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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. David sighed. "I didn't think you'd care about Lawrence III, but I never thought you'd break the camera. Now Jake knows that we've figured out that he's not done yet. We have to get out of here. I'm sure Jake has a few tricks built into this place, and he'll use them now, because he knows that we've got him figured out. Hope, take us to that empty room. We'll get into those ruins or whatever they are and familiarize ourselves with the area, giving us the advantage." Hope nodded, and teleported them all to the room where Alila had been, and from there they went into the underground ruins area. They started looking around, getting the layout down and familiarizing themselves with the area. It wasn't long before they heard something. "Someone's coming," David said. "Get ready for a battle, but let me take Jon. I'm going to enjoy putting him in his place." "You sure you can take him?" Hope asked. "He's the Champion, remember." "That's his biggest weakness. That status has made him very cocky and sure of himself. Plus, with that Mew of his, he doesn't have to be very skilled anymore. He didn't even have to battle Mew. He just used a Master Ball. I think he'll find me a bit better that he expects. For one thing, Absol'll take his Mew with no problem, and he probably won't realize that I'm using a Dark-type until it's too late. As for his other Pokemon, well, I've got a way to counter pretty much anything. Jon won't know what hit him."
  2. OOC: Mage15, I just noticed that you mentioned the sun in your most recent post. It's currently evening, and the sun just set. Oh, and in your sigh-up post, you put Kilik Zenegati as your character's name, but everywhere esle you've called him Jim. I'm assuming that you want Jim to be his name, so I'll go with that. -------------------------------------------- "They're coming," Tanji said. "There are two of them, Jim and Ryo." "I'll go meet them," karanlik said. He faded into invisibility, startling everyone. "What the-?" Kayin exclaimed. "I can hide myself from view, but only when it's dark," Karanlik explained, still unseeable. "This way, they won't know that I'm coming. Rue, until I say otherwise, they count as part of 'this group' for my previous instructions." Karanlik walked ahead, stoping in front of Ryo and Jim. He faded into view, taking the two of them by surprise. "My name is Karanlik," he said after making sure that there were no red marks on their legs. "My companions and I are wondering if you will join us. We are forming a group to resist the demons, and one of our members has identified you two as possessing powers similar to ours. Your aid would be most welcome. If you are willing, follow me, and I will take you to the others."
  3. David looked around, and found an open door. "I'd bet that if we go through there, we'll find ourselves in that empty room we found earlier, Hope," he said. Then he noticed something above the door. Something that most people would miss, but that his trained eye didn't. [i]Hope, I sure hope you're monitering my mind like you normally do,[/i] he thought, now in business personality mode again. [i]Don't look around or act any differently then you have been, because there's an active camera above that door.[/i] Hope sent to David. [i]****.[/i] [i]Because Jon hates me. I'm not letting him push me around with his Champion status, and Jake probably knows I made that call to the UNO. He probably told Jon. Stay alert, and survey the area. We need to know this sub bay inside and out, because I have a feeling that we'll be having a battle here. Keep Friend in reserve in case something really bad happens. You've still got full authorization. Don't use it unless we have to, because Jake wants your Omegas. I'll be damned if I'm going to let him take them[/i]
  4. David got his business attitude again, and looked at Shinobi. "It's about time you got here. I wanted you here for this, because part of it concerns you. Hope, warn me if Jon's coming back. I don't want him to hear this. If he does, things will probably get a little ugly." David called the UNO and had Jaht patch him through to Branit. "David, is that you again?" David laughed. "It's me. I need you to call up the trained profile on the current Champion, Jon. He's with the expedition." "I know. You had me check for trust about two minutes ago. Give me a sec... got it. Nothing unusual. Why?" "Because if there's nothing unusual, then he's hiding something," David explained. "Is he regestered as a Gamma?" "Nope. Nothing about extra Pokemon." "Well, he is one. He carries seven with him. He's also an Omega GP." "[i]Another[/i] one?!" Branit exclaimed. "Yes, another one. Pokemon is designated Alpha One." "[i]What?![/i]" "Surprised me, too. Get that in his file as soon as possible. Also add that he thretened to get me fired." Branit cracked up at that one. "He actually thinks that he can do that?" 'Yes, he does." Branit entered the new information into Jon's profile. "Anything else?" "Yes," Jaht said. "Get an X observation on a man named Lawrence III." "The one behind that Beast of the Sea thing?" "That's the one. If he learns what Pokemon Shinobi has, there'll be absolutly nothing Shinobi can do to get away from him." "What have you gotten yourself into this time?" Pause, then, "regestered. Anything else?" "No. Out." Jaht hung up, then turned to Shinobi. "Lawrence III is obsessed with catching Lugia," he explained. "I actually met him once, about a month before I met you. If he finds out that you ave Lugia, you'll be running from him untileither he has Lugia, you're dead, or he's dead." David swiched back to the carefree personality. Are we going to go exploring, or just stand around?"
