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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Arika, you still need to remove the summoning part. You're in after you do that. Everyone else, you're all in. This will probably start today, late afternoon/early evening. Sign-ups will remain open. You can thank the chapter system for that (it's very easy to add new characters when you're working with chapters).
  2. I know we don't know much yet, but so far I've heard of three movies scheduled for release sometime next year: 1: Mission: Impossible 3. The first two were great, and I have no reason to suspect a lesser quality from the third. 2: Star Wars: Episode 3. My brother actually knows the [i]day[/i] this movie is supposed to come out (May 5th). He probably knows some of what's going to happen (he's a Star Wars nut), but I don't. Should be good, though. None of the Star Wars movies have been bad, though the new ones aren't quite as good as the old ones in my oppinion, And, of the three movies of next year I know of, the third is by far the one I'm looking forward to the most. 3: Metroid. Last I heard, John Woo is producing, and hasn't decided if he'll direct (though that info's not exactly new. He might have made his decision by now). And unlike MI3 and Episode 3, it's not known (at least not by me) who'll be in the Metroid movie. I don't know who the characters will be (although I wouldn't be surprised if Adam Malkovitch shows up in the movie), the only one that's definate being Samus Aran. As for who should play her, most people I've asked say Uma Therman should, but I think Kirstanna Loken (you might not have heard of her. She was the T-X in Terminator 3) would also be a good pick. Well, that's all I know, and some stuff that't not fact but oppinion. Which of those movies are you looking forward to the most, and why? Is there any more information anyone has (especially for Metroid)? And are there any other movies coming out next year that you know of?
  3. I'd probably join anyways, but the inclusion of [i]Drakengard[/i] elements pretty much makes me have to. I love that game. I actually tried an RPG, Sealers of Kartan, that used the pact system, but it didn't really work out (I'm currently writing it as a story). Name: Seuneu Age: 25 Weapon: Two metal poles, which he keeps strapped to his back Side: Revived Dragon Riders (or Union, which I'm going to use because it's quicker to type) Appearance: A very tall 6 foot 5. He has short black hair, and brown eyes. Muscular, but not bodybuilder-type muscular. He works out, practices with his poles. He's a fighting man, and he looks it. Birthplace: Bullridge. His family moved to Uru Baen when he was 10. Bio: At the age of 14, Seuneu's parents were arrested and executed. They had been involved in a resistance movement with the goal of overthrowing Galboratrix. They were caught. Seuneu would have been taken to the orphanage, but he ran away. After a couple days in the wilderness, Seuneu ran into a hunting party. The head of the party recognised him. After he ran, a price was put on his head, unusual for one of his age, but he was thought to be with the resistance (why else would he have ran?). He tried to escape again, but hunters know how to track animals, and that skill allowed them to track Seuneu easily. Seuneu thought he was done for when he felt heat. He turned around and saw the hunters in the middle of a fire. He thought it was a dragon, and that the hunters would be eaten, and with him as dessert. He was wrong. The dragon had no desire to eat Seuneu. It disliked hunters, which is why it killed the hunting pary, and it hated Galboratrix for his killing of the riders and their dragons. That's why it agreed to a pact with Seuneu. They both hated Galboratrix. They had a common goal: his death. Over the years, Seuneu became very skilled with his poles, which were his father's, and the only thing he took with him when he ran (he thought a weapon would be useful), and with the magical powers he gained from the pact. He joined the Union when he discovered it, because they were also opposed to Galboratrix. And Seuneu wanted Galboratrix dead. Pact Partner: Red Dragon Pact Partner Name: Angelus (bet you can guess where I got that name from, G/S/B Master) Appearance: I can't get a picture right now (I'm at school, and the computers have problems with pictures), so I'll post it later. I hope that's good. I assume you don't need an RPG sample from me (it was a while back, but we've been in a couple RPGs together).
  4. OOC: I think I've convinced SakuraMinomino not to leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "I'm going to try an explination again," Rorohiko told Mizu. "I'll start with what's currently known about Absol. "There are two unknows about Absol. One is the whole disaster thing; why do Absol only show up before disasters? And second is what most people like to call Pressure, and is not unique to Absol. The Pressure phenomenon has been confirmed for Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, as well as Ho-oh. Basically, it causes the opposing Pokemon in a battle to tire twice as quickly (OOC: in the games, the Pressure ability causes twice the PP to be used for moves, which would translate to tiring out twice as quickly in RPGs and the TV show, if they ever did abilities in it. Oh, and all of the Pokemon Rorohiko mentioned do have that ability). "Now, the legendary Pokemon tend to have a lot of excess energy, which, although this isn't confirmed, is probably the reason they have the Pressure phenomenon. Obviously, that doesn't apply to Absol. "There were a number of theroys about why Absol has the Pressure phenomenon, and the most popular was that it was connected to the disaster thing. Now, I won't go into the details, because I'd need to teach you a lot just so you could understand the details, but I prooved that theroy a year ago. Of course, we still don't understand why Absol has Pressure, just that it's connected to the disaster ting. So the new big question is: what is the reason for the disaster phenomenon? I recieved information that I've told you already, and that information pointed me to Ferina and the Absol that protects Jirachi. It's just coincidence that we were going after Jiraci when I was preparing for a trip to Ferina. I learned a lot in Ferina, and I'll need to go back when this whole true soul thing is done." Rorohiko saw Ralonoa walking toward him and Mizu. "I'll have to continue later. We have things we need to do."
