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RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
When they found the village empty, Azufe ordreed the dragons into the air to look for anyone, while he examined the tracks of the demons, [i]I think there's an inn in that direction. Of course, [/i]is[i] might actually be [/i]were[i] in this case. Still, we should look. these tracks are fresh. the demons might not be there yet.[/i] [We have a new destination,] he sent to the dragons. [The demons are heading in the direction of an inn. If we hurry, we might be able to intercept them there. Zephyr, I need a pickup.] The thunder dragon dropped altitude and flew toward Azufe. He didn't ever land; instead, Azufe drew his poles, placed them on the ground, and channeled a blast of electrical energy through them and into the ground. the force of the blast propelled him upwards, and he'd timed it so that he landed on Zephyr's back. Much faster than having Zephyr land. [Jesus Christ! There's like a zillion of them down there!] Azufe was riding Zephyr, and Seuneu and Anzunden were on either side of Zephyr. Below them was the inn, and the inn was under attack by demons. [Anyone in there won't stand a chance,] Azufe sent to the three dragons. [With that many demons, an enclosed space will be an aid to the demons, not to any survivors in the inn. here's the plan. Zephyr, you'll land behind the inn. I'll blast my way inside, creating an opening. I'll lead the survivors out. Demons are sure to follow, but they'll move through the inn at first, only passing around it when they know we're outside. Zephyr, demons will come streaming out of my hole after us, and it's your job to make sure they don't kill us. Anzunden and Seuneu, when we're all outside, you two destroy the inn with maximum force. Any demons still inside-and there should be a lot of them in there-will go down with the inn. after that, we'll kick some ass. If we have to, we can always fly off, but we're going to try fighting first.] ---------------------------------------------- OOC: Azufe's plan was made without the knolwedge that the other survivors are elementals like him, but he'll still insist on getting them outside. -
RPG Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Azufe looked up from the tracks to the destroyed village. [i]They do work efficiantly,[/i] he thought. [i]They should be admired for that. Not for what they do, but fow how skilled they are at it.[/i] Azufe looked up. [Any sign of them?] he sent telepathically to the three dragons in the sky above. [I see nothing,] Anzunden responded. [Neither do I,] Seuneu added. [They are not within sight,] Zephyr the Thunder Dragon confirmed. [However, there are many others around.] [I know,] Azufe replied. [I have seen several sets of tracks. Many humans have passed by here, and many beasts as well.] [There are humans and beast all over the place, especially in the destroyed village.] [Then we should make contact.] And so Azufe made his way to the destroyed village as the three dragons converged in the sky above it and landed. -
Escuro was in a bad mood. he'd managed only to learn the name of the person he saw. the name was Adamo, and he only knew that because she was a regestered citizen, and therefore had a pitcure on file for identification purposes. But there was nothing else. Nothing at all. escuro had tried everything he could think of. well, not quite everthing. As his eyes fell on he picture of Adamo he'd gotten from the citizenship files, he remembered another from Heavan. His mood improved, Escuro picked up the phone. "So how will we go about all of this, besides... waiting?" Masato was about to respond when his cellular phone rang. "How about I answer the phone?" "Aren't those a security risk?" Adamo asked. "You keep telling me about how easy it is to trace a call made to or from a cell phone." "Which is why I don't use it much. But it does have its uses. Plus, not many people have the number." He flipped it open. "Hello?" Escuro was definatly in a better mood. "Masato, this is Escuro Miliarto. Remember me?" "I do," he replied. "I assume you want me to return your favor?" "Straight to business, as usual. And yes, that is the reason. But first, I'd like to know if you ever found the person you were looking for." "Thanks to you, yes. I did." "Good. Now, is there any chance that this person's name is Adamo?" There was a pause, then, "Why do you want to know?" Escuro chuckled. "I take that as a yes." "Be careful with your words." Escuro chuckled again. "Don't worry about people listening in. You may be on a cell phone, but I've got the best security there is. Nobody's listening. Now, I've been trying to locate Adamo, but I've been having trouble doing so." "That's because I helped her conceal herself after I found her so easily." "Well, I saw her a few days ago, and I've been looking for her. I would like to meet with her." "I'm afraid that that's just not possible," Masato said. "And just why is this?" "Because there are people who want her killed." "I assume we both know that 'people' refers to demons." "And some angels, and even a few humans have been after her." "Well, I'm not one of them. I wish only to meet with her. I will come alone. She may bring any number of others with her to ensure her saftey." "It is not my decision to make." "Then ask Adamo. Call me back as soon as she has an answer. Use the corporation's listed number, with the extension '756' to reach me." And with that, he hung up. "Who was it?" Adamo asked as Masato put the phone away. "Escuro Miliarto. I told you about him, remember? He's going to take charge of Malachant Industries when his father dies. He got me the information I used to find you. Of course, that means I owe him a favor, and he just called it in. He wants to meet with you, Adamo, but he's been having trouble finding you after I helped you hide yourself better. That's why he called me. I don't know why he wants to meet with you, although he told me that he has no desire to kill you. I told him that I'd ask you, and I'm supposed to call him back as soon as I have your answer. In this case, sooner is probably better than later. So, what do you think?" ------------------------------------------ OOC: Your call, Ohkami.
Nobody noticed Vaxla's absence. She had distanced herself from the others, and she had never spoken, so they all just forgot about her. So nobody was looking for her. Which was how she wanted it. She prefered to be by herself. However, she also liked to know what others were up to. Which is why she was pleased when she discovered, quite accidentilly, that she could essentially become invisible. She wasn't as pleased when she appeared after stepping into the light coming out of someone's window, but she could still see numerous uses for her ability. One of them was following people. People like Albel. When Vaxla saw Albel go off by himself, she was curious. She wanted to know what he was doing, so she followed him, remaining invisible the whole time. She could run as fast as he could, and keep it up for as long as he could. When they reached the city, she was careful to stay out of the light as much as possible to avoid being seen by Albel. This became much harder when Albel reached the arena, but she managed to get into the stands, and into a darker area near the front. She decided to watch. And because she was getting a bit bored, she decided that if Albel won his final fight, she would jump down into the arena and challenge him. -------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I hope that's okay. If it's not, I'll change it. If it is, then I'm thinking that we have a time limit on the match so that it can end with neither character dying. Oh, and I'm assuming that the actual arena area is too well lit for Vaxla to become invisible.
