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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
[size=2]David woke up Saturday morning, and sat up in his bed. [i]Another one of those dreams. Why do I keep having those dreams?[/i] The dreams had started about 2 years ago. The first dream was David and a group of several other people in an unfamiliar world, with strange creatures, one for each person. Later dreams had sometimes included the whole group, but sometimes only some of them were with him. What didn't change was that each of the creatures was associated with a particular person, only in the dream when that person was, and always in the dream with that person. David had become more familiar with the world after a while of dreaming about it, but he still knew no names of the other humans, or of the creatures. The exception was a general name, indicating all of the creatures in the world of his dreams: Digimon. He also knew that each of the humans, himself included, had a device called a digivice. After breakfast, David logged onto the Internet to check his e-mail. There were no new messages. As he was about to log off, a message apeared onscreen: [center]Alert! Alpha Point compromised! Immedeate assistancee required! You have been chosen to aid our world. Prepare for transportation. [/center] "What the hell?" David muttered. He clicked on the "close" button. The next thing he knew, he was face-down in the dirt. He sat up and looked around. He was in a cave of some kind. In the center was what looked like the remnants of a pedestal. David saw something on the ground beside him and picked it up. [i]I've seen this. In the dreams. A digivice.[/i] He heard a noise behind him. He knew what he would see before he turned around: the small bird creature associated with him in the dreams. "You- you're- you're a- a Digimon." "Yes. I'm Hawkmon." [i]It has a name. This time it has a name. I must still be asleep and dreaming, and I'm getting names this time.[/i] "Um... hi. I'm David." ----------------------------------------------- OOC: Everyone, your first post needs to be like mine. Your character wakes up, has been having dreams of the digital world, and somehow ends up in the cave where David is (Alpha Point, by the way). Have fun! [/size]
[i]I can't take the risk that he's remembering things,[/i] Azufe thought. Fortunatly, he had remembered the doctor's warning and had come up with a story ahead of time. A story with a little truth to it. "They said this might happen," he said. "Bolt, your mind is trying to remember your life. What you're getting probably doesn't make sense right now, so let me give you a little history. You never told me the exact age, but when you were young, your family was killed in a battle between the army, and we're not with them, and we don't like them very much. We don't like the air force or navy, either. They go for the brute force approach, which only shows the Digimon that the bad things they believe about us are true. We prefer to take a stelthier approach, and only strike where we need to. "ANyways, Bolt, your family was killed durring the battle-they were civilians, by the way-and your house was destroyed. You were found by a group of people called data hunters. Basically, they get any kind of information they can, be it new weapon designs, new technological developments, whatever. They sell this data for money. A group of three found you. You told me their names: Crossfire, Wind, and Chain. They trained you, and they taught you their beliefs. "Data hunters tend to have a very bad view of us millitary people. You never told me why you left them and came to us a few months ago, but you did. Actually, you went to the Marines, who we also don't like, although they're better than the other main branches. They gave you to us. I was assigned to supplement your skills with what they didn't teach you but you would need. "With your help, we caught Crossfire, Wind, and Chain. You prooved to be a very valuable field agent. Then, you had the injury that removed your long-term memory. That was just a couple days ago. You should remember the rest." Azufe stood up. "We need to get going. These people are going to lead us to someone who knows what we're here to learn. We're taking the parahawk, and they're leading us on foot. We need to go now."
You're both in. I'm going to start this tonight, but I'll leave sign-ups open for a while longer, so you can still sign up if you want to.
"I've heard that rumor myself," Rorohiko said. "It can't hurt to take a look, and compared to the distance we'll have to travel to get to Ferina in Hoenn, Ilex Forest is nothing. If Oak can get us into Indigo Plateu, which I'm sure he can, it'll be even easier. Otherwise, we'll just have to do it the hard way: hike through the mountains. Either way, we should end up in New Bark Town, if I remember the Jhoto layout correctly. From there, it's to nearby Cherrygrove, then Violet, then through Union Cave to Azalea. And for those of you who want to take the Pokemon League Challenge, Vilot and Azalea are where the first two Gym Leaders of Jhoto are found." He turns to Oak. "All right. We still need to know where Mew is, and can you get us entry into Indigo Plateu?"
"Let her go," Rorohiko said. "She'll be fine. She's headed for Pewter to face whoever's there in Brock's place, right? he'll have to pass through Viridian Forest first. Either she'll make through fine, or she'l freak out and come running back here. If you want to go looking for her, that's fine with me, but I'm not coming. We have a job to do, and the first thing we need to do is figure out where to find Mew and Celebii. As I said, I already know how to find Jirachi." He notices that everyone is looking at him. "How do you know she'll be fine?" Carter asked. "Do you not care about her?" "No. I've never seen her before in my life. The only two things I know about her are that her name is Katai and that she has a Venonat. I have no reason to worry about her. Besides, nobody ever has much trouble in Veridian. It's a beginner's area. She'll be fine." ------------------------------------- OOC: Brock travels with Ash, so he's not at the Pewter Gym. I forget who replaced him.
