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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
[i]In ancient times, before the time of humans in their world, the most powerful Digimon of all time walked the digital world. He was the greatest evil the digital world has ever known. His name was Mephistomon. Mephistomon managed to accomplish what none other ever has. At the hieght of his power, he had under his control the entirity of the digital world. Many sought to defeat Mephistomon, but he easily destroyed all challengers. Mephistomon was eventually defeated, but not by a courageous hero. He was defeated by treachery. His right-hand Digimon, Anubismon, took him by surprise and managed to destroy him. He did so not because of any desire to free the digital world, but because he wanted Mephistomon's power. None know what happened to Anubismon. Shortly after defeating Anubismon, he dissapeared. Neither one of them was ever seen or heard from again. Thousands of years passed. Truth became story, story became myth, myth became legend. But the truth endured, enscribed on a total of five tablets, each in the hands of a powerful and respected Digimon. Jijimon had one, Seraphimon was given the second, Magnadramon possessed the third, Goldramon the fourth, and Kerpymon the fifth. Goldramon was the first to go. What happened to Goldramon is unknown. All that is known is that his tablet vanished along with him. Jijimon went second, Kerpymon third, and Seraphimon fourth. Each one's tablet was missing, but none of their other possessions were. Magnadramon was the only tablet-holder left, and she feared for her life. Magnadramon had only one hope. Occasionally, humans would be chosen and brought to the digital world. It was their destiny to protect the digital world from those who sought to harm it. Magnadramon's hope was that humans would again be summoned to end what was, in her mind, a clear threat not only to her, but to the entire digital world.[/i] All right, here's how it works. You play as one of the Chosen, the humans with Digimon partners who are brought to the digital world (I don't like the term 'digidestined', so I'm using 'Chosen' instead). I'll also allow you to play as a Digimon without a human partner. If you do, you can be any level, although if you want to play as a Mega-level Digimon, you must PM me explaining why. If you have a good reason, I'll allow it. Ultimate or lower you can be without PMing me, although I reccommend you don't go lower than Ultimate (Digimon without human partners can't digivolve). Also, no made-up Digimon for Digimon without human partners (a human can have a made-up Digimon as a partner, though). As far as alignment, nobody is currently allowed to be a bad guy, although your character can become one as the RPG progresses. The reason for this is that if I allowed people to play as bad guys from the start, I'd have to reveal a good deal of my planned storyline, which would tuin a good bit of the RPG. So no bad guys now, but your character can become one later on. Sign-up time. There are seperate sign-up forms for Chosen and Digimon-only sign-ups. Here's the human-Digimon pair sign-up: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Personallity: Digimon: Rookie-level Digivolution chain: Rookie to Mega. Provide appearance and attacks for all levels that are made-up Digimon Here's the Digimon-only sign-up: Name: What Digimon you are (Greymon, Andromon, etc. That's what I want here. Remember, no made-up Digimon can be without human partners) Level: Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, or Mega. Remember, if you want to be a Mega-level Digimon, you must PM me explaining why you want to. Bio: Personallity: Bio and Personallity are optional, because having them set limits character-development potential. Here's my sign-up: Name: Jaht Azularo Age: 17 Gender: Male Digimon: Hawkmon Digivolution Chain: Hawkmon-Aquilamon-Silphymon-AncientIrismon I'll be checking RPGs you've been in, and if I don't like what I see, I won't accept you. Don't worry, I'm not very strict. I think that's everything. PM me with any questions.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[Works every time,] Valo sent to Angelus. [You're a bastard, you know,] she replied. [Yes, I know. But the meanest option is often the most effective.] "Nice to see we're all a bit more friendly now," he said. "And Heero, I'm sorry that you think a few things, such as the fact that you believe I meant what I just said." "What's that suposed to meen?" Heero asked. "Only that this whole thing would have continued all night if I hadn't done something, and we don't have all night. What I said was calculated to make you pissed off at me. That way, you aren't at each other's throats. I deliberatly provoked you in order to stop your, um, discussion before it got nasty. I'm sure you're not too happy with me, but that's better than what is was before I got here. "Now, let's get down to business. We're not anywhere near done yet. According to Zeddrick, Ilthazar has about 500 more dragons to throw at us. One of those will probably be around 3000 years old. We'll have our work cut out for us, especially since we'll be taking the fight to Ilthazar. In about a week, when Branit and his escort, Zeddrick, were supposed to reach Ilthazar's castle, Ilthazar will probably come to the conclusion that we captured Branit and Zeddrick, which we did. He'll assume we know everything that they know or, in Branit's case, knew. That could cause problems, so we need to strike before then. That meens we need to leave tomorrow, which meens we need to start preparing. Oh, and you might want to get some sleep. So let's get a omve on." With that, valo climbed on Angelus's back, and the dragon took off, heading for the castle of Celebrynn. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"I don't think you're going anywhere, Zeddrick," Valo said, stepping into view. Everyone turned. "What are you doing here?" Brielle asked. She didn't sound too happy with Valo. "Relax," Valo replied. "Zeddrick's not why I'm here. After I spoke with him last, Angelus and I folowed you to the hatchery. You were leaving when we got there. We've been shadowing you ever since then. If you're wondering how you could possibly not see us, well, Angelus is an expert at concealing herself, even in flight." "If you're not here for Zeddrick, then why are you here?" "Because I'm folowing you, Brielle. Because of how you undoubtably feel right now, there are certain unsensable actions you are likely to take. Attempting a revival of the King and Queen, for example." "And just what do you know about how I feel?" "Because my parents are also dead," Valo told her. "In fact, that was a good deal worse than what happened to the King and Queen. For one think, you only had to see one of them killed. They died quickly, too. My stepfather went in battle, but my mother didn't. I saw her beaten. I saw her raped. I saw her driven to suicide. Consider yourself lucky, Brielle. You got off light." -
Ohkami, just one thing. I know that Lucemon's extremly powerful, but in the interest of balance, in this RPG he's not any more powerful than other Rookie-level Digimon. As long as you realise that, you're in. Venge, no empathy or other paranormal abilities. Delete that part, please.
