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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. It was getting late, so Rorohiko pick out a place to camp for the night. After eating, Rorohiko took the wire and strung it around their campsite. He looped it around twice, and on it he put anything he could find that would stay. "If anyone comes close, they'll make a hell of a racket," he explained. "We'll be sure to wake up." The two of them rolled out their sleeping bags and crawled in. "You know," Mizu said, "for someone who's as dangerous as you say you are, you're not bad." "You're not too bad yourself. Extremly weird, but not bad." "Glad you think so. Good night." "Good night." [i]She really looks a lot like Katrina,[/i] Rorohiko added silently. [i]I wonder how Katrina's doing? Been a long time scince I saw her. Hope she's doing well.[/i] Eventually, both Rorohiko and Mizu drifted off to sleep.
  2. You know, it seems that everyone who doesn't like Pokemon stopped liking it after G/S/C came out. Why? Not enough change? Well, if it ain't broke, why fix it? The Pokemon formula works, and doesn't need any radical changes. New Pokemon and moves make things a little different in the new versions, and the 2-v-2 battles in R/S and Colliseum(sp?) are underrated. I agree that there's a definite superiority/inferiority thing with the Pokemon. Some are definatly better than the others, especially the legendaries. Of course, you can just decide not to use them, and refuse to play with people who do. Oh, and it's basically impossible for all the Pokemon to be equal. Intentional or not, some will always be better than others. I don't care. Fortunatly, the Pokemon I like have so far been powerful enough to stand up to the harder Trainers in the games (Elite Four, Champion), and I don't have anyone to play against, so I don't have to worry about that. I think that R/S introduced enough new stuff to keep things interesting, but kept the excellent gameplay basically the same. Of course, the best part about R/S is Dark-type Pokemon Absol, who happens to be my favorite. For everyone else, read what's above, and if you don't agree, play R/S. If you don't like it, fine, but you should never write off a game you haven't played.
  3. OOC: People are losing intrest. I mean it, this rPG will die if things don't get moving. I'm going to liven things up a bit, but we need to know what the characters are supposed to do, and how they're supposed to do it. If that doesn't happen in a couple days, this RPG will most likely die out. -------------------------------------------------------- [i]This is getting borring,[/i] Takal thought. [i]Let's liven things up a bit. See just how good these people are. I'll call up a creature for them to deal with. Basic demon ought to do the trick, but I don't want to be that derivitive. Some creature found in the wild, then, but an uncommon and dangerous one. Griffin, maybe. Full-sized griffin, peak condition. Females are larger, stronger, faster, basically a lot more dangerous than the males. Seems to be like that a lot for animals. All right, then. Full-sized female griffin in peak condition. Should work well. Can take a lot of shit, dish it out very well, and is resistant to elemental abilities, although not immune. Let's see how they handle it.[/i] She concentrated. After a few seconds, it was done, and a griffin flew into the area, immediatly attacking the gathered people. Takal watched from the shadows, still invisible. [i]Let's see how good you are,[/i] she thought.
  4. "Rorohiko, there's something I don't understand," Mizu said as she and Rorohiko walked. "Why aren't we affected by this true soul thing?" "I don't know about you," Rorohiko replied, "but as for me, it's because I'm not hiding anything. What you've seen is who I am. I'm keeping nothing inside. I'm hiding nothing. The dangerous types never do." "Dangerous types?" "Some kind of people are more dangerous than others. Idealist can be up there sometimes, because ideals are almost never attainable. Religious fanatics are near the top of the list, because they believe that they are doing God's work, and have no limits to what they'll do to accomplish their objectives. Another dangerous group are the truly obsessed. an obsessed person has one goal, and will never stop trying to reach it. An obsessed person will do anything to reach that goal. If you don't get out of an obsessed person's way, you might find yourself being attacked. An obsessed person will do anything to meet his or her goal. I should know. I'm one of them."