I just noticed that I forgot to include digivice color in the sign-up form, but you all put it anyways. David's digivice is black-and-purple. The digivices are circular, with four buttons evenly spaced around the side and a screen on top. They are sized so that they fit easily into the palm of your character's hand. Everyone is in so far. I'll give this a little more time before starting it.
[i]There will come a day when our world is beyond us. A day when we no longer control what is ours. It was my hope to prevent this day from coming, but I have failed. I could not remove the threat to our world. I feared that this would be true, which is why I have a backup plan. It will begin upon the taking of the Alpha Point. I was only able to configure one as a trigger, so I chose the one I thought would be the first target. I can only hope that I chose correctly.[/i] Alpha Point Protector, Final Entry: [i]The choice was incorrect. He came for the Alpha Point today. He had visited every other Point first. It was easy for me to determine this, as it?s the only way he could have won so easily. It is fortunate that this was prepared for, but you may be killed before you can utilize these preparations. This is the last thing I can do. Tell what I know. And I barely have the strength to leave this information. I will be dead shortly. I just hope that you will find this information useful. The workings of this world I do not need to explain, as when you arrive here, you will be met by one who will explain that. You will know that by the time you read this. It?s fortunate that you will arrive at the Alpha Point, because I am unable to get this information anywhere else. 2 years ago, a Digimon called Goldramon configured the Alpha Point to set into process your transportation here when the Alpha Point Focus was taken. He was only capable of configuring one point, and he chose this one. Then he went searching for a Digimon of unknown identity. This Digimon desires control. Goldramon tried to stop him, but was unable. The Digimon knew that he would be unable to take this world as he was then. He knew that, and he knew how to fix it. The Point Foci. After defeating Goldramon, he continued his search for them. He found the Gamma Point five days later, and took its Focus. The Delta Point Focus was next, followed by the Epsilon Point Focus. He then found the Beta Point Focus, and Omega was next. Alpha was last, and he took it today, the day before you should arrive here. He will strike soon, and only you can stop him. You must go to the six Points. At each one, there is a Crystal for each of you. These Crystals will give you and the Digimon Partners you got upon your arrival here new abilities. With all of the Crystals, you will be able to challenge this Digimon. On the other side of this tablet is a map with the locations of the Points. Use it. I must rely on you now, all of you. There is nothing more that I can do.[/i] Well, there?s the backstory. To make sure you have the terms right, here?s a list: Points: there are six Points. They are the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Omega Points. Each point contains Crystals and a Focus. Foci: Energy sources. Each Point contains one Focus. Crystals: They fit into the Digivices of the humans called to the Alpha Point. Each Crystal gives a new ability. The abilities are as follows: Alpha Crystal: Found at Alpha Point. Allows the Digimon partner to digivolve to Champion. Beta Crystal: Found at Beta Point. Allows the Digimon partner to digivolve to Ultimate. Gamma Crystal: Found at Gamma Point. Allows the human to call armor. The armor is capable of flight and of firing energy blasts of varying duration. The armor of a human is the same color as that human?s digivice. The armor also has a weapon that differs for each human. Delta Crystal: Found at Delta Point. Allows the Digimon partner to digivolve to Mega. Omega Crystal: Found at Omega Point. Unknown effect. All right, here?s the sign-up, with my character as an example: Name: David Age(10-18, please): 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Very tall, he stands at about 6 feet 5 inches. He has brown hair and eyes. Very muscular, but not overly so. He knows the ideal condition for his body, and he keeps it that way. He wears black shorts, and a t-shirt with "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Personality: A fast thinker, and quick to adapt to any situation. If he starts something, he?ll always finish it. He doesn?t know how to give up, and doesn?t tolerate it when others want to. Not one to start a fight, but he?ll certainly finish it. Weapon(The weapon that your character uses with the armor of the Gamma Crystal. Not carried with your character, the weapon appears with the armor): Two metal poles. Digimon(appearance and attacks are required for Digimon you make up): Rookie: Hawkmon Champion: Aquilamon Ultimate: Sylphimon Mega: AncientIrismon You can have a bio if you want, but it?s optional. For one thing, I find that having a set bio for a character reduces character development options. And the bio will probably come out during the RPG anyways. I will screen applicants, but my standards aren?t very high. Basically, if it?s clear you?ve put effort into your sign-up, you?re in. I think that?s everything. PM me if you have any questions.
Because nobody seems to get it, I'll explain why I believe Antonio Banderas was chosen for the role of Puss in Boots. The Puss in Boots character in [i]Shrek 2[/i] is a pretty obvious Zorro spoof, right down to carving a 'p' (Zorro carves a 'z'). Antonio Banderas has played Zorro. He spoofs himself as Puss in Boots in [i]Shrek 2[/i].