  5. "Time for Demon Hunting 101," Karanlik said as the group followed Tanji to whereever they were going. "You need to know everything you can about the demons. I already know much of what there is to know, so listen up. Me telling you is much easier then you finding out the hard way. "Demons are virtually invulnerable to most weapons. There are only two points where they are vulnerable: the eyes and the mouth. The mouth is the best place to aim for. Thrust your weapon into a demon's open mouth, and you'll do some serious damage. You might even kill it that way. The eyes aren't as likely to result in death, but a blind demon isn't much of a threat. Of course, we all have oter ways of killing them, except for possibly Cur here. Our powers are very effective. "Cur, I don't know how good you are with a sword or related weapon, but if you aren't good, then don't bother using one. Guns are hard to use, because you have to be a really good shot to hit one in the eyes or mouth, and again, those are the only vulnerable spots. Explosives are a much better option. Hit the demon anywhere, and you're likly to do some damage. A head shot with an expolsive weapon or even just a bazooka may be enough to kill one. "Some humans are aiding what they see as an unstopable force. They are never on the front lines, because they die just as easily as any other human. They tend to be put on scouting missions or used as prison guards. A human working for the demons will have a red circle on his or her left leg. This is so the demons can tell who's working for them and who isn't. These humans are enemies, and should be treated as such. Any questions?"
  6. I'm signing up as warrior of fire, if that's all right. Name: Seuneu Age: 1549 Gender: Male World/ Element: Fire Appearence/ Species: (See Fire for more information) In human form, he's a large man, standing around 6 ft. 5in. tall with short black hair and brown eyes. He's very muscular, and could be a very imposing figure if he wanted to. Of course, that's prevented by the often crazy-looking clothes he wears. In his phenoix form, he's large by phenoix standards, but in dragon form, he's rather small for a dragon, although still plenty large. Weopons and Powers: (See Fire for more information) He has two metal poles, which he carries strapped to his back, and is incredibly skilled with them. In addition to standard fire powers, he is able to see into the infrared spectrum (a fire-powers person shold be able to see the heat stuff, right?). History/ Other: He was raised by a dragon named Anzunden. He mastered his dragon form with Anzunden's aid. As for his phenoix form, he was instructed by a phenoix by the name of Thralntrofromare. As a human, he was trained by a man named Feuer. He's met all three of the other warriors, even Charisma, the youngest of the four. He hasn't fought at Charisma's side yet, and is worried about how she will react in a battle situation, though he knows she'll probably do just fine. Seuneu's very determined. If he starts something, he'll finish it. He's a fast thinker, and will be the one who comes up with a plan in a battle situation. He's quick to jump to wild conclusions, and can be a little overcautious at times. He's not one to forgive; if you piss him off, expect him to get revenge in some way. He normally doesn't start fights, but he'll enter them quickly. He'll always provide support for his friends, and if you're one, then he's the most trustworthy person you'll ever meet, but if you get on his bad side, he'll betray you in an instant.
  7. "Back off, Cur," Karanlik said. Cur looked at him angrily. "I thought you wanted Rue dead." Karanlik nodded. "I do, and I think that there's a way to do so, no matter what Rue says. But until we know how to, we'll have to put up with him. We'll have to take some precautions, though." Karanlik turned to face Rue. "Rue, you will not harm anyone in this group. 'This group' means me, Cur, Kayin, Sara, and Tanji. If you are intending to harm anyone in this group, you will find yourself unable to move or use any of your powers until the person you were intending to harm says that you can. If you intend to harm any other human not serving the demons, the same thing will happen. In that case, you will be unable to move or use any of your powers until someone in this group says that you can. The same holds tru if you are going to damage anything not being used by the demons." Satisfied, he turns to Cur. "That should hold him until we can kill him, right?"
