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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
Well, there's a subplot going now. I know the whole 'Saleth' thing probably doesn't seem that interesting, but trust me, it'll get that way soon enough.
[I]"Okay," Chris said, "we've got confirmation. The object's properties are exactly as described, and alterations to [/I]Crossover[I]'s codewill be necessary."[/I] [I]"Well, shit," Keith said. "That means we were wrong about that. Damn. This isn't just localized, then. At least this isn't something that has had much of an effect yet, but we don't have much time until it will, and we need to add the altered code before then. Fortunately, this won't be a repeat of last year's 'Sinwall Incident'. We've got enough people in place this time to properly distribute the code, including a starting location."[/I] [I]"The starting location needs more people in-game," Chris said. "That's why we had to break in last year, remember. We didn't have enough people at one location, so we had to add it from outside the game. Are you sure we have enough people in-game this time to initiate the alterations?"[/I] [I]Keith nodded. "I've double-checked everything with the division heads. We're good to go. We just need your code."[/I] [I]"Well, we just finished that," Chris said as he handed Keith a disk. "Here it is. Transmit it to our people. Remember, they'll need to remain in one place for proper code integration. They can't move around too much while receiving the code without disruption the code's integration into [/I]Crossover[I]."[/I] [I]"I reminder will be sent to each person," Keith said, "and we'll wait for confirmation of readiness before tansmitting the code. Don't worry, Chris. We know what we're doing."[/I] [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Nice try," Kiva told the man lying at her feet. He'd tried to hit her from behind, but she saw him coming soon enough to react. Using his own momentum as an aid, she'd flipped him over her and onto the ground.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva heard noises behind her, and looked to see Sinaeas throw an angelic Etherian to the ground. "Oh, was that one yours, too," she said, turning back to the man on the ground. "Well, again, nice try, but I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The angel leapt back into the air, firing blasts of light at Sinaeas. One hit near Kiva, distracting her for a moment and allowing the man to get to his feet. Most of the blasts did hit Sinaeas, but he was one tough customer. The angel was clearly not very durable, instead relying on its agility, which didn't serve it very well in the midst of the battle. It tried to escape into the air, but Sinaeas grabbed it again, slamming it to the ground and cruching it under his foot. Before long, there was a distortion effect, after which the angel was gone. It would revive eventually, but it would most likely be out of action for a couple days. It wouldn't be able to participate further in the current battle, that was certain.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Damn it," the man said. He turned and ran off. Presumably, he would call another Etherian to replace the angel, but he clearly didn't want to be vulnerable while doing so. He wasn't an immediate concern of Kiva's however. She was scanning the nearby combatants for another opponent when she saw a bird Etherian falling towards her. As it approached land, Arsia jumped to the ground from its back and, using her abilities, slammed the bird, which was presumably an enemy, into a group of enemy Etheria at high speed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Something's going on," Arsia said as she ran over to Kiva. "Right before that bird came at me, I saw a small group run into one of the tunnels. Thaise was with them."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Thaise?" Kiva said. "What the hell is the Tamethian army's commander doing in the tunnels? He should be behind the front lines like our commander is."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That might not be accurate," Arsia said. "I heard one of them say something about Kashe, our side's commander, being after something called 'Saleth'. It sounded like they were talking about a releaser artifact."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. [I]Crossover[/I] had drawn on almost every sourse imaginable for its content. Since there were quite a few stories about some sort of creature being sealed away, such things did pop up in [I]Crossover[/I]. The artifacts required to break the seals were commonly referred to as 'releasers'.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"So the tunnels are important, then," Kiva said. "I think we should go take a look."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You're not the first," Arsia said. "I saw several others follow Thaise's group in, though the only one I recognized is Talora."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, there's no telling where in the tunnel network they all are right now, but let's try to find them anyways. I saw an entrance over here. Let's go. Sinaeas! We're heading into the tunnels. Make a path to that entrance we saw."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Sinaeas nodded, then turned and charged through the surrounding battle, Kiva and Arsia following. Sinaeas waited for them at the tunnel entrance. Like most underground areas in [I]Crossover[/I], the tunnel was large enough to accomidate even an Etherian of Sinaeas's size. Sinaeas led the way into the tunnel, followed by Kiva with Arsia bringing up the rear.[/COLOR]
Um, oops. My bad. Anyways, I also think it would be better to have them be members of the Council.
Well, I was thinking that the game would be more realistic in that sense, but don't worry about it, because it won't be that way for much longer. There's the war going on, and I'll be introducing a seperate in-game subplot before long. For now, I'd say just fight in the war on whatever side you think is more appropriate for your character, or maybe as hired help or something from a different nation. Don't worry about a lack of direction, because there won't be one for long. Get your character established within [I]Crossover[/I]. Soon, things will start to happen (hint: stuff will happen within the tunnels). And yes, Allamorph, GYMO is fine.
Pretty good, Ugamon, but you should probably tone down Celestia's healing a bit. Also, players don't make their own Etheria; Etheria are already in the game, and players just get those. However, if you want Angus to be similar to someone in Kredion's dreams, that' quite all right. So basically, you're in.
Well, my post's up. I took the opportunity to reveal a bit of Kiva's backstory, as well as add a certain... emotional complication, shall we say. I love screwing with my characters' minds.
