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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. OOC: I'm sorry, but I do not like the way this RPG is going. I'm afraid that, untill it starts to improve (if it does), I will not be participating.
  2. He was tired of waiting for the girl's return. He had thought that she would rush back to Yuka, but she wasn't. Suddenly, it hit him. He went over to where she had climbed onto Sideria. [i]Footprints. Why didn't I think of this before?[/i] He followed the girl's footprints to a cave. Before entering the cave, he concentrated on the girl's appearance. When he entered the cave, anyone looking at him would see the girl. He/she was soon in the main area. [Terra, it's good that you have returned,] Yuka said. [There is something that you must know.] "I know," he/she replied. "I'm sorry I had to leave." [Don't worry. I am still here.] A pause, then, [Something... wrong. You're not Terra.] He/she laughed. "Right on. You know, I thought it'd take you a little longer to figure it out." He dropped the illusion of Terra. "You know what I am here to do." [You can't stop her from discovering what she is.] He laughed again. "You and I are the only ones who know, and you are the only one who wants her to know. And when dead, you can't tell her a thing." It happened fast. Yuka fought as best she could, but her oponent had the advantage. Before long, Yuka was a bloody mess, barely alive. He looked at the dying dragon and laughed. "I thought you'd put up more of a fight then that. Now, I'd say you have no more than a minute of life left. Live it as you are now." He walked out. Yuka was barely able to move, but she managed one last act. A message, written in her own blood in the only written language she knew, telling Terra what the dragon needed her to know. Hopefully, she would be able to find one who could read it. -------------------------------------------------- OOC: Ohkami told me to do that.
  3. "Too bad you can't taste this, Vaxla," Jaht remarked. "It's very good." "I've learned to compensate," Vaxla replied. "I treat a food's smell as its taste." "Well, I don't think it's fair. Klari is powerful enough to defeat some dragons, and you only lost your sense of taste. It's just not-" He was interrupted by a telepathic message from Anzunden, one that all in the room heard. [We're under attack! Four raised dragons scattered the troops, and soldiers from Droston and Opralo have entered the stronghold!" [You and the other pact-beasts take the dragons!] Jaht sent back. He then sent a telepathic message to Tir Caladbolg as everyone stood up and drew their weapons, including Vaxla. [Tir, have Bane block the enterance to the stronghold. Only those on our side are to be allowed in and out. Then get your ass to the main dining hall, where we are.] "Everyone," he said aloud, "our objective is to protect Vaxla, so let's do it. Get ready, because here they come!" ------------------------------------------------ OOC: Two things. First, a 'raised' dragon is one that was raised from birth by humans. They are trained to obey certain individuals, which are their riders. As for the battle, the pact-beasts are fighting the four raised dragons (except Bane, who is preventing more emeny troops from entering the stronghold). Our human characters are in the main dining hall with VAxla (Except Tir, who is on his way there) and enemy soldiers are entering. You mercs after Vaxla, make an attept to capture her, but she mush not be captured at this time. Oh, and Vaxla's damn good with her whip, so she'll certainly kill several enemy soldiers. Also, Eastern Stronghold must remain controlled by Intran (there aren't enough enemy soldiers to take it, although there are quite a few of them). Other than those two things, anything goes (Except killing someone else's character. Also, if someone dies, they're dead for good). So go nuts.
  4. Nobody noticed that Rorohiko and Mizu had left the room. They were running through a corridor, Mizu following Rorohiko's lead. "Just where are we going?" she asked. "While we were running all over the place in here, I saw a machine like the ones they have in Pokemon Centers. Absol's out right now,, so I'm going to use the machine to revitalize him. I dragged you along just in case we run into trouble. Your Arcanine and Squirtle can still fight." It wasn't long efore they found the machine. After Rorohiko used it to reviatlize Absol, he and Mizu began retracing their steps. "I plan to use Absol as a control," Rorohiko said, "and trust me, if what happens next is anything like I think it will be, we'll need him." "What's going to happen?" Mizu asked. "remember what Oak said about when he tried to capture Mew? He said that Mewtwo teleported in front of Mew, and ended up being captured instead. Carter has that Ball. Carter has Mewtwo. If we release Mewtwo, even Latios won't stand a chance. Because there's no way Mewtwo will listen to any of us, we might just need to battle him. Absol is completly immune to Psychic-type abillities, and Psychic-types are weak against Dark-type moves. If need be, Absol will take on Mewtwo." The two into the room where everybody else was. Ignoring all the questions of where he and Mizu were, Rorohiko went straight for Carter. He tackled CArter to the ground, then found the one ball Carter had that resembled the one Jirachi was in. Rorohiko took that ball, which was the one containing Mewtwo. Everyone except Mizu was staring at him in shock. Mizu knew what was going on, and was by the door, just in case there was a need to run. Rorohiko faced Josh. "Give me the Premier Ball," Rorohiko demanded. "Why?" Josh asked, clearly having no intention of complying. "First of all, that ball is mine. I bought it. And I know exactly what's in that ball. It's Latios. Latios belongs either in the wild or in the hands of a respected researcher such as Professor Oak. But more importantly, if you don't give me that ball, the one with Latios, I will release the Pokemon contained in this ball. That Pokemon is Mewtwo. If I release Mewtwo, there's no telling what he'll do. What I do know is that latios won't be able to stop him. Bassically, this is an ultimadem(sp?). Give me Latios-roll the ball to me, because I'll release Mewtwoif you move from your curent location-or I'll have to take it from you. You might just me dead by the time I can get Mewtwo under control. So, what'll it be?" --------------------------------------------------- OOC: Carter did have the Ball containing Mewtwo. I checked. Oh, if Josh tries to run, Rorohiko will release Mewtwo. Actually, Rorohiko will release Mewtwo if Josh does anything besides give Rorohiko the ball containing Latios. Oh, Rorohiko will also release Mewtwo if anyone (Josh, Aura, Carter, Mizu, [i]anyone[/i]) moves towards him (Josh will roll the ball with Latios to Rorohiko if he decides to comply with Rorohiko's demand).