  5. Two things, Arika. First, don't think of the abilities as spells, because Kalmorians have their elemental abilities insted of spellcraft. Second, I specifically said no summoning, so please remove that part. Other than that, the sign-up is good. Fix those things, and you're in. I'd like it if we had a couple more people, but we may not get anyone else. I'll start this either Friday night or Saturday morning.
  6. OOC: So do I. ---------------------------------------------------------- "The road turns up ahead," Seuneu said. "We shouldn't take it." Leon dissagreed. "Why not? It's faster." "Not by much, and there's a much greater danger on the road. It's much easier to find someone who's on the road than it is to find someone who's cutting through the woods. And we don't want to be found, remember." Then went straight despite Leon's dissagreement. "Why do you dislike me so much?" Seuneu asked him. Leon was surprised. "I don't-how-" Seuneu chuckled, which sounded very disturbing when he was in his natural state. "It's obvious that you don't like me. It's because of what I am, is it not?" "You mean a fire spirit?" "That's right," Seuneu agreed. "I'm a fire spirit. Fire is destructive. It burns crops, destroys homes, kills people. You probably lost something in a fire, or maybe someone. When you see me, a fire spirit, you remember that fire, that loss, and you hate me because of it. Well, let me tell you something, something that nobody ever seems to realize. "A person eats some meat. That person becomes ill, and ends up dying from that illness. A different person cooks his meat before he eats it, and he's perfectly fine. And what does he use to cook that meat? Fire. What do people use for heat durring the winter? Fire. There's a gentler side to fire, a side that nobody seems to care about, even though their lives would be inconcievably different without it. Even forest fires aren't totally destructive. The old stuff gets cleared away, allowing new plants to grow. Fire is seen as a purely destructive force, but it's not." ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I'm not saying that Leon lost something or someone in a fire. Seuneu thinks that, but it's not necessarily true.
  7. Two probelms, Yunsung. First, I need you to list even the powers Mithos hasn't discovered yet. It's been my experience that, if there are some powers that aren't listed, things can get out of hand. So, list the ones he doesn't know about, please. Also, remove the faster movement thing. That doesn't tend to work well.
  8. Kitty, that's exactly what I want in the Ability area. The percentage thing indicates how strong magically your character is in relation to the average magical strength (17% below average means 17% weaker than that average strength, for example). Y got that part right. You goofed in the Area of Magic field, though. Fire and Wind are elements. Area of Magic means things like offensive, defensive, healing, that sort of thing. Nekuok can specialize in Fire and Wind magic, but the Area of Magic would likely be offensive. You're in once you fix that. SpikeSpeigel01, you're in. Oh, just a note: The plural form of Kalmorian is Kalmorians, but Raslomaon and Therosaon are both the singular and plural forms.
  9. A couple changes need to be made. First, immunity to cold doesn't work for a water spirit. Immunity to heat, yes, but not cold (water freezes). I'm treating Ice as a seperate element from Water (some people don't, but I do). Also, I don't want immunities to other elements. Mizu (seems odd to be typing that name here. There's a character in another RPG I'm in named Mizu) can be resistant to fire, but not immune. Why? Because I don't like complete immunities. Resistances are fine, and it certainly makes sense to absorb energies from attacks of the same element (water Kalmorian absorbing water), but I don't like immunities. Please change that, too. Change those two things, and you're in.
  10. OOC: Well, I'll give it another try right now, if only because this is the only currently active RPG that I'm in at the moment. Oh, and none of Mizu's Pokemon were sent. She still has them all. And last I checked, Rorohiko still has Jirachi (Latios and Mewtwo were returned to Josh and Carter by Katai, but Jirachi wasn't taken from Rorohiko. ------------------------------------------------------------ They were well underway. Rorohiko and Mizu were out on the deck, and Rorohiko took out his cellular phone. "Who are you calling?" Mizu asked. "It just occured to me that the others will probably stop by Oak's Lab," Rorohiko explained. "I'm giving Oak a call, warning him about Josh and Katai." He dailed the number, and Oak answered. "Hello. Professor Oak speaking. May I ask who's calling?" "Oak, this is Rorohiko. I have Mizu with me, but everyone else, plus one, is en route to Kanto, and they'll probably stop by your lab." "They've already been here," Oak replied. "I was introduced to Josh. He has a Latios. I assume you know that." "That's why I'm calling. You need to get Latios from Josh by any means necessary. Oak, Josh is with Team Rocket." "What?" "Josh is with Team Rocket," Rorohiko repeated. "Everyone in the group except me and Mizu is convinced that Josh is 'reformed', or something like that. 'Snapped out of it' was the phrase used. Oak, there was nothing for Josh to snap out of. The 'true soul' problem is affecting him quite a bit, and is, I believe, the reason he joined TR in the first place. Oak, he can't be trusted with Latios. "Josh isn't the only one affected. Mizu and I don't seem to be, although we might be. Of the others, I think everyone's affected, although it's most obvious in Josh and Katai. Yes, Katai. She used to be with ether Team Rocket or Team Aqua, I'm not quite sure which. She seems to have recently rejoined, and is responsible for Josh currently having Latios. Her perception of me is unbelievably skewed. She thinks I'm her worst enemy or something. Oak, Kanto's law enforcement has been notified about Josh. Call the cops in, Oak. Josh can't be allowed to keep Latios. Goodbye." With that, Rorohiko hung up.