The only person who hadnt yet said anything to the others was Vaxla. She wasn't with any group, or even a single other person. she stayed by herself. Aftr the initial shock of her memory of Jaht killing her parents had worn off, her rampage had ended, and she had started thinking straight again. She knew that she couldn't just attack everyone. She just had to stay on guard. Vaxla was currently outside, watching the sun set. Because of the general flatness of the terrain, it happened fast. as it got darker, Vaxla felt different. Intellectually, she knew that it was supposed to be harder to see things at night, but that didn't sem to be true for her. Instead, her sight seemed to be improving. And sight wasn't the on thing that was diferent. It was as if Vaxla could feel the darkness around her. [i]What the hell is going on?[/i] Vaxla wondered. [i]This isn't right. I don't remember much, but I know that people don't just randomly show up in the desert with no memory, and I know that people can't see as well at night, and I know that people don't feel the presence or lack of light. So how the hell do I explain myself?[/i]
Sign Up Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Name: Azufe Age: 24 Sex: Male Appearance: Azufe is a very tall man, standing at 6 ft. 6 in. He has short, black hair, and brown eyes. He's very muscular, and has approximatly no fat on him. All in all, a very intimidating figure. He keeps his weapons, a pair of metal poles, strapped to his back. Element: Thunder Elemental Partner: Zephyr the Thunder Dragon History: Azufe is an enigma. Only a few things are known about him. He has no home, and no surviving relatives. He seems to be lookeing for someone. He has money, but nobody knows where he gets if from. He never stays in one place for more than a day or two. Everything else, such as the theroy that he killed his parents, is pure speculation. One other thing that is known about Azufe, or 'The Wanderer', as he is known, is that he is always seen with three others, none of them human. All three are dragons. Only they and Azufe know how they met. Zephyr the Thunder Dragon happened to be in the middle of a thunderstorm. When Azufe was hit by a bolt of lightning and survived, Zephyr knew that he was unusual. As for the other two dragons, Anzunden and Seuneu, they were both 'standard' dragons (you know, the fire-breathing kind). Obviously, Azufe has a kinship with dragons. Weapons: A pair of metal poles Skills: 1: Azufe is able to communicate telepatically with others, although most animals are uncapable of understanding him. 2: Azufe is and excellent fighter. 3: Azufe is capable of unusually quick movements. He's not faster than normal, just quicker, more agile, with a much faster reaction speed than normal. Spells: 1: Basis: Basic elemental manipulation of electrical energy (lightning, thunder, whatever you want to call it). 2: Focus: Sensing the location of a person. Only works for people Azufe can picture clearly in his mind (people he remembers the appearance of). 3: Extention: Enhanced vision. Allows normal visibillity in conditions that otherwise would decrease visibility (darkness, fog, rain, snow, etc.) Companions: Anzunden and Seuneu, both the standard image of dragons (well, minus the eating-humans parts), in terms of both appearance ond abilities. Anzunden is a slightly darker red than Seuneu. Seuneu is older than Anzunden, and stronger in terms of abilities, but Anzunden is larger in size, and stronger physically. Of course, Zephyr the Thunder Dragon tops both of them in all areas. Is that all right? -
The beutiful young woman had allowed another woman to help her get dressed, but the whole time, something was telling her not to trust this woman, not to trust anyone. She didn't know why. At least, not until the attack. Not knowing what was going on, she watched. It triggered... something. A memory. [i]There were bodies everywhere. Many were dead, some were just wounded. Many were getting shot as she watched. There were even people in the house. Her house, somehow she knew this. Her parents-she knew it was her parents, somehow-were involved in the fight. Her father shot an older-looking man, killing him. A teenage male grabbed the older man's gun. She looked at him. "What are you doing, Jaht?" "Stay out of this, Vaxla. I don't want to shoot you, but I will if you make me." And he didn't. Instead, he took down Vaxla's parents with two well-placed shots. Vaxla couldn't believe it. "I thought you loved me!" "I do," Jaht said. "You don't! You don't love me!" Enraged, she charged him, but he held the gun up. "I'm sorry, Vaxla," he said. "I do love you."[/i] Vaxla. That was her. Her name was Vaxla. Jaht... she had loved Jaht. If Jaht would kill her parents, if one who she loved and who lover her would do that, then what would other people do? She couldn't trust anyone. A woman ran in Vaxla's direction, pursued by one of the attackers. Vaxla attacked the woman first. A broken leg and neck later, the woman was down. The man didn't get his neck broken. He got a rock through his chest. Vaxla didn't care who was who. She attacked everyone, and she was dangerous. She would come at you no matter what weapon you had, and she would kick you around. If you lived, you probably had a broken neck. She even kicked a motercycle out from under a man. She killed that man, then looked for someone else.
I have volunteered for the role of Masato, and Ohkami agreed to let me play as him, so here's my second sign-up form: Name: Masato Age: 21 Race: Angel Weapon: Twin swords Power: Some healing, as all angels have, but not as much as most. As what is basically the angelic equivelent of an assassin, his powers, based mainly in the element of Light, are more focused on the offensive than those of most angels, but still less destructive than those of demons. Appearance: Like all angels, his true form is essentially the perfect human body, but to other humans, he looks about average. That means slightly overweight, by the way. Most people are overweight, and because they see an average-looking person when they look at him, he appears slightly overweight. Personality: More aggressive than angels normally are, which fits his job as an assassin, but not as aggressive as demons. He's also very cautious, and won't rush into anything. Resourceful, as well, and a quick thinker. Very good at coming up with and pulling off complex plans. He, like all angels, has a moral code that he never violates, but his is different from the norm, as fits his job as an assassin. He'll do what he believes is right. History: Before death, Masato was not the type of person one would expect to end up in heaven. Most of his life was focused on getting even with a paid killer who'd offed his father for a reason he never learned. But along the way, he met a young woman by the name of Treana Linstrovon. She loved him; he considered her a tool. But he did eventually develop feelings for her. Which was why, when he caught up with his father's killer, he sacrificed his own life to save Treana's. That's why he went to heaven. Masato's personallity made him a perfect fit for the job he took on. He would hunt down and eliminate those whom he was instructed to. After her rebellion, Adamo became one of those targets, and Masato was sent to Earth to find her and kill her. At first, Masato had thought that finding Adamo would be easy. After all, angels and demons, while looking like regular humans to regular humans, were seen as what they truly were by other immortals. Adamo's real body was that of a human, but she stil had an immortal aura, visible to other immortals. Immortals like Masato. However, Free Haven was so huge that, even though he could pick her out of a crowd without a problem, the odds of her being close enough to her to actually be able to see her were slim to none. Enter Escuro Miliarto. After several days of searching, Masato saw a man with the same kind of aura-immortal being in a mortal body-that Adamo would have. The man could see through to Masato's angelic self, and introduced himself as Escuro Miliarto, next in line for CEO of Malachant Industries. Masato recognised the name; Malachant Industries practically owned Free Haven. Masato knew a resource when he saw it, and Escuro knew the value of being owed a favor by an angel. Escuro gave him access to Malachant Industries' resources, and he was easily able to locate Adamo. But when he found Adamo, Masato did not kill her. Instead, he joined her (See Ohkami's introductory post for more detail), and the first thing he did is tell her how he was able to find her. Now, not even Malachant Industries would easily be able to locate them as they searched for a way to defeat God. Yes, I did tie in my other character there. It seemed appropriate. Ohkami, tell me if there's anything wrong. Oh, and I reccommend starting this up sometime soon.