  5. OOC: *Watches RPG die, then walks away* Seriously, I will be very surprised if your post does not kill this RPG, eclips. I can't understand what happened, and things seem to be occurring randomly (Rorohiko and Mizu are still in Ferina, for example. How the hell did they get to whereever they were taken?). Plus, your spelling and grammar are so bad that it's impossible to decipher your post. I will be surprised if this RPG continues after it, and I know that I will not post again until that post is either a: clarified, or b: summarized by someone who understood it.
  6. OOC: Jaht has nothing against mercenaries, which will be explained in this post. Vaxla, however, generally doesn't like them, although there are exceptions (Luna's not one of them). ------------------------------------------------- Vaxla looked concerned when she saw Luna. [Do we have to have her here?] she sent to Jaht privatly. [Look, Vaxla,] Jaht sent back, [I know you don't like mercs, but there's really nothing we can do about her. Besides, she's here to protect you. And if it turns out that she's not, then we'll handle her.] "You know Emerald, Jaht?" Rayna asked as Luna took a seat. "You could say that," Jaht replied. "She's my sister." "Um... oh. Well, that explains you, but what about Vaxla?" "I've known Jaht and Emerald since we were children," Vaxla explained. "I haven't seen either of them for a while, though. Jaht's a soldier, and would be marching into Opralo about now if I hadn't personally requested him as a bodyguard. And Emerald... well, I'm sure you've all heard of her." Just then, the meal was placed in front of them. "Steak!" Jaht exclaimed. "I haven't had steak since I joined the army." Vaxla chuckled. "Food's very good here. That'll be the finest quality meat, too. It's all for my sake. Everyone knows what I am, but I don't think they know that I can't taste the food." "Well, don't tell them," Jaht said. "I haven't had food this good for years." ------------------------------------------- OOC: Eat, make conversation, whatever. There'll be some action soon.
  7. [quote name='eclips']...the orb has to be made in to a poke ball, each region has an orb that orb catches that pokemon once made into a poke ball, so Rorohiko plans on catching Jirachi with an ultra ball or something[/quote] The Orbs are not needed to capture the Pokemon, just to contain the energy that's causing the proplem. At least, that's how I understand it. Oh, also, Carter had the orb (not Rorohiko), but Trolmont's team took it.
  8. OOC: I have been talking with Ohkami via PMs, and she has agreed to let me be the main bad guy. ------------------------------------------------------ The figure watched as Terra and Sideria left. He dropped the illusion that he had used to 'dissapear'. He had been creating the illusion that there was nothing in his location as he retreated far enough to be out of range of Sideria's acute smell and hearing. [i]Damn,[/i] he thought. [i]Wrong area. I still have no idea which cave to enter, and I cannot feel the dragon's location. Yuka hides herself well. At least I seem to have been quick enough to interrupt the two of them before Yuka was able to reveal it to her. She wasn't acting like one who had been told what Yuka would have said. So I still have more time. When she returns, I will be waiting. She'll lead me straigth to Yuka, and she won't even know that I'm here.[/i] Seuneu, as usual, entered the town of Glen Haven very early in the morning. This time, he ran into the innkeeper Vaxla, who was up early. She was standing outside of her inn, getting some fresh air. "Hey, Seuneu," she said. "Still haven't grown bored here yet?" "It's starting to happen," Seuneu replied, "but that doesn't matter. I'm afraid that I won't be here much longer, no matter what I want." "Why not?" "There are no arbitrary spirits," Seuneu explained. "Every one of us has a purpose, and I sense that mine will soon reveal itself. When that happens, I will have no choice. I must do what I must do, no matter what I actually want. My desires are irrelevent, Vaxla. So are everyone else's."
  9. OOC: Eclips, you seem to have an incorrect understanding of the cult. The cult is not a criminal group, they're a religious cult. They don't steal Pokemon, for one thing, and they don't have tanks or whatever. They're religious fanatics, but not criminals. Oh, and Trolmont's team doesn't even know that Rorohiko is in Hoenn (except for the scout battling him), nor would they be asking about him, because they're not there to find him. They're after Jirachi (they'll be after Rorohiko when they learn that he and Mizu have Jirachi, but not until then). ----------------------------------------------------------- Rioan threw another ball. "Go, Swampert!" "Bad choice," Rorohiko said. "Absol, Ice Beam!" Swampert dodged the attack and used Hydro Pump. Absol dodged, only to be hit with Bubblebeam. He quickly recovered, and connected with an Ice Beam. Swampert was hurt, but not out yet. Absol evaded Swampert's Bubblebeam and KOed it with another Ice Beam. "Damn you!" Rioan swore. "How did Swampert lose that fast?" "Swampert is Water/Ground," Rorohiko explained, "and Ground is weak against Ice. You know, I'm still waiting for that battle." "Silence! Go, Sceptile!" Rorohiko laughed. "That's supposed to be a problem? Absol, Fire Blast!" SCeptile dodged Absol's attack and closed in. It had to evade two more Fire Blasts before it was close enough to connect with Leaf Blade. Absol again recovered quickly, and attacked with Ice Beam. Sceptile was hit, and Absol finished it off with Fire Blast. "Fire and Ice," Rorohiko said. "Both are strong against Grass. I really was hoping for a battle." "I'm not through yet! Go, Manectric!" "Manectric. Electric type. Can't get a type advantace here. Absol, prep Future Sight!" Absol glowed for a second. Manectric attacked with Thunderbolt, connecting. Absol countered with Ice Beam, which Manectric dodged. Absol countered Manectric's Thunderbolt with his own. The two Thunderbolts cancled each other out. Manectric used Charge. "Careful, Absol!" Rorohiko shouted. "The next Electric-Type move it uses will have twice the power!" "Correct," Rioan said. "Manectric, Shock Wave!" Absol was hit, but recovered in time to dodge a Thunder. Then, Futuer Sight came. Manectric jumped over it and right into the path of a Fire Blast. Two Ice Beams later, Manectric was out. "You did a lot better at the end, there," Rorohiko said as he returned Absol. "I think that actually was a battle. Now, Rioan, I want you to go bact to the rest of the group, and I want you to tell Trolmont that I want him to go to Hell. Can you do that? Good." Rorohiko turned and left, followed by Mizu. "You're good," Mizu said. "I thought he'd beat you." "One on six isn't exactly fair," Rorohiko agreed, "but I've had Absol, and only Absol, for five years. That's a lot of time. Now, if I remember the boat scedules correctly, Ralonoa will arrive Slateport again three days from now, and will depart for Cinnibar the day after that. Plenty of time for us to get there."
