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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. "You need to know this," Azufe said as he piloted the parahawk. "I'm assuming you've noticed that Terriermon doesn't seem to be with us? That's because he's hiding. Because the General was against us going on this mission, it's probable that we'll be meeting some digimon-friendly humans at the destination point, and probably some Digimon as well, but we can't assume that. We can consider all the facts and come up with a theroy that seems to have a 100% chance of being correct, and still not have a clue as to what we'll find. So we always take certain precautions when going into unknown situations. "You've probably noticed the very large pouch on my pack that yours doesn't have. That's where Terriermon is. Everyone with a Digimon partner is always issued packs with the pouches. They can stretch to a size that fits most Rookie-level Digimon, and are made so that a Digimon can get out in no time at all." "I was wondering about that," Bolt admitted. "Thanks for clearing that up. Now, where exactly are we headed?" "There are some very advanced satilites in orbit, ones that can do more than ours-and ours are very advanced-ever could," Azufe explained. "If we had access to them, we could get the location of every Digimon on the planet in about, oh, seven minutes. Unfortunately, no facility has the equipment necessary to connect with them anymore. However, we do have some excellent maps made from information they provided before the equipment wore out and we lost contact, including one of a surprising cavern network in the Himalayas. Surprising because nobody knew about it until the satilites found it. We're heading to a cave entrance that will, if we follow the right path, lead us to the destination point." When they came to the cave, Azufe stopped the parahawk. "We rest here for the night," Azufe said. "Tomorrow, we go in. There's a pen and some paper in your pack. Write yourself instructions, in case you wake up before me. Don't want you wandering off without your memories. Make sure that listening to your recordings on the tape I gave you-you have been using it, right?-is included." Azufe got off of the parahawk and took some equipment out of his pack. He reomved additional equipment from Bolts. "Security devices," he explained. "We'll set them up in a perimete around us and the parahawk. They don't really do much for stopping anyone from getting to us, but if anyone, human or Digimon, crosses the perimete, it'll make one hell of a loud noies. We'll be awake before you can say 'alert'. Help me set it up, then we'll get some sleep."
  2. They made good speed, the FearGuardromon moving fast and Shinmon following in the air above them. But after a couple hours, Shinmon began to tire. Actually, he wasn't really tired. It was more of a drained feeling, like he was running low on gas. [i]I can't hold this form much longer,[/i] he thought. [i]But how to I turn back to normal? Maybe if I focus on becoming human again, shove this form to the back of my mind. But how do I insure that the FearGuardromon won't attack me?[/i] WHen Shinmon came up with a solution, which didn't take long, he positioned himself over the one in the back and flew low. He let go of his Digimon form, becomming human again. He fell onto the FearGuardromon's back. "Couldn't hold that form much longer," Karanlik explained. "Me on your back solves two problems that me being human creates. It allows us to keep moving at the same speed, and I'll know if any of you is about to pull anything. See, to get me, your companions will have to wither take you out or get me off of you. I doubt that they'll do the former, and if they do the latter, I'll become Shinmon again and take you all out. Also, because you're in the back, I can see what all of you are doing, and if anything suspicious happens, I'll become Shinmon. I'll also do that if you ever leave the rear position. Agreed?" "That is acceptable," the FearGuardromon replied. "It has no effect on us, allows you to move at the same rate, and allows you to feel that we won't turn against you. There are no negative factors. You may continue to ride." "Thank you. How much longer is it?" "At current, speen, ETA three hours, twenty-three minutes, seven-point-zero-zero-two-three-three seconds at the mark. Mark." "Machines," Karanlik muttered. "They always have to be exact, even allowing for a delay from when the second is reached to saying 'mark'." He sighed. "At least I know exactly when we'll get there." It was exactly that length of time until they reached Phobiamon?s location. Karanlik became Shinmon again. ?Too much risk of someone here trying to kill me if I remain human,? he explained. The FearGuardromon escorted him to Phobiamon?s location, and Shinmon entered. It was dark inside, very dark. All that Shinmon could see was the standard red eyes. Shinmon laughed. ?Am I supposed to be scared?? ?It is wise to fear me.? Shinmon chuckled. ?I fear nobody and nothing that doesn?t allow me to see him, her, or it. And even then, I fear only those who give me a reason to. I?ve heard that you?re quite the mean one, but I have no proof of that. And even with proof, I do not scare easily.? ?If you knew the full extent of my powers, you would be afraid,? Phobiamon said.
