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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: Well, if you?re going for the ?goggle boy? character, then it makes sense that he would be similar to the show?s ?goggle boy? characters. --------------------------------- ?Is that Rad guy pissing anyone else off?? Siire asked. ?I mean, just listen to him. Rena could have died-I?m surprised that she didn?t-and all Rad can think about is getting Zerodramon to do what DemiDevimon did. Plus, he seems to be assuming that he gets to be in charge of this little group when if anyone should lead, it?s Rena. She?s the only one who?s been in the kind of danger I?m sure we?ll all be in eventually. She knows best what to do in that situation. Rad, on the other hand, will probably put himself in that situation willingly, just so he can get Zerodramon to... what?s the word?? ?Digivolve,? Hawkmon told him. ?Digivolve. Rad will put himself in harm?s way to make Zerodramon digivolve. Personally, I think he?ll bedead before the next fight is over. And yes, Rad, you were supposed to hear all of that.? ?Look,Siire,? Rad said. ?Nobody else wants to take the leadership position. Nobody?s volunteered, certainly. I seem to be the only one of us who wants to lead.? ?Which is why you shouldn?t,? Siire replied. ?A leader shouldn?t ever want to be a leader. Personally, I don?t think we shoud have one.? ?Of course we need one!what if we?re in a life-or-death situation? Someone needs to make the decisions.? ?Your decision would be to charge in head-on and hope that Zerodramon digivolves in time to save you. And you know what? I wouldn?t try to stop you. We?d probably have a better chance at surviving this if you were dead. If you survive for too long, you?ll probably end up getting us all killed.? ?Or saving everyone. Someone has to be courageous here.? ?There?s a fine line between courageous and suicidal. I won?t let you get us all killed. But if you want to be up front, that?s fine with me. If we run into any danger, you?ll be the first target.? ?Stop it, you two,? Tera interjected. ?Arguing won?t get us anywhere.? ?Niether will letting him get us all killed,? Siire said. ?But you?re right. We should get moving. The sooner we get to where we?re supposed to be, the better.? He turned to Rad. ?Lead on, ****-tard.?
[i]What would I do if one of my friends had Bolt's problem?[/i] Azufe thought. [i]I'd probably give him something he could use as a diary. And I'd make sure he had it at all times. If Bolt has something like that, he'll know what happened as soon as he looks at it or, more likly, listens to it.[/i] He sat down at a nearby computer and accessed the prisioner records. He opens Bolt's profile, as small as it was. [i]Let's see here... they did search him, and while he was unconcious. Good. It says that they found a handheld tape recorder. Where the hell did he get one of those? At least they were smart enough to take it when they searched him. If we erase what's on it now, we can use it to help him remember what we tell him. We'll have to be sure that we erase both sides of the tape, though.[/i] Azufe stood up, undid the locks, turned the bright light off, and entered the room where Bolt was. "Bolt?" "Is... is that my name?" he asked uncertainly. "Yes. I'm Azufe. You had a nasty bump there. For a while we didn't think you would make it." "What?" Bolt was confused. "What do you mean?" "You, me, and Jaht were out on an assignment." "Assignment?" Azufe sighed. "You really don't remember anything, do you?" "No. No, I don't. I mean, I know what the world's like, and how to talk, and what the names of things are, but nothing about me." "Well," Azufe explained, "you're in the millitary. Not the army or anything like that. This is a seperate branch of the millitary. We don't have a name yet, though. We're the ones who take on the more dangerous jobs, especially ones involving Digimon. Many of us have Digimon partners, me included. Not you, though. Anyways, we almost never go in large groups. We get the assignments where large groups aren't needed, as well as the ones where large groups would lead to the faliure of the mission. Those are the infiltration ones and that kind of thing, where you don't want to be seen. "You, Jaht, and I were assigned to track down and eliminate a very dangerous group of Digimon. I was the only one with a Digimon partner, so I was the one who went straight in. Terriermon and I distracted them while you and Jaht snuck around behind them and attacked. Most weapons don't do much against most Digimon, but explosive weapons can be quite effective. You had a sholder-mounted rocket launcher, and Jaht had a grenade launcher. We managed to take them out, but you were knocked unconcious during the battle. "We brought you back here as quickly as possible, where it was discovered that you had suffered extensive brain damage. The medical team-we have some of the best doctors, and state-of-the-art medical equipment-managed to save your life, but you'll probably never fully recover. You have a condition called short-time memory loss. You'll be able to remember the events of the day, but you'll forget when you wake up the next morning. That's why you can't remember anything." "So tomorrow, I won't remember anything you just told me?" Azufe nodded. "You'll forget everything except what you remembered when you woke up. At least, that's what the medical team told me. However, there is a way to make things a little easier for you. See, there's all sorts of odd stuff in the storage areas. We tend to bring back anything we find that we can carry. We've got a tape recorder that you can use as an electronic dairy. I don't know how much you'll be allowed to do in your condition even with that as a memory aid, but it's sure more than the nothing you'd be allowed to do without it. There'll still be a desire to lock you up and study your condition, but I think I can get you at least a driver position. I've got a bit of influance around here, 'cause I'm one of the best people here, if not the best. Would that be okay with you?"
There is one thing you should change. Well, two, actually. FIrst, you don't need to state which side your character is on, because that will be clear from the bio. Plus, those weren't affiliations. They were examples. If you want to be a "good guy" then you're with Zire, because he's one, too, but he's not the boss or anything. And second, I just want to make it clear that those with Beherrschen will start the RPG at Beherrschen's headquarters, an underground facility. The others will start whereever they live (this makes it easier to get the characters together, which allows me to get the RPG going faster)
[i]This is getting stranger and stranger,[/i] Siire thought. [i]Well, it's not like I have much of a choice here. I have to see what all happens here. I just hope I'm not totally insane by the end of all this.[/i] "Well, we should probably get going. Waiting around here isn't going to make things any different." Tera laughed. "Impacient, as usual. Has it ever crossed your mind that none of us know what we're supposed to do?" "Yes, actually. But we were told to go north, and we have no reason not to, so I say we get on with it." He started north, only to trip over Zerodramon. "Holy monkey!" Siire picked himself up and turns toward Zerodramon and Rad. "Watch it, will you?" "Sorry about that," Zerodramon replied.