[COLOR=darkslateblue]Finding the messenger ship would be hard enough, but there was another problem. The Elite Specialist onboard would likely destroy the ship rather than allow it and the two Council members to fall into the hands of the New Alliance. Fortunately, it hadn't been able to fully evade detection during its escape. It had gotten away and engaged stealth systems, but during the escape enough readings were picked up to determine its unique emmissions signature, allowing it to be identified. And the [I]Catalyst[/I]'s database had a match for it. The vessel was the [I]Hunter[/I], under the command of a Dalek Krimoe.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The fack that the vessel was under Dalek's command was fortunate, because Kiva knew him. She hadn't been surprised when he'd been made a Specialist; he was good. He'd been Kiva's division head on her first assignment in the Imperial millitary, but their relationship had gone beyond that, and once Kiva was reassigned to security, they let all pretenses drop. Relationships of that type were forbidden between individuals in the same chain of command, but after her transfer to security, Kiva and Dalek had no longer been in the same chain of command.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva and Dalek had continued their relationship even after Kiva had been reassigned elsewhere. However, when Dalek had been made a Specialist, they hadn't been able to see each other as often. They'd done their best to keep in touch until Kiva was made an elite Specialist. With both of them on Specialist duty, even just contacting each other had become nigh-impossible, but Kiva's feelings for Dalek had remained, and she was sure his feelings for her had remained as well.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]As much as Kiva knew it would hurt to go up against Dalek, she also knew she could use their prior relationship to her advantage, which made his presence fortunate despite Kiva's feelings. Kiva was certainly able to put aside her feelings and do what she had to, but that didn't mean she liked it. And in this case, taking advantage of Dalek's feelings could be her only chance of getting the Council members alive. Even though he had to know she'd turned traitor, he'd be likely to at least give her a chance to explain, and he's be more likely to accept any lie she told. It was a slim chance, but it was the only chance Kiva had of getting the Council members alive.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]It had taken some work, but Kiva had managed to find the [I]Hunter[/I]. She'd followed the couse she thought Dalek had taken in the [I]Catalyst[/I], and has deployed drones to cover other potential directions. But Kiva had beeen right about Dalek's choice of escape route. Even so, without the [I]Catalyst[/I]'s upgraded sensor systems, the [I]Hunter[/I] would probably have remained undetected. But now Kiva had him, and since the [I]Catalyst[/I] was running under normal power levels, the [I]Hunter[/I] had likely detected it even with its advanced stealth systems.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva sent a transmission request to the [I]Hunter[/I]. It was clear that she had been spotted, as Dalek responded almost immediately. "[I]Catalyst[/I], this is [I]Hunter[/I]. What's your sta- Kiva?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Hi, Dalek," Kiva said, laughing at the expression on his face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That it has," Dalek said. "To be honest, I never thought I'd see you again after you turned traitor. At first, I couldn't believe you'd done it. I thought I knew you better than that."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then you may have already figured it out. I was glad when I say it was your ship that had tried to escape. I knew you'd probably have guessed the truth."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then you haven't turned traitor?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I've betrayed nobody," Kiva said, which was actually true. She'd been a Resistance spy since she first entered into Imperial service. Not that she told Dalek that. Instead, she said, "Stevens needed a spy in the Resistance, so he had me begin leaking information to them-under his supervision, of course. Then, when I had Daniel Timbers on my ship, we staged my defection to the Resistance and escape from sector 1. I've been undercover since then."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I knew it," Dalek said under his breath. "Well," he said aloud, "I've got two Councilors on board, and we need to get the hell out of here, but our hyperdrive was damaged. We've been trying to repair it, but after repairing more critical systems, such as stealth and life-support, we just don't have the parts we need."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I should have what you need," Kiva said. "I'll transfer the parts to you, then I'll continue with my search while you repair and escape. That way, you'll get the Councilors out without compromising my position."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Works for me. Contact me again when you're ready to begin the transfer, and I'll send you the code to poen a transport door in the [I]Hunter[/I]. Dalek out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva didn't transport any replacement parts. She transported herself onto the [I]Hunter[/I]'s bridge in full battle armor, immediately firing on Dalek at full stun. She then accessed the [I]Hunter[/I]'s computers and saw that the Councilors were in the crewmen's quarters; Dalek had gone solo as a Specialist, so they'd been available. She made her way over there. She opened the door to the first room and immediately stunned its sole occupant, then did the same in the other. She returned to the bridge and transported the Councilors to cells on the [I]Catalyst[/I], then did the same with Dalek. She then sent a transmission to Daniel: "Primary objective secured. The messenger ship [I]Hunter [/I]has also been secured. I've set the autopilot; the ship is following me back to Earth. I'll contact you again when I return. Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva set the [I]Hunter[/I]'s autopilot to follow the course she'd take in the [I]Catalyst[/I], after which she opened another transport door and returned to her ship. She set a course back to Earth, then leaned back in her chair. The whole thing had gone extremely well; Kiva just wished she hadn't needed to make herself feel like shit in the process.[/COLOR]
You're both good. As I said in the Underground thread, the action's started, so feel free to jump in.
EDIT: Okay, since there doesn't seem to be much psoting activity right now, I've gone ahead and started the action. Things matter now, so those of you who haven't yet posted, please try to post as soon as possible. Oh, and don't worry about posting your characters entering [I]Crossover[/I]. It's okay if you start with them already in the game. 1: That can be a characteristic of an Etherian, yes. 2: Not quite. [I]Crossover[/I] simplifies things like that to make it easier for players to learn, but the basics would carry over, yes. And of course, people who know how to do those things in real life would be able to use the same skills in [I]Crossover[/I]. 3: No real clothing restrictions. NPCs wear medieval-era clothing, but players aren't given that requirment. However, when fighting in armies, players are expected to wear those armies' uniforms, which are provided to them (in-game only. What someone's wearing in real life has no affect on their in-game clothing. 4: Etheria retain their predetermined forms.