Sign Up Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
You're not wasting any time, are you, amgoddess? We just finished Dragon Riders, and you've already got another RPG going. I'd like to reserve the spot of Zephyr the Tunder Dragon, please. I'll post my sign-up tomorrow. -
There were quite a few Lillymon, but not enough. The whole battle only took a couple minutes before all of them, as well as their leader, Rosemon, were destroyed. After a quick check to make sure that there weren't any left, Azufe walked over to the vehicle he drove and called up the map display. After a few seconds, he walked back over to the others. "Those wouldn't have been enough to take out the three agents. If whatever took them out comes back, we might need to run. There's a chance that whatever killed them could get us, too. I just checked, and saftey point G-2 is the closest, so we'll head there if we encounter something we can't handle." The saftey points were areas where Digimon didn't go, for whatever reason. It might be because the entrances to caves were virtually impossible to find without the equipment agents carried with them, it might be because of particularly dangerous terrain, or it might be for unknown reasons, but Digimon virtually never entered those areas, so the humans and their partners used them to escape anything they couldn't handle. Azufe looked at the tunnel entrance. "Angel, stay up here," he said. "Joe, you stay, too. Kep the vehicles on and ready to go in case we need to make a quick exit. Oh, and because I know that some people make this mistake, keep the windows and roofs down at all times. If we need to make a quick exit, we'll want to be able to shoot while we're moving, and we won't want to have to bother with doors. Everyone else, let's go." Azufe and Hawkmon led the group into the first chamber. They went through the tunnel and into Chamber #2, which had the same shape as the first. They spread out and searched. The chamber was empty except for the wall farthest from the entrance, and it was Tairu who saw it first. She called everyone over. What she had found was an inscription on the wall, and a tablet on the floor under it. Tairu removed a small, round device from her pocket. It had a lens on one side. She passed the lens over the inscription, then set the device on the floor. The device contained a translation database, matching the writing of the digital world with the English translation. It projected thw translation over the inscription on the wall. [i]When the design is restored, the Sleeper will wake. The Sleeper exists only for one purpose, one task. The Sleeper is a danger in itself, but it is also a gateway. A gateway that must be kept closed to contain that which is held within it.[/i] "What the [i]hell[/i] does that mean?" Azufe wondered. Aria picked up the tablet. "It's too worn to get anything off of it. translating it won't do any good. We'll have to give this to the boys back at HQ for restoration." After completing their survey of the chamber and finding nothing else, the group returned to the surface to see Joe looking to the north through a pair of binoculars. Azufe looked in the same direction and used his machine gun, which had a scope with 3X zoom. "I think I just figured out what got the other three agents," he said. "We've got approximatly ten zilion flyers heading our way, mainly Champions and Ultimates. A lot of Birdramon and Airdramon, but there's probably at least one of virtually every flight-capable Champion and Ultimate. There's no way in hell we can take the numbers that are heading our way." Joe looked at him. "G-2?" Azufe nodded. "G-2," he confirmed. "No time to waste, people! Move it!" Everyone jumped into the vehicles they were in previously. Joe was driving one, because he was already in the driver's seat. Angel, however, had moved over. She was a better shot than Aurora, who took her place as driver. She had one of the shotguns, and she'd dropped her ammo backpack to the floor of the vehicle so that she could more easily move around in the not exactly huge space she had to work with. Everyone else who was wearing one did the same. They kept the backpacks connected to the guns, though. Aria and Tairu prepped the rocket launchers, mounting them securly on the vehicles and attaching the fully loaded extra chambers. By the time everything was ready, the birds (and nod-bird Digimon that were in the army heading toward them) were almost on them. The destination, saftey point G-2, was around a nearby extinct volcano and through a brief canyon that probably formed as a result of the volcano's eruptions, back when it it was active. There would be a lot of shooting and evasive driving before they could reach G-2. Azufe looked at the birds, which were almost on them. "Go!" he shouted. Aurora and Joe hit the gas, and the two vehicles sped off with the birds right behind them. ----------------------------------------------- OOC: We're running (okay, driving) while we fight, here.Drivers, you're in charge of fancy maneuvers to dodge incoming attacks. Everyone else, keep shooting. Grenades won't work (the enemies are too high up), but all the other weapons are fair game. There will be an occurance when we round the volcano, so let me post that part. Other than that, go nuts. Oh, one more thing. We're [i]not[/i] going to run out of ammo. We have a ton.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo knew that Ilthazar would defeat Brielle. Brielle's lack of experience with Scythe's dormant power meant that she didn't stand a chance against Ilthazar. Valo was now certain that he'd used Angelus's once before, so he had Brielle beat in terms of experience, but he still couldn't match Ilthazar's. That's why he was letting Brielle fight Ilthazar. Ilthazar would be at least a little bit tired after the battle, but would likely remain able to defeat Valo. But Valo would have an advantage. Ilthazar didn't know what Valo could do, but by watching the battle, Valo was able to get an idea of Ilthazar's capabillities, while Ilthazar knew only that Valo could create illusions. Of course, there was still one thing that Valo had to do before doing battle with lthazar, and that was figure out just how he'd accessed Angelus's dormant power that one time so that he could repeat it for his fight with Ilthazar. When Valo knew he'd gotten all the knolwedge of Ilthazar's abilities that he would, he focused on accessing Angelus's dormant power. His efforts were based on the prison breakout where he'd created the illusion of normallacy while he freed every prisoner. [i][I'm going to do this,] Valo told Angelus. [Emptying that place will be a huge blow to Ilthazar. His most dangerous captives are all in this prison. We have to get them out.] [But doing it with illusions will take more power than you have,]Angelus replied. [It will kill you.] [I'm doing it, no matter what happens.] And Valo did. He entered the prison under 'illusionary invisibility' as he called it. He took a guard's keys and created the illusion of them in their usual place. He revealed himself to the prisoners only, indicated for them to be quiet, then made his big illusion. His first thought was that Angelus was right, that he was indeed going to die. But he wouldn't stop. If he did, he'd be killed by the guards, too weak to resist them. So he kept the illusion up, determined to keep it going, and suddenly he stoped feeling like he was about to die. He led the prisoners out successfully.[/i] Valo looked at Ilthazar standing over Valo. [i]It's different for everyperson,[/i] he thought. [i]Brielly uses anger. For me, it?s trying to get myself killed, or something like that.