  8. Siire was still asleep. [i]Siire and Hawkmon came to another station. it was smaller, but had a more elaborate entrance. Siire looked at the words above the opening. "'Abandon hope, all you who would enter here'," he read. "this station's a lot closer to the first than it should be, but the rest is accurate." "where do see that?" Hawkmon asked. "I just see 'No entry allowed'." Siire nodded. "It's actually just a bunch of dots, but it somehow transmits what we see to our brains. At least, that's how it worked in the book. The message tends to differ from person to person, but always means 'keep out'. "In the book, there were two demons in there, each one much more powerful than anyone in any of the teams. The weakness of the Quintara was their inability to work together. Even if two were against you, you'd be fighting two individuals and not a team of two." "So if we go in there, we'll need to work together to survive?" Siire nodded. "And in there is where we need to go next. If this holds up, we'll pass through there and into another place like this one, but much wetter. That's after we make it past the demons, of course. Let's go."[/i]
  9. "You should know," Siire said. He yawned. 'I'm going to get some sleep myself." It wasn't long before Siire fell asleep. [i]Siire and Hawkmon were standing oon a barren plane. The only structure in sight was what looked like a giant crystal of some kind, partialy buried, and with one visible opening. Siire walked over to the opening and inspected the ground by it. there were what looked like large hoofprints leading off to the left of the opening. "I've read this book before," Siire said. Hawkmon was confused. "What do you mean?" "In my world, there are stories of creatures called demons," Siire explained. "They don't actually exist, but in stories they're basically pure evil. In the story I'm talking about, two demons are discovered inside a structure that I imagined as looking pretty much exactly like that one behind us. Three teams end up chasing the two demons. After passing through that structure, which they call a 'station', the teams end up here, where we are right now. They follow the demons' tracks, which look exactly like those tracks over there." "What do they find?" "In the book-well, book trilogy, actually-the three teams end up at another station, go through another place like this, except wet. After a third station-environment cycle, they reach the end of the circut: the demon city. There, they end up releasing the race of demons, called Quintara. The task of stopping the Quintara becomes theirs, and by joining forces, the three teams are able to win in the end, although only three out of sixteen or something like that survive." "So, you're saying that if we follow those tracks, we'll eventually end up in some city, free some evil creatures, and have to stop them?" "What I'm saying is that this is way too similar to that story to be a coincidence. I don't know what we'll find if we follow the tracks, but I don't think that we have much of a choice. Come on." The two of them walked left from the opening in the station, following the tracks.[/i] -------------------------------------------------- OOC: Nobody have Siire wake up, please. Oh, and Hawkmon's not having this dream. It's Siire's dream, and Hawkmon just happens to be in it.
  10. OOC: Um, Jake was never actually there. He was somewhere else, and Alila tried to take Aurora to him. Oh, and introducion a new plot twist that big on your own is probably a little much, but nothing about that conflicts with my post, so I probably shouldn't care. ----------------------------------------------------- ?Um, could somebody explain what just happened?? Jack asked, confused. ?Give me a sec,? was David?s reply. He dialed the UNO and had Jaht patch him through to Branit. ?Branit, this is David.? ?You just called half a minute ago!? Branit exclaimed, surprised. ?What is going on?? ?Long story, and no phone line is secure enough to tell it over, not even ours. I need a quick check on all trainers on the Paoliko exploration team. Are they secure?? ?Positive on all of them,? Branit replied after about a minute. ?They won?t tell anything to any criminals.? ?There needs to be a much more detailed check on them when we get back, but that?s good for now.? With that, David hung up, then turned to the others. ?Until we?re done with this expedition, you guys are clean. I can trust you.? ?Great,? Mina said. ?Now, what just happened?? ?Hope used her psychic abilities to get us in here,? David explained. ?See, that sub that just blew up had left with Aurora and someone else in it. She was taking Aurora
  11. OOC: I didn't know that, Blanko. Thank you for telling me. Where's BD? Nobody said that he left, so I'm assuming he's still with the group. ------------------------------------------------------- "We need to find Rad," Siire said. "I have a feeling that we'll need everyone for the next big battle." "Didn't you say that he'd find us?" Cassie asked. Just then, Rena came running up, followed by Wizardmon. "We're back." "We need to be careful not to get split up again," Siire said. "Things are getting a lot more dangerous." He turned to Cassie. "And yes, I did say that Rad would find us, but I don't think we should wait for him to do so." "And how are we supposed to find him?" Rena wanted to know. Siire held up his digivice. "With these," he explained. "BD here told Tera and I that the digivices can pick up signals from other digivices. I'm assuming that Rad still has his digivice. We'll use it to find him, then do whatever we have to to bring him to his senses. We should probably start with knocking him out, but if that doesn't work, then we'll just have to try something else." Siire turned to BD. "I thought you'd have left by now. Are you staying with us, or are you going to leave?"