[i]Many times, evil has threatened the digital world. Every time, it has been defeated. The most dangerous evil one arose many thousands of years ago. He used no name, so the Digimon of the time gave him one, a name derived from 'mesphi', their word for 'evil'. They called the evil Digimon Mephistomon. Mephistomon came extremly close to controlling the entire digital world. None had ever faced a Digimon as powerful as Mephistomon. His conquest of the entire digital world seemed certain. In the end, all still willing to fight gathered for one desperate final battle. Mephistomon won easily. However, two of the Digimon he thought he had finished off were still alive, a WarGreymon and a MetalGarurumon, both very near death. They were the ones who led the attack, and they were not wiling to give up. Nobody knows exactly how it happened, but the two of them fused into one. This new Digimon called himself Omnimon. Their battle was feirce. Most everything in the area was destroyed. In the end, Omnimon managed to win, but only barely. If Mephistomon hadn't just defeated a small army, he would have won. Unfortunatly, as is inherent in the nature of this world, no evil Digimon can be permanantly destroyed. They, like all other Digimon, are eventually reborn. Usually, reform comes with rebirth, but not always. The most powerful ones never change their ways. So, as his last act, Omnimon sealed Mephistomon away, using the last of his energy to form the seal. He died upon the seal's completion. The reborn pair that formed him has never been identified, and, like most reborn Digimon, have no memory of their previous lives. Mephistomon was thought to be permanantly out of action, but even the strongest of seals fades over time. It is only a matter of days, perhaps hours, until his return. With Omnimon long gone, humans refered to by the legends as Digidestined are called to the digital world to oppose Mephistomon, and to find a way to defeat him. Permanently.[/i] All right, this is my latest Digimon RPG. Basically, you play as one of the humans that's been brought to the digital world, and your goal is to find a way to defeat Mephistomon for good. I'll allow people to play as bad guys, and I'll allow people to have two characters (if you want to, you can have one good guy and one bad guy). I'll also allow you to play as a Digimon without a human partner, but if you choose to do so, you must follow these rules: 1: No digivolution. Digimon without human partners cannot digivolve on command. 2: If you want to be a Mega-level Digimon, you must send me a PM explaining why you want to play as a Mega-level Digimon, and I'll decide if I'll allow you to. All other levels are allowed without PMing me, but I recommend Ultimate because of the previous rule. 3: You can't make up a Digimon if you don't want to have a human partner (ones you make up are all right if you do want a human partner, although I'd prefer if you didn't use made-up ones) 4: This isn't a rule as much as it is a suggestion. If you want to play as a Digimon without a human partner, I reccommend that you play on Mephistomon's side. See, when the more powerful bad guys (like Mephistomon himself, or one of his most powerful cronies) show up, Digimon without human partners will be a bit out of their leauge. I'll allow good-guy Digimon without human partners, but I don't reccommend it. And now for the sign-up itself. There are two seperate sign-up forms, one for human-Digimon pairs, and one for Digimon without human partners. Here's the human-Digimon pair sign-up: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Personallity: Digimon: Rookie-level Digivolution chain: Rookie to Mega. Provide appearance and attacks for all levels that are made-up Digimon Here's the Digimon-only sign-up: Name: What Digimon you are (Greymon, Andromon, etc. That's what I want here. Remember, no made-up Digimon can be without human partners) Level: Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, or Mega. Remember, if you want to be a Mega-level Digimon, you must PM me explaining why you want to. Bio: Personallity: Bio and Personallity are optional. You can have them if you want to, but I find that having those set limits character development options. Here's my sign-up: Name: Vaxla Escuro Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Tall and very good-looking. In good shape, and strong, mainly because of her training with the poles. She keeps the poles strapped to her back whenever she has them with her. The normaly wears plain shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: For a while, Vaxla's life was very normal. At the age of 13, her parents, both apparently doctors, moved to a small town outside of New York. It was more than a year before things started to happen. It was at Vaxla's fourteenth birthday party. Vaxla was easily the most popular girl at her school. She was friendly, smart, athletic, and very good-looking. Her boyfriend was the envy of every guy in the school. She didn't choose well. It turned out that the town was home to a drug ring, and a big deal was going down on Vaxla's birthday. When parents droped off their kids, they met with the 'grandfather' of Vaxla's boyfriend, Jaht Azularo. The 'grandfather' was the drug buyer, and each involved parent had some of his purchace. After the handoff, they made small talk so that it would look natural. Vaxla's parents were in on it, of course, and carried some of the purchase themselves. Vaxla's parents were actually undercover FBI agents, something that not even she knew. They had notified the FBI of the deal, and agents were sent. In the resulting firefight, Jaht's fake grandfather was killed. Jaht, who prooved to be in on the deal, grabbed the man's