[i/] Upon realising this, Valo fired a sustained energy beam at Ilthazar. Ilthazar countered with one of his own, easily overpowering Valo's, but instead of moving out of the way, Valo kept his own beam going, and just as he was about to get hit by Ilthazar's, he felt it. Valo moved out of the way of Ilthazar's beam, but Ilthazar didn't know. Valo was moving under illusionary invisibility, while simoultaniously creating the illusion of himself in the same position, blocking Ilthazar's beam. When he was almost to Ilthazar, the king seemed to sense something. He stopped his energy beam, allowing himself to get hit with the illusionary beam while he spun and directed a blast at the real Valo. Valo dropped his invisibility and countered. Ilthazar rolled to the side and sheathed his swords, guessing that this battle would focus on powers. While Valo and Ilthazar were blasting at each other, Brielle made a run for it. Ilthazar fired at her, but Val was always in the way. eventually, she made it to the dragons and moved behind Isis, where Ilthazar couldn?t get to her. Ilthazar turned his attention to Valo. ?You and me again,? he said. ?You don?t have any advantage this time,? Valo responded. ?Not a power advantage, certainly, but still an experiance one.? ?It won?t be enough.? A pause, then Valo chuckled. ?I just realized something. You are my father, correct?? ?You know that already,? Ilthazar replied. ?Yes, I am your father. What?s the point?? ?I was supposed to be a secret heir.? ?Yes.? ?Well, your ?heir? is about to kill you, but in doing so, I fulfil the purpose you had in mind for me. As your son, I get to take your place when you?re dead.? It was Ilthazar?s turn to laugh. ?Nobody will believe you. your claim has no legitimacy, and the only ones who know are me, you, and others of my enemies. you have no witness that my people will believe.? ?Except for the ones behind you. You seem to be forgetting that Heero and his dragon were captured and brought here by some of your men. Men who are still here, and who just heard our little exchange. Men who heard you confirm that I am your son. Sorry, but you just defeated yourself for me.? Ilthazar was pissed. ?You won?t take my place. you will be dead.? ?Bring it on.? Valo drew his poles, and Ilthazar drew his swords again. They charged. After some weapon combat, Valo started with the illusions. Ilthazar would block Valo?s swing, only to have the weapon pass right through his and the real Valo strike from a different angle. But he couldn?t move too far away. Ilthazar seemed to have a general idea of Valo?s position. He was able to sense Valo, but not precisly. He still had to worry about everything coming from the general direction of Valo, because he nevre knew what was an illusion and what was real. Eventually, powers became the focus of the battle, but the weapons were still there. Valo would present Ilthazar with several possible targets while he closed in. They?d go with weapons for a bit, then seperate and start blasting at each other. Valo would charge Ilthazar, only to proove to be an illusion, passing right through. Valo created several such illusions, then he would move in for real. His strategy was simple, yet effective: make Ilthazar unsure of what was real and what was illusion. There were energy balls, energy blasts, energy balls that fired energy blasts, energy shields, shockwaves, you name it, at least one of them did it. Eventually, Valo made his final charge. His poles were held perfectly vertical. Ilthazar suspected an illusion, but didn?t take any chances. He was able to block both poles with one sword while he swung with the other. To his surprise, the poles were real. the ?Valo?, however, was not. The real Valo had, while keeping his poles in the same position as the illusion?s, dropped down and kicked Ilthazar in the sweet spot. Distracted by the pain, he wasn?t able to block Valo?s final blast, which literally blew Ilthazar?s head off. ---------------------------------------- OOC: It's your RPG, amgoddess. The very end is your job. -
And here it is. I hope this RPG does well; I've been wanting to use this character for a long time, but all the RPGs I've signed up as her in (the count is 4 including this one) have done rather poorly. Hopefully, this one will be different. [u]Computer Database [/u] Name: Vaxla Intunecat Experiment Number/name: 666/Escuro Age: 20 Appearence: Vaxla is extremly beutiful, as close to female physical perfection as is possible, and she's 100% natural. She doesn't even use makeup. She looks perfect the way she naturally is; no breast implants, no nose job, no nothing. She's very tall, measuring 6 ft., 4 in. Personality: Vaxla is very smart, and very quick-thinking. Determined, too. You have a better chance of turning lead into gold than you do of making her give up. She's also the most antisocial person in the world. She won't even look at you unless she has a good reason, and as for making small talk, don't even try, because you're likely to lose your head. Literally. Genetic Power: Vaxla has control over the element of darkness, which she can use in a variety of ways. There's the basic energy blasts, and she can also use it for defence. She can do more at night (or in comparable darkness) than durring the day, including essentially fade out, becomming virtually impossible to see. History ('Brief' my ***. This is not 'brief): For a while, Vaxla's life was very normal. At the age of 13, her parents, both apparently doctors, moved to a small town outside of New York. It was more than a year before things started to happen. It was at Vaxla's sixteenth birthday party. Vaxla was easily the most popular girl at her school. She was friendly, smart, athletic, and very good-looking. The perfect woman. She was the envy of every girl in the school, and her boyfriend was the envy of every guy in the school. She didn't choose well. It turned out that the town was home to a drug ring, and a big deal was going down on Vaxla's birthday. When parents droped off their kids, they met with the 'grandfather' of Vaxla's boyfriend, Jaht Azularo. The 'grandfather' was the drug buyer, and each involved parent had some of his purchace. After the handoff, they made small talk so that it would look natural. Vaxla's parents were in on it, of course, and carried some of the purchase themselves. Vaxla's parents were actually undercover FBI agents, something that not even she knew. They had notified the FBI of the deal, and agents were sent. In the resulting firefight, Jaht's fake grandfather was killed. Jaht, who prooved to be in on the deal, grabbed the man's gun. Jaht, Vaxla's boyfriend, killed Vaxla's parents. She was never the same. She was taken to an orphanage near New York. Several people wanted to adopt her, but she refused to go. She shunned all others, refusing even to look at people she didn't have to. Eventually, she was approached by two men who were dressed [i]exactly[/i] like the Men in Black. When they asked her to come with them, she gave them the finger. They knocked her out and took her. She was the first successful experiment (her number's the lowest of the seven, so it's not unreasonable to assume that she was the first to survive the process). Hope that's good. I [i]Really[/i] want to be able to use that character for once.
[COLOR=Magenta]The guardians were dead. There were just too many Digimon for them to deal with. NeoMagnadramon was amazed that such a force could actually be assembled, that it was even possible to do so. but it was possibly, and it was in the faces of her and the other three guardians, wearing them out. It would eventually kill them. [i]We have to retreat,[/i] NeoMagnadramon thought. [i]We can't handle this. We need to get out of here.[/i] But they didn't need to. the fighting was ending. the enemy Digimon were backing down, were leaving. Five Megadramon were flying around the battle area, apparently giving the order to stop. One passed close enough for the Guardians to hear. "Orders from the leader," he was saying. "The defeat of the Guardians in not our objective. Continuing this battle will leave us too depleated to complete our task. Return to your positions and await further instructions." The Megadramon flew on, repeating his message. All five of them were doing so. Eventually, the hoards of enemy Digimon were gone. Four of the Megadramon flew off in the direction they came from, while the fifth approached the Guardians. "I have been instructed to give you a warning," he said. "As long as you do not interfere with us, we will not bother you. If you do interfere, however, we will have no choice but to eliminate you. Also, you might want to move. We'll be in this area again shortly, and your presence will be interpreted as interfereing." With that, he left. "We should go to the temple," NeoMagnadramon said. "Let's not waste time."[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------- OOC: Guardian people, the temple ruins are nearby. get to them, and speculate about what just happened, what the Digimon are up to. I might even incorporate some of your ideas.
