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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Rorohiko stopped walking and looked at Mizu. "Where did you get all that stuff from? I never said you were strong. I said [i]strange[/i]. I wouldn't have said anything about your strength, because I don't know if you're strong of not." Rorohiko stopped talking as a man passed through an intersection of corridors up ahead. He didn't notice Rorohiko and Mizu. fter a few seconds, Rorohiko said, "We can faind the cabins later. That man is a member of the cult, and he's pretty high up. He's actually the first person I met who's a member. See, the cult heard about me. Whenever the cult discovers a person involved in the understanding of any Pokemon on the satanic list, they send one of their 'Educators' to talk to that person, explain the 'true origons' of those Pokemon. The Educators are always higher in the chain of command, simply because of the fact that they need to be able to answer any qouestion someone would possibly ask. "When one came to me after I started making progress a couple of years ago-the man that we just saw, named Trolmont-I let him say what he came to say. Then I started grilling him. Before long, he realized that I didn't give a **** about the cult. That's when he stopped talking. Unfortunatly for him, I was on the road, and nobody else was around. No witnesses. I beat the information out of him. That's how I learned what I know about the cult. I also marked myself as an active and willing satanist in their eyes. "If Trolmont's here, then there's something going on besides a hunt for me. Trolmont's an Educator, and the Educators don't hunt satanists. They do lead the most important missions, however. If that's what he's doing, then we need to know what the mission is. The mess hall is in the direction he was going, and it's about lunchtime. That's probably where he's headed. We can find our cabins later. Come on." Rorohiko and Mizu made their way to the mess hall in time to see Trolmont get up from his seat and walk over to the bar. "I guess they allow drinking," Mizu remarked. Rorohiko spotted a table on the far side of the mess hall, and the path to it led convienintly past Trolmont's table, on which something was spread out. Rorohiko glanced at it as he and Mizu walked by. It was a map of the Hoenn region, and there was an X marking a certain area. "You've got to be kidding me." "What did you see?" Mizu asked as she and Rorohiko reached their table and sat down. "The map on Trolmont's table had a spot marked. That spot is the exact location of Ferina. That's why Trolmont's on this boat. I bet that other cult members will be gathering somewhere in Hoenn, although probably not Slateport, which would be too obvious a meeting place even for them. Trolmont will be leading them on a mission to Ferina to capture Jirach. Capable of granting wishes, Jirachi is the one Pokemon they can't be allowed to get their hands on at any cost. Even if I had no interest in erian, I'd try to stop them. If they get their hands on the Wishmaker, well..." his sentance didn't need finishing. "There are humans taking people's orders!" Mizu exclaimed in an abrupt change of subject. "This is actually a pretty nice ship," Rorohiko told her, going with the new subject. "It's just a cabin and food, though there's a good-sized deck, as you saw. But it's good food and great service, and the cabins aren't bad, either. Not luxury, but good. You'll never see a tourist on even a partly cargo ship like this one, but for people who need to cross the ocean for other reasons, ships like this are excellent. Because most of the money comes from the cargo end, a ticket is relativly cheep, and the rooms are good sized and comfortable, although not anything special, and the food and service are good, too." "How do you know so much about ships like this one?" "I've been on this ship before," Rorohiko replied. "I was recently in Hoenn, and I took this ship from Slateport to Cinnibar before connecting to Pallet. That's when I saved Ralonoa's life, by the way. She was at the security station durring boarding, and as I got through it, a cult member on the dock pulled out a gun. I already told you the rest. Before he pulled out the gun, however, he stupidly decided to get my attention by throwing a rock at me. That's the rock I hit him with that threw off his aim and saved Ralonoa's life." Rorohiko stopped his story as a waitress came ver to take his and Mizu's orders.
  2. OOC: I didn't know that, Mizu. ----------------------------------------------------- When the time came, Rorohiko and Mizu boarded, passing through security without incident. "Nobody after me will get on this ship," Rorohiko told Mizu. "You saw Captain Ralonoa at the security station. The captian always oversees security. It's impossible to get something on a ship without the captian's knowledge, and Ralonoa won't let anyone with a gun on. Hopefully we'll catch her for the return trip, because we're safe from that crazy cult on this ship." When they were underway, Rorohiko and Mizu sat outside on the deck. "You know, Mizu," Rorohiko said, "you're easily the strangest person I've met. I don't mean insane when I say that, of course. I mean just plain weird. Just thought I'd get that out there." He stood up. "Come on. Let's go find our cabins. This journey will take a couple days, you know." Rorohiko led Mizu inside to fide their cabins.