gun. Jaht, Vaxla's boyfriend, killed Vaxla's parents. She was never the same. She was taken to an orphanage near New York. The only thing she had with her was a pair of metal poles that she'd found. She learned how to use them effectivly. Several people wanted to adopt her, but she refused to go. She shunned all others, refusing even to look at people she didn't have to. There was only one who this didn't apply to. A few months after her seventeenth birthday, she found an odd device in the bathroom. She woke up at around midnight that night to find a strange creature sitting on her bed. The creature introduced itself as Hawkmon, a Digimon. At first, Vaxla thought she was dreaming. When morning came and Hawkmon was still there, she realised that the thing was real. It took her a little while to get used to having Hawkmon. Fortunatly, Hawkmon didn't seem to need Vaxla to feed or take came of him, which made it a lot easier to keep him around and hide him from everyone else. Over time, Hawkmon explained to Vaxla how his home world, the Digital World, functioned. Hawkmon is the only person that Vaxla isn't suspicious of. Personality: Solitary to the extreme. She only interacts with people when she has to. The only one she's comfortable around is Hawkmon. A pragmatist, she'll make whatever decision benifits her the most, without regard to the affect of her decisions on others (exept Hawkmon). She's also very determined, and a quick thinker as well. Digimon: Hawkmon Digivolution Chain: Hawkmon-Aquilamon-Silphymon-AncientIrismon I'll be checking RPGs you've been in, and if I don't like what I see, I won't accept you. Don't worry, I'm not very strict. I think that's everything. PM me with any questions.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[i]Plejalta is the number one concern,[/i] Valo thought. [i]he's easily the greatest threat we'll face, and we can't assume he'll be paired with anyone other than the very best Rider Ilthazar has. And I doubt that Ilthazar is stupid enough to neglect getting Plejalta battle experiance. Zeddrick told me we'll likely face a 3000+-year-old dragon. What he didn't say is that Plejalta will have reached that age long before we can get to Ilthazar's castle. They're probably training it right now. He expects me to think that Plejalta's reaching the 2000 mark today. What he undoubtably meant was that, if Plejalta's acelleration was stopped at 2000, Plejalta would be deemed ready for battle today. Zeddrick thinks I'm not a very good thinker, an image I've tried to live up to in his presence. He underestimates me. If he didn't, I wouldn't have gotten even the information I did out of him.[/i] Valo walked out into the courtyard, and Angelus landed. [Brielle went to the hatchery,] she told Valo. [Heero followed, but I think he and Cyrus were seen. I, however, know how to remain unseen, and I don't believe any of them saw me.] [i]Why would she go to the hatchery?[/i] Valo wondered. [We need to get to the hatchery.] He hopped on Angelus's back, and she took off. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[font=Arial][size=2]"That's his decision," Valo replied. "His actions determine what mine will be." Valo turned back to Zeddrick. "And as for you, well, I know you're not a scientist, so I asked questions you should know the answers to. Any competent comander knows how fast his forces are produced. Oh, and numbers are not useless. Knowing how many you have now is very useful, even if there will be a lot more shortly. "Now, as far as any dragons having over four days of accelleration, I already know of one such project. Branit told me of the dragon that's been kept under accelleration from the development of the process. He told me its estimated age at the time of his return to the castle, but you were there more recently than him, and as the commander, I'm sure you've made sure to keep yourself informed as to the progress of your most deadly warrior." "So you know of the dragon Plejalta," Zeddrick said. "What you undoubtably don't know is that shortly after Branit left, the rate of accelleration changed. I don't know the details, but I do know that under the new accelleration speed, Plejalta should reach the 2000-year mark sometime today. After the 1000-year mark, the process speeds up by a huge amount." Zeddrick laughed. "by the time you face him, his age will probably be past 3000. You can't win, Valo. There's no way you can stop Plejalta." Zeddrick laughed again. "I know exactly why you chose to reveal that particular piece of information," Valo replied. "Intimidation won't work here, at least not on me. Some of the others might be afraid, but I'm not one of them. So you can just go to hell." And with that, Valo left. [/size][/font] -
"I don't know where to find the digidestined," Raskei said. "Then we need to start looking. Labramon's told me the legends of the Digidestined." Vaxla watched Raskei's face for any signs of surprise that Vaxla and Labramon knew the legends, but saw nothing. "File Island is where the majority of the groups in the legends came into this world, so it's a good place to start looking. Meanwhile, I'd like some more information about the current situation, and in more detain than you can probably give me." "Durring your fight with Raskei, Keramon mentioned Devimon's Castle," Labramon said. "It's where they gat their information. We should look there." "Good idea," Vaxla replied. "We'll look there. Raskei, Keramon, you two go to File Island. Labramon and I will catch up with you there. Oh, just one question: where is Devimon's Castle?" --------------------------------------- OOC: In case you're wondering, all references to the legends of the digidestined include more than just the four seasons of the show. Other stories about Digidestined would doubtless be told, even if they didn't actually happen.