[COLOR=darkslateblue]The fight was winding down. Not many goblins were left, and the few that were still alive had finally realized they should run. Not many of them were actually able to escape, though. They were quick, but the faster Etheria didn't have much trouble catching them. Arsia in particular got quite a few, and Liquid took out more than her fair share. Kiva was able to catch a couple herself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, that was fun," Kiva said as she cleaned goblin blood off her sword.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's for sure," Arsia said. "It was a nice warm-up, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Liquid nodded her agreement. "Yeah. Too bad goblins aren't good opponents for Sinaeas. I assume you'll be using him in the battle, Kiva?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Of course. He's perfect for that sort of thing. I'll start with Arsia out, too; she can wreak havok against fliers, and there are bound to be plenty of those. But don't worry, Liquid, you'll get a turn. I'm sure there'll be enemies you're perfect for."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Don't worry about that," Liquid said. "You just do what you have to do."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"All right. Well, shall we get going?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I]"It's confirmed, Keith. The object is undoubtably the objective, though it seems that only the armies' commanders know it."[/I][/COLOR] [I]"Are the object's properties as described?" Keith said.[/I] [I]"We don't know yet, sir. The current estimation is a 50% chance that the description is real."[/I] [I]"Well, shit," Keith said. "Okay, we have to work on the assumption that it is. That means we have to assume alterations to [/I]Crossover[I]'s code will be necessary. Has your team made any progress?"[/I] [I]"Yes, sir. As you know, we started work on it as soon as the possibility of a necessary change arose. We've found a couple bugs and are in the process of fixing them. The altered code should be ready within the hour. But we can't put it in as a regular update; it'd be too late by then. The change would need to be made before the object is found within [/I]Crossover[I], and there's only one way to do that."[/I] [I]"Yes," Keith said. He pushed a button on the wall and spoke into the PA system. "Attention. Attention. I am declaring Sinwall. I repeat: I am declaring Sinwall. All team leaders, report to me immediately, and you know what you'll need to bring." He turned from the PA interface to the man standing next to him. "I'll be in my office. You get back to work, Chris. We need that code."[/I] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I knew you'd be here," a woman said as she walked towards Kiva.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, hi there, Talora," Kiva said. "I was certain you'd be here, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"When have I ever passed up a war?" Talora looked past Kiva at Sineas, whom Kiva had summoned in Liquid's place upon joining the Faltian army in Liashak Valley. "You know, he's always larger than I remember."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded as she looked out over the area that would soon be a battlefield. "What the hell's up with everyone popping in and out of those caves?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Oh, apparently some new passages have been discovered linking caves in the area. It seems there's actualy a large network of tunnels down there. It was clearly added as part of the last update, but of course all the NPCs are saying it's newly discovered but was really there all along. Anyways, there are all sorts of rumors flying around about why it's been added now. Most people think something down there is related to the battle we're all about to fight."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That does seem possible," Kiva said, "but I don't think it fits. It was clear this was where the battle would happen since before the last update. They might have added something in anticipation of that, but I'd say it's just a coincidence. I could be wrong, though."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, either way, you can be sure there'll be fighting down there. I'm just glad we're all in Faltian uniforms, so we'll know who's on which side when the battle starts. It'll be even more important than usual in the tunnels. Things down there are going to be confusing as hell."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yeah, tell me about it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"There's motion up front," Sinaeas said, inturrupting their conversation. "I think opening negotiations are underway."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"So things are going to get started, then," Kiva said. "About time."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Tell me about it," Talora said. She turned to face her two active Etheria. "You ready, Arock?" she said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Of course," the huge bird-like Etherian said. "What about you, Kirmas?" he said, turning to face the large mantis. "You ready for this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Like you even have to ask. I'm going crazy waiting for this to begin."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Aounds like you're all ready to go," Kiva said. "What about you two?" she said to her own Etheria. They both nodded. "All right, then. Go time. Sinaeas?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"The two parties are returning to their respective armies. Everyone looks to be getting ready to move."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Before, there's been a lot of conversation, but now everyone was silent, waiting. And they didn't have long to wait before the order was given. "All right," Kiva said. "Let's go."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The armies began to move, charging at each other. Flying Etheria on both sides took to the skies as the armies closed in on each other. On the ground, some people were allready pealing off to enter the tunnels. Kiva and her Etheria stayed aboveground with the main force as the Faltian army collided with the Tamethian army and the battle begun.[/COLOR]
EDIT: In regards to Athena's post: Athena, your description of a VR unit isn't quite how I've been imagining them (I've been picturing devices you lie down in), but it's all right. After all, there would undoubtably be different ways VR units could work, so some variety in VR unit types is quite fine (althugh I should mention that holograms have nothing to do with anything. This isn't Star Trek). However, I'd say that each VR facilty is unlikely to have more than one variety of unit (after all, why order from different suppliers when you can get them all from one? It's simpler that way). But don't feel like you have to worry much about this; it's not really all that important. Okay, the RPG's up now. Just one note about my post: Kiva's job is nothing important. I just thought her interaction with Sako would be a good way to establish what's currently happening within [I]Crossover[/I]. Let me also say that although the RPG's story will begin as part of the battle about to take place, you don't have to participate if you don't want to. You can be drawn into the story in other ways, so just do whatever you want for now. Now, I said I'd give some basics about the various major nations. Note that, like in real life, there are many smaller nations, but the ones I've listed here are the important ones. Anyways, here we go: [B]Faltia:[/B] The kingdom of Faltia is mainly agricultural, but because of its proximity to Tameth, it's developed a large army. Faltia rarely initiates conflicts, but if provoked, it's quick to respond, and usually does so with force. Faltia's constantly at odds with Tameth, but usually gets along with the other major nations. Currently ruled by King Keose [B]Tameth: [/B]The Tameth Empire is large and agressive. Tameth was originally a small nation whose territory was largely barren. Trade only got Tameth so far; expansion was necesary for its survival. Tameth conquered nearby territories, continuing even after aquiring sufficient resources to suppliment trade. Conquest has been Tameth's way for a long time. Most large-scale conflicts involve Tameth, usually as the agressor. Tameth isn't on very good terms with the other major nations. Currently ruled by Emporer Shalesk [B]Kashimia: [/B]By far the largest nation in [I]Crossover[/I], the Republic of Kashimia is huge and largely self-sufficient. It does trade with other nations, but this benifits them more than Kashimia. Many smaller nations rely heavily on trade from Kashimia. It's a non-agressive nation, and nobody wants to provoke it. It's army is huge, but hasn't been involved in anything more than small-scale conflicts for centuries and would likely fare poorly in a full-scale war. It's large enough, however, that almost any enemy would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Kashimia is governed by a large Council that's constantly bogged down in internal disputes and never gets much done. [B]Salkera: [/B]An isolationist nation near Kashimia. Self-sufficient and almost completely closed off. The only exports from Salkera are illegal, and the same is true of imports. Salkeria's leadership, a small body of both men and women, has something of a superiority complex, shared by most Salkeran citizens. They've decided that they want nothing to do with what they consider to be inferior nations. Most of the other nations don't like Salkera very much, but as long as it keeps to itself, they're willing to leave it alone. Now, characters can be alligned with any nation, and if you want to, feel free to come up with your own. Like I said, there are many smaller nations. Also, you don't have to be with a nation to participate in conflicts involving it. For example, with the Faltia-Tameth conflict, players who tend to support other nations can still participate. They's just take whatever side they want to, usually the one they support more. Also, you don't have to be alligned with any nation if you don't want to be. 'Freelance' players aren't uncommon.
Everyone's in, although those of you with incomplete sign-ups need to finish them first. The RPG's up now, but sign-ups will remain open for the time being. I'll post a notification here when I close them.
