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RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo was riding Angelus, but he was letting her do all the work. He had heard Zeddrick tell Brielle which dragmon was the 3000+ one. Valo compared it to the other attacking dragons. [Angelus, we've been fed some serious bullshit,] he sent. [That dragon's definatly older than the rest, but it's not the big 3000+ one. Zeddrick once again underestimated our intelligence. Either that, or he thinks that that dragon actually is the 3000+ one, in which case he's the stupidest commander in world history.] [I must agree with you,] Angelus replied. [That dragon has an age advantage, but not one so huge. I'd say a hundred years old at the least. That thing's not Plejalta.] [Definatly not. Let's fall back. We need to stay near Zeddrick. He'll be trying something, that's for sure. Whatever it is, we can't let him get away with it.] -
And here comes the bad guy. Yes, I know that some of what I've put isn't allowed for everyone else (like when I get to beast forms, for example), but I've cleared that stuff with Ohkami. Name: Malachant Language: n/a Age: Unknown Gender: Male Element: n/a Element Power: He has many darkness-based abilities. He can utilize dark energy durring the day (or in equivelent sources of light). When it's dark, such as at night, he can channel energy from the surrounding darkness, and is able to do much more with it. He can also fade from view, but only when it's dark. He has other powers, as well. 'Virtue': Hate-can make people hate others. Weapon(s): Two metal poles, which he keeps strapped to his back. Appearance: Very tall, he stands at about six-and-a-half feet. Very muscular, but not overly muscular. He looks like a fighting man. He has a scar on his left arm, and another on the back of his right hand. Personality: Very unfriendly. Don't try to get him to like you, because he won't. He'll appriciate things you do for him, but he won't like you. He's quick to anger, as well. He's also a very quick thinker, and has a mind for traps. He can spot any trap before it's sprung, and can devise excellent ones of his own in a very short time. Also, he's very determined. He just doesn't give up. Bio: Unknown Beast Forms: He has three (yes, I cleared that with Ohkami. She's also said that I can use mythical creatures, which all three of these are): 1: Roc. A very, very large bird. Very fast and very maneuverable in the air, but like normal birds, not really capable of anything on the ground. 2: Dragon. Very large compared to humans, but not anywhere near as big as in most of the stories. Not as strong, either, but able to take a [i]lot[/i] of punishment. Very hard to take out because of this. In flight, more maneuverable than the gryphon form, but slower. 3: Gryphon. By far his most powerful beast form. His gryphon form is several times as tall as a human, and proportioned accordingly. Also very, very strong. Flight capabillity is limited, however. He can fly in gryphon form, but he's not very maneuverable. There we go. Ohkami, I reccommend that you start this. The others will finish their sign-ups before they post (they always do in my PRGs), and starting the RPG will provide a reason for them to finish their sign-ups much sooner than they otherwise would. That's just my advice, based on my own experiances.
Jaht looked around. [i]We're doing well. So, why do I have a bad feeling about this?[/i] Jaht heard a noise. It seemed to be coming from beneath him. He moved fast, and just in time. The ground where he was standing collapsed. Digmon jumped out of the hole. "You didn't think I'd go down so easily, did you?" "Actually, no," Jaht replied. "I didn't. But I don't know how the hell you're still alive. I saw you dissipate, or whatever that was." "Obviously, that didn't happen." "But you did come to the conclusion that you needed a new strategy, so you came after me instead of going after a Digimon. Hostage, right? Well, sorry to disapoint you. Actually, no. I'm not sorry. Now, I believe that my partner has some unfinished business with you." Aquilamon flew down and landed behind Jaht. "Think you're tough enough, Digmon?" "Easily." "Then let's do this." ---------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Aquilamon gets to fight Digmon. Nobody else have Digmon die, please. You'll understand why in my next post (where I'll also reveal how Digmon's still alive).