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo was the next to pay Zeddrick a visit. "The attack's over," he told Vanilla, "but don't go just yet." Vanilla nodded, and Valo turned to face Zeddrick. "I've been expecting you," Zeddrick said. "I would have been here earlier, but I was otherwise occupied. You killed Branit before I could pump him for any more information, so I have to pump you." "What makes you think I'll talk?" "Because you don't have a choice." Zeddrick laughed. "What will you do? Kill me? Go ahead." "Threats of death have no meaning in interrogations," Valo replied. "You can't talk when you're dead. No, I find that breaking things works much better." He drew his poles. "I'll start with the legs, and work my way up. But only if you don't give me answers." "What do you want me to tell you?" "Thought you'd never ask. I need details on the dragon breeding program. How fast are the eggs produced? Hhow fast do the they grow under acceleration? How many dragons does Ilthazar have right now? Oh, and I need to know any varieties, like the new ones we saw tonight. Will you talk, or do I have to break some bones?" ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Two things. First, Valo's serious about breaking bones (he did it with Branit, remember?). And second, Gelgoog, if you decide to have Zeddrick answer Valo's questions, don't have Valo leave afterwards, please. He'll have more questions. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
after finishing up in the ball room, Valo followed Brielle to the throne room. "Oh, [i]fuck![/i]" he swore when he saw the dead bodies. Valo looked at Brielle, who was still crying. [i]She'll try,[/i] he thought. [i]She'll try. I can't let her.[/i] "Help me move the bodies," Valo instructed Heero. Heero looked up, tears still in his eyes. "Why must we?" "Because it's easier to move dead bodies than a still-living one. Brielle can't be allowed anywhere near them." Heero was on his feet. "She just lost her parents! Let her mourn for them!" "She can mourn all she wants. She can't be allowed near the bodies." "Why not?" Heero shouted angrily. "They're her parents!" "You just answered your own question. It's because they're her parents that she can't be allowed near them. She'll want to bring them back." "What?" "She'll want to bring them back," Valo repeated. "She's the Life rider. She'll think she can. Have you seen what happens when someone tries to bring a person back to life? I have. We can't allow her to try it. She will if we don't get the bodies away from her now." -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"Here's the plan," Valo said. "There are a ton of them in there. I'll distract them. While they're all distracted, you'll come in and take tace of everyone you can. The humans will go down easily, so target them first, then go after the dragons. Don't hesitate to use your powers. We need to do this as fast as we can to prevent casualties. Brielle, you're in charge of the evacuation. Protect the people as they run. when they get out, our dragons will take over. oh, and don't let yourselves be distracted by what I'm about to do. This'll be the closest thing to impossible you'll ever see. Let's do it." Before anyone could say andthing, Valo drew his poles as he ran through the opening with a yell. Everyone turned to look at him, and the enemy soldiers moved to attack. Valo planted his poles and vaulted himself into the air, but instead of landing, he planted his poles on the ground and pushed himself up again. In this manner, he spun himself through the air all the way to the other side of the ballroom before his feet actually touched the ground. the others ran in, taking advantage of the distraction he provided. -
OOC: It?s amazing that Vaxla and Labramon learned Navajo, and Vaxla was taught by a native speaker. Navajo?s not an easy language to learn. I doubt Keramon would know it. he could certainly have guessed at the content of vaxla and Labramon?s conversation, however. If he does know it, could you please PM me explaining how he learned it (just because I?d be curious)? ------------------------------------------------ ?I doubt you actually understand the language that Vaxla and I used,? Labramon said to Keramon. ?You just guessed what we were talking about. Not too hard to do, certainly. And you were right. We were discusing what Raskei said. We decided that our goals and yours match. Vaxla just wants to know how well Raskei fights without your aid.? The two of them watched the battle. It was a very close fight, but Vaxla seemed to have a slight edge. Raskei?s strikes were a tiny bit off, his hold of the pole more suitable for a bladed weapon. Not a sword, though. A bladed pole-type weapon. Similar to a plain pole, but different enough to throw his motions a tiny bit off. Vaxla was able to use this against him. At the end, she let loose with a quick series of strikes that ended with Raskei on the ground, disarmed. ?Very good,? Vaxla said as Raskei stood up. She retrieved her othre pole, and put both away. ?You were a little off, though. you normally use a different weapon, don?t you? Similar to a pole, but bladed, right?? Raskei nodded. ?Correct. I assume I passed your test?? ?Yes. You passed. You can take care of yourself. That?s good. All right, let?s get down to business. You and Keramon have your goals. Labramon and I have ours. Our goals match with yours. Therefore, it?s only logical that we work together. Agreed?? ?Agreed,? Raskei said. ?Good. Now, you made it pretty obvious that we musk kill these digidestined, so that?s what we?ll do first. So, where are they??
