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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
"Since I'm guessing you're about to ask why I'm here, Chez, I'll tell you," Rorohiko said. "Unlike you seem to believe, I am well known, at least among those with a shread of intelligence. I'm known not for any accomplishments as a Trainer, but for my discoveries as a researcher. My name is Rorohiko Kaloros, in case you've heard of me. You wouldn't understand the details of my research, so I'll give you the layman's version. "You might or might not be aware of the fact that Absol are only seen before a disaster of some kind, such as a volcanic eruption or an earthquake. You also might or might not be aware of the Pressure phenomenon, which causes a Pokemon in battle against an Absol to tire twice as quickly as usual. "First of all, some Trainers believed that Dusclops also exibits the Pressure phenomenon, but that's not true. Researchers have believed that it's not true for a long time, but it was me who did the experiment that prooved it. I used my Absol and many of my sister's Pokemon, including a Dusclops-oh, my sister, Katrina Kaloros, won last year's Pokemon Leauge tournament, so you've probably heard of her. The results showed that Dusclops simply doesn't tire as quickly as most Pokemon, creating the appearance of the Pressure phenomenon. "Of course, just prooving that Dusclops doesn't exibit the Pressure phenomenon isn't anything big. It doesn't even make Absol the definate sole Pokemon with the Pressure phenomenon, as many of the legendary Pokemon are said to exibit it, though I don't know how that can be prooven or disprooven. But prooving that Dusclops doesn't exibit Pressure isn't the only thing I've done. Through a very complicated process involving a lot of money, some help from my sister, and passing my Absol-although he's not mine, I use 'my' and 'mine' because it's a lot quicker and easier to say-off as a wild Absol, among other things, I managed to proove that the disaster phenomenon and the Pressure phenomenon are related. I don't know what causes them, so I don't know the nature of the relation, but I prooved that there is one. "Now, I really do have things I'm trying to get done, so please try and refrain from talking to me." With that, Rorohiko turned back to his laptop. However, his thoughts were on Kira. [i]Kira's a danger to me,[/i] he thought. [i]I can't trust her. She's a thief, and that makes her suspect. She may be one of them. I should make sure I'm prepared, just in case. I'll need to insure that I have some means of communicating with people outside, just in case.[/i] ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: First, the Pressure ability in the games makes moves take 2 PP to use instead of 1, so I figured that that would translate to tiring twice as quickly in an RPG. And the other stuff, the stuff about Dusclops and the connection between Pressure and the disaster thing was taken from a previous RPG. No, not one of the ones Blanko did, but one that member eclips did in which I used Rorohiko as my character. Just some FYI stuff there.
Rorohiko looked up at the newcomer. "That depends on what you mean by 'Trainer'. I don't collect Gym badges and have no desire to catch any more Pokemon than the one I already have. My main intrest is research into the unique characteristics of a certain Pokemon, Absol. Despite that, I do batle with the one Pokemon I have, which is an Absol, as you might have guessed. he's very powerful. I've had him for six years now. Six yers with just him to train. He and I can probably take your entire team." "Do you even know who I am? My name is Chezreal Gonzales." "I've heard about you," Rorohiko said, "and I don't like you. You don't care about your Pokemon as much as a Trainer should." "Just what do you know about that? You're mainly a researcher. You said it yourself. Pokemon are nothing to people like you, just test subjects." "I dissagree," Rorohiko replied. He released his Absol. "Tell him what you think," he told Absol. "You know very well that humans can't understand Pokemon," Chez said when Absol was done. "Absol said that if you and he met in the wild, he would attack you and not just your Pokemon, and that he would show no mercy. Ask your Raichu if that's accurate." Chex looked at Raichu, who nodded. Chez turned back to Rorohiko. "How did you do that? No trainer has ever been able to understand one of his Pokemon" "Simple," Rorohiko said as he returned Absol to its Pokeball. "First, Absol does not belong to me. We are partners, and he can leave any time he wants to. He remains in his Pokeball most of the time by choice. Until you understand that, you will not understand how I know what Absol is saying. Now, please do not disturb me. I'm trying to get something done while we wait for the other members of the Expedition."