"Well, your name and the name of the other human-I recognise the Digimon, and I know which ones they are-would be a good place to start," Azufe said. "I'm Azufe, my Digimon partner is Terriermon, and the unconcious one is Bolt." "I'm Kira," the girl replied, "and this is Tera." "Thank you. Now, I assume you're all here because of the explosion?" "Was that you?" Kira asked. "Yes. I had to execute a manuver(sp?) that my vehicle wasn't designed for. Is spun out, and a bomb and detonator flew out of my pack. The bomb exploded a couple seconds after Terriermon removed it from the vehicle." "Oh." Azufe laughed. "Accidents happen. Now, I'm willing to go with you, because I need to speak with someone who knows what's going on here. I just need Bolt back. Once I've secured him to the vehicle and made sure that the device in his hand is safely in his pack, I'll follow you on the vehicle to wherever I need to go. Agreed?"
All right, let's poke some holes in your argument. 1: Lugia is Flying/Psychic. This means that your flying-but-not-flying type point is incorrect. 2: Movesets have nothing to do with your argument. Many Water Pokemon learn Water Gun, Bubble, etc. Thundershock, Thunderbolt, and Thunder Wave can be learned by many Electric Pokemon. Thunderbolt can even be learned by Dark-type Absol, which, by the way, can get a move learnable by several Pyschic Pokemon, Future Sight(sp?). Most lying Pokemon can learn Fly. None of that means anything except that there's an overlap of moves. This overlap is because there's no reason to give every Pokemon unique moves, not because these Pokemon are related. 3: Appearance does not indicate relation. Case in point: Plusle/Minun and Pichu. Plusle and Minun look a lot like Pichu, but there's no relation between Plusle/Minun and Pichu. 4: Names also have nothing to do with relation. Case in point: Spheal and Seel. Similar names (both based on the word "seal", by the way), but there's no relation between them. 5: Let me name a few legendary Pokemon: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Moltres, Suicune, Groudon. Those are all legendary Pokemon, but none of them are related. 6: Latias and Latios have known orgins(sp?). If you see the Pokemon Heroes movie (now avalible on VHS and DVD), you'll learn what their orgins are.
"Preconceptions," Rorohiko guessed. "They know too much. This is something that hasn't been done before. You can't apply prior experiance to it. People with experiance would try to use the techniques that have worked for them in the past. Those might not work for what we have to do, so it's better to bring in people who don't have that experiance. That's already applied to my life." "How has it applied to your life?" Mizu asked. "I have one goal, and it's almost undoubtable different than your dreams are. Nobody has made any progress toward figuring out what I want to figure out. I looked at none of the research that has already been done, because it would give me preconceptions that would quite possibly be incorrect. Better to start from scratch than to work off of possibly misdirected research." He turned to Oak again. "Is that the reason, or is it something else?"
"I knew we'd go there," Rorohiko said. He didn't think about the significance of the true actions of soul thing. "And where's that?" Carter asked. Rorohiko looked at Oak, who nodded his permission. "An area called Ferina. Ferina is Jirachi's home. I would have gone there by myself if Oak hadn't called me. And no, I have no interest in Jirachi. I'll explain later. What matters is that I owe Oak big time for getting me to the people who directed me. unknowingly, to Ferina. That's why I'll do this." Rorohiko turned to Oak again. "I know how to find Jirachi, but I have no idea where Mew and Celebi are. I assume that you do, and we need to know that. So please tell us. Where are they?"
"This is the way, all right," Azufe said to Terriermon. "Let's go get Bolt." When they got back to the Parahawk and found Bolt gone, Azufe went right to work. He inspected the area. "Look at this, Terriermon. Someone was dragged off. It has to be Bolt." Azufe looked at the tunnel the drag marks entered. "Big enough for the parahawk. Good. We'll catch up in no time." Terriermon hopped on behind Azufe, who started the parahawk and drove it down the tunnel. He went at a good clip, but slow enough that he could be sure that he was following the drag marks. It wasn't long before he saw Bolt, who was still being dragged. There were Digimon in front of Bolt, and one was dragging him. "Stop!" Azufe shouted. "We're not here to harm you! We're not here to fight! We were sent to investigate strange energy readings, sent by a man named Imahori, who knows more about this place than he told us. He knew what we would find here, and he made sure we knew not to engage! Is there anyone willing to speak with me?"
OOC: I'm back. -------------------------------------------- Sharomon prooved to be very easy for shinmon to defeat. He didn't use any special powers, just came in with his pole. Karanlik's experiance with poles applied as Shinmon, and he was able to easily knock Sharonmon all over the place. Eventually, Sharonmon gave up. "I'll be back," he said as he turned and ran. [i]I was hopeing for a challenge,[/i] Shinmon thought. [i]Well, hopefully he'll put up a better fight next time.[/i] Shinmon took to the air, searching for the other DFWs. It wasn't long before he saw something. As he decended, he was able to watch as a bug Digimon destroyed a dying Digimon (ShadowHumon), then attacked the DFWs, taking out a lot of evil Digimon as it did. [i]Doesn't let anything get in his way. I think I like him[/i] Shinmon decided to change his plan, and take advantage of the opportunity he saw. He landed beside Tigromon. "What the hell is that thing?" Everyone looked at Shinmon, not knowing who he was. But Tigromon knew. "Karanlik! Perfect timing. That bug thing is Mantis Kabuterimon, and it's our opponent." Shinmon chuckled. "Your opponent, you mean." Before Tigromon could react, Shinmon hit him in the head with a Dragon Fire Shot, following up with a hard kick that sent Tigromon flying. Shinmon looked at Mantis Kabuterimon. "We're on the same side. I'll take care of him," he indicated Tigromon, "and I'll keep out of your way." ------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope it's okay if Shinmon and Tigromon fight.
