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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: You don't want to give up on this, do you, Solo? --------------------------------------------------- "I'm not quite sure who can tell you anything, to be honest," Kira said. "We only just got here, and we're not sure how we were brought here, or why." "Well, I know why Bolt and I are here," Azufe said. "Monitering equipment picked up some unusual power readings from this area, and we were sent to investigate. Normally, this would be covert, but a man named Imahori revealed that a not-too-nice man known only as the General didn't want us to come, and that we would be finding friends here. Because of the General's objection, I think that there's something very important to everyone sane going on here, and I need to know what." ---------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Solo, Azufe's kind of stuck without anything to do. Could you maybehave someone meet with him, or something?
Nobody has yet mentioned Prince of Persia 2 or Viewtiful Joe 2? I am angered. Prince of Persia 2 (which seems to be the game's title, even though there's already been a Prince of Persia 2) is the sequal to the excellent game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I have to agree with everyone I've heard talk about that game and say that the combat needed work. I didn't find it too repetitive, but that's probably because I didn't pay attention to the on-screen instructions and ended up discovering many moves by accident on my second play-through. There did need to be more fighting, and apparently there will be in the sequal. I hope you get to fight the Dahaka near or at the end of the game. As for VJ2, well, the original is an awesome game. I was interested, and then I played an in-store demo. I was hooked. It's fun, the three unlockable characters and two unlockable difficulties provide good replay value, but I don't need that incentive. The game doesn't get old. Or easy. Ultra V-Rated is probably the second-hardest thing I've done in a game (the hardest thing I've done is play Ikaruga), but if you don't know what you're doing, play on super-easy Kids mode. Basically, I expect the sequal to, if nothing else, provide more VJ action, and that alone makes it a must-buy for me.
Discuss Digimon: Way of the Worlds Underground [PG-VL]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Blanko was actually around some last month. I don't know if she's back for good, though. As for the other participants, I recomment sending them PMs.I'm glad you brought the RPG back, as it's one of my favorites. I don't want it to die out so soon after revival. Oh, I really can't post to much meaningful stuff until someone explains the situation to Azufe. Solo, that's your job, because you're the guy who's in charge of the RPG, and therefore, the guy who knows what the situation is. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
"This isn't the time," Valo said, jumping to the ground. [Angelus, recon.] Valo walked over to Heero and Brielle. "You two are worse than Vanilla. At least she seems to have taken the hint. If you two can't get along, then why the hell are you going out with each other?" A pause, then, "Yes, I know about it. It was obvious from the way you two were looking at each other yesterday. But that doesn't matter right now. This isn't the time to be having this discussion. We have a job to do." [I've spotted Branit's wagon,] Angelus sent to all of them. [The only escorts are Zeddrick and his dragon.] Valo was quick to come up with a plan. "Just Zeddrick and the dragon is very strange. My guess is, Ilthazar figured out that my spy would inform me of Branit's location. Zeddrick's here to provide a target. I'm betting on 'trap'. So here's what we do. Brielle, you and Scythe Wing go after Zeddrick and his dragon. I think you can handle him. Just don't go into weapon combat. Stick to powers. Heero, you and your dragon are to go after Branit. Dragon kills horses, then you get to Branit. He needs to be alive and concious. Aside from that, do whatever you must to prevent him from escaping. Lionel, we're going to hang back and watch. When the trap is sprung, we take the trap. Until then, we watch. Brielle against Zeddrick is sure to be quite a show. Now, any objections? If so, make them known. If not, then let's do it." -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: You do realize you just set Zeddrick and Ragnrock up for an ass-kicking and a probable capture, right? They'll be up against three riders and dragons. I don't think they can win. ---------------------------------------- Valo wasn't exaggerating. They weren't stopping for anything at all. It was very late, nearing midnight. The dragons, as Valo had said, were showing no signs of tiring. Lionel and Heero, however, were quite obviously tired. It was hard to sleep well on dragonback. Lionel was asleep for the moment, and Heero looked like he was about to doze off yet again. It would be his third time. [i]We'll have to be quick,[/i] Valo thought. [i]We can't let anyone get away. It's good that the other two have decided to come. They can clean up the escort while I interrogate Branit. Hopefully there won't be any dragons in the escort group, but even if there are, Ilthazar only has the one elemental rider, Zeddrick. No, dragons won't be too much of a problem. They only thing with them is that they're fast. They could reach Ilthazar's castle in a single day and night. Any dragons wil have to die first, followed by those on the ground. Then I interrogate Branit, and finally, we clean things up.