  3. Rorohiko and Mizu reached Dock 13 quickly, and located the [i]Kreloambronst[/i]. Captian Ralonoa was walking alongside a loaded forklift. Rorohiko and Mizu caught up and walked with her. "Nice to see you, Rorohiko," Ralonoa said. "What can I do for you?" "You will soon be departing for Slateport, correct?. My companion, Mizu, and I are headed there. If you have any open rooms, we'd like a ride." "Of course there's room," Ralonoa replied. "Everyone wants passage on the luxury liners, the cruse ships, the overpriced s***holes. There's always plenty of room on a passenger/cargo ship like mine. And I actually charge a reasonable price, not twice the cost of building the damn ship. Of course, I'll let you on for free. You did save my life, after all. Boarding starts in about twenty minutes. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to supervise the cargo loading." "All right. Thanks." Rorohiko and Mizu found a bench and sat down to wait. "How did you save her life?" Mizu asked. Rorohiko chuckled. "The cult was after me, and she was in the area. She tried to stop the fight, and the crazy cult hitman was about to shoot her. I threw a rock into the man's head. The reflexive jerk threw his aim off just enough. Absol got his gun before he could fire again." "How many times have these people tried to kill you?" "I haven't bothered counting. It happens a lot, but they don't have anyone who actually knows how to kill someone. They've tried, but I'm smarter than they are. I've got their timing down, too. as soon as they learn I'm still alive, they'll send someone else after me. Of course, they'll have to track me. At the earliest, there'll be another attempt made on me a day or two after we're done in Ferina." Mizu was shocked my Rorohiko's attitude. "These people are trying to kill you, and you're that nonchalant about it?" "I've gotten used to it, although it was shocking the first couple of times. Okay, the first several times. BUt it's happened enough that it's really no big deal anymore. It's not like this cult will ever send someone who actually has a shot at killing me. They may want me dead, but they're too insane to find someone who can actually do it."
  4. Gabumon looked behind and saw Imi alone in the back. Hawkmon looked back, noticing the same thing. "Go be with her," he told Gabumon. "We should all stay with our human partners." As Gabumon went back to Imi, David looked at Hawkmon. "I can see why he came to you with his question. Of everyone here, you do seem to know the most." "Not really," Hawkmon replied. "Gabumon should have already known what I told him. And I think all of us Figimon knew that someone would be comint to tell us what we're supposed to do. We just didn't know it would be Frounomon. And as for me leading the way, that's just because I happen to have the map." David noticed that the sun was starting to set. "We should probably find a place to sleep. Any ideas, anyone?" [i]Too late,[/i] Frounomon thought. [i]I was too late to catch it here.[/i] Frounomon was standing in Alpha Point, and he exited the cave. [i]It'll catch up with them tonight. Hopefully they're smart enough to post guards. It'll reach them before I do. Hopefully they can hold him until I make it. I must hurry if I am to reach them in time.[/i]
  5. Rorohiko and Grolsom were apparently evenly matched. Rorohiko was on the defensive, and Grolsom was on the attack. They were just getting into a pattern when Rorohiko dropped, rolled, tripped Grolsom, then quickly got up and kicked Grolsom's pole across the deck. He positioned his pole above Grolsom's head. "Make one move, and you'll be unconcious for the next few hours." "Do what you will to my body," Grolsom spat, "but you will never have my soul." "I don't want your soul, Grolsom. I want the cult to stop coming after me. I don't think that that will ever happen, but it can't hurt to hope, can it?" Just then, a man in uniform ran up. "I'm Branit, Security Cheif of the [i]Vrestoron[/i]. Mind telling me what's going on here?" "That man's name is Grolsom," ROrohiko explained, "and he tried to kill me." Branit looked at the croud of people who had gathered. "Is this true?" Several nodded. "That man even had a gun!" one exclaimed. "He tried to shoot the youngster!" "I don't want any part in any legal issue," Rorohiko said, "so I will not be taking this to court. Do with him what you will. I don't care what it is. Death, life in prison, house arrest, nothing at all, I don't give a ****. ust leave me out of it." A few minutes later, Rorohiko and Mizu were standing on deck looking at Cinnibar, where they were about to dock. "Well, that was exciting," Mizu commented. Rorohiko chuckled. "Welcome to my life. I'm no stranger to murder attempts. The cult that man belongs to has tried before." "Why do they want you dead? What do they have against Absol?" "The cult believes that some Pokemon are Satanic creations sent to our plane to cause Armegeddon. There are some Pokemon that they believe are creations of God designed specifically to counter the Satanic Pokemon. In the Satanic group are Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Groudon, and Kyogre. The God group has only two members: Lugia and