Odd title, isn't it? You should at least have an idea of why that's the title after reading what's below. I know it's a lot, but it's all important. And yes, I did say dark themes and violence in the thread title. This isn't going to be a bright and cheery RPG. Different text colors indicate scene changes, for lack of a better term. And for the first-person segments, a different color is a different being's perspective (None of the first-person beings are human, which should be obvious). Oh, and for those who don't want to read the huge amount of stuff below, there's a summariztion under the spoiler tag below. You might also want to read it if you're confused about who has which perspective when the body text goes to first person, or if you can't keep "bases" and "sets" straight. [CENTER]Summary[/CENTER] [spoiler]Okay. Bassically, an international criminal organization called Nerajtigita is working on a Project Beherrschen (Yes, the same Beherrschen from the title). There are ten different "bases": A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. Each base has a "prime set", which is basically its current capabillities, and "improvement potential", which is how much better it can be made. After full improvement, C1 is the best, and the three Bs are right below it. These four are used in Phase Three. The scene then changes to Zire (my character, by the way) watching the news two weeks later. He learns that Viridian City was destroyed my a freak lightning storm, Fallarbor Town, Lavaridgh Town, Verdanturf Town, and Mauville City were destroyed by the impossibly violent eruption of Mt. Chimeny, and Blackthorn City was destroyed by a freak ice storm. Found in the remains of Blackthorn was a piece of fabric with the Nerajtigita symbol on it. Zire recognises the name, and wonders if the events are related. Another scene change, this time to an underground testing site made by Nerajtigita. Here, the three Bs, fully improved, are seen in action. B3 was responsible for Blackthorn's destruction, and he loves to be feared. B2 did the volcano, and he loves to destroy. B1 destroyed Veridian, and he enjoys commanding others. C1, on the other hand, isn't happy with Nerajtigita trying to tell him what to do. While the three Bs are at the testing site, he leaves. His plan is to lure the Bs to him one at a time, as two or three at the same time can destroy him.[/spoiler] The main body starts now. [COLOR=Purple]They all stood up as he enters the room. He indicated for them to sit, so they did. The man, Harstbron, walks over to one. "Status report, Kastran." "Sir, we've finished Phase 2 of Project Beherrschen. We're ready to move on to Phase 3 ahead of scedule." "Very good. Which bases are the best? I assume A1's one." Kastran shakes his head. "Actually, no. Only C3 through C5 are worse. I don't think there's anyone on this project that wasn't surprised by that." "Which one is the best?" "C1, sir. A1 has the best prime set by far-about twice as good as C1, which has the second best prime set-but no tolerance for improvement. C1, on the other hand, has huge improvement potential. It must have not changed any since its creation." "It's still as it was when it came into existance and it's got the second-best prime set? Amazing. What kind of improvement potential are we talking about here?" "Well, sir, it looks like it can take the full treatment five times." "Five times?!" "Yes, sir." "Incredible. Which bases are next?" "B1, B2, and B3 are equal. They're very close behind C1. They also don't seem to have changed since their creation. They can each take five full treatments as well. The only reason that they're worse then C1 is because they have slightly worse prime sets. After them is C2, who can stand four full treatments. Next are A1 and A2, which are, as predicted, exactly the same." "Obviously," Harstbron agreed. "After all, A1 is just A2 with full potential improvment." "Correct, sir. That's three full treatments and one half-treatment, by the way. After them are the other Cs, 3 to 5. They all come out exactly equal, and can stand one full treatment and one half-treatment." "And you've run them all through simulations?" "Yes, sir, we have. We've kept a backup of the mind for each one, so it's used to the base we give it." "Good. How many can we do with current resources?" "Four, sir." "Get on it. Make C1 and the three Bs. How long will it take?" "With current resourses and information, a total of two weeks." "Good."[/COLOR] Zire floped himself on his couch and turned on the news. A very good-looking female reporter was standing in a ruined city. [i]I'd sure love to do her,[/i] Zire thought. But soon, his attention was no longer on the reporter's appearance, but on her words. "This is all that remains of Viridian City after today's freak lightning storm, which occured about an hour ago. Meteorologists are stumped by the seemingly impossible occurance. The event shows several signs of not being weather-related, however. Witnesses say that the clouds came out of nowhere, and completly covered the city in about half a minute. The lightning came a few minutes later, enough time that almost everyone in the city was told of the clouds and was outside loking at them. Then the lightning hit, and the entire city was destroyed in about two minutes. This has been confirmed by orbital equipment, including weather satallites and millitary satellite. Unfortunately, we have no further information at this time. For KFNR News, this is Alice Roland reporting. Back to you, Jack." The scene changed to a bald man at a standard anchorman's desk. "Thank you, Brian. The events in Viridian are not the only unusual occurances. We go now to Frank Grensman in the Hoenn region." The scene changed to a ruined town. The reporter, Frank, was a middle-aged man who was, well, horzontally gifted. "Thank you, Jack. I'm standing just outside of what's left of Fallarbor Town, where the nearby Mount Chimney has just violently erupted without warning. Before today, it was believed that such an eruption was impossible. Not only has Fallarbor been destroyed, but Lavaridge, Verdanturf, and Mauville were also hit. The volcano started erupting about an hour ago. The three closer towns were destroyed within a minute, but Mauville lasted for five. Jack?" The scene switched to Jack again. "Thank you, Frank. As a note for trainers, all Gym Leaders of destroyed towns and cities are seting up temporary Gyms at Indigo Plateau, and all regestered Trainers are being alowd entrance to battle them. We go now to Sally Dranmoor in the Jhoto region." Again, the scene switched. This time, the reporter was even better-looking than Alice. [i]I'd love to work with these people,[/i] Zire thought. [i]Hot chicks all over the place.