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Has anyone seen the trailer for this movie yet? I discovered it while surfing the Net earlier today. From what I knew about the I, Robot book, I wasn't interested in reading it. Of course, I didn't know much. I watched the trailer just so that I could find out what the book is about. My first shock came when the site advertised Will Smith as the leading role. He's not an actor I would have associated with my image of the book. So I watched the trailer, and I must say that the movie looks awesome. How can it be bad when it has Smith's character running down a hallway while something (probably a robot) is ripping the floor out from under him? And there's also an awesome line Smith's character says (see my sig). Well, that's what I think about the movie. What does everyone else think? Oh, a link to the trailer is on this page: [url]www.apple.com/trailers[/url]
OOC: Actually, that's exactly what I was planning. And I'm sorry if you don't like Siire's outlook on things, but he's the person who sees the reality of a situation. The odds are that none of them are going to survive (we know that everyone makes it out alive, of course, but the characters don't). Siire isn't one to make things seem better than they are. He says what he thinks, no matter what that is. Of course, that attitude will be a little different when he rejoins the group (remember when Matt went off by himself in Season 1?). ----------------------------------------- "I think it was Voltaire," Siire said while picking himself up off the ground, "who said, 'I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' The same goes for what you think. It's fine with me if you don't think Rad's dead. I don't agree, but I respect your right to believe that he's still alive. And you have the right to decide that you want to look for him. And I even respect your right to say that I should have died. But I don't agree with you, and I'm not coming with you. The odds are I won't make it longer than a day by myself, but I don't care. I'm going to go look for the Crests. Hopefully I won't die, but I probably will. Honestly, I don't think I'll make it out of this world alive no matter what I do, but that won't stop me from giving it my best shot, and it shouldn't stop any of you, either. Hopefully, I'll see you all again sometime." And with that, he walks off, followed by Hawkmon.
"No," Siire said. "He died. I knew he would. Too reckless." "That move with the branches against Prairiemon was pretty reckless," Zack replied, "but you're still here." "That wasn't a dangerous situation, remember? This battle was the first time we were actually in any real danger. I'm surprised that we only lost one pair, and even that was at the end. Of course, we had a pretty stupid opponent. He basically told us that we need to find things called... Crests, that's it. even if you're confident in you ability to win, you don't tell your opponents anything." "I'm serious," Zack stated. "I think Rad and Zerodramon are still alive, and I think we should go looking for them." "Fine. If you wont to go look for them, I won't stop you. I'm going to search for these Crest things. We need every advantage we can get if we want to have a chance of surviving this. Who's coming with me?"
"He clearly takes after his adoptive father," David remarked. "I remember when I first met Shinobi. I was on my way to Shamouti Island in the Orange Islands to participate in an annual festival. I got more than I bargained for. Ayways, I met Shinobi while on the way. I wouldn't have looked twice at the guy, but then I saw Hope and decided to stop by. Shinobi and I got off on the wrong foot. He had the greatest look on his face when I told him I'm Hope's brother. I had my camera with me, and I snapped a quick picture. I have it on my laptop as wallpaper." Lamar walked over to David. "You want a poster?" "Let me think." David waited for a second, then kicked Lamar in the soft spot. "No." He dove backwards to escape from Hitmonchan. He slid down the mountain a ways, then released his Charizard, who flew him back to the top. He jumped off, landing on his hands and doing a quick flip, basically just to show off. He returnedCharizard to his Pokeball. "Celebrities piss me off," was his only explination. "Remind me not to piss you off," Jack remarked. David chuckled. "Sure. Now, shall we get a move on, or do you people want me to beat the crap out of that stuck-up freak show?"
OOC: Keiji, everyone's already left. And Blanko, David said niece. Oh, and part of David's character in this RPG is a tendancy to be suspicious. He hunts down criminals, remember. ----------------------------------------- [i]Well[/i], David thought as they walked, [i]on this expedition we have a couple relatives of mine, a guy with a dead father, and a seemingly random bunch of others. What kind of logic is there in this group?[/i] "Something just occurred to me," he said aloud. "Why are we walking? I'm sure most of you have Pokemon that can fly, and are large enough to ride on. We'd get up there much faster that way." "And what if someone doesn't?" Jack asked. "Because I don't." "We probably have a few extras. I don't know if Aurora can float-never thought to ask-but her mother can, so I'm assuming she can. If she brought a suitable Pokemon, I'm sure she'd let someone else ride on it. I have two who are suitable, so someone can use one. And many suitable Pokemon can carry more than one person. So, if there's no reason that we should walk up the mountain, we can certainly get everyone up there the quick way."