OOC: Garelock, I feel that I need to specify that Gammamon isn't any more powerful than any of the other Digimon partners (this includes their digivolved forms). You seem dangerously close to forgetting that, so I thought I'd remind you. To be a bit more specific, Saberimon and Kabuterimon should be about evenly matched. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Kuwagumon attacked Aquilamon, Piddomon, and Ikkakumon. Kabuterimon was busy with Saberimon. But Jaht couldn't see Digmon anywhere. [Obviously, Digmon can dig,] Jaht thought, [so that means that he's probably underground. But where will he pop up?] Jaht looked around. Digmon couldn't do much to the flying Aquilamon and Piddomon. Ikkakumon was a potential target, but Jaht's money was on Saberimon. She was battling Kabuterimon, the enemy leader. Renamon had said that Digmon wasn't part of the group, but Jaht didn't agree. He thought that Digmon was the one you weren't supposed to notice untill too late. He guessed that Digmon would do his best to protect Kabuterimon. He was right. The ground under Saberimon suddenly collapsed, and she fell into Digmon's hole. Kabuterimon fired an Electro Shocker into the hole, succesfully hitting Saberimon. Saberimon quickly lept out of the hole, with Digmon close behind. "Aquilamon!" Jaht shouted. "Saberimon needs some help! You take Digmon!" [i]I can't beleve I just told him to [/i]help[i] her.[/i] Aquilamon flew towards Digmon. "Blast Rings!" He fired several energy rings at Digmon. Digmon took the hit, and was promptly hit again, this time by Aquilamon's Grand Horn. Before Digmon could retaliate, Aquilamon flew too high for him to reach. "Come down here and face me like a warrior!" Digmon shouted. "You're nothing but a coward, going up where I can't reach you!" Digmon moved fast, dodgeing another set of Blast Rings. "You can't win by staying up there! Come down here and get me!"
[size=2]When the meal was finished, several Digimon came and cleaned up. "What are those?" Jaht wondered. "Those would be Burgermon," Hawkmon replied. "I'm sorry. Did you just say '[i]Burger[/i]mon'?" Hawkmon nodded. "I did. They like to cook, and are the best chefs in the digital world." Jaht just shook his head. "What will this world come up with next?" "Don't ask. Trust me, you do [i]not[/i] want to know." When everything was cleaned up, the Burgermon left. Gammamon looked ready to say something else, but promptly found a rock in her mouth, courtesy of Jaht. "Nice throw," Brice said. Everyone watched Gammamon struggle with the rock. "I say we leave it in there," Jaht remarked. "It's certainly an improvement." Just then, Gammamon managed to get the rock out. Holding it, she turned toward Jaht "Improvement? I'll show you an improvement!" Gammamon threw the rock, but her aim was quite pathetic. The rock went wide. Gammamon ran at Jaht, and promptly got thrown into another pillar by Magnadramon. "Enough! This is serious! We have no time for games!" "I think we're all about ready to listen," Jaht said, "with the probable exception of Gammamon. So, first off, why are we all here?" "I'm sure that most, if not all, of you have been told stories of the Chosen by your Digimon partners. For those of you who haven't, I'll give a brief explanation. "The term 'Chosen' refers to humans given Digimon partners. These humans were called to this world to aid it in times of danger. Most of the stories are just that, but some are true. I am known as Truth-Keeper. It is my duty to preserve the truth of events, and to ensure that the actual versions of events are not forgotten. This may seem unnecessary, but there are times when knowledge of the truth about past events is essential. Times like now. "Some of you may have heard different versions of the legend of Mephistomon. It varies depending on the teller. Some portray Anubismon as a hero who worked his way up for the sole purpose of destroying Mephistomon, while others have him see the 'rightous path' and turn against Mephistomon. The truth is that Anubismon wanted Mephistomon's power. Not even I know what happened to Anubismon. Most versions of the legend say that Anubismon and Mephistomon destroyed each other, while others say that Mephistomon's power was too much for Anubismon. There are countless other versions, but those are the most common. "The