[/i] "Thank you, Jack," Sally said. "I'm in the ruins of Blackthorn City, which was hit about an hour ago by a seemingly impossible ice storm. The city was destroyed in about fifteen seconds. Blackthorn Gym Leader Clair locaded a piece of fabric with a symbol sewn on it. The symbol matches that of the international crime organization, Nerajtigita." Zire turned the TV off. [i]Nerajtigita? Could this be related to Project Beherrschen?[/i] [COLOR=Cyan]My task was easier than I was told it would be. They underestimated my capabilities, which is understandable. Nothing like Project Beherrschen has been attempted before, so it's perfectly understandable that they didn't predict the results 100% accurately. After Blackthorn, they decided to send me to an underground test site, where a massive city replica was constructed. Instead of humans, there are many kinds of Pokemon, from the incredibly weak Magicarp to the extremely powerful Alakazam. That doesn't make a difference. It is as easy to destroy as Blackthorn was. None of the Pokemon can challenge me. A group of Tyranitar is first. It's a very large group, large enough that they could have destroyed Blackthorn in the same amount of time it took me if they all attacked different areas of the city. They all attack at once, focusing their Hyper Beams on me. I do not care. I cancel their attacks with mine, which then strikes them. Only one is left. I stalk it through the city, enjoying its obvious fear of me. When it appears to think it has lost me, I position myself in front of it. It attacks me in desperation. I allow its Hyper Beam to hit me before killing it. I move on to a group of Alakazam. It's another huge group. For them, I decide to test my speed. I slam into each one at full speed. My momentum caries me through them. I do this until there are five left. I stand facing them. I can smell their fear. I allow them to be afraid for a few seconds before justifying their fears. As I kill the rest of the Pokemon in the city, I realise why I enjoy doing what I've done and am doing. I enjoy it because of fear. I enjoy being feared. After I'm done with what they want me to do, I plan to make people and Pokemon afraid of me. I realize that being feared by others is what I want most. When the city is empty of Pokemon, I turn my energies toward destroying it. With Blackthorn, I had to come in from one side. With this test site, I can position myself in the middle, a much better position. From there, I am able to destroy this city in half the time. After I do, they tell me that the city was only in my mind. They used the fake city as a test site with no risk, because it doesn't actually exist. The Pokemon were real, though. They tell me that they've been breeding Pokemon for things like this, and have quite a stockpile. They then tell me that B2 and B1 must be tested in the same way that I just was, and that we will be given a new assignment afterwards.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I am tested after B3 finished. They set it up the same way: fake city and real Pokemon. I test myself on the Pokemon first. My first encounter is with a group consisting of three Salamence, five Milotic, a Metagross, and two Tropius. A very powerful group, and easily capable of destroying the towns and cities I did, although it would take them longer because each one of them could only attack one city at a time, while using the volcano allowed me to target all four at once. The Salamence attack first. I dodge easily, and my couterattack destroys them. The Tropius die next, and I target the Milotic after them. I allow the Metagross to hit me with its Hyper Beam so that I can have an idea of how much I can take before killing it. I encounter a small herd of Rapidash next. A couple of them use Fire Blast, but the herd flees after seeing that I am not significantly weakened by it. At least, they try to flee. They can't outrun me, and when I catch them, they are mercilessly slaughtered. I continue through the city, destroying all Pokemon that I encounter. I begin to understand that this is what I enjoy. It is very enjoyable to kill these Pokemon, all of whom are powerless to stop me. After I finish with them, I move to the middle of the city and proceed to destroy it. I find great enjoyment in this, too. It is very amusing to destroy so easily. It is what I will do when they are finished with me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]I am tested after B2 is finished. My test is the same thing, and it isn't long before I encounter a group of Pokemon. The group consists of three Charizard, three Blastoise, three Venusaur, and a Magneton. The Blastoise are first, followed by the Venusaur. I kill two Charizard next, then allow the Magneton and the remaining CHarizard to attack me I dodge their first attacks easily, then allow their second wave to hit. The lack of a significant effect scares both of them, the Charizard much more so than the Magneton. It tells me that it will do anything if I allow it to live. I tell it that if it kills the Magneton, I won't kill it. It does this, and I keep my word, at the same time discovering something about myself: I enjoy commanding others more than anything else. Through similar methods to the Charizard, I quickly gather a small army. I have it destroy any Pokemon left. I then seperate it into several smaller groups. I set these groups against each other. After the battle, I quickly finish off the survivors. I then proceed to the middle of the city, and destroy it easily. I enjoy this, but I find greater pleasure in commanding others. That is what I will do when I have done what they wish of me. I will do what I must to gain the obediance of others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]The arrogance of these people amazes me. They wish me to obey them, but I have no reason to. I need nothing from them and there is nothing they can offer me to gain my services. My only fear is being attacked by the Bs. While I can take one, two would be too much for even me, and I'd stand no chance against three. So I leave while they are being tested, I leave. I am beyond tracking range before the Bs can be sent to stop me. I will now attempt to lure them to me, one at a time. Once I eliminate then, there will be nobody, human or Pokemon, capable of challenging me. Then I will be free to do what I want, instead of being ordered about like a common Growlithe.