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[quote name='Garelock']with the new pokemon, could I just create a new wild pokemon? If so, are pics of those pokemon allowed?[/quote] Yes, you can create new Pokemon. You can't create a new legendary Pokemon, however. And pictures are most certainly allowed. -
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Ugamon, you're not in charge here, so please refrain m playing mod. It's up to either Blanko or I to point out any corrections that are needed. That said, you do have a couple mistakes, Garelock. First, There's no such thing as America in the world of Pokemon. Known regions (which I tend to think of as countries) are Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, and Orre, as well as the Orange Islands and Sevii (sp?) Islands. And second, Pokemon are not limited to four moves in this RPG. IN my opening post in this thread, I explained how moves will be handled in this RPG. I'm not going to repost it here, but I will say that you should delete the move lists of your Pokemon. -
RPG Aqualaria: A Universe of our own PG-VL
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
David Altak sat down in his chair. It wasn't the type of chair you normally see in front of a computer, but then again, it wasn't in front of a computer. David's father, who was something of a technical genius, had managed to configure the home theater in the basement of the Altak house to display the image that would normally be on the computer screen. It took a lot of money, but Mr. Altak was a very successful man. David wasn't only useing a home theater to play the game, he was playing it on the most advanced computer avalible for purchase. A computer his father had helped design. David selected the game's icon. [u]Welcome. Enter username and password, or click 'New Uesr' if you are a first-time player.[/u] [b]Username: Sako[/b] [b]Password: ******[/b] [u]User found. Please select starting location.[/u] [b]Begin from previous save.[/b] [u]Loading. Please wait.[/u] When the game was finished loading, David leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he was more aware of the game than of reality. To him, he was Sako and not David, although anyone watching him would see only David playing a game. For David, it was more like another life than a game. He immerssed himself fully in the game's world until it became reality to him. [u]Sako, you have one message.[/u] Sako didn't like spending money to read his messages. Fortunatly, his last save was in a signing facility, where people went to look for jobs. Such facilities always had general access termals, which could be used to perform many functions, such as the reading of one's messages, free of charge. Sako found an unused one and accessed his message center. [u]Sako, you have one new message. Message was sent by Karalos.[/u] [i]Jesus Christ,[/i] Sako thought. [i]Doesn't she ever give up?[/i] Karalos was a person Sako knew well. She was determined to defeat him in battle, and was constantly challenging him. Sako read the message, though he already knew what it would say. [i]Sako, I am officially challenging you to an Arena match. We will meet under standard mech-combat rules, with no time limit. If you accept, come to the Gontheras Fifth Arena. I will be waiting.[/i] Sako logged out of his message center and reset the general access terminal before leaving the signing facility. Gontheras Fifth Arena meant the fifth arena constructed on the planet Gontheras, which happened to be the planet Sako was currently on. He was going to accep Karalos's challenge, as he always did. An Arena match was not something he liked to pass up. There was always a cash prize for the winner of an Arena match, and he made quite a lot of money off of Arena matches. Melders were hard to beat in Arena matches, provided that the matches were in a Melder's area of expertise: piloting one-person craft, such as fighters and mechs. Standard rules meant no restrictions, and no time limit meant just that. The match would end when one competetor's mech was non-functional. Of course, in Arena matches any damage was repaired at the end of the match without charge, so a loss in an Arena didn't mean the same thing as elsewhere. Of course, Sako did not intend to lose. ----------------------------------------------- OOC: Just so you know, I'm going to be posting about the world of the game as if it were reality, simply because David experiances it as reality. He shuts out everything but the game, which then becomes, to him, as real as anything else, and David is no longer David, but Sako. He doesn't actually become Sako, of course, but he comes as close to that as is possible. So, that why I posted the way I did. When David's playing the game, the game is reality to him, so I'll be posting the game in that fashion. -
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Well, I just started it. Sign0ups are going to reamin open. Everyone/s been accepted so far, although anyone who hasn't finished his or her sign-up must do so before posting. -
[size=2]A few reminders before we start: 1: Remember, Blanko and I are doing this RPG togeather. Whatever either of us says goes. 2: We're in an unexplored area, and there are new Pokemon to be caught. You can make up new Pokemon, but no new Pokemon types. You must stick to the current 17 types. Also, no evolved forms of stage 2 Pokemon (Pokemon who have already evolved twice, such as Charizard, Ampharos(sp?), and Exploud) 3: Absolutly no legendary Pokemon. You can't have them already, and you can't catch them. No making up Pokemon that would qualify and catching them, either. If you really want to have a legendary Pokemon, you must PM either me or Blanko for permission, and unless you have a really good reason, expect a 'no'. Now that that's out of the way, let's get the RPG started. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rorohiko wasn't really paying attention as he walked toward the facility that had been constructed over the entrance to the Network, and with a surprisingly quick pace considering the size of the pack he wore on his back. The facility was a security station, making sure that only people who were supposed to enter the Network were able to. If he had been paying attention, he would have been impressed. Nobody was going to penetrate that security force. "Halt," a guard demanded as Rorohiko approached the entrance to the security facility. The man was quite the intimidating figure, and there was a Machamp to his right. A Tyranitar was to his left. Two other guards were nearby, ready to assist if necessary, and the slightest deviation from instructions would cause them to take action. Rorohiko knew this, and he stopped. "State your name and the reason for your presence here," the guard instructed. "My name is Rorohiko Kaloros, and I am a member of the Expedition. I was instructed to report here at 2:00 p.m., which I am." "You're a few minutes early," the guard said as he examined a list. "I like to try and arrive early. That way, if I'm held up I can still make it on time." The guard ignored Rorohiko's responce. A few seconds later, he looked up from the list. "You are cleared to enter." He stepped to the side, allowing Rorohiko to pass through the door. He found himself in a circular room with a three men and a woman in it. There were no Pokemon in the room, but Rorohiko guessed that the three men had concealed firearms. The woman wasn't wearing anything she could use to conceal a gun. On a table beside her was a strange-looking device with six round slots that were the perfect size for Pokeballs. "Remove your pack and place it on the floor, then step away from it," the woman instructed. Rorohiko did so, and one of the three men stepped forward. He opened the pack and examined its contents. There was a laptop computer in a case which also contained an extra battery for the laptop, as well as almost any kind of cable or adapter imaginable. There was nothing else inside, leaving a lot of space. "Please explain your reason for bringing this," the woman said. "I never know when I might need that, so I keep it with me," Rorohiko answered. "I'm assuming that food and water will be provided, so I didn't bring any of my own. Also, it makes more sense for me to use my own pack than one you provide, especially when I already have something of my own to carry with me." The man retuned Rorohiko's pack to him. "Place your Pokeballs in the slots," the woman instructed, indicating the odd-looking machine. Rorohiko placed his one Pokeball in the machine, then stepped back. After a few seconds, the machine beeped and the woman examined a display on it. "The Pokeball contains an Absol, and checks out as normal." She them asked to see Rorohiko's belt to confirm that no other Pokeballs were on it. The woman was going to insctuct Rorohiko to empty his pockets, but he was one step ahead or her, and his pockets were already emptied, and turned out to proove that they were empty. All he had was a pocket-sized notebook, a pen, and a Pokedex. The woman opened the Pokedex, which confirmed Rorohiko's identity. The notebook, Rorohiko explained, was for times when he couldn't use his laptop for whatever reason and needed to record information. "You can never be too prepared," he said. After clearing that security checkpoint, Rorohiko was directed to what had the general appearance of a boardroom, and told to wait for the . He passed through two metal detectors, and also had his pack, pockets, and Pokemon checked again. When he made it to the room, he took a seat. While he was waiting for the other members of the Expidition, he took out his laptop. [i]Might as well get something done while I wait,[/i] he thought. ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: In your first post, please have your character arrive at the facility, and make it to the room where Rorohiko is. You don't have to post the details of your character getting through security (you can if you want to, of course), but try and at least mention it.[/size]
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"We can't keep waiting," Azufe said. "I don't remember how many of us there are, but we can't keep waiting. Anyone who's not here will just have to be filled in later. Since Robin seems to think everyone needs to hear her part at the same time, I'll go first. What I have to say probably works better if said before whatever she has to say, anyways." "And just what do you have to say?" Kadaj asked. "A lot," Azufe replied, "and it concerns what I know about our enemy. I have been pursuing her for some time." "Her?" Robin said. "Gwydion. She is the Dark Master's servant in this world, and is responsible for calling the demons here. She is their master in our world. She is a very powerful human sorceress, and learned her skills from the Dark Master himself. She was corrupted by him, and changed from your normal human into the evil one she now is." "How do you know all of that?" Robin wanted to know. "That is information I choose not to reveal at this time. I will say only that I have been pursuing her, with the aid of Zephyr the Thunder Dragon and two ordinary dragons, Anzunden and Seuneu. We have been after her for some time. Rest assurred that I am not on her side. "Now, on to the demons. I have learned much about them durring my pursuit of Gwydion. The doglike ones you've seen so far are just grunts, soldiers. The weakest demons. They are very dangerous to most humans, but simple for any of us to destroy. They even have reasonable vulnerability to weapons, although our powers work much better. They don't have any special powers of their own, just their pysical strength. "The next level up are demons that resemble the mythical harppies and gargoyles. They have limited fire- and ice-based powers, and are much less vulnerable to weapon strikes. They are also flight-capable. The gargoyles are stronger physically, while the harpies have stronger powers. If forced to fight either one with weapons, go for the wings. If they get into the air, you're in trouble. Take out the wings, then go for the eyes. If one opens its mouth, thrust your weapon up it. That usually takes care of them. However, as with the dog demons, our powers will serve us much better. "The next level up are demons that appear to be made of stone. These golems are almost completly immune to weapon strikes. They are very strong, and have ground-based powers. Any of our powers will work, though they are most vulnerable to fire-, wind-, and darkness-based abilities. "The most powerful demons have the forms of skeletal dragon; dragons made entirly of bone. They are completly immune to weapon damage. They are incredibly strong physically, and have very, very strong fire-based powers. Fire-based abilities do nothing to them, and some seem able to absorb the energies of any fire-based abilities that are used against them. They are most vulnerable to water-, earth-, light-, and life-based abilities, although anything but fire works. Any questions?" There were no questions, so Azufe turned to Robin. "Now, I believe that you have something to tell us. I know you want to wait, and it's your choice wether you want to wait or say what you have to say now, but I recommend that you say it now. We can fill in anyone who misses it. So, make your choice." -------------------------------------------------- OOC: Yes, amgoddess approved that. -