truth about those events was inscribed on more than the usual one or two tablets. Five seperate copies of the true sequence of events were made. Five tablets. I have one of them. The other four were possessed by Jijimon, Seraphimon, Goldramon, and Kerpymon. Nineteen days ago, Goldramon dissapeared. His tablet was taken by someone. I do not know who. The other three met the same fate. I am the only tablet-holder left. The Chosen only appear when our world is in danger, and I believe that this time, the tablets are a focus of the danger. As the last tablet-holder, my own life is at risk, and I need your help." Jaht held up his hand. "Hold it." "Jaht's going into analysis mode," Hawkmon remarked. "We could be at this for a while." Jaht shook his head. "Not this time. This one's easy. Magnadramon just said 'need your help' Take a look at the first letters of those words. [b]N[/b]eed [b]y[/b]our [b]h[/b]elp. NYH. Those three letters ring a bell?" "NYH sent the email," Ari answered. "Correct." Jaht turned back to Magnadramon. "You're NYH. You sent us the message that brought us here. But that brings up a new question. See, Hawkmon knows practically every legend this world's ever had, and he's told me most of them. In none of the legends of the Chosen does a Digimon ever bring the Chosen to this world. So, are the legends wrong, or is there a factor I don't know about?" "All of what you have said is true," Magnadramon replied, "and I am impressed that you magaged to figure it out from just those three words. Anyways, the legends are correct on that point. Nobody knows who or what actually calls the Chosen to this world, but Digimon never can. If I had sent the message at a different time, nothing would have happened. But just because the Chosen are called doesn't mean that they have a way to come to this world. When I felt the call go out, I sent the message. The message, having come from this world, was used by your digivices as a base for transportation to this world." "I don't get it," Brice said. Jaht threw another rock into Gammamon's mouth before replying. "The message was sent from this world. Our digivices couldn't get us here on their own, but they were able to somehow use the message as a link to this world." He turned back to Magnadramon. "Anyways, let's get back to business. It's safe to assume that the other four tablet-holders were killed, and the tablets stolen by whoever killed them. That implies that the goal of whoever's behind this is to get his/her/its/their hands on all five tablets. So, why would whoever's behind this want the tablets badly enough to go through all this?" "I do not know," Magnadramon said. "I have always suspected that the tablets were more than just records of events. Why else would five be needed? Unfortunatly, I have never been able to discover even a clue as to what." "I have a question," Brice cut in. "You're very powerful, right? How are we supposed to fight something that can defeat you?" Gammamon still hadn't gotten the second rock out of her mouth, and so could not respond. "You all have digivices," Magnadramon explained. "When activated, they are able to cause the digivolution of your Digimon partners. Currently, they can be used to digivolve the Digimon to the Champion level. Take them out, please." Everyone grabbed their digivices. They were circular, with a small screen in the center. Evenly spaced around the perimiter were four buttons. The top button had an orange glow, but the others had no glow. The bottom button also didn't glow, but it was black, as opposed to the silvery grey of the two side buttons. "Notice that only the top button has a glow," Magnadramon continued. "When you are in danger, press that button and your Digimon partner will digivolve to the Champion level. The two side buttons, when lit, will allow digivolution to the Ultimate and Mega levels. The bottom button calls up the locations of other digivices, so that you can find each other when seperated. And before you ask, I do not know how to activate the two side buttons." Just then, a humanoid foxlike Digimon ran into the chamber. "Lady Magnadramon!" "What is it, Renamon?" "A small group of insect Digimon is at the hill entrance, and one found the hidden tunnel. It looked like an accident, but we can't risk them telling whoever's after you." "How