Rorohiko reached the lab, and saw everyone talking with their Pokemon. [i]They look like they're bonding,[/i] he thought. [i]I hope they realize that that will take a while. You can't bond overnight.[/i] He walked right past the new Trainers and into the lab. "Hello, Rorohiko," Professor Oak said when he saw Rorohiko. "Any progress?" Rorohiko nodded. "Yes, actually. That Ash kid was helpful-thanks for setting up our meeting, by the way-but his companion May had the piece of information that told me where I can find what is probably the key to understanding why Absol have the disaster thing." "Good. Be sure to tell me if you learn anything." "Not if," Rorohiko replied. "When. I will figure it out, and nothing will prevent that. Now, I believe you wanted me for something?" "Yes," Oak replied, "and I think you'll be interested once you learn where you'll all be going. Wait outside with the others. They're having a little bonding time." "Well, that's probably good. They should at least be familiar with their Pokemon. Just please don't make me wait too long." Rorohiko walked outside and sat down. He grabbed the Ultra Ball his sister had captured his Absol with, though he didn't think of the Absol as his in the sense that most people use the word in, ownership. Rorohiko's Absol was his partner. "He knows what we have to do next, you know," Rorohiko said. "He knows that there's an Absol in Ferina. Ash told him. That's why he directus us to Ash and company. He thought that Ash might know something useful. I didn't expect we'd be able to get such detail of the whole thing. I can actuallyvisualize all of it without having to make anything up at all. Though I suppose with four people, at least one person will remember each part of an event. "It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Absol in Ferina is the key to figuring out the mystery of your kind that I mentioned. Oak believes that whatever he wants with everyone here will involve a trip to Ferina. I guess it's better to go with a group than by ourselves, though these newbies are just as likely to get in our way as they are to help us. Well, at least they give us the advantage of numbers, and they might not be that bad by the time we get to Ferina. I just hope Oak doesn't expect us to devote ourselves to whatever task he has for us, because there's no way I'm going to leave without giving the Absol there a very thurough study. ---------------------------------------- OOC: No, I did not make up Ferina. In the movie Jirachi: Wish Maker, Jirachi's home is Ferina. An Absol acts as Jirachi's protector.
1: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Easily the funniest show on television. A fake news show, The Daily Show pokes fun at everything, and takes some brutal swipes at political events. From running footage of the eight world leaders at the Geneva Convention walking along a beach while playing the Empire theme from Star Wars to calling their coverage of the anniversary of Bush's aircraft carrier landing '365 Days Later' (a play on the title of zombie movie 28 Days Later), they've beaten Bush and co. in every possible way, and a few impossible ones. But the Democrats don't escape Jon Stewart, who frequently makes fun of Jon Kerry. Add a great batch of correspondants, and you have a show that's almost too funny for TV. 2: South Park: Also hillarious. To my knowledge, there isn't anything that's escaped South Park. From SARS ("There's only a 98% chance you'll survive") to Pokemon (He doesn't really have a small penis!") to alien abduction stories ("Dude, stop farting fire!"), if it exists, South Park has maken fun of it. 3: Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn: Four comedians plus host Colin Quinn talking-arguing, actually, and frequently shouting-about the issues. The best "regular" guests are Nick DiPallio, Jim Norton, Patrice O'Neil, Kieth Robinson, and Judy Gold. Denis LEary has also made apperances, and even Jon Stewart and Dave Chapell (sp?) have made appearances.
The RPG will be in the Adventure Arena, probably with the same title as this thread. Name: Rorohiko Age: 16 Pokemon Dream: To know everything there is to know about the Pokemon Absol Starter: Absol Description: About 6 feet tall, with brown hair and eyes. He is of average build. He almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt with "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Short bio: Rorohiko is autistic. He is unable to interpret body language, and as a result seems innappropriate quite often. He sometimes takes offense when none is meant. As a result of this, he tends to be shuned my others, but he doesn't mind. He prefers solitude anyways, though he's willing to help anyone who needs it, as he was helped to learn to function socially. When he was 9, he first heard of a Pokemon called Absol. He was facinated when he learned that Absol appear before disasters, such as earthquakes, tidal waves, etc. He decided that he would figure out everything there is to know about Absol. Two years later, his sister, a trainer, encountered an Absol. Thinking of Rorohiko, she caught it, and gave it to him.Since then, he has bonded with his Absol. No trainer has ever developed a bond with his or her Pokemon so strong as the one between Rorohiko and his Absol. He is closer to his Absol than he is to anyone else, human or Pokemon. Rorohiko still has the goal of learning everything about Absol, and he won't let anything stand in his way. Personality: Rorohiko's kind, and will help out if at all possible. He's a fast thinker, and seems to have a plan for almost any situation. He's also a smart-***, although he can be serious about almost anything when he wants to. The only thing he never jokes about is his passion for his Absol. His Absol is closer to him than any human, and he's willing to do anything to protect his Absol. He's also very determined. If he decides he's going to do something, either help him or get out of his way. Hope that's OK. This vould be fun.