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Azufe joined the group at the fountain. "You all took your time getting here," he said. "I hope the others hurry. There will not be much time to waste." "The situation is worse than you know," Robin told him. "What makes you so sure of that? I know more than you do about the demons. Beforewe all departed for this town, you said that you could sense more powerful demons. I have done battle with some of those stronger demons. I know much more than you do about them." "I have information of my own," Robin replied. "We both have things to say, it seems. We will wait for the others. When they arrive, you will go first. After you've said what you have to say, I'll say what I have to say. then we will decide on a course of action." -
Vaxla had been following Albel even since the arena. As dawn neared, she became worried about how she would keep up. He would outclass her pysically durring the day, as she became stronger at night. Then, Albel met the girl. f Albel was going to stay with her, he'd have to slow down, making it easy for Vaxla to keep up. Of course, she couldn't become invisible durring the day, but somehow, she knew how to conceal herself, even in a barren desert. She was convinced that the knowledge came from her forgoten past. As if triggered by that thought, a memory hit her fully. [i]Vaxla was being escorted by three armed men into a lab of some sort.She hadn't wanted to go with them, but they'd made her. There was a lot of equipment in the room, and several people who looked like scientists. One of them moved closer to examine her. Vaxla knew how to recognise an opportunity when it presented itself. She grabbed the man, then spun him around herself and into the fire from the three men, using him as a human sheild. She tossed the scientist into one of the men, stunning him long enough for her to get behind him and grab him by the neck. "Stop shooting!" another of the researchers shouted. "This is expensive equipment, and it's not exactly easy to replace." The cientist turned to Vaxla."What do you want?" he asked. "To leave. I have no desire to remain here." "You've seen too much to be allowed to leave." The other two armed men dropped their guns and charged Vaxla. She released the man she was holding and countered their charge. Eventually, the one she'd been holding recovered and joined the battle. Vaxla put up one hell of a fight, but eventually the three men managed to subdue her. A scientist stepped forward and injected her with something. She soon lost conciousness.[/i] [i]That was a lab,[/i] Vaxla thought. [i]They must be responsible for me and the others. Unfortunatly, the lab where I woke was destroyed. However, it's possible that there is another. I must search for it. maybe there, I can find answers.[/i]
Sign Up Aqualaria: A Universe of our own PG-VL
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
This sounds interesting. I'll give it a try. Actual Name: David Altak Actual age: 18 Username: Nalo User age: 21 Level: 9 Class: Custom Class: Melder. A variation on the Pilot class, Melders speciallize in single-person craft (mechs, fighters, etc), as opposed to larger vessles. The class title comes from a Melder's seeming ability to, well, meld with single-person craft. They don't actually do anything of the sort, but their control over small craft is so natural and automatic that it gives the impression of the Melder becoming one with them. Melders also tend to have above-average reaction speed. Melder Stats: (I don't find this confusing at all) Strength: 3 Accuracy: 7 Intelligence: 8 Handywork: 4 Luck: 3 Level bonuses added +1 to Strength and +2 to Handywork, resulting in stats of 4 and 6, respectivly(sp?) User Appearence: About six feet in height, with very short black hair and brown eyes. Not overweight, but not super-thin, either. A bit paler than usual, due to his tendancy to be either indoors or in a small craft of some kind. Tell me if I need to change anything. -
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Azufe was the first to reach Ilthica, simply because of the speed of the three dragons. Azufe didn't waste the extra time, however. He contacted everyone he knew who was in the area, gathering what information he could on the current situation. There wasn't anything new. Eventually, the others began arriving. Azufe didn't join any of them. Instead, he returned to the dragons, whom he had left outside the town. [I have no new information, and the others are starting to arrive,] he told the dragons. [Do you plan to remain with them?] Seuneu asked. [For now. We'll stay for as long as they remain usefull.] [If we are to remain with them, you should tell them what we know about the demons,] Zephyr sent. [An informed ally is much more valuable than an ignorrant one.] [True,] Azufe agreed. [They don't seem to know very much. Certainly, they have no idea of the powers some of the demons posess. We are all supposed to meet at the fountain. I'll tell them then.] -
Well, I've made it to Fahr Outpost at the beginning of Chapter 7, and I'll probably end up finishing the game this weekend. I've been impressed by the variety of the bosses. Each one takes a different strategy. For example, with [spoiler]Grubba[/spoiler] in Chapter 3, you have to work around whatever stat bonus he currently has. Cortez in Chapter 5 was great, with his three different forms that all functioned differently. His third form gave me some trouble, and I thought I might end up losing. Then Cortez KOed Flurrie. As her replacement, I brought out Vivian, and things suddenly got a lot easier. Firey Jinx just destroyed Cortez. The humor continues to be excellent, especially Luigi's stuff. I particularly liked his kart-racing bit with its obvois similarities to Mario's experience in Glitzvill. Bowser also continues to be great, especially his meeting with rawk Hawk. That was just hillarious. Some of the responses Mario gets to choose from are great, too. My favorites are bothe in Chapter 3. The first one is before a match in the Glitz Pit. grubba aske Maro what he thinks about the upcomming battle, and one of the responses is 'BUUUUURRRRRRRP' (I probably have the numbers of letters wrong). Also, [spoiler]when you're spying on Grubba and he hears you in the duct, you have three noises to choose from: 'Meow', 'Squeek', and 'Belch'.[/spoiler]. Hillarious.
