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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Sure, game-based movies haven't been that great in the past (although I enjoyed the two I've seen, Mario and Wing Commander. Yes, I like the Mario movie. Not the best movie ever, true, but I enjoyed it. The human Bowser was a horrible idea, though. But that's made up for by Yoshi. Yes, Yoshi's in that movie), but that may change. One movie could change it, and I bet most of you know what movie I'm thinking about (I mentioned it in my previous post): Metroid. It'll be hard for the Metroid movie to be ruined. Two things could do it: a director who isn't familliar with action movies and the Metroid franchise, and the wrong actress as Samus Aran. As I've said, my pick for Samus is Kirstanna Loken, the T-X, with Uma Therman as my second choice. But I'm repeating myself. To close, I'll repeat myself again, and say that director and cast are probably the most important things when making a game-based movie. By the way, can anyone thing of an actor who could play [i]Drakengard[/i]'s Caim? He's a revenge-driven, dragon-hating soldier (medieval setting, so swords, spears, that kind of thing) who loses his voice in a pact with (you probably saw this coming) a dragon, who happens to hate humans (the pact was the only way the two of them could live). I've been trying to think of a good actor for him, but I've come up with none so far. Any ideas?
  2. Between two of you, huh? I think I have something to say about that. Answer: Matt McCoy Question: Levity Spider-Man Jumanji
  3. A man stepped in front of the two of them, and Talon quickly brought the horse to a halt. "Watch it! We almost ran right into you!" "I was not worried about that," the man replied. "I assume you come from Glen Haven?" "Yes," Isabelle said. "I'm Isabelle, and this man is Talon." "Who are you?" Talon asked. "I go by Valse, but that is not important. Being from Glen Haven, you undoubtably know the girl Terra. What would you say if I told you that the recent attack was caused by her?" "How did you know about the attack?" Isabelle wanted to know. "Well, I was there." Talon figured it out. "You say that the attack was Terra's fault." Valse nodded. "That's true." "No, it's not. You're the one, aren't you? You led the attack. You also killed the dragon Yuka." "Correct," Valse said. "Could you explain how you arrived at that conclusion?" "I know that something Yuka," Talon replied. "Not an easy task, even considering her age. I also know that Terra had something from Yuka." Valse nodded. "Yes, I know about the message." "It's obvious that Yuka had something to tell Terra," Talon continued, "something that the one who killed her doesn't want her to know. But Yuka managed to write a message." "She did," Valse agreed. "I was sloppy. I left after defeating her, allowing her to live her last couple minutes by herself. Fortunatly, there's only one written language that she would know, and very few know it." "But some do," Talon said, "and the one who killed Yuka is aware of that. That's why Glen Haven was attacked. Because that being knew that Yuka's message didn't die with her. Now, after the attack, you show up and tell me that it's Terra's fault, when there's no way she was still in town at the time of the attack. she would have left as soon as humanly posible-sooner, actually. Oh, and I know Terra. She's the last person who'd be responsible for an attack. When you told me that, I figured out that you were after Terra. I concluded that you were after her because of the message from Yuka. The rest came naturally from that. You killed Yuka to prevent her from telling Terra something, you attacked the town in the hope that she was Terra was still there, and you spoke to us hoping to turn us against Yuka." "Very good," Valse replied. "Yo're a smart one. Now, because you know all of that, there's no further reason for me to stay here." "I have one question," Talon said. "I saw you durring the attack. All are bound by gravity, although some, such as dragons, are able to fly. You weren't flying. You were more floating. Nothing I know of can do that. What are you, Valse?" "I choose not to reveal that at this time. However, I will say one thing. You mentioned that no being can free itself from gravity, one of the many laws of the realm of Gaia. I leave you with something to think about: if one comes into existance outside all restrictions, is one as bound by them as those created within them are? You know nothing outside of Gaia's laws. Does a being created outside all such laws find it impossible to bend or maybe even break them? Think about it." And with that, he left.
  4. Seuneu had made a mistake, and he didn't realize it until a couple hours after he left fo Mt. Krostoronomono. He had instructed Terra and her companions to head west from Glen Haven. He didn't take into account the terrain, because it didn't slow him down. He wasn't affected by it. Terra wouldn't take it into account either. She was used to dragons, to flying. Terrain problems simply wouldn't occur to her until too late. She and her companions would be slowed by a couple hours, allowing anyone who wanted to catch them to to do so. The demons had an alternate method of travel, through their realm. Valse was forced to travel the long way, across Gaia, instead of shortcutting through another realm. But that was all right with him. He had discovered a pair of humans, a male and a female. They had undoubtably ran durring the attack, but that didn't mean they wouldn't be useful. They wouldn't have seen his message, but that didn't matter. He could tell them himself. ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: The two Valse discovered are Talon and Issabelle. Skedy and chaosfaerie, I'd like it if you let me post their meeting, please.