  12. OOC: Crests let Digimon go to Ultimate. Beelzemon is a Mega. Just thought I'd point that out to you. Oh, and Anubismon's attacks are Pyramid Power and Amimet(I think that's how you spell it. I don't quite remember the spelling, so I took a guess). --------------------------------- Siire pulls BD aside. "How do we do that?" "You mean get you Digimon to Mega?" Siire nodded. "Yes, that's what I mean. Whoever's after us has started to get a little more serious. This is like Mephismon's attack, but at a worse time. Rad's still infected-that's how I've been thinking of what happened to him, an infection by a virus-and not all of us even have our Crests yet. The next attack may be one that we can't handle without getting our Digimon to Mega. Things are getting more dangerous the longer we stay here. We need to know how to do everything we can. We need every edge we can get here, Er-sorry, BD. You've been here before, so you probably know what we need to know, right? So, how do we get the Digimon to digivolve to Mega?" --------------------------------------- OOC: Blanko, if you don't know how the digivolution to Mega is going to work in this RPG, PM me and I'll come up with some ideas.
  13. The demons turned and ran. Karanlik turned around to face Rue. He took his piece of the crystal out of his pocket and looked at it for a second. [i]"We have to run!" "I will make sure you have something to come back to."[/i] Karanlik was pissed. As Cur had said to do, he pictured Rue in front of him. When Rue appeared there, Karanlik kicked him, sending him flying as Cur's smack had earlier. Following Cur's earlier example, he faced Rue, who was trying to get up. "Rue, lie flat on the ground," he ordered. "Do not move or use any of your powers." As had happened earlier, Rue slammed into the ground. Karanlik charged. He slammed one pole onto Rue's head, and the other into his chest. The neck was Karanlik's next target, then the chest again, then the eyes, a vulnerable spot even for demons. He tried everything he could, including his powers, but no matter what he did, Rue survived. "How do I kill him?" Karanlik demanded to know. "I thought he would be useful, but he's worse than the demons. How do I kill him?" Cur was shocked by what had happened. "I don't know-" "How do I kill him?" "I don't" "[i]How the hell do I ****ing kill him?[/i]"
  14. When I saw the HomeStar Runner thread, I decided to make a thread about another online cartoon, Red vs. Blue, found at redvsblue.com. It's set between Halo and Halo Two, in an area based on the multiplayer level Blood Gulch. Basically, there's a civil war going on, and it's Red vs. Blue, hence the title. Each side has a base with a small team in Blood Gulch, and the two teams are fighting each other. It's absolutly hilarious. On the Red team, there the sargent (I don't remember his name), Simmons, Griff, who nobody likes, and a rookie called Private Donut. For the Blue team, there's Church, who's in charge, a man who's name I forget, and Caboose. Those are the permanent characters, but others come and go. If you haven't seen this online cartoon yet, you should watch it. It's hard to describe how funny it is.
  15. "Go where I instructed," Karanlik said. "You will do the most good in those locations." As the others move off, Karanlik faced Erston. "Now, where were we?" "We were going to fight," Erston replied. "Right." Karanlik seemed to fade out until he was no longer visible. Erston looked around for him, shocked. "What the hell?" "You've never fought me at night before," Karanlik said, still unseeable. "Due to the nature of my abilities, I am stronger at night, when the darkness aids me. Do you still wish to fight me?" Erston shook his head. "If I can't see you, I won't stand a chance. We'll settle this some other time. Boys, take him." Erston left. Karanlik allowed himself to become visible again. "No use wasting the energy against you," he said to the demons. "You can see me anyways." One of the demons stepped forward. "Our leader may be helpless against you at night, Kralkshran, but we are not." "You've heard of me. You know, I still have no clue what Kralkshran means. Care to tell me?" The demon laughed. "What's the point? I don't think that even you can take all of us." "We'll just have to see about that."