  11. [i]Evil is relative[/i]-Kalmorian saying [i]Good and evil are not opposites. They are the same. What differs is perspective[/i]-Proverb of unknown origin Something is happening in the world of Ataji. There is a being. Possibly several beings. Some see an angelic being, while others see a demonic being, and some see a being that falls into no known category. The different appearances suggest multiple beings. However, there is only one seen at a time, and the frequency of appearances suggests a[size=2] single being. The multiple beings theory is the one most people believe. There is one reason: inconsistency of actions. When there?s an appearance, it?s not knowable what the being will do until it starts doing it. And the actions are in no way consistent with form. The angel sometimes heals, restores, protects, etc. Sometimes, however, it destroys. The demonic being will sometimes destroy, but sometimes protect, restore, etc. The same is true for all known forms of the being or beings. All believe that there is a reason the being or beings do what it or they do, a goal of some kind. There?s always a reason that something is done, and that reason is likely the key to understanding the being or beings. [i]Humans, Kalmorians, Therosaon, Raslomaon, all are needed. Evil approaches under cover of good. Appearances are deceiving, as are actions. Only one may reveal the true opponent for what is. But that one has not the ability to stop it. Others must use what is given, but cannot be forced to. A choice must be made.[/i]-Prophecy of unknown origin Many are familiar with the prophecy. Some believe that the being/beings is/are what the prophecy is referring to, especially the ones who are survivors of one of the being/beings? attacks. But those who a being has aided do not believe the prophecy applies. How can a being be evil when it saves lives, they ask, even if it also takes them? The pattern of appearances indicates that the next appearance of a being will be in the port city of Vanduo. Captains are not making port anywhere in the city, in case the being is violent. Many have fled the area, and Vanduo is as close to shut down as a city of that size can be. The backstory?s out of the way (Vanduo is where this RPG starts, by the way), so let?s move on to other matters. This is a fantasy RPG, meaning that magic is allowed. Here?s how I?m working it in this RPG (note: when I say ?races? I mean the first three races listed below. Not Kalmorians, because their powers work differently. See their section below for details): Some individuals have inborn magical talent, ranging from weak to strong (the races have different average amounts of power, by the way). Many aren?t aware that they have any magical ability, and so turn out no different than most humans. Those with inborn magical talent who are aware of it can choose to develop it in different ways. Some become healers; others master the art of illusions. Some learn defensive uses for their powers, others offensive. And some learn to use their powers in ways not as easily categorized. Those without inborn magical talent cannot learn the art of spellcraft. You must be born with the ability. Those who are born with it have varying power. The weakest healers are good only for minor injuries, while the most powerful can save even ones closest to death. Stronger illusionists can create more complex and believable illusions. You get the idea. There are two terms used to describe how magically strong someone is. ?Power? refers to an individual?s raw power, and is less important than ability. ?Ability? refers to what an individual can do with his or her powers, and is by far the more important of the two. A mage of lesser power but greater ability can easily defeat a very powerful person who?s just discovered his or her powers. When describing how strong someone is, it?s ability that matters, not power. One can choose to develop one?s power in any number of areas, as stated above. Some choose to focus on just one area (healing, for example). However, one can develop one?s powers in two areas (but no more than two) with no noticeable decrease in ability in each area (a Healer/defensive mage can heal just as well as a pure Healer, but a Healer/Illusionist/defensive mage cannot heal as well as a pure Healer). Oh, all mages can sense other mages, although those with greater ability can hide themselves from that sense if they want to (it takes a lot of energy to do so for more than a few minutes, however). Now, the races have varying lifespans, with humans in the middle. Therosaon have a shorter average lifespan, while Raslomaon live longer. And the longer you live for, the more time you have to develop your powers. But since Therosaon have more raw power and Raslomaon less, things tend to come out even. Let?s move on to races. There are four races you can play as, which are listed below: Humans: No explanation should be necessary. We know what humans are. We?re humans. Humans are in the middle as far as most things are concerned. They?re not as tough physically as Therosaon, but tougher than Raslomaon. They?re more likely to have magical talent than Therosaon, and less likely than Raslomaon. Humans with magical talent tend to have more power than Raslomaon, but less than Therosaon. Therosaon: Your basic humanoid felines (no tails). On average, they are a bit smaller and lighter than humans, but faster and stronger. They are the least likely of the three races (Kalmorians are the ones I excluded, because their powers are different) to have magical talent, but those that do tend to be more powerful than those of other races. However, a shorter lifespan means lees time to develop their powers. Raslomaon: A basic humanoid appearance, but more fragile (more easily injured or killed). The weakest physically, but flight-capable. They are more likely than humans and Therosaon to have magical ability. They tend to be weaker, but due to longer lifespans, can develop their powers more. All Raslomaon possess an additional sight ability. Some can see into the infrared spectrum (they can see heat), while others can see as well at