  5. OOC: Eclips, you have no right to make a person's character try and complete his or her Pokedex. Each person decides if hir/her character wants to do that. As the creator of this RPG, you make the overall story, but goals of other people's characters are not something you get to decide. ------------------------------------------------------------ Rorohiko and Mizu came across everyone and Harrison. Rorohiko immedeatly figured out the situation. "There's no time for a battle, people." He turned to Harrison. "Sorry, but none of these people can battle right now. There's soomething big going on, and we're all caught in the middle of it. So go battle someone else, whoever you are." "My name's Harrison, and I have a dispute over who caught an Oddish. We were going to settle it with a battle." "It's mine," Carter said. "I caught it." "Harrison here dissagrees," Rorohiko replied. "But I don't care. Harrison, you need to leave. We have business." "Not until we settle our dispute," Harrison responded. "Fine." He turned to the others. "Our ship leaves in... oh, I'd say about an hour and ten minutes from now. Mizu and I will be on it. If you aren't you'll fall behind us, and you'll lose your free ride. The ship will stop breifly at Cinnibar, staying for just a couple of hours before departing for Olivine in the hoto Region. From there, we'll head for Azalea. Yes, I know how to do what we need to do there. After we do it, we'll head back to Pallet. If you miss the ship, which will leave this harbor in about an hour and ten minutes, wait for us in Pallet. Mizu, let's go." The two of them walked off.
  6. Answer: Julia Stiles Question: View to a Kill The Rundown The Stepford Wives
  7. They found Ralonoa in the scheduling office, filling out forms. She looked up as the two of them entered. "Rorohiko! Mizu! You heard?" Rorohiko shook his head. "No, but I figured it out anyways. You've been rescheduled. What's going on?" "There's a priority shipment from Lillycove to Cinnabar. There were no ships unscheduled, and I was the easiest to reschedule. Boarding begins in about an hour, and we leave fifteen minutes later. Several people associated with the shipment are here in Slateport, and are taking my ship to Cinnabar, staying with me to Olivine in Jhoto." "Olivine," Rorohiko repeated. "Do you know the cargo's final destination?" "Yes," Ralonoa replied, "but I'm not supposed to tell anyone." "Azalea." That shocked Ralonoa. "How the hell did you know that?" "Because I think I know who's behind the shipment, and I know what they want." "I was told the cargo is in the care of a government agency. The identity of the agency wasn't specified." "You've been decieved, Ralonoa," Rorohiko replied. "It's the cult, and they're after Celebi. What's this high-priority cargo, and how's it getting from Olivine to Azalea?" "Freight train. As for what it is, I don't know. It's listed as 'classified'." "That's not good. Find out. I don't care how, but I need to know what that cargo is. Mizu, let's go. We need to tell the others what's going on."
  8. "Are you here just to kill me," Rorohiko asked, "or did Trolmont send you?" "What difference does it make?" Glemo replied. Rorohiko chuckled. "Thank you for answering my question. Trolmont sent you." He whispered "[i]Get behind him and knock him to the ground[/i]" to Mizu. Glemo didn't notice, because he was speaking. "You're correct. Tromont sent me. You figured that out, so I assume you know what the difference it makes is?" "Correct. You want Jirachi back. Too ban you can't have it." Glemo pulled out a gun. "You were saying?" "I was saying you can't have Jirachi." "I don't think you understand. You don't have a choice." Rorohiko laughed. "Tell me, Glemo, do you notice anything different from when you first got here?" "No, I- wasn't there a girl with you?" Rorohiko laughed again. "Turn around." But Glemo didn't have a chance to. Mizu knocked him to the ground, then grabbd his gun and tossed it into the harbor. Rorohiko walked over to him. "You lose." Rohohiko emptied Glemo's pockets. He found a wallet and a map. He gave Glemo the wallet back. "I don't want to steel your money or anything," he explained. "Now, get out of here." Rorohiko unfolded the map as Glemo left. it was a map of the Orre region, Two areas were circled: Mt. Battle and Agate village. By Mt. Battle was written 'Time Flute', and by Agate was written 'Relic Forest-Celebi'. Rorohiko slapped himself on the forhead. "Damn, I've been stupid." "Huh?" Mizu crouched down beside Rorohiko. "What's going on?" "The Time Flute can be used to summon Celebi," Rorohiko explained. "I've known that for a while. Long story, ant it doesn't matter. What matters is that I should have remembered about the Time Flute back at Oak's Lab. "The Time Flute can be found at Mt. Battle. As for Agate, the Relic Forest can only be accessed from Agate. Celebi can supposedly be summoned at the Relic Stone in the Relic Forest, but it hasn't worked since Cipher was taken out." "Cipher?" Mizu didn't recoognise the name. "A criminal orginazation that did something to Pokemon's hearts. Celebi was able to undo what Cipher did to Pokemon's hearts. He did so when summoned to the Relic Stone by a Time Flute, but hasn't come since Chipher's defeat." "Then why's it circled on the map?" "Well," Rorohiko explained, "there are two possible reasons. Reason one is that Trolmont doesn't know Celebi doesn't come there any more. Don't believe that for a second. Trust me, Trolmont knows. He learns everything there is to know about his objectives before going after them." "So it's number two," Mizu said. "What's number two?" "To throw me off. Trolmont knows that I'm here, and he knows that I hate that damn cult. He also knows that I'm smart enough to figure out why they want