[COLOR=darkslateblue]Kiva looked up as a young man approached the front desk where she was seated. Kiva recognized him immediately; Sako was one of the regulars, coming almost every day. Although he'd been absent for the past couple weeks, he was a regular [I]Crossover[/I] player and had been for two years. His had a membership at the EWorld VR facility where Kiva worked. For regular players, memberships were much cheaper than paying on a per-visit basis, so most regular players had them, Kiva included. Hers was an employee membership, too, which among other things allowed her to use the 'reserved' VR units, virtually garunteeing that she'd be able to find a unit even on the most crowded days.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Well, what do you know?" Kiva said. "Haven't seen you in a while, Sako."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Yeah," Sako said. "I was visiting my grandparents. They live in a little town way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, so I haven't had access to any VR units. I don't mind-it was nice to see them-but it does mean I'm behind on recent in-game developments. Think you could catch me up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Sure," Kiva said, "although you've probably expected most of it. War between the nations of Tameth and Faltia is basically underway. As usual, it's Tameth that's initiating hostilities. Tameth's army has entered Faltian territory, and the Faltian army is moving to meet them. It looks like the armies will run into each other in Liashak Valley later today. As usual, many players will be joining in on the battle, myself included, so I might see you in battle."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You better hope you don't, 'cause I'd kick your ass. Why are you with Faltia, anyways? Tameth's a lot more fun."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Maybe for you," Kiva said, "but even though I enjoy a good war, Tameth gets into way too many for my taste."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Whatever. Anyways, has anything else happened?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No, not really."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"All right, then, could you get me a unit?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded, and turned to face the computer. "All right, let's see here... okay, Sako, you're in room 2, unit G."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Thanks," Sako said. "You get off work at the usual time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Of course. I'm done in ten minutes, then I'm logging in to [I]Crossover[/I] myself."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I'l see you there, then," Sako said as he walked off.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva positioned herself on the VR unit and entered her password on the keypad. The standard welcome message appeared on the display, along with instructions on how to position one's self on the unit. Kiva was already properly positioned, so she hit the OK button and waited as the VR unit began the process of entering her into VR. Soon, there was a familiar feeling of disorientation, after which she was in the world of [I]Crossover[/I].[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva had appeared in Kalton, a town close to Liashak valley, and thus a convenient place to start, since she was planning to participate in the battle at Liashak. That's why she'd ended her previous session in Kalton, and she wasn't the only one. Many other players had done the same thing. But Kiva had chosen the area for one other reason. Goblins were common in the area, and just as they'd been in stories and games for years, [I]Crossover[/I]'s goblins were small, weak, and stupid, but there were a lot of them. Like many players, Kiva liked to use goblins as a warm-up, and near Kalton, they were always easy to find.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva was about to leave the town to go hunting for goblins, but she didn't need to. A commotion nearby drew her attention, and she saw that a horde of goblins was actually attacking the town. They were fighting just as poorly as always, with numbers being their only advantage. They probably couldn't have taken the town even under normal circumstances; with the number of players currently in the area, they didn't stand a chance. Many players were already fighting the goblins, and Kiva decided to join in. But first, she called two of hte Etheria.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Calling etheria was usually very simple. Some, usually the ones with large egos, demanded more complex summoning rituals, but aside from them, calling Etheria was simple, though the exact method did usually differ between Etheria. Of the ones Kiva used, Sineaes prefered a slightly more complex summoning ritual, but goblins, being small and quick, weren't ideal opponents for him. He'd certainly do well enough, mainly because weak goblin attacks wouldn't do much harm to him, but Liquid and Arsia were better against goblins, so they were the Etheria Kiva called.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What's happening?" Liquid asked as she and Arsia appeared beside Kiva. "Ah, so it's goblins, then?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Indeed it is. I thought we could use a little warm-up before the battle later, and these goblins were kind enough to give us a perfect opportunity. Just try not to do any damage to the town. That means no huge windstorms, Arsia. Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive the other players of their warm-up."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Arsia laughed. "Like I need anything huge to take out goblins." She ran ahead into the goblin horde, leaving Kiva and Liquid behind. Some goblins turned to face her as she approached, but they were gone before she was there. She blew them back with a gust of wind, slamming them into other goblins and causing a chain reaction of collapsing goblins. She ran right into the mess, blowing goblins away on all sides. Being small and light, goblins were extremely easy targets for her and her wind-based abilities. She was tearing through the horde at high speed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Come on," Kiva said to Liquid. "Let's get in there before Arsia's taken them all out." She drew her sword, and she and Liquid ran straight into the battle.[/COLOR]
Yes, Etheria can be humanoid (just look at my sign-up; two of Kiva's are humanoid). Almost anything is okay, as long as it's not too powerful. As for the game world, it's very realistically designed, with distinct nations and that sort of thing. I haven't mentioned nations yet because I didn't ant to make things sound too complicated. Don't worry about nations too much; I'll describe them when I start the RPG. Don't worry about interactions between them, either. I'll say how they feel towards one another, but I'll take care of the political stuff myself (unless you want to do that kind of thing, in which case feel free to post about it). I've mentioned before that [I]Crossover[/I] is a basic fantasy world, with the exception that there is no magic or other such stuff that humans can use. So think a medieval technology level, all the various fantasy creatures (except elves and dwarves; there are none of those), etc. As for what's going to be going on in the game world when the RPG starts, I really don't have a lot of free time right now, but I'll make sure that's clear when I start the RPG. For now, I'll just say that a full-scale battle will be involved. If you want more information, James, please tell me, and I'll give it to you.
Nice sign-ups so far, everyone (even the incomplete ones are good; they just need to be finished). I hope to have the RPG started by Monday, but eben then, sign-ups will remain open for a while. After all, why close them when introducing new characters is as easy as someone else entering the game? So don't feel rushed if you still want to sign up. Also, there's one thing I somehow completely forgot to mention, and one point I'd like to make sure is clear. I've mentioned this before, but just to be sure it's clear, players can change Etheria. If a player has five and wants another, that new Etherian must replace one of the player's current Etheria (and yes, the player would indeed choose which one is replaced). This includes everyone's characters, so if you want a different Etherian, feel free to make the change. Now, the thing I forgot to mention: the world of [I]Crossover[/I] is populated by all your standard fantasy creatures such as gryphons and dragons. These are different from Etheria, though there are Etheria versions of these creatures. I hope that doesn't sound too confusing.