night as they can during the day. Others can see magical energy. Kalmorians: The Kalmorians are uncommon. Basically, they are elemental spirits. Obviously, there are those of the four main elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. There are also Light and Dark spirits, as well as those of more unusual elements. A Kalmorian has two different ?states?. A Kalmorian?s natural state appears to be made up of its element (a Kalmorian of fire appears to be made of fire, for example), and is malleable (no set shape). A Kalmorian?s other state is one of the other three races. A Kalmorian can change to a human form, a Therosaon form, or a Raslomaon form (to be sure it?s clear, each Kalmorian can change to the form of one of the other three races, but only one of the races, not all three). The powers of Kalmorians should be self-explanatory. A Kalmorian?s powers come from its element (a fire Kalmorian?s powers are fire-based, for example). Also, all Kalmorians can see magical energy, but only when in their natural states. Oh, one more thing. Light and dark Kalmorians will almost never user the terms ?good? and ?evil?, because those terms are used to describe them way too often (the whole ?light is good, dark is bad? thing). These labels are almost always incorrect (think of it as someone seeing a black person and thinking ?He?s black, so he?s a criminal?). All right, here?s the sign-up. It differs depending on race, but some is the same: For all races: Name: For the non-human races, make it sound like something that another race would come up with. Gender: Self-explanatory. For Kalmorians, this is the gender of your alternate form. Race: Only one of the four races listed above. Age: . For humans, acceptable age range is 18-35. For Therosaon, 15-26. For Raslomaon, 40-80. For Kalmorians, 100-300. Personality: Doesn?t need to be detailed, and is optional. A set personality limits character development options. Bio: Optional for the same reason personality is. For humans: Appearance: Ability: Your character?s magical ability (ability, not power. Remember, there?s a difference. Oh, put ?none? if your character has no magical talent). Express as a percentage above or below average (example: 21% below average). The maximum is 100% above average (which, to clarify, means twice as powerful as average. Oh, and so it?s clear, 100% below average means half as powerful as average), but I don?t want everyone to be that powerful. It?d be nice to have some weaker people, too. Area of magic: Only if you have magical ability. Remember, you can have two areas with no decrease in ability in those areas, but more than two mean?s you?ll be weaker in each area. Oh, and the examples I gave are just examples. You can choose almost anything. For Therosaon: Ability: Your character?s magical ability (ability, not power. Remember, there?s a difference. Oh, put ?none? if your character has no magical talent). Express as a percentage above or below average (example: 21% below average). The maximum is 100% above average (which, to clarify, means twice as powerful as average. Oh, and so it?s clear, 100% below average means half as powerful as average), but I don?t want everyone to be that powerful. It?d be nice to have some weaker people, too. Area of magic: Only if you have magical ability. Remember, you can have two areas with no decrease in ability in those areas, but more than two mean?s you?ll be weaker in each area. Oh, and the examples I gave are just examples. You can choose almost anything. For Raslomaon: Ability: Your character?s magical ability (ability, not power. Remember, there?s a difference. Oh, put ?none? if your character has no magical talent). Express as a percentage above or below average (example: 21% below average). The maximum is 100% above average (which, to clarify, means twice as powerful as average. Oh, and so it?s clear, 100% below average means half as powerful as average), but I don?t want everyone to be that powerful. It?d be nice to have some weaker people, too. Area of magic: Only if you have magical ability. Remember, you can have two areas with no decrease in ability in those areas, but more than two mean?s you?ll be weaker in each area. Oh, and the examples I gave are just examples. You can choose almost anything. Additional sight: Infrared vision, night vision, or magic vision (ability to see magical energy). You may choose only one. For Kalmorians: Alternate form: The race of your character?s alternate form. Again, the choices are human, Therosaon, and Raslomaon. Provide an appearance of that form only if it?s human. Element: Can be anything that fits the category of ?element?. I?ll allow two people to sign up with the same element (no more than two characters per element, because I want a variety). Only one element per character. Abilities: These must fit the chosen element. Nothing too powerful. Also include any weaknesses and resistances here (there must be at least one weakness), but they must make sense, and you must include all the obvious ones (for example, a fire Kalmorian can?t be resistant to water-based spells and abilities, but is weak to them). Oh, a Kalmorian can absorb energy from spells/abilities of its element (a fire Kalmorian can absorb fire-based spells and abilities, for example). A few notes: 1: As I said, personality and bio are optional, because having those set limits character development options. 2: Appearance is only for humans. Why? Well, because the Kalmorians have no set form when in their natural state. And, while Therosaon can tell differences between individual Therosaon, humans (which we all are, even if our characters aren?t) cannot, just as Therosaon cannot tell the difference between individual humans (aside from gender and things like height differences). The same is true for Raslomaon. A Kalmorian can tell apart individuals of the race of its alternate form (a Kalmorian who can take on a human form can tell individual humans apart, for example). Why is this true? Because the races look different enough from each other that those of other races don?t notice the minor differences (yes, this is true for humans and Raslomaon, even though their basic forms are similar). 