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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Valo noticed them training, and walked over to them. "What are you doing?" "We're training," Lionel told him. "Training," Valo said. "If you're training, then you're better off not being here." "What?" "If you're training, then you shouldn't be here," Valo repeated. "What we're doing is going to be extremly dangerous. Some of us will probably die. If you're still training, then you don't belog with this group." "What's bad about training?" "if you're training," Valo replied, "then you're not ready. Let me guess: you don't know what I mean. You're going to say that everyone trains, even the best. That it not true. That's practice. Everyone practices. Training is different. When you're training, you're learning how to do something. When you practice, you're working on keeping and improving the skills you learned in your training. Nobody who is still training should be here, because anyone in training will, I can virtually garuntee, be killed when go after Ilthazar. So I reccomend that you leave now. Unless you're actually practicing, in which case, let's see how good you are." Valo drew his poles. "This is a challenge. Will you accept?" ----------------------------------------------- OOC: I know I've said this before, but Valo's been training/practicing for 20 years. He will probably win if Lionel accepts his challenge.
  2. OOC: Valo doesn?t have a sword. He has two metal poles. ---------------------------------------------- They had all returned to the castle, Valo being the last to get back. everyone looked at him, wondering what happened to Zeddrick ?Damn, that Zeddrick guy?s good,? he said. ?He caught me off-guard with a nice dodge move, knocked me to the ground, and got away. he?s lucky he decided to run, though. Some moves give to time to get away, but those strategies aren?t any good in a battle to the death. I?ll get him next time, though. He was outmatched there, and he knew it. even if he?s just as good as me, he only carries one sword, while I have two poles. I wasn?t expecting him to be that good, but now I know. If I fight my best, I could take him with only one of my poles, which is what I plan to do. If he thinks he has a chance, he won?t run.? Valo looked at Vanilla. ?I?m impressed,? he said. ?You did a lot better than I thought you would.? valo thought there wouldn?t be anything more between the two of them after that-he?d aknowladged her skill-but then he saw the look on her face. ?Oh, shit.? ?What?? Vanilla asked. ?I do not need this. I do [i]not[/i] need this.? ?Need what?? ?You,? Valo said. ?Your pretty obvious infatuation, which will undoubtably result in you doing something very stupid, probably more than once. I was right when I marked you as a liability, but not for the reasons I thought. your infatuation with me will probably end with you getting yourself killed while trying to impress me. Don?t try, because it won?t work.? And with that, he walked away.
  3. It's been a while since I've seen a quiz thread. This one's about comedic movies. If it's a comedy or part-comedy (action/comedy, drama/comedy, romantic comedy, etc.), you can ask a question about it. For those who've never posted in a quiz thread before, here's how it works: I start the thread by asking a question. Whoever answers the question gets to ask the next one. If you're sure of the answer, then go ahead and ask your question. If you're guessing, wait for the person who asked the question to confirm your answer before posting your question. If nobody correctly answers the question in, say, three days, give the answer and ask a dfferent question. I think that's it. Here's the first question: In [i]Demolition Man[/i], what does main character John Spartan use as toilet paper? Bonus(you can answer the bonus if you want to, but you don't have to. Not all questions need to have a bonus): Why does Spartan have to use the toilet-paper substitute?
  4. Valo, riding on Angelus, allowed the dragon to fight while he thought. [i]The man named Zeddrick rides on the Death dragon. He is obviously the leader of this attack, and probably one of Ilthazar?s top men. We have to take him alive.[/i] [Everyone, ignore the man Zeddrick and the Death-element dragon he rides on!] he sent to his allies and their dragons. [We need Zeddrick alive. I?ll take care of it.] [Angelus,] he sent privatly, [Get me above that dragon for a dive.] [Got it,] the dragon replied. Zeddrick and his dragon were going after Caramel when a shadow passed over them. Zeddrick looked up to see another dragon diving down at them. Zeddrick directed his dragon to the side to avoid it. Before he knew what was happening, he was falling with another man. Angelus had flown up high. She dove toward the mad Zeddrick and his dragon, who dodged to the side, exactly as they were supposed to. Valo lept off Angelus and slammed into Zeddrick, causing the two of them to tumble together in free-fall. Angelus, whose downward speed was enough to get her below the Death-element dragon, positioned herself below them, and they landed on her. She quickly flew low and rolled, causing the two on her back to fall to the ground. Valo, who knew it was coming, landed perfectly, but Zeddrick stumbled and fell. He got up quickly. Angelus flew back up to do battle with the Death-element dragon. [Everyone,] Valo sent, [the Death-element dragon is now a target. Kill it. I'll deal with Zeddrick]. "What is your name?" Zeddrick asked as the two of them faced each other, weapons drawn. "I am Valo," he replied. "Now, why don't we get down to business. it seems to me that we're enemies. Therefore, we're going to fight." "Then you will die." Valo chuckled. "I don't think so. Your dragon's too busy to help you, and I'm betting that I'm more than a match for you." "We'll see about that." ------------------------------------------ OOC: Remember, Valo's been at this for 20 years. He's good. I don't know how good Zeddrick is, but Valo's probably better (I say probably because I don't know how good Zeddrick is. If he's been at it for 20 years like Valo has, then he's just as good).