many Digimon are in the group?" Magnadramon asked her. "Not many. Four Kuwagumon, and the leader is a Kabuterimon. There's also a Digmon, but it seems as though he just happened to be here at the same time as the other five. He doesn't look like part of their group, but he knows of the tunnel." Magnadramon turned back to the humans. "This could be a problem. My location can't be allowed to be revealed. If it is, I won't last long. This group is one that you should be able to take care of. Your first battle shouldn't be without backup. Here, I can step in if you're doing badly. Now, go." Nobody moved for a few seconds. Eventually, Jaht, who was tired of waiting and not doing anything, said, "What the hell. I'm going." Akira was the first to move to Jaht. Mika was next, folowed by Ari and Hade. Brice looked at Gammamon, who finally managed to get the rock out of her mouth. Gammamon looked at Magnadramon, then at everyone else. "I'll show you all how tough I am." She moved over to Jaht, but didn't get too close. She knew Jaht was very physical in his dislike of her. Brice, on the other hand, enjoyed Jaht's handling of Gammamon. Storm agreed to go, but didn't move to stand with the others. Angel didn't say anything. Magnadramon came within an inch of an overt threat before Angel and Labramon agreed to go. Renamon led the group to the disguised tunnel entrance. Jaht was the first outside. He saw the six Digimon off to one side, apparently discussing what they should do. When they saw the humans and Digimon emerge, they seemed to make the correct assumption, and assumed combat-ready postures. Jaht didn't hesitate. He rarely did. He pushed the top button on his digivice. An orange light enveloped Hawkmon. When it faded, a much larger bird Digimon, Aquilamon, was standing in his place. Jaht looked back at everyone else. "Well, what are you waiting for?" [/size]
Magnadramon led the group to the base of a large hill, barely smal enough to avoid being called a mountain. ?Do not question what you see,? she instructed. ?It will seem impossible, but you must follow me inside.? Then she seemed to pass right through solid rock and into the hill. ?She?s right,? Jaht said. ?That does seem impossible.? ?She also said not to question what we saw,? Hawkmon reminded him. The Digimon followed Magnadramon. Jaht went next, and the rest of the group behind him, with Angel and Labramon at the back. They found themselves in a very large tunnel. The tunnel had a very noticable downward slope. Hawkmon was already walking down it. He glanced backwards. ?Are you going to stand there all day?? [i]Nothing ever seems to surprise him,[/i] Jaht thought as he started after Hawkmon. The others followed, Angel and Labramon again at the rear. Eventually, the group reached the end of the tunnel. They stepped into a huge underground chamber. Several stone pillars rose from various spots on the ground to the barely visible ceiling. ?Wow,? Brice said. ?Where are we?? ?Obviously, we?re underground. Are you all starting to see why I can?t stand this guy? He doesn?t know anything, he stinks, he can?t do anything right, he-? Jaht kicked Gammamon. Hard. ?You keep pissing me off. Oh, and Brice asked a perfectly sensable question. Yes, we?re underground. No shit, Sherlock. But where are we? What is this place?? ?This is where I live.? Everyone spun around to see Magnadramon. ?You think you?re hot, don?t you? Popping in and out of nowhere, talking all important-like, you really take yourself seriously. Well, you know what? No. You?re nothing but a-? Magnadramon picked Gammamon up and threw her into a pillar. ?Silence!? ?Thank you,? Brice said. ?I do not know how you can possibly stand being her partner.? ?It?s not easy.? ?Let?s get down to business, shall we?? Jaht said. ?Magnadramon, you said that you?d try to answer our questions once we got here.? ?And I will. Not right now, however. Follow me.? Magnadramon led them into another tunnel. This one was much shorter, and instead the chamber was not quite so huge. In the center were several plates of food. There were fruits and vegetables that, while not identical to real world ones, looked very similar. there were several unrecognizable dishes, all of which looked to be cooked. ?Everything here is fit for human consumption,? Magnadramon said. ?Eat, then we?ll talk.?