Celebi.' "Why is that?" "Backup plan. Trolmont takes no chances. He sets backup plans in motion before he knows if he'll need them or not. This backup plan involves Celebi's time travel powers. See, we got to Jirachi first. he needed to get it first. Celebi will let him do that." "Oh.' "Now, Trolmont knows that I know how he thinks. We've matched wits before. He'll know that I've figured out he's got a backup plan in motion, so he sent Glemo to throw me off. This map indicates that they're going to take the Time Flute from Mt. Battle, then go to the Relic Forest and try to summon Celebi. But Trolmont made one mistake. See, I know that Celebi's not appearing at the Relic Stone anymore. I also know that Celebi's been sighted in Illex Forest. But Trolmont doesn't know that I have that knowledge. "Now, think about something for a second. We get here, not expecting Ralonoa to be leaving until tomorrow. Her ship will be ready to leave in about a hour. Now, we have the misleading information on Glemo's map. I'm getting that feeling, the 'something's not right' feeling that one who's had so many people try to kill him has to develop and learn to listen to if one wants to stay alive. Come on. We have to find Ralonoa. I need to know where her ship's going." ---------------------------------------------------------- OOC: That stuff about Celebi, the Time Flute, and the Relic Forest/Relic Stone is all taken from Pokemon Colleseum(sp?).
  9. OOC: That was fine, Skedy. You had him do nothing that I hadn't already had him do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was ending. It had to end eventually. Defenders were dying, and there wasn't much town left. The remaining dragons (Sideria and Dryoga included) left the area. Four of the demons had been slain (at least, I counted four. Feel free to tell me if I miscounted), but eleven of them, including Estubane, were still alive. They all gathered at the west side of town. Valse landed in town and assumed human form again. He walked through what was left, scattering papers everywhere. When he reached the demons, he stopped. Estubane stepped forward. "There was no sign of the girl Terra." "I thought this might happen," Valse said. "That's why I have a backup plan. Two, actually. One involves an elemental spirit I met earlier today, and the other... well, I'd rather not reveal it at this time. Fortunatly, I believe I know where Terra is. She'll look for Plejalta. I have set the plan in motion here. We wil noel return to Mt. Krolstoronomono." Valse and the demons left, leaving the destroyed town behind. The few lucky enough to survive were slowly recovering, and would soon notice the pieces of paper scattered throughout what was once Glen Haven: [i]Mt. Hastumnen in the Grolomorena range is the destination of the girl Terra. Head west from here to get there. If you desire to learn why this town was destroyed, do so. I will find you when you reach the Grolomorena range, and explain the reason. For those who come, I will see you then.[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: That message provides a way for everyone still in Glen Haven to become involved in the main story. Form a group and follow Terra. The attack on Glen Haven was the first step in involving all of the characters, the message is step two. Characters who go after Terra will become involved in the main plot, but I doubt that those who don't will.
  10. I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned Metal Gear Solid 2 yet. I've never played it, but I've heard a lot about it. Apparently, the story is really good. I'd like to mention a different game. Hideo Kojima(Probably butchered the spellling), the man behind MGS2, is also responsible for the excellent Zone of the Enders games. In the first ZOE, Leo Stenbuck, resident of Space Colony Antillia orbiting Jupiter, is running for his life. BAHRAM is attacking the colony, the objective being two Orbital Frames (mechs), Jehuty and Anubis. Leo stumbles upon Jehuty, and finds himself suddenly in the middle of what could be classified as a war. BAHRAM wants Jehuty, and because Jehuty's normal runner (pilot) is dead, Elaina(sp?) contacts Leo and asks him to carry out the mision: get Jehuty across the colony to her ship, the [i]Atlantis[/i] Along the way, he befriends Jehuty's AI, ADA. Oh, a woman named Viola, runner of Orbital Frame Nieth, shows up three seprate times, eventually being killed by Leo (Who hates it when she dies. He whines about death all the time. I don't like him very much). Then BAHRAM's leader, Nohman, arrives. Nohman is piloting Anubis, a frame too powerful for even Jehuty to match. Leo manages to escape to the [i]Atlantis[/i], and the first game ends. In ZOE2, former BAHRAM soldier Dingo Egret finds Jehuty while mining for the rare mineral Metatron, essential in Orbital Frames, on Calisto, a moon of Jupiter. Now BAHRAM's after him, and he has a personal vendetta against Nohman. Oh, I forgot to mention that he was mortally wounded shortly after discovering Jehuty. The only thing keeping him alive is a life-support system that draws power from Jehuty, meaning that Dingo can't get out of the frame. He needs to find a way to stop Nohman's plans. Along the way, he met several new characters, and a few from the first ZOE, including Leo Stenbuck, who now pilots the frame Vic Viper (the battle against him is one of the parts I enjoyed most). I don't know about Kojima's other games (I've heard people talk about them, but I don't know), but that two ZOE games do indeed have a good plot. Oh, Zidargh, [i]Drakengard[/i] does have voice acting. All the characters except Caim talk and have voice actors. And if you play through the game, you probably won't think that Caim loseing his voice is so random (anyone who makes a pact pays a price).