Rayquaza. Lugia counters Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno, while Rayquaza counters the other three. Absol falls into the Satanic group because of the whole disaster thing. They don't have a Pokemon they believe is to counter Absol, so they've taken matters into their own hands. Because of my goal, to learn everything there is to know about Absol, they want me dead. They've tried a few times before, but I've learned how to defend myself." When the [i]Vrestoron[/i] docked, Rorohiko made sure that he and Mizu were at the back of the line to disembark. Captian Frolnom was standing by the ramp. As he and Mizu were walking by, Rorohiko released Absol. Frolnom suddenly began panicing. He ran as fast as he could away from the ramp, and Rorohiko returned Absol, laughing as he did. "The only way that man could have gotten a gun onto that or any other ship is with the captain's permission," Rorohiko explained when he and Mizu were on the docks. "So I gave the Captain what he fears most: an Absol sighting. He probably won't be sane for at least the rest of today." "So what's next?" Mizu asked. "We're looking for dock 13," ROrohiko replied. "The ship is the [i]Kreloambronst[/i], and her captain is named Ralonoa. She'll treat us well. I saved her life once, so she owes me. She'll be leaving for Slateport in about 40 minutes, and she'll be glad to take us with her. Come on." Rorohiko led the way to dock 13.
  6. OOC: He's standing by the boarding ramp, next to the boarding officer. ------------------------------------------------------- Rorohiko quickly recognizes her. "Mizu! Have you decided to come?" "Yes," she said. Rorohiko turned to the boarding officer. "let her on. She's with me." The boarding officer nodded. "We're about to leave, so head on up." Mizu followed Rorohiko up the ramp, and one other passanger made it in time to board, getting in line behind Mizu. Captian Frolnom and a security officer were at the security checkpoint. Rorohiko stepped into the scanner first. "Nothing but a good bit of cash," the officer said to Frolnom. "He has one Pokemon with him. Want me to get an image of it?" "No," Frolnom said. Rorohiko exited the scanner and stepped onto the boat. Mizu also made it through without any trouble, and the two of them set off to take a look around the boat. Frolnom turned to the officer. "Go give the signal for departure. I'll get this last passenger through the scanner." The officer nodded and ran off. Instead of stepping into the scanner, the man walked over to the Captian. "My name is Grolsom," he said, "and I am pursuing Rorohiko. He was before the girl in front of me. I'm aware of your beliefs, so I believe you should know that he carries an Absol with him." "I know," Frolnom told the man. "He threatened me with it. I let him and his companion on for free. He would have made good on his threats." "Not if I can help it," Grolsom replied. "I assume you will allow me to deal with him?" Frolnom knew he should object, kick the man off of the [i]Vrestoron[/i], but something inside him made him agree. He let Grolsom onboard without passing him through the scanner. Just then, the boat pulled away from the dock and set sail for Cinnibar. Rorohiko and Mizu were sitting on deck. "Why did you decide to come with me?" Rorohiko asked. "You know where Jirachi is. I'd rather try and help you then go on a wile goose chase for the other Orbs." "Well, it's good that you decided to come. This will be much easier with your help." Rorohiko then noticed a man walking towards him and Mizu. The man wore a pendant around his neck, and Rorohiko recognised the symbol. "****," he whispered. "What is it?" Mizu asked, also whispering. "The man walking toward me bears the symobl of a cult that wants me dead," Rorohiko whispered back. "If that cult had their way, there wouldn't be a single Absol alive." "What do we do?" Before Rorohiko could answer, the mad threw a Poke Ball, releasing a Charmeleon. "Deal with his Charmeleon!" Rorohiko bolted as Mizu released her Squirtle to battle the man's Charmeleon. Rorohiko dashed into the interior of the ship as the man pulled out a gun and followed him, leaving Charmeleon facing Squirtle. Rorohiko bolted around a corner and saw an open janitorial closet. He grabbed a mop while running past, than hid himself around a corner. When the mad rounded the corner, Rorohiko tripped him with the mop, than grabbed the man's gun. He ran back to the deck and threw the gun overboard. He turned around in time to see the man walk onto the deck. He was carrying a broom. The man reached down and detached the broom head from the pole, droping the head onto the deck. Rorohiko looked at the mop, then reached down and detached the mop head, dropping it onto the deck. "Detachable heads," Rorohiko observed. "Makes sense. That way, not as many poles are needed, because each can be made into a broom, mop, or whatever. Now, any chance of knowing the name of my opponent?" "I am Grolsom. I know who you are, Rorohiko." "I'm well aware of that. The cult you're with wants me dead." "I object to the term 'cult'." Rorohiko laughed. "Everyone does. Now, shall we do this?" "Of course." Grolsom charged, and Rorohiko readied his pole.