[COLOR=darkslateblue]The assault shuttle had arrived, and the team was ready. The first two shield generators were down, and the third would be taken out shortly. Once the shield was down, Kiva would use transportation doors to retrieve the demolition teams as the assault team made its landing. Kiva would join them eventually, but first she had to make sure nobody tried to escape. Normally this wouldn't be a concern, as the base was equipped only with standard shuttles, which were incapable of entering hyperspace and thus couldn't run very far. Catching them would be easy, and it was likely that nobody would try to use them, anyways.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]In this case, however, it was probable that the facility had at least one hyper-capable vessel. Kiva was hoping nobody would think of using it, because she didn't want to destroy it, which she'd be forced to do if it launched. She was hoping the people down there were smart enough to realize this. As a precaution, the assault team would make its landing where the ship would be, but if anyone tried to launch it before then, Kiva would have no choice but to open fire. She'd try to disable it, but she knew she would likely end up having to destroy it. She just hoped it wouldn't be necessary to do so.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"This is Squad Leader."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Go ahead," Kiva said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We've secured the landing site. The vessel is present and unoccupied. I've detached some men to secure it. The rest of us are spreading throughout the facility. So far, there's been little resistance from the people here. Most have surrendered immediately. A few have opened fire, but they've all been neutralized quickly."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent. Contact me again upon completion. Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva then sent a transmission to Daniel. "Kiva," Daniel said, "what's your status?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Everything's going as planned," Kiva said. "The assault team is in the facility and is proceeding without problems. The presence of the [I]Catalyst[/I] has been confirmed, although its status is currently unknown, since nobody on the assault team knows much about the specifications of the messenger ships. I'll inspect the [I]Catalyst[/I] myself. I plan to head down there as soon as the facility has been secured. How are things on your end?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"As messy as we expected, but it's basically a done deal. We'll have control of the sector before long. You just focus on your end. After all, it is the reason we're here to begin with. We don't want anything to mess this up."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Don't worry about it," Kiva said. "Everything is going as planned. I'll contact you once I've inspected the [I]Catalyst[/I]. Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The [I]Catalyst[/I] had been Kiva's messenger ship when she was first made an Elite Specialist. While in sector 13 to assist in the invasion of Earth, Kiva had been assigned to go to the facility on Mars, where she took command of the [I]Transcendence[/I], the prototype for a new model of messenger ship. The Catalyst, however, had been left at the facility, and as Kiva had expected, it was still there.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva was on the bridge of the [I]Catalyst[/I]. It had been one of the old messenger ships, but then Kiva left it at the facility on mars, and as she'd expected, the people at the facility had made use of it. Based on Kiva's evaluation and performance data of the [I]Transcendence[/I], some changes had been made before the new model was finalized. When it was, the facility began modifying the [I]Catalyst[/I], upgrading it to the new model. And it seemed as though that process had been completed. The upgraded [I]Catalyst[/I] was ready for use.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Upon completing her inspection of the [I]Catalyst[/I], Kiva again contacted Daniel. "Operation complete," she said. "The facility is under our control. All of its personell are in custody. Most surrendered, and the rest were stunned. Since there's no actual brig here, they've been locked up in an empty storage room; this facility design can hold a lot more stuff than they apparently needed here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]""Well done," Daniel said. "And the [I]Catalyst[/I]?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Online and upgraded. There've beem some modifications to the design based on operational data from the [I]Transcendence[/I] and my own feedback. The design has been finalized, and the [I]Catalyst[/I] has been upgraded to the new model. Information in the facility's computers indicates that the Empire planned to cycle[/COLOR][COLOR=darkslateblue] the old messenger ships through the facility for upgrading, but I don't think that's been started yet. If it has, we can expect a Specialist to arrive within a couple days, but I'd bet against it. Even so, it's a good idea to be ready."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I agree," Daniel said. "We don't want them taking us by surprise here after we went through the effort to capture the facility in the first place."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Indeed. I recommend the instalation of fixed defenses as soon as possible; this facility's primary defense was secrecy, but the Empire knows exactly where it is. I realize we don't exactly have resources to waste, but the importance of this facility should make it a top priority, and the Empire's bound to try to retake it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes, and they'll want the [I]Transcendence[/I] back now more than ever. Actually, they'll probably want the [I]Catalyst[/I] more, since it's the finalized design and an improvement over the [I]Transcendence[/I], even if it's just a slight improvement. We'll need to be sure to give it to someone we know we can trust."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah. Actually, I'd like to take command of the [I]Catalyst[/I] myself. After all, I am someone whose loyalty you're absolutely certain of. Plus, with the assignments you've been giving me, I think I need the absolute best ship I can get."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I was actually thinking the same thing," Daniel said. "All right, then. Transfer yourself to the [I]Catalyst[/I]. I assume you'll want to copy the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s database."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yeah, but it won't take long. I'll get that done right away. The assault team and I will remain here until further notice, so tell me as soon as you have something new for me to do. Kiva out."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Name: [/B]Kiva Salqarian[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Age:[/B] 21[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Gender: [/B]Female[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Appearance:[/B] Kiva is a tall woman, standing at well over six feet. She's in very good physical shape, and quite good-looking, too. She keeps her black hair cut fairly short. She prefers to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, and within [I]Crossover[/I], she carries her sword strapped to her back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Personality:[/B] Kiva has always felt confined by reality. She was a frequent daydreamer when she was young, and as an adult, she spends much of her free time in [I]Crossover[/I], a world not constrained by reality. She's somewhat paranoid, always on the lookout for deception. She's also something of a conspiracy theorist, rarely satisfied by the official version of events. Within [I]Crossover[/I], her paranoia is less evident; she's still cautious and wary of decpetion, but it seems to fit better within the game.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Crossover experience:[/B] Kiva has been a player for about two years.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][B]Etheria:[/B] Kiva's most-used Etherian is Liquid. Liquid is humanoid, but with a greenish-blue skin that looks similar to light seen through water. Her abilities are water-based. She is skilled at manipulating water in its liquid and solid forms, though what she can do with water as a gas is limited. She can also shift her body to a liquid state. Physically, she's quite quick and agile, though her strength is limited.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]Another Etherian Kiva frequently uses is Sinaeas. Sinaeas is basically centauroid, but instead of a combined horse and human, his appearance is rather demonic. He's large, too, well over three times Kiva's height and proportioned accordingly. He has no real abilities, but makes up for this physically. He's very strong, can take a beating, and can run rather fast when he wants to, although his agility is poor. Agile opponents can run circles around him, but when he can catch an opponent, he hits hard.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]The third Etherian Kiva often uses is Arsia. She's very similar to Liquid in appearance, although her skin is a light green color. Like Liquid, she's very quick and agile, but somewhat lacking in physical strength. Although many of her wind-based abilities do little outright damage, they have other uses. She can use her abilities to enhance her own already impressive agility, or to greatly impare an enemy's mobility, though heavier opponents are largely unaffected.[/COLOR]
On participation, yeah, it's all right if youyou can't post too often, and absences are fine, too. Remember, [I]Crossover[/I] is a VR game; it's not uncommon to feople to take breaks from playing. On Etheria's personalities, it's true that an Etherian cannot turn against or disobey its caller, but those are the only restrictions. Etheria that don't like or trust their callers may not put as much of an effort into things, or may just decide to do things their own way (while still doing what they were told to do, of course). So basically, Etheria who don't like their callers won't be as helpful. The rest of the personality aspect is meant as a way of enhancing the in-game world. Etheria don't come across as artificial; they seem very real, and their personalities are a part of this. Now yes, Etheria's personalities aren't likely to make huge transformations, but it is possible. Since Etheria's personalities are an element of realism, their personalites are affected much as humans' personalties would be. So no, complete personality transformations are not common, but something that would have an effect on a human's personality will likely have an effect on an Etherian's personalty.
[COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]This, of course, is the Backstage thread for my latest RPG, Crossover. The sign-up thread is located [/COLOR][URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=795833#post795833"][COLOR=blue]here[/COLOR][/URL][/FONT][/COLOR]. [COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]I have a tendency to make long introductory posts, which has turned some people off of my RPGs in the past. In order to prevent that from happening this time, most information will be contained here instead of in the sign-up thread. Of course, that would make this a long post, but I’ve tried to keep it as short as possible. If I find anything more I need to add, I’ll do so, but what’s already here should be all you absolutely need to know.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]Just one thing first. I'd like to repeat what I said in the sign-up thread about the RPG's story. This RPG will have a definite plot, which does indeed involve the ‘Sinwall Incident’ (let me clarify that this RPG takes place five years after [I]Crossover[/I]’s release, which is one year after the Sinwall Incident). I have multiple story paths planned out to allow for player actions, so don't be afraid to introduce your own elements into the story. Pretty much anything that’s not godmodding is fine. Use your judgment, and I'll tell you if anything needs changing.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] [center][B][U][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]Game Basics[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B][/center] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Note:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma] The Etheria system has its own section below.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Game Flow:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma] Much like in MMORPGs, [I]Crossover[/I] has no set story or gameplay path. The world is open for players to do essentially whatever they want. For those who want some kind of structure, that’s provided as well. Large-scale conflicts are not uncommon, and such events draw huge numbers of participants on both sides of the conflict. There is often a clear distinction between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, even though those terms aren’t applied to either side by any NPCs, and players can choose whichever side they want to be on. Of course, treason happens, and past actions reflect on a player, so if you betray one side, that side’s not exactly going to welcome you back. Just like in real life, actions have consequences.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Player actions:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma] Although there are many roles one can take on that don’t involve combat, combat is a central focus of [I]Crossover[/I]. Combat is completely real-time. Players fight using whatever weapons they want within the limits of [I]Crossover[/I]’s medieval technology level (swords, bows, that sort of thing). There’s no magic or other such abilities available for players to use, although weapons and equipment can come with certain support abilities, such as certain attributes added to a weapon. The only ability players have is calling Etheria.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Player injuries: [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Although combat is by nature violent, no injuries are sustained by players within [I]Crossover[/I]. The game does keep track of what injuries would have been sustained, however, and will downgrade the effects of player actions accordingly, so that if, say, a player would have sustained a leg injury, his/her mobility will be temporarily impaired.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Player deaths:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma] Normally, players retreat after sustaining sufficient ‘injuries’. All NPCs are programmed to allow this, and most players allow it as well, but some don’t, and there are also players who simply don’t run. If this is the case, the fight continues and the player may ‘die’. If a player is ‘killed’ within [I]Crossover[/I], there is no effect on the person in real life. Players are simply logged out of the game, and must log back in. Players are penalized for ‘deaths’. Penalties include loss of in-game money or equipment, and in some cases, loss of Etheria. However, to prevent ‘noob-hunting’’, new players are not penalized when killed by experienced players in a manner consistent with noob-hunting. Noob-hunters are tracked and warned, suspended, or if necessary banned completely.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [center][B][U][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]Etheria System[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B][/center] [LEFT][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black][B]Etheria basics: [/B]mentioned in the sign-up thread, the VR game Crossover uses what's called the Etheria system, in which the player calls upon creatures called Etheria (singular: Etherian). The variety of available Etheria is seemingly endless, and each has different abilities. There are almost no abilities unique to any one type of Etheria; there are so many types it's almost certain that at least one other type, and probably a lot more, has any given ability.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=black]Etheria:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma] [COLOR=black]All Etheria are NPCs with extremely good AI. Though they aren’t real, they are amazingly lifelike, and exhibit personalities just as real as those of humans. Etheria’s personalities are as varied as the Etheria themselves, and like real people, Etheria’s personalities are not set; they can change over time. The one constant is that an Etherian will never disobey or turn against the player it belongs to.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black][B]Gaining Etheria:[/B] [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]Players can gain access to different Etheria by various means. When first starting, players are allowed to choose two Etheria from a given set. Other Etheria can be aquired by various means, including but not limited to completing a quest, defeating Etheria in battle, and purchasing them. A player can have up to 5 Etheria. If a player has five and wants a new one, the new one has to replace one the player already has[/COLOR].[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=black]Choosing Etheria:[/COLOR][/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]When signing up, you will choose what Etheria you want your character to have. Almost anything you can come up with is okay, so use your imagination. There are only a couple restrictions. First, nothing overly powerful. Second, an Etherian’s abilities must match the Etherian in question (for instance, a water-based Etherian would have water-based abilities). And third, no copying summons from video games. You can use their names and images, but don’t just copy their abilities. The abilities can be similar, as long as they’re not identical.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]Now, although players can have up to 5 Etheria, you don’t need to provide detailed information for all five. Give information about the ones you plan to use most frequently, but for the others, just names will suffice, if in fact you want to list them at all, which is not required. Just be certain to describe their appearances and abilities when and if you do decide to use them.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black][B]Using[/B] [B]Etheria:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black] A player calls an Etherian with a simple verbal command. Different players say different things to call Etheria, which is okay, as long as the player says ‘call’ and the name of the Etherian being called. When a player calls an Etherian, that Etherian appears by the player, and is then said to be active. A player can have up to 5 Etheria, but no more than two Etheria can be active at any one time. If two are active, calling another will have no effect. An active Etherian remains active until it is dismissed by the player or defeated in battle. It should be noted that defeated Etheria are not permanently dead. They are restored with time, the amount of time varying depending on the Etherian. There are locations in many cities where Etheria can be restored (for a price), and various other methods exist, as well.