Mighty Kai, Lightning is not a Vasen element choice. The only Vasen remaining is the Earth/Darkness one. Everyone else is in, but Arika, you do need to finish your sign-up (like always). I need the remaining Vasen and at least four Warriors before I can start this RPG, so please, nobody sign up as an Enigma or FOllower until I have four Warriors and another Vasen. For those who have signed up, please PM anyone you think would be interested, and maybe make second characters. I really want this RPG to get going.
[i]It takes a god to create. It takes a man to destroy.[/i]-Inscription on tablet of unknown origin. [i]They were alone, only the two of them, the God and the Goddess. They were happy together, but they were lonely. So they created the land of Taran. The created the creatures of the land, air, and sea. To a few species, they gave the gift of sentience, of reasoning. Dragons and phoenixes dominated the skies, mermaids controlled the seas, and minotaurs and centaurs ruled the land. Then the God and the Goddess created humans.[/i] [i]The humans were few in number at first, but they bred extremely fast, and were soon the largest species in Taran. Other creatures had powers or physical abilities that the humans didn?t, but the humans compensated with numbers and innovations. Soon, the humans controlled Taran. And humans have a remarkable ability to ruin what they control.[/i] [i][/i] [i]The humans had no respect for nature or balance. They did what they wanted without thought of the consequences. They upset the balance of nature so much that Taran was on the brink of destruction. So the God and the Goddess created the Vasen. The Vasen restored balance to Taran, and remain to make sure that the humans don?t screw it up again.[/i] [i][/i] [i]The intelligent creatures were still being hunted, but the humans knew it would be hard to exterminate them. They managed a compromise with the humans: the humans don?t try to exterminate their species, and they don?t try to exterminate the humans. Everyone knew that there would be those who disagreed, so the agreement was to be maintained unless one side began to actively hunt and kill the other [/i]en masse[i]. This was accepted by humans, who were just afraid that the other creatures would kill them. It remains like this today[/i]-Creation story of unknown origin. The creation story is just a story, but the results are true. Humans live in peace with other intelligent creatures only because if they start a war, the creatures would join forces and destroy the humans. The Vasen ensure that the balance of nature isn?t upset. It?s been prophesized that if the balance was upset beyond the ability of the Vasen to fix, they would be given aid by select humans, ones who would be willing to maintain balance. That time has come. Someone with great power has appeared. Nobody knows where he is or what he wants, but everyone knows he?s up to no good and might end up destroying Taran. It is time for the human warriors to find their destiny. All right. Now that the backstory?s done, let?s get to the world of Taran. Taran is divided into seven areas, called realms, which are as follows: [url="http://www.wordtheque.com/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w.t?w=zaleĆ°ivanje&l=hr"]Zaleoivanje[/url]: The ice realm. Boarders Vanduo and Kalnas. The second-largest region, and one of only two that don?t border Qender. A rather forbidding region, everything there is frozen. Not many humans live there, although there are several towns and villages. Populated mainly by animals that fall in the ?unintelligent? category, although some creatures there, such as ice dragons, are intelligent. The humans in Zaleoivanje are your basic law-abiding people, although there isn?t any real law-enforcement. The towns and villages are small enough that everyone knows everyone else, and everyone?s willing to come to the aid of a person in need. [url="http://www.wordtheque.com/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w.t?w=vanduo&l=lt"]Vanduo[/url]: The water realm. Boarders Zaleoivanje, Arbarego, and Qender. The region is swamp at the Arbarego border and becomes ice-covered near the border with Zaleoivanje. Lakes and rivers are everywhere, and the region has more water than land. Many humans live there, mainly in lakeside villages. There are no cities, simply because there are no land areas large enough. Water creatures are everywhere. As with Zaleoivanje, there is no real law-enforcement, but also no real crime. Again, everybody knows everybody well, and people are always willing to help those in need. [url="http://www.wordtheque.com/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w.t?w=arbarego&l=eo"]Arbarego[/url]: The forest realm. Boarders Qender, Vanduo and Sivatag. Obviously forested, although the vegetation gradually fades near the Sivatag border. Moderate human population, and tons of creatures. Many temporary camps are always in the area because of the numerous hunting parties. [u]Intunecat[/u]: The dark realm. Boarders Sivatag and Kalnas, and is one of two that don?t border Qender. Creatures of darkness dwell there, but no humans do. The area is always covered by an unnatural darkness. When people are looking for criminals, they look in Intunecat, which is why no criminals ever even think about going there. The place is crawling with bounty hunters looking for wanted men and women. [u]Sivatag[/u]: The desert realm. Borders Qender, Kalnas, and Intunecat. The largest