  3. OOC: Again, how long can we stay in our Digimon forms? ---------------------------------------------------- One of the FearGuardromon stepped forward. "Analysis indicates a 97.635491% chance that you are telling the truth {FearGuardromon are robots, aren't they? This one's acting like a robot). Analysis also indicates a 0.0561% chance that, should you be lying, your plan, whatever it is, will succeed. We will take you to see our master." "Good," Shinmon said. "Please revert to your natural form. We know that your current form is not your natural one. We saw humans become Digimon." SHinmon laughed. "You think I'm going to become human again? No. You may have your analysis to show that I'm telling the truth, but I have no way of verifying your honesty. This form is my insurance that you don't kill me." "Acceptable," the FearGuardromon replied. "Follow us. We will lead you to Phobiamon." ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Yes, ULX gave me permission.
  4. Okay, that post was 100% pointless. How about saying why you like the book? If you like dragons, than you absolutly have to read Marjorie B. Kellogg's [i]The Dragon Quartet[/i] books. There are four of them (obviously0, and they are, in order from book 1 to book 4, [i]The Book of Earth, The Book of Water, The Book of Fire,[/i] and [i]The Book of Air.[/i] I like those books for several reasons. For one thing, there's an entertaining plot. A lot of mystery, too (You don't learn what the dragons are supposed to do until the end of book 4). Of course, the books wouldn't be anywhere near as good without the great characters. Lady Erde von Alte, N'doch N'daji, Paia, and [spoiler]Gerrasch[/spoiler] are the main human characters, and they're all well-developed and believable. N'doch and [spoiler]Gerrasch[/spoiler] are my favorites. The dragons are well-done, too. Earth is very child-like at first, although he matures quite a bit during the story, Water is, well, Water, and Fire is full of himself (I bet you can guess the fourth dragon's name). THere's also an excellent supporting cast, including the dragon-obsessed Hal Engle, the seemingly psychotic Fra Guill, Baron Kothen, Erde's father Joseph vol Alte, Rose, Rainer, Papa Dja, Kenzo Baraga, and Leif Cauldwell, to name a few (Four books, each being set mainly in a different time period, equals a large supporting cast). Basically, you need to read these books, because they're awesome.
  5. OOC: Who's my counterpart (I have the crest of Hate)? -------------------------------------- Karanlik looked around. [i]I'm here again,[/i] he thought. [i]Good. I like this world. No other humans here. Now where's Guilmon?[/i] Karanlik suddenly found himself face-down on the ground with something on his back. "Do you always have to do that?" he asked as his partner got off of him. He stood up and looked down at Guilmon. "Any news?" Guilmon shook his head. "Nothing new." Karanlik looked around, then stared when something happened to the forest nearby. About half of it was destroyed very quickly. "What the hell?" "What should we do?" Guilmon asked. "Someone's over there," Karanlik said. "Two someones. What the hell? One of them is a human!" "I don't recognise that Digimon," Guilmon said. Karanlik spotted a large rock nearby. "COme on. We'll hide behind that rock and see what they're up to."
  6. Well, I would have suggested the Omega RUins, but if that's not working for you, than I don't know what else you can do. However, if you check out the [url="http://www.gamefaqs.com"]www.gamefaqs.com[/url] website, you'll probably find something (I use that site everytime I have a problem in a game).