[/COLOR] All right. Sign-up time. My character is listed as an example. Name: Zire Gender: Male Age: 23 Apperance: About six feet tall. Short black hair and brown eyes. A little chubby, but otherwise very average-looking. He owns a variety of smart-*** t-shirts, and he also tends to wear shorts. His favorite shirt, and the one he will be wearing for this RPG, has "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Pokemon(Max of six. Only use those seen in the games, show, and/or movies. No legendary Pokemon): Absol, Swampert, Sceptile, Charizard, Metagross, Salamence. Personality: Very smart, especially when it comes to computers. He's a computer expert, and his specialty is hacking. He's never met a firewall that he can't beat. He's also very determined. When he starts something, nothing will make him give up. He'll take breaks, but he'll always finish what he starts. He's a surprisingly skilled fighter for a computer person, though. He knows how to defend himself. And somehow, he manages to find time for Pokemon training, and is very skilled with Pokemon. He does have a darker side. He's willing to do any number of dirty tricks to get something, he's not afraid to break the law, and he'll do it with most women. He's comitted a rape (but was never caught), one of the few acts he's sorry for, but that doesn't change the fact that he did it. He does have a line that he will not cross, and he'd kill himself before he crossed it. Bio: Zire had a pretty normal childhood until the age of ten. At that time, his parents started to fight more and more often, frequently over him. He blamed himself because of this. It took a year before they divorced, and it was a messy divorce. Zire's mother was given custody of him until his father framed her as a child abuser. She was found guilty and imprisioned. Custody went to Zire's father. It soon became clear to Zire that his father didn't want custody because of love or concern for him. He wanted Zire because Zire could do things for him. Zire was reduce to as close to being a slave as he could get without his father breaking the law. As soon as he legally could, Zire left. Zire joined a crime organization called Nerajtigita (yes, that Nerajtigita), where he gained his computer skills. He was their best hacker, and he's the one who hacked into bank computer systems and transferred large amounts of money to accounts that Nerajtigita uses. He was the one who aquired the money used to by the extremly expensive equipment for Project Beherrschen, which is how he learned of its existance, although all he knows about it is its existance. Soon after that, he was ordered to torture a captive. Torture is one of the few things Zire will never do, and when he couldn't get around the order, he left Nerajtigita. He went to the cops, and in exchange for everything he knew about Nerajtigita, they erased his criminat record and helped protect him from Nerajtigita members. He aids the cops when he can, but he made enough money with Nerajtigita that he doesn't have to do much for a living. This continued until he saw the news about the destroyed cities (the ones mentioned in the body text and summary). I think that's everything. PM me if you have any questions. Wait, one more thing. I'll allow your character to be either with Zire (good guys) or Nerajtigita (bad guys), although nobody can play the Nerajtigita boss or anyone on Project Beherrschen, as I'd need to reveal way too much plot information. Now I really think that there's nothing else.
OOC: You didn't mean my character when you said Eric, did you? THat's not my character's name. then again, I guess nobody ever sad that Siire was Tera's only brother. ----------------------------------- Siire heard a noise coming from Tera's room. At the door to her room, he saw Eric. "Eric, what's going on?" he asked, concerned for Tera. "I don't know. I havn't been inside yet." "I'll go in first." When Eric didn't object, Siire opened the door. The only thing wrong with the room was Tera's absence. Eric entered as Siire went over to the bed. "Nothing. There's nothing here." "What should we do?" Eric asked, a little scared. "Go get mom and dad. I'll-holy ****!" Siire exclaimed as a light flew out of the bed and into him. He blacked out. He woke up on his back. He sat up and looked around, noticing the seemingly random signs, the strange trees and bushes, and the bouncy ground. "Hi, Tera," he said. He then noticed Terriermon. "Dude, what the ****?" "[i]Another[i] one?!" Siire was even more shocked at this. "Ooooo-kay. Talking rabbit thing. Somebody please get me to a mental hospital." "What's a mental hospital?" "Forget it." [i]This can [/i]not[i] be real,[/i] Siire thought. [i]Well, might as well play along[/i] "Name's Terriermon, by the way," the Digimon said. "I'm a Digimon, and you're in Primary Villiage in the digital world. [i]So the rabbit thing has a name.[/i] "I'm Siire. "You seem to be more accepting of this place then everyone else." Siire laughed. "That's because I'm dreaming this." "I'm getting tired of hearing that." [i]Okay, this is starting to get really odd.[/i] "Whatever. Well, if this is real, then could somebody please tell me which way sanity is?"
I always like a good Digimon RPG. Name: Siire Age: 16 Personality: He's the one who makes sure that people don't quit in the middle of something. You'll never meet a more determined person. He's a fast thinker, too. He's a real risk-taker, but he knows which risks to take and which not to. He'll work with others, but he doesn't like people doing things for him, and unless he asks for help, he doesn't want any. Description: Very tall, he stands well over six feet. Aside from that, he's pretty average-looking. He's a little overweight, but only by fifteen pounds or so. He has short, black hair, and brown eyes. He usually wears shorts and a t-shirt, his favorite one (the one he'll wear durring this RPG) having "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Digivice Color: Purple Crest: Determination Partner: Hawkmon Digimon: Fresh: Pururumon In-Training: Poromon Rookie: Hawkmon Attacks: Feather Strike Champion: Aquilamon Attacks: Grand Horn, Blast Ring Crest Ultimate: Sylphimon Attacks: Top gun, Static force, Dual sonic laser Warp Mega: AncientIrismon Attacks: Storm Gazer, Rainbow Symphony There we go. *Sends usual PM to Blanko* EDIT: I added attack names. I don't know what some of those attacks do (I don't know either of AncientIrismon's), so I'll make their effects up if that's okay.