  10. Marcus_Beuford, the mercenaries can be assigned either to protect Vaxla, or to capture her. Obviously, you chose the latter. Oh, and it's capture, not kill. She's needed alive. Dead, she's of no use, but alive, she can tell Droston and Opralo where to find her Chamber. Kieko, you have not yet re-re-edited your sign-up. Please do that. Oh, and everyone's outside. Oh, and the time is about noon. Ohkami, it's all right if the spirits can take on human forms, but you do seem to have a misconception of their natural forms, made evident by your comment about Undine's not being suitable for land. This information was in the Recruitment thread, but here it is again with a different wording. In their natural forms (states, really), spirits are creatures with no set shape to their bodies. If it wants to, a spirit can have a human shape (or some other shape) while in its natural state. The only way to tell when a spirit is in its natural state is that a spirit in its natural state appears to be made of its element (Undine appears to be made of water and Salamander of fire when they are in their natural states). So, when in her natural state, Undine could make her body shape suitable for land if she wanted to. Oh, this shifting of shape while in their natural states takes no more effort then it takes for humans to walk, talk, etc. It's a natural ability of a spirit's natural state, and is the one ability that all spirits share. That should do it. If you have any questions, Ohkami, then please PM me. ----------------------------------------------------------- Jaht laughed. "I'll never understand why the soldiers don't like to have people with pacts in the army. Slepnir could easily do more damage to an enemy army than a group of humans. So could Anzunden. Klari, too. But the soldiers just don't seem to get it." "They can be pretty thick," Vaxla agreed. "Well, at least they know how to fight. And not all of them look down on those with pacts. You always appreciated the effectivness and power of pact-beasts, even before you made a pact." "Well, after you've seen what one can do, it's hard not to. But you're right. I did even before I saw one in action, and certainly before Anzunden and I made a pact." Vaxla looked at the new arrivals. [i]Otto, Kimii, and Rayna. That's all three of them, unless they found mercs willing to do it, and who could be trusted enough to do it. I hope none have been.[/i] "Well," she said aloud, "now that we're all here, let's go eat. Follow me." Vaxla led Jaht, Otto, Kimii, and Rayna into Estern Strongold. They followed her as she led the way to the main dining hall. They all took seats at the head table. "The food should be here shortly," Vaxla told the others.
  11. That's good, Arika. You're in Sign-ups will remain open, so feel free to sign up if you want to.
  12. Here we go. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention in the Recruitment thread is that a human with a pact bears a mark. The location of the mark depends on the pact-price. The location of each character's mark is included in the list below. Here's a list of characters and pact-beasts, along with the pact-price and location of mark (Name/Pact-beast/Pact-beast's name/Pact-price/Location of mark): Takuya(me): Jaht/Phoenix/Anzunden/Smell/Nose Cat14: Luna/Dragon/Spike/Voice/Neck ArunueShekamari: Otto/Golem/Bane/Feeling/Palms of hands shadowofdeath13: Tir/Griffin/Sleipnir/Voice/Neck Kieko(Pending): Kimii/Spirit pair/Lumina and Shade/Reproductive ability/Abdomen Marcus_Beuford: Leo/Dragon/Ketoro/Sight/Eyes ColourDeaf: Sueldan/Does not have a pact Ohkami: Rayna/Spirit pair/Undine and Salamander/Reproductive ability/Abdomen Arika: Drusille/Spirit pair/Gnome and Jinn/Reproductive abillity/Abdomen Now that that's done, it's time to start the story. Marcus_Beuford and Ohkami, I forgot to mention that you didn't include character class in your sign-up. Please state your character's class(Mercenary, guardian of Vaxla, soldier) in your first post. Oh, one more thing. Telepathic dialog will be enclosed in [brackets] in my posts. You can use brackets, or you can use something else, but please have some way of differentiating between normal and telepathic speech ----------------------------------------------------- Jaht and Vaxla walked through the corridors of Easter Stronghold. They were heading outside to welcome Vaxla's arriving guardians. When they exited through the main door, Jaht immediatly looked for a soldier named Tir Caladbolg, who was stationed outside the door. "Any sign of them yet?" he asked. [No,] Tir replied mentally. He had lost his voice in a pact, but he could still communicate telepathically with his pact beast, and with all humans who had pacts and their pact-beasts. Both Jaht and Vaxla had pacts. Jaht's pact was with the pheonix Anzunden, and the price was his sense of smell. Vaxla's pact was with the unusually powerful fairy Klari. Even though Klari was powerful enough to take on phoenixes and some dragons, Vaxla's price was merely her sense of taste. Vaxla was one of the five Sealers who kept secret the locations of the five Chambers. Four of the Sealers were already in the hands of Droston and Opralo. Only Vaxla was left. If she was captured and revealed the location of her Chamber, nobody truly knew what would happen, except for maybe Vaxla and the other four Sealers. "They're late," Jaht said. "How did I guess?" Vaxla chuckled. "Patience, Jaht. They'll be here." -------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Introduce your character appropriatly (guardians of Vaxla will arrive at Eastern Stronghold, wheras soldiers are already there and would maybe happen to be by the main entrance when the guardians arrive. Cat14 and ColourDeaf, read the PM I sent, pick from the options, and introduce your character occordingly (if you pick the first option, you'll be ariving with the guardians, and if you pick the second, you'll be en route to Eastern Stronghold, or maybe already there and observing). And have fun.
