous of her. [i]That girl just doesn't get it,[/i] Laqara thought. [i]She really doesn't understand. She and the others have accepted the change, have accepted my... differences, and she's assuming that others would do the same. She couldn't be further from the truth. I won't be accepted. I'll be shuned, probably attacked. I could tell her this over and over, but it probably won't do any good. Maybe she'll start to understand when we reach the next town and I stay behind when they enter it. But then again, maybe not.[/i] Laqara took another look at everyone else. Some were still going nuts over their eggs hatching, while others were getting some rest. Laqara practiced with her abilities a little more, again doing it so nobody would see. She found she was rapidly improving. It took less concentration each time, and she was becoming able to use larger amounts of water. Eventually, she called out that she was going to sleep again. She lay down again, and like before, she was out like a light.
RPG Pokemon Full Revolution vol. 1 [rated L and V]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Brooklyn's topic in Theater
OOC: Um... okay, all that was unnecessarily confusing, and Xy GGu's post had some godmodding to make things worse, but I think I got everything (except what the helecopter was doing). I'd just like to point out a mistake Xy GGu made: Victor Trolmont is not with Team Rocket. He's with the cult Rorohiko told Carter about. See the Underground thread for more information on Trolmont and the cult. ------------------------------------------ Rorohiko quickly began drawing looks. He appeared to be having a conversation, but he didn't seem to be talking to anyone. It startled the onlookers when they realized he was talking to Absol. It sounded like he was actually responding to what he heard, but they all knew Pokemon couldn't produce speech understandable by humans, with the exception of a few legendaries. It should have been impossible for Rorohiko to understand Absol, yet he seemed to understand the Pokemon perfectly. "We'll find that bastard," Rorohiko told Absol. Absol made an uninteligable reply, but Rorohiko seemed to understand it perfectly. The conversation countinued in this manner. "Yes, I know we have no idea where he is," Rorohiko said, "but we know enough to find him. Trolmont knew him. We'll get Trolmont to lead us to him. Yes, I know it won't be easy, but you forget, we've beaten Trolmont before. And this time, we don't have to find him. He's after me now, remember. He'll come again. We'll get him then, and make him reveal Jared's location. No, that's simply not going to happen. We've beaten people far more dangerous than Jared, and if it turns out he has backup, we'll just have to call in our own. You know Katrina, and you know her style. If we call her in to help, she'll come in hard and fast, and Jared won't ever know what hit him. No, I don't have a detailed plan yet. We don't have any information. We'll need to wait until Trolmont shows up again. Meanwhile, I have some questions for Rin." Rorohiko returned Absol, stood up, walked over to Rin, and sat down by her. Knowing that Rin would be wondering about how he coversed with Absol, he said, "I'll explain some other time. Right now,I have questions." "Questions about what?" Rin asked. "About this Abstract. I want you to tell me everything you know about it. Every little detail. The kinds of things that happen when it shows up, the way it behaves, if it looks different than a normal Absol, everything. leave nothing out, and I mean nothing. What do you know about Abstract?" ---------------------------- OOC: Kitty, Rorohiko wants to know everything about Abstract, and he will not stop pumping Rin for information until he's convinced she's told him literally everything she knows about Abstract.