Unlockables include several soundtracks for multiplayer mode, and two arenas. There are also three endings in the game, and as in Metroid Prime 1, the ending you get is determined by your completion percentage. As far as the game itslef goes, I unfortunatly don't own it yet.Christmas presents have already been ordered in my house, so there's no buying anything for myself. I expect to get the game for Christmas, however. Of course, I do know enough about the game to form a few oppinions. First of all, I think the 'two worlds' concept is interesting, but I don't like the fact that the Dark World damages you. Continuous damage is not something I like having to deal with. Also, I definatly do not like the fact that the three beam weapons you find throughout the game require ammo. Beams aren't supposed to need ammo. I do like the looks of the new Seeker Missile Launcher, and the new Echo Visor could be fun. I'm also glad that you don't have to run from Dark Samus like you did with the SA-X in Metroid Fusion. The other bosses look great, too. I can't wait to fight Quadraxis. As for multiplayer, well, I don't mind the small number of arenas (six, including the two unlockable ones), because I always end up only playing in a couple different arenas in other games. The fact that there's only two modes also hurts, but again, I probably won't mind, because I normally stick to Deathmatch. I do like the fact that you're invincible for a couple seconds after respawning, as that means that spawn-point camping doesn't work too well. And neither does camping by the good weapons, because those have random locations (at least, they do if my guide is correct, and I'm assuming it is). Well, th my two cents' worth.
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
It probably won't be too long before this RPG is started. I'd say Sunday at the latest, but I don't have Blanko's ('Blanko' is your username, so people will certainly use it) oppinion yet. I have no plans to close sign-ups, but again, I don't know what Blanko thinks, although she usually leaves sign-ups open. As for the location of Mount Chimney, that's exactly where it is. -
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
We now have a total of four unfinished sign-ups. That has to be some kind of a record. Kitty, you just need an appearance. Kayin, you need personality and history. Mai_Minase, you're in. I'd like to take this opportunity to emphasize the 'no legendaries' rule, and to clarify it a bit. See, in one of the RPGs this one is a sequal to, one of the people who signed up (I forget who it was) attempted to have his (At least, I think the person was a he) character catch some legendary Pokemon during the RPG, even though 'no legendaries' was stated very clearly in the sign-up thread. For that reason, I want to make sure everyone knows that legendaries are not allowed to be caught dueing the RPG, or to be on your team or in your possession at the start of the RPG (you may PM either Blanko or me if you want an exception to be made in your case, but unless you have an extremly good reason, the answer will be no). Just wanted to make sure that that was perfectly clear. -
Sign Up Pokemon: The Network (PG: V,L)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Ohkami, you're in. I just want to be sure you understand that Aria's desire to be a member of the Expidition had nothing to do with her being selected for it. Ugamon and Bloody_Moon, you two need to finish your sign-ups. Oh, and Bloody_Moon, Blanko's right. Nicknames of Pokemon do make it more difficult to follow your posts, so please remove them (it's okay to keep one, but please get rid of the rest). Here's my sign-up: Name: Rorohiko Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: About 6 feet tall, with brown hair and eyes. He is of average build. He almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. He's in very good shpae, mainly because of all the walking he does with a heavy supply pack on his back Personality: Rorohiko is a very determined person. If he decides that he wants to do something, he's going to do it. He can be very single-minded, and he's willing to do anything he has to. He'll say what he thinks without considering the feelings of others, but he isn't out to make enemies or to hurt anyone, and he doesn't like to threaten people. He's also a smart person, and a very quick thinker. History: When Rorohiko was 9, he happened to hear the TV when his parents were watching a news broadcast. What he heard was that Pewter City, a place pretty far from his home in Vermillion City, had been the site of an earthquake. the loss of life had been small, because many residents had seen an Absol the previous day, andso had already evacuated the area, telling others to do the same. the newscaster went on tto breifl explain that Absol only appeared to humans before a disaster of some kind, such as an earthquake. Rorohiko was facinated, and he wanted to know more. When he discovered that not much more was known about Absol, he decided that he'd figure it out. Two years later, his sister, a very skilled trainer, encountered an Absol durring her travels. She caught it, left the area before any kind of disaster occured, and gave the Absol to Rorohiko for his birthday. Rorohiko was quick to bevelop a bond with the Absol. Eventually, he learned to understand his Absol as if it were speaking English. he can't understand any other Pokemon, not even another Absol, because his understanding of what is Absol says is based