  13. Kieko, Lumina has light-based abilities, and Shade's are darkness-based. Please edit. Ohkami, you're in. I've decided to start this tonight, so give me between half an hour and an hour from the time of this post, and it'll be up.
  14. Kieko, the spirits come in pairs. I'll allow you to have just Lumina, but I'd prefer it if you had both Lumina and Shade, because they're a spirit pair, and spirits normally come in pairs. Marcus_Beauford, your sign-up is fine. Colourdeaf, yours is, too. I'll probably start this tomorrow night, but maybe tonight if I get bored enough.
  15. Kieko, you need to make a couple changes. First of all, I was not planning on including elves in this RP. If I was, however, they'd fall under the same category as humans, meaning that things that are true for humans would be true for them. That includes the pact rules, meaning that a pact between human and elf wouldn't be possible. Also, only one thing is given up in a pact. There is only one price paid in a pact, never two. Change those things, and I think you're in. Shadowofdeath13, you're in, too.
  16. This sign-up has been approved by Ohkami. Name: Seuneu Age: Um... I'm going with N/A, because I don't know what kind of age to put. Gender: N/A, but has a male form, so I will referring to Seuneu as a male. Occupation: Um... N/A, I guess Weapons: Two red poles, metallic in appearence. Too hot for humans to hold (He never carries them, either. See History for explination). Personality: Kind and helpful to those who are kind to him. He can be quick to anger, though, and if you really piss him off (not too easy to do, even though he gets angry fast), you should run away and hope to never see him again, because he's very dangerous. Getting in a fight with him is practically suicide, unless you're a mage, in which case, if you're powerful enough, you have a chance. If you're on his good side, then he's more than willing to help you if you need help. He's the last one who'll give up, and he doesn't like it when others decide to call it quits. Appearance: Very tall at 6 feet 6 inches, and a rather imposing figure. He's basically the ideal male figure: lean, muscular, and, um, well-endowed (not that the last part matters too much, because, as you'll soon learn, he's not human). His skin is a golden-brown color. He has short red hair. His eyes are the color of flames, and they have an unnatural glow to them. He wears a flame-colored robe. History: Seuneu is not human; he is an elemental spirit who wears a human form, and his element is Fire. His natural physical state appears to be made of fire, and has no set shape. He can change between his natural and human forms at will, which only takes a couple seconds. As a fire spirit, Seuneu is immune to temperature extremes and fire (both naturally occurring as well as fire-based spells and abillities), and is resistant to ice (meaning ice-based spells and abillities), but vulnerable to water (by which I meen water-based spells and abillities, not water itself). He can create and manipulate fire, and he is also capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum. The poles he sometimes has he is able to create at will from his own life energy, meanint that they are essentially a part of him. For a long time, Seuneu was a wanderer. About four years ago, he located, by accident, the town of Glen Haven. There, he met a young woman by the name of Vaxla. Taking him for a human traveler, Vaxla invited Seuneu to stay at her house for the night. He accepted. That night, there was a fire in one of the feilds. It was threatening to spread to the other feilds, and, if not stopped, would have hit the town. Everyone was called to help try and put it out, including Vaxla. The noise woke Seuneu, and when he learned what was going on, he went to help, too. It was then that the people of Glen Haven learned that he's a fire spirit. Seuneu's abilities as a fire spirit allowed him to prevent the fire from spreading as the townsfolk put it out. Suddenly, he was a local hero, and he found that he liked it. He found a cave near the town, where he now lives. He basically helps out where needed, and is well-known in Glen Haven. He suspects that he wil eventually tire of that kind of life, but it hasn't happened yet.
  17. How am I picky? As far as I know, Golems are not known to have healing powers. Oh, I'm a male. It always surprises me that people think I'm female. My user name is that of a male character from an anime (sp?) show that has, unfortunatly, ended. I forgot to include my character's class, and I'm glad you two remembered to. Jaht is one of Vaxla's guardians. Oh, here's some information about Vaxla, just to make sure that nobody makes up anything that goes against what I have planned. Vaxla is just about average in terms of appearance, she tends to wear white robes, and she carries a whip with her. She's good with it, too. She has a pact with an unusually powerful fairy named Klari (note: fairies in this RPG are of the small size (palm of the average adult's hand)). Klari's abilities are mainly based on the Light and Wind elements, and her powers with those elements come close to those of Lumina and Jinn. She also has limited healing powers (those fit with fairies. Again, I'd like to say that I don't want every pact-beast having healing powers). She can heal most minor wounds and minor illnesses, but only minor ones. As a Sealer, Valxa's pact-price was her sense of taste, even though Klari is powerful enough to hold her own against phoenixes and even some dragons (Vaxla's role as Sealer is what gives her the most powerful fairy in a couple centuries and a less than usual pact-price. This will be explained in the RPG if you don't understand why already). Oh just to specify, nobody can play as Vaxla. All right. Tell me if there's anything else I've forgotten, and, as before, PM me with any questions.