OOC: Hiei23, please delete your post. Oh, JoyKaiba, I know what question you'll ask when our Digimon reach the Champion level (you always ask it), and the answer is yes. ----------------------------------------------- "Pretty large group here," Jaht remarked. "I wonder if there are any others," Hawkmon said. "Personally," Jaht replied, "I don't think that there are too many more of us, if there even are any others. I mean, you've all shown up in a period of a few minutes. This can't keep going on forever." "Um, Jaht?" "What, Hawkmon?" The Digimon pointed to the east. "Someone's coming." Everyone turned to look. There was something there, and it was moving fast. Fast, and in their direction. Angel and Labramon could be seen halting. Oviously, they also saw it. They even moved towards the group, though they didn't get very close. "What is it?" Storm asked? "Like I know?" Jaht replied. "Ask one of the Digimon. They're more likely to know than we are." "Well, I don't know," Hawkmon said. "Neither do I," Lucemon put in, "but we'll find out soon enough." "Is it friend or foe?" Brice asked. Hawkmon looked at him. "That is certianly the most important question." "Brice said something [i]intelligent[/i]?!" "Shut up, Gammamon!" exclaimed Jaht, Hawkmon and Brice simultaniously. "Jesus," Jaht continued. "I've only known that thing for something like a minute, and I already hate her. Brice, how the hell do you put up with her?" "Now isn't exactly the best time for this," Hade interjected. "There is a potential enemy approaching." "He has a point," Rock said. Jaht nodded. "Agreed. We can bicker later." As it drew closer, Hawkmon was able to identify it. "That's Magnadramon!" Upon hearing that, Angel and Labramon moved a bit closer. "Who?" Brice asked. "There's the Brice I know." "Shove it, Gammamon," Hawkmon responded. "Now, Magnadramon is most well-known as one of the five tablet-holders. Remember when I told you that story, Jaht? About Mephistomon?" "Yes. Mephistomon took over, his flunkie, Anubismon, took him out to aquire his power, and neither were ever seen or heard from again. There are five tablets that have the true version of that story on them, and each is owned by a different Digimon. Or something like that." "That's the super-short synopsis version," Hawkmon said. "Anyways, Magnadramon has one of the tablets. What she would want with us, I don't know, but I think we're about to find out." Hawkmon was correct. Magnadramon stopped and hovered in front of the group. "Greetings, Chosen," she said. She turned to Angel and Labramon, still seperate from the group. "You two belong with them. Come." Angel and Labramon moved closer, but still stood apart from the others. Magnadramon waited until they stopped, then spoke. "I am Magnadramon, and I am the one who called you here. I know you must have many questions, and I hope I can answer some of them, but ths is not the time or the place to talk. We are not safe here. Come with me. I will take you to a safe place. There, I will do my best to answer any questions you may have." "How do we know we can trust you?" Angel asked. Hawkmon gave Angel a 'look'. "Of course we can trust her! We're talking about Magnadramon here, not just some random Digimon! There's nobody more trustworthy than her!" "Let's go, already," Jaht said. "Impaitient as usual," Hawkmon remarked. "Still, I am anxious to hear what she has to say. Lead on, Magnadramon."
You're in, Heezay.
I'm sorry, but no. Even from that sign-up, I'd have said no, as you probably spent about two seconds on it. However, the fact that you posted what is basically spam in the Adventure Square thread makes it even more of a no. So please delete your post in that thread. You are not in.
"All I know is that we're in the digital world," Jaht said to the girl. "My name's Jaht, and this is Hawkmon." "I'm Storm, and this is Lucemon." "How did you get here?" Jaht asked. "I got a strange email. I read it, and then I was here." "That's pretty much what happened to me," Jaht said. He turned to Hawkmon. "This is your world we're in. Any idea why we're here?" "Well," Hawkmon replied, "Humans are said to be brougt here only when there is danger to this world. That's certainly how it works in the legends, and there are those who claim to have actually seen humans in this world. Of course, that may not have any relevance to our current situation." "Well, that really doesn't matter right now, anyways," Jaht said. "If Storm and I were brought here, others probably also were. We should look for others. We need food and water, too." "Pragmatic as always," Hawkmon remarked. "Still, you do have a point. Let's get going, then."
You're both in. This RPG has started, but I will not be closing sign-ups, so you can still join if you want to.