realm. Rocky near the Kalnas border, but otherwise flat. Very dry and very hot. No humans live there, although some types of animals, both intelligent and unintelligent, do. Sivatag is a meeting place for criminals. Nobody ever wants to go there, making it easy to find a secure meeting spot. Even so, some criminal meetings and exchanges would probably be stopped if everyone wasn?t so busy scouring Intunecat. [u]Kalnas[/u]: The mountain realm. Boarders Qender Intunecat and Zaleoivanje. Hard for humans to live there, but flying creatures are in abundance. Cave-dwelling creatures live there as well, because of the natural cavern network. [u]Qender[/u]: The central realm physically. Boarders every realm except Zaleoivanje and Intunecat. The center of human population as well as the physical center, but very few creatures are seen there. The humans take up all of the space. There are virtually no towns and villages, but many cities. Character types are as follows: Vasen: Very powerful beings, they are responsible for maintaining balance. There are four. One has power over fire and light, and lives in Sivatag. One controls water and ice, and lives in Vanduo. One has powers of earth and darkness, and lives in Kalnas. The fourth has powers of nature and air, and lives in Arbarego. Warriors: Humans with element-based powers, they are responsible for aiding the Vasen when aid is required. There are some things that the Vasen cannot do, and some places they cannot go. The Warriors are responsible for doing what the Vasen cannot. Escuro: The main ?bad guy?. Nobody knows who he is, only his name. He possesses great power, but it is not known exactly what kind of power. Followers: They are the opposite of the warriors. They serve Escuro. They have element-based powers, just like the warriors. Enigmas: They?re a mystery. Nobody knows what they are, although they normally appear as humans. They aren?t in any of the myths, legends, or other kinds of stories, but they?ve always existed. It?s not clear what their goals are, but they?ve been known to aid both sides whenever there is a conflict.. Their only power is shape-shifting. An Enigma is able to transform into other creatures, a power that no other beings share. Only four Vasen are allowed, and I need all four of them (I?ll be playing as one). I don?t need Followers or Enigmas, but the RPG will be better if some people sign up as them. There are no limits on the amount of Warriors, Followers, or Enigmas allowed. I want at least four Warriors, so if there aren?t four already, please sign up as one (You can have two characters if you want, so you don?t have to only play as a warrior). I?d like it if nobody signed up as Followers or Enigmas until there are four Warriors and four Vasen (three, if you don?t count me). Nobody is allowed to play as Escuro. The sign-up is a bit different for each character type, but the first part is the same: Name: Gender: Personality: Character Type (Warrior, Follower, Vasen, or Enigma): Appearance: The rest of the Warrior and Follower sign-up is as follows: Age (Nothing younger than 15, please. And try not to go above 30): Bio: Element (Only one per person. Also, only one character of each type per element. A Warrior and a Follower can have the same element, but no two Warriors or Followers can): Powers (Keep it reasonable. Powers must be based on the chosen element): Here?s the rest of the Vasen sign-up: Elements (Either fire/light, water/ice, earth/darkness, or nature/air): Powers (Vasen are more powerful than Warriors and Followers, but it still needs to be reasonable): Here?s the rest of the Enigma sign-up: Age: (Between 100 and 500) Bio: Creature Forms (Creatures that an Enigma can become. Maximum of three. Note: While in creature forms, Enigmas communicate through telepathy unless the creature form is capable of producing human speech): Here?s my sign-up: Name: Seuneu Gender: Male Personality: A fast thinker, and quick to adapt to any situation. If he starts something, he?ll always finish it. He doesn?t know how to give up, and doesn?t tolerate it when others want to. Not one to start a fight, but he?ll certainly finish it. Character Type: Vasen Appearance: Very tall, he stands at about 6.5 feet. He has brown hair and eyes. Very muscular, but not overly so. He knows the ideal condition for his body, and he keeps it that way. He has several scars in various places on his body. He carries two metal poles, his weapons, strapped to his back. Elements: Fire/Light Powers: The fire side allows basic manipulation of fire. Seuneu is also immune to temperature extremes. The light side allows him to, when it?s dark (like at night.), utilize light energy in very basic ways, such as brief flashes of light, a limited brightening of a small area, etc. When it?s light (like during the day), he can draw energy from the light around him, allowing him to use it with much greater effect. He is also able to see perfectly well in any level of light. Notes: I will be screening applicants, but I?m not that strict (Basically, if it?s clear that you?ve put effort into your sign-up, you?re in). Technology-wise, the world of Taran is at a medieval level. Be certain that you follow the sign-up form for your character class [i]exactly[/i]. There is a reason that the sign-up form for each class is the way it is. If you sign up as an Enigma, I will be sending you many PMs over the course of this RPG. I think that's everything. PM me if you have any questions.