"Look, Mina," Zire said, "you don't have all the information, and you've made an incorrect assumption. We'll probably be going after Raikou, Entei, and Suicune eventually, but if we do, we'll be trying to kill them. They're responsible for the attacks, and they're working for a criminal organization called Nirajtigita. I assume it's obvious which one did what. Suicune did Blackthorn, Entei was the volcano, and Raikou destroyed Veridian." "And there's something else going on here, too," Artroa put in. "Not even those three are powerful enough to do what was done in the attacks. Suicune could have destroyed Blackthorn, but it would have taken longer. Entei is fully capable of destroying what the eruption took out, but he couldn't have caused that eruption. Entei can make volcanoes erupt, but he can't control the eruptions in any way, and that incldes making them more violent. As for Raikou, he could certianly have destroyed Veridian, but not that quickly, and he couldn't have created those clouds." "Nevertheless," Zire said, "all evidence points to them, but there are certainly some pieces missing from this puzzle. A big one is Project Beherrschen. Nerajtigita's been working on it for a couple years now, but I don't know anything more than that. We need more information, which is why you're here, Mina. A few others will be arriving shortly, and I'll explain what's going on when they get here."
[i]Those Master Balls aren't common,[/i] David thought. [i]You can't get one of those just anywhere. So where's he get it from? And why isn't he telling? He might just be hiding something./i] "Jack," he said, "I need you to tell me where you got that Master Ball." "Why?" Jack asked. "Those are only given to certain Pokemon researchers. If one of those people was coming along, I would have been told." "What if nobody knew? And who would have told you, anyways?" "Well," David explained, "I'm with what everyone calls the UNO, for Un-Named Organization, because it doesn't have a name yet. We're an overt government organization devoted to taking out criminal organizations. I was assigned to accompany this expedition to make sure that nothing illegal is happening in the Paoliko area. My bosses knew the identities of everyone who would be coming. They chose me because of Nate and Aurora. We're related, see. Aurora's my niece, and Nate... well, my sister's husband adopted him, and I'm not sure what that relationship is called. Anyways, I know that nobody here is a Pokemon researcher, so that's not how you got the Master Ball. Now, Master Balls have been sought after by various criminal organizations in the past, for obvious reasons. Team Rocket even took over Silph to get their hands on the Master Balls. Now, you not being a Pokemon researcher isn't a reason to suspect you of any illegal activity, but you're not willing to say where you got it. To me, that means you're hiding something. So tell me. Where did you get that Master Ball?"
"Yes, but do we really want to?" Siire asked. "Why wouldn't we?" Rad wanted to know. "We've been trying to get here, havn't we?" "I know," Siire replied, "but only because we were told to. That's not what worries me. What worries me is that so far, we havn't been in any real danger." "Of course we have!" Rena shouted. "How can you say that?" "Because it's true. Everytime one of us has been in danger, that person's Digimon partner has Digivolved and come to the rescue. Every time. That can't be a coincidence. I think someone or, more likely, some[i]thing[/i], is playing with us. See, there are surly Digimon here that we can't handle. If whoever's been ordering the attacks on us-and someone has been. Prairiemon told me that-really wanted us dead, he/she/it would have sent a Digimon we can't handle, or maybe taken care of us personally. No, we're supposed to be alive right now. I just don't know why. What I do know is that this whatever it is behind the attacks, or an underling, is on that mountain somewhere. Whatever's up there is most likely something that we can't handle. He/she/it may not kill us, but that doesn't mean we'll like what it does. The way I see it, we have two choices. Either we go up the mountian like we're supposed to and face whatever's up there, or we take our chances elsewhere. The problem is, if we don't go up the mountain, whatever's behind all this will probably stop playing games and send a Digimon that's actually supposed to kill us. I don't think we have a good choice here, but we do have a choice. Personally, I say we go up the mountain and get it over with. What do you people-and Digimon-think?