Jaht Azularo sat down at his computer. One thing he liked about having the house to himself was that his parents weren't always yelling at him to get off of the computer. He didn't know when they'd be back. Neither did they, but they knew that it would be a while. jaht's parents were archeologists. They had met at a dig site some 22 years ago, and they still loved their work. They would frequently leave Jaht home alone for a long time. When he was younger, his would stay with his grandparents, but at 17, he was now old enough to look after himself. Jaht connected to the Internet and downloaded his email. [i]My parents are pretty damn wealthy,[/i] he thought, [i]and can definatly afford a DSL. So why is our only connection to the Internet still a dial-up? This damn modem's older than the ruins they esplore.[/i] When it was finished downloading the email, the computer made the 'beep' sound. Jaht looked up. Seven new messages. One was from his parents. They'd managed to get a few minutes at a computer with Internet access, and they'd used it to send him a message. He wrote a quick reply, saying that everything was fine, sent it, and turned his attention to the other messages. Five of the remaining six messages were from the Washington Post. Ever since his parents had regestered on the Post's website and kept all the 'send me emails when something about this topic comes up' checked, the number of messages was about double what it was previously, and most of them were crap. Jaht deleated those five messages, then looked at the last one. The sender was listed as 'NAI', and the title of the message was 'You are Needed". Jaht was curious, although he suspected that it was a virus. Fortunatly, his parents made sure to buy the bast antivirus software there was, so the computer was pretty safe. Jaht could read the message without worring about viruses. A small bird-like creature walked into the room. Jaht had found Hawkmon two years ago. He was a little freaked out at first, but he'd gotten used to Hawkmon. Another hing that Jaht liked about his parents being gone was that he didn't have to hide Hawkmon. The Digimon could have the run of the house, as long as he made sure to hide if someone came to the door. "Online again?" he asked. "Just to download email," Jaht replied. "Anything interesting?" "Well, there's a message from someone going by 'NAI'. It probably has a virus, but I'm opening it anyways." And he did. [i]You have been chosen. Your help is needed. The light will guide you to me. You must come now. I do not know how much time I have left.[/i] "What the hell?" Jaht said. Just then, the screen flashed. "What the hell?" he repeated. It happened again, and then the screen started glowing. It wasn't a steady glow, however. It seemed to pulse. Jaht was about to turn the computer off when he noticed his Digivice. The Digivice had appeared about two minutes before Hawkmon had. Hawkmon knew that the Digivice connected the two of them. He'd said that right after he'd finished explaining the basics about how the digital world worked. The digivice was currently glowing, and pulsing. It's pulsing was synchronized with that of the computer screen. Jaht grabbed the Digivice. The next thing he knew he was on his back in the middle of a forest. He sat up and looked around. He saw a lot of trees, and Hawkmon right next to him. "I've been here before," the Digimon said. "Right before I wound up in your yard. that light was a portal. We're in the digital world now, and at the exact same spot where the portal to your world appeared." Jaht stood up. "Well, I don't know if this is real, but that really doesn't matter right now. Besides, I'm pretty sure you'r ereal, so why can't this place be?" He looked around, and noticed that there wasn't a portal. "Okay, so we're stuck here. Now what?" ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: In your first post, get your character to the digital world. You don't have to meet Jaht and Hawkmon right away, but we'll all be meeting up quickly. And so, here we go!
"The infamous 'R' rating!" (spoken in a mysterious 'dooooom' voice)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Falkon's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Siren']And this makes the Rating system broken...how? If the young people are already unable to see those movies their parents don't want them to see, how could there be a problem with the Rating system? It's simply making those restrictions official.[/quote] The movie ratings are [i]guidelines,[/i] not restrictions. Theaters impose restrictions. These restrictions are, as I've said, unnecessary, simply because other factors already have the same effect. [quote name='Siren']So...your point here is that...if we're treating 16-year-olds as not mature enough to see an R-rated movie...then they aren't mature enough to drive? Perhaps I'm just utterly exhausted, but I can't see how those two subjects relate at all. In fact, they don't. I hardly think one's ability to drive is in any way indicative or any measure of their ability to comprehend and view R-rated cinema in a mature manner.[/quote] I'm not talking about knowing how to drive, but having the judgement to make responsible decisions. Let me put it this way: if a 16-year-old judges that an R-rated movie is appropriate for him/her (to make this easier to read, I'll just be useing male pronouns from now on), and then sees it and discovers that he does not find the content appropriate for himself, well, maybe he throws up, or develops a phobia, or something like that. If that same person makes an incorrect judgement while driving, his car could be damaged, someone's property could be damaged, someone else's car could be wreaked, he could even end up killing not only himself, but other people. If a 16-year-old can't be trusted to accurately decide what movies to watch, than can that same 16-year-old be trusted to make the much more important and frequently urgent desisons he'll face while driving? My answer is 'no'. [quote name='Siren']If you would like me to treat your comparison as having any relevance and/or bearing here, you will need to provide me with a few reputable studies that strongly establish a real link between the two.