  5. The fight continued for a few minutes after the deaths of the other criminals. Eventually, the two Kalmorians separated. The light Kalmorian seemed to dissipate, and Anzunden returned to human form, looking much the worse for wear. ?You look like you just got the crap beaten out of you,? Rakaloma remarked. ?The damage I sustained during my battle with him carries over to this form,? Anzunden replied. He looked around. ?Is it just me, or are there more bodies than there should be?? Rakaloma nodded. ?There were three humans and three Kalmorians instead of the two of each race I saw. My guess is, they were in a different house and making the actual exchange. The eight I saw were decoys. I?m lucky we were seen. Otherwise, the main two would have escaped.? ?Um, guys?? It was Henna. ?I think the being has arrived.? everyone looked where she was pointing. They could all see something coming toward the city, but only Rakaloma, with her race?s superior vision, could clearly make it out. ?Angelic in appearance. three of them. One?s definitely real, but I?m not so sure about the other two. Sporadic in the infrared, but probably illusions anyways. They?ve never done this before. it?s always one being at a time, and no illusions. Why is it different this time?? ?I don?t know,? Anzunden said. by this point, they could all make out the being and two probable illusions. ?but that doesn?t matter now. It or they are heading right for us.? Rakaloma looked at the others. ?Don?t try to fight. Kylajin, take anyone who doesn?t want to take any more risks, and hide underground. I need to watch it or them to see if I can get a hint of what?s going on. If you want to, stay with me. If not, then hide somewhere. And remember, don?t try to fight.? Nobody had any more time to talk. The being and its two probable illusions were right on top of them. -------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: If you do decide to fight the being, your character will get his or her ass kicked. That applies even if everyone fights it.
  6. Valo walked over to Vanilla. "I'm not going to be very nice, but I am going to tell you what's true. I do that with everyone, ot just you. I tell people what I think about them, and I think you're way too self-entitled. I saw you ordering Heero around." "I wasn't ordering him around!" Vanilla exclaimed. "Besides, it's-" "I know. Fact: it's your birthday. Fact: nobody gives a shit. Fact: based on what I've seen of you, you're going to be a liability in a dangerous situation." He drew his poles and had Vanilla on the ground before she could react. "See? I could have killed you had I wanted to." Vanilla picked herself up. "I didn't know you were going to attack me." "That's not relavant. Danger can come from unexpected places. But if you're so sure you'll do better when you know it's coming, then why don't you proove it? In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm challenging you to a fight. Will you accept?" -------------------------------------------- OOC: Two tings, eternity. First, if Vanilla does accept Valo's challenge, she'll probably lose (remember, Valo's been training for 20 years). And second, could you please explain why Vanilla has been looking for Valo for six months (after all, Valo would know, would he not?).
  7. "Why are we stnding around? There's a job to do." (OOC: That's a hint, amagoddess) [Paitence, Valo,] Angelus responded. [Give the others some time.] "Time. Funny. For once, we actually have time, and we don't need it. We never hae time when we need it, but now we have it, and we're not even doing anything." [The others are enjoying themselves. They're using the time we have. You're wasting it.] "They're the ones waisting it. They're not doing anything. They're screwing around. And that Vanilla girl's the worst. So it's her birthday. Good for her. That doesn't mean she gets to order people around. If you ask me, she's going to be a liability. I think I like Heero, though. He handled that whole thing nicely." [Maybe you should get to know him. Vanilla, too. You don't know her well enough to judge her.] "I know that in this sitution, I'll never learn what i need to know. the only way to learn how someone performs in a combat situation is to be in one. A real one, too. practice doesn't work, because you know your life isn't on the line." [But you can learn how well they fight.] "True. And it's certainly better than wasting time doing nothing."