  5. OOC: I don't have an exact level figured out for Absol, but because he's been Rorohiko's only Pokemon for five years (Rorohiko will not be catching any other Pokemon, by the way), he's certainly quite powerful. ---------------------------------------------------------------- When they got to Slateport, Rorohiko and Mizu went shopping for supplies. Rorohiko turned out to have a lot of cash with him, and he wasn't exactly reluctant to spend it. He bought the best equipment, and about twice the food and water the two of them would need. Rorohiko and Mizu spread everything out in front of them. They had two rather large packs, which would be mostly filled by the food and water. Some things, like flashlights and stuff like that, also fit in, but the rest didn't. What was left out of the packs was a pair of sleeping bags, a pole Rorohiko had found and decided to keep as a weapon just in case, hiking sticks, and a bundle of wires. Rorohiko attached the rolled-up sleeping bags to the packs, then secured them with the wire. There was a lot of wire left, which he somehow managed to stuff into his pack. "I hope you can handle the pace I'm going to set with that heavy pack," he said as he and Mizu put the packs on their backs. "I'll be fine," Mizu assured him as they started off. And she was right. She was quite capable of keeping up. "Why do we need all of this stuff, anyways?" she asked after about an hour of walking. "Well, the food and water is obvious. We have so much extra just in case. Never hurts to have extra. Who knows, we might need it. The sleeping bags are, obviously, to sleep in. There's a lot of stuff that I'll use for my goal in Ferina. The hiking sticks are to make the going a bit easier on us. There's a lot of useful things like flashlights, pepper spray, emergency radios, basically a lot of stuff to get us out of bad situations. As for the wire, well, you'll learn that tonight. Now, let's try and pick up the pace a bit. The faster we move, the better."
  6. OOC: I'm sorry, sesshomaru 3, but I have to ask everyone to ignore your post. See, there are several things you got wrong. You might want to look at the crystal effects in the Recruitment thread again, because you don't seem to know them. Here are your mistakes: Mistake 1: There is no biomerging in this RPG. The Delta Crystals get the Digimon to Mega level. Mistake 2: The Digimon can't get to Mega level without the Delta Crystals, which we currently don't have. Mistake 3: The Gamma Crystals put the humans the the armor. The only effect on the Digimon is that a human's Digimon partner will revert to Rookie form when the armor is activated, because the digivice is not capable of maintaining the effects of two crystals at once. Please either edit or delete your post. ---------------------------------------------- David didn't fool around. He went straight for the more advanced moves. Copying something he had read in a book, he fired an energy blast at the ground in front of Anubismon, kicking up a lot of dust. The dust prevented Anubismon from seeing him until it was too late. All Anubismon was able to do was move his head a bit, so that the point-blank range blast intended for his eyes instead hit the side of his head. David managed to avoid Anubismon's counterattack by blasting up another dust cloud. "I can't take this guy alone!" he said when safely away. "Give me some help here, people!" Frounomon had checked the Delta, Epsilon, and Omega Points, but counldn't find their crystals. However, he had learned something while doing so, something very serious. He had to inform the humans and their Digimon as soon as possible, so he was on his way back to Beta Point, moving as fast as he could and hoping that he hadn't missed them. ----------------------------------------- OOC: Again, nobody have Frounomon show up.
  7. OOC: Swordmaster13/Okibi Masurao, I suggest that you get the story moving. People seem to be losing interest. If they aren't, then they certainly will soon. Have the characters learn what they're supposed to do very soon, or this RPG will probably die out. Oh, and don't worry if some characters aren't at the Fountain yet. Those characters can learn later. --------------------------------------------------- [i]This is quite the unusual group,[/i] Takal thought. [i]They aren't all getting along with each other, and that's not good for a group. Of course, there probably wasn't much choice. All of these people are stronger than anyone I know except me and Hikaru, who, fortunatly, is currently incapable of interfering. These people are unusually powerful. They're probably going to be after me. I could be wrong, but that's not likely. Not like I'm worried. They're unusually powerful, but I don't think they're up to the task of getting rid of me. Well, we'll soon see. I'll remain hidden until they learn what they're supposed to do. After that, I think I'll take them on. They might actually put up a half-decent fight. Should be fun.[/i]
  8. Ralonoa again located Rorohiko and Mizu. This time, the two were in the mess hall, eating lunch. "We'll be in Slateport in about an hour," she said. "It may interest you to know that Trolmont was contacted by a port security official, which is very possible for those guys to do. They can access the radio towers freely. My security boys listened in on the conversation, which is standard procedure whenever a non-crew member is contacted in that way. "The security man who contacted Trolmon is obviously one of the cult. He's meeting Trolmont at Dock 9, close to where we'll be, Dock 11. He's secured transport to Mauville, where the two of them will wait for the rest of the group. They anticipate that they'll leave Mauville at about 5:30 p.m. tomorrow." "Well, we'll be well ahead of them by then," Rorohiko said. "We're taking the quick way cross-country. Mauville's only about four hours on foot from Slateport, so the fact that we'll be moving slower then Trolmont and his buddy won't be relevent. From Mauville, they'll either have to cut cross-country the whole rest of the way or go so far off course that they'll add a day or two to their journey.They'll cut cross-country, putting them about a day behind us. Plenty of time for us to get Jirachi, and for me to accomplish my goal in Ferina."