  7. OOC: How long can we stay in our Digimon forms for? -------------------------------------------- A group of fleeing Gardromon came toward Shinmon, who looked at them and laughed. "You think you can take me with just seven of you? No, you're running away, aren't you? Tell me, are you the only ones left, or did others go in different directions? Actually, never mind. it doesn't matter. I won't kill you unless you attack me first. I want to meet with Phobiamon. There's something I want to discuss with him. "Yes, I know. Why should you believe me? Maybe I just want to be led to him so I can kill him. Well, that's not true. If it was, I wouldn't get far. Many of us were brought to this world, and we wouldn't all be here if we aren't all needed to win. Anyways, Skolarimon, who I seem to remember saying that he brought us here, certainly won't send anyone back until Phobiamon's dead. I'm hoping Phobiamon will be able to send me home, and I will be willing to do something for him in return. Lead on, please." ----------------------------------------- OOC: Is it okay if Karanlik meets with Phobiamon? If yes, then Karanlik will agree to help fight the other Digi-Form Warriors in return for Phobiamon sending him home. Oh, and also if yes, does Phobiamon have any of the transformation crystals that he could give KAranlik to help him take out the others (specifically, the Phi Crystal, which Phobiamon would quite likely have)?
  8. "Will you two be ready by sunset?" Karanlik asked as Kayin and Tanji got back. They nodded, and Karanlik turned to Rue. "Drop us in the middle of the city. You'll go south, but do not enter the affected area without the rest of us. Cur, you go north. Tanji and Sara, you two take the east, and Kayin, you'll go west. I'll stay at the arrival point and take the many demons sure to be there. They always rule from the middle of an area. In an hour, return to the center of the city and meet me. I'll reveal the next step then. Any objections?" There were none, aside from Rue, who Karanlik didn't worry about, because he had ordered Rue to obey him. "Good," Karanlik said. "We go right after the sun sets. Until then, I recommend that we practice, because what follows the city will not be easy."
  9. OOC: Well, Blanko's going to be gone for a while, so it's up to someone else to take charge of this RPG. I'm willing to do it, but only if everyone else agrees to let me. ---------------------------------------------- "We should get moving," Siire said after about fifteen minutes. "We might be able to find some more Warp Genes nearby." It wasn't long before they came to a cave. Inside, there was an image of a Digimon carved on the wall in great detail. Beside it was some writing. "I can't read this language," Siire said. "Hawkmon, can you?" "Of course. That's the written language of our world." Siire nodded. "I thought so. That's why I asked you. So, what does it say?" "'AncientIrismon, warrior of times past,'" Hawkmon read. "'A fragment of her being is preserved within the carving.'" "I've heard of her," Betamon put in. "She's supposed to be very powerful. Until now, I thought she was only in stories, but this seems to proove that she's real, or at least that she [i]was[/i] real." "I don't think she's gone yet," DemiMeramon said. "In the stories I've heard, her Rookie form was Hawkmon." Siire looked at Hawkmon. "A gender change? Male to female? Well, actually, compared to some of what I've seen in this world, it's not that strange." He took out his Digivice, and held it up to the carving. "A fragment of her being. I think it's the Warp Gene." As soon as Siire said that, the Warp Gene went from the carving to his Digivice. "That was easy. Unfortunatly, I'll probably need to almost die again before it activates. Well, no use staying here. Let's get a move on, shall we?"
  10. From what I've heard about this game, I want to buy it, but I have a couple questions I need answered first about rumors I've heard. Question One: Is there an insetous(sp?) relationship between [spoiler]Caim and his sister?[/spoiler] If yes, then is [spoiler]his sister the Goddess? And just what is the Goddess, anyways?[/spoiler] Question Two: Is there a character who [spoiler]is a necrophiliac (has sex with dead people, or something like that),[/spoiler] and if so, who? I'd appreciate answers to those questions. Oh, and do you reccommend the game? I've heard it's got a lot of fighting, so I'm interested, but I need answers to the above questions before I buy it.