  18. For both of you, the healing needs to go. Heling powers fit with phoenixes (in the legends, they are reborn after death. In RPGs, I don't do that, but I do healing powers instead). They don't fit with golems, and they don't relly fit with dragons, either, although I've read a book with a dragon that has healing powers. ArunueShekamari, you need to remove the healing from Bane's abilities. In place, I'd suggest some sort of protective ability, which definitly(sp?) fits with a golem. Cat14, I'd like it changed, but if you don't want to, then I'll allow Spike to keep the healing ability. I just don't want everyone's pact-beast to have healing powers.
  19. [i][color=purple]"Sir, t[/color][color=purple]he objective can not be secured at the present time."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=red]"For what reason?"[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=purple]"We need all of them, correct? We were unable to learn the location of the last one."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=red]"Where can that information be found?"[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]"The one who knows is at the Eastern Stronghold."[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=red]"The Eastern Stronghold? You're sure?"[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]"Completly, Sir."[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=red]"That makes things a bit more difficult. They chose his location well."[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=purple]"For your information, Sir, the one we want is a female."[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=red]"A female. Interesting. I wonder she's a female and not a male like the others? Well, no matter. I want her description. There's a way to get her, I'm sure. There's always a way. It may be hard to find, but there's always a way."[/i][/color] In case it's not pefectly clear, the colors indicate different people. All right, down to business. The world of Kartan is in the middle of a war. The nations of Intran and Korlmos have formed an alliance against agressors Droston and Opralo. At the start, Droston and Opralo had the advantage, but Intran and Korlmos managed to halt the advance at Intran's Eastern Stronghold. This prooved to be a turning point. The armies of Droston and Opralo have been pushed out of Intran and Korlmos. They are preparing an offensive while Droston and Opralo regroup their armies and prepare to counter the coming offensive. Droston and Opralo's leaders know that they are just delaying loss at this point, but they aren't willing to give up. They have targeted the five Sealers. Each Sealer has knowladge of the location of one of the five Chambers, hidden areas of unknown purpose. It is believed that only the Sealers know what is in the Chambers, and they're not telling. One of the Sealers is a liutenent (sp?) in Droston's army, and willingly revealed the location of his Chamber. One is a farmer loyal to his country, Opralo, and also revealed the information willingly. Two are citizens of Korlmos, and both have been captured. The only one not in the hands of Droston and Opralo is Vaxla of Intran. When she learned of the effort to capture the five ealers, she went to Intran's leaders for protection. They put her in Eastern Stronghold. Drolston and Opralo's leaders know that it won't be easy to get at her, but Intran and Korlmos know that they won't give up easily. Eastern Stronghold is heavily defended, and Vaxla has several soldiers with her always. She's not an easy target, but Droston and Opralo know. And there's always a way to get at someone, no matter how well protercted he or she may be. All right, this next part takes a bit of explaining. This is a world where the creatures of legend (dragons, faries, etc.) live. Normally, these creatures are independant of humans, but not always. some humans are lucky enough to meet and form a pact with one of these creatures. A pact binds the human to the creature, which when in a pact is called a pact-beast. This binding is complete to the extent that if one dies, the other dies. Of course, every pact has a price. A human who makes a pact loses something, and I don't meen property or money. The price of a pact varies with the pact-beast. A pact with a weaker creature, such as a fairy, will have a lesser price, such as the permenant loss of one's hair, while a pact with a more powerful creature, such as a dragon, carries a greater price. Loss of sight, maybe, or loss of voice. ometimes the price is known before tha pact is made, but sometimes it's not clear what the price is until after the pact is made. In addition to having acces to the pact-beast's abilities, a human who has made a pact has the ability to communicate telepathically with his or her pact-beast, as well as with other humans with pacts and their pact-beasts. Also, when the pact is made, any injuries, illnesses, etc., had by the human or the pact-beast are healed, cured, whatever. This doesn't prevent future injury or illness, however. If any of that seems familliar, that's because the idea came from the Playstation 2 gane [i]Drakengard[/i]. Don't let that fool you, though. This RPG is not based on that game, and has nothing to do with it otherwise. I just thought that the pact thing wuold work wel in an RPG. As I said above, the pact-price varies with the pact-beast. Here's a sample list of pact-beasts and reasonable pact-prices (you can have a pact-beast not listed here if you want to): Dragon: voice, sight, hearing Phoenix: voice, smell Griffin: smell, taste Golem: I have no clue what word to use, but a good pact-price for a pact with a golem would be one's abillity to feel, by which I mean you can't feel what you touch, what touches you. Yes, that includes pain from injuries. Fairy: hair Spirits: This one takes some explaining. Spirits are creatures of elemental energy, and their abillities are those of their elements (A fire spirit has abilities involving fire, if you for some reason need an example). Spirits come in pairs, which are as follows: Undine/Salamander (Water/Fire) Gnome/Jinn (Earth/Wind) Lumina/Shade (Light/Darkness) A spirit's physical form is never truly set, meaning that there's a limited form-change ability. However, a spirit can't change the nature of his/her form (For your information, Undine and Lumina are female, and the others are male). By nature, I mean that a spirit's form reflects that spirit's element. Salamander appears to be made of fire, Undine appears to be made of water, etc. The pact-price for a pact with a spirit pair is one's reproductive ability. You can play a soldier in the armies of Intran and Korlmos, but keep in mind that a soldier will most likely not have a pact. Soldiers will be stationed at Eastern Stronghold. You can be one of Vaxla's guardians if you want to, and they are more likly to have pacts. You can be a mercenary, and they're also ones who would likly have pacts. I'll allow you to sign up as a soldier with Droston and Opralo, but it'll be hard to fit you into the story if you do. Of course, a mercenary can work for either side. If you're a mercenary, I'll