  11. Wrong. Something was wrong. Seuneu felt it. The same feeling as when Yuka died. Weaker, but more than once. Multiple dragons were dying. [i]Coincedence?[/i] Seuneu wondered. [i]Or is there a relation? I think there's relevance. I didn't speak with him for long, but I don't think Valse is one to take chances. He's probably attacking Glen Haven. Because of Terra, many dragons live near that town. But I doubt Valse is acting alone. If he's the one everyone's afraid of, then he commands demons. Some of them are undoubtably with him in the attack. But Valse probably doesn't really need them. He took Yuka, who was a lot more powerful than most dragons, even though she was far weaker than she once was. I doubt that he'll have trouble with any of the dragons that come to defend Glen Haven. Hell, he can probably take Plejalta any day, and Plejalta's no pushover. Valse probably wants to get Terra. He won't take any chances. Hopefully, she left before Valse attacked. And hopefully, Valse doesn't know where she is going.[/i] Another dragon fell to the ground, dead. Valse spotted another one, one that had landed voluntarily. It was facing two demons, and was probably powerful enough to take both of them. Valse didn't wait to find out. He landed in front of the dragon and grabbed it by the neck. He sent dark energy into the dragon, killing it. Valse took to the air again, and two more dragos flew at him. He hovered above the town as they approached. One opened its mouth to breath fire, but Valse threw a black energy sphere into its mouth, with the same results as earlier. The other dragon impacted Valse. It grabbed him and dove downward, intending to slam him into the ground. Valse broke the dragon's grip and reversed positions. He slammed the dragon into the ground, decapitating it for good measure. Then he took off again, located another dragon, and flew at it.
  12. OOC: Come on, people! The town of Glen Haven is being attacked by demons! This is not a time to be bakeing bread or delivering letters! This attack was supposed to get everyone's characters involved in the main plotline. ------------------------------------------------------------- Valse watched as the demons entered Glen Haven. They were very efficient at first, but then the dragons started arriving. It was just two at first, and the demons took care of them, but more dragons were still nearby, and they were all heading for Glen Haven. Valse took the first two as his cue, and ran down the hill into town. As he arrived, several more dragons made it to the town. Valse leaped onto the roof of a still intact bakery (Isabelle's), betraying his non-human nature. One of the dragons, a very large red dragon, swooped down toward him. Valse struck first. Yuka had been long past her prime, but her powers had still been far greater than most dragons, and Valse had easily killed her. The lesser red dragon never had a chance. After its death, three dragons flew towards Valse, who leapt off of the bakery, landing on the ground. The image of the human flickered and dissapeared. What appeared in the human image's place looked nothing like a demon, but was still many people's image of a creature of Hell. He was covered in black fur from head to toe. About three times as tall as the human image, maybe a bit shorter, he was extremly intimidating. His eyes glowed red. His fingers ended in long, sharp claws, and his toes were more like talons. From his back grew large black wings of the type commonly attributed to demons (although the actuall demons had none). One of the dragons swooped down at the new creature (well, not really new. The creature is still Valse). Valse held out a hand. Lines of black energy sprung from his fingers and wrapped around the dragon's throat. The dragon was choked, and was forced to land because it couldn't breathe. Valse dissipated the chocking lines, and the dragon opened its mouth to breath. Valse threw a black energy sphere into its open mouth, causing the dragon's head to litterally explode. The other two dragons attempted to flee, but Valse leapt into the air. He was significantly faster than the two dragons, and caught them without much trouble. He killed the first one by destroying its wings. They were high enough in the air that the fall was fatal. The other dragon tried as best it could to get away, but Valse wasn't letting it. He landed on the dragon's back, his weight being too much for the dragon to carry. As it plummeted to the ground, Valse, displaying great psyical strength, ripped the dragon's head off. The decapitated dragon hit the ground, but Valse didn't. He leapt off, hovering above the town. Clearly, his wings were not needed to keep him in the air. He watched as a pair of demons approached an inn (the same one that practically everyone's characters wound up at), and another demon neared the bakery. His time of inaction was short, however, as several more dragons came toward him. He laughed, knowing that he was far superior to any of them, then flew at them, ready to proove it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Okay, everyone. Demons are in the town. For those with characters at the inn, two demons are there, and one is at the bakery. For characters at neither location, well, there are twelve other demons. They can be anywhere in the town. Oh, nobody include Vasle in a post, please. It's not as easy as you'd think to balance his power. He needs to be quite powerful, but not above a certain level of power, and I have no clear restrictions, so I have to figure it out on my own. It's not easy, and I don't want it screwed up.