  9. David was watching the battle when he felt... something. It wasn't hard to guess what had happened. The Gamma Crystals were ready to use. David somehow knew which button to press. He hit the bottom button on his Digivice, activating the Gamma Crystal. The armor appeared on him. Like many things in the digital world, the capabilities of the armor came instantly to David. He knew everything that it could do, lacking only experiance. he also knew that while in the armor, Hawkmon's digivolution could not be maintained. There would be a choice to make very time: higher-level Digimon, or armor. In this case, it was armor. David stepped forward, poles at the ready. "There's one thing you didn't know, Anubismon. We found two crystals here, Beta and Gamma. The Gamma Crystals can now be used. You've only fought half of the battle. Everyone, let's take this guy out." --------------------------------------- OOC: Let me make sure you understand a few things. If a character is in the armor, then that character's Digimon partner will revert to Rookie Form if not there already. And if the Digimon partner digivolves, the human's armor dissapears. Also, in terms of power, the armor is between Ultimate and Mega. Oh, one more thing. We'll be doing a lot better against Anubismon now. He'll still be winning, but not by anywhere near as much. Again, I know that I said that this battle will be different, and that's true. You'll just have to wait to find out what the difference will be.
  10. OOC: You weren't very clear there, eclipse, so I'll say what I think you meant to help the others. After everyone battles Misty, they'll go to Vermillion. After everyone battles Lt. Surge, they'll get on a ship bound for Slateport. On the boat, Team Rocket attacks them. After landing in the Hoenn region, they find the Orb that Jirachi will eventually end up in. Just so everyone knows, Rorohiko and Mizu will soon reach Slateport. They'll go to Ferina, get Jirachi without the help of the Orb, then return to Slateport and board a ship (probably Ralonoa's). Maybe the two groops can meet up again when Rorohiko and Mizu return to Slateport. -------------------------------------- "We'll hit Slateport shortly after lunch," Rorohiko told Mizu. "In Slateport, we'll stock up on supplies, then we'll cut cross country instead of going through Mauville. We need to stay ahead of the cult's group, and they're meeting in Mauville. So we'll take the shorter way cross-country, and we should reach Ferina ahead of them. Hopefully, we'll find a fast Pokemon to catch, one large enough for you to ride on. That will make things easier when we reach Ferina. "When we get to Ferina, just follow me. Don't try to catch any of the Pokemon, because if you try to catch one, they'll all be mad. When we reach a cave, we'll need to move fast, which is where the fast Pokemon to ride comes in. An Absol guards Jirachi, and it will attack us when we enter the cave. We'll have to move fast. When we reach a chanber, you look for Jirachi while I handle the Absol. Got it?" Mizu nodded. "Good."
  11. Takal entered Elmtraila. She could feel them. [i]Several of them. The Fountain. They're gathering at the Fountain. Why?[/i] She stepped into the shadow of a nearby house. If you were watching her, you would have seen her dissapear. She was still there, though. She was invisible, a trick that only worked in shadows, dark rooms, at night, etc. Basically, she had to be in a dark place. She moved through the shadows, quickly reaching the Fountain. She remained in the shadows and invisible. [i]Let's see what's going on here,[/i] she thought. [i]Then I'll decide what to do with all of them.[/i]
  12. Rorohiko and Mizu were on the deck when Ralonoa found them. "We didn't find much," she said. "What did you find?" Rorohiko asked. "Just a map. There were a few areas marked. One was Slateport, and there was a line drawn from Slateport to Mauville. Lillycove was also marked, and there was a line from there to Mauville, as well." "They must be meeting in Mauville. Trolmont will lead the assembled group to their target." "That's probably the last place marked on the map, but I have no clue what's at that mark." "I do," Rorohiko replied. "That's where the cult's group is headed, and Mizu and I are going there, too. That's Ferina." "The cult's after Jirachi?" Rorohiko nodded. "It makes wishes come true, Ralonoa. Even though it's asleep, we can't let them get to it. It's unlikly, but they might be able to wake it up. I calculate the odds of that at about 1%, but since they're after Jirachi, I'd say that the 1% happened. But don't worry. We'll make sure they don't get Jirachi."
  13. OOC: I assume I don't have to go to the fountain. ------------------------------------------ Takal entered the town of Vanduo, a large town but not quite a city. she was met by a large group of men with knives, staffs, and swords. "I see you got word of my arrival," Takal said. "I guess I was right. That merchant did run to this town." She looked around. "You know, based on what I heard about this place, I expected something more like a city. This isn't as close as everyone says. Doesn't matter, though. Not after I'm through here. Now, do you want to to this the nice way, or the nasty way?" Before there was a responce, Takal sensed someone sneaking up behind her. She whipped around, deflected his sword, and jabbed her staff through his heart. She turned to face the others. "I see you've chosen the nasty way." Before the men knew what was going on, Takal had killed about a fifth of the group, and she quickly took care of the rest, using a combination of her various powers. When they were all dead, she went through the town, setting fire to everything. She left Vanduo to burn.