Name: Karanlik Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: About 6 feet tall, with short black hair and brown eyes. He's very fit, mainly due to the intensity of the training he gives himself. Alliance: Faction Race: Human Weapon: Two metal poles, which he cariies strpped to his back. Element: Darkness Reason to join: The demons killed his family, and he wants revenge. Bio: While growing up, he expected a pretty normal life. That changed at the age of 13, when he discovered his powers. Since then, He explored them and trained himself to use them effectivly. His powers are the only reason he's still alive. The week after he turned 16, the demons came. Karanlik used his powers to escape, but his family was killed. Instead of wallowing in greif, Karanlik decided to fight back. He found a pair of metal poles, and he trained himself to use them. He developed his own fighting style, utilizing both his weapons and his powers. Whenever he came across a demon, or a group he could take, he killed them. He doesn't plan to stop fighting until they're gone. With him, it's personal. When he discovered the faction, he joined without hesitation. A group of people with powers like his could do a lot more damage to the demons than just him, he reasoned. And there's nothing he wants more than getting rid of the demons, no matter what it takes.
I can't sign up now, so save me a spot as human with the element of darkness, please.
"Yeah?" Zire said in response to Callista's question. "Well, I'd like to know how the hell you know my little secret. Who is this person, anyways?" "I don't know," Jenny replied, "but I believe I can tell you how she knows about your former affiliation with Nirajtigita. When I arrived to pick her up, Saffron Gym Leader Sabrina was there." "Oh," Zire said, a little shocked. He recovered quickly. "Well, Callista, I don't want to repeat myself, so I won't explain anything until everyone gets here. But you can take the information from my mind, can't you?" He walked over to Artroa, handing her the frame he printed earlier. "I got this from the security camera network at Nirajtigita headquarters outside the Orre region. I recognise the three Pokemon in it, so I asked for a legendary Pokemon expert. See, they're the ones responsible for the attacks." Artroa could hardly believe what she saw in the picture. "Are- but -I- Is this real?" "It's real," Zire confirmed. "You have to be kidding me. You're saying that Entei, Raikou, and Suicune are responsible for the attacks?" "Yes. Yes, I am."
OOC: Oni, please try to use correct capitalization in your sentences. Oh, and Marcus, you need to get rid of the talking Vulpix. Only four or five Pokemon (depending on how you look at it) will be able to speak in this RPG, and none of them belong to anyone's character. -------------------------------------------- Zire walked into the Rustboro Police Station to find Branit waiting for him in the lobby. Beside him was a very good-looking woman with a backpack on. She had shoulder-length strawberry-blond hair and blue eyes. She was in good shape, like most people as active as her. Branit made the introductions. "Artroa, this is Zire. Zire, this is Artroa. She's our Legendary Pokemon expert, and a good cop, too." Artroa stuck out her hand, and ZIre shook it. "Pleased to meet you," she said. "Anyone ever tell you you're hot?" Zire asked. "I've heard that a lot, mostly from people I'm arresting. Of course, Branit here tells me that you once were someone I'd arrest. Were you really with Nerajtigita?" Zire nodded. "Yes, I was. Next, you'll ask why I left." "How'd you know that?" Artroa asked. "Everyone does. The reason is simple. I'll do most anything to almost anyone, but there's a line that I will not cross. It was either cross that line or leave. I left. Next, you'll ask why I decided to tell the cops everything I know about Nerajtigia. That's because of what I learned about them that day. They cross my line daily, but when I first joined, they said that they didn't do any of that stuff. I came to the cops for revenge, mainly, but also because I wanted protection. You don't leave Nirajtigita, see. I could probably have protected myself, but I didn't want to take the chance that I couldn't." He turns to Branit. "How many Trainers did to send for, and when will they get here?" "Five are coming," Branit replied. "One lives in Rustboro, so he should be here any minute. The other four are all over the place, from as far away as Saffron. Shouldn't be too long, though."