  13. Jaht finished off another enemy soldier, then turned to see more coming. One made it to Vaxla, but Jaht reacted quickly. He charged the mad, ready to kill him, but someone slammed into him from behind. He was knocked into the man, and both of them slammed into Vaxla. All three of them hit the ground, quickly joined by a couple others who tripped over them. Suddenly, all of them hit the wall. Jaht recovered first, and Vaxla next, but the three enemy soldiers didn't have time to. The fairy Klari hit them with another blast of wind, slamming them into another wall. Two were killed by the second impact, but the third survived. He ran. Klari didn't notice, because she was busy with the other soldiers. None of them were lucky enough to live. "Nice timing, Klari," Vaxla said. "How are things elsewhere in the stronghold?" "The spirits are handling things," Klari replied. "They should be done by now." Jaht went over to Vaxla. "You all right?" Vaxla nodded. "I'm fine. let's make sure that everyone else is." ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: Spend some time recovering from the battle. In my next post, I'll reveal the next part of the plot.
  14. I'm sure most people have heard by now that John Woo is producing and possibly directing a Metroid movie. This brings up the question of who should play Samus Aran. After seeing Kill Bill, I think Uma Therman could do it, but my pick is Kirstanna (I think that's how you spell it) Loken, who played the T-X in T3.
  15. OOC: Kazu's with Katai right now. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone hopped off of the Pokemon, which were returned to their balls. "Hello," Rorohiko said. "Anybody hurt?" "No," Carter replied. "Do you still have Mewtwo?" Rorohiko nodded. "Yes. I have Latios, too." "Oak gave Mewtwo to me," Carter reminded him. "Let me have it." "Sorry, but no. None of your Pokemon will be any good if Mewtwo gets out somehow. If someone gets his or her hands on it, you'll be helpless. I won't be, though. Absol can certainly take even Mewtwo, thanks to the type advantage." "Mewtwo can use more than just Psychic moves," Carter argued. "Absol has no immunity or even resistance to them." "True," Rorohiko agreed, "but you're forgetting two things. Three, actually. First, Dark-type moves are super-effective against Psychic-type Pokemon such as Mewtwo. Second, Mewtwo's Psychic abillities are certainly its most powerful, and it won't be used to using the other abillities, I don't think. And third, Absol's good. He knows what he's doing, and he's quite powerful and tough, too. You know what happened before me met at the TR base? Absol took out a full party of six Pokemon, and not weak ones, either. He didn't have any trouble at all. Now, we'll continue this discussion later. There seems to be a schedule change. That ship there is the one we're going on. I know the captian, Ralonoa. She's agreed to let us on for free. The ship was supposed to leave tomorrow, but cargo's being loaded now, and refeuling and routine mantainance are being done a lot faster than usual. All signs point to a departure in about an hour. Mizu, you come with me. We need to find Ralonoa and ask her what's going on. Everyone else, stay here." Rorohiko seemed to know where he was going, so Mizu just followed him. "Now, before all of this starting happening, you were telling me about what you were doing all night with that Absol," she said. "At least, you were going to. You told me about the events that took place when Jirachi awoke a couple months ago, giving that as the reason for the current problem. You told me that you came to the conclusion that the Absol guarding Jirachi is different because it was affected by a Psychic-type move. That's why you needed to go to Ferina, to figure out why that Absol's different. What did you learn?" Rorohiko was about to answer when a man stepped into their path. He wore the cult's symbol. "Don't waste your breath," the man said. "My name is Glemo, and I have been sent to eliminate you." -------------------------------------------------- OOC: Nobody post about Rorohiko, Mizu, and Glemo.