  8. Personally, I reccomend getting some experience in other RPGs before starting your own. if you make a mistake in someone else's RPG, it's not nearly as bad as if you screw up in one you started. As a participant, if you mess up, the RPG's creator, other participants, and you yourself can help fix it. If you screw up in one of yours, however, it's hard for others to help fix the problem, because they don't know how you want it to be. Also, without experience, posts tend to be of a poorer quality, and that tends to drive members away (I'm speeking from experience here, and that goes for all of my points). Now, if you have prior experience with creative writing, then those things are all less of a problem.
  9. Angelus flew around the castle, and Valo spotted the King and two others in the garden. "Let's do this the unofficial way," he said. "Low and over the garden, then land." [You do like to make an entrance. Garden it is.] "'Oh good, we can use all the help.' smiled Brielle. Heero just looked at the ground with a red face. Then, they both noticed a dragon flying toward them. The King saw it, too. All three of them were surprised when the dragon came in very low. A man jumped off its back and landeg a few feet in front of the King. He turned to face the King. "You called?" "You must be Valo," King Orion said. Valo nodded as Angelus landed behind him. "Correct. Oh, this is Angelus." Brielle introduced herself and Heero. Valo turned back to the King. "Now, would you mind telling me why I'm here?" "I would prefer not to have to say it multiple times," orion replied. "When the rest of you arrive, I will be glad to explain." "As long as they get here quickly."
  10. Anzunden saw Nekuok attack a Therosaon. But one Therosaon was engaged in a magical battle with Rakaloma, and the other was dead. Nekuok was charging a Kalmorian. The Kalmorian recovered quickly from Nekuok's attack, taking the true Therosaon by surprise. the Kalmorian prooved itself to be of the Light element by directing a blinding flash at Nekuok, dazing her. Anzunden reverted to natural state and engulfed the Therosaon-form Kalmorian. it reverted to its natural state, resulting in a high-intensity battle that the human (or Therosaon, or Raslomaon) eye couldn't follow. rakaloma's opponent prooved to be very much her equal in ability. However, she had offensive and Illusionist skills, while her opponent prooved to have offensive and defensive skills. She was using her illusory talents well. The Therosaon would send a blast at her, only to find that she wasn't really there. He'd raise a barrier to block an incoming blast, only to learn that the blast was a fake. He was quickly tiring, while she didn't seem to be. Rakaloma recognised the signs. Her opponent was more powerful than she, but not anywhere near as skilled. He didn't know how to maximize spell effectiveness while minimizing energy loss. He would tire out fast, while Rakaloma would be able to keep going for a while. But she didn't want to go for too long, because she didn't have the defensive skills of her opponent. If she was hit, she'd be in trouble. The Therosaon saw Rakaloma come at him, and assumed that it was an illusion. He spun around at shot an energy blast behind him. Where there seemed to be nothing a moment before, Rakaloma was now on the ground, and her legs were in bad shape. So was her left arm. "You're good," the Thersaon said. "Just too predictable. With a bit more training, you'd be very dangerous. Too bad you won't get that training." Rakaloma laughed. Suddenly, she was undamaged and on her feet. "You're the predictable one," she said. She flicked him off and dissapeared. It was an illusion. The real Rakaloma was the one who ran at him earlier. She was right behind him, and she literally blew his head off. "And that's why you just died." And with that, she went back outside to help finish off the other criminals.
  11. I did. Unfortunatly, terra didn't have any ideas. We'll just have to hope that Sonata gets back on the boards and starts this.
  12. Valo folded the letter and stuffed it in his pocket. ?Why would the King and Queen want us?? he wondered. [Perhaps things are starting to happen again,] Angelus replied. [You haven?t exactly made your goal a secret. You?re a natural choice if things are once more beginning to happen.] ?Well, if things are happening again, then it?s certainly not a well-known fact. You know how much gossip I listen to. I know the most far-out rumors, and there?s nothing that concerns us.? [That only means that nobody knows]. Valo nodded his agreement. ?True. We should go. If whatever?s happening does concern us, then I need to be there. I can?t take the chance that it doesn?t. Let?s go.?