As soon as Karanlik stopped, Guilmon started to speak. "You're supposed to-" Karanlik cut him off. "Not yet, Guilmon. I want to figure something out first." He held up his Crest. The symbol on the purple Crest was a square rotated 45 degrees, with both diagnol lines. "I want to figure out why this symbol is the symbol of Hate." Karanlik knelt down. He drew the symbol in the dirt. He looked at it from several angles, but still couldn't see the reason. So he began erasing sections, seeing is a familiar symbol was hidden in the Hate symbol. He found one. When he erased the first half of each non-diagnol line, what was left was a Swastika(sp?). "CLever," he said to himself. "Very clever. Hate definatly applies to them." He stood up, and turned to GUilmon. "Now, you were saying?"
Well, it's hard for me to pick a favorite actor, but I really like VIn Diesel(sp?). Sure, he's not the most talented actor ever, but he does an excellent bad*ss, especially in Pitch Black. Riddick is just great, and I don't think many actors could pull off that role. SUre, it isn't that hard to do an action starr, but a great bad*ss character does take talent to do right. And Vin Diesel can do it right. I'm looking forward to Chronicles of Riddick.
OOC: I'm back. Hope it's okay if Azufe and Bolt cause the explosion (You did leave that one open). ----------------------------------------------------- When they woke up, Azufe supplamented what Bolt had on the tape player to make sure he knew what was going on. They packed up the gear, and the two of them hopped onto the parahawk, Terriermon safely in Azufe's pack. Azufe took it into the cave. Azufe turned the headlights on, and brought up the map on the parahawk's display. He followed the path he had plotted en route to the Himalayas, and encountered no troubles for about a minute. An unexpected stalagmite required him to make a quick and unexpected turn to avoid it. The parahawk wasn't designed to turn so quickly, and ended up doing a complete 360 degree spin. Bolt bumped a strap on Azufe's pack while reaching for a secure hold, and two objects flew out before he could close the pack. One landed on the display and attached itself. It was loose, as the screen was a surface it was not designed to attach to. The other flew into Azufe's head, bounced off, and landed on the front of the parahawk, near the bottom. "****!" Azufe swore. "What's going on?" Bolt asked. "There's a bomb on the front of the parahawk," Azufe explained. He wasn't even trying to follow the right path, instead chooseing tunnels at random. "The detonator's on my display. I can't remove the detonator, because that's what detonates the bomb. Problem is, the detonator's loose. It could fly off at any time, and boom! We're dead. I can't stop, because that'll probably cause the detonator to fly off." "What do we do?" "Teriermon, out of the pack! I need you to get the bomb!" "Got it!" Terriermon exited his pouch and made his way to the front of the parahawk as Azufe kept it moving. He knew that he could run into a dead end at any time, but he also knew he couldn't stop until the bomb was reomved. Terriermon swung over the display, careful not to bump the detonator. He let go, allowing the parahawk to slam into him and push him along. He detached the bomb, then flung himself up, over the display, over Azufe, and into Bolt's face. He threw the bomb onto the cave floor behind the parahawk. Suddenly, the detonator flew off, and the bomb, about two hundred feet behind them, blew up. Azufe stopped the parahawk, and he, Bolt, and Terriermon watched as the explosion caused the tunnel to cave in. "Just in time," Bolt said. Terriermon crawled back into his pouch as Azufe studied the map, plotting a new route to the target point. When he had one, he hit the gas and followed it.
OOC: Obviously, I managed to get on, but this is probably the only time I'll be able to this week, so please continue to keep Karanlik out of your posts. ------------------------------------------------------------- [i]There'll be arguements,[/i] Karanlik thought. [i]At least two people will be trying to take the position of group leader. There's no way that won't happen. When I make it back to them, I'll use that rivalry to set them on each other. I'll need to watch them for a bit, figure out who hates who, but nothing here will be too hard.[/i] Karanlik heard something coming behind him, and turned around. The Digimon he saw looked a lot like he did as Shinmon, though there were a few differences. The unknown Digimon had a black-and-grey color pattern. It had no wings or tail, and was lacking SHinmon's gun, though it had the pole. "I've been looking for you," the Digimon said. "My name is Sharomon." "What do you want?" Karanlik asked. "Impacient, I see. Must you be so eager to get down to business? I rather enjoy a nice chat." "Shut the hell up and tell me why you're here," Karanlik demanded. "Fine. I'm here because I want you dead." Karanlik wasn't surprised. "I thought you'd say that. Your informations is outdated, Sharomon. We're on the same side now." "YOur information is what's incorrect," Sharonmon replied. "I have nothing to do with Phobiamon. I am independent of both sides. I only want you. Well, actually, I want the crystal you have." "And why is that?" "Because it is a missing piece. I need all five of yours to complete the puzzle, and it'll be easier to gather them myself instead of wait for you to find them, and then take them." "I'm willing to make a deal," Karanlik said. "You help me take out the other Digi-Form Warriors, and you can have their crystals." Sharomon chuckled. "I'm afraid that the crystals of the others are of no importance to me. Only yours will affect me. There is one like me for each or the other warriors." Karanlik was quick to respond to that one. "Bull****. That's a lie, and you know it. And you're not very good at hiding it. You've got all the signs that you're lying. Sorry to spoil your fun." "You've never seen me before, and you already thing you can read me that well? Confident, aren't you? Well, believe what you wil about that part, but even you can agree that the rest is true." Karanlik nodded. "Yes. Which means that I have to kill you." He became Shinmon. "And I'm more than able to do it." -------------------------------------------------- OOc: Hope it's okay if I have a rival of sorts for Karanlik. Oh, and I left it open, so that if anyone wants to, there can be one for other characters, but there doesn't have to be.