[/i] -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo found packs and gathered supplies. They wouldn't be back for a coule days, and there wasn't time to stop and eat durring the journey. If they didn't intercept Branit as he was leaving, it'd be nearly impossible to find him. They'd have to stumble across his trail, and that would take incredible luck. As it was, they would make it on time, but not by much. They had a very small margin of error, and Valo wasn't going to let them waste it on buying food. They wouldn't even stop to eat. They'd eat on dragonback. The dragons wouldn't pose any kind of a problem. Dragons could go for a long time without a meal. Valo walked back outside with the three packs he'd put together. He gave one to Lionel and one to Heero. He kept the third for himself. "There's enough water and food in these packs for three days," he told them. "We're not going to stop at all from departure to arrival, not even for food. We'll eat on dragonback. The dragons should be fine. We'll reach our destination at about dinnertime tomorrow. After he has dinner, Branit will depart. We'll track, ambush, and interrogate him. When we're done with him, we'll come back here. time won't be as constraining then, but we'll want to move as fast as we can. We'll have probably about a week before Ilthazar learns that something happened. We'll need to strike before then. We'll have to travel overnight to get there in time, but, as with the food, the dragons shouldn't have any trouble doing that. I can go for a couple nights without sleep. I've done it before. You two can sleep on dragonback if you need to. I've done that, too. Don't worry about falling off. Somehow, you'll stay on. I don't know how or why it works, but it does. You won't fall off." He turns to all of the others. "Last chance to come. We leave now." -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo's head was still hurting a little. He had been angry that Zeddrick had again managed to escape, but there wasn't anything he could have done that time to prevent it. After retrieving his second pole, he and Angelus had returned the castle. When Valo heard Heero talking with Cyrus, he walked over to them. "Collecting the weapons isn't the whole battle," he said. "Ilthazar has to be killed. This may sound crazy, but getting the weapons is the easy part. Simple in and out. I even know where they're kept. But killing Ilthazar will be different. There are a [i]lot[/i] of soldiers in that castle. Quite a few skilled mages, as well. And the dragons can only help us get into the castle. The hard part is just us. "Now, I'm pretty sure I can come up with a way to get the weapons, and one to kill Ilthazar. But not right now. I have to leave soon if I'm to intercept Branit. If anyone wants to go with me, then that's fine. Just follow my instructions. This has to be done a certain way for full effect. I'm leaving in, say, ten minutes." ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: If anyone wants to go with Valo, just say so. -
A fourth Austin Powers movie? Are you sure? Seems to me like they kind of closed off that possibility in the way they ended the third. As for Uma Thurman, well, how often is Samus out of her Power Suit? Build doesn't matter as much for the role of Samus. i'm not so sure about King Kong, but I'll probably see it just because I've never seen the original.
I'm sure most of you have heard of, if not read, [i]Eragon[/i], book 1 of the Inheritance trilogy. That book left a lot of unanswered questions. Add book 2, [i]Eldest[/i], which is currently scheduled for release on August 1, 2005, and the [i]Eragon[/i] movie (which I've mentioned in the 'Next Year's Movies' thread in the Music, Movies, and TV forum), there's plenty to talk about. I'll start by saying that one of my favorite parts of [i]Eragon[/i] is when [spoiler]Eragon is at Farthen Dur and a woman seeks Eragon's blessing for an orphaned child. I think that part was done very well. Eragon's not sure what to do, but he doesn't actually show it. He blesses the child, whom Saphira then touches with her snout, leaving a star-shaped, [i]Gedwey Ignasia[/i]-ish mark on the child's forhead. When I visualize the sequence, I see Eragon as the gathered crowd probably saw him. That's what I like about it. The fact that I can get the feeling of actually [i]being[/i] there. I can't remember ever getting that feeling from a book before.[/spoiler] Of course, the book isn't perfect. For example, [spoiler]Eragon's intelligence doesn't seem constant. There are times when he seems pretty smart (suggesting the use of purchasing records to track the Ra'zac when knowing only that they had Seithr oil, for example). He didn't even know what Seither oil was until then, or even hat it existed), but there are also times when his stupidity stuns me (not being able to guess that the Urgals' master is Galbatorix, for example. That's one of the most obvious things I've ever come across). Also, I was irritated by everyone's reaction to Murtagh, a reaction based only on his father's identity. Not surprised, though. I don't know a single person, with the exception of myself (I hope), that would have reacted differently.[/spoiler] I could go on for a long time, but I'll stop here and let you share your thoughts on [i]Eragon[/i], the upcoming [i]Eldest[/i], the [i]Eragon[/i] movie, and/or anything [i]Inheritance[/i]-related that I didn't mention.