be telling you what you're character's assignment needs to be (this is so that I can insure that your character will have a role in the plot). All right, sign-up time. My character is listed as an example. Name: Jaht Age (Remember, these are soldiers, mercenaries, that kind of thing. I'll allow as yound as 18, but try not to go below 21): 23 Gender (In case the name doesn't make it obvious): Male Appearance (Pictures work, but a description is fine. Remember that this RPG is in a medieval (sp?) time period. Oh, include any weapons your character has here): Short black hair and brown eyes. Very tall, he stands at an imposing 6 feet 5 inches. He's in very good shape, and he looks it. He has a scar on his right arm, just below the elbow, and another just above his left knee. He has two metal poles for weapons, which he keeps strapped to his back. Pact-Beast (Optional. Not limited to the list above. If your creature isn't a very well-known one (Dragons, phenoixes, fairies, and griffins are all examples of more well-known creatures), you need to include a physical description. Spirits also require physical descriptions, but remember that a spirit appears to be made of its element): Phoenix Name of Pact-Beast (If you have one): Anzunden Gender of Pact-Beast (If you have one. Any creature can be of any gender except the spirits, which have specified genders): Female Abilities of Pact-Beast (If you have one. Abilities must fit the creature. Undine will have water abilities, a golem will have rock/earth abilities, etc. Keep in ming that some creatures have less than others. For example, Golems might have only two or three different abilities, but make up for that small number with their physical strength. Oh, and while creatures like phoenixes and golems will probably have element-based abilities, a spirit will always have stronger elemental abilities. For example, a pheonix will probably have some power over fire, but Salamander's abilities will be stronger. That's because a spirit is limited to abilities of its element, while other creatures don't have that limitation. Also, sometimes a creature is stronger than normal (a fairy may hav abilities of strength that allow it to hold its own agains a griffin, for example), but this is rare. Also, a creature with stronger than usual abilities means a greater pact-price (a pact with a griffin-strenth fairy will cost what a pact with a griffin would). Pact-Price is based on abilities and not on creature): Anzunden has basic but somewhat limited creation and control of fire, incredibly fast healing speed, and is able to heal most injuries of others and cure many illnesses, although if one is too badly wounded or ill, Anzunden is unable to do anything. Pact-Price (If you have a pact-beast. Remember, the pact-price has to reflect a pact-beast's abilities and not what kind of creature it is): Smell. You can have a bio and personallity if you want to, but they're not required (having those set limits character-development options). I think that's everything. Wait, no it's not. More then one person may have the same creature as a pact-beast (there can be two with dragons as pact-beasts, four with golems, five with dragons, whatever), and more than one person may pay the same pact-price. However, I want a variety of pact-beasts, so don't everyone choose dragons or phoenixes. And remember, a creature that is normally weaker (like a fariy) can be stronger than usual (a fairy can be equal in power to a griffin, for example), but the pact-price reflects this (a pact with a griffin-strength fairy has a pact-price of smell or taste instead of the usual fairy pact-price of hair). There. [i]Now[/i], I think that's everything. PM me if you have any questions.
  20. When the Charizard landed, a man jumped off. The Charizard stood behind him. The man with six Pokeballs was about to speak, but Rorohiko spoke first. "Let me guess. Trolmont sent you here to scout this area. When you saw Mizu and I and recognized me, you decided to try and take me out." "You're smart," the man replied. "And because you were willing to reveal your companion's name, I'll reveal mine. I am Rioan." "Yeah, well, good for you. Now, I'm well aware of the policies of the band of psychos you're with, meaning that I know scouts don't have guns. That means a Pokemon battle." "It does," Rioan agreed. "For your information, I have six Pokemon with me, and I know that you only have one. If you want to surrender, then by all means do." Rorohiko laughed. "I'm the one who should be making that offer. Go, Absol!" "Charizard, prepare for battle." Mizu found a place to sit and watch the battle. Absol and Charizard faced each other, waiting for the 'go ahead' from their trainers. Rorohiko looked at Rioan. "The surrender offer is still out there." "Surender to a servant of Satan? Never!" Rorohiko shrugged. "Whatever. Absol, let's get this over with." "Charizard, go!" Charizard took to the air. It used Flamethrower, but bsol managed to leap out of the way, countering with a Thunderbolt. Absol's expertly aimed attack connected, and the super-effective hit brought Charizard down to the ground. It got to its feet and launched a Fire Blast at Absol. But Absol was to quick for Charizard. He dodged and used Thunderbolt again. Charizard was out. "Don't judge me by that first round." Rioan returned Charizard to its Pokeball. "Go, Machoke!" "Fighting-type," Rorohiko said. "Figures. Absol, you know what to do." Absol seemed to glow for about a second. When the glow dissapeared, he was all over the place, moving around as fast as he could, remaining too far away for Machoke to attack. This lasted for about thirty seconds. Suddenly, an energy sphere came out of nowhere and slammed into Machoke. Absol finished off the dazed Fighting-type with a Thunderbolt. Rorohiko saw the look on Rioan's face and laughed. "Future Sight. Nobody ever sees it coming. People bring out Fighting-types to exploit the Dark-type weakness to Fighting. Everyone's caught by surprise by the Psychic-type Future Sight. That's definatly my favorite trick. Absol's, too. Now, are we going to have that battle, or are you going to keep trying to lose?" Rioan was pissed. "You do not taunt an agent of God! Go, Flygon!" Absol again moved fast. Flygon took off, but Absol managed to Bite its tail, and was hanging on as the Ground/Dragon Pokemon flew. Flygon attempted to dislodge Absol by slamming it against a tree, but again, Absol reacted fast. He let go and fired an Ice Beam as he hit the ground. Flygon was an easy target so low to the ground, and Absol's attack connected. Flygon's double weakness to Ice resulted in a one-hit KO. Rioan was fuming as he returned Flygon. Rorohiko just laughed. "I really thought you said we were going to have a battle." "Silence, servant of Satan! I'll take you down!" "You'll have to start trying first. So, which Pokemon's next?" ----------------------------------------------------- OOC: I said that Absol's powerful, and I said that Rorohiko knows how to give him the maximum combat effectivness, didn't I? Oh, and Absol can indeed learn the moves he used in this post, even Future Sight (surprised me, too).