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][COLOR=darkred][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=black]Etheria growth: [/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=black]There[/COLOR] are no especially powerful Etheria. Though some are of course more powerful than others, it’s never a huge gap. And Etheria don’t become more powerful with use, either, so the Etheria of new players are just as powerful as the same Etheria types are for experienced players. Instead, as Etheria are used, their abilities develop and expand. An Etherian that’s been used a lot will have a wider range of abilities and greater skill with them than a newer Etherian.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma]Etheria defeats:[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT=Tahoma] As stated above, Etheria do not die when defeated in battle. They are restored with time, and can be restored via various other methods. There are special conditions in which Etheria can be lost permanently upon defeat, but these are rare, and players are always made aware of this in time to choose not to fight. There are no outright penalties when an Etherian is defeated, but defeats can have an effect on an Etheria’s personality. For example, if a player repeatedly sends an Etherian into hopeless situations where it’s defeated, that Etherian won’t like or trust the player.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT]Well, thats all I have right now. If you still have any questions, please go ahead and ask them.[/LEFT]
[B][COLOR=#666699][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3][I]Break-in at VR facility[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#666699][FONT=Tahoma][I]“The WorldShift virtual reality facility in D.C. was broken into last night by a group of five armed men. The criminals opened fire on security personnel, killing two and injuring three more, while making their way toward the facility’s mainframe. Upon reaching the mainframe, they were cornered by security personnel. Three more security personnel were injured in the ensuing firefight, and one was killed. Though it’s likely that the criminals sustained injuries, all five of them escaped.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=#666699][FONT=Tahoma][I]
Well, I've had a lot of schoolwork recently, but I've been working on it whenever I've had the time. I'm actually putting the finishing touches on it right now. It should be up shortly. I'll also be making a seperate Backstage thread, so this one can be closed.
[COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]Kiva had been busy during the trip back to sector 13. In order for her plan to work, she had needed to go through the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s sensor records to find the information she required. Then she had to set the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s systems accordingly, as she was going to pretend it was an older-model messenger ship. She worked out the activity levels in advance, but waited to make the changes.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]Daniel sent the three demolition teams over to the [I]Transcendence[/I] before the fleet exited hyperspace. Kiva adjusted the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s systems to match those of the old messenger ship she would be pretending it was, then waited. Arriving with the fleet would have looked suspicious to anyone watching, since the [I]Transcendence[/I] was pretending to be an Imperial vessel, so Kiva waited until she felt enough time had passed, and then the [I]Transcendence[/I] emerged from hyperspace, pretending to be the messenger ship [I]Exorcist[/I]. That ship had belonged to Kuro Talmresec before its destruction by the [I]Transcendence[/I], but Kiva's target was undoubtably in full lockdown, and her encounter with Kuro was highly classified, so it was unlikely anyone at the target would know the ship had been destroyed. And since it had frequently visited sector 13 and the target on its patrol assignment, nobody would question its sudden arrival.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]As the [I]Transcendence[/I] entered Mars orbit, a signal sounded to signal an incoming transmission, which Kiva had expected. The Imperial facility on Mars was protected by a class X shield, which was almost impossible to penetrate. However, the facilitiy's sensors, looking out from inside the shield, worked fine, although their range was reduced somewhat. But they'd have seen the [I]Transcendence[/I] coming, just as they'd have seen the battle currently happening. However, the shield also disrupted communications to the extent that a ship had to be in orbit before communication with the facility was possible. Now that the [I]Transcendence[/I] was in Mars orbit, the ship was being contacted by the facility. Kiva accepted the transmission, and a woman she recognized appeared on the other end.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]"[I]Exorcist[/I]," the woman said, "what the hell is going- wait, what the- Kiva?" She turned to the side and said, "Take another scan of that ship."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]"That won't be necessary, Lesera," Kiva said. "This is indeed the [I]Transcendence[/I]."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]Lesera Krales turned back to face Kiva. "Okay, well, now I'm definitely confused. Could you please tell me just what's happening?"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma][I]Do they not know I fled from the Empire?[/I] Kiva wondered to herself. [I]Maybe I didn't have to sneak in [/I]Aloud, she said, "Well, I assume you've been in security lockdown. When did that start?"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]"When sector 9 broke away from the Empire," Lesera said. "It looked like things were going to get nasty, so Admiral Stevens sent orders for us to enter full lockdown."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma][I]They really don't know. I thought for sure theyd know, but if they've been in full lockdown since before I fled, then they don't. Not that it matters.[/I] "Well," Kiva said aloud, "things have indeed gotten nasty, and sector 9 isn't alone any more. Other sectors have joined sector 9, as has the old Resistance."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]"What are they calling themselves now?"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]The computer link was ready. Kiva sent her program, then said, "They're calling themselves the New Alliance. And as you've probably noticed, they're attacking this sector."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]"This facility must be a target. I assume they'll be here soon. Do you agree?"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]Kiva laughed. "You've got the right idea, certainly, but you're missing one key piece of information. I am not here as an Elite Specialist. I am claiming this facility for the New Alliance. Your shields will soon be taken offline, after which a fully armored assult team will enter the facility to take control of it. I wouln advise you notto resist. Oh, and don't think about blowing the place up, either. I think you'll find that your self-destruct system is currently inoperable. Kiva out."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]Kiva signaled Daniel to send the assult transport, then called the demolition teams waiting inside the [I]Transcendence[/I]. "Okay, people, I've done my part of the job. Now it's your turn. You'll appear as close to your targets as the shield lets me get you. You've got terrain maps, and you know where your targets are, so proceed to them and take them out. I don't think you'll run into any trouble, but be ready just in case. She opened the first transport door. "Team one, go."[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue][FONT=Tahoma]When the first team was through, Kiva opened another transport door for the second team, and then a third one for the third team. All three teams were outfitted with hostile environment-configured heavy armor, complete suits designed to work in almost any environment, including one without an atmosphere. The assult team would be similarly outfitted, just in case someone desided to depressurize the facility. Kiva was taking no chances. Before long, that facility would belong to the New Alliance.