OOC: I'd like to take this opportunity to emphasize that, in this RPG, unlike most Digimon RPGs, the humans are not useless in combat. The weapons they have are very effective against most Digimon, and the humans often do more damage than their Digimon partners. Just thought I'd remind everyone, since you probably aren't used to the humans actually being relevant in battle situations. --------------------------------------------------------------- Azufe held his Digivice up, with the screen facing exactly oppisite one of the Lillymon, which he was pointing the back of the Digivice at. He pushed on the screen. The back of the Digivice flashed, then a picture of Lillymon appeared on the screen, along with the name Lillymon, the level Ultimate, and the vulnerability classification 'Gamma-1'. When Azufe repeated this with Rosemon, it was the level Mega and 'Delta-1' instead of 'Gamma-1'. What Azufe had done was called a 'Flash Profile', and every Digivice could do it. Each Digivice contianed a database of all known Digimon, along with a picture, level, and vulnerability classification. Pushing the screen triggered the Flash Profile. The back of the Digivice had a small camera-like device hidden inside it. This device recorded the form of the Digimon it was pointed at. This was compared to the images of all the Digimon in the database untill a matching image was found. The data was then displayed on the Digivice's screen. Every agent used the Flash Profile often, normally just to get the vulnerability classification, or vc. The vc indicated how vulnerable a Digimon was to human weapons. Alpha was extremly vulnerable, and even primitive projectile weapons (OOC: the guns we have today) would be likely to work. Beta was the next level down, still very easily taken out by modern (OOC: this RPG modern, not real-life modern) human weapons. Gamma, average vulnerability, was next, followed by Delta and Epsilon. Each catagory had three values. An Alpha-2 was less vulnerable than an Alpha-1, but still more vulnerable than a Beta-1, and while and Epsilon-1 might eventually succumb to weapons fire, an Epsilon-3 probably would not. "The Lillymon are Gamma-1s, and the Rosemon is a Delta-1," Azufe yelled to the others. "Shooting is a go. Fire at will!." With that, he tore through a Lillymon with his gun, then turned to fire at another. -------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope that wasn't too horrible to read. I had to get the whole vc thing out there, as it will be important later on.
I'm surprised that nobody's made a thread about this game. For those of you who've been living under a rock, Metroid Prime 2 is the sequel to the gamecube hit Metroid Prime. In Metroid Prime 2, Samus is hired to investigate the disappearance of Federation troops on the planet Aether. Aether is a planet that was split into two different worlds, the Light World and the Dark World, by the impact of a Phazon meteor. the Luminoth, a Chozo-like race that lives in the Light World, are on the brink of extinction at the hands of the Ing, who inhabit the Dark World. samus eventually agrees to help the Luminoth. This game has a lot of new enemies, from the Ing to new types of Space Pirates. the bosses in particular look amazing. many upgrades are brotected by Guardians who use those abilities against Samus, and then there are things like the huge Quadraxis robot. Samus gets a lot of new gear, like the Dark and Light Suits, the Dark and Light Beams, and a missile upgrat I forget the name of that allows her to target up to five enemies at a time with Missiles. I know that there are a lot of great games coming out this holiday season, but I think that Metroid Prime 2 will be better than every one of the others (I'm talking to you, [i]Halo 2[/i]), and I can't wait to get my hands on it. [size=1][color=blue]Actually there [i]is[/i] an Echoes thread, so I merged yours with the existing thread. - Shinmaru[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size] EDIT: That thread was old enough that I'd forgotten about it. Sorry.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
It was a classic 'standoff' situation. Valo couldn't fire an energy blast because he'd have to shoot right through Kai, and Ilthazar would end up blocking it anyways. Ilthazar couldn't fire because he was holding Kai, and he couldn't kill Kai because if he did, his attention would be on the kill long enough for Valo to take him out. And if anyone else moved in, Ilthazar would kill Kai. He'd get himself killed by doing so, but he knew that nobody would risk getting the new King killed. He was almost right. One person was willing to do so. His name was Valo. Valoknew that there would be concequences if he was forced to kill Kai, but he'd do it anyways if it meant that he'd be able to kill Ilthazar. However, he didn't yet know how he could actually succeed at killing Ilthazar. It was a bad situation, and things on;y got worse. That's because Heero and Cyrus, brought by their captors, arrived. When they landed, one of the captors instructed Heero to dismount, which he did. The captors also dismounted their dragons, and the same captor who gave the dismount order quietly said something to Heero. Heero walked closer to Brielle, who was standing behind Valo. Ilthazar, still holding Kai, just watched. Brielle and Heero both opened their mouths, but it was Valo who spoke first. He had seen the way Heero looked at Brielle. "Why did you come back without Heero?" he asked Brielle. "He wasn't ready to fight," Brielle replied. "He would have gotten himself hurt worse than he already is, or maybe even killed. I just couldn't let that happen. So I trapped him and left him where he was." "Which resulted in a fate worse than death. I know what Ilthazar's dungeons are like. Hero wold be better off if he was dead." Valo then turned to Heero. "Now, I know what Ilthazar's men are like. I don't know what they said to you-and I know they definatly said something. they wouldn't be able to resist-but I've got a damn good idea of what they said. They told you that Brielle doesn't love you. My guess is, they played the 'noble and peasant' angle." Heero nodded. "And they told me I was being used as a distraction for them, and I should thank them and Ilthazar for starting this war and 'pulling me out of the gutter.'" "Don't believe them," Valo said. "It's all bullshit. Ilthazar's men love messing with people's heads." [i]Time to move in,[/i] he thought. [/i]Anger seemed to make her srtonger when the old King and Queen died. It might help her access Scythe's dormant power.[i/] Valo turned back to Brielle. "See what your trap did? Heero was almost convinced that you faked your love for him, plus he's going to wish he was dead once he gets to one of Ilthazar's dungeons. And it's your fault, too. Not only that, but you aren't even trying to help Kai, and if you'd been in the fight instead of just watching, he probably wouldn't be in the danger he;s currently in." And with that, Valo punched Brielle. Hard. Scythe was ready to attack as Valo's punch connected. angelus, however, knew what was going on, and sent an explination to Scythe privatly. Brielle, meanwhile, looked ready to kill Valo. [Do not direct your anger at me,] Valo sent. [Use it to help you do what you can't do without it.] valo then took a step back, hoping that his plan would work, that Brielle's anger would allow her to access Scythe's dormant power. ------------------------------------------- OOC: Your turn, amgoddess. -