  16. Siire turned to BD. "I don't think I'll be able to get anything out of you yet, Eric. " "I told you to call me BD," he replied. "And you're right." "Fine, BD. I do have a question, though. Is there any way we can find the others more easily than just searching blindly?" BD nodded. "The digivices can locat other digivices. It will happen automatically when you get within range of the others." "Got it," Siire said. He turned to Hawkmon. "Think you've got enough energy to digivolve to Aquilamon?" "No," Hawkmon said. "I don't. That took a lot out of me." "I guess we'll just have to ride on Saberdramon. Think you can carry all of us?" "I can handle it," Biyomon replied. She digivolved, Tera, Siire, and Hawkmon climbed on, and Saberdramon flew toward the Land of Darkness. [i]What is he hiding?[/i] Siire wondered to himself. [i]Why didn't he reveal himself sooned, and why doesn't he want the others to know where he is? Something's going on here, but what?[/i]
  17. OOC: Hey, I didn't blow off Rue and Cur. ------------------------------------------- Karanlik took his piece of the crystal. Cur gave the others their pieces as Karanlik turned to Rue. "So your name's Rue," he said. "I think you'll be useful. Go into the city. Many demons will be in there by now. Kill them. Save every human you can, and be sure that you don't harm any humans." He turned to the others. "Cur, you go to the right with Sara. Kayin, you and Tanji should head to the left, like I said earlier. I'll stay here." "Will any other demons come here?" Kayin asked. "They haven't had much luck so far." "More will come," Karanlik said. "There is a group that hasn't yet entered the city. I can sense their leader. I know the man." "Man?" Sara was confused. "Don't you mean demon?" "No. He is a human, and the only one I know of, human or demon, who is my equal in combat. I'll explain later." "You sure you know what you're doing?" Cur wanted to know. "This is what I do," Karanlik replied. "I have devoted my life to stopping them. I know what I'm doing. Now, go. We will not let them destroy this city." As they move off, Karanlik faced west, where a man is leading a group of demons toward him. The man stopped a few feet away, and the demons came to a halt behind him. "Why, hello, Karanlik," the man said. "Erston." "So much hostility. It's amazing that so much hate can be contained in a single word." "You can't escape from me forever, Erston," Karanlik said. "Sooner or later, I will kill you." Erston laughed. "I could see the same thing. Let's just see who's right, shall we?" Erston turns to the demons behind him. "This is between me and Karanlik. Do not interfere." He draws twin swords as he turns back to Karanlik, who had his poles out. "You ready?" It was Karanlik's turn to laugh. "I'm always ready. Let's go."
  18. "You should be able to answer that question, Tanji," Karanlik said. "You've been tracking me by my mind, haven't you?" "Yes," Tanji said. "I'm just so tired. I can hardly keep myself awake." "Then you're in the wrong place. I drove one group off, but they'll be back. They went to get reenforcements. I think that they became frightened when I killed a pair of them. They can't really be harmed by most weapons, but my powers are very effective. They're allways too cocky to think that they can be killed. "How do you know that?" Kayin asked. "Because I've dedicated my life to stopping them. Now is not the time for talk. Kayin, you take Tanji and head left. Sera, you head to the right." He turned to Rue and Cur. "I don't know who you two are, but if you want to help, then head back into the city. Many are in there." Karanlik readied himself for battle as a large group of demons shows up. "More of you this time," he observed. "Not that it matters. The sun has set. It's night now, and I'm stronger at night. The darkness of night aids me." "You can't take us all," one of the demons said. Karanlik laughed. "Watch me."