  16. Valse watched from his hiding place on a hill above the town as a large number of dragons landed, then took off about a minute later. [i]Terra probably told them about the message,[/i] he thought. [i]Asked if any of them knew the language. Ancient Dragonian, the only language Yuka would have known, is fortunatly not a widely recognisable language. There are few who can even identify the language, much less read it. None of those dragons stayed long enough to have translated it, so none know it. But at least one could surely point her in the right direction. I can't take that chance.[/i] Valse turned around and spoke to the creature standing brhind him. "We're going to attack Glen Haven, Estubane. How many did you bring with you?" "There are about 15 of us, sir," Estubane replied, "including myself. Not nearly enough to win against the number of dragons we just saw, and all of those dragons are certainly close enough to the town to know if we attack it. Sir, might I suggest that we wait a while, give the dragons time to leave the area?" Valse shook his head. "No. We can't do that. The girl Terra is a danger, and if the message she has can be translated, things will become much more difficult. She will probably leave town soon to find someone able to translate the message. We must strike before she departs." "Sir, we can't stand up to so many dragons. Not with just 15 of us." "That's why I'll be participating in the attack," Valse told him. "you'll go in first to draw the dragons to the town. Then I'll come in. The things won't know what hit them. Inform the others. The attack begins now." The innkeeper Vaxla was taking a walk. She was walking up a hill south of town when she heard two voices. One was that of a human male, the other sounded... odd. Inhuman. She crept closer, and came across a man conversing with a demon. She listened in on their conversation. [i]An attack?! I have to warn everyone![/i] Vaxla ran back into Glen Gaven as fast as she could. She ran through town, yelling as loud as she could that demons were going to attack. Knowing that Vaxla wasn't one to lie, make things up, or exaggerate, people, both men and women, grabbed any weapons they owned, or anything that could be used as a weapon, and rushed outside. When the demons came, they were as ready as they would ever be. They would defend the town or die trying.
  17. OOC: Ohkami said to use Seuneu's plan. -------------------------------------------------------- Terra nodded. "Agreed. Here." She gave the stone to Seuneu. "I think Kel and Charity here want to come with me." "That's fine," Seuneu told her. "You might also want to think about an escort. There's normally a sword-for-hire or two around here. Find one. I don't know if you'll encounter anything, but it's better to be safe then sorry." "Got it." Seuneu looked at her. "Be careful, Terra. If Valse learns that you have the message copied down on paper, then you're in serious trouble. Don't talk about it, don't take it out, and do your best not to think about it." He turned to leave. "If all goes well, I'll see you a couple days from now. Remember, travel on horseback, no dragons following you, and tell nobody where you're going, except the escort, who'll be going with you." WIth that, he reverted to spirit form and was off. ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Ohkami, the 'escort' is meant to be Leon (Ayokano wants him to get into the main storyline).
  18. OOC: I'm willing to give this another try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Meet at Dock 15 in Slateport Harbor!" Rorohiko shouted. "Our ship leavs from that dock at about noon two days from now!" Then, things started to happen. The room suddenly became very unsafe as many Pokemon were released to battle Mewtwo. There was general confusion as attacks went flying every which way. Rorohiko and Mizu ran to where the guy had appeared and taken Katai and Kazu. rorohiko was able to get Mewtwo back in the ball without a problem, but there was enough general confusion and enough attacks going from everywhere to everywhere that nobody noticed the absense of their target. Rorohiko and Mizu released and climbed on Absol and Arcanine. They caught a glimpse of someone going around a corner. Mizu and Arcanine followed the person directly, while Rorohiko and Absol took a different path. They caught the person, who had Katai and Kazu, between the two of them in a corridor. "No escape now," Rorohiko said. He hopped off of Absol, and Mizu hopped off Arcanine. "Mizu, fire attack over their heads!" he shouted. Mizu relayed the command to Arcanine, who fired a Flamethrower. The attack traveled over the heads of the three in the middle, hitting Absol's Fire Blast. The two attacks hit, creating a good deal of smoke. Nobody saw Rorohiko until it was too late. He tackled atai, grabbed the ball with Latios in it, and ran to Mizu. He called Absol over. He and Mizu climbed onto Absol and Arcanine, and were off. Rorohiko, remembering the map, was giving Absol directions to the nearest exit, and Mizu was following them on Arcanine. Rorohiko looked at the ball with Latios. [i]You'll be given to Oak,[i] he thought. [i]If anyone can be trusted with you, it's him.[/i]
  19. Name: Caim Age: 21, I think Game: [i]Drakengard[/i](PS2) Side: Sony Appearance(the one on the left): [url="http://www.digitalentertainmentnews.com/admin/screenshoot/drakengard_movie_01.jpg"]http://www.digitalentertainmentnews.com/admin/screenshoot/drakengard_movie_01.jpg[/url] Weapons/Items(All of these are from the game):Caim's Sword: A steel sword given to Caim by his father. Long reach and not too heavy(can be swung fast), but not the sharpest weapon. Nobuyoshi: A steel sword given to a Union soldier by Caim's father. When mortally wounded, the soldier gave it to Caim. Very sharp and pretty light, but shorter then Caim's Sword. Flamberge: Steel sword forged long ago. Caim found it in the Empire's sky fortress. Short but fast, and very sharp. Fheng's Glaive: Pole-axe orderd forged from pig iron by a welthy eastern merchant. Caim found it while battling subhuman (orcs, goblins, etc) soldiers of the Empire. Very long reach, but heavy, and therefore not the fastest weapon there is. Bio: The Union and Empire were at war. Caim's parents were killed by an Empire dragon, and he wants revenge. He hates both the Empire and dragons. His sister, the Lady Furiae, is the Goddes, one of the four seals that protects the world. The Empire attacked her castle in order to kill her. In the battle, Caim was mortally wounded. He stumbled upon a dying red dragon who happens to hate humans. The two hate eahc other, but both want to live, so they form a pact. This heals both of them, but also binds them together until death. Caim loses his voice in the pact. (Major spoiler warning)[spoiler]The Empire breaks the three Seals in the temples at various locations, and captures Furiae. Caim and the dragon follow the kidnapper, a man named Inuart who was driven insane by his love of Furiae, to the Empire's fortress in the sky. They are too late to save Furiae, so they hurry to the Empire's capital to stop High Priestess Manah from using the seeds of Ressurection to bring about the end of the world. They succeed, but now someone else must be chosen. The dragon, who has gone through a personallity change, offers to be the seal. This essentially kills her (and Caim gets his voice back), but before she dies, she reveals her name: Angelus.[/spoiler] As those of you who read the spoiler text and have played the game know, I went with the first of the five endings, because it's [spoiler]the only one where Caim is alive and is not facinf imminent death.[/spoiler] Hope that's good. I think this will be entertaining.