Ohkami has approoved this sign-up. Name: Escuro Miliarto Age: 55 Race: Altered Human (see History for explination) Weapon: Two metal poles Power: Escuro can harness and control the elemental energies of darkness. Appearance: Although he is 55 years old, Escuro looks about 25. He's a very tall man at 6 feet 4 inches in height. He's very strong, and he looks it. He has short, black hair. His eyes are brown, but turn black (with a little red mixed in) when he uses his power. He has a strange mark, in the shape of a pentagon, on his back. It's not normally visible, because it's covered by his shirt. Personality: Escuro is someone who never loses control of himself. It's impossible to provoke him. He's an expert at reading other people, and a very skilled manipulator of them. It's virtually impossible to read him, and if you're going to attempt to manipulate him, you won't succeed. Escuro is willing to do anything (and I do mean anything) to get what he wants. He doesn't care who he has to screw over. and once he has his mind set on something, he will absolutly never give up. He's also quite smart, and a quick thinker as well. History: Escuro Miliarto was once just a normal human. Because of his parents' wealth, he had access to pretty much anything he wanted. His parents made sure he got the best education possible, and he quickly shot ahead of his siblings academically. When his parents starting teaching him business skills, he prooved to have a great mind for that sort of thing. He was the definate pick to take over Malachant Industries when his father died. Escuro's life would be changed by forces he had no knowledge of. When the King of Hell was destroyed, the dark energies were lost. They had nowhere to go. Some of this energy found its way to Earth. While on the way home after a colleague's going-away party, Escuro crossed paths with some of this energy. He was 25 when this happened. Escuro was changed by this energy. He didn't become a demon or anything, but he wasn't quite human anymore, either, though he still looked like one. This change gave him his power over darkness, but it also affected his mind. Escuro Miliarto was no longer the same person. Mentally, he was closer to demons than humans. The only physical change was the appearance of the pantagonal mark on his back. Escuro didn't tell anyone what happened, and pretended to be the same person he was before. No longer truly human, he doesn't age anywhere near as fast as humans do. Physically, he is still 25. This has been noticed by his collequges, but dismissed as inconsequential. Escuro is still next in line for head of the company, and anticipates that his father will soon pass away. One day, Escuro happened to see a woman walkin by. He instantly knew that her origins were not on Earth, as most demons and angels would have. He could sense her power. He managed to learn her name: Adamo. He has his own plans for her. As I said, Ohkami has approved that sign-up.
Before anyone could enter the tunnel to the underground chamber, Azufe came running out. "We've got trouble," he said. "Several Digimon came out of a new passage I found in there. There were too many for me to fight alone. I think they're protecting something." Everyone took a few steps back from the tunnel entrance. Several Lilymon came out of it, led by a Rosemon. "You can not be allowed to disturb the sleeper," the Rosemon said. "Leave at once, or we will be forced to attack." "I'm sorry, but we can't leave." Azufe replied. "We don't have any desire to awaken any sleepers, however. If you're asleep, you're not trying to kill us." "If you will not leave, we will have to eliminate you." "So be it." Azufe grabbed his Digivice. It was circular, with a small screen in the middle and four evenly spaced buttons around the side. The top putton triggered a Digivolution to Champion in the holder's partner Digimon, while the left button triggered a Digivolution to Ultimate. The bottom button activated a display of all locators within range, allowing for easy location of other DIR field agents. The right button would trigger a Digivolution to Mega as soon as a program for Mega-level Digivolution was developed. Azufe pushed the left button, causing Hawkmon to digivolve to his Ultimate form, Sylphimon. "All right," Azufe said to the others. "Let's do this."
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
?You move, Ilthazar, and I kill you,? Valo said. ?You?re going to kill me anyways,? Ilthazar replied, ?so why does it matter?? ?Because I want to know why you did it.? ?You mean, why did I get myself a son that I then abandoned? Simple. So that I?d have an heir that nobody knew about.? Valo chuckled. ?I think your little plan backfired. Your heir is about to kill you.? ?I think not.? ?Just try and stop me.? Valo shot the blast at Ilthazar?s head. Ilthazar blocked the blast with some kind of dark energy. Valo wasn?t surprised, however. He knew Ilthazar would try something. He was currently vaulting himself over Ilthazar while firing light energy blasts downwards at Ilthazar. Ilthazar blocked every blast. Valo kept firing as he landed, spun around, and swung his pole down at Ilthazar?s head. What he didn?t count on was Ilthazar firing his own energy blast through Valo?s blasts, and into Valo himself. Valo was flung backwards by the blast, but he got back up quickly. Ilthazar was also on his feet. ?Surprised?? ?You did catch me off-guard there,? Valo admitted. ?I didn?t think you?d be able to cancel my energy so effectivly.? ?I can do more than just that,? Ilthazar replied. ?Now that we?re no longer confining ourselves to weapons, you don?t stand a chance.? ?And just why is that?? ?Because a Rider draws power from his dragon. your dragon is not yet old enough to have come into its full power. Due to the accelleration process, Plejalta has come into his full power.? ?By ?come into?, do you mean that a dragon gains power as it grows older, or that it gains access to that power? because I?m betting it?s the second option.? ?You?re a smart one,? Ilthazar said. ?You?re right. A dragon posesses great power at birth, but can?t access it. Access comes with age. that?s why dragons become more powerful as they grow older. they gain access to their dormant power. I?m curious as to how you figured that out.? ?Simple. I saw that new Dragon queen have a bit of a growth spurt in both size and power.? [i]And I might have accessed Angelus?s once,[/i] he thought. ?So I?m afraid you don?t have a power advantage here.? ?As we both know, power isn?t all that matters,? Ilthazar replied. ?You must know how to use that power. The new Dragon Queen and her rider don?t.? He pointed up. ?And as you can see, Plejalta is easily winning.? Valo looked up to see Plejalta and Isis engaged in battle. Plejalta was indeed winning. as Valo watched, Kai was knocked off of Isis?s back. Fortunately, Angelus was nearby, and she was good at catching falling people. Kai landed on her back. Plejalta saw this and dove down at Angelus. Angelus knew she had no choice but to get rid of Kai. She flew low and dumped Kai near Valo. Isis intercepted Plejalta, who slammed the new Dragon Queen into the ground. Valo moved to Kai, but so did Ilthazar. Valo and Kai bolted, or at least appeared to. Ilthazar fired an energy blast at them, and it passed harmlessly through what was an illusion. the two of them were actually running the other way. Ilthazar shot another blast. Valo shoved Kai to the groun. The blast passed over Kai, but hit Valo. Valo went flying backwards again. Ilthazarran to Kai, retrieving his swords on the way. He sheathed one, grabbed Kai, and held his other sword up to the young king?s neck. ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: Yes, amgoddess approved all of that. -