on his Absol's unique manner, as well as the sounds his Absol makes. Rorohiko has never caught another Pokemon, and has no plans to ever do so. His Absol, being the only Pokemon's he's trained for six years, is very, very, very powerful, and has a wide range of moves that, when taken together, allow it to defeat most Trainers' teams of six Pokemon. Rorohiko's search for the answers to the mystieries surrounding Absol attracted the attention of a cult that functions more like a terrorrist organization. The cult (it has a name, of course, but only members know the name) sent a man named Victor Trolmont to convince Rorohiko of 'the error of his ways'. Of course, that involved trying to convince Rorohiko to give up his search, and Rorohiko didn't like that. He ended up literally beating everythiing that he could about the cult out of Trolmont. the cult's beliefs center around the conflict between God and Satan. They believe that Satan was responsible for creating certain Pokemon, such as Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Groudon, and Kyogre, to destabilize and/or destroy Earth. They also believe that God countered by creating Pokemon, such as Lugia and Rayquaza, to nullify the effects of the Satan ones. Absol is on the cult's 'Satan-made' list because of the whole disaster thing, and Rorohiko's refusal to give up trying to sovle the mysteries surrounding Absol marked him as an active and willing ally of Satan in their eyes. The cult keeps trying to have him killed, but they are, for the most part, incompetent, and Rorohiko is always able to survive. He knows that this cult won't stop trying, which makes him very alert to any possible threat. Pokemon: Absol -
Blanko and I have decided to jointly create this Pokemon RPG. It's a sequal to ones she's done previously, but participation in any of those RPGs is not necessary. In fact, none of the events in those RPGs will be relevant unless Blanko decides to do something that involves said events. To clarify the rating, the L leaves oped the possibility of some bad language, and the V is because there will be people trying to kill others, although I do not plan on actually having anyone die. Now, here's the backstory: "Hey, Jack!" a man named Hank shouted. "You done yet?" "Just placed the last one," Jack shouted back. He and Hank were two members of one of the several teams working to clear the cooled and hardened lava from the recent eruption of Mount Chimney, and their team was working on Route 117 between Mauville and Verdanterf. Normally, they would use water Pokemon, such as Blastoise, to wash the cooled lava away, but many of the larger formations were hard to get that way. For those, the teams used Electrode. It was Jack's turn to place the Electrode around the formation of cooled lava, which he'd just finished doing. After he joined Hank and the others at a safe distance, he gave the command: "Electrode, use Explosion!" When the smoke cleared, there was no more cooled lava formation. What was left of it was in pieces all over the place. Hank released a pair of Machamp to clear the rubble as he and the rest of the team moved closer to supervise. The first thing they noticed was the hole. The Electrode method usually left a hole, which was filled in by Pokemon, usually Graveler and Onix. But this hole was not the usual size. "Look at that," Jack said. "We just blasted our way into a cave of some kind. I didn't know there was anything in this area." Hank, who seemed to know every detail of Hoenn's geography, steped closer to the hole. "There isn't," he said. Hank looked down into the hole, then took a couple steps back and faced the others. "Who wants to go down and take a look?" The lava-clearing team cleared out and reported the discovery after examining the cave. They noted several tunnles, but they never actually entered any of them, simply because that's not what they were paid to do. Paid exploration teams did that, and these teams realized that the lava-clearers hadn't just discovered a new cave; they'd discovered a vast underground network that appeared to extend under all of Hoenn. As if that wasn't shocking enough, explorers found what looked like the ruins of several underground cities, except that everything was made of stone. Several unknown species of Pokemon were also discovered. Of course, news of a discovery that major couldn't be kept secret, especially when the people who actually made the initial discovery were basically construction workers, a profession that doesn't exactly require secrecy. So the discovery wasn't kept secret, but access to the Network was highly restricted. Only the people who were supposed to go in were able to get in. If you weren't supposed to enter the Network, you weren't getting in. the entrance had the tightest security ever, and it didn't matter what kind of force you brought with you. There was no way to penetrate the security at the Network's entrance. The exploration teams knew that exploring the entirity of the Network would take a long time, but that task wouldn't be theirs. They were the initial explorers, the ones who went in first. The follow-up expedition would be done not by them, but by Trainers. A comittee(sp?) was assembled. This committe was led by the current Pokemon Leauge Champion, a man named Gordon Kalshaik, and included the Elite Four and people such as Professors Oak, Elm, and Birch, as well as a couple Gym Leaders and a few others. This comittee selected a group of Trainers to form what became known as