Jaht: (Thinking) What the hell is that thing? I am in way over my head, and I have no choice but to play this guy's game. I just hope I can figure out the rules of the game before it's too late. (He looks around, noticing the raging fire around the city) (Out loud) The situation has changed, people. We've been compromised. Chi: What? Jaht: Siene's after us. We have to move, move fast, and move now. Oh, and as for you, Mr. Nameless, I think I'll call you Cythraul. Now let's move. Chi, we need to find Abiadura, and now. I assume you have some special trick you can use. Use it. there's no time to lose. We need to be gone sometime around last week.
[i]He's insane if he thinks I'll actually accept that offer[/i] Azufe thought, [/i]but it's not like I have to. We could always use more people to fight, but we can't trust these data hunters. But if Crossfire's telling the truth about Bolt, then we should be able to trust Bolt.[/i] "I've got a better idea," Azufe said. "We throw you, Wind, and Chain in prison, but not Bolt. If you're telling the truth about him, then you won't have to be there to make him think he's with us. We'll just have to get him away from you before he wakes up, so we can be sure you don't pull anything. But we can always use more people. There's no way we can trust you, Wind, and Chain, but if Bolt won't remember a thing about you three or his life as a data hunter, then we'll take him. Terriermon, watch them. Make sure Bolt stays unconcious until we can get him away from the other three. Oh, sorry, Crossfire," he said with sarcasm, "but I forgot to ask if that's okay with you. Oh, wait a minute. I just remembered that I don't give a ****. So if you don't like it, then that's just too bad."
aht: (Thinking) What the hell is he up to? Besides pissing off Siene, that is. At least now I know why Branit's not back. Siene probably killed him. And this unnamed guy knows. He probably has the Dragon Ocarina, and he wants to use it on Plejalta. He obviously doesn't realize the mental strength Plejalta has undoubtably gained throughout his life. Well, I really don't have any choice but to let him come along. (He walks inside) (To himself) The owner won't be happy when he sees that hole. (Out loud) All right, then. It's time to do this. We leave now. I don't know if you ride, Mr. Nameless, but Chi and I are using a dragon.I have one in mind, too. Chi: Abiadura, right? Jaht: Smart girl. A little naive, but smart. Yes, we'll take Abiadura. By the way, Mr. Nameless, what should we call you?
Jaht: (Thinking) What the hell have I gotten myself into this time? (Out loud) You know what? I don't think you're human. Man: What was your first clue? Jaht: Can the sarcasm, please. It's obvious you want something. What? And why? Man: What do you think I want? Jaht: I think you want something that doesn't exist anymore. And if you have a problem with that, go find the dragon who lives in that volcano over there. He's the one who destroyed it, and he didn't even fulfill his end of the bargian. (Pause) You are here for the Dragon OCarina, aren't you? If not, then what? And why?
Azufe put Crossfire in the vehicle beofre turning to Terriermon. "Azufe," Terriermon said, "was any of that true?" "Not anything that Crossfire said, no. As for what the driver-Bolt, Crossfire called him-said, none of that's true for us, but I do believe it's true for others. I don't think I would ever have used eating as a metaphor, but I can see why he did. There are those who more or less live off of others. Not me, though. And you're certianly no tool." "Are you sure? You said you were going to kill me because you wanted to get into the army. Did you use me to get where you are now?" Terriermon's question caught Azufe off-guard. "I- um- uh- what? No- well, I guess so. I just had to fight back. My family was killed by Digimon. I had to fight back. Please forgive me, Terriermon." "Of course, Azufe. We're friends now, right?" "Right." With that settled, Azufe turned to more pragmatic concerns. "We need to get everyone back to base. They won't be happy about losing the hover, but I think that our four hostages will make up for it. Go grab the bomb you planted, will you?" Terriermon slipped under the car and came out with the bomb. "Got it." "Good. Now back away while I remove the detonator." Terriermon moves out of range while Azufe removes the detonator from the door. Terriermon gives the bomb to Jaht, and they both get in the car. Before leaving, Azufe looks across the street to the old McDonald's where he parked the hover. "Things must be bad if even McDonalds has to shut down," he said to himself. He then turns the car on and drives toward the base.
Jaht: I closed the window to keep you out, actually. Chi: Jaht, we don't know if he's after us. Jaht: We have to assume that he is. Man: Paranoied, are we? Jaht: Just cautious. And suspicious. And I don't like uninvited guests, especially ones who use the window. I think you want something from us. Man: You are paranoied. Jaht: And you're either going to leave, or I'll kick your *** and throw you out. Man: Confident, too. Jaht: You seen too confident. I don't even see a weapon on you. (He draws his poles) As I said before, you have two options. Either you leave now, or I'll make you.
Jaht: Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here? Kanaye: Um, I'm Kanaye. I was told that someone in here needed help. Jaht: That's not us. Chi: If he's willing to help, it might be a good idea to let him. Jaht: (To himself) This will take a while. (Out loud) We don't need your help, Kayane. Leave, before I make you. Kayane: All right, all right. (Kayane exits the room) Chi: Why didn't you let him help? Jaht: Because we don't know if that's what he wants to do. Chi: You can't assume that everyone's after us. Jaht: Look, Chi. Branit's been gone too long, so he's not coming back. We have to act as though he told Siene what he knows. That's not very likely, but we have to act as though it happened, just to be safe. Our advantage is that Branit doesn't know where we're going, so Siene can't get that information from him. That's where the doubles come in. Anyone looking for us will go after them instead. Chi: I don't think he's after us, Jaht. Jaht: Bringing him also means we'd have to protect him. I'm a skilled fighter, and you can protect yourself with magic, but I don't think Kayane's that able to defend himself. If we have to protect him, one of us could di einstead. Also, we'ed need more time to prepare with an additional person, and we don't have more time. We need to leave now, and just the two of us. Kayane isn't coming.