  13. ?I don?t think fighting the being is a good idea,? Rakaloma said. ?Many others have fought. it doesn?t make a difference. The beings are too powerful for us to take on. Anyways, this isn?t the time to talk about it. I think it?s time we get down to business. "Here's the plan: Arachne, Kylajin, Hyuga, Anzunden, and Mizu will form a semicircle around the door. Anzunden and Mizu will be at the corners of the front wall, and the semicircle will be formed with Hyuga in front of the door. Henna, you need to make sure they aren't seen. Create the illusion that there's nobody there. Set the illusion three feet from the front wall of the house. Anyone looking out from inside won't see anything, and the illusion won't matter when they're more than three feet from the wall. It'll also be easier for you to maintain the illusion that way. Of course, Kalmorians in natural state can see magical energy, and so can some Raslomaon, but you probably know that illusions of something's absence tend not to actually have visible amounts of energy, even though they're not exactly easy to maintain. Now, we don't want them to be able to see that we're moving, so I'm going to be maintaining the illusion of everyone standing where we are right now. Everyone except me, that is. I'm going to be at the door, and I want them to know it. I'm the bait. it's my job to draw them outside. don?t worry, I?ll be safe. I have a few tricks I can use. Henna, when I give the signal, we'll both drop our illusions. You Kalmorians will attack. Don't hesitate to use your best abilities. Any damage you do to the house won't matter, because the being will probably do much worse to the entire city. Just don't hit each other. Nekuok, you'll move in and do whatever you can. Henna, your job'll be to keep the rest of us alive with your healing abilities. Everyone got it?" They all nodded. "Good. it looks like the criminals have come up with their plan, and they'll move quickly. We're moving now." One of the Raslomaon looked out the window. ?One of them?s walking toward us. It?s the Raslomaon. She?s heading for the door. there?s definate magical energy in her. I don?t think she?s an illusion, though. That energy pattern marks her as a mage. A strong one, too.? One of the Kalmorians spoke up, one who was in the form of a human male. ?I?ll take the lead. everyone else, behind me. Be careful. They might be up to something, and that mage is probably very dangerous.? Everyone was in place when Rakaloma knocked on the door. It was opened by one in the form of a human male, but the heat signiture indicated a Kalmorian. ?Who are you, and what are you doing here?? he demanded to know. ?I?ll be honest,? Rakaloma said. ?My name?s Rakaloma, and I?m here because I was hired to locate and either apprehend or kill you and your companions. The others are here for their own reasons, and they got dragged into this.? ?You shouldn?t have told us that.? The Kalmorian stepped aside, and the other seven exited. One of the Therosaon moved very quickly and shoved a dagger into Rakaloma?s chest. She only smiled. ?I don?t know if either of the Raslomaon have magic vision, but I know that you Kalmorians do when in your natural state. However, a skilled illusionist can damp down the magic signature of an illusion to the level of an above average mage. And the illusion of nothing doesn?t have a visible magic signature. I?m sorry, but you just walked into a trap. Drop the illusion [now]!? The eight criminals were startled by the sudden appearance of the Kalmorians coming at them, with Nekuok not far behind. The illusion of Rakaloma dissapeared, and the real Rakaloma appeared. She was inside the house, right by the door. She took the lead Kalmorian by surprise, killing him before he knew what hit him. One of the therosaon stepped inside the house and faced her. ?you?re a mage, but so am I,? he said. ?let?s see just how good you are.? ------------------------------------------- OOC: The action has begun. right now, just fight. you can kill the criminals, but don?t do anything to the Therosaon that Rakaloma?s fighting.