"Damn, you're quick to assume things," Vaxla remarked. "What makes you think that I want anything to do with you?" "You're here," Raskei replied. Vaxla chuckled. "If by 'here', you mean in this world, that's because I don't have a choice. I was brought here. If I'd had a choice, I wouldn't have come. As for why I'm talking to you, it's because you're the person who kept talking about the digital world. I thought you might know why Labramon and I were brought here." "You were brought here by ones who would oppose me." "Not knowingly. What the hell is going on here?" "Do you really not know?" "No," Vaxla said. "Then I'll tell you. At worst, you'll decide to do what I thought you were already trying to do. Long ago, the four Keepers of the Apocalypse were sealed away so that they could not do harm to this world. The same warriors that sealed them were also responsible for defeating Lucemon, another threat. That was a very, very long time ago. Not quite as long ago, Lucemon returned, and was again defeated. Now, three of the four Keepers of the Apocalypse have returned, and seek to free the fourth, their leader. "Lucemon is also still alive. I am the Child of Fate, the one who will gather the four Keepers and shed them across the spot of Lucemon's defeat. This will release Lucemon, whom I will then destroy for good. The digidestined are the allies of the Keepers, and must be taken out." "That's all?" "That's all." Vaxla knelt beside Labramon. She spoke softly, and in the language of the Navajo indian tribe, a language nearly impossible to learn. She began learning it with Labramon in case they needed to communicate without being understood, an example of Vaxla's paranoia at work. There was a Navajo at the orphanage. Why she was there, nobody knew, but Vaxla made use of her. She learned fast, and taught Labramon what the Navajo taught her. They were both fluent(sp?). "That last part was either bullshit or a misunderstanding," Vaxla said. "Definatly not what's true," Labramon agreed. "The digidestined are always opposed to those who would do harm to this world. They are summoned to defend it, not help destroy it. Raskei and Keramon obviously haven't hearn any of the legends of the digidestined. Either that, or he assumes that we haven't." "Probably the latter, seeing as how we stressed our lack of knolwedge. Either way, it seems likely that he just lied to us to get our aid in freeing either the last Keeper or, more likely, Lucemon, assuming that that part's true, which it may or may not be. He couldn't have known what our reaction to the truth would be." "Then I take it you want to do the same thing I want to?" "Yes. Our chances are better with the Keepers and/or Lucemon than they are against the Keepers and/or Lucemon. Just one thing first." Vaxla stood up and switched back to English, which raskei and Keramon could speak and understand. "It seems there's a decision to make," she said. "But first, there is one thing that I must know." She drew her poles and threw one to Raskei. "Let's see how skilled with that you are. this is not a fight to the death. I want to know your skill, how well you can fight without Keramon's aid. So, bring it on."
[I]Flash[/I] Vaxla was in her room at the orphanage. She was startled by a sudden flash of light. [i]Flash[/i] [i]What the fuck?[/i] she thought. "Labramon, something's happening." [i]Flash[/i] The small doglike Digimon crawled out from under vaxla's bed. "What is it?" [i]Flash[/i] "That," she replied. "It seems to be coming from behind the door." [i]Flash[/i] "Are you sure that that's coming from the hallway? I've seen this light before, when I first came to this world." [i]Flash[/i] "You're saying it's a portal to the digital world?" "I think it is." The flashing stopped. A steady glow replaced it. Vaxla grabbed the device she'd found the day Labramon appeared, her digivice. It, too, was glowing. "Do we have to go through it?" The door handle turned. "I'm guessing yes," Labramon said. Vaxla quickly grabbed her poles and strapped them to her back. The door opened. The next thing the two of them knew, they were in a forest. "All right," Vaxla said. "we're here. now, how the fuck do we get back home? And while we're at it, why was the portal there in the first place?" The two of them looked around. It was Labramon who saw them. "There's someone over there." 'Another person?" "Looks like a person and a digimon. Maybe they have an idea about what's going on?" "Fine," Vaxla said. "We'll go talk to them, but only long enough to learn what they know." They started walking. As they got closer, they were able to identify the two. "The digimon's a Keramon," Labramon said. "Wait. That human. Isn't he that guy from the orphanage? The one who keeps mentioning the digital world?" Vaxla squinted. "Holy shit! That is Raskei!" "With all his talk about this world, he's probably been here before," Labramon said. "He just might know what's going on. Come on, let's go ask."