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslateblue]As Kiva had expected, it was a few days before Daniel's fleet arrived, but Kiva had made use of that time. She knew exactly why sector 13 was the next target, and her objective there would take some work. Getting to her target wouldn't be too hard, and she'd found a way to deal with the area's shielding. With an assault team to back her up, the on-ground portion would be likely to proceed smoothly. The problem was that at any time, somebody could activate the self-destruct device. Kiva needed a way to prevent that from happening. Fortunately, she'd been to the location before, so she knew exactly what equipment was there, and it was unlikely there'd been significant changes since then.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Knowing what was there to work with gave Kiva an edge. She took one of her pre-existing programs and configured it for the job it would need to do. Since she knew what hardware there was, she was able to set up her interferance program to be more effective than usual. All she had to do was get into the target's computers and download the program, which she'd set to intercept and eliminate any signals to the self-destruct mechanism. The button could still be pushed, but thanks to Kiva's program, it wouldn't do anything. Kiva's computer skills had been a primary reason she'd succeeded both as an Imperial operative and as an undercover Resistance agent, and they were serving her just as well now. The only trick was getting into the computers, but Kiva had a solution for that, too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]A signal sounded when the fleet was detected. Kiva waited as they exited hyperspace and the flagship broadcasted the code. Kiva signaled the drone to activateand transmit the responce code, which it did. The drone, which was now mimicing the [I]Transendence[/I],received a communications request, which it relayed to Kiva via a tight-beam transmission, something that worked only if the destination's exact location was known but was essentially impossible to detect. Kiva accepted the request through the drone; she would use the drone as a relay until she was ready to reveal the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s true location.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Hello, Kiva," Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Daniel. Looks like you did rather well in sector 14."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah. Everything went as planned."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Good, because sector 13's going to be a bit tougher. Sector defences are every bit as tough as expected, but I got a complete reading of the sector's forces, including patrol patterns, and all indications are that I went completely undetected. I'm sending the data now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva sent the data through the drone to the [I]Liberator[/I]. "Transmission complete," she said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent," Daniel said. "Now, about your objective in sector 13."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Just give me a second, then we'll move on to that." Kiva ended the transmission, then sent one to the [I]Liberator[/I] directly from the [I]Transcendence[/I]. "Hello again," she said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What was that about?" Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"This." Kiva sent a signal to the drone to deactivate its ECM. At the same time, she brought the [I]Transcendence[/I] fully online.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva saw the commotion this sudden turn of events caused on the bridge of the [I]Liberator[/I] and just laughed. "What the hell was that?" Daniel said to her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Just an additional precaution I came up with," Kiva said. "What you were seeing was a drone. That way, I could evaluate your intent without revealing my actual location. Although to be honest, I mainly did it for fun. And I have to say that the look on your face was priceless."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Um... well, I guess you did a pretty good job of fooling us. Well, anyways, um, should we discuss your role in the coming operation?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sure, but first, have you identified the Imperial agent or agents on board the [I]Liberator[/I]?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No," Daniel said. "At least, I don't think so. There was an attempt on my life, and we seem to have identified the one behind it, but I think he was framed. This agent or agents has done everything right so far, including managing to make the transmissions in a way that made using them to track him, her, or them impossible."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then go to your quarters first," Kiva said. "And by the way, I would recommend that your personal security include only those who you've been able to do complete checks on. The Empire most certainly wants you dead, and having someone in your personal guard would be very useful in achieiving that objective. At the very least, make sure you're alone in your quarters while we talk to insure that nobody we don't want to hear what we say hears it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"...which will effectively deal with that particular problem."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sounds good," Daniel said. "It should work. Of course, there's still the problem of the class X shielding. Have you figured out a way around that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I haven't come up with anything besides the brute-force method," Kiva said. "I do still have the schematics in the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s database, so I know where the shield generators are located. And I also know that the shield doesn't cover the entire planet, because that would be a huge waste of energy. So after I've taken the self-destruct system out of the picture, we'll send demolition teams down as close as we can and have them move in on foot to destroy the generators. Since there are three generators, we'll need three demolition teams."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"But won't that give the paople down there time to repair the self-destruct mechanism?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, first they'd have to know it won't detonate, and even with routine checks, they're not likely to notice what I'll have done. And if they do, well, I think they'll find it hard to fix. Since I know what the hardware is, I can go after it from that end. Basically, it would take days to fix, and replacements aren't exactly standard equipment, so we'll have plenty of time before they can blow the place up on us. Of course, they will have time to organize themselves to defend against our attack, so I'll want my assault team in class alpha heavy combat armor. That's probably overkill, but I don't like to take chances. Put them in an assault shuttle, but don't launch until I give the signal that the self-destruct system has been neutralized. We don't want them to have any reason to doubt what I tell them. I'll take the demolition teams in the [I]Transcendence[/I]. Transport them over to me before exiting hyperspace."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Understood," Daniel said. "I'll make the arrangements. Good luck, Kiva."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Don't worry," Kiva said. "I can do this. Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]With a battle plan made based on Kiva's data, the fleet reentered hyperspace and headed for sector 13. Not many knew why sector 13 was the next target, and adding to the confusion was the fact that the New Alliance intended to make an extra effort to hold the sector rather than just eliminate the Imperial presence there. But it was indeed important, and Kiva's objective was why. [I]And they may very well have another toy ready by now,[/I] Kiva thought. [I]When the Empire learns about this, they're not going to be happy[/I].[/COLOR]
I'm actually working on a more realistic Pokemon idea based on an RPG The Boss tried called Age of War. After he failed to get it going, I tried it in his place, but with similar results. I thought his concept was excellent. His story involved a holy war between Jhoto and Kanto, and the five legendary bird Pokemon had the role of angels in the religions of both regions. I thought the concept was excellent and had a lot of potential, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. I'm using the holy war concept as the basis for my own RPG (and yes, The Boss said I could use his concept), which will be more realistic than most Pokemon stuff, and I hope people will be interested. It won't be up soon, though, because I've got another RPG I'm going to do first.
As do I. Anyways, I'll try to have my post up sometime today.