  11. [left]Name: Karanlik [/left] [left]Age: 15[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Appearance: 6ft 4in tall, with short black hair and brown eyes. In very good shape, due mainly to training with two metal poles he found. Wears black shorts and a t-shirt that has "Just how much fun can I have before I go to hell?" written on it. Bio: Karanlik is autistc. His intelligence is not impared in any way, but his social judgement is. He frequently does things that others consider inapropriate. He has no ability to read non-verbal methods of communication except tone of voice, and because of this will frequently not understand what others mean or be misunderstood by others. All of this resulted in his becomming a target. Karanlik has been picked on all his life. It started slowly, but picked up in second grade, escalating until Karanlik suffered a breakdown in the middle of his fifth grade year, resulting in attempted suicide. He was kept in a mental hospital for several months. When he was allowed to leave, he started at a different school. There, he didn't get teased quite as much. It was still there, but he could tolerate it. Unfortunatly, the teasing was replased by physical beatings. To counter this, he began to learn how to fight. He found the metal poles at this time, and began practicing with them. He keeps them with him at all times, and is very good with them. He only had to use them twice before people backed off. Scince then, he's done a lot better. People tend to avoid him now, but he doesn't want to socialize anyways.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]One day, Karanlik was surfing the net when he suddenly found himself in the digital world. He met Guilmon upon his arrival, and it trying to figure out how to get back home. [/left] [left]Side: Evil [/left] [left]Crest: Hate[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Crest Color:[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Digimon Partner: Guilmon [/left] [left]Digivolving Levels:[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Rookie: Guilmon (Pyro Sphere)[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Champion: BlackGrowlmon (Exhaust Flame, Plasma Blade)[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Ultimate: BlackWarGrowlmon (Atomic Blaster, Double Blades)[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Mega: Megidramon (Hell's Fire, Firewall)[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Omega: Megidramon X (Fire's Rage, Firestorm)[/left] [left] [/left] [left]Note: I made up the attacks for Megidramon and Megidramon X, because I don't know what they are.[/left]
  12. "You go, too!" Veemon said. Karanlik didn't move. "No. This is not my fight. This is your fight. That Phobiamon thing is not the enemy of humans, Phobiamon exists in this world, and therefore is an enemy of Digimon only. But you know what? I might have considered it if I was alone." "What do you mean?" Veemon asked. "You wouldn't stand a chance by yourself." "Better alone than not. People can't be trusted. As soon as the others can, they'll turn on me. It always happens. There isn't a person I've met who hasn't." "I haven't." Karanlik looked down at Veemon. "You're not a person by the definition I was using. And you will. I know you will. It's only a matter of time. I won't let it happen. I don't just let it happen. I fight back." Karanlik swung his poles around, hitting Veemon and sending the little Digimon into a tree. Karanlik turned and ran away from the battle, away from everyone, determined to escape people that he knew would turn against him, just as everyone else he'd met had.
  13. I can't sign up now, so save me a spot with the Crest of Hate, please.
  14. [i]Did he forget about my previous orders?[/i] Karanlik thought. [i]Rue can't kill me. He will find himself immoble if he tries.[/i] "Rue, can you go to the demon's world?" he asked. "And if so, can you take us with you?" "Of course." "Good. We may need to go there before this is over. For now, we'll proceed with the previous plan. Taking out their HQ is the worst thing we can do to them besides killing the Overlord. So here's the plan. Rue, you'll drop us in the middle of Tucson. We'll clear out the demons, and drive them back to the old Air Force base. We'll follow them back, take it out, and get an access card to the HQ. Then we'll attack the HQ. If the OVerlord is there, we'll take him out, but if not, then Rue, you'll take us over to the demon's world. The Overlord will be on the other side at the EP, as that is where his palace is. Any objections? No? Good. Rue, take us to Tucson."