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[Vanilla, status report!] Valo sent. [Zeddrick's sleeping, love. My flute put him out like a light.] [I doubt you've used that flute on an elemental rider before. Stay with him. He might wake up.] [Got it.] Valo saw several enemy dragons around the ballroom. There was a large hole in the wall, large enough for a dragon to enter through. [i]Shit[/i] he thought. [i]Those people in there can't defend themselves against dragons. they'll probably be used as hostages.[/i] [Lionel, they're in the ballroom,] he sent. [They'll probably be taking hostages, which could cause a serious problem. our dragons will provide air cover while we go in there and clean out the enemy forces. I hope you've practiced against dragons when not on dragonback, because there'll undoubtably be some in there. Let's do this.] -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: Actually, I don't want you to change anything. ---------------------------------------------------- [Lionel, fly above them!] Valo sent. [When I give the signal, shoot an energy blast into the center of the group. Don't aim for one of their dragons. Aim for me. I'll aim for you. Our blasts will meet halfway, and the result should be very deadly to those dragons.] Lionel went above the group while Valo went below. When they were in position, Valo sent [Now!] His and Lionel's blasts met in the middle of the group of enemy dragons. The energies of the blasts didn't cancel each other out, but seemed to combine into an energy sphere. the sphere collapsed into several shockwaves that killed several of the enemy dragons. The rest were injured, and easily picked off one by one. [Nice move,] Lionel sent. [Oppisites don't always cancel. Sometimes they compliment each other. And it doesn't take a lot of energy to produce a devistating effect. That's essential for me right now, because I can't replenish my energy at night. I draw power from the light. I assume that's how it works for you. You draw power fom the darkness. Anyways, it's not a problem for you, because you can replenish yourself,but I need to conserve my energy as much as possible. I don't know if that super-dragon they've had under continuous accelleration for a couple months will show up, but we need to be ready if it does.] -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
When the attack began, Valo looked around for the nearest Rider, and saw Vanilla. [i]Perfect,[/i] he thought. [i]She'll want to please me. She won't object to anything I ask her to do, even if its essentialy babysitting duty[/i]. Valo ran over to her. "Someone needs to watch Zeddrick. He'll probably try to escape. I want you in his room, and Caramel just outside. if Zeddrick trys to escape, do whatever you must to stop him. the same goes for his dragon. Ilthazar's troops can't be allowed to see either of them, and those that do must not be alllowed to escape. We have several days before Ilthazar figures out that we took Branit. Zeddrick was guarding Branit. If Zeddrick is seen here, and one who sees him reports to Ilthazar, we lose that time. we need to keep Ilthazar from learning of our knowledge of his dragon breeding program for as long as possible. So, keep Zeddrick as his dragon in their room. can you do it?" Vanilla nodded. "Caramel and I will take care of it, love." "Good." Valo ran outside. Angelus swooped down, but didn't land. Valo knelt and placed his palms on the ground. He shot a blast of light energy into the ground. The force blasted him upwards, and he timed it so that he landed on Angelus's back. Valo contacted Lionel. [Lionel, group coming in from above! Help me with them. they shouldn't be too hard for the two of us. We're oppisites, right? Light and darkness. we'll strike together. They won't know what hit them.] -
Sign Up Digimon: Keepers of the Apocolypse [PG-LV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Engel's topic in Theater
It's been a while since I've seen a good Digimon RPG arond here. Name: Vaxla Escuro Age: 17 Partner Digimon: Labramon Real World Home: An orphanage near New York Starting Point in Digi-World: Forest in Northern Contenient Bio: For a while, Vaxla's life was very normal. At the age of 14, her parents, both apparently doctors, moved to a small town outside of New York. It was more than a year before things started to happen. It was at Vaxla's sixteenth birthday party. Vaxla was easily the most popular girl at her school. She was friendly, smart, and very good-looking. Her boyfriend was the envy of every guy in the school. She didn't choose well. It turned out that the town was home to a drug ring, and a big deal was going down on Vaxla's birthday. When parents droped off their kids, they met with the 'grandfather' of Vaxla's boyfriend, Jaht Azularo. The 'grandfather' was the drug buyer, and each involved parent had some of his purchace. After the handoff, they made small talk so that it would look natural. Vaxla's parents were in on it, of course, and carried some of the purchase themselves. Vaxla's parents were actually undercover FBI agents, something that not even she knew. They had notified the FBI of the deal, and agents were sent. In the resulting firefight, Jaht's fake grandfather was killed. Jaht, who prooved to be in on the deal, grabbed the man's gun. Jaht, Vaxla's boyfriend, killed Vaxla's parents. She was never the same. She was taken to an orphanage near New York. The only thing she had with her was a pair of metal poles that she'd found. She learned how to use them effectivly. Several people wanted to adopt her, but she refused to go. She shunned all others, refusing even to look at people she didn't have to. There was only one who this didn't apply to. A few months after her seventeenth birthday, she found an odd device in the bathroom. She woke up at around midnight that night to find a strange creature sitting on her bed. The creature introduced itself as Labramon, a Digimon. At first, Vaxla thought she was dreaming. When morning came and Labramon has still there, she realised that the thing was real. It took her a little while to get used to having Labramon. Fortunatly, Labramon didn't seem to need Vaxla to feed or take came of him, which made it a lot easier to keep him around and hide him from everyone else. Over time, Labramon explained to Vaxla how his home world, the Digital World, functioned. Labramon is the only person that Vaxla isn't suspicious of. Appearance: Tall and very good-looking. in good shape, and strong, mainly because of her training with the poles. She keeps the poles strapped to her back whenever she has them with her. The normaly wears plain shorts and a t-shirt. Digivolution Chart: Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Mega: Anubismon Hope that's OK. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[Brielle doesn't know how good she's got it,] Valo sent to Angelus. [She was able to find her missing family member. i can't, because my dad dies before I was born. That other guy was my father in practice, but he wasn't my real father. I wish I knew who my real father was. I never evel learned his name. Just that he had the same circle-on-six-pointed star birthmark on the back of his hand that I do.] [Finding your family isn't the only thing that matters,] Angelus sent back. [Who they are plays a role. You wouldn't be happy to learn that Zeddrick was your brother.] [I know why she's upset. That doesn't change the fact that she thinks she's a lot worse off than she is. I hope that doesn't affect her in combat.] [You seem so sure we'll be attacked, Valo.] [All of us Riders in one place? Ilthazar won't be able to resist. And he certainly knows about it. It's not like this ball's a big secret, and preperations for something this big had to be underway before all of us Riders even came to the palace. No, Ilthazar knows, and he's definatly sent an attack force. Be on guard, and notify me of anything unusual.] -
I don't hate Wind Waker, but I do think it's extremly overrated. But the Ganondorf fight was awesome, I have to agree. As for the Anubis fight in ZOE2, I don't like the compressed space battle as much as you all seem to. Sure, it's fun, and it's a challenge, which is a plus, but I don't think it's as intense as you do. See, Anubis runs a lot. He shoots his Burst atack at you, you Zero-Shift in and get a couple attacks off, then he Zero-Shifts away. Repeat. Ocasionally, he'll engage in melee combat, but this is rare. Personally, I like the final battle more. That battle is intense. Sure, Anubis still Zero-Shifts, but you don't have to wait for a Burst attack to get back in there. Sure, it's not as hard, but that only applies to the main game. If you want a challenge, play that fight as Damaged Jehuty in the VR Missions mode. That makes it one hell of a lot harder.
The Shade's name was Durza. I'm going to see if I can get some discussion going with this: [spoiler]Who is Eragon's father? I've had several guesses, but when I read the book again, I decided than none of them were right. Why? Because of Angela's fortune-telling. She said that betrayal would come from within Eragon's family. I don't think Roran's going to betray Eragon. I think that Eragon's father is in the Varden, and that he's the traitor. My first guess, Brom, is dead, so he can't betray Eragon, and I don't think he would have even if he lived. If it was me writing the books, I'd be mean to Eragon and have his father be Galbatorix, but that doesn't fit the betrayal thing. Neither does Morzan. I doubt Ajihad would be a traitor, as he's head of the Varden, and I didn't come up with any more candidates. Does anyone else have any guesses? Or maybe, does anyone think that Roran will betray Eragon?[/spoiler]
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo sought out Brielle as soon as he was ready for the ball. The first thing she noticed was that he had his poles strapped to his back, like normal. Normal for Valo, but not for a ball. "All of us in one place presents a target that Ilthazar won't be able to resist," was his explination. "If I didn't know that the Dragon Queen was the target, I'd say that the attack was going to happen durring the ball. As it is, I still expect an attack, just not the one I had questions about. Now, I have a question for you. When you left Zeddrick's room, you looked... confused. Upset, too. And shocked. Please explain what happened to give you those feelings." "I-it's kind of personal," Brielle replied. "You don't understand what happened, do you? Tell me, then. I might be able to help you figure it out." "Well... all right. You've seen the mark on my hand?" Valo nodded. "It's a birthmark. Zeddrick has the same mark. So did my brother." "Is your brother alive?" "I don't think so." Valo chuckled. "Slow, aren't you? Or maybe just in denial. i'd probably be, too. But you're the one who found her brother again, not me. Face it, Brielle. He's your brother. It's pretty obvious." ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: Tell me if you don't want Brielle saying any of that, amgoddess. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"We don't know what caused it, sir." Branit's guards were trying to explain Branit's death to Valo. It was hard, because they didn't know what happened. Valo asked to see the body. The guards brought Branit's body to him, and he kneeled beside it. After inspecting the body for wounds, he looked up. "Did the healers inspect for poison?' "They did, sir," one of the guards responded. "He wasn't poisoned." Valo put his hand on Branit's forhead and closed his eyes, concentrating. there was an aura in the body, one he recognized. "Zeddrick." "The other captive?" Valo nodded and stood up. "That's him. He rides the Death dragon. His powers, like mine, have a distinct signature, a distinct aura. His aura is in branit's body." "Why did he kill Branit?" "Because he couldn't kill us. For some reason, he can't kill any of us the way he killed Branit. If he could, we'd already be dead. He didn't want us interrogating Branit, because he knew that Branit would talk. I got some information from Branit before