  7. OOC: I'm aware that this RPG was moving fast, but it was my intention to slow things down after the battle with the Kuwagumon. If anyone feels that things have been slow for too long, feel free to have an attack occur. --------------------------------------------- "I don't know," Hawkmon told Gabumon. "You'd have to ask whoever chose you for her partner. That's probably Goldramon, and he's as dead as Digimon ever get. But you were surely chosen for a reason, and that reason will probably become clear eventually." Frounomon stopped walking and kneeled down to look at something. [i]I knew it,[/i] he thought. [i]They won't be able to handle this one. These tracks are heading toward Alpha Point, which is good, because there's no way they're still there. Hopefully I can intercept at Alpha Point. If not, it'll be a race to get to it before it gets to them.[/i] ----------------------------------------- OOC: Just so you know, I'm the only one allowed to post about Frounomon. Oh, and nobody mention the DIgimon whose tracks he's following, either.
  8. OOC: Well, I guess Rorohiko's on his own for a little while, then. ------------------------------------------- Rorohiko returned Asol, then looked around the docks. [i]Good. Captain Frolnom didn't see it. Wouldn't want him freaking out.[/i] He looked at a clock. 9:50. Time for him to board. Rorohiko walked over to the [i]Vrestoron[/i]. The boarding officer checked his list. "Rorohiko. Rorohiko... there you are. It says here you might have companions, but I don't see any." "That's why it says 'might'," Rorohiko replied. "Nonoby else chose to come, although I'm hoping for a couple last-minute arrivals. I told them I probably wouldn't be able to get them on without paying after I boarded, but I can stand here and point them out, if that's all right with you." The boarding officer nodded. "That's quite fine." ---------------------------------------------------- OOC: Last chance to go with Rorohiko. The boat will leave in my next post.
  9. OOC: I'm assuming that it's the next morning now. Oh, and some advice: don't just divide characters into groups. It's better if you let the participants decide which group their characters wil be with. For example, Mizu may want her character (also named Mizu) to look for the other Orbs, but you have her character with Rorohiko, who's going after Jirachi in Ferina. Of course, she may be fine with that, but you don't know, so let her decide. --------------------------------------------------- "I've said this before," Rorohiko said, "and I'll say it again. I'm going to Ferina. I'd appreciate it if I had help, but if none of you want to come, than so be it. I don't want anyone coming that would rather look for the other Orbs. Also, you have to be willing to do what I tell you to when we reach Ferina. I know what we'll find there, see. I know what we'll find in Ferina, where Jirachi is, and what we'll meed to do to get to it. If you'd rather look for the Orbs, or if you don't think you'll be able to accept my instructions, than don't come with me." Rorohiko took the Orb, then turned to leave. He got to the door of the lab, then turned around. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's 8:46 now. i'm going to the docks. I'm getting on the boat to Cinnibar at that time, so be there by then if you want me to get you on for free. After 9:50, you'll have to pay to get on. You're looking for Dock 5, and the boat is called the [i]Vrestoron[/i]. I have no clue as to why, by the way. At 10:00, the [i]Vrestoron[/i] departs, so if you're coming with me, be on it by then." And with that, he left, heading down to the docks to wait.