  14. Um, I said [i]Light[/i] not Life. Well, nobody's signed up for Light, so no harm done. Name: Valo Age: 29 Sex: Male Appearance: A very tall man at 6 ft. 4 in. tall. he has short, black hair, and brown eyes. he's in very good shape, and very muscular. He looks like a fighting man, which he is. He has a scar on the back of his left leg, and another on his left arm. Short History: The first unusual event in Valo's life happened at the age of five. He was playing hide-and-seek with his friends, and he went a little too far from home for his parents' comfort. He litterally tripped over a dragon egg. he didn't know what it was, and was showing it to his parents when it hatched. Fortunatly, Valo's father knew a man who had experiance with dragons. The man, Branit, immeeatly realized that the newborn dragon had bonded with Valo, though Valo didn't know. And so, Valo's education about dragons began. The dragon, Angelus, matured a lot faster than Valo. It confused Valo that dragons both lived extremly long lives and grew old faster than humans. At the age of seven, branit taught him that dragons don't grow old faster, they just mature faster, become adults more quickly. Of course, more was abnormal about Valo's life than the dragon, although that's certainly enough. It happened when Valo was nine years old. Zerveria's army marched through his hometown. Many fought them, but it didn't make d difference. valo's parents were among those killed. As if that wasn't bad enough, Valo saw them killed, saw that his mother wasn't just killed. She was abused by the soldiers before taking her own life. Right then, Valo swore revenge. Zervenia's army had done this, so the one who made the army do it would pay. Ilthazar became his target. Valo knew that he couldn't do anything against an army, not even with Angelus. The dragon had not quite matured, and so was still quite vulnerable. but she could fly, and she could carry Valo. They fled, but only after Valo retrieved his father's weapon, a pair of metal poles. They didn't really live anywhere. they moved from place to place. Valo became skilled with the poles, and with the abilities of Light that he and Angelus shared. Angelus has matured, and mature dragons are extremly dangerous. It's been twenty years since Valo's parents died, but his goal remains the same. He will kill Ilthazar, no matter what he has to do. Weapon: A pair of metal poles, which he keeps strapped to his back. *Dragon* Name: Angelus Sex: Female Appearance: The computer I'm on right now has problems loading pictures. I'll put this up when I get home. Element: Light There we go. I hope that's good.
  15. I don't have time to sign up right now, so save me a spot with the Light element, please.
  16. If anyone's still paying attention to this thread after so long, Sonata hasn't been on OB for over a week. I'm trying to contact her, but she isn't allowing emails, and she can't get PMs if she isn't on, so if anyone knows how to contact her, please either do so or tell me how to.
  17. OOC: Rakaloma's the mercenary, not Anzunden. ---------------------------------------------- Rakaloma noted Hyuga's arrival, then turned back to Nekuok. "Well, everyone here is going to get more than they bargained for, except for me." She explained the situation with the criminals, then turned to Nekuok again. "I've got a plan that sould end with all of us alive, but I need to know if you have any magical talent." "I do," the Therosaon told her. "I have offensive ability, specializing in wind and water." "Ability?" "17% below the average." "Not a lot, but it should be enough." "What're the criminals doing right now?" Anzunden asked her. "If you're worried that they're moving in on us right now, don't be. I've been watching them. I think they were argueing about the price or something like that for a while, and they just now compleated the purchace. Now they'll discuss what to do about us. They'll formulate their own plan, but with eight people talking about it, it should take them a while to come up with one, while I already have mine. When the time is right, I'll tell you what to do, and we'll do it. Until then, let's act natural, though I know how hard you'll probably find doing that to be. I'll provide help in the form of a question. Why are you all here? This city's probably going to be destroyed shortly, and we all know it. We all have reasons for being here, and I'm curious about what they are. Anyone willing to share their reasons"?
  18. OOC: There are only three humans, two of which are actually Kalmorians. ------------------------------------------------------------ It was Arachne who spotted the newcomer. "Heads up, Anzunden. Hyuga's coming." "Hyuga?" Anzunden turned to look. "That's him, all right. We do not need him here." "Who's Hyuga?" Henna asked. "A Kalmorian of ice. He and I have met before. He doesn't like me very much." "Why not?" "Because of what I am. Let me ask you a question, Henna. What are the worst natural-" Rakaloma cut him off. "Let's be quick, shall we? We probably don't have much time before things start happening. Anzunden is a Kalmorian of the element fire. Many people see fire as a destructive force. It burns forests, burns houses, burns crops, etc. But fire is also helpful. We use it for heat and light, to cook food, Anzunden can extend the list beyond belief. His point is that fire isn't a bad thing." "Exactly," Anzunden agreed. "But Hyuga doesn't seem to realize that. He won't want to work with me, and that could be problematic if what Rakaloma said is true." "Which is why I'm not going to make him," Rakaloma said. "You'll have seperate jobs. His arrival does make things easier, though." "Then hopefully he'll stay." Anzunden stepped to the back of the group as Hyuga reached them.
  19. [quote name='natetron46']Completely understood, I am the same way. It feels like a waste of time if I go into a theatre and I see a "preview" that is nothing but things Ive already seen, what is it previewing? Nothing. :mad:[/quote] Which is why those are commonly called 'teasers'. Anyways, I think blade: Trinity's going to be just awesome. The first two were awesome, and I see no reason to expect number three to be any less awesome. Ocean's Twelve should also be cool (although it certainly won't top the S.W.A.T. thing at the end of ocean's Eleven), and Shark Tale loks to be quite funny.