I've just learned of another movie that is scheduled for release next year. One that, for me, beats even Metroid as the most anticipated release of next year. Apparently, Fox 2000 (or whatever they're actually called. I don't know the exact name) has the rights to create a movie based on the very excellent book [i]Eragon[/i], by Christopher Paolini. I'm already going nuts waiting for the sequal, [i]Eldest[/i], and I suspect that I'll go equally nuts waiting for the [i]Eragon[/i] movie.
IrregularX, you're in. hawk&dove, you need to work on spelling, but I'm willing to let you in.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
?I wasn?t prepared for that,? Valo said. ?I was expecting you to start coming at me with your powers. I?m guessing you can do some very dangerous stuff. Then again, one of my companions could give you a much more interesting fight. I?d love to watch you go after the Life rider. That would probably be a very entertaining battle to watch. But she?s not here, unfortunatly.? Valo ran at Zeddrick again. This time, he didn?t do any tricks. He just attacked. Zeddrick blocked and countered. With only one pole, Valo was Zeddrick's equal. However, Valo could use both ends of his weapon, while Zeddrick couldn't strike with the hilt of his sword. Holding it in the middle, Valo spun his pole and used both ends to full effect, forcing Zeddrick to defend. Valo couldn't get trough to Zeddrick, but he struck fast enough that Zedrick didn't have time to attack. Eventually, Zeddrick roled and struck. Valo dove backwards to avoid the attack, and both quickly got to their feet. "This isn't getting anywhere," Valo said."Let's go to powers, shall we?" -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo charged again. He planted his poles as if to vault again, but instead of goin over Zeddrick, he pushed himself right at the man. Zeddrick swung his sword, but Valo pushed on the ground with a pole, sending himself to the side. He roled and sprang to his feet. He swung both poles at the same time. One was heading for Zeddrick's head, and the other was jabbing at his chest. Zeddrick rolled, stood up, and faced Valo. "You're better than I thought." "As are you," Valo replied. "You know my name. What is yours?' "Valo." "Well then, Valo. Let's get on with this." -
And here I thought nobody was interested. You're in. I hope this gets going as well, but I need a few more people to sign up before I can start it.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
?Let me tell you something,? Valo said. ?A couple of us guessed your plan. They stayed behind with a not-small number of regular Riders. I?m amazed that I didn?t see it.? ?I doubt that will matter too much,? Zeddrick replied. ?Even if the force we sent to the capital is defeated, they should be able to offset their loss by killing most of the defenders. As for us, well, we?re just here to keep you busy, and we?re more than able to do it.? ?We?ll just see about that, now, won?t we?? ?Yes, we will.? ?Well,? Valo said, ?shall we do this?? ?Let?s go.? Valo charged. Zeddrick raised his weapon, but instead of striking, Valo used his poles to vault himself over Zeddrick. He spun in midair, landed behind Zeddrick, and went for the man?s head. Zeddrick spun around quickly enough to block the attack. He countered, but Valo blocked with one pole and went for Zeddrick?s head with the other. Zeddrick rolled under the attack, and stood up a couple feet away from Valo. ?Not bad,? he said. ?You?re not bad yourself,? Valo replied. ?Now, shall we continue?? ------------------------------------------------------ OOC: All right, I?m thinking that this fight lasts a while, and involves both weapons and powers. also, let?s have valo and Zeddrick be about equal in skill (meaning that Valo, due to weapon advantage, would probably win a weapons-only battle, which I don?t intend this to be). -
When the light faded, only three of them were left. In place of the other three were three stones, one white, one black, and one green. On a hunch, Rakaloma shifted to infrared. [i]Thought so.[/i] "Those stones give off heat," she whispered to the others. "Well, two of them do. The green one has no infrared signature, and so is fake. Two of those beings there are also illusions. Obviously, the three we saw at the start were really one being and the two real stones, covered by illusions which partially but not fully masked the heat signatures. The question is: why? And what are those stones?" "We need to get them," Anzunden said. "Yes," Rakaloma agreed. "You go. Anyone who wants to, go with him. Everyone else, help me distract the being. And choose now, because we move now." Rakaloma took to the air, flying around, over, and even under the being. The others who decided to help create a diversion added their skills, and Anzunden led the others after the two stones.