  10. [QUOTE=Black Kat]I'm a gamer and I love to play and beat my games, but in Pokemon there's no challenge to it. You get one, beat evil Team Whatever, beat the gyms and Elite Four, beat your rival/champion, collect all Pokemon, that's it and what's worse, that's _ALWAYS_ it. As far as game play goes, low graphics and cheap music amaze me only because they sell so well. I suppose younger people enjoy it but if these games bomb out like the others, this is no way that they'll get any more of my money.[/QUOTE] I just looked at this thread today, and I have to say that you've succeeded in pissing me off. Let's look at this quote, shall we? "As far as game play goes, low graphics and cheap music amaze me only because they sell so well." I'm only going to say this once: [size=4]GRAPHICS ARE NOT GAMEPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size] I don't give a **** about how a game looks as long as it's a good game. I hope nobody ever takes your advice on what games to buy, Black Cat, because you can't look past the ****ing graphics and actually see the game! Okay, so you can see the plot, too. Who gives a ****? So what if the plot sucks? If it's a good game, I don't give a **** about the plot, and neither should you. If you want a great plot, go rent a good, non-action and non-comedy movie (I recommend Antitrust). You play games to have fun playing them (I hope), so you shouldn't care about the story, graphics, music, etc. And saying that a bad story makes a game bad means that Viewtiful Joe, with its intentonally bad story, is bad, and if you think that, then I am never even aknowlageing your existance ever again. The Pokemon games are good games because they're fun to play. I'm certainly going to buy one of these remakes, because I love Pokemon,no matter what anyone else thinks.
  11. David, still believing that it was all a dream, shook his head. "Doesn't anyone ever listen? Frounomon told us where to find the Crystals. The Alpha Crystals are at ALpha Point, the Beta Crystals are at Beta Point, etc. We even have that tablet with the map-Hawkmon's got it right now. And we know one other thing: we're currently at Alpha Point." Rorohiko took out his digivice and held it upside down. "Yep, they're there. Surely I'm not the only one who's seen the bottom of one of these in the dreams. There are six slots on the bottom. One for each crystal. My guess is that the crystals will come to the digivices." As if on cue, several shards of something flew out of the wreakage of the pedestal. Each one flew to a digivice and inserted itself into one of the slots. "That would be the Alpha Crystals, I think," Hawkmon said. "Let's get out of this cave, and I'll lead the way. I'm the one with the map, after all. Follow me." Hawkmon turned and exited the Alpha Point cave, following the map to Beta Point, with some very overwhelmed humans and their Digimon partners behind him. Of course, the walking didn't last long. Soon, they were attacked. The enemy force was seven big red bugs. "uwagumon," Hawkmon said. "They're at the Champion level. David, you have to make me digivolve! Push the top button on your digivice!" David didn't know what else to do, so he hit the top button. There was a flash, and a much bigger bird appeared where Hawkmon was. "Aquilamon!" he shouted as he took to the sky. David looked at the others. "I don't know what the hell's going on, but I do know that you all have the Alpha Crystals, so you can do the same thing I just did. I don't think that Hawk- Aquilamon can handle this alone." -------------------------------------------- OOC: All right, time to try out the Alpha Crystals, which, as you might recall, allow the DIgimon partner to reach CHampion level. To activate it, the human pushes the top button on the digivice. Note: As of right now, the other buttons do nothing when pressed.
  12. OOC: No, normally it's very clear how people get from one place to another, and it doesn't happen instantly. This RPG is different probably because eclips is obviously new to RPGs (no offense, eclips. Everyone's new at one point. You wouldn't believe how many times I've screwed up. And I mean screwed up majorly). eclips, some advice: don't just jump from one location to another. And don't have characters who are doing other things do unrelated things in your posts (Rorohiko had said he was going to get some sleep) ----------------------------------------- As Rorohiko walked back to Oak's Lab, he remembered. Remembered that day about five years ago, when his sister Vaxla gave him the Absol. [i]He was on the couch, reading. Vaxla was home for a week's break before heading to Indigo Plateu for the tournament, and it was day seven. She would be leaving after lunch. She sat down beside Rorohiko. "I have something for you, Rorohiko." Rorohiko put the book down. "Yeah? What is it?" "Remember the last time I was home, about a year and a half ago? You told me that you'd figured out your life's goal, and that you'd stop at nothing to acheive it. I didn't think much of it at the time-it goes against everything I know as a trainer to focus on one Pokemon-but I said I'd help you if I could. Well, a few weeks ago, I found a way to." Vakla took an Ultra Ball off of her belt. "This is for you," she said, handing it to him. "That Pokemon put up a good fight, but I managed to catch it. I think you'll find befriending it a challenge, but I'm certain you can handle it." Rorohiko took the Ultra Ball. "There's a Pokemon in here, you said. Is it-" "An Absol? Yes, it is. He's yours now." Rorohiko shook his head. "No. He's not mine. If I'm going to learn everything about Absol, I have to start by befriending this one. Thinking of him as mine would be a bad idea. I'd be more likly to treat him like I own him. I don't want to do that." Rorohiko stopped talking, took his eyes off of the ball, and looked at his sister. "Thank you, Vaxla. Thank you." "Just make sure you solve all the mysteries, or you'll have to give him back." Vaxla laughed. "I don't mean that, of course. He's yours now, Rorohiko, even if you don't like to think of him as yours. Good luck with your goal, Rorohiko. Good luck."[/i] When Rorohiko reached Oak's Lab, he asked Oak to find him a room to sleep in. Oak did, and Rorohiko was quickly asleep.