Sire walked up beside Cassie. "He'll be fine," Siire said. Cassie look over at him. "Wait. [i]You[/i] think Kin'll be fine? I thought you were the one who didn't think any of us would survive." "I don't," Siire agrees. "but I think we'll all live for at least a little while longer." "Why's that?" Cassie asked, curious. "Think about it. So far, Rena, Zak, and I have almost been killed. We've been saved just in time by our Digimon partners digivolving. Three times in a row is no coincidence. ClearAgumon is going to digivolve right before Kin dies. The same thing will happen for everyone else, including you. I don't think there'll be any real risk of death until all of our Digimon have digivolved. When that happens, though, i have a feeling that things are going to get a lot more dangerous."
David and another man, Azufe, pull up to the hotel. Azufe grabs his bags and gets out of the car as Azufe walks around to get in the driver's seat. "Good luck, David," Azufe said. "Don't worry about me. Worry about the job. I'll be fine." "You always are." "I know. Thanks for agreeing to come with me and take the car. I'll see you when I get back." "I'm looking forward to hearing about what's there. Bye." Azufe drove off, and David entered the hotel. David inserted the card key into the slot and entered Party Suite 5. "Uncle David!" Aurora exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" "How many times have I told you not to call me Uncle? I don't like it. 'David' is fine." "Okay, David," Nate said. "What are you doing here? This isn't some kind of illegal operation, is it?" David laughed. "I'm here to make sure that nobody's operating in the Pouliko area. But now that you mention it, this expedition is a great cover for something illegal. Exploring an unknown area is perfectly acceptable, and nobody except the group will know what the group actually does." He laughs again at the look on Nate's face. "I'm just joking." "It's hard to tell somethimes," Nate remarked. "Yeah, well, that's one benefit of the lack of tone-of-voice awareness. No accidental tone change when I'm menning with you." He turned to Aurora. "I swear you get taller every time I see you. You're growing fast. I could swear it was only yesterday that you were just a little five-year-old. I still get a kick out of remembering your reaction to Shinobi's face when he learned that I'm Hope's sister." "Well, you haven't changed much," Aurora told him. "I assume you're still doing the same things, right?" "Right. Want to know the last five phone numbers you dialed?" He laughed. "I'm just kidding. Not even the UNO can get that much information. So, how've you been?" ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: UNO stands for Un-Named Organization, which is what everyone with the organization David is calls it (remember, it doesn't have a name yet). Oh, and Azufe is also employed by the UNO. He came with David so that David wouldn't have to leave the car (one of UNO's) at the hotel.
I'll sign up. And yes, I've used this character before. ----------------------------------------- Name: David Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: About 6 feet tall, with brown hair and eyes. He keeps himself in shape through excersize, normally training with metal poles. He almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Personality: He's one of those people who don't seem to be surprised by anything. He could wake up and find himself standing on the celing, and he wouldn't act shocked. He thinks fast. He's also the person you go to if you have an odd question. He knows all sorts of seemingly random facts. Bio: David is Hope's sister, and therefore Aurora's uncle (this was established in a previous RPG). He hasn't seen either of them very recently, as he's taken up a job with an unnamed agency dedicated to exposing and shuting down criminal organizations (Pokemon universe examples are Team Rocket, Team Magma, and Team Aqua). When the agency learned of the expidition to Mount Pouliko (It's almost impossible to to keep things secret from this agency), he was assigned to go, making sure that there were no criminal operations in the region. Pokemon: Absol, Swampert, Tropius, Charizard, Skarmory, Misdreavous Why He Wants to Go: Because he was assigned to. Other: David is autistic. He's very smart, but he as poor social skills. As a result, he can seem rude at times, and often sees things that aren't rude as rude. He can't interpret things like tone of voice or facial expressions. David is extreamly skilled with computers. He can hack, he can program, etc. Basically, if it can be done on a computer, he can do it and probably has done it. He carries a laptop with him wherever he goes, along with adapters and cables of just about every variety(sp?).