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[i]I thought she'd agree with me,[/i] Valo thought. Aloud, he said, "Didn't you hear what I just said? It's probable that they want us to send a small force. And I don't think we can avoid this battle. Besides, we don't have time to." "Why not?" Vanilla asked. "Because the day after tomorrow, a man by the name of Branit will leave the town of Thesoro for Ilthazar's castle. I can't afford to miss him. He may be my only chance of learning exactly what Ilthazar's up to. If we go into his castle without that information, we could be in serious trouble. So, know that if you choose to let the enemy come to you, I probably won't be here to help you fight. I'll have to leave tomorrow to reach Thesoro in time." He turned to Orion. "If we're supposed to let you decide, then you should decide now. What should we do?" -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo took the man to his bedchamber. he locked the door, then turned to the man. "[i]A'si'ilo asi[/i]? I thought you were better than that, Jaht." "I screwed up,"Jaht said. "I was sure I'd been seen where I wasn't supposed to be, but I wasn't imprisoned or executed, so I thought I'd gotten lucky. Then I heard that there would be an attack on the capital sometime today. I don't know if that's true or not, but I assumed that it was false information, that I was being kept alive to mislead you. I'm too good to fall for something like that." Valo chuckled. "Sucks for them. You weren't supposed to learn attack plans. You were supposed to learn where I can find out what Ilthazar's up to." "I did more than that," Jaht replied. "I don't know the details, but I do know that there's some kind of dragon breeding program going on." That one shocked Valo. "A dragon [i]breeding[/i] program? That explains the deformed dragons of yesterdy's attack, but how is that possible?" "Good question. Your best bet for that information is Branit Azuloson. He's involved in the project. He left the castle at the same time I did. I went with him until our paths split. He's visiting his family in Thesoro, a town on the boarder between Ilthazar's and Orion's domains." Valo nodded. "I've been to Thesoro. Great town to pick up rumors in. How lond is this ranit staying there?" "He should be leaving Thesoro the day after tomorrow, right after dinner." "Perfect. One more question, Jaht. How exactly did you screw up?" "It was right after I found the place where they're breeding the dragons. A group of soldiers entered the area. I moved when they were all in, but one was late. Fortunatly, someone exited the area and didn't see me. I followed him, and the trick worked. The soldier obviously assumed I was after troop movement-type information. I didn't stick around long enough to see where the guy I folowed was going, though. I got back to where I was supposed to be. I left as soon as my replacement was in place, so they wouldn't notice me missing. It would have definatly worked had I not been seen, but because they were on to me, they've probabl figured it out." "Well, good job," Valo said. "I now know how to get the information I need. I also know that there's a likly trap about to be sprung on us. That information will give us the edge, and if the leader of the group that's going to try and trap us is who I expect, then I might be able to deprive Ilthazar of the one who is undoubtably his most valuble man." When the injured rider landed and told of the attacking force, Valo had a guess about what was happening. "We're supposed to think another attack will happen here. We'll be reluctant to end our best, meaning us. we're supposed to send basic riders. When they're killed by a force we think a few of us can take, we're supposed to send a few of us. those few would be wiped out, followed by the rest of us when we went. But it seems my informat's hunch was right. There is no attack coming for us here. We'll all go. It'll probably be difficult, but we should be able to win. We'll have to be careful, though. they may have a few surprises designed for us if we did figure it out.We'll come in from all sides, form a circle and move in. I'll come in from above them. Hopefully, such a spread will give us the advantage. Any objections? If not, then let's do it. So, are there any?" -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[i]Odd,[/] Valo thought. [i]She doesn't even seem to notice me. Well, that's good. Surprising, but good. Maybe she's getting over her infatuation. Probably just doing other things right now, though.