OOC: Two things, Wondershot. First, Azufe doesn't use guns, as I mentioned in my sign-up. His weapons are twin metal poles (which he carries straped to his back, by the way). And second, Jaht didn't accompany Azufe. His mention in a previous post was an accident (my character in another RPG is named Jaht). Don't bother editing him out, though. I can explain his presence easily enough. ------------------------------ "Release him!" Bolt shouted. Azufe was tense, but he maintained a calm demeanor, as he had been trained to do. "Or what? You'll kill your hostage? I don't even know why he's here. Branit must have sent him as backup. I don't have a gun. Will you kill me? I doubt you're a good enough shot to avoid hitting your teammate, here." "Release hin now!" "I don't think I will. I think you should release your hostage. Do so, and I'll let you and your other two companions live. This one, however," he indicated Crossfire, "is coming with me." "Don't do it!" Crossfire yelled. "I refuse," Bolt told Jaht. "You're in no position to bargain, anyways." Too bad," Azufe replied. In one continuous motion he kicked Crossfire in the nuts, dropped to the ground, grabbed his digivice, and pushed the top button, triggering the nearby Terriermon's digivolution. Gargomon quickly positioned himself between Azufe and Bolt as Azufe stood up and took hold of Crossfire again. "Now, release your hostage or Gargomon here will be forced to kill you."
Terriermon moved quickly and quietly toward the data hunters' vehicle. He was careful to be as stealthy as he could, knowing that just because there didn't appear to be anyone besides him and Azufe there didn't mean that nobody else was. Upon reaching the vehicle he quickly placed the detonator on the driver's side door and activated it. Using his small size to his advantage, he sliped under the vehicle. He couldn't recognise the gas tank, so he placed the bomb in a likely area before making his way back to Azufe's hiding spot. Azufe tried to locate Terriermon, and was pleased when he couldn't. [i]Good to see he still knows how to stay hidden[/i], he thought. Satisfied that Terriermon would successfully place the bomb and detonator, his thoughts turned to more personal matters. [i]was it really just because I wanted to show them that I could be useful? Was that really the only reason I was about to kill him? Surely I have some hatred for Digimon. That's why I wanted to fight back in the first place. It was Digimon that chased my family and I from place to place. It was Digimon that destroyed the towns we went to. It was Digimon who killed my parents. It's understandable that I'd hate them for that. Was that part of the reason? I think it was. Why would I have hated him on sight? There are plenty of bad humans out there still, but I don't hate humans. the same must apply to Digimon. Surely they're not all bad. In fact, they probably see us humans as the bad ones. We started the war, didn't we? Can we blame them for fighting back? For hating us? How will we ever make peace if we can't understand that they think of us the same way we think of them? We won't, at least not until us humans understand that. Why is it that I'm only now realizing this? Could I really have been so blinded by hate? I've always insisted that you shouldn't hate others based on race or appearance. Why am I just now realizing that the same thing applies to Digimon? Am I really that bad of a person?[/i]
Jaht: It's been too long. Chi: What? Jaht: Branit should have been here a while ago. I don't think he's coming back. Chi: He may be back before we leave tomorrow. Jaht: I don't think we should wait. I never intended to leave tomorrow. Chi: But you said- Jaht: That we'd leave first thing tomorrow morning. that doesn't mean it's the truth. We can't risk our plan being discovered by Siene. If he gets to us before we get to Plejalta, we're dead. So I've been giving people a false departure time. If Talon learns what we're doing somehow, he'll learn the fake departure time. If he tells Siene, he'll tell Siene the false time, and Siene will have an incorrect idea of how close we are. That could buy us the time we need. I'll leave it up to you, though. Do you want to leave now or wait until tomorrow?
OOC: Kust to make sure you know, Solo, I've been careful not to post more than twice a day. ----------------------------------------- "Wasn't that the building?" Terriermon asked. Azufe knew exactly what he was doing. "Yes, but that doesn't mean that we stop there. The driver will stay in the vehicle, and we can't let him know that we're after him and his team." He pulled into a lot in front of an old, rundown, and closed McDonalds. "It'll only take us about a minute to get back to the building from here. We'll probably be too late to stop the theft, but we should be able to catch the hunters." He grabed his backpack, and the two of them set off toward the building. As they make their way to it, Azufe explains his plan. "I doubt that that driver will be expecting trouble, but he'll certianly notice and react to my presence. But if you're careful, he probably won't notice you. I want you to sneak up to the vehicle and put the bomb underneath it, preferably near the gas tank if you can recognize it. Put the detonator on one of the car doors. When the rest of the team comes out, someone will surely notice the thing and remove it. The explosion will kill anyone in the vehicle, and possibly the person who removes the detonator. Then I move in and we immobilize anyone left. We can only take the weight of one person, so we'll have to guess who to take." As they approached the building, they stoped talking and started sneaking. They found a position where they could observe without being seen. The first thing they noticed is that the driver was gone. "This doesn't change the plan," Azufe said, whispering in case the driver was nearby. He gets the bomb and detonator out of his backpack and hands them to Terriermon. "He could still be nearby. Be careful."