3: There are a few things that are not allowed. First, no summoning spells. Second, no bringing anyone back to life. When you?re dead, you?re dead. No zombies, either. Third, no form-changing (with the exception of a Kalmorian?s alternate form). Forth, no mind control. And fifth, no ?instant death? or ?invulnerability? spells. A skilled mage can easily kill a normal person with one spell, but I won?t allow any instant death spells. And while a skilled defensive mage can definitely nullify the spells of unskilled or significantly weaker mages, there?re no ?I can?t be hurt now? spells. I?m going to be using a chapter system for this RPG. For those of you who don?t know, the chapter system was introduced (I think. Tell me if I?m wrong) in James?s Kill Adam RPG, and it is becoming increasingly popular. Here?s how it works: I give each chapter a title. Then, I provide a brief summary, normally just a sentence or two long, of what will happen in the chapter. And finally, I list the characters that are in that chapter. Other characters do not appear in the chapter. Why limit the number of characters in each chapter? Because that way, there aren?t too many people posting at the same time, which helps prevent confusion. Also, those who aren?t in a chapter can take a break from the RPG without causing any problems. Also, I think that having a definite objective in each chapter will help prevent things from getting too boring, out of hand, confusing, or way off of the plot. Chapter system notes: 1: Even when you aren?t posting in a chapter, read the posts so as to keep up with the story. 2: I will PM you when a character of yours is participating in a chapter. 3: If you want to be able to post more often, play as two characters. That?s allowed. Keep in mind that I want only dedicated participants. I?ll be checking RPGs you?ve participated in previously, and if I don?t find a certain level of dedication to those RPGs, then you won?t be allowed to participate. Don?t worry, I?m not too strict. I just don?t want people who stop posting in the middle of an RPG signing up for this one (and know that, while there will be some action, this RPG will be more plot-driven than fight-driven). Now that all of that?s out of the way, here?s my sign-up (sign-ups, actually. I?m playing two different characters): Name: Anzunden Gender: Male Race: Kalmorian Age: 197 Alternate form: Human Appearance: Very tall at 6 feet 5 inches, and in very good shape. He has short, red hair. His eyes, which are the color of fire, have an unnatural glow to them. Strapped to his back are two metal poles, his weapons, and he?s good with them. Element: Fire Abilities: Basic creation/manipulation of fire. Immunity to temperature extremes. Unaffected by fire (meaning natural fire. Remember, he can absorb the energy of fire-based spells and abilities). Resistant to ice-based spells and abilities, but weak to water-based spells and abilities. Name: Rakaloma Gender: Female Race: Raslomaon Age: 53 Personality: She?s very strong magically, especially for a Raslomaon. As a result, she?s very confident in her abilities, but not overconfident. She knows her limits. She doesn?t like to seem weak to others, and so tends to try and prove herself, but again, she knows her limits. She can seem a bit cocky at times, but (you guessed it) she knows her limits, and doesn?t try to do something she knows is beyond her. Magical ability: 87% above average. Area of magic: Illusionist/Offensive Alternate sight: Infrared There. I think that?s it. PM me with any questions. [/size]
  12. I'm sorry, but this RPG has become too bogged down with arguements and definition problems (the kind of dock you're thinking of is made of wood, SakuraMinomino, but I wasn't referring to that kind of dock. What I ment by 'dock' was where the ship makes port in the big harbors, and with the current level of technology, there wouldn't be wood. Too easily destroyed). It's not an enjoyable experiance for me anymore. I gave it a second try, and if the agruements stop, and people are willing to accept the ideas of others (I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, by the way. We all make mistakes. I've made some big ones myself, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just thought I'd point that out), I'm willing to give it a third one. Until then, I'm afraid I won't be participating. Sorry.
  13. OOC: Actually, it has been previously established that this RPG is occuring at approximatly the date the T.V. show would be at now. I think. The passage of time in that show is never very clear. What I know is that this RPG is taking place a few months after the events of the movie Jirachi: Wish Maker, and I also know that Ash and co. are still in Hoenn (well, they were as of a few weeks before the start of this RPG. Rorohiko met them in Hoenn.) Oh, about the dock issue, when at a harbor, a dock is where a ship docks, makes port, whatever you like to call it.
  14. Instead of returning to Mt. Krolstoronomono, Valse headed back toward Glen Haven. He was looking for others who had recieved the message, others who, perhaps, he could convince that Terra wasn't a friend. [i]Things are happening faster than I anticipated,[/i] he thought. [i]I'll just have to work faster. euneu is acting as a spy, I believe. Just in case he's lying, I've got other plans. After all, why take chances when you don't have to? Hopefully, I can find others, ones willing to believe that Terra is their enemy, but even if I can't, well, I know where she's going, and I can certainly beat her there. Plejalta won't be any good dead. But I don't want him dead quite yet. He might still be useful. Killing him will only be a last resort. Hopefully, I won't need to.[/i] --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I'm going to be gone for a few days, and I would appreciate it if nobody included Valse in their posts, please. I don't want my plans for him screwed up. As for Seuneu, well, he's with Terra's group, who just met up with Talon and Isabelle. Don't be afraid to include him in your posts.