  19. [i]And I thought this place couldn't get any weirder,[/i] Siire thought. Out loud, he said, "We've been running around without a clue since we got here. Every time something's happened, someone's alomst died, and I've been forced to run way too many times. Now, I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing, but what I do know is that these crests are what we need right now. They help the Digimon digivolve, right?" "Right," BD confirmed. "Then I'm going to make sure that I know how it works. Hawkmon, are you ready?" "I'm ready," the Digimon confirmed. "Let's go." They exited the cave. A few seconds later, a pixie-like Digimon showed up. "That's Lillymon," Hawkmon said. "She's an Ultimate-level Digimon. Normally, Lillymon are friendly Digimon, but this one doesn't look too nice." "Do you think it's going to attack?" Hawkmon didn't get a chance to answer. Lillymon fired her Flower Cannon at Hawkmon, who digivolved to Aquilamon just in time. "You need to digivolve again!" Siire shouted. "There's no way you can take an Ultimate by yourself at the Champion level!" "He won't have time to digivolve," Lillymon said. "Flower Cannon!" Lillymon's attack hit Aquilamon, and the bird Digimon hit the ground, barely concious. as Lillymon prepared to fire again, Siire figured it out. [i]Hawkmon first digivolved when I was about to die.[/i] As Lillymon fired, Siire dove in front of Aquilamon. As the blast was just about to hit, his Crest activated. Suddenly, he found himself on the ground several feet away. He looked up, and where Aquilamon had been, a new Digimon was standing. Aquilamon had digivolved just in time, and Sylphimon had pushed him out of the way before dodging the attack himself. Sylphimon wasted no time. "Static Force!" Lillymon countered with a Flower Cannon, but Sylphimon was one step ahead of her. He got behind Lillymon, kicked her into a tree, and hit her with a Static Force to the head. lillymon recovered in time to dodge Sylpimon's next attack and counter, but Sylphimon evaded and hit Lillymon with another Static Force. She hit the ground, and Sylphimon finished her off before devolving. "Well, that didn't look too hard," Siire said. "Until you did that, I didn't know if I would."
  20. OOC: There's no way for Jack to know what David's talking about, DemonicElf. To my knowledge, only Hope, David, Shinobi, and probably Nate know that Hope has a Celebi (Aurora probably would if she hadn't forgotten everything). Jack has no way of knowing what David means by Hope's "friend" or the "hit rewind" line. I'll act as though your post ended with "Tortol knows which direction the sub went." --------------------------------------------------------------- "Doesn't matter now," David replied. "That sub'll be way too far away by now, and if the person in charge knows anything, which is true or else there wouldn't even be a sub, the sub will ave changed direction by now. No, there's only one real option. I take it that you're willing to come despite what I told you?" Jack nodded. "Yes, I am." "In that case, you can't be allowed to leave my sight until someone else with the UNO can take you. What's going to happen in that sub pen is something that should never happen. Ever." "Then why are you going to do whatever it is?" "Because there's no choice." "I still don't like this, David." Hope said. "Neither do I," was David's reply. "Unfortunately, we don't seem to have a choice. If you have any other ideas, please tell me. Otherwise, we get into that sub pen, hopefully with everybody willing to help despite the risks, and your friend does its thing."
  21. Yes, you read that title right. There's another Blade movie in the works. Plot basics (keep in mind that some of this might be incorrect): [spoiler]The vampires come up with a new plan to get rid of Blade: expose him to the public. He causes a lot of damage, after all. And since there's no evidence to support the truth (the vimpires "ash" when they die, leaving nothing, not even a body), Blade has to fight humans now, too. Meanwhile, the vampires have a new plan to render themselves immune to sunlight. See, there's a vampire that could survive in sunlight. From what I've heard, he's the first vampire there was. His name? Well, he has many, but the most well-known of those names is Dracula. That's right, Dracula. The vampires are going to try and use his DNA to render themselves immune to sunlight. Also in the movie is a group called the Nightstalkers, a terrorist-like group (complete with sleeper cells) that Whistler's been training. They've been working on a bio-weapon that kills vampires but is harmless to humans. It's designed to be carried by humans, so that when vampires feed, they'll be infected. The problem is that with so much human DNA in the vampires' blood, it's next to impossible to make it work on all vampires without affecting humans. Then they learn about Dracula, who has the pure vampire DNA. With that, they can make the bio-weapon work.[/spoiler] Obviously, the best part about the Blade movies is seeing Blade kick ***, and it doesn't seem like that will lessen any. Obviously, the end battle will be Blade vs. [spoiler]Dracula[/spoiler], which should be awesome. Personally, I can't wait. Anyone know a release date?