  15. Karanlik was only ever in one of two locations durring his free period, either the cafiteria because lunch came after it, or in the library on a computer. Today, it was the library, because there were no classes using it. He never was in the library when classes used it. Too many people. He was never arround more than a few people at a time. He didn't take normal classes for this reason, instead getting his education through the Special Education department. Karanlik was, as usual, working on a book he was writing while trying to look like he was doing schoolwork. He did this by running Internet searches for topics like the Revolutionary War and the Brown v. Board of Education court case while he typed. Today, it was the 'I Havea Dream' speach. He clicked on a link to a site with the complete text of the speach. Instead of the speach, a door appeared on the screen. Curious, Karanlik clicked on it. The next thing he knew, he was on his back in a field. "What the hell is going on here?"
  16. Name: Karanlik Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 6ft 4in tall, with short black hair and brown eyes. In very good shape, due mainly to training with two metal poles he found. Wears black shorts and a t-shirt that has "Just how much fun can I have before I go to hell?" written on it. Bio: Karanlik is autistc. His intelligence is not impared in any way, but his social judgement is. He frequently does things that others consider inapropriate. He has no ability to read non-verbal methods of communication except tone of voice, and because of this will frequently not understand what others mean or be misunderstood by others. All of this resulted in his becomming a target. Karanlik has been picked on all his life. It started slowly, but picked up in second grade, escalating until Karanlik suffered a breakdown in the middle of his fifth grade year, resulting in attempted suicide. He was kept in a mental hospital for several months. When he was allowed to leave, he started at a different school. There, he didn't get teased quite as much. It was still there, but he could tolerate it. Unfortunatly, the teasing was replased by physical beatings. To counter this, he began to learn how to fight. He found the metal poles at this time, and began practiceing with them. He keeps them with him at all times, and is very good with them. He only had to use them twice before people backed off. Scince then, he's done a lot better. People tend to avoid him now, but he doesn't want to socialize anyways. Greatest Fears: Being defensless, being forced to be in a group of more than a few people. Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Animal: Tiger Favorite Mythical Beast: Dragon, Pheniox (It's okay if I have two, right? If not, then I'll go with dragon. Also, I would like the Omega form to be dragon-based, please) Favorite S4 Element: Fire, Darkness (Again, I assume it's okay if I have two. If not, I'll go with Darkness) Chinese Zodiac: Dragon Favorite Songs: Invisible Kid-Metallica (Prefers solitude) Binge-Papa Roach (Escapes from reality (with books, not alchahol like in the song), but knows that he needs to fight back) Last Resort-Papa Roach (will do anything to avoid the teasing and being beaten up, as shown by the attempted suicide) Stuff I don't know songs for: Very determined, and will never stop what he starts. Quick to anger, and quick to assume that people are being mean to him. A fast thinker. Favorite Digidestined M/F: Izzy/Sora, Ken/Yolie, Henry/Suzie, Kouichi/Zoe (Zoe's the only female in S4 unless you count that group that was in two episodes only, so that really doesn't mean anything). Hope that's all right. This could be interesting.
  17. When the demons were all dead, Karanlik walked over to the one Jim had trapped. "I have some questions," he said. "Answer them, and you will live. Refuse, and you will die." "Why should I?" the demon responded. "How do I know that you won't kill me anyways?" "Because you're not worth it. Now, where is the EP?" "I'll never tell you that!" "Then I'll just have to kill you." "Fine. It's in the desert, point 34xe-127yl." "You're lucky that I know your coordinate system," Karanlik said. "Thank you. Is the Overlord here or in your world?" "I don't know. He passes through the portal often. He could be in either." "One more thing. What does Kralkshran mean?" "It was the name of the first Grashtrandrome. You are like he was, a ruthless warrior willing to do anthing to destroy his enemies and devoted 100% to the task." "I'm flattered." Karanlik returns to the others. "I know the location of the Emergence Pointt, or EP. It is the place where the demons first arrived in our world. To get in, we'll need an entry card to open the door. There's no way we'll be able to break through the walls or doors there. Heavily fortified, and because it has a portal, we can't have Rue get us in. Entry cards can be found in demon strongholds, and the best one to attack is a former Air Force base that the demons have only recently taken over. It's a long way from here, near the now demon-controlled city of Tucson. Rue can get us there. we'll arrive in the city and clear the demons out, then we'll attack the base. Any objections?"