  15. OOC: First, that's not a short post. Second, Team Aqua and Team Magma are not a part of Team Rocket. They are completly independent of TR and of each other. Oh, and they hate each other's guts. Oh, and one more thing. The ship isn't made of wood. technology is advanced enough that people use metals to build ships (like we do today). Also, 'dock' in this context doesn't mean a dock like you walk out on. ----------------------------------------------------------- Rorohiko regained conciousness at about the same time as everyone else. Ralonoa, who hadn't been knocked out, noticed and ran over to them. "Are you all right?" she asked. "I'm fine," Rorohiko told her. "I think we all are. Where did the others go?" "I heard them talking. They decided to head to Kanto. Something about Mew and Celebi." "I'll explain on the ship," Rorohiko said. "What's the status?" "Well, we've got all the water out of the ship. No damage, fortunatly. Cargo's loaded up, and departure is in fifteen minutes." "What about the others?" Mizu asked. "Forget about them," Rorohiko responded. "Katai doesn't think I gave her plan a 'no'. Nobody could be that stupid. I never said no. There were two things I didn't agree with, and still don't. First, Team Rocket is so inept that they aren't a threat. I don't care how many of them there are, they can't do anything right. And second, Josh can't be trusted with Latios." "You sure Katai knows you didn't give her plan a 'no'? Rorohiko nodded. "I'm sure. I pointed out those things, but I said that if she wanted to infiltrate TR, she could. I didn't care, and I still don't. I also said that because her plan involved no change in our actions, I didn't mind if the others followed it, with the exception of Josh keeping Latios. No, it's quite obvious that I didn't give the plan a 'no'." "Then why-" "Because she's affected. She's not rational. She seems to be affected more than the others. I suspect that we'll meet again before this is all over. Fortunatly, she's headed for Kanto, while we're going to Jhoto. She shouldn't be a problem until after we've got Celebi." The two of them followed Ralonoa onto the ship. The security personell got moving, too. They accessed the security camera tapes, printed a still image of Josh and the others, and faxed it to every police station in Kanto, along with instructions to get the Latios from Josh and give it to Professor Oak.
  16. "Well," Rorohiko replied, "seeing as how Mizu and I are going after the legendaries anyways, your plan changes nothing there. But there are a few other things. Now, let's assume I trust you. You're not the main problem here, anyways. Neither is TR. Others are after Jirachi. A cult with rather extreme beliefs. They've been trying to kill me for a long time, and now they know that I have Jirachi. They're after Celebi now, and they're much more dangerous than TR. Team Rocket can't even do anything right. The cult is much more dangerous. But fine, infiltrate TR. I don't care. It's not like you could fool Trolmont, anyways. "Josh is the second problem. You said that he hasn't betrayed any of us while 'in his right mind'. Well, he's not. None of you are. Mizu and I seem to be, but even that may not be true. But that's not the issue. Not even Josh is the issue. The issue is Latios." "Josh keeps Latios," Katai said. "I'd say the same thing if someone else has Latios. i'm not happy with any of us having Mewtwo, but at least Carter knows not to try to use it. I admit, I tok a risk. I thought it was necessary, but again, that doesn't matter. Carter can keep Mewtwo, although I'd prefer if none of us had it. But Josh can't have Latios. He's already demonstrated a lack of restraint with it. And no, I'm not suggesting that I keep it. Personally, I think it sould be released back into the wild. If not, then there's only one person who can be trusted with it. That person is Professor Oak. Latios is either released or sent to him." Security forces showed up, and Ralonoa indicated Josh. "He's the one." "Don't arrest him," Rorohiko instructed. "This may sound strange, but he did not knowingly join TR. Just take the Premire Ball. Get it to Oak." Mizu returned, hopped off of Arcanine, and gave Absol's ball back to Rorohiko before returning Arcanine. "Thanks," Rorohiko said. "No problem," Mizu replied. "Come on. Let's get on the ship." Rorohiko and Mizu turned and followed Ralonoa onto her ship.
  17. "I've been thinking," Terra said to Seuneu. "If Valse wants the message, why doesn't he just take it? He's certainly more than able to. o why doesn't he?" "I've been wondering that myself," Seuneu replied. Terra still hadn't gotten used to the way his speech sounded when he was in human form, and she probably never would. "I have a couple different ideas," the fire spirit continued. "First, he may be unable to for some reason. Don't believe that, though. I certainly don't. Another posibillity, and this it what I think is the truth, is that he's afraid." "Of what?" "Of you. I don't know why. Certainly anyone who can take out Yuka would have no trouble with you. But Valse's actions indicate fear. He's using others to do his dirty work. He thinks he's using me, and I'm sure he has at least two other plans in motion. He's not one to take chances, but for some reason he's reluctant to confront you directly. No, it's pretty clear that he's afraid of you. The question is: why?" "Who's that?" Charity asked, pointing. Ahead of the group were two humans and a horse. As they closed, Terra recognised one of them. "That's Talon!" ----------------------------------------------------- OOC: You implied that Terra's group was nearing Talon and Isabelle, skedy.