[/i] three palace guards led a man into the garden and brought him over to Valo. "This man insisted that we take him to you," one of the guards said. "He wouldn't take no for an answer." "That's all right," Valo said. "I think I've been expecting him." He turned to the man. "[i]A'ki'il vos li'ilo stoli[/i]" "[i]A'ki'il vos a'si'ilo asi[/i]," the man responded. "He's the man," Valo said. "That was the code." He looked at the man. "We'll talk in private. Come on." He led the man into the castle. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Valo noticed Lionel with the new weapon, and walked over to him. 'Not the best decision ever, Lionel." Lionel stopped training and looked at Valo. "You mean the scythe?" Valo nodded. "Yes. You don't have time to learn how to properly use that. Stick with your staff until this is over." "My staff isn't very affective." Valo chuckled. "then you're lucky we didn't do weapon combat yesterday. If you think a staff can't be dangerous, then you obviously don't know what you're doing with it. you hit someone hard enough with it, and you'll do damage. trust me. Your staff isn't that different from my poles. While neither of us will be removing any body parts, our weapons are still very dangeroug when used properly. Stick with the staff is my advice." Valo looked up, and saw Caramel coming toward him. Vanilla was undoubtably on the dragon's back. "And here she comes again," Valo said. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: About what? My calling amagoddess's "don't post" request stupid? Like I saud, I've seen that kill RPGs before. ------------------------------------------------- Valo looked at the king. "Well, I have a few things to say about that guy's plan. First, that Death guy isn't any more powerful than any of us. His strength lies in his skill, which I greatly underestimated. Hr used that to his advantage, and it's a mistake I won't be making again. Also, we shouldn't split up. If I know anything about Illthazar, it's that he doesn't send small forces. Oh, and if you don't want any more attacks to happen, then I'll lead the group straight to the source of the attacks." "You mean Ilthazar?" King Orion replied. "Yes. Ilthazar. I know where to find him, how many men and dragons are probably at his castle, what their deployment is likly to be, basically everything you can know without being there. There are two things I don't know, however. One is how to get in by myself. I don't need to do that because we have a group. Thing two: there's something going on in that castle. I don't know what, but there are enough rumors floating around withing a 150 mile radius of Ilthazar's castle that something's definatly happening. Until we know what, we can't formulate an accurate plan. I am supposed to be getting some information tomorrow morning. I won't learn what's going on, but I'll learn how to find out. I suggest that we all remain here until I have that information, which will tell us what to do next. Now, I'm going to get some sleep." -
Sign Up The Pact: The Battle of the Corrupted and the Poor
GuyYouMetOnline replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Unfortunatly, G/S/B Master hasn't been on the boards for over a week. Hopefully, she'll start this when she gets back on. -
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]((OOC:Takuya that was not needed at all. You have no reason to claim that this RPG would die because of that. Also...I'm getting tired of you're explaining the 20 years of training. We all read the bio and we all read your SEVERAL explainations as to why your character would win. Well put he has trained vigorously. Training alone cannot win battles I'm afraid, take note that we are ALL dragon riders, all skilled in combat. On the battle field training only keeps you in the fight physically. It is NOT decisive. Also...I'd appreciate not posting a little thing like that again without contributing to the story, unless you're resigning.)) OOC: Maybe people have read the explinations, but you don't seem to have done so. If you have, then why did you make the battle between Valo and Zeddrick end so quickly? I post that multiple times to make sure that people remember (also note that I said Valo would [i]probably[/i] win). When people start taking that stuff into account, I'll stop reminding everyone of it. Oh, and training/practice is not only physical. Valo's developed his abilities as well, and he also has some actual battle experience. Quite a bit, actually. About my RPG dying out comment, I've been in RPGs that have died out because people ask others not to post. Oh, Diemos, I'd like you to remove the part where Valo gives up. Valo