the Expedition. These Trainers would be the first to get a chance at catching the new Pokemon in the Network, and all they'd need to do in exchange was carry recording devices with them to catalog their experiances and any discoveries they made. In this RPG, you play as a member of the Expedition heading into the Network. you'll be after new Pokemon, and there's also the mystery of just how the Network came to be. Of course, there will undoubtably be some trouble along the way. The sign-up form is below. Either Blanko or I can accept or deny sign-ups, as we're doing this RPG jointly. Be sure to tell me if I've left anything out of the sign-up form. Sign-up: Name: Age: Not too young. Really young people aren't going to be chosen as members of the Expedition. Not too old, either. Say, 15-25. but don't be afraid to go outside that range. Either Blanko or I will tell you if the age isn't acceptable. Gender: Appearance: A picture is good, but a description is also fine. Personallity: Doesn't have to be very detailed, but it needs to be enough to give others an idea of how your character acts. History: This also doesn't have to be very detailed. Pokemon: The Pokemon your character keeps with him or her. Max. of six. If you have six Pokemon (wether you started with six or caught a few to bring yourself up to six) and you catch one, you'll need to send one of the Pokemon you have with you into storage to use the new one (in this RPG, a swap can be done anytime). Oh, no legendaries. Just so that everyone knows, Pokemon in this RPG aren't limited to four moves. A pokemon can use any move that meets one or more of the following criteria: 1: A Pokemon may use any move that shares a type with it, assuming that the Pokemon is physically able to use that move. For example, Hitmonlee can use any Fighting-type moves that don't require hands. It can't learn any punching or slapping moves because it has no arms or hands. 2: A Pokemon may use any move that it is able to learn through any method (be it leveling up, a TM, an HM, as an Egg Move, from a Move Tutor, or any method I might have left out besides using a cheat device) in any of the games. For example, Absol learns Future Sight in the games, so is able to use that move in this RPG. 3: A Pokemon may use any move that makes sense for the Pokemon. For example, Absol can use Earthquake, even though it doesn't share a type with the move and is unable to learn the move in the games. This is because an earthquake is a disaster, and Absol is the Disaster Pokemon (I was actually quite surprised when I discovered that Absol cannot learn Earthquake in the games). Just a reminder: because Blanko and I are doing the RPG jointly, whatever either one of us says goes. Well, I think that's everything. PM either me or Blanko with any questions.
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Azufe turned to Kumiko. "Is there anyone else inside?" "I think the innkeeper fled to the second floor." Azufe did some quick thinking, than said, "I'll go get him." Azufe blasted a hole in the wall a bit higher up, providing an opening into a second-story room. He positioned his poles on the ground at a slight angle, then blasted himself up as he'd done to mount Zephyr earlier. This time, he'd angled himself and adjusted the power of the blast to propell himself through the opening he'd made. Azufe ran through the second story of the inn, checking all the rooms. None had anyone in them, alhough some sowed signs of recent occupation. When he reached the stair, he noticed a large pile of what appeared to be the remains of human bodies at the bottom of the stairs. [i]That's what happened to all the people in the rooms. They tried to make a run for it. Stupid. they would have been better off trying to hide up here.[/i] Azufe was about to turn back when two things happened. First, he saw a door open and someone peek out. And second, he saw a demon at the bottomof the stairs. It was soon joined by several more. There were still demons inside. Azufe knew that he couldn't get the man out if he used the same hole he entered through. the demons would be up the stairs, cuting the man off. Instead, he shouted "Run!" and the man turned and bolted down the corridor, away from the stairs. Azufe followed hm, and the demons bounded up the stairs. Azufe was faster than the other man, and so took the lead. When the hallway turned, Azufe didn't. He blasted a hole in the wall, ran through to the room behind it, and blasted another hole. this hole led outside, but he and the man were still on the second floor. When the man caught up, Azufe pushed him out the hole, then jumped out himself. He knew the proper landing techniques, and so wasn't injured. The man seemed to have a problem, but Azufe didn't have time to figure out what, as the demons also jumped out of the hole, and they didn't think twice about the drop. Azufe drew his poles again, and engaged the group of seven demons in battle. -
I didn't think the plot was that bad, especially for a 'family' movie. I especially like the whole 'superheroes get sued' concept at the start of the movie. As far as characters, Frozone was definatly the best, and it's a shame that he didn't have a larger role. Edna was great, too. Of course, the other characters have their moments, like when Mr. Incredible picks up his truck and the kid sees him do it, or when Elastigirl gets stuck in the doors. And the baby (I forget his name) beating on Syndrome at the end was just great. I definatly enjoyed this movie.