OOC: Here we go. Don't worry, this post is nowhere near as long as the post in the Recruitment thread. --------------------------------------- Zire made his way into the Nerajtigita computer network. The first thing he did was run a search for any document containing the word "beherrschen". Nothing came up. [i]The project must be on an isolated network,[/i] he thought. [i]I'm sure Harstbron will be talking about it, so I'll track him.[/i] Zire accessed the security cameras of Nerajtigita's headquarters, then changed views until he located Harstbron. He turned the volume up and listened to the man, who was talking to three figures. The three figures were just out of the camera's viewing range and not quite visible by the next camera down, so Zire couldn't get a good look of them. All he could see were their shadows, which were not human-shaped. [COLOR=Purple]"C1 has certainly figured out that you'll be sent to destroy him," Harstbron said to the three Bs. "And he knows that while he can take one of you, he can't take two at a time, and all three of you at once is certianly too much for him. He also knows that you are the only ones powerful enough to kill him. He'll want to get rid of you, and if he thinks that one of you is alone, he'll surely come after you. "Here's the plan. B3, you'll target Saffron City. We don't believe that C1 will show up until the third or so time one of you is active apparently solitary, but the other two will remain nearby just in case. You are to destroy Saffron as you did Blackthorn. Make it take longer, though. We want C1 to have time to conclude that you're alone, even though he probably won't show up. "B2, you'll go to Cinnibar Island after Saffron's destroyed. The other two will remain nearby but hidden, even though C1 probably won't show up then either. Use the volcano. Make the eruption as violent as possible. You'll destroy the recently rebuilt Cinnibar, and probably damage Fuchia and Pallet. "B1, you'll strike next. We believe that C1 will appear durring your strike. Your target is Celadon. Destroy it, but make it take a little while. All of you, think of this as an opportunity to display your power. If C1 shows up, B2 and B3 will aid you in destroying him. If he doesn't come, return here at once."[/COLOR] Zire watched as Harstbron gave the three Bs their assignments. He wasn't surprised to learn that they were responsible for the earlier attacks, but he was surprised to hear one-he couldn't tell which one-say, "Understood." The voice was deep, and had a slightly artifical tone. Zire didn't waste time thinking about that at that time. As the three Bs turned to leave, Zire acted fast. He switched views to the next camera down, and froze the image as they passed by it. He printed the image, then exited the Nerajtigita computer network and picked up the phone, quickly dialing the police, including the extension that got him to the chief. "This is Chief Branit, Rustboro Police." "Branit, this is Zire." "I was wondering when you'd call," Branit remarked. "Do you think Nirajtigita's connected, or do think the symbol is a false clue?" "Nirajtigita's connected, all right. I don't know much, but I think it has something to do with a Project Beherrschen. That's the one they started working on a few days before I left. I think they have the project on a seperate network, but I did manage to get pictures of the three Pokemon responsible. I'll say more when I get there. Have an expert on Legendary Pokemon there to meet me, and find a few trainers that would be willing to take out the people that destroyed those cities and towns. Evacuate Saffron, Cinnibar, and Celadon, in that order. And call up every other station. We'll need the support of all of them for this." Zire had been right every time he had called in the past, so Branit knew to trust him. "I'm on it," he said before hanging up. ------------------------------------------------ OOC: In case you haven't figured it out yet, the reason I wanted your characters to be living in one place is so it's easier for the police to locate you, and they're the trainers that will be. In your first post, please have some cops come and get your character (they'll be using helecopters).
OOC: I wasn't complaining. I was giving you advice. It if sounded a little rude, I'm sorry, but I didn't know. It's hard for me to tell what's rude and what's not (that's because I'm autistic). And I realize you have health issues. If you don't feel like posting, don't post. Again, I was just giving you advice. You don't have to take it. ------------------------------------- "Ow," Siire groaned. He tried to pick himself up, but Prairiemon was on him almost instantly, holding him down. "This is easier than I thought," Prairiemon said. Unseen by Prairiemon, Siire grabbed a rock. "I hope you can enjoy the victory with one [i]freakin' eye[/i]!" He jabbed the rock into Prairiemon's right eye. The Digimon, startled by the attack, released her grip on Siire, who ran to the nearest tree and climbed up a short ways. Prairiemon was about to go after Siire when Hawkmon entered the fight. Prairiemon wasn't threatened at all by Hawkmon, but she was distracted. Siire broke off a pair of branches, then waited for the right moment. When Prairiemon was in the right place, he jumped and smashed the branches over Prairiemon's head. Prairiemon spun around and threw Siire to the ground. "Any last words?" Out of the corner of his eye, Siire saw his Digivice glowing. "Just one." Suddenly, the newly-digivolved Aquilamonflew into Prairiemon from behind, slamming her into a nearby tree. Siire stood up and turned to face her as Aquilamon circled around and came in for another attack. "Smokin'!" He walked over to Prairiemon. "Any last words?" "You won't be so lucky next time," she spat. "You can't win every time." "Yeah? Well, today, you're the one who lost." "Blast Rings!" Aquilamon fires a seiries of energy rings that proove to be too much for the already weakened Prairiemon to handle. Aquilamon devolved, and Hawkmon ran over to Siire. "Are you okay?" "I think so, but I wouldn't be without you. Thanks." --------------------------------------------- OOC: In case you haven't noticed, Siire quotes Jim Carrey a lot ("Holy Monkey!" is from [i]Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls[/i], while "Smokin'!" and "I hope you can enjoy the victory with one [i]freakin' eye[/i]!" are from [i]The Mask[/i]). If you have him say something when a Jim Carrey quote that you know would be appropriate, please have him use it (I just want him to be consistent with how he acts).