  20. Um, how about a story? Nobody will want to dign up if they don't know what's going to happen. I might be willing to sign up, but certainly not when you haven't provided any kind of story.
  21. First, I'd like to say that the storyline is probably the least important part of a game. If you want a good story, find a good book or see the right kind of movie (nothing action or comedy, because those almost never have deep stories). Games are supposed to be fun to play, not give you a good story. At least, that's what I think. However, that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate a good story. Personally, I like Drakengard's. At first, it doesn't seem like much. The Union and the Empire are at war. The Empire is attacking a Union castle where the Lady Furiae resides. Furiae is the Goddess, one of the four Seals that protects the world. Your character, Caim, is Furiae's brother. His parents were killed by an Empire dragon, so he hates both the Empire and dragons. Durring the battle, Caim is mortally wounded. He stumbles upon a mortally wounded dragon that happens to hate humans. The two of them make a pact, healing the both of them and saving their lives, but also binding them. They are a pair, and will never be otherwise until death. Caim loses his voice as a price for the pact. The story gets better from there, earning the game's Mature rateing without any help needed from the actual game. Some of the things that happen are: [spoiler]There's a mission in which you are forced to battle child conscripts in the Empire's army. There's a man, Inuart, who was engaged to Furiae before she became the Goddess, and who now is unable to have her. He seems sane at the start of the game, but becomes more and more insane as the game progresses, eventually reaching a point where an action he takes could be interpreted as necrophilia(sp?). There's also a part near the fourth and fifth of five endings where giant evil babies show up. Oh, there's also the really weird pre-teen girl who is High Priestess of the Cult of the Watchers, and who, while she was once normal (and sister of Serre, one of Caim's allies), doesn't seem to be entirly human anymore. She scares me.[/spoiler] There are a couple other games that come to mind, but I'll wait a while and see if anyone else mentions them before I do.
  22. OOC: That's fine. Just make sure that Ketoro can't do anything on his own while in the 'fused' state. --------------------------------------------------- "Vaxla, where's Klari?" Jaht shouted to her as he killed another enemy soldier. ""She's on her way!" was Vaxla's reply. [Anzunden, status!] Jaht sent to the phoenix. [The raised dragons are dead, and we're taking care of the enemy soldiers still out here.] [You and the other large pact-beasts keep doing that. Klari's on her way to us. The spirits should come, too.] "We'll be geting backup soon!" Jaht told the others. "Klari and the spirits are on their way here!" [Good, because here comes another group!] Tir sent. He was right. The enemy came in, and there were a lot of them. Vaxla got the first two kills, then everyone was busy. Jaht was taking on two at once, and he was winning. He killed them, then found a new opponent.