  14. OOC: Yeah, I know it needs to slow down. The problem is that when I do slow it down, people don't post. I've tried to slow it down, and I'll try again after this battle, but if people stop posting, there'll be more action. ------------------------------------------------------ "You think you can defeat me?" Anubismon laughed. "Not a chance. Amemit!" The Digimon scattered to avoid the multiple energy balls. One of the energy balls hit near David, knocking him to the ground. David picked himself up. He noticed his Digivice face-down on the ground. He picked it up, and his eyes fell on the orange Gamma crystal. [i]I forgot about those. If the Digimon can hold him off long enough for them to activate, we might stand a chance.[/i] David looked up to see Anubismon throw Slyphimon into Rapidmon. MetalGreymon X attacked with Duel Blasters v. 9.9. Anubismon was, as usual, not affected. He countered with Pyramid Power. [i]Come on,[/i] David thought. [i]Keep him busy for a little bit longer. Come on. Hurry up, you stupid crystal! Activate! Activate, so we can stand a chance![/i]
  15. Hawkmon led them to another cave, which they entered. Like the Alpha Point cave, the Beta Point cave was lit by some invisible light source. Also like Alpha Point, there was a crumpled pedestal in the middle. "I assume we just do the same thing we did at Alpha Point," Aura said. Everyone held out their digivices, expecting only one crystal to come to each. They got a surprise when two crystals when to each digivice. "What the hell?" David exclaimed. "Two crystals? I thought it was one at each Focus." "Here's something," Gabumon said. He picked up a tablet that was lying on the ground. "It's from Frounomon. It says that what he's been doing is moving the crystals. He moved the Gamma Crystals here, but he's been unable to locate the elta, Epsilon, and Omega crystals. They're not in the wrecked pedestals, and he doubts that he'll be able to find them, but he got the Gamma crystals and brought them here." "That's good," David said. "Frounomon told us that the Gamma crystals are the armor of us humans, right? And the Beta crystals the the Digimon to Ultimate level." "Yes, and there's more here," Gabumon replied. "It says that the digivices aren't designed to get two new crystals at the same time, so the second crystal-Gamma, in this case-will need betweed five and fifteen minutes before the Digivice can accept and use it. Translation: the Gamma crystals won't work for five to fifteen minutes." "Well, better then having to go to Gamma Point to get them," David remarked. "Delta Point next, then. Hawkmon, you have the map. Lead on." "Got it." Hawkmon led the way out of the Beta Point cave. The group wasn't but a few feet away when Anubismon landed in front of them. David knew that things would be different this time around. "I don't think you can win this time, asshole. We have the Beta Crystals now, and I don't know if you can stand up to all of our digimon when they're at the Ultimate level." "Before, that would have been correct," Anubismon replied. "But it isn't now." "You're bluffing," Hawkmon said. "Everyone, the left button activates the Beta crystals." David nodded. "Got it." He hit the left button on his digivice, triggering Hawkmon's digivolution to Sylphimon. David, who expected a large size increase (all of the Champion forms are a lot bigger than the Rookie forms), was surprised to see that Sylphimon was about the size of Anubismon. Imi, Aura, Reis, Ty, and Sakata triggered the digivolutions of their Digimon. WereGarurumon, Myotismon, MegaSeadramon, Rapidmon, and WarGrowlmon faced Anubismon, ready for battle. Anubismon just laughed. "You really think you can win? I guess I'll just have to show you how wrong you are." "We'll see about that," Sylphimon replied. "Static Force!" Rapidmon and WarGrowlmon fired their Rapid Fire and Atomic Blaster attacks. Anubismon laughed as he batted the attacks away. "As I said, you won't be able to win. I am much more powerfull now than I was when we first met, you see. I'm afraid that you don't stand a chance." Sylphimon fired another Static Force, which again had no effect. Anubismon attacked with Amemit, and the six Digimon in Ultimate form stattered. Sylphimon, MegaSeadramon, and WarGrowlmon were hit. "Not bad," Anubismon said. "Let's see how you handle this." He fired red energy of some kind from his hand. It hit Sylphimon and pulled him into Anubismon's hand. Anubismon used Sylphimon to block an incomming Rapid Fire, then threw him into WereGarurumon. Anubismon targeted Rapidmon next. He threw a red energy ball at the Digimon. It hit, causing Rapidmon to fall to the ground, where he was motionless. "That was another new trick," Anubismon said. "Get hit by that, and you won't be able to move for about ten seconds. Let's see how you likethis other new trick of mine." Anubismon glowed red for about a second, then suddenly appeared in front of WereGarurumon. He grabbed WereGarurumon, then glowed red again. A second later, he was high in the air, still holding WereGarurumon. He dove straight