we got back to the palace. Zeddrick didn't want us getting any more information, so he removed our information source." Valo exited the dungeon. He found a guard who knew where Zeddrick was located. He was about to head there when a man ran up to him. Valo knew who the man was. The man was another spy. He was the one gathering information on troop movements. valo gave his end of the code, "Akil'il'oi kalo'oil'liak." "Akil'il'oi aso'oloi'ilal'li," the man, named Azufe, responded. the code for hm was different than the code for Jaht. "I don't know much," Azufe said. "What I do know is that a large-scale attack is coming, and the target is somewhere near here. I don't know exactly where, I don't know when, and I don't know what the target is. I got here as fast as I could. Hopefully you'll be able to figure out the target in time to get there and protect it. Not likely, though. All I know is that the target is being referred to as 'Queen'. Not the Queen as in Orion's wife, though. This 'Queen' is someone or something else. i'm sorry I don't know anything more." "You did what you could," Valo told him. "Besides, we have a prisoner who probably knows the details." The first thing Brielle saw after she left Zeddrick's room was Valo, and he looked ready to blow through anything in his way. Brielle got in his way. "No, Valo." "Yes," Valo replied. "Don't ask me how, but Zeddrick is responsible for killing Branit. I don't know what he did, but we're still alive, so he can't do it to us." "All the more reason to keep you away from him. You'll probably kill him." "I can't right now, Brielle. He has information I need. I have just learned that a large-scale attack is on the way. I don't know where the attack will be, or when, or what the target is. All I know is that the target is being referred to as 'Queen'. Not Orion's wife, though. This 'Queen' is someone or something else, and I don't know what. I think Zeddrick knows the details, and I need to know them. If you don't wat me interrogating Zeddrick, fine. You get the information. But if you can't get anthing out of him, then it's my turn." -
Most memorable boss fight? That's easy. I have two. First, if you play as Ghost in [i]Enter the Matrix[/i], there's a point where you get to fight Trinity. That's fun. It's not too hard, but it's very fun. [i]Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner[/i] has a fight that's even more enjoyable than beating the crap out of Trinity. In the original ZOE, your character (The pilot of Orbital Frame (giant robot) Jehuty) is Leo Stenbuck, who, among other things, is a whiner. And I don't mean reluctant to kill. I mean crying because he had to fight someone who was trying to kill him. I got tired of him really fast. In ZOE 2, Jehuty's pilot is Dingo Egret, a much more likable character. Leo Stenbuck pilots Vic Viper, and I knew this before playing the game. Imagine my delight when Vic Viper attacked Jehuty. Kicking the crap out of Leo is one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done in a game.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[i]I thought Heero'd be the right guy to go after Branit,[/i] Valo thought as he saw the others approaching. When the two groups met, Valo wasted no time. he used the standard water-in-the-face trick to wake Branit up, then went right to work. "How is it possible to artificially breed dragons?" Branit did a god job of looking confused. "It's not. Do you think I know how? Is that what this is about? Look, your information is wrong." "Really?" Valo drew his poles and slammed one into Branit's left leg, breaking it. "Am I still wrong?" "It isn't possible to-" valo broke his other leg. "I don't know anything!" "Then I suppose you don't value your arms." He made to break Branit's left arm, but before he did, Branit gave in. "All right! I'll talk!" "Good," Valo said. "Now, how is a dragon breeding program possible?" "I'm not involved with the breeding part. That's not my job. I don't know how it's done. All I know is that there are tons of eggs made. fertile ones, too. When the eggs hatch, that's where I come in." "Just what is your role, Branit?" "I'm in charge of growth accelleration." "What?!" "Growth accelleration," Branit repeated. "The King wants his dragons as soon as possible. It takes about ten years before a dragon is ready for real fighting. The King doesn't want to wait that long, so we use growth accelleration. The dragons put through the process tend to be deformed physically, but that doesn't affect their capabillities. They don't get the experiance and knolwedge they would growing naturally, and they tend to be weaker than normal dragons, but that's offset by the speed at which they grow under the process. We stop most of the dragons when they reach about 30 years, although some are kept in the process longer. And there's one that we've kept in the process from its hatching. It was the first one we had after perfecting the process about three and a half months ago. Unless the process has problems with dragons of a certain age, which I doubt, then that dragon should be exactly 1,238 years at midnight tonight." "How many dragons do you have right now?" "I don't know. I'm in charge of the accelleration process, but I don't do all the work, and someone else is in charge of keeping track of numbers. I do know that we can grow them faster than the egg guys can give them to us. We're always waiting on them." "That's good to know," Valo said. "No more questions." With that, he knocked Branit out. "We may need more from him later, so we'll take him with us. Lionel, you get the lead position. Brielle, you're next. Zeddrick, you come after her. Don't try anything. If you do, you and your dragon are both dead. Heero and Vanilla, I want you two on either side of Zeddrick. I'll be behind him. Vanilla, your companion gets to bring up the rear, and he gets to carry Branit. We need to get back to the castle as soon as possible, so we'll be going overnight again. When we get back, then we'll have a coulple day's rest. come on. Let's get moving."