I got the game last weekend, and I love it. Basically, I have to agree with everything people have already said about the battle system. I think that Star Power is the most improved aspect. For one thing, it has a decent recharge rate (a very good one if you do the Stylish moves), and I like that the star Power moves actually have Action Commands. As far as the humor goes, Luigi's stuff is just great. Then there's Bowser, and his stuff is hilarious. I also like how, during the fight with [spoiler]Hooktail the dragon, when you deplete her health, she eats a few audiance members to heal. then you go into the audiance section of the theater to finish the fight.[/spoiler] another hillarious thing is [spoiler]the sight above the secret entrance to the Great Tree that reads 'Secret Entrance'[/spoiler]. I'm currently in Chapter Three, about to go a round with Rawk Hawk, after which I anticipate I'll end up fighting [spoiler]Grubba[/spoiler]. Of course, due to the regulations with video games at my house, I'll probably have to wait until Wednesday (Thanksgiving break starts for me on Wednesday) to do so.
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"There's stil more of them," Azufe warned. And sure enough, more demons came pouring in. "Everyone, folw me!" Azufe instructed. "It's too cramped in here! We'll have a better chance outside!" There were a few demons between Azufe and the hole he had made. He took them out. "Hurry up!" he shouted before exiting himself. What he saw was Zephyr already battling demons while Seuneu and Anzunden circled above. [Not yet,] Azufe sent to them. [There are many others in there. We must wait for all of them to exit.] -
Discuss Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [Underground] [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
I know this question's been asked in the actual RPg thread, but it seemed more appropriate for here. Can you give us a few more details about the demons? Like, what different kinds are there, and what powers to they have? What can they do? Where are they most vulnerable to weapon strikes? It's hard to do a battle with them without knowing a lot more about them than we do. -
Adamo and Masato gave the others time to position themselves before walking over to Escuro. 'Right on time," Escuro remarked as he stood up. "Allow me to introduce Adamo," Masato said. "A pleasure to meet you," Escuro told her. "Now let's get down to business. When Masato was searching for you, he ran into me. Before I gave him the assastance he needed, I required him to explain what he was doing. I'd like to hear your side of the story. I don't need details. Just give me an outline." "I can see no harm in telling him that," Masato said. "Go ahead." "Well," Adamo began, "You probably already know the basic situation from Masato. Lucifer was killed, leaving much of the dark energy with nowhere to go. It went evreywhere, including Heaven. God Himself was corrupted. I attempted to challenge Him, but I failed. As a result, I was trapped in a mortal shell. Masato was sent by God to kill me, but changed sides and now fights with me." Escuro nodded. "The facts check out. Of course, there were a few differences between your version and Masato's. When Masato told it, it was you who was corrupted, not God. Of course, he was working for God then, not against Him. I have a feeling that Masato's beliefs are in line with your own now. I assumed that he would change sides. He did not strike me as one who would aid in the potential destruction of Earth. Anyways, aside from that understandable difference in the story, your two versions are essentially the same. And I have personal verification of some of the facts." "What verification is that?" Adamo asked. "My own existance," Escuro replied. "I know you can see an immortal aura in this body. All angels and demons can, and so can I. It's how I first knew you were unusual. Your aura is not like an angel's, though. Yours indicates that you are not a true immortal, but an immortal in a mortal body. That verifies another part of your story. But I digress. "When Lucifer, King of Hell, was destroyed, the dark energy didn't have anywhere to go. It didn't all go to Heaven. I as I was previously crossed paths with some of it." "If you are telling the truth," Adamo said, "then you are, like God, corrupted, and I must assume that you are my enemy, as well." "No, no, no. You have it all wrong. I have no intrest in seeing you dead. With the current situation, your death would have negative concequences for Earth, and I do not want that. See, I am like you. Technically, this is my afterlife. When I die, which won't happen for a very, very long time unless someone or something kills me, I am gone. I go nowhere else. And, seeing as how I'm stuck on Earth, it is in my best intrest to protect it. Which is the reason for our meeting. "Adamo, you and I are similar. We are both immortals in mortal bodies. For that reason, I believe that it is possible for you and I to combine our energies in a way that would be impossible in any other situation. The resulting amplification would quite possibly be enough to alow you to successfully challenge God. Of course, it would certainly be possible to seperate again afterwards. "I do not expect an answer now. Think about it. When you have an answer, call me. if I'm not in my office, use the number 555-0001 to reach me. And with that, I bid you fairwell." Escuro turned and walked away.
"Escuro is our first priority," Masato said. "We need to make sure that Adamo is as safe as possible durring the meeting. I'll accompany Adamo personally. Everyone else, I want you to circle around. Make sure you're not seen. Cover any potential escape routes for Escuro, and make sure you're close enough to come quickly if there's danger. We can't afford to take any chances. Escuro didn't get where he is by being nice." Escuro summoned his secretary into his office. "Clear my schedule for the rest of the afternoon, and have my driver bring the car around to the staff exit. I have to meet with someone." "Yes, sir," the secretary said, then left. Escuro stood up. [i]No point in waiting. I don't want to be late, after all.[/i] Escuro steped out of the limo. "Remain here," he instructed his driver. "If anyone questions your presence, just show them your ID and tell them you're just following my instructions. If they have any problem with that, then they can wait for me to return." Escuro found a bench and sat down to wait for Adamo's arrival.