down. A few seconds before he would have hit the ground, he tossed WereGarurumon. WereGarurumon hit the ground hard, creating a small crater. Anubismon did the red glow thing again, and appeared on the ground in front of the just-recovered Rapidmon, who he threw into Myotismon. Anubismon just stood and laughed as the Digimon recovered and turned to face him. "I see you haven't learned your lesson. You can't defeat me. And this time, there is no escape." ------------------------------------------------------ OOC: All right, we're going to get our ***** kicked even worse then last time. Our Digimon can get to Ultimate now, but Anubismon is much more powerful, thanks to the Alpha Focus energy the Leader gave him. He is a lot more powerful on both offense and defense, and also has new abilities (as you saw in my post). You can give him other new abilities if you want to, but they all have to involve the color red (the attacks are red in color, there's a red glow, I don't care what, as long as there's red involved). This is because Red it the color associated with Alpha Point. Alpha is red, Beta is blue, Gamma is orange, Delta is greed, Epsilon is purple, and Omega is black. Oh, one more thing. Yes, I said that this battle with Anubismon will be different, and yes, it will (Remember, we have the Gamma crystals, and they'll activate durring the battle, but only I can post that happening).
  16. If you're looking for a less hardcore game, then Recommend Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. It's not the most difficult or involved game out there, but it's fun, and that's what counts in my oppinion. Mario & Luigi has a great battle system that's as close to a perfect blend of action/platformer/whatever-you-call-it and RPG elements as you can get. The difficulty steadily increases (even though it never gets too high if you know what you're doing), something I've experienced in no other games that I can remember playing. Oh, and it's a very funny game, too, especially for Mario series fans. From a barrel-dodgeing sequence remeniscent of the original Donkey Kong to a crazy underling named Fawful (Fink-Rat!) to a sequence where the game shamelesly makes fun of the Mario series (which happens a lot) by requiring you to fix the plumbing, there's enough laughs for anyone.
  17. I'm signing up as Takal. My sign-up has been approved by Swordmaster13. Name: Takal Age: N/A (She's immortal, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she can't die. Just not because of age or disease or anything like that, I think. You'll have to ask Swordmaster13 about how the immortality works in this RPG) Description: The picture Swordmaster13 provided. Bio: Hikaru's purpose is to create, but Takal's is to destroy, and she has always done so. She would have preferred it if her sister didn't want to fight her, but she isn't going to let Hikaru stand in her way. When a man freed her from the prision she was in after her battle with Hikaru, she wasted no time getting back to her purpose. Weapon(s): Two metal poles, which she carries strapped to her back. She also carries a staff. Element: A combination of them all, but only destructive abilities. Magic: Her elemental powers are more than enough for anything she does. However, one thing that probably would fall under magic is her ability to summon various creatures. She can only have one at a time, but she is able to fight at her full power even while maintaining its existance. Side: Bad
  18. It took a while, but eventually, everyone managet to get to sleep. The next morning, after eating some fruits that were found growing on the trees, they set off toward Beta Point, Hawkmon still leading because he still had the map. David was lost in thought. [i]Can this really be a dream?[/i] he wondered. [i]I woke up, and I'm still here. I have aches. I was hungry. Can those happen in dreams? They certainly never hapened in any dreams of this place before. Is this really a dream? Is it possible that this is actually real?[/i] Hawkmon intterupted his thoughts. "You know, David, it's not smart to be as reckless as you were yesterday with Anubismon. We're lucky we survived the battle, but you weren't at all worried. It's you who led everyone else into battle, too. Why? And why were you so unafraid?" David decided to be honest. "Because I thought that all of this was a dream. The other humans, all of you Digimon, this world, I've had dreams about all of it before. I thought that this was just another dream. But I felt hunger. I felt pain. I went to sleep, woke up, and am still here. I'm not quite sure what I believe right now, but I do know that if I can feel pain, then I can probably die. Oh, and I probably wouldn't have been so quick to set you against Anubismon, but we didn't have any choice." "That's all right," Hawkmon said. "Just make sure you know what you're getting everyone into." Anubismon flew towards Beta Point as the Leader had instructed him. Below him, he saw a good-sized group of insect Digimon. It wasn't too uncommon to see groups of insect Digimon; they had a tendancy