Azufe took the shortcut through the mess hall, running as fast as he could in an attempt to beat Bolt back to the medical wing. In front of the room where bolt was, he sees the same doctor who worked on Bolt. "Bolt thinks he left this in here," Azufe said, handing the jacket to the doctor. "Make sure he keeps thinking that." Azufe leaves about a minute before Bolt enters from a different direction. The doctor walks over to Bolt. "You left this in here," he said, handing the jacket to Bolt. "Where's Azufe? Shouldn't you be with him?" "He's in ballistics. I knew how to get back here, and he said I could come get my jacket." "Well, you might want to get back to him. You don't want to wander around alone in your condition. You don't know what's off-limits around here, and you don't want to enter the wrong area. Can you make it back to ballisitics?" Bolt nodded, then turned to leave. Azufe ran back to the ballistics lab. "I need something to make me look busy," he said. Bolt thinks I've been here the whole time he's been gone, and I can't act otherwise." One of the weapon specialists led him to the table where all of the weapons from the data hunters' vehicle were. "You can be inspecting these." Azufe picks up one of the guns and starts inspecting it. "If the phone rings, let me answer it. And make sure that Bolt doesn't. Two of the other data hunters have called. I suspect that the third will, too. And get a message to Branit to increase security for their cell. I think they're up to something. And above all else, they can not be allowed out of their cell, not even to take a piss. They have something planned. No prissoner has ever escaped from our prison before, and I don't want the first ones to be people i captured."
Arika, I need a city or town for your character to start in, preferably a place where she's been for a while. this isn't required, but it will help me get the RPG going faster. also, you need a character description. Do that, and you're in. baalthaczaar, you only need to realize that your character won't have had time to start a journey since the attacks.
OOC: If there's anything you want me to do to help get my character (as well as Bolt) to... wherever the other characters are being taken (such as send them out on a mission that takes them a safe distance away from human and Digimon colonies), please tell me, and I'll do it. I'm eager to get my character in on the main plot. ---------------------------------- Azufe entered the room where Bolt still was. "Branit has agreed to let you work with me, Bolt. I don't know when we'll get an assignment, but there's a breifing tomorrow. I doubt we'll get assigned anything, but it's always possible. I'll make sure you've got the tape recorder before tonight, so that I don't have to explain everything before the briefing. Jaht's erasing the tape right now. It's full of some gibberish in another language." [i]Someone's erasing the tape, that is.[/i] "Thanks, Azufe," Bolt said. "I couldn't just let you become a lab rat. You're my friend, and friends stick together, especially in this business. Most of us here don't have anyone else." The doctor stuck his head in the room and motioned for Jaht to come out. He did, and the door closed behind him, sealing the soundproof room off. "What is it?" "Two things. First, the tape has been completely erased." He handed the recorder to Azufe. "And second, the guard asked me to tell you what was in the trunk." Azufe knew why the guard didn't want to enter the hospital wind; it's very unusual for guards to be seen in there, and seeing one might make Bolt suspixious. The guards in that base were in no way the steriotypical dumb guards. "What was in it?" he asked. --------------------------------------- OOC: Wondershot, I don't know what's in the trunk, so you need to reveal that.