  18. "That won't work," Seuneu said. "This place is a good distance away. To get there in any reasonable length of time, I'll need to fly there in dragon form while you three ride. Any enemies there will know of our presence, because it's hard to conceal one's self when one is a dragon. Besides, if there are enemies there, we want them to find us. We might be able to get them to tell us what's going on." "Do you really think they'll talk?" Charisma asked. Seuneu smiled. "Certainly. I've gotten information out of many who one would think would not talk. It's all in the interrogation method. Now, I suggest we get a move on."
  19. "BD never said we had to find certain Mega-level Digimon," Siire pointed out. 'He said we have to find the Warp Genes from those Digimon. He said nothing about finding the actual Digimon. the Warp Genes could be seperate, or you might be right, and we might have to look for the actual Digimon. If that's the case, then I think I have a guess as to which Digimon we're looking for." "What's your guess?" Cassie asked. "We need these Warp Genes to get the Digimon to Mega level. it makes sense that the Warp Gene a certain Digimon needs is from that Digimon's Mega-level form. Of course, that doesn't narrow the search much, because we have no idea what the Mega-level forms are. So, either we split up and go in different directions to speed up the search, which I don't recommend, seeing as how the attacks are becoming more and more dangerous, or we pick a direction and all go that way. I hope BD shows up again soon and tells us where to look-and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he knows. But until that happenes, if it does, we need to pick a direction. So, which way should we go?"
  20. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Krystal yet. For those who don't know, Krystal (the blue one in the briefing screenshot) is a character introduced in StarFox Adventures. She did board the Great Fox at the end of the game, but I thought that that wouldn't mean anything. Guess I was wrong. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the information that Semjaza posted seems to indicate co-op play. The only fighter-combat game I've played with co-op is Jedi Starfighter for PS2, and playing that game with a friend made it a lot more fun. i can only hope that that holds true for StarFox GC, which it probably will, especially with four-player co-op action. personally, I can't wait.
  21. With all the new games coming out for Gamecube (The new Zelda game, Paper Mario 2, Metroid Prime 2, etc.), it's hard to decide which one I'm looking forward to the most, but that's probably Viewtiful Joe 2. I love the original. Difficulty modes ranging all the way from way-too-easy to breaking-controller-against-the-wall-hard make it suitable for all skill levels, and three unlockable characters give you plenty of reason to play the game multiple times. Not that I need a reason to. that game's awesome enough that I'd play through it again and again anyways. By the way, I'm having trouble viewing the video. I have a PC with Windows XP Pro and People PC as my ISP. I use Internet Explorer as my browser, and have the most recent versions of Quicktime, Java, and Shockwave. When i click on the links to the videos, a new browser window opens, but the window remains blank. Can anyone help me with my problem? I really want to see all of these new games in motion.
  22. OOC: Um, it was daytime, Mage15. ----------------------------------------------- "You won't be able to do that in affected areas," Karanlik said. "It's obvious that you had to use your powers to do that, and that won't work in affected areas. It'll work well now, though." The demon that had held Jim steps forward. "I thought you worked alone, Kralkshran." "I normally do," Karanlik replied, "but these people are also against you, and they all have powers of their own. Your count of worst enemies has increased. Of course, you timed the attack well. I can't do as much during the day." Karanlik charges the demon with poles drawn. The demon draws his sword. Karanlik uses his poles to vault himself over the demon, then plants one on the ground. He kicks off a tree, spinning himself around no the pole. He uses his powers to energize the other pole, which he thrusts into the demon's back, killing it. "Just because I can't do as much during the day doesn't mean that I'm helpless, though," Karanlik said. "And a pole energized with dark energy kills demons quite nicely. Now, let's deal with the rest of these demons."