  20. "What was that?" Henna asked. "What was what?" Anzunden replied. 'I thought I saw someone peeking out of that house over there." Rakaloma turned and looked at the house. It was boarded up, but the boards that should have been over the door were on the ground in front of it. She shifted to infrared. "there are eight people in there," she said. "They're standing in two groups. there's a group of three, and a group of four. The eigth person just joined the group of three. He's their fourth, and a Raslomaon. Good pick. We tend to have better vision than the other races. "There are two humans, two Therosaon, two Raslomaon, and two Kalmorians. Each group has one of each race. I think I can guess the situation. The two Therosaon heard something. One of the Raslomaon was sent to take a look, and saw us. Obviously, neither of the Raslomaon have infrared vision capability. If one did, he-they're both male, I can tell. Don't know about the other races, though-would have been able to see our heat through the wall, like I can see theirs." "What are they doing?" Mizu asked. "Something illegal. In fact, that's one of the two reasons I'm here." "What two reasons are those?" Anzunden wanted to know. "Well, for those of you who don't know me, I'm basically a mercenary. Don't let that scare you, though. I normally only kill criminals, retrieve stolen goods, that sort of thing. I'm the law's merc. I do take odd jobs, though. Recently, I was hired to come here and learn what I could about the beings. I took the job, mainly because it gives me an excuse to try and figure them out. I'm curious about them myself. On my way here, I was hired for a second job. The man who hired me learned that his brother was going to be involved in a purchase of illegal material. The purchase was to take place here, in Vanduo, right before the being arrived. Everyone would be gone. This city's empty. Perfect for criminals. Those eight are the ones involved. One group's selling, the other is buying. And now they know we're here. My guess is, they'll try to get rid of us, just in case we saw something. The being that should be here any time now will be blamed for our deaths." Everyone was worried by that. 'What do we do/" Henna asked. "We stay right here, and act like we don't know they're there. When they come for us, I'll have a little surprise for them." --------------------------------------------------- OOC: Nobody else have the criminals attack, please.
  21. Just change the water immunity to water resistance. As I stated above, I don't like immunities. Change that, and you're in. All right. We have two humans, one Therosaon, one Raslomaon (who's one of my characters), and six Kalmorians (including my other character). We have plenty of Kalmorians. I'd like it if we could get more of the other three races.
  22. You're in. It's up now, and everyone's in the first chapter, so feel free to post.
  23. [size=2]Rakaloma chuckled. "Obviously you're not very serious about figuring out what these beings-or being, though I think Anzunden's nuts for believing that there's only one-are, Henna. If you were, you'd know that the illusion theroy was pretty much the first theroy that poeple came up with, and the most quickly disprooved." "And just how was it disprooved?" Henna asked. "By my kind," Rakaloma replied. "You probably know that all Raslomaon possess an additional visual ability, a 'second sight', as most humans call it. About a third of us can see heat. I'm in that third, by the way. Anyways, all living things give off heat. Illusions don't. Not even Raslomaon with infrared vision have ever managed to create the illusion of heat. "The beings-or being, if you believe that, meaning you've lost all sanity-give off heat. That's been verified by too many individuals to keep track of. I actually saw one once, so I can verify it. The beings give off heat, and therefore are not illusions. Don't ask me what they are, though, because I can't tell you. I don't know what they are. Nobody knows except the beings themselves." "And I want to be the one who figures it out," Anzunded said. "Of course, I don't mind help. Anyone else here have any ideas? [/size]
  24. Before we start, here's a list of people who've signed up and their characters(your name-character name-race-area of magic (element for Kalmorians)-strength of magic (except for Kalmorians): Takuya (me)-Anzunden-Kalmorian with alternate form of human-Fire -Rakaloma-Raslomaon-Offensive/Illusionist-87% above average Ohkami-Mizuya 'Mizu'-Kalmorian with alternate form of Therosaon-Water SpikeSpeigel01-Naraku-Human-No magical ability Kitty-Nekuok-Therosaon-Offensive (specializes in wind and water magic)-17% below average Yunsung-Mithos-Kalmorian with alternate form of human-Thunder Arika-Arachne-Kalmorian with alternate form of human-Shadow foreverinfinity-Henna-Human-Illusionist/Healer-20% above average Nebackenezzer-Kylajn-Kalmorian with alternate form of Therosaon-Earth Vilearchangemon-Hyuga Niratti-Kalmorian with alternate form of human-Ice ------------------------------------------------------------ [center]Chapter 1: Convergence[/center] [center]Characters Participating: All characters[/center] [center]Summary: The characters meet, and Vanduo is attacked[/center] [left][i]Closer to empty than I anticipated[/i] Rakaloma thought. [i]Of course, the pattern of action indicates that Vanduo will most likely be attacked when the being shows up. Should be today.