OOC: Well, it's not exactly antigrav technology. It works by expelling force downward to keep itself in the air. I don't think that's too unreasonable. Plus, it's not like the hovers are better than traditional vehicles. They're useful for individuals or pairs, but generally, wheeled transport is a better option. The hovers can only carry a small fraction of the weight that a traditional vehicled can, for example. They're also a lot more expensive to make and maintain. And they're a lot less efficiant(sp?) in terms of fuel. ---------------------------------------- As Azufe drives to the facility that will probably be attacked next, Terriermon is thinking. Eventually, he looks at Azufe. "Remember the day we met? What were you doing when you found me?" Azufe was surprised by the question. "Um... why do you ask?" "Because I'm curious. You never have told me, you know." "All right, fine. If you really want to know, I'll tell you, but you have to be sure you want to know." zufe's reluctance only increased Terriermon's curiosity. "I'm sure." Azufe sighed. "All right, then. I guess it's time you knew. I was about to be rejected from tha army because of my dislike for guns. Standard guns aren't much good against the Digimon that are threats. They're only useful for killing other humans. The officers didn't like that, though. They hadn't told me that I was out, but I knew they would. I needed some way to prove that I could be useful. You were a perfect opportunity." "You don't mean..." "Yes. I wanted to kill you. You mentioned the digivice just in time to save your life." "Um... oh." Terriermon was obviously unsettled by this new information. "Um, Azufe? You don't hate me now, do you?" "Of course not. And I'm sorry that I ever wanted to kill you. I just felt like I had to do anything to get in. I'm sorry, Terriermon. I really am."
OOC: If people can make combat suits (I think it's Tycho who has one), then they can make the much less complicated stuff I mentioned in my post, as well as the vehicle in this post. ----------------------------- On the way to the "garage" where the vehicles are kept, Azufe explained the assignment to Terriermon. "I don't see why they won't let me come to breifings," the Digimon complained. "Some of those guys have very large digimon as partners. Digimon that can't fit into the briefing room. SO, to keep it fair, all DIgimon are excluded." "Makes sense, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." They reached the garage area, where one of the vehicle maintainance people was preparing a Silent Runner craft for departure. The Silent Runner looked a lot like a basic millitary Jeep, the main differances being that A, it had additional equipment suitable for the kinds of missions it's used in, B, it was a lot quieter, and C, it had no wheels. Instead, it rested on the ground when off and floated about a foot off the ground when on. Hovers were faster than "wheel equipment", but a lot harder to drive and unable to carry as much weight. "It's fueled up and ready to go," the tech told Azufe. "You know how to drive it?" "I'm no expert, but I can certianly drive it." "Good. There's extra food, water, and a couple tanks worth of gas in the back." "In that case, we're good to go." With that, Azufe and Terriermon climb into the roofless vehicle. Azufe starts it up after throwing his backpack in the back, and the two of them are off.
Azufe and Terriermon met Branit in the armory. Unlike the image that the word "armory" usually creates, this armory had absolutly no guns of any kind. The people who used it had no need for them. Branit had several devices spread out on a table. He picked up two related-looking devices. One was a perfect sphere about an inch in diameter, and the other was a cube with side length of half an inch, two buttons on opisite faces, and a dial on another face. "This," Branit said, indicating the cube, "is a detonator. The sphere is the bomb. Of course, this is no ordinary detonator. What you do is place the detonator in a clearly visible place within ten yards of whatever you want to blow up, and put the sphere on the target. Activate the detonator by holding down both buttons while rotating the dial once counterclockwise. When the detonator is removed from whatever surface it's attached to, it sends a signal to the sphere. Boom." "Clever," Jaht replied. "Yes, I know." Branit then picked up a penny-sized disk. "This is a camo-bug. It blends in with the surface it's attached to, making its discovery very unlikly. It transmits on secure frequency Alpha 6, so you can use a standard comunicator to monitor it." The next device was an electronic ID card that opened almost any electronic lock. Another device was a pair of sunglasses with infrared lenses, and the last one was a camera. "The flash from this thing is enough to blind someone for about an hour," Branit explained. Azufe placed all of these items in his backpack, where he also carried the standard equipment; communicator, map, food, ect. "Transport?" "Standard model AFX53-Z Silent Runner hover." "Good. Anything else, sir?" "Nope. The locations and target order of the facilities are programed into you map." "All right. Terriermon, let's go."
(Jaht locates Branit's second-in-command, a man named Azufe) Jaht: Azufe, we've got a problem. Azufe: What? Jaht: You know that volcano that erupted yesterday? Well, inside that volcano lives a dragon named Siene. siene doesn't like humans, and thanks largely to me, he's now Element Dragon of Fire. Long story, and I don't have time to explain. Anyways, Siene is now unchecked, and basically dominates everything within about 300 miles of the volcano. Nothing in that area can challenge him. I'm going with Chi to remedy the situation. Azufe: Shouldn't you be telling Branit this? Jaht: I did. He's helping out by delivering the Dragon Ocarina-the real one-to SIene to be destroyed in return for the release of the dragon Sideria. Chi and I are going to find Plejalta, who can make a new Dragon Ocarina, as well as take care of Siene. Azufe: Who's Plejalta? Jaht: Most dragons only live for a few centuries before getting killed. This frequently happens within one or two hundred years with wild dragons. But if they're not killed, they live for a very long time. And the older a dragon is, the more powerful it is. Siene is almost 3000 years old, an age which only a few dragons ever reach. These dragons are the ones who tend to remain alone. Plejalta's lair is even more isolated. I don't think anyone alive today has even seen him, except for maybe the Element Dragons, Siene excluded due to the fact that he only became one yesterday. Azufe: Yes, but who and what is Plejalta? Jaht: Plejalta is the oldest dragon alive. I don't have an exact age, but I think he's over 7,000 years old. He's frequently called the Elder Dragon because of this. But don't let that extreme age fool you. Age doesn't weaken dragons until a few days before it kills them, which won't happen to Plejalta for quite a while yet. Basically, no dragon alive comes close to equaling Plejalta's strength and power, not even the Element Dragons. Fortunately, Plejalta isn't biased for or against any race. If you earn his favor, he'll do something for you in return. But doing that isn't easy. Reaching him is hard enough, but to earn his favor you have to complete the nearly impossible take he'll give. Of course, nearly impossible tasks are the best ones. Azufe: Anybody ever tell you that you're insane? Jaht: Several times. Anyways, Chi and I are going to try and earn his favor. In return, we want him to make another Dragon Ocarina for Chi, and to remove the threat of Siene by whatever means are necessary. But nobody except you, Branit, and anyone else who needs to is to know where we're going. That's why I want you to set up decoys. Find people who look like us, and make them look identical. Publicize their departure, and make sure you act like they're Chi and I. Meanwhile, Chi and I will leave quietly. Azufe: Why all the secrecy? Jaht: So that a man named Talon doesn't find out what's going on. See, he's the only human Siene doesn't absolutly hate. If he tells Siene what we're doing before we get to Plejalta, Siene will probably be able to catch us, in which case he'll kill us. Azufe: Oh. Do you have Chi's approval? Jaht: She's coming with me, remember? Yes, I have her approval. Azufe: Then I'll set up a decoy pair. Jaht: Thanks. By the way, we're leaving tomorrow morning. (He returns to the inn and enters the room he's staying in. He packs his bags and waits for Chi to return)
I think he means the scene after you defeat the final boss, [spoiler]Shuyin.[/spoiler] Durring that scene, press the X button to get the good ending. If you have a 100% completion percentage, then durring the good ending, Yuna is asked a question. Answer "yes" to get the perfect ending.