  18. OOC: I won't leave, don't worry. Oh, we're not in a room. We're outside, at the dock by Ralonoa's ship. --------------------------------------------------- Rorohiko managed to stand up, and returned Absol. "I'm okay... with Carter... keeping Mewtwo... with him," Rorohiko said, having trouble speaking, "although I... don't like it. But Josh... cannot be allowed... to have... Latios. He... cannot be trusted. He is... with Team Rocket. We all... know that. Latios... should be given to... Professor Oak." "Latios is mine," Josh replied. Rorohiko shook his head. "Latios should be nobody's. Certainly... not yours. The only person I know... who can be trusted with it... is Professor Oak. It goes to him." "Didn't you hear what I just said?" Aura shouted. "I did. And you're wrong. I could take Josh... any day. Oh, and it didn't work. Josh... didn't 'snap out' of anything. There was nothing for him... to snap out of. Not that he can... snap out of, at least. It's affecting all of you. The 'true soul' problem is undoubtably... the reason for what's happening right now. Until the problem is solved, there... is only one person I can trust. Mizu seems to be as unaffected by the... problem as I am." "And why are you unaffected?" Carter asked. "I don't know about Mizu," Rorohiko replied, "but I am unaffected because I am not... hiding anything. There is no 'true me' hidden inside myself. What you see is who I am. But the same is not true for most. that includes all of you. It's starting to affect all of you. Carter has at least shown a desire to... solve the problem, which is why him keeping Mewtwo is... acceptable, although I don't like it. But Josh is with Team Rocket. I can't allow him to have Latios." Rorohiko noticed that Ralonoa was standing by the ramp to her ship, watching the group. He handed Absol's pokeball to Mizu. 'Get Absol to a Pokemon Center," he instructed her, "then get him back here." Mizu nodded, released Arcanine, and was off. Rorohiko looked at Ralonoa. "Get Security over here," he said. "Inform them that there is a TR member named Josh who has in his posession the legendary Pokemon Latios. They are to use any means necessary to capture Josh and take Latios, which is inside a Premere Ball. Latios is to be dilivered to Professor Oak in Pallet." Ralonoa nodded. "Got it." She took out her cell phone and dailed Slateport Harbor Security, informing them of the situation. Rorohiko turned back to Josh. "You can't escape, Josh. Latios is beyond your control-meaning that it won't listen to you-and your other Pokemon are not enough to get you out of this one. this harbor'll be locked down so tight you won't believe it. Face it, you're as good as arrested."
  19. Terra and her group stopped as they saw something approaching. They were tense, but relaxed as it neared. It was Seuneu, approaching in spirit form. When he reached them, he assumed human form. "Hello, everyone. I take it you didn't have any problems?" "Who and what are you?" Leon asked. "My name's Seuneu. I'm an elemental spirit of fire. Who are you?" "My name's Leon. Terra wanted me to accompany her on her journey." "Thought so," Seuneu replied. "That was my idea, by the way." "What took you so long?" Terra wanted to know. "Nothing. I didn't expect to see you for a couple days. Mt. Krolstoronomono is about twenty-four hours from Glen Haven for me. Then I'd need to double back and find you. But a little while ago, Valse found me. He had attacked Glen Haven, and was on his way to Krolstoronomono. He can move fast. His natural form is capable of flight. He told me that, although he used an odd phrasing. "I gave him the stone. Then, he told me that he thinks you have a copy of the message. He attacked Glen Haven looking for you, just in case I didn't get the message for him. Valse takes no chances. As for the copy, I told him that I gave it to you, and that it's a fake, just meaningless symbols. He believed me, but he's concerned that you have a real copy with you. He told me to accompany you, basically as a spy. He wants me to help you, even fight any force he sends against you. But when I next see him, he wants my report. I agreed, but you can be sure I won't be telling him the truth. "Oh, one more thing. See this bracelet? Valse gave it to me for getting him the stone with the message. It's some kind of magical object that changes to a form compatible with the current form of the holder, so any can use it. Unfortunatly, Valse didn't tell me what it can do. Oh, he had a couple spells in it, but I saw them. I can, you know. I was born from a kind of magical energy. That's not completly accurate, but there aren't words in any language of humans that can express the truth. Anyways, I could see the spells he had added. They didn't belong, and so were easily visible. Now, let's get moving." "We don't have a horse for you," Leon said. "That's all right. In my natural state, I can easily keep up. I can also produce human speech, by the way, although it's not the easiest thing ever. But I can still talk in my natural state, or, as most humans I know think of it, my 'spirit form'. Now, let's get moving. We have no time to waste."
  20. You sure about that? I'd just heard that she was in something called Nine. I assumed it was a movie. Oh, and we're not supposed to be researching, remember? We're not suposed to be using websites to help us answer, just what we already know. Doing research ruins the game. I don't do research, which is why I can't answer your question.
  21. Seuneu didn't see it. He felt it. He had felt it before. He assumed human form, and was not surprised to see Valse approach him, also in human form. "You're fast," the fire spirit remarked. "I take it your natural form is capable of flight?" "That's the best words can put it," Valse agreed. "But what made you think that I can move fast?" "I felt the deaths of multiple dragons. I assumed that you attacked Glen Haven, and that many dragons died trying to defend it. Of course, you didn't need to attack. I have the stone with the message on it." "Good. I thought you would do that for me. You're smart enough to know which side will win. I attacked Glen Haven in case you had decided not to follow my instructions. Not that it would have done any good. Terra wasn't there. She left, and I'm guessing she's going to Plejalta." Seuneu nodded. "She has a piece of paper with what she thinks is the message written on it. I told her that I'd copied the message to paper, and that I was going to give the original message to you to make you think she no longer had a message to get translated. She believed me. What she actually has is a fake message. I looked at the characters of the real message. The 'copy' consists of those characters in a completly random order. It's useless." "Very good," Valse said. "However, she might have an actual copy of the message. The chance may be slight, but I can't afford the risk. I want you to stay with her. Act like your on her side, to the point of fighting any force I send. I want you to learn exactly what she's doing, pay attention to her every move. When we meet next, I'll want you to tell me everything. Oh, and take this. The reward I promised you. It should prove useful." Valse held out what appeared to be a bracelet. Seuneu examined it. "Some kind of magical object. Takes a form matched to the current form of the holder, and so can be used by any kind of being. Oh, please remove the termination sequence from it. I don't want you to be able to kill me just by making the right sounds." Valse chuckled. "I thought you'd figure that out. I put that in all such objects I come across." He concentrated on the bracelet, which glowed for a few seconds. "There. Removed." "Thank you. Now, would you kindly neutralize the beacon spell? I don't want my location knowable to anyone with basic magical talent." Seuneu took it after Valse had done so. "Thank you. Now, any other business?" "No." And with that, Valse left. Seuneu put the bracelet on, then resumed spirit form, the object seemingly dissapearing inside of him, just like the stone with the message. He headed back the way he had come, looking for Terra.