You're find, Rannos. So are you, Balinese. I would like to mention that this RPG will start the day after the destruction of Blackthorn, Vermillion, and the four Hoenn cities/towns. Also, if you know anybody who might like this RPG, please tell them about it. I can't start this until I have at least a couple more people.
OOC: Just a suggestion, Blanko, but you night want to move fast with the digivolution thing. I know I'm getting a little bored with my character not able to do much. So you might want to make the attacks come one after the other (a good strategy for the attackers, too. Hitting us in rapid succession doesn't give us time to recover). Another idea is for two Digimon to attack at once, allowing two characters' partners to get in on the action. Oh, and what was that word that you edited out? I didn't read your post until after you edited it, and I've been going nuts trying to figure out what the bad word was. ------------------------------------------ Siire walked over to a good-sized tree and broke a couple branches off. He got them to equal length, then peeled some bark off of the middle of each one, so that he could get a better grip. He then swung them around a few times. "Siire, what are you doing?" Kin asked. "We keep getting attacked," Siire explained. "So far, Zak and rena have been in a lot of danger. So far, there's been a digivolution just in time. That can't happen every time we're attacked. I don't plan on being the first to go. These sticks are weapons. I have a pair of metal poles I found, but they're at home. These will do until I can find something better." "I was wondering when you'd find yourself a weapon," Tera commented. "I like to be prepared. You know that. And I don't care how tough they are or can become, our partners can't save us every time we're in danger. I'm not going to be the one who isn't prepared for that. Now, I don't know about everyone esle, but I'm hungry. Hawkmon, is there anything edible around here? Or you do even know?"
"Right here's as good as anywhere," Siire remarked. "We're not safe anywhere in this psycho world. Because of that, we need to make sure there's someone awake at all times as a guard. We should probably rotate so that everyone gets a chance to sleep." "Who do you think should take the first shift?" Tera asked. "Wait, let me guess." "I say we let Rad do it. With any luck, he'll be killed before any of us can help him." Tera smiled. "Knew you'd say that. But lay off of Rad, will you?" "I'm serious," Siire told her. "I think Rad will get us all killed if he survives long enough. He certainly won't make it through this whole thing alive. the next time we're attacked, he'll put himself in harm's way to try and make Zerodramon digivolve." He stopped and looked to his left. "What is it?" Rena asked, nervous. "I thought I saw something. I think it's behind that tree," he said, pointing to a particularly large tree. "I think he/she/it is after us. Somebody hold Rad back, please. We don't know that it's hostile. Let it make the first move."
Jaht: Chi, how much further? Chi: At this rate, about two hours. Jaht: (Thinking) In two hours, we get there. That gives me two hours to figure out how to get a message to Chi without Cythraul overhearing it. There must be some way to-why the hell didn't I think of this before? Simple tap code. Most tame dragons know it. I'm glad I decided to learn it. I don't know if Chi knows it, but she probably does. Still, best to go through Abiadura. (He draws his pole, making sure that he doesn't fall off of Abiadura in the process. He taps Abiadura with them in a seemingly random pattern. It takes him several minutes to finish) (Still thinking) That farmer mission is having a large effect on this whole festival security thing. Abiadura(To Chi only): [Do not act like you hear anything. Jaht wants me to tell you that we are not to stop when we reach Plejalta's lair, because he believs that Cythraul has something planned for Plejalta. Instead he wants me to fly low, so that he can get off without hurting himself. He plans to land in the trees. However, he wants it to look like he fell off accidentally. I will lower myself to a hight where it looks like he couldn't survive the fall, but that he assures me is no problem. When we're passing over Plejalta's lair, you are to say, "Only ten minutes untill we're there". At that time, I will go to the specified hight, and you are to shift your position, "accidentally" bumping him. He'll take care of the rest. We are then to keep going until Cythraul figures out that we've passed Plejalta's lair and turns back. By then, Jaht hopes to have warned Plejalta about Cythraul. When Cythraul turns around, we are to get to Plejalta's lair as fast as possible. Jaht believes he will have something for you by that time.] ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Skedy, just to make sure you don't do this, there is no way for Cythraul to know anything about Jaht's plan.