to stay in large numbers. Most of the Digimon in this group were of the Champion level, though there was a pair of Okuwamon. The rest of the group consisted of three Kuwagumon, three Kabuterimon, a Searchmon, a Stingmon, a Digmon {OOC: Yes, Digmon is an insect Digimon. Remember the episode where Arukenimon had the flute that controled insect Digimon? It affected Digmon, meaning that digmon is an insect Digimon}, and three Snimon. Anubismon landed in front of them. One of the Okuwamon stepped forward. "Tell us who you are and why you are here," it demanded. Anubismon laughed. "Or what? You'll destroy me? I don't think so. I'll tell you, though. I'm Anubismon, a Mega-level Digimon, and I am currently en route to Beta Point to intercept a group on their way there. I stopped here because I need a test. See, I recently aquired new power, and I wish to test it." "If you just digivolved, then you'd best rethink your decision," the Okuwamon replied. "We can take a newly digivolved Mega-level Digimon." Anubismon laughed again. "I'm afraid that you're mistaken. See, I've been Anubismon for a while. The new power I aquired yesterday was givin to me by one known only as the Leader, and it came from the Alpha Point." Before the Okuwamon could reply, Anubismon hit it with his Pyramid Power. The Kuwagumon flew toward him to attack. Anubismon took out two then took to the air and grabbed the third. He threw it in such a way that it impacted all three Kabuterimon, then finished off the four of them with a Pyramid Power. Anubismon finished off the wounded Okuwamon. The Remaining Digimon launched their attacks, but although everyone of them hit, nothing happened, and Anubismon wasted no time in finishing them off. --------------------------------------- OOC: Again, be sure you don't have Anubismon show up. I get to do that. Oh, and just so you know, the next battle with him will be different. I won't say how, though.
  19. The next day, while eating breakfast, Rorohiko and Mizu were approached by Captain Ralonoa. She noticed that Rorohiko was looking across the room, where Trolmont sat. "Who is that man?" she wondered. "There's something funny about him, but I can't place it." "His name's Trolmont," Rorohiko replied. "He isn't wearing any of the symbols-at least not in easily visible locations-because otherwise you wouldn't have let him on the ship. He's obviously unarmed, or again, he wouldn't be on the ship. He's going to the same place that Mizu here and I are going. That's bad, because he's with the cult, the same one that wants me dead and almost killed you." Knowing that he could trust Ralonoa, Rorohiko told her of the true souls problem and the necesity of capturing Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi. "I would have gone to Ferina for my own reasons last time I was in the Hoenn region, but I was low on supplies and didn't have the spare cash for more if I wanted to be able to afford the trip home. Now, Mizu is coming with me, and in addition to my own business, we're going to get Jirachi. We have to beat the cult there first. "Ralonoa, you're the captain of this ship. Authorize a search of Trolmont's cabin, and don't let him know that it's been searched. You won't find anything linking him to the cult-he's too smart to be discovered so easily-but you aren't looking for that. I need anything that could provide a clue as to his plans after we land in Slateport. We'll either be in here or on the deck. Find us when the search is done, and show us what's been found." Ralonoa nodded. "Anything to hurt those ********." And she was off.
  20. It was about 7:00 in the evening{OOC: It doesn't have to be evening where everyone else is. Rorohiko and Mizu would have crossed a couple time zones by now}, and Rorohiko and Mizu, having just finished dinner, were sitting on the deck watching the sunset. "I know I told you that because you're going to catch multiple Pokemon," Rorohiko said, "you'll never be as close to any of them as I am to my Absol. However, because you decided to help me, I'll give you some advice that will help you get as close to your Pokemon as you can. "First and hardest, you need toderstand your Pokemon. True understanding takes a lot of time, but as long as you have the general idea of what your Pokemon are trying to tell you, you're ready for step two: learning what they want. To become friends with your Pokemon, you need to know what they want. Make them happy, because obviously, the more they like you, the closer you'll be able to become. "Step three: show your Pokemon that you know what you're doing, especially when issueing battle comands. Issue orders that make sense, and your Pokemon will see that you know what you're doing. They'll trust you, and that's the most important thing. Trust. Have that, and you're on the right track. If you don't have it, you won't get anywhere." Rorohiko stood up. "Let's head to our cabins. I'm tired, and I need some rest. You should go to sleep, too." So the two of them reentered the interior of the ship, found their next-door cabins, and went to seep.