[/quote] Never ask people for proof if you don't have any yourself. Before you go asking me to provide evidence of what I say, give me some evidence to back up what you say. [quote name='Siren']As it stands now, however, your analogy is incredibly weak.[/quote] This seems like a good place to point out your strategy in this agruement. You say that my analogy is weak. Why does that matter? It's an example. I'm using it to help explain my viewpoint. Talk about my viewpoint, not about the methods ai use to explain it. You've tried to make everyone's examples seem irrelivent, but if nobody had provided examples, you would have demanded that you be given examples. Oh, and when we attack your examples, it's an unforgivable attack on the perfect rating system, whereas when you do the [i]exact same thing[/i] with ours, it's 100% acceptable. Oh, one more thing. I've noticed that on several occasions, you've said that the rating system is objective, when it's clearly a subjective system. My proof is simple: the people who rate the movies do so based on their oppinion of the content. Some people may think blood and violence deserves an R rating, while others don't. For example, Alien vs. Predator is rated PG-13, while many far less graphically violent films recieve R ratings for the reason of graphic violence. Given instances like that, I don't see how you can possibly believe that the rating system is objective. -
"The infamous 'R' rating!" (spoken in a mysterious 'dooooom' voice)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Falkon's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Siren]But you didn't answer my question. What does the inability of children/minors in getting to a movie theatre have to do with the movie ratings? How is that a factor? What bearing does it have here? How does it help your argument that the movie ratings are...useless? I do not see any point in bringing up how minors are unable to get to the theatre by themselves. A child's inability to get to the theatre independently from their parents has absolutely no bearing on the MPAA's rating system. A film's [i]content[/i] is the determining factor, not if a child will be able to get to the theatre. I'm afraid I don't know what you mean here, because, quite honestly, I can't find a point anywhere in your reply. EDIT: Oh, watch your tongue, please. I don't curse at you, I'd appreciate it if you don't curse at me.[/QUOTE] First, bull**** isn't exactly a curse. The F-word is a curse word. Bull**** is not. People even say that at my school, and you just don't hear cursing at my school. Now, the point is that young people are already unable to see movies their parents don't want them to see. The current restrictions, most notably the fact that you can't buy tickets to an R-rated movie if you're under 17, don't have any really notable affect, and are frequently a nuisence(sp?). To me, it seems very stupid that we allow 16-year-olds to drive, but that only 17-year-olds can see any movie on their own. I mean, if 16-year-olds aren't mature enough to see R-rated movies by themselves, without specific adult permission, then they aren't mature enough to be trusted on the road. -
"The infamous 'R' rating!" (spoken in a mysterious 'dooooom' voice)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Falkon's topic in Noosphere
Um, you kind of just prooved my point. Your mother drove you to see Scary Movie, and she bought your tickets. Therefore, she knew that you were seeing an R-rated movie. If she or your father hadn't taken you (or another relative, or maybe a friends parents. If you get a ride to the theater from a stranger, well, that's extremly poor judgement, and kids who do that kind of thing are probably the same kids who will choose to do things like smoking), then you wouldn't have been able to get to the theater to see the movie. Oh, by the way, I seriously doubt that a little kid is going to ride his trike or bike or whatever to a movie theater unless he lives right next to it, or something (which is very rare). So, only a very, very, very small number of people under 16 are able to get to the movie theater without an adult to drive them, and nothing is this world is ever perfect. And don't you dare give some bull**** reply like 'I've aced tests' or something like that. You know what I mean. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
When Zeddrick walked away from Vanilla, valo, who had been watching, went over to her. "What did he say?" "That another force is on the way," she told Valo. "According to him, the force will be made up of new dragons, deaf ones that communicate entirly through a telepathic link. And I don't think he means the normal rider-dragon type of link." [That's not what he's telling Brielle,] Angelus sent to the two of them. [I'm listening in, and I doubt they see me.] [How could they one behind the Galsonaz breakout when that one desn't want to be seen? now, what is Zeddrick telling her?] [That the attacking force will have few dragons, if any. Instead, he's saying that it will be comprised of what sounds like horribly altered humans. He's making them sound like super-soldiers of some kind.] [Both might be true,] Vanilla put in. [Not likely,] Valo replied. [Remember, Zeddrick's a captive. He's probably trying to get us into a position where our defense against whatever attack is coming will be weakened. My advice: don't listen to him, and be ready for anything.] -
"The infamous 'R' rating!" (spoken in a mysterious 'dooooom' voice)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Falkon's topic in Noosphere
Siren, you're forgetting that unless you are 16 or older, [i]it is nearly impossible to see a movie without an adult[/i]. This is simply because you are not able to get a driver's liscense until you are 16. Therefore, it doesn't matter if a 5-year-old or even a 15-year-old is allowed into an R-rated movie without an adult, because [i]they can't get to the theater without an adult[/i]. And by the time you're 16, you're probably ready to see R-rated movies. So, in short, if a person under 16 sees an R-rated movie, an adult knows and is the one who got the kid to the theater in the first place. -
You're good now. I'll probably start this either Friday or Saturday, depending on how much homework I have and/or how bored I am. However, sign-ups will remain open.