  13. Rorohiko chuckled. "He's lucky he didn't challenge me. Next time he shows up, let me handle him. He won't know what hit him. See, I may not be a trainer in the sense that most people mean it-collecting badges and all that-but I've been with Absol for about five years, and it's quite tough. He had a difficult enough time with the Bulbasaur for having such a power advantage. If I battle him, he'll never know what hit him. And he can't even type-trump, because Absol has moves that cover his type weaknesses. I'll take that guy the next time he shows up, and I won't have any trouble with him. "As for the Orbs, well, we have one, as you said. Obviously, if we catch one of the three legendary Pokemon we're after, the problem will be one-third solved, meaning that, in this case, the true soul-whatever process will be slower to happen, which gives us more time. Time to find the other Orbs. Of course, we can divide and conquer. I've already arranged for a ride to CInnibar, and I'll get a boat to Slateport from there. I'm goint tomorrow, no matter who comes with me. I'll take the Orb we have, and catch Jirachi with it. As for the rest of you, well, I can probably handle the job by myself, but any help will be appreciated. Anyone who wants to can come with me. Everyone else, start looking for the other Orbs. Now, I don't know why I let you all drag me out here. I'm going back to Pallet. Anyone who's going after Jirachi with me, be there before 10:00 tomorrow morning, because that's when the boat leaves. I'm boarding at about 9:50, so you'll need to be there by then, or you'll have to pay to get on. I'll see you all tomorow." WIth that, Rorohiko left the group, heading back to Oak's Lab to spend the night.
  14. Something came in fast from behind Digmon, and went right through it. Digmon dissipated into data. The new DIgimon looked around. He was humanoid in appearance, although he did have bat-like wings. He wore red and black armor. In one hand he had a sword, and in the other a bladed disk. "My name is Frounumon," it said, "and I am the one you've been expecting. I'm sorry that I kept you waiting, but I was delayed. A couple of other Digimon were heading in this direction, and they would have been too much for you to handle. I had to stop them. "I suppose I should start at the beginning." He looked around, then spotted a tablet on the ground. He picked it up. "Stralnomon, Alpha Point Protector, wrote this yesterday, before his destruction. Since none of you humans will be able to read our language, I'll read it to you, but there is some explaning that must be done first." And so Fronumon explained how the digital world worked: the various digivolution levels (Rookie, Champion, etc.), the fact that Digimon, being data, don't truly die, although they are very different when they are reborn (like reincarnation), etc. He also explained about the Digimon partners. When he was done with that, Fronumon indicated the tablet. "Now, I'll read this to you. "'Alpha Point Protector, Final Entry: The choice was incorrect. He came for the Alpha Point today. He had visited every other Point first. It was easy for me to determine this, as it?s the only way he could have won so easily. It is fortunate that this was prepared for, but you may be killed before you can utilize these preparations. This is the last thing I can do. Tell what I know. And I barely have the strength to leave this information. I will be dead shortly. I just hope that you will find this information useful. The workings of this world I do not need to explain, as when you arrive here, you will be met by one who will explain that. You will know that by the time you read this. It?s fortunate that you will arrive at the Alpha Point, because I am unable to get this information anywhere else. 2 years ago, a Digimon called Goldramon configured the Alpha Point to set into process your transportation here when the Alpha Point Focus was taken. He was only capable of configuring one point, and he chose this one. Then he went searching for a Digimon of unknown identity. This Digimon desires control. Goldramon tried to stop him, but was unable. The Digimon knew that he would be unable to take this world as he was then. He knew that, and he knew how to fix it. The Point Foci. After defeating Goldramon, he continued his search for them. He found the Gamma Point five days later, and took its Focus. The Delta Point Focus was next, followed by the Epsilon Point Focus. He then found the Beta Point Focus, and Omega was next. Alpha was last, and he took it today, the day before you should arrive here. He will strike soon, and only you can stop him. You must go to the six Points. At each one, there is a Crystal for each of you. These Crystals will give you and the Digimon Partners you got upon your arrival here new abilities. With all of the Crystals, you will be able to challenge this Digimon. On the other side of this tablet is a map with the locations of the Points. Use it. I must rely on you now, all of you. There is nothing more that I can do.' Frounomon then explained about the Points, Foci, and Crystals. "What Stralnomon wrote is correct," he said afterwards. "All of that is true. What he did not know is that I survived. I am the Omega Point Protector, and the only Point Protector who is still alive. I could have told you all of what he wrote. What I will say is that, yes, we are at Alpha Point. The Alpha Crystals are here. find them, then go to Beta Point. Continue to Gamma, then Delta, then Epsilon, and finish with Omega. I must leave now, as I have other business to attend to. If I survive, I will see you again at Omega Point. Good luck." And with that, he was gone.