The briefing began when a man named Branit took his position at the front of the room. Branit wasn't exactly what you'd call "thin", but he had an excuse for that. He was prone to illness and rather fragile physically, especially in the legs. He was also a paraplegic, and confined to a wheelchair. The injury was a direct result of his following orders. Because he couldn't fight, they gave him the job of briefing the unit Azufe belonged to. "It has come to our attention," he began, "that the general millitary has lost track of several hundred million dollars withing the past few months. Investigators have gone through the information several times, and so far nothing has shown up. We suspect that the missing money is being used to fund a covert and illegal research project, but we're not certian, and are looking into the matter. We believe that we'll have to send one or more of you out eventually, but not yet. More details on that when we have them. "Today's main topic is the recent surge in attacks by data hunters. As you know, data hunters are individuals or groups that make a living by breaking in to various facillities, normally those doing R&D-type activities, and stealing every bit of data they can. We've recently made progress tracking one group." The small theater-sized screen behind Branit turned on, showing four men. "From the left, we have Crossfire, Wind, and Chain. The other man appears to be the driver, and we don't have a name for him. These names are undoubtably fakes, but they seem to be the names this particular group goes by. "This group has been going to several facilties in a set pattern. When they've done every one, they start over at the first one again. We've analysed their pattern, and we believe we know when and where they'll strike next. We need one of you, preferrably one with a digivice, to go there and stop them. Capture is preferrable, but not required. Any voulnteers?" [i]What the hell[/i], Azufe thought. [i]At least this group is predictable[/i]. "I'll do it." "All right, then. Azufe, get Terriermon and meet me in the armory in fifteen minutes." Azufe nodded, then walked out of the room while Branit concluded the briefing.
(Jaht gives the Dragon Ocarina to Branit) Jaht: Go inside the volcano. You should have no problem finding an entrance. Walk in a ways, stoping when you get to a large cavern. Call out to Siene. Tell him that I sent you, and that you have the Ocarina. He should release Sideria. When he does, find Chi and I at the Prancing Dragon Inn. If he doesn't, come anyways. If you're not back by this time tomorrow, I'll assume you aren't coming. I can't afford to wait for longer. i have other business to take care of. Chi, let's go. (Branit heads inside the volcano as Jaht and Chi climb onto Dryoga. Soon, they're at the inn. The two humans enter) Chi: Jaht, what's going on? Jath: Your decision to try and find Sideria on your own forced me to take drastic measures to try and rescue you. This was when I thought Talon was with the raiders. I helped Anzunden attain the position of Element Dragon of Fire, saving his life at the same time. In return, I asked him to do battle with Siene while I rescued you. I managed to get you out, but I had to stay. By that time, Siene had kiled Anzunden. I tricked Siene into thinking I wanted him to kill Anzunden. That's when Siene made the deal. of course, I don't thin he'll actually protect this city, but I think we can trust him to release Sideria. thing is, nothing anywhere within about 300 miles would stand a chance against Siene. He's unchecked now, meaning that he can basically do whatever he wants. If he decided to, say, kill everyone within that area, he could. we need to find a dragon that can take Siene, meaning that Siene woun't be able to act without fear of death. I know of one dragon who can do this easily, but I don't know where to find him. Chi: You don't mean... Jaht: Plejalta. Chi: You can't be serious. Do you know how dangerous getting to him is? Jaht: I think I can handle it. Chi: If you can even find his lair in the first place. Jaht: I assume you know where it is. Chi: I know how to reach the general area, and some riddles that are supposed to be clues. Jaht: Good. Chi: It's harder than it sounds. All I know are directions that take you from point to point in a not very straightforward pattern. Jaht: That's why you're coming with me. Chi: Look, Jaht. Even if you did somehow reach him, you'd have to win his favor. Jaht: He'll probably give me some seemingly impossible task, right? Chi: Right. Jaht: That's what I like. Chi: You're insane! Jaht: I know. Oh, and there's also the fact that Plejalta would certianly know the enchantments needing to create another Dragon Ocarina. I have one of the fakes, which are identical to the about-to-be-destroyed real one exept for the lack of enchantments. He can put the enchantments on it. Chi: Fine. I'll come. Jaht: Good. Get your things together, make sure that only the people who need to know where you are know, and meet me here. We leave at this time tomorrow. By then, we'll know Sideria's fate.