It's fine to make up Digimon, but you did make a few major errors. Here's the list: 1: You seem to be assuming that the events of the show (S3, to be specific) have any bearing on this RPG. They do not, and unless an RPGs creator says that they do, it's normally assumed that they don't. What this affects in you sign-up is the card game. Unless otherwise specified, it is normally assumed that the real world has no knowledge of the digital world's existance. 2: I asked for a Rookie to Mega chain. Armon Digimon are not allowed in this RPG for the simple reason that there are no Digi-Eggs to Armor Digivolve with. 3: Unless otherwise mentioned, it is generally assumed that Biomerging is not allowed, and that's the case with this RPG. 4: Multiple Mega forms (or multiple forms of any level) are almost never allowed, and they aren't in this RPG. 5: 11 is a bit young. In most RPGs, the characters are somewhere between 15 and 21. You don't have to change the age, but I suggest that you do. Fix the problems I've pointed out. Oh, Arika, you're in.
You're in, Lrb. Arika, you just need to finish your sign-up (as usual).
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha][COLOR=MediumTurquoise']And his username should be ShawnF69.[/COLOR][/quote] Actually, based on the thread's title, I think the username should have been Shawn666. And speaking of the title, I'm curious as to why the title 'Satan's Computer' was chosen. That title doesn't seem to fit.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[Did you ever think that it might be a bad idea to give your allies an incorrect picture of yourself?] Angelus asked Valo as she flew to the castle. [An enemy was with them. Zeddrick has an inacurate picture of who I am, which is intentional. as long as he is still an enemy, I will continue t mislead him about myself. it's very useful if everything the enemy thinks he knows about you is wrong. For example, he doesn't seem to believe that I know what I'm doing. Of course, he probably doesn't know some of the things the two of us has done. If he did, he'd view me a lot differently then he seems to.] [You're referring to the Galsonaz breakout, I assume?] [There are others, of course, but that was certainly the most impressive feat of ours. It's hard to top getting every prisoner out of the most heavily-guarded prision there is without the guards noticing a single thing until we were done.] [Yes, but the energy expendature almost killed the both of us.] [That only makes it even more impressive, because we survived the experiance. My point is that if Zeddrick knew that we were behind that, even if that's the only thing he knew we did, his oppinion of me would be a lot different. Right now, I don't think I want him knowing who I really am. The lack of that knolwedge give us an advantage over him, and I don't want to lose it just yet.] -
Your digivolution line is perfectly acceptable. You're in.
As before, you're in, but remember that Lucemon isn't any more powerful than other Rookies.
"The infamous 'R' rating!" (spoken in a mysterious 'dooooom' voice)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Falkon's topic in Noosphere
Question 1: What city do you live in? Where I live, there's barely anyone on the streets who isn't in a car. Therefore, there isn't any violence/language/sex. If you see that stuff every time you walk down the streed, then you probably live in the wrong part of town. Question 2: What school do you go to? At my school, the closest thing I've seen to sex is a couple talking about how much they love each other while looking out a window. As for swearing, saying so much as '****' gets a stunned silence from the entire class. And yes, I'm in high school. If your school is like an R-rated movie, it's probably not the greatest school. Personally, I think that the ratings are too lenient instead of too strict. If you dissagree, just go see Alien vs. Predator, which recieved a PG-13 rating, and see if you still dissagree.