Why not make this a generic system thread (meaning we talk about 'must-buys' for all systems)? I know I'd like to hear what people think are must-buy PS2 and GBA games. For the GameCube, my picks for must-buys are Metroid Prime and Viewtiful Joe (Yes, I meant to exclude Wind Waker. It's fun, people seem to think it's impossible for a Zelda game to be under a certain level of quality. Wind Waker, while fun, is under that level of quality, IMO). Metroid Prime is awesome, and although classified as a first-person shooter, it really isn't. I don't know what genre it would fall into if not FPS, but I do know that that doesn't matter, because the game is awesome. As for Viewtiful Joe, well, it's just a blast to play. The graphics are good, but there's a more cartoonish look, and the story is bad, but those aren't problems. The graphics fit the game, and the story seems to be making fun of old movies (the game does a good deal of that). What makes Viewtiful Joe great is that it's so fun to play. It's easy to learn, but can be tough to master, and there's a difficulty for everyone. It's just a great game. Of course, the sequals to Metroid Prime and Viewtiful Joe will be must-buys when they come out. I don't have any must-buys for GBA. For PS2, there's the two Zone of the Enders games. ZOE1 is a great game, putting you in control of Orbital Frame (giant robot) Jehuty, and sending an army of enemy Frames against you. There are only three types of normal enemies, true, but combat's great anyways. And the boss fights aren't just tougher battles like a lot of them are in ZOE2. Most of them require you to think differently than you do in normal engagements. As for ZOE2, it improves on the origional in almost every way. Your character (Jehuty's pilot) is no longer the whiner Leo Stenbuck. Instead, it is former soldier Dingo Egret, who I actually like. The already excellent controlls are tweaked a bit (for example, it's now possible to use a subweapon at close range), and piloting Jehuty just feels more natural. There are several new types of enemies, although they can pretty much all be taken out the same way. The bosses are bassically more powerful normal enemies, however, and so don't require you to think differently for the most part. However, there are some great fights. All of the Nephtis battles require you to break the Frame's shield in some way before you can do damage. But the award for best twist goes to Inhert. Halfway through the battle, Inhert makes things pitch-black, and you have to listen to ADA (Jehuty's AI system) as she informs you of Inhert's position and tracks his attacks. Overall, ZOE2 is a big improvement over the already awesome ZOE1, and both deserve purchace.
Karanlik and Guilmon watched as people made their way to the village. "We need to pick a person," Karanlik told Guilmon. "We need to know what's going on. We'll use her." He pointed at a girl with a Gatomon. He and Guilmon walked out and stood in her way. "What Crest are you?" she wanted to know. "Why does it matter?" Karanlik replied. "Because it tells me if I can trust you, and mine tells you if you can trus me." Karanlik laughed. "You're a human. That means that I can't trust you. But I don't see why we can't reveal what Crests we have. You first. Oh, I'm Karanlik, and this is Guilmon." "I'm Kiran," the girl said, "and this is Gatomon. I have the Crest of Love." Karanlik chuckled. "Fate has a strange sense of humor. How interesting is it that the first human I speak with in this world is my oppisite? Well, probably doesn't mean much, but it's kind of amusing." "What do you mean, oppisites?" Kiran asked. "My Crest is the Crest of Hate. Love and Hate are oppisites, are they not?" "You have the Crest of Hate?" "Yes." [i]"Your evil counter part is Hate and he will try and stop you at any cost."[/i] Kiran looked at Gatomon. "What will he do?" "He has to kill you," Gatomon replied. This not only shocked Kiran, but Karanlik as well. "I was not aware I had to do anything to her. I just found it an interesting coincedence that I met with my oppisite. I have no business with you." "What Gatomon said is true, Karanlik," Guilmon said. "I didn't get a chance to tell you before things started happening. She's-" Karanlik cut him off. "We'll talk later." He turned to Kiran. "I have no desire to harm you as long as you stay away from me. Guilmon, let's go." And with that, Karanlik turned and walked into what was left of the forest, Guilmon following. --------------------------------------------- OOC: I removed my character from the area everyone's coming to for a reason. I'm going to be in Hawaii(sp?) untill Saterday next week, so I want my character to not be involved in anything until I'm back.