  15. [quote name='Bigman318']I got zone of the enders 2nd runner last week.I am trying to get naked jehuty in vs mode![/quote] That's an excellent game. I've had it for more than a year, and it is still my favorite PS2 game. Oh, and to unlock Naked Jehuty, here's what you have to do: After the Zero Shift program settles and you get Jehuty Ver. 2, you'll be in a cargo shaft. Battle through it until you come to a narrow tunnel. In there, you'll see a scene. After the scene, you'll be in the second part of the cargo shaft. Eventually, you'll reach another narrow tunnel. Do not enter it. Instead, shoot the red lines in front of openings at ground level. They will dissapear. Enter the opening, and you will be at an area where you will fight Naked Jehuty. Win, then collect the miniature replica to unclock Naked ehuty in VS mode.
  16. "There's just one problem with you wanting to be as close to each of your Pokemon as I am to my Absol," Rorohiko told Mizu. "And what's that?" "Absol is the only Pokemon I have-let me again stress that I don't think of him as mine, I just use those terms because I don't know of any better ones-and I don't plan to catch any others. I believe that to be one of the reasons why my bond with my Absol is stronger than any trainer's bond with a Pokemon. Trainers have multiple Pokemon, and must divide their attention between all of their Pokemon. I have only Absol, and he's been my only Pokemon for years. I don't have any plans to catch any others, because I'm not a trainer. I don't believe it is possible for one to be as close to a Pokemon as I am to my Absol if one has multiple Pokemon." He looked out the window. "It's getting late. I'm goint to turn in, and I reccommend you do, to. Tomorrow will be a busy day."
  17. You're in. Sign-ups are now closed.
  18. OOC: Everyone appears in Alpha Point, remember? Alpha Point is underground, and there aren't any trees. -------------------------------------------------- After the introductions, David looked around at everyone. [i]The whole group this time, and I even got everyone's names. Interesting, but it's definatly still a dream. Well, might as well play along.[/i] "All right, there's got to be a reason why we're all here," he said aloud. "There has to be a point. Do any of you Digimon know what that point is?" "No more than you," Hawkmon said. "But there should be a Digimon arriving here shortly that does." As if on cue, a yellow Digimon with drills for hands dug into the cave. He looked at the humans. There was purpose in his eyes. Purpose and malice. "That's Digmon," Hawkmon said, "and he doesn't look friendly." "And he's between us and the entrance," Angel remarked. "What do we do now?" David wanted to know. ALl of the Digimon stepped forward. "We can take him," Hawkmon assured David. "He's more powerful, but it's eleven to one." "Um... good luck." --------------------------------------------- OOC: Alright, first battle. No digivolution, so the Digimon wil have to work together to win.
  19. Time for a few more points. 1: Latios and Latias are like Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Whenevery you change areas, so does Latias or Latios, the one you can catch depending on the version you're playing. Not at all like Lugia, who is always in the Whirl Islands, even though you can't find it without the Silver Wing. 2: I realize that no one pair of Pokemon can proove all of the points I made previously, but I can and did proove all of them (except number 1, but you can proove that by yourself easily). I have to ask why not being able to think of one Pokemon or pair of Pokemon that alone can disproove all your points, thereby prooving mine, is relevant. 3: True, the show and movies make up a lot, but they're consistant. I've only found one exception, and even that isn't really an exception (in the Battle for Lugia episodes, two Lugia are seen. The Pokemon 2000 movie gives the impression that there is only one. Of course, that's never actually said, which is why even that's not really an exception). 4: What the show and movies make up is mainly the plot, which the games don't have much of. The Pokemon relations are generally kept consistent, although there are a few changes in the name of plot. This arguement can't really be done through the games (legendary Pokemon can't breed in the games), so I'm basing what points I can off of the show and movies, with the parts about Pokemon and movesets taken from the games (which the show and movies seem to stay consistent with).