  21. OOC: Um, shouldn't your characters be chacing after Trolmont's team to revocer the stolen Orb? That's probably more important than the whole TR thing. ----------------------------------------------------- Rorohiko was right. He and his Absol had indeed been up all night. The two Absol were talking, with Rorohiko occasionally asking a question. They were at it when Mizu had fallen asleep, and were still at it when she woke up the next morning. They kept at it until about 10:00 am. Rorohiko eventually returned his Absol and walked over to Mizu. They packed up and were off. Jirachi was in an Ultra Ball in Mizu's pack. "What were you doing all night?" Mizu asked as she and Rorohiko walked back through the tunnel. "Remember how I told you that to bond with a Pokemon, you need to be able to understand that Pokemon? Well, I took it a bit further than most do. I can understand my Absol-which I don't think of as-" "I know, I know, you don't know any better words. Stop telling me that!" "Sorry," Rorohiko apoligized(sp?). "Anyways, I can understand what my Absol is saying as though it's speaking English. Now, it only works with my Absol, because all Pokemon are different in the things I use to understand my Absol. Of course, that's easy to get around. My Absol repeated everything that the wild Absol said. Essentially, the three of us were talking." "About what?" "It will take a while to explain," Rorohiko told her. "It's a long walk," Mizu countered. "All right, then. A couple months ago, the Millennium Comet was visible in the night sky. Ovbiously, this happens once every thousand years. The Millennium Comet remains visible for seven nights. DUrring that seven night period, Jirachi is awake. When it woke a couple months ago, a revenge-seeking former Team Magma scientist named Butler-don't ask-attempted to use it to power a machine that would create a Groudon from a fossilized remnent of one. To do this, he needed Jirachi to absorb energy from the Millennium Comet. He failed the first time-night two of the comet-but got Jirachi again on night even. That was here in Ferina. See, trainers Ash and May, former Pewter Gym Leader Brock, and May's little brother Max, had Jirachi with them. After Butler took it the first time, they got it back and escaped with the help of Diane, who loved and presumably still loves Butler but who wanted the old Butler-the one that didn't want revenge-back. Diane led them to Ferina, Jirachi's home. Incedentally, the current true-soul problem is Butler's fault, because he made jirachi absorb energy from the comet twice in it's waking period, instead of just once like normal. Twice the energy means that twice as much is released while Jirachi sleeps. Since there obviously wasn't a true-soul problem until recently, it's clear that that caused it. Of course, we'll have to remove all three energy sources-jirachi, Mew, and Celebi-to stop the problem, but I won't explain why right now, because it's not relevant. "On the evening of the second night, the Absol we met here in Ferina, Jirachi's guardian, attacked, trying to get Jirachi back here, to its home. Durring the battle, Butler's Kirlia used Hypnosis on the Absol. Hypnosis is a Psychic-type move, and those have no affect on dark types. But the move worked." The two of them, who by now were out of the tunnel and just about out of erina, spotted a Charizard flying toward Ferina. "Scout from the cult," Rorohiko said. "Trolmont's cautious. I knew he'd send someone to check things out." The scout obviously saw the two of them. Rorohiko knew that everyone in the cult knew his appearance, or at least every member who would be out on assignments, and so wasn't surprised when the Charizard changed course and headed straight for him and Mizu.