Azufe loaded one of the machine guns. He attached an ammo backpack and put in on. "Hawkmon and I are entering the site's known chamber," he said. The entrance to the chamber was nothing special, just a tunnel leading underground. The chamber itself was pentagonal, and it was large. there was a lot of writing on the walls and floor, all of which had been scanned when the relic site was first discovered. One of the first things Azufe saw was four rectangular indents in the floor in the middle of the chamber. They were positioned so that they formed four corners of a pentagon. If drawn, this pentagon's corners would be precisly lined up with the corners of the chamber. Azufe looked at the missing corner of the small pentagon. He walked over to the corresponding wall of the chamber, but didn't see anything. He stepped back, set his gun to single-shot mode, and fired. after the third shot, there was a hole big enough to walk through. Behind the former wall was a tunnel. "Get the others," Azufe instructed Hawkmon. "Tell them to get their asses down here. I think we just found our second chamber. There may be a clue in there as to what happened." Hawkmon dashed up the tunnel to the surfact to get the others. Azufe sat down to wait for them.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Ilthazar spun and attacked, but Valo dodged expertly. Ilthazar came in fast and furious, but he didn't ever hit Valo. Valo didn't even block any of Ilthazar's strikes, and many of his dodges seemed impossible. After about ten seconds of this, Ilthazar managed to his Valo. Or not. The sword passed harmlessly through 'Valo'. Before Ilthazar could realize that something was wrong, his face was in the dirt, and his swords were flung out of his hands. Valo had actually been behind Ilthazar. "Got you with that one, didn't I?" he said. "You were trying to hit an illusion. That's why 'I' didn't block. Your weapons would have passed right through the illusion. As to how I made it, well, you may not know this-I'd be surprised if such an idiot as yourself did-but our eyes pick up light reflected off of objects. It's not exactly easy, but I cal send certain light waves out from an area, creating the image of something that isn't there. That's how I staged that prison breakout-you know, the one where the guards didn't see anything until after every prisoner was gone. That was me. "Oh, I know we said 'no powers'. Of course, you and I both know that you would eventually have broken that rule, Sir Mother-Fucker. I just beat you to it. One thing that we have in common is that neither of us is afraid to cheat." Valo channeled light energy into his poles, and readied a light energy blast aimed at Ilthazar's head. "And now, you die." -
OOC: It's time to get things moving. For those who haven't posted yet, I had your characters show up. If you want to say what they were doing before the briefing, you can do so if you want. ----------------------------------------------------------- Azufe was the first to make it to the briefing room, followed closely by Aria and Angel. They sat down. Aurora and Paul entered with their Digimon partners and found seats. Joe and Tairu were next, followed by Zeke. "We have officially beaten the shit out of the old record," Azufe remarked. "What record?" Zeke asked. "The previous record for largest team was five human-Digimon pairs. There are eight such paris in this room, and I'm assuming that we're all on the same assignment." "That would be correct." Everyone turned to see Garret Kalakal, head of Field Opperations and a man who normally did not give briefings, standing in the doorway. He walked up to the front of the room. "Now, I'm sure you all have thought of at least two questions," he said. "One, why are there so many of you? And two, why am I briefing you? The answer is the same for both: you eight pairs have been chosen for what is probably the most dangerous assignment in DIR history." Garret took a remote out of his pocked and pushed a button. The screen on the wall behind him activated, displaying two men and a women, as well as an Agumon, a Tentomon, and a Lopmon. "The three humans here are Mike Lorzat, Kalea Masoro, and John Davis," he said. "Three of our best. They and their Digimon partners were sent over to the digital world two days ago. "As you might know, a second chamber was discovered in relic site 3-B fifteen days ago. Because of this, field agents have been dispatched to other relic sites in case any of them contain additional chambers. Mike, Kalea, and John were assigned to investigate relic site 6-F, located in the Omega sector of the digital world." During early explorations of the digital world, DIR agents divided it into different 'sectors' for mapping purposes. Omega sector was where the most agents had been lost. "We sent those three agents there because of the dangerous location," Garret continued, "but it wasn't enough. "As the team neared the site, something happened to them. We don't know what, but every locator they had stopped working. We put locators in every weapon, vehicle, and random device. The only way all of them could have stopped working is if they were destroyed. We can only assume that Mike, Kalea, and John went with the locators. We believe that they are dead, along with their Digimon partners. "Your mission is simple in concept, but will undoubtably be difficult in excecution. You are going to be inserted at the same point as Mike, Kalea, and John were. You are to proceed to relic site 6-F. In addition to doing their job of investigating the site for any additional chambers, you are to do everything you can to find out what the hell happened to them. This is an extremly dangerous assignment. Not much could have killed that team. Be careful. Any questions?" Pause. "Good. Report to the armory at once. Dismissed. Good luck." "You're the team for the 6-F assignment?" a woman named Frena asked. Azufe nodded. "Yes." "Garret sent me your equipment list. We've got it all ready." Frena let the group over to a pair of vehicles. "These are a new model, the X-11 Rough-Runner," she explained. "They have six wheels instead of the usual four, and all six automatically adjust independantly of the other five, making them ideal for rough terrain. Top speed of 130 MPH, and surprisingly fuel-efficient. They have an adjustible roof, normally kept down to allow firing in all directions. Each can carry four human-Digimon pairs, as well as more than ample weapons, supplies, and ammunition. They've got a lot of storage space. Oh, these and the new weapons are operated in the same manner as the ones you've used before." Frena directed their attention to the weapons, which were already loaded into the X-11s. "Here we have the newest versions of our most effective weapons. The AF-45E machine guns fire explosive rounds at the rate of 5 rounds per second, and have a single shot mode for increased accuracy. They come with ammo backpacks for when you don't have time to reload. The SH-30E weapons are the same thing in shotgun form. "The MR-2 portable rocket launchers are nothing new, but they work. For those who haven't used them before, they have a chamber that can hold four rockets at a time, and an attachable chamber that can hold an additional 20, but is way too heavy to carry. Use that extra chamber only when mounting the launcher on something, such as your vehicle. "These babies here are GL-4SR grenade launchers. They have chambers that can hold up to 100 of our new compact grenades. Those things are lighter and smaller than the previous grenades we've used, but have the same amount of punch. The launchers themselves have two different modes. The default is semi-automatic fire. The other mode is a five-grenade spread shot that can be fired once a second. Be careful about ammo with these launchers, because they tend to eat it up rather quickly, especially in spread-fire mode. "You're getting more ammo than I can believe for all of the weapons, along with enough food and water to last you for ten days or so. You've got about ten zillion dollars worth of gas refills, so don't worry about running out of fuel. My part's done." [color=magenta]NeoMagnadramon flew as fast as she could towards the temple ruins that served as the Guardians' meeting spot. As she neared it, she noticed an unusually large number of Digimon. [/color][color=#ff00ff]As she got closer to them, she could see how many there actually were. The number was big. [i]Why are so many gathering?