  20. Again, everyone's in. And though I forgot to mention the Epsilon Crystal (found at Epsilon Point, obviously), there's nothing to say, because its effect, like the Omega Crystal's, is unknown.
  21. "Basic maps are no problem, expecially when you travel as much as I do," Rorohiko replied. "I'll need a map to figure out where we are if we go cross-countrty, but if we stick to the main routes, I'll know exactly where we are. Of course, there is an exception: Ferina. I know exactly where Ferina is, and how to get there from every port in Hoenn. And it wouldn't be any trouble at all to figure out routes from other points." "I can probably get us to Hoenn. I have quite a reputation among sailors, especially the more superstitious ones who are deathly afraid of seeing an Absol. They consider it almost certain death to see one, due to the whole disaster thing. And here I am, devoting my life to figuring out Absol. My bond with my Absol is stronger than any bond a trainer-which I do not consider myself, by the way-has ever had with a Pokemon. Those sailors don't know exactly what to think about me, but I've met a few who truly believe that I can cause the deaths of them and destrution of their ships just by letting my Absol out of its ball. I can secure passage, all right. And in the luxury section, too. Trust me." He laughed. "We can't leave without everyone, though," he continued. "I'll secure passage to Cinnibar. Everyone else, go find Katai. But be quick, because we'll probably leave tomorrow. And I won't wait."
  22. I had that same thing happen to me. I reached the point where you say she was but wasn't supposed to be, and she wasn't there. I went onward, but died before the next save point. When I reached that part again, there she was. I died a few more times, and every time she was there. She even shot me with an arrow when I atacked her. But when I played through a second time (without dying between that save point and the next), she wasn't there.
  23. You know what I mean. Not all Legendary Pokemon are related to each other. Entei, Raikou, Suicune, and Ho-oh are all related. Moltres, Zaptos, Articuno, and Lugia are all related. Jirachi, Celebii, Zapdos, Suicune, Groudon, and Regirock are not related. That was my point. Good arguing, though. Anyone else have any oppinions on this? Maybe Cloud Strife or Vicky would like to try and counter my arguements?
  24. "It's my desire to go after Jirachi first," Rorohiko said, "simply because it's in Ferina, and I have other business in Ferina. But there are reasons that apply to you as well. First, we can find Jirachi. We don't know where Mew is, and Celebii can travel through time, so until we can figure out a way to call it to our time, we'd have to get really lucky to find it. There's also the fact that Ferina will be easier to reach than Ilex. We can take a boat from Pallet to Cinnibar, and from Cinnibar to Slateport in Hoenn, which isn't too far from Ferina. To get to Ilex, we'll be on foot the whole way from here in Pallet, and even if we get the easy route through Indigo Plateu, it's still quite a hike. However, Slateport serves Olivine in hoto, and if we cut cross-country, we'll be at Azalea in no time at all. There's one more reason why we should go after Jirachi first: Jirachi will be the easiest to capture by far. See, Jirach is currently sleeping. It won't wake up for another thousand years. It's part of the problem because it absorbs energy from the Millennium Comet while awake. Normally it only does this once, right before it goes back to sleep.When it awoke recently, it absorben energy twice-long story. Twice as much energy is being released while Jirachi sleeps. TO stop that, we need to catch it, which will be simple due to it's being asleep. We'll only have to worry about its protector, an Absol, and I can deal with him. So, hat's my oppinion. Any other oppinions, or do we go for Jirachi first?" --------------------------------------- OOC: Again, the Jirachi stuff is from the Jirachi: Wish Maker (I really dislike that title) movie. Oh, and because Pallet is on the coast (as anyone who's played the R/B/Y games should know), so one would think there would be boats that at least go to nearby Cinnibar. Cinnibar, as a resort island (as you should know if you watched the two episodes of Ash vs. Blaine), would have boats arriving and departing from and to basically every city with a decent-sized port (like Slateport). Logical, right?
  25. Amazing. Arika, you just broke tradition. Your sign-up was completed before I saw it. *Laughs* You're in. It's up now. As I said before, sign-ups are still open. I'll post a notification in this thread when they are closed.
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