  21. You need to have a better strategy than that on hard; trust me, the strategy you gave doesn't work to well. Why not? One word: ammo. On hard mode, enemies take a lot more damage. I've never used Super Missiles against the Omega Pirate, but it would probably take at least two for every Phazon patch on the boss's armor. That's 40 Missiles, 5 per Super Missile, to blow off all of the Phazon. Then the Troopers of various types come, and for the Wave and Power Troopers, you'll need the Wavebuster and Super Missiles to kill them fast enough. You'll quickly run out of Missiles, and you won't have enough Power Bombs to make up for the Missile use against the Omega Pirate. Here's my strategy: I use the side-dash (Tap B) to circle the Omega Pirate, backing up if I need to. I'm never too far away, because that makes it much harder to win. Whenever the Omega Pirate isn't holding out his hand, shoot the Phazon Patches with charged shots. If you accidentally step into one of the Phazon patches on the ground, jump your way out of it. When you've blown the Phazon off of the Omega Pirate, fight the Troopers. Use the Super Missile and Wave Buster on the Power and Wave Troopers, a charged Ice Beam shot then a missile for the Ice Troopers, and charged Plasma Beam shots for the Plasma Troopers. When you hear the Omega Pirate's roar noise, turn on the X-Ray Visor and spin around while chargeing the Plasma Beam. When you see the Omega Pirate, fire. If he doesn't dissapear, fire regular shots until either he does, or he starts walking toward you. If you're fast enough, he'll dissapear. Charge the Plasma Beam and look for him again (he'll always be in the Phazon). Again, shoot until he walks toward you (meaning that his armor has Phazon on it again and you need to blast it off) or dissapears. If he dissapears, more Troopers will enter the battle area. Fight them as described above. Don't worry about looking for the Omega Pirate, as you won't be able to get to him again before he repairs his armor. If there are any Troopers left when his armor is repaired, shoot them only if convenient, because the Omega Pirate's shockwave kills them. Repeat the strategy until you win (which may take a few tries to do).
  22. Anubismon was pissed. "Pyramid Power!" Dobermon dodged and activated Schwarz Strahl. This time, Anubismon fired Amemit in dobermon's general direction, the spread of the energy balls preventing DObermon from avoiding them all. Dobermon was knocked out of his attack, and Anubismon attacked with Pyramid Power. The hit was too much for the already injured Dobermon, who reverted to Labramon. Anubismon moved in for the kill. "Blade Whirl!" Something came out of nowhere, spinning fast. It hit Anubismon from behind, knocking him to the ground. The newcomer's spin stopped. It was Frounomon! "That false trail of yours was a nice trick," Frounomon said as Anubismon stood up, "but it wasn't good enough. It looks like I got here just in time." "You can't stop me. Pyramid Power!" "Blade Disk!" Frounomon threw his two bladed disk weapons, which began to glow with energy. They sliced threw Anubismon's attack, but Anubismon took to the air to dodge, and countered with Amemit. Frounomon couldn't dodge the attack entirly, but he recovered fast and caught his returning weapons. Anubismon knew when he was outmatched. "You havn't seen the last of me," he said, and flew off. All of the partner DIgimon not already back in Rookie form returned to it. "That was close," Frounomon said. "Fortunatly, I anticipated thatthe enemy would send a Digimon you couldn't handle. I anticipated an arrival at Alpha Point to try and catch you. I attempted to intercept, but couldn't, and because I didn't know that Anubismon was the one sent, I followed his tracks, not aware that, as a flight-capable Digimon, he could have moved faster in the air. He eventually walked away from your tracks, but I figured out his trick. He walked away from your tracks for a bit, then flew to here. I caught on to his trick, and was able to get here in time to save you. "I know you probably have questions for me, and I am sorry, but I cannot currently answer them. I have things I must do. Be aware that I will not be able to save you every time, so be quick about finding the crystals. I must go, but we will meet again." And with that, he was gone. When he was far enough away, Anubismon landed, closed his eyes, and concentrated. After about two minutes, he dissappeared, reappearing in a vast underground chamber. Only a select few were ever allowed entry into this chamber, where the Leader, the one who commanded the powers of the Foci, could be found. But not even Anubismon knew the Leader's identity. Most Digimon under the Leader's command would be insanely afraid to report a faliure directly to him, but Anubismon wasn't. As one of the four most powerful Digimon under the Leader's command, his life would never be thrown away. Instead, the Leader listened patiently as Anubismon reported. "Your faliure was not expected," the Leader replied when Anubismon was done, "but there was nothing you could have done to prevent it. Frounomon was smarter than anticipated. But do not worry. I will not be sending you back as you are now. Take this." A glowing orb appeared floating in front of Anubismon, who reached out