  22. Mizu did a double-take when she asaw Kazu and Katai. Rorohiko stood up and walked over to the group. "Hi, assholes," he said. "Nice to see you, too," Kazu replied. "That was a nice move in that base. I'm still not sure just what was going on, but that was a nice move." "Shut up. I don't give a shit about your oppinion of me, or of what I did. Now, please be quiet while I address the real traitor here." He turned to Katai. "And yes, I mean you. Don't talk, because I don't give a shit. I don't care about any excuses you have, you can't be trusted after what you did. You are not to accompany Mizu and I. If you do, well, I'll have to do what I did back in thatbase, and the concequences be damned. Whata we're doing is extremly important for more than one reason, and I won't allow you to hurt our operation." With that, he walked back to Mizu and sat down.
  23. Answer: John Rhys-Davies Question: Reaching Normal Nine Dr. Dolittle
  24. Caim just looked at everyone for a few seconds. "Why is this relevant?" he asked. "Our enemies are not wild animals. You killed dear easily, but our victory in this fight will not be so simple." "Yeah?" Dante replied. "Exactly what do you know about fighting?" "I am a soldier. I have seen war. I have seen a lot more than that. I have seen my parents become a meal. I have killed child conscrips. I have fought alongside a woman who kills any child she can. I have seen my sister with a dagger through her heart. I have seen a man I trusted become insane, sinking to the level of necrophilia. I have seen dead men rise up from the ground. I have been through a nightmare, and I'm still alive. How much have any of you been through? How much experiance do you have? "I don't think any of you can take me in a fair fight. I have killed hundreds of enemy soldiers. How many of you can say that? I can take any one of you." He drew Caim's Sword (I'll give it a better name soon. I already have one in mind). "Is anyone up to a fight? Weapons only. I don't know what kind of magical abillities and of you might have, but that's irrelevant. I'm not claiming magical prowess. I'm claiming that I can take any one of you in standard combat, meaning weapons only. Is anyone willing to accept my challenge?" ---------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Whoever excepts Caim's challenge will find Caim to be equal of greater in skill. He wasn't exagerrating when he said he killed hundreds of enemy soldiers. As a matter of fact, in [i]Drakengard[/i]'s first level (Levels in the game are called Verses, by the way), there are, I believe, over a thousand enemies that Caim can kill. In the [i]first[/i] level. So yeah, Caim's good with a sword. And because his challenge is weapons only, no magic or powers or whatever, just weapons, he'll probably win.
  25. OOC: Two things, eclips. First, Kecleon's Color Change abillity only changes its type. For example, if Kecleon is hit with a Fire-type attack, it becomes a Fire-type. This gives it the Fire-type weaknesses and resistances (weak to Water, resistant to Grass, etc.). This does [i]not[/i] give it immunity to Fire-type attacks. Second, the whole traveling to every town and city to win Badges makes for an incredibly slow RPG. While some might want that, the story you gave for this RPG carries a sense of urgency with it. If people are losing all their inhibitions against murder, rape, infidelity, etc., civilization itself will be in danger. That means that the ones trying to solve the problem, thus preventing the collapse of modern society, would not be wasting time wandering from town to town collecting Badges. Of course, I know that some people like to do that, but some, like me, don't. Basically, there are two options for characters: Go with Rorohiko and Mizu, solve the problem that's the center of this RPG's storyline, and prevent the collapse of civilization, or go with the other group, travel around collecting Badges, and train for the Pokemon League. So, for now, Rorohiko, Mizu, and whoever else wants to will go to Jhoto to catch Celebi, and everyone else can collect Badges. Eclips, if you don't like that. tell me, and I'll change it. ----------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe that guy," Rorohiko said as he and Mizu sat on a bench near Ralonoa's ship. "Who?" Mizu asked. "Carter, or that Harrison guy?" "Both, actually. First of all, they're fighting over who caught an Oddish. Not a Pokemon I'd expect there to ba a battle over. Secondly, surely someone saw whose ball caugh the Oddish, but Carter and Harrison don't seem to care. They're battling anyways. And third, this last one applying only to Carter, the world as we know it is in danger from two seperate things. First, there's the true-soul problem, which could result in the collapseof civilization. Then, there's the cult's plan to get hold of Jirachi, which will result in a 'hell-on-earth' senario if they try to use Jirachi to enforce all of their beliefs. And Carter can't even let another trainer have an Oddish. He's battling when we should be planning a strategy. Personally, I hope he doesn't come with us. someone like him will only make things more difficult for us."
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