never gives up. It's part of who he is. Oh, one more thing, Gelgoog. In the future, we should probably confine our discussions and/or dissagreements (what the hell do you have against me, anyways?) to PMs. ------------------------------------------------------- Valo saw Lionel assleep, and shook him awake. lionel was startled. He looked around, then saw Valo. "What do you want?" "You don't go to sleep after a practice battle," Valo said. "You discuss the battle with your opponent. You get more out of it that way." "I've never done that." "And yet you're good enough to take me on. How long have you been at this?" "I've been training, practicing, whatever you call it, for 24 years. I started at the age of four. eventually, I began to enjoy it. and I didn't want to... I'd rather not say." "That's fine," Valo said. "I'm not going to tell you what happened to me. Tell me one thing, thoug. is it about vengence, fulfillment, pleasing someone else, what?" "Fulfilling expectations, I guess." Valo nodded. "That's what I thought. You've trained/practiced-you know, you're obviously used to calling it training, so let's just call it training for simplicity's sake-for twenty-four years, and for the reasons you gave. My reason is vengence. Twenty years ago, a few weeks before the end of the war, something happened to my family and I. I'm not telling you what happened, but I do know who's fault it was, who made it hapen. That man is Ilthazar. I'm going to kill him for what he made happen. "Vengance is a more powerful motivator than yours, and I probably have more battle experience than you, but you've been training-I'm not comfortable using that term, but it's easier to use one term than two, and you're used to that on. So's everyone else, probably. so I'll use it-four years longer than I have. We're probably evenly matched, and the opposite elements certainly makes things interesting. When we have a rematch, I'll have to break out the dirty tricks. I have a few of those up my sleave." Lionel yawned. 'Whatever. Now, can I pleese get some sleep?" ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Diemos, if you don't want Lionel to have said any of that, tell me, and I'll edit. -
[size=2]"Display transmission," the man instructed. "Affirmative," the computer said. "Displaying transmission now." The transmission appeared on the screen in front of him, and he read it: [i]Origin: Coordinate set 3.h2 x, 3.901w y, 4zx.cv z. Location identified as Planet Zebes.[/i] [i]Destination: Unknown. Wide-beam transmission suggests that destination is mobile, and that its precise location could not be determined.[/i] [i]Maximum-encryption text-only message. Full decoding of intercepted transmission not complete, and probably unable to be completed. Displaying decrypted section, fully translated:[/i] [i][u]Status update: Reconstruction of Zebes facilities complete. New defenses in place. Optimized weaponry for combat of the Hunter has been distributed to all personnel.[/i][/u] [u][i]Project Helix Delta proceeding ahead of schedule. What follows is a report of the project?s progress and projected timetable:[/u][/i] [i]End decrypted section.[/i] The man sighed. "That?s it?" "Affirmative," the computer replied. "Query database. Search for identity of ?the Hunter?." "Searching? the Hunter refers to bounty hunter Samus Aran." "****." He knew who Samus was. "That makes things more difficult. Anything that works on her will work on me. Recommendations?" "I suggest that you notify Federation HQ." "Do that. Also, inform them that Jaht Azurfona Kalrosoth is currently en route to Zebes." The computer objected. "You said it yourself. Whatever works on Samus will work on you. It?s too dangerous." "I don?t care," Jaht replied. "I?m going. Set course for Zebes, maximum speed." "Affirmative." Jaht?s ship, the [i]Hunter[/i]-class gunship [i]Anzunden[/i], went to maximum speed. Destination: Planet Zebes. All right, here?s the basic idea: An encrypted transmission from Planet Zebes had been intercepted my several different people, all with one thing in common: like bounty hunter Samus Aran, they were infused with Chozo blood, and possess Power Suits. I?ll allow people to play as Space Pirates. If you?re a space pirate, choose one of the types from Metroid Prime (basic Space Pirate, Shadow Pirate, Wave Trooper, etc.) No Elite, Phazon Elite, or Omega Pirates are allowed, however. For Space Pirates, capabilities depend on what type you are (Shadow Pirates can cloak, but have no guns, ice Troopers are immune to all but the Ice Beam, but can be frozen by a charged shot and shattered by a missile, Flying Pirates