  23. Pretty much as soon as they started walking, Terra, Kel, and Charity ran into Seuneu. "You got back faster than I thought," Terra said. "I must be quick," Seuneu said. "Shortly after you left on Sideria, I was approached by one calling himself Valse. He is the one everyone's talking about, the monster attacking the towns and all that. The one in the prophicies of the Winged Soverign. He is the one who killed Yuka. He did it to prevent her from telling you something. That something is what was written, is what's on the piece of stone. You copied it down, right?" Terra nodded. "Yes. I have the paper with me." "I've seen similar characters. It was a while ago, before I settled in here. There's a dragon by the name of Plejalta, the oldest dragon currently alive. He can read it. If memory serves, his lair is in a mountain at the east edge of the Grolomorena range, Mount Hastumnen. It's about three days' journey west on horseback from here. It's only a day or so away on dragonback, but don't do that. Valse, who I'd bet is hiding somewhere near town, watching the sky, will surely see you. I'm sure he expects that if you go somewhere, it'll be on dragonback. He won't let you live, I don't think. He won't expect you to leave on horesback, though. "Valse doesn't want you to learn what's on that stone. He asked me to take it from you if possible, and destroy it if not. I want you to give it to me. See, he doesn't know that you copied the message to paper, so if I bring him the stone, he'll think you can't learn the mesage. He instructed me to take the stone to Mount Krolstoronomono, on the west edge of the Grolomorena range and about four days' hourney from here. Of course, in my natural form-which I can carry things in, although it doesn't look like I can-I can move about twice as fast as a horse, and, unlike a horse, I don't need to sleep. I can be at Krolstoronomono at about this time tomorrow. I want to take the stone there. Valse will think that you don't have the message any more. Meanwhile, you'll start for Hastumnen on horseback, making sure that nobody knows you're leaving and that no dragons follow you. When I've delivered the stone, I'll double back and meet you, and together we'll find Plejalta's lair in Mount Hastumnen. We'll show him the paper you copied the message to, and because he owes me a favor, he'll definatly be willing to translate it. Agreed?" ---------------------------------------------------------- Ohkami, you make the decision. Will Terra go with Seuneu's plan, or not? Oh, and everything Seuneu said is true, just so there's no confusion.
  24. OOC: Copying my trick, are we? --------------------------------------------------- [I did not expect one with that abillity,]Takal sent to Gonn. [But you're wrong about one thing.] [Which is?] [Which is that I can hide things from the planet I stand on. You know my name now, but do you know who I am?] Gonn was astonished to find that he could not get that information. [How do you do that?] Takal chuckled mentally. [I know how to sheild my mind. Normally, I only maintain the sheild around certain things, things that I don't want to chance people learning. But not my whole mind. I'm just now realizing that there's no reason not to shield my whole mide constantly. It doesn't really take any effort, after all, and I can always drop it if I need to for some reason.I must thank you for making me aware of my lapse. Goodbye.] Gonn suddenly felt all contact with Takal cease. He tried, but couldn't sense her at all. Takal returned her attention to the battle between the elemental warriors and the griffin she had summoned.
  25. Seuneu could move rather quickly in his spirit form, although not as fast as a dragon. He chose not to accept the ride because he needed time to think. [i]I was right, then. Things are starting to happen. But what is my role in all of this? What part will I play?[/i] His thoughts were interrupted when he felt... something. He assumed human form and walked over to where the feeling came from. He found himself looking at himself. But he wasn't fooled. "An illusion. I can't be fooled by illusions. The illsuion doesn't extend to heat." "Correct,"was the reply. "And I know that you are not in your natural form. Neither of us are showing what we really are, and right now, I prefer that you not know who and what I actually am. As for a name, well, call me Valse." "Fine. Now, I assume you want something?" "I couldn't help but notice you were with the girl Terra. Why?" "Because I felt that I needed to be. I need no other reason. I assume that you are responsible?" "Very good," Valse replied. "You are correct. I killed the dragon Yuka." "You're the one, aren't you? The one everyone is afraid of. The one the prophisies(sp?) say will be defeated by the Winged Soverign." Valse nodded. "Also correct. Care to continue? You've been right so far." "The question on my mind right now is this: why did you kill Yuka? She was certainly no threat to you, I take it. She was well past her prime. I assume you didn't have too much trouble with her. Besides, she would have died soon, anyways. So, why did you need to kill her? That's the question. My guess is, she knew something you didn't want revealed." "Correct again." "Then the question changes," Seuneu continued. "What did Yuka know? That's the question now. Now, a lot of people don't have much faith in prophecies. Spirits such as myself, however, tend to believe them. My guess is, Yuka knew the identity of the Winged Soverign. You didn't want te identity known, so you killed her. There is one more question, and that is: what do you want with me?" "Take a guess," Valse replied. "You seem to be good at figuring things out." "You've been watching us," Seuneu guessed. "You want what Terra was carrying when we left Yuka's cave. And if you can't have it, you want it destroyed." "Very good. Yes, I want it. I saw what it is. A stone with a message in blood. I was careless, leaving Yuka to die. She had time to write a message. I need that stone with the message." "What makes you think that will do any good?" Seuneu responded. "Because Terra can't read it. Neither can you. If she knew what it said, she would have been acting a lot differently. I don't want her to know what it says. I'm asking you because she'll trust you. She won't suspect you. Either take the stone if you can, or destroy it if yo can't. If you take it, get it to Mount Krolstoronomono. When you see a... well, anything intelligent, say 'Sent from the Outside." If the reply is 'Outside enters under all', then give whatever you're speaking to the stone and instruct he/she/it to get it to me. He/she/it will know me b the same name you do, Valse. You will be rewarded, of course." Valse seemed to gradually fade out, saying, "Consider it.' as he did. Seuneu returned to spirit form, and headed toward Glen Haven. ------------------------------------------------------
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