  23. Branit put his phone away. "Instructions from Imahori: 'The assignment is to go ahead, but the brief has changed. The plan goes ahead as normal, but agents are to go without reinforcements and are warned not to engage until the situation is fully investigated and the intentions of the group are known. I understand it's little more than infiltration and reconnaissance, but it is vital that this is followed. Maintain radio silence until you return.'" Azufe knew exactly what that meant. "Translation: something's there that we're not supposed to know about, and that will be helpful if we figure out what it is. One of these days that General is going to get it." "The who?" Bolt asked. "A religious fanatic who believes that Digimon are the spawn of Satan, or something like that," Azufe explained. "Nobody knows his name, so we call him the General. Imahori works under him, and he knows how to hide messages in what he says so that the General doesn't know what he's told people. We can trust Imahori, but not the General. "'The brief has changed,' Imahori said. That means that he's going against orders. Bolt, you and I are to go in alone, and we won't be finding enemies. 'Don't engage', remember. Let's get our supplies. Branit, how long will it take that chopper to get here?" "It should be here by the time you're ready," Branit said. Azufe and Bolt left, heading toward the provisions room as Branit called to confirm the helecopter's need.
  24. Karanlik ignored Cur, instead thinking about Jim. [i]He's too frightened. He scares too easily. He won't be reliable in a battle situation. He would probably have refused to come with us if I had told him the truth, that Grashtrandromen do stil exist in the same numbers that they always have. There are some at every demon stronghold, and we will have to fight them.[/i] He looked at the group. [i]Jim scares too easily, and won't be reliable in battle. Ryo I'm not sure about. Kayin, Sara, and Tanji are quite capable, and I've seen them in battle. Rue has to do what I tell him to, but he's too cocky and will undoubtably underestimate the Grashtrandromen. Cur will probably be fine, but I don't know if he has any effective way to kill the demons.[/i] "Cur, what kind of weapons do you have?" Karanlik asked. "If you don't have something that works well on demons, then we need to get you something before we attack a demon stronghold. So, do you have anything that would work?"
  25. "It's hard to say, because I haven't seen you in action physically," Karanlik said. "What does that have to do with anything?" Kayin asked. "Because I don't know how much of what you can do physically you could do without aid. Physically, you'll be as you would without any powers. Rue is the perfect example. His abilities make him stronger physically. That won't be true in an affected area." "All right," Tanji said. "Basically, you're saying that in affected areas, we won't be able to do anything that has a wide-range effect or do anything to augment ourselves physically." "That's right," Karanlik confirmed. "Cur, that won't apply to any physical upgrades you have, because with you, it's because you're a cyborg that you'll have increased strength and whatnot. "One more thing. I know that Rue will never believe this, but he can die in affected areas. Even if the demons can't kill him even in there-which they can-there are beings called Grashtransdromen in there. The singular form of the word is Grashtransdrome, by the way." "What does that mean?" Ryo asked. "Grashtrandrome is one of the few words in the demons' language that I actually know the meaning of," Karanlik replied. "The translation comes out as 'soul-killer'. See, the demons have discovered that even when one is dead, the essense of one's self, the soul, survives. If you're killed by a Grashtrandrome, your soul is destroyed as well. Grashtrandromen can only exist in the demons' universe, or in affected areas. If we attack a demon stronghold, we'll be sure to encounter some. They are extremly dangerous. In fact, I only know of one on the demons' side that's more dangerous, although I'm sure the Overlord-I don't know what the demons call their leader, so I call him/her the Overlord-can take him easily." "Who?" Jim asked. "A man named Erston," Karanlik said. "He's my equal in combat, and the only normal human who has ever killed a demon in close-range combat. He's also my brother."
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