  22. OOC: Blanko specifically said that no legendary Pokemon are allowed. Hope and Shinobi are the only exeptions (Aurora doesn't have hers with her). Not even David (Hope's brother) is allowed to have one. Unless Blanko or Nate has given you permission to have Jon have one (which you basically said didn't happen), then he can't have one, and Mew counts as one. Of course, the final decision is up to Blanko and/or Nate, but I'm going to ignore your post until I'm insrtucted otherwise. On a different but related note, there are several other things wrong with your post. One, nothing was ever revealed anywhere about the Champion being allowed to have more than six Pokemon. Two, trainers aren't given Master Balls. It's been stated both in the G/S/C set of games and earlier in this RPG that trainers aren't given Master Balls, not even the Champion. And three, there is nothing Jon could do to affect David's status at the UNO. It makes no sense that being the Champion would give him any influence with government organizations. -------------------------------------------------------------- "This is no time to be waiting," David told Lamar. "I have something you can do. Mina, you come too. But before you do, you have to understand that you'll almost undoubtably experiance something that nobody ever should. if you choose to come, the UNO will probably end up holding you for a few days as you're given the most thurogh security check possible. And if even one minor thing shows up, you're not walking out of there. You have around ten minutes to think about it. After that, it'll probably be too late. If you you decide that you want to help, jump into the water over there. Have a water-type Pokemon carry you through the opening that should be pretty obvious. We'll be in the submarine bay that's through it." David turns back to Hope. "Come on." "Are you sure about this, David?" she asked. "You have full authorization, Hope. You're allowed to do anything you need to. Now come on. We'll get inside the submarine bay before your friend does its thing."
  23. David shook his head. "No. That's caused by a Pokemon. I'll explain later. Just know that everyone here is going to be in for one hell of a debreifing when we're done with this whole thing." He released his Swampert. "Take a look underwater. I need to know if there's anywhere an underwater vehicle could be kept." Swampert dove underwater, reappearing quickly. David jumped in, and Swampert carried him down, showing him a good-sized underwater tunnel into the mountain before returning to the surface. David got out of the water. He returned Swampert and sent out Charizard, quickly returning to Hope. "Hope, I found a likely submarine bay, but nothing's there." "Can we track the sub?" David shook his head. "No. There's no clue as to where it went." 'What do we do? We have to find it." "Hope, you have been authorized to do anything you need to. And that means anything. I don't like this, but I don't have any better ideas. We need to get that sub. We don't know where it is, but we know where it was not too long ago. If we're there when it's there, we can stop it from launching. Aurora's probably on it, as well as whoever's behind all of this. We can't afford to let that sub get away. If you have any other ideas, please tell me. If not, we'll just have to get into the sub dock and have your friend hit rewind.
  24. "Don't understand that, but I trust him," Siire said. "He saved my life, after all." He turns to the others."Do what he said. Hopefully we'll be back before too long. If not, well, just keep going. We'll find you eventually. BD can probably help us with that. Hawkmon?" Hawkmon digivolved, and Siire climbed on. "Let's go." ----------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry for the length, but I don't have much time, and there's not much to say.
  25. David pulled out his phone again, dialing the UNO. Jaht answered. "Hello?" "Jaht, it's David. I'm calling to report a Code Delta." "Delta?! Are you serious?" "I'm looking at an affected Pokemon right now. My sister's husband is currently battleing it." "Recorded," Jaht said. "Anything else?" "Yes. Patch me through to Branit. Things are more serious than you know." "Got it." A few seconds later, Branit's voice came over the line. "UNO security chief Branit speaking. Who is this?" "This is David, on assignment with the Paoliko exploration team. I've got a Code Delta." That surprised Branit. "Where the hell could anyone get a Dark Ball these days?" "Unknown. I'm requesting full authorization for for my sister Hope and her husband Shinobi, both Class Omega GPs. Reason is Delta resistance and rescue of another Class Omega, Hope and Shinobi's daughter." Branit didn't even need to think about it. "Full authorization granted." "Thanks. Out." David hung up, then turned to Hope. "You and Shinobi have just been authorized to use any means necessary until this problem's taken care of, including the Omega Pokemon. Don't hesitate to use them if you have to." "Make sure she doesn't get away!" David called to Shinobi. "We need to question her. Don't hesitate to use your Omega if you have to."
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