[/i] she wondered.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff]Several of the Digimon pointed NeoMagnadramon out. Suddenly, two shots from a Rapidmon were flying toward her. She dodged. The entire group looked ready for battle.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff]NeoMagnadramon came to a halt in front of the Digimon. "Who are you, and why do you block my passage?" she asked them.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff]A WarGrowlmon stepped forward. "You were not expected, but you are a threat to us," it said. "We have been instructed to elimenate all threats. And I don't think that even you can win against all of us."[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff]"If you think that, then you have underestimated my power," NeoMagnadramon replied. "Either that, or you have overestimated your own." Her thoughts were different, however. [i]I can't take all of them, even though they're mostly Champions and Ultimates. There are just too many of them. I have to get past them. If the other three are coming, they can help me. I have to hope that they're coming.[/i][/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] "We're ready," Aria said. "Prep for insertion." "Charging... we are go," inserter Paul Bryan said. "Ready for insertion." "Than what are you waiting for?" Azufe asked. "Send us across." Paul activated the Inter-Dimensional Insertion Device, or ID-Squared. The ID-Squared didn't look like anything special-just a large, odd-colored hexagonal platform with a blue sphere at each corner. All eight field agents, as well as their Digimon partners and the X-11s, fully loaded with weapons, ammo, and supplies, were on the platform. While the ID-Squared was charging, the blue spheres had begun to glow. When it was ready, the glow was rather bright. When Paul activated the ID-Squared, the spheres' glow faded as the platform began to glow. Suddenly, the team was in the digital world. "I'll never get used to that," Aria remarked. Azufe looked at the X-11 vehicles. "Four of us in each one. Angel, Aria, Aurora, you're with me. Everone else, you get the other X-11. I call driving." Everyone boarded their respective X-11s. Azufe drove one, and Zeke was driving the other. Each vehicle had an electronic map display. The current positions of both were marked on it, as was the destination. Azufe and Zeke turned toward the destination and hit the gas.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
They went at it for another minute or so before crossing weapons again. "Tell me something," Valo said. "How hard was it to abandon her?" Ilthazar spun and attacked, but Valo was ready for him. He dodged and countered. Ilthazar blocked and attempted a leg sweep. Valo jumped over it, and the two crossed weapons again. "Abandon who?" Ilthazar asked. "The woman who bore your child." Valo swung at Ilthazar's head. Ilthazar blocked and thrusted forward with his other sword, forcing Valo to step back. Ilthazar moved in, but Valo planted his poles on the ground and vaulted over Ilthazar. He spun to face the man as he landed. "Just what child would that be?" "Here's a hint," Valo replied. "I don't think he likes you very much." "And just what gives you that idea?" Valo chuckled. "Well, let's just say I know the guy." "I think I know exactly what you mean by that." "It's not exactly hard to see." Valo charged at Ilthazar, and they went back and forth for a while before crossing weapons again. "It's ironic, isn't it?" Valo remarked. "Orders you gave to your troops caused a series of events that led to this moment, to your own son trying to kill you." "Life can be that way." "It certainly can, you son of a bitch." -------------------------------------------------------- OOC: The secret's out. Ilthazar is Valo's father. Yes, this has been okayed by amgoddess. -
[COLOR=Indigo]Alexa and Tolana watched as Malachant reached the palace. ?He should have encountered resistance by now,? Alexa remarked. ?Where are the Dogs?? ?I don?t know,? Tolana replied. A man walked up to them. ?Tolana, you are instructed to enter the city. Follow Malachant to the palace, and meet him there when he resumes human form.? ?I was told by Malachant himself to wait for him here,? Tolana said. ?This has to be another one of his little games. I?m supposed to figure out what he really wants me to do.? ?That?s probably correct,? the man told her. ?Malachant will probably be very dissapointed if you don?t manage to figure this one out.? ?It is easy,? Tolana agreed. ?You just used the word ?dissapointed?. Malachant would not be angry if I didn?t pass this test. He?d be dissapointed. because you accuratly reported his likely feelings if I failed, you have also presumably told me the truth about what he wants. I?ll see you later, Alexa. I have to go.? And with that, Tolana left Alexa and the man, and headed into the city.[/COLOR]
OOC: Neuvoxetere, it seems I need to clarify something. Holodeck-type technology, such as what you included in your post, does not exist. My guess is that you misinterpreted what I included in my post. Azufe and Jaht were using headset interfaces. You know, VR helmets. ----------------------------------------------------------- Branit Talasteth, head of security for DIR, got up from his desk and walked over to the two men facing him. "You're sure?" "Absolutly," one of the pair, Mark, replied. "There isn't any question about it," the other one, Harno, added. "Has he told anyone?" Branit asked. "We don't think so," Mark answered. "However, even if he tells nobody, there's a very good chance that someone will discover it." "You're absolutly certain that Lucen has a Digimon?" Both nodded. "We don't make mistakes," Harno said. "True. I'll have to talk to the big boss before any action is taken, of course. Lucen shouldn't have been able to get a Digimon. I'm going now. This is urgent. I want you two to accompany me. He'll want to speak with you." "Yes, sir," the two said in unison. [b]"We have a problem, sir," a Digimon named Anubismon said.[/b] [b]"What is it?"[/b] [b]"Three humans were at the target. the force had to pull out."[/b] [b]"What of the humans?"[/b] [b]"All three were killed," Anubismon replied, "but our force was almost totally destroyed in the battle. Humans may be weak, but their weapons are quite effective, and the Digimon they had with them were difficult to eliminate. our force had to pull out. There was no way that they'd be able to complete the objective after the losses they took."[/b] [b]"Regretable, but only a minor setback," another Digimon, Diaboromon, put in. "Unfortunatly, the humans will undoubtable investigate the dissapearance of three of their number. We must act quickly."[/b] [b]"Agreed," a fourth Digimon, Cherubimon (the virus-type Cherubimon, not the vaccine one that ssjSolarPrinces has as her Digimon's Mega form), said. "We can't allow the humans to find it." He turned to the first Digimon, the leader (note: I don't mean Anubismon. I mean the Digimon I haven't given a name to yet). "What are your orders, sir?"[/b] [b]"Anubismon, you are to take a new force to secure the target. You will lead it personally. Take as many Digimon with you as you need. Diaboromon, contact our spies. We must know if the Guardians have any suspicions. Cherubimon, you are to coordinate with Anubismon. If humans manage to get it before we do, you must have a way to get it back. Understood?"[/b] [b]'Yes, sir," the three replied in unison.[/b] [b]"Good. Get moving. We have no time to waste."[/b]