have jetpacks, etc.). For humans, it?s a bit more complicated (not much, though). A human?s abilities come from the Power Suit, and not all Power Suits are the same. They all share some weapons and abilities, but some differ from suit to suit. The following list is the weapons and upgrades that all Power Suits have, and a brief description of them: Varia Suit: Immunity to temperature extremes. Does not prevent lava damage. Gravity Suit: Allows normal movement underwater. Power Beam: Basic weapon. Weak, but fires fast. Wave beam: Electrical weapon. Stronger and slower than Power Beam. Ice Beam: Ice-based weapon that freezes some enemies. Powerful, but slow-firing. Plasma Beam: Powerful energy weapon. Shorter range that increases when charged. Very quick-firing. Charge Beam: Allows any beam weapon to be charged up for greater damage. Missile: Projectile weapon. Powerful but slow-firing, and penetrates most kinds of armor. Space Jump: Allows a second jump in mid-air. High Jump: Higher jump. Morph Ball: Allows transformation into a small sphere. Bomb: Weapon while in Morph Ball mode. Can also be used to blow up some kinds of material to make paths. Scan Visor: Scans almost anything to collect information. Thermal Visor: Heat-vision. X-ray Visor: Allows seeing of cloaked objects that do not give off heat. Also allows detection of holograms. Power Grip: Allows grabbing and hanging from ledges. Grapple Beam: Attaches to certain areas to allow swinging. Useful for reaching otherwise inaccessible areas. When you sign up, you will be asked to choose 4 upgrades from the B list (you?ll have the opportunity to get the others later on in the RPG). This is the B list: Super Missiles: Uses five missiles to fire a missile five times as powerful. Wavebuster: Uses missiles to fuel a continuous beam of electricity. Ice Spreader: Uses ten missiles to create a powerful area-effect ice shot that freezes some enemies. Flamethrower: Uses missiles to fuel a flamethrower. Power Bomb: More powerful Bomb. Spider Ball: Allows movement along magnetized surfaces in Morph Ball form. Diffusion Missiles: Upgraded Missiles that have an area-effect freezing effect on some enemies. Jumpball: Allows jumping in Morph Ball form. If there?s an upgrade I?ve left out, feel free to include it as one of your B list choices (no Speed Booster or Screw Attack, though. And no making up upgrades). Sign-up time. My character is listed as an example: Name: Jaht Azurfona Kalrosoth Age (20-40 for either race): 29 Gender (For humans only): Male Race (Human or Space Pirate): Human Type (for Space Pirates only): 4 B list upgrades(For humans only): Super Missile, Power Bomb, Spider Ball, Jumpball Bio and Personality are optional, because having them set limits character development potential. If a human has a bio, it must include how that character became infused with Chozo blood and got his or her Power Suit. Appearance is also optional, and is allowed for humans only. Doesn?t need to be detailed. Most of the time, your character will be in his or her Power Suit. A note: nobody is allowed to play as Samus Aran. And no, you can?t be related to her. She has no surviving relatives. Another note: all human characters own Hunter-class gunships (the Hunter-class is what Samus has). I will be checking previous RPGs you?ve been in, and if I don?t like what I see, I won?t let you participate in this one (don?t worry, I?m not too strict). I think that?s it. PM me if you have any questions.[/size]
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[quote name='amgoddess']Can no one post until I do? Thanks. Sorry i was away. I've been sick.[/quote] OOC: Extremly stupid. I hate to say it, but you might have just killed the RPG. Of course, I was recently in one that seemed able to survive anything, so I could be wrong. Oh, and Deimos, a couple things. First, I doubt that Lionel was as obsessed with his training/practicing as Valo. That's all Valo did for those 20 years. The only other things he did are eat, drink, and sleep, and I mean that literally. And I'm not exaggerating. Oh, and occasionally he'd travel, but always on dragonback, and never more than about an hour a day (he didn't want too much time taken up). So unless Lionel was just as obsessed, Valo would still be better. But you don't have to edit it so he wins. Flukes do happen, after all. The second thing is that Valo doesn't give up. I would like you to edit that, but Valo can still lose (Maybe have him on the ground and Lionel over him. Lionel jabs staff downward, but stops before hitting Valo's chest. Valo would have dies in real combat, so he loses).