[/i][/left] [left]"And just how are you trying to get yourself killed today?" someone said. She turned around, knowing who she'd see. Anzunden always greeted her like that. "What are you doing here?" she asked the Kalmorian, who was currently in human form.[/left] [left]"I was passing by yesterday," he explained, "and I learned that a being was due today. I decided to stick around. You know that I want to see one. I still haven't, but I probably will today."[/left] [left]Rakaloma nodded. "I know that you want to see one. And that you want to know what they are. And that you believe that there's actually only one, which is obviously not true, because nothing can change form except you Kalmorians, and even you can only change to one alternate form. I know of nine distinct being forms."[/left] [left]"If there are more than one," Anzunden responded, "then why is only one ever seen at a time? And why are the appearances in a pattern that is possible for one being?"[/left] [left]"I don't know, but that doesn't mean that there is only one being."[/left] [left]They stopped arguing when they noticed someone approaching.[/left] [left]------------------------------------------------------[/left] [left]OOC: When you introduce your characters, have them run into my two (your characters can know either or both of mine if you want them to, but it's fine if they don't).[/left]
  25. Hope you don't mind if I sign up as a girl (Yes, I've played a girl before). Name: Vaxla Escuro Age: 17 Gender: Female In Your Own Words: I don't care who the hell you are, just stay away from me, all right? Unless I have to do something with you, there's no reason for me to speak to you, and I don't want to be around you or anyone else. Student File #666: Name: Vaxla Escuro. Vaxla is unusual in more ways than one. She absolutly refuses to socialize with other students. Forced interaction was tried when she first arrived at the school, but that stopped when another student, Ralonoa Kestromoln, was hospitalized. we aren't clear on what happened, but the reason can be guessed if one is familiar with her life. At the age of 14, her parents, both apparently doctors, moved to a small town (the town will remain unnamed for reasons that should be clear to on who keeps reading). They were there for a few months before things started to happen. It was at Vaxla's fifteenth birthday party. Vaxla was easily the most popular girl at the school. She was friendly, smart, and very good-looking. She's still the second two, but not the first. Not after what happened that day. It turns out that the town was home to a drug ring, and a big deal was going down on Vaxla's birthday. When parents droped off their kids, they met with the 'grandfather' of Vaxla's boyfriend, Jaht Azularo. The 'grandfather' was the drug buyer, and each involved parent had some of his purchace. After the handoff, they made small talk so that it would look natural. Vaxla's parents were in on it, of course, and carried some of the purchase themselves. Vacla's parents were actually undercover FBI agents. They were responsible for the arrest of all those involved in the deal, and their children. Vaxla's parents were reponsible for the arrest of all her friends, including Jaht. that's when the friendly Vaxla died, and the Vaxla we have today emerged, the cold, diistant, and exctremely antisocial Vaxla. That's also when her powers were revealed. Most, including her parents, still believe a bomb destroyed the house, the revenge of someone who wasn't caught that day. But that's not true. Vaxla's anger led to the release of her quite considerable power, and she couldn't control it. We got to her as soon as we could. Like her life, Vaxla's powers are unusual. She has what can only be described as elemental powers, based on darkness. When in significant light, such as durring the day, she is able to release and, to an extent, control dark energy (reminder: 'dark' does not mean 'evil'. Dark refers to darkness, meaning abscence of light. Light is not to be confused with 'good'). When light is absent (such as durring the night), she is much more dangerous. She can draw energy from the surrounding darkness, alloweing for a much greater release of energy. She also has far greater control of that energy. She is capable of seeing perfectly well in the dark. She can also hide herself from sight (reminder: this is only when it's dark). She has developed considerable control over her powers, and she also keeps two metal poles, weapons, with her, which she normally leaves in her room. She's skilled with them, and so is very dangerous even without her powers. it is advisory not to anger her. Hope that's okay. Took me a while to make that character, and she's definatly one of my best.
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