  22. OOC: I believe that eclips has said to stop using levels, as they don't work well in RPGs. Oh, and I'd like to again strees just how tough Rorohiko's Absol is. If your character's Pokemon have gotten so strong in the short time your characters have had them (A couple weeks, I think. The passage of time hasn't been too clear in this RPG), then Absol, who Rorohiko has had for five years, is extremly powerful. And because he was trained by Rorohiko, who knows exactly how to maximize his combat potential (covering weaknesses, maximizing strenghts, move variety, that sort of thing), he's more than a match for most Trainers' teams of six (you'll see how this works in a post I make in the not-too-distant future). Just wanted to get that out there. Oh, one more thing that I want to make sure everyone knows: Pokemon strengthend by Rare Candies are not as powerful as those strengthened through battling. If you want to know why, PM me and I'll explain. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Absol guarding Jirachi had come running at them through the tunnel, but hadn't anticipated that they'd be moving so fast. He was a ways behind Rorohiko and Mizu, but not too far back, and blasts kept coming at the two and their Pokemon. Rorohiko signaled Absol to stop as Mizu and her Arcanine kept going. The Absol guarding Jirachi ran right past the two of them. Rorohiko's Absol kept the pressure on the other Absol, forcing it to dodge instead of attack Mizu and Arcanine. After a couple minutes of this, they entered a very large cavern. Mizu entered first, and returned Arcanine. The Absol protecting Jirachi was next, followed closely by Rorohiko and his Absol. Rorohiko jumped off, and his Absol faced the other Absol. Rorohiko's started talking (I use that word for lack of a better one. Remember that although Pokemon can understand other Pokemon perfectly well, humans only hear the Pokemon saying their names or parts of their names). "He's explaining why we're here," Rorohiko told Mizu. "You start looking for Jirachi. It'll be in this cavern somewhere. Oh, and don't be surprised if my Absol and I are up all night. Sleep in here. There's a glow-in-the-dark digital watch in your pack, so there's no excuse for knowing what time it is. I have one, too, but I don't need to know when it's getting late. Absol and I finish when we finish. I'll tell you what we're doing tomorrow, when we start back to Slateport." ------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: I just had an idea. The cult sent a team, let by Trolmont, to capture Jirachi, right? I think that Trolmont should have the Orb for Jirachi. Is that all right with you, eclips?
  23. I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned the laundromat scene. Spider-Man has to be the only superhero who ever washes his outfit (and in the wrong load, no less. The colors run). The people responsible for the Spider-Man movies havn't forgotten about Peter Parker. Another example is when Spidey is in the elevator with Harry Osborn. Harry think's it's just a costume (why would the real Spider-Man take an elevator?), and says that it looks uncomftorable. Peter agrees, saying that it's itchy, and rides up in his crotch, making him the only superhero, as far as I know, who has ever complained about his outfit. It's things like that that set Spiderman apart from every other superhero.
  24. OOC: Again, I'd just like to say that if everyone's Pokemon are so powerful in so short a time, then Rorohiko's Absol, which he's had for five years, is extremly tough, and, if we're going by levels (which I don't think works well in RPGs), then Absol's be at or a couple levels below 100 (Remember, it's his only Pokemon, and he's had it for five years). Just thought I'd make sure you all knew that. ------------------------------------------------------------ They made very good time, Rorohiko and Mizu. The ourney to Ferina took a couple of days, quick considering the distance. Of course, Rorohiko knew that the cult would be moving just as fast. They would be about a day behind, and Rorohiko would need every minute of that time to accomplish the two tasks he had in Ferina. FIrst came Jirachi, then Rorohiko would see to his other task. Durring the journey to Ferina, Mizu had, at Rorohiko's urging, captured an Arcanine that they encountered along the way. "It's fast, and you can ride on it," was Rorohiko's explination. The two of them stood at the entrance to an underground tunnel. "Here's the situation," Rorohiko said. "As soon as we enter that tunel, the Absol protecting Jirachi will be coming for us. Don't ask me how it knows when someone enters, because I don't know, although I hopefully will by the time we're leaving Ferina. "The tunnel is quite long, and I don't want that Absol to be harmed. That's where the Arcanine you caught comes in. You'll be riding it through the tunnel. I'll be on my Absol-and I'd again like to stress that I don't think of it as mine, I just don't know any better words to use." "Yes, I know," Mizu replied. "You only say that like every five seconds. Now, please continue." "My Absol's used to my weight, and so will be able to run at full speed with me on him. Your Arcanine's not used to your weight, which will slow it down to probably about the speed of my Absol. The Absol protecting Jirachi will be moving at the same speed. When we go in there, we need to keep moving until we get to the large open area. Jirachi will be there, so look for a crystaline object about this big." He indicated a size about that of Jirachi. "That's Jirachi when he's hibernating. An easy capture, but use one of the Ultra Balls we bought anyways, just in case. I'll deal with the Absol. Ready?" She nodded. "Ready." "Wilder Wein." "What?" "A phrase in some other language," Rorohiko explained. "I don't know what language, and I have no clue what it means. It's kind of a good luck thing. I don't really believe in that sort of thing, but my philosiphy is that if it's no beent prooven inefective, there's no harm in using it." "Makes sense." "All right, then. Enough delaying. We're not getting paid by the hour. Let's do this."
  25. OOC: I know, I know. If you have any suggestions, please tell me. -------------------------------------------------------- [i]THat dust trick will stop working sooner or later,[/i] David thought. [i]He'll figure out a way around it. Good thing there's more to in that just some dust.[/i] He blasted the ground near himself, then blasted the groun increasingly further forward and to the right. Anubismon led the expanding dust stream, assuming that David was at the front. But David hadn't moved at all. He blasted Anubismon in the posterior region, then blasted dust up to his left. This time, he ran with it while Anubismon targeted the spot where he was standing previously. Suddenly, it looked like the previous battle was repeating itself. Out of nowhere, Frounomon came in with a Blade Whirl, knocking Anubismon to the ground. But this time, Anubismon wasn't going to run away. "You again. I should have known. No matter. I can easily take you out this time." "Wrong, s***head," David said. "Or did you forget about us? Let's take this guy out." ------------------------------------------------ OOC: All right, [i]now[/i] we can start winning. Anubismon dies in this fight. Oh, in case you don't remember, Frounomon's attacks are Blade Whirl and Blade Disks. The former is a spinning move with his blade weapons, and the other is throwing them. Frounomon is also very skilled with them at close range, and he's a very powerful Digimon, stronger than most Megas. Anubismon is currently more powerful, but Frounomon has our characters helping him. That all means that we get to win this fight.
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