and grabbed it. It turned out to be made of energy, and that energy flowed into Anubismon. "Your new power comes from the Alpha Focus," the Leader explained. "That orb was not it, just energy. I still hold the Alpha Focus, as well as the other five Foci. Your new power is not quite all of the Alpha Focus's power, but it is most of it. Of course, the Alpha Focus is the weakesk of the Foci, but the power you gained from it will be enough to garuntee an easy victory, even though they will have most likely reached Beta Point by the time you catch up to them. Head for Beta Point to intercept them, and follow them to Gamma Point if you miss them. Wait if you beat them there. You will undoubtably encounter some randopm Digimon on the way. Test your new power on them. Get used to your new power before the battle, because with it, you will easily win even if Frounomon shows up." "Understood." Anubismon bowed and left. ------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Let me explain the teleportation thing that Anubismon did. Only a few Digimon can do it, and because they're all important to the plot, only I get to say when they show up. It takes two minutes of intense and uninterrupted concentration to teleport. Also, Anubismon and the other few with the abillity can only teleport to an area that is clearly fixed in the mind. For example, Anubismon has every detail
  23. Frounomon was startled when the tracks of the unknown Digimon{OOC: Frounomon doesn't know that Anubismon is the Digimon he's been following} took a different direction than the tracks of the humans and their partners. But Frounomon thought he knew why. [i]It's got to be a trick to throw me off track. But I've got a trick that only I know about.[/i] Frounomon focused, and as his eyes followed the Digimon's tracks further and further away, the image magnified itself so that he could clearly see the tracks, and that they ended a ways off. Frounomon reset to normal vision. [i]Thought so. The Digimon can fly. It was walking so that I'd see its tracks, and it was trying to lead my off course to buy time before I caught it. And because it obviously started flying after leaving that false trail, it'll have undoubtably reached them by now. I have to hurry before they're all killed.[/i] Aquilamon was in the air, and he flew down, seeing an opening. "Forget about me? Blast Rings!" Aquilamon fired energy rings at Anubismon. The attack had no effect. "It's about time I took care of you," Anubismon said as he took to the air. Wizardmon took aim and fired a Thunder Blaster. It hit but had no effect on Anubismon, who quickly counterattacked. "Amemit!" He shot a storm of energy balls towards Wizardmon, who tried to dodge them all, but could not and was severely injured. Aquilamon circled around and flew toward Anubismon. "Grand Horn!" he yelled as his horns began to glow with energy. He flew into Anubismon, who was not at all affected by the attack. Aquilamon tried to escape, but Anubismon was much faster. He grabbed Aquilamon and threw him hard into the ground below. Anubismon landed, picked un Aquilamon, and threw him into a charging Garurumon. Dobermon attacked with his Schwarz Stralh, but Anubismon reacted fast, grabbing Dobermon and using the momentum to spin himself around. He threw Dobermon into Wizardmon. Growlmon attacked with Pyro Blaster, and Anubismon countered the innaffective attack with a very effective Pyramid Power. Anubismon laughed. "You're all quite pathetic. I honestly didn't expect it to be quite so easy. This won't take nearly as long as I thought."
  24. "Anyone bring any camping equipment?" David asked jokingly. "You'll just have to sleep without sleeping bags," Hawkmon said. "Whatever those are." "All right, fine. What about food? Is there anything we can eat?" "How about you?" Everyone turned to face the source of the new voice. "I'm afraid I have to destroy you." "Who the hell is that?" David asked. "I am Anubismon, and it's me who will take you out. There isn't anything you can do to stop me, I'm afraid. You can't face up to me yet, I'm afraid." "And why not?" Aura demanded to know. "Anubismon is a Mega-level Digimon," Hawkmon explained. "We can't go higher than Champion." "We have to try," David said. He triggered Hakwmon's digivolution to Aquilamon. "Everyone, come on! We have to give this thing our best shot!" -------------------------------------------- OOC: All right, this one's a fight we can't win. In fact, we're going to get our ***** kicked. Oh, and I need to be the one who ends the battle. One more thing: Here's a picture of Anubismon: [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Anubismon.html"]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Anubismon.html[/url]
  25. If nobody puts real efforts into their posts, this thread will be closed. I'm currently in the process of writing a Pokemon fan fiction story (I'm planning on writing a novel, and want at least some writing experiance). One thing I've noticed is that a story's never set until it's finished. To clarify what I mean, here's an example: I recently saw the new Pokemon movie (Jirachi: Wish Maker, a title that I really don't like), and now I have a whole new chapter. Anyone else ever have something like that happen?
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