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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (Jaht notices a dragon coming towards him from the city) Jaht: (Thinking) I was wondering how long it would take. (The dragon, who turns out to be Dryoga, lands. Branit and Chi get off) I thought it would be you two. Took longer than I thought, though. Branit: Where is it? Jaht: What're you asking me for? You're the one who has it. Branit: The one I have is a fake. Jaht: I though you'd think that. You gave me your fake, remember? I took the real one from Chi and slipped it into your pocket without you noticing. I hoped that Siene would believe the fake was actually the real deal, but apparently the real one gives off some sort of aura that Siene can sense. Chi: Why does Siene want the Dragon Ocarina? Jaht: To destroy it. He told me that if I got it for him, he'd release Sideria. I had to make you think I'd stolen it, and I also wanted it in a place where nobody would expect it to be. I hoped to fool Siene into thinking he destroyed it when he really destroyed a fake. And due to other actions, which I can't reveal here, Siene is now unchecked. There's nothing in this area that even has a chance of being able to take him now that Anzunden's dead. Chi: Anzunden's dead? Jaht Thought you'd know who that was. Yes, he's dead. SIene killed him, meaning that Siene's now Element Dragon of Fire. We currently have two options. One is that we give him the Dragon Ocarina. That would result in its destuction, but Sideria would be released, and SIene also promised to protect this area, including High Haven. The other option is to not give it to him. If we do that, not only will Sideria die, but High Haven will be completely destroyed, and no human will be able to come anywhere near this area for as long as Siene lives, which will be for a few thousand years if nothing happens to him. I say let Siene have the Ocarina. Surely another can be made. If that's your decision, then let Branit here deliver it to him. I need your help with something else, which I can't tell you here. So, what's your decision?
  2. [i][COLOR=Red]"I've got an eratic reading here. Reads like an equipment malfunction."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Whose equipment?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"Ours. I'm trying to isolate- ****! Locked up!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"You heard that, people! We have a Situation Gamma Two! Initiate restart procedure!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]"Backup system online! Go for transfer!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Transferring life support programs... done!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"System prepared! Go for restart!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]"Restart initiated."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Status check!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"All systems correctly restarted. Main system working. Analysis indicates high probably of future trouble, though."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Risk to subjects?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"Next crash has a 38% chance of causing serious injury and a 47% chance of causing death for each subject. A crash will probably occur in a week or two."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"Gentlemen, this is a Code Omega situation. The system's unstable, so we need to get them out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Easier said than done, sir. They were reset, too. Restoration had an 86% chance of faliure. I couldn't accept an 84% chance of total erasure."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"You made the right decision, difficult as that makes things. All right, people! We trained for this, and it's time to put that training to use. This is officially an Omega One situation. You should all know the procedure. Follow it. We can't afford any screw-ups. Their lives depend on how well we can do our jobs. We [/i]will[i] get them out of there. All of them."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"They've had to reset?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Yes, sir, they have. It seems that there's been a problem restoring memory, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Verification?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Same reading here, sir."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Excellent. Things seem to be looking up. How long until they'll be receptive?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]"For them, many years. For us, it depends on what the facility does in terms of time. My guess is that they'll hit the maximum acceleration that they can safely use. That'll get the subjects to receptive mental age in about a day. At that time they'll slow the subjects down to normal time so that they can get to work on extraction preperations."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"We can't make a move until the subgects are at the receptive age. I need to be informed the second it happens. After that, we'll have to get to the subjects before they do. Do that, and they'll think they're with us if we do this right."[/i][/COLOR] Just so you know, the colors above don't mean anything. They're just there to differentiate between speakers. Adding non-dialouge(sp?) text would've ruined the feel I wanted the above section to have. Anyways, the world of this rpg is basically the same one we live in. Nothing strange about it. However, several people (these would be the characters played in this rpg) have been having strange dreams. Dreams of other places, of other lives, of other worlds. These would be easily dismissed as standard dreams if not for one thing: they come multiple times, not changeing at all each time. Also, these people have a feeling that something is wrong. They don''t know what, but something just feels wrong. Both the dreams and the feeling started for each one of these people when he or she turned sixteen. Not a lot of information, I know, but revealing any more would spoil the plot. Now, here's the sign up, with my character listed as an example: Name: Serco Age(16-23 only): 17 Gender: Male Appearance: A little over six feet tall. He has short brown hair, and brown eyes. Avrage build, but it's easy to tell that he regularly works out. He wears shorts and a t-shirt with "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Personallity: Cautious, he'll never do anything unless he knows enough to make a well-informed decision. But when he starts something, he'll definately finish it. He's very determined. He's also a fast thinker. He's a computer expert as well. He carries his laptop, along with assorted cables, everywhere he goes. He's not the most social person, though. He generally prefers to be by himself, though he is willing to work with anybody who's willing to work with him. I will not be accepting anyone who doesn't follow the sign-up form above. That means fill in only the form, adding nothing else. This means no bio, which I actually do have a plot-based reason for excluding. Age is also important, so stay within the 16-23 age range. I think that's it. PM me if you have any questions.
  3. Jaht: (Thinking) Well, I've managed to screw things up. Anzunden's dead, Chi's going to get herself killed trying to rescue Sideria unless she gives the Dragon Ocarina to Siene to be destroyed. And I lose either way. I only have one choice. I just hope Branit decided to evacuate, because I doubt there will be a city left after all of this. (He starts toward High Haven) (Still thinking) Siene needs to be killed. That's the only option. Unfortunately, that won't be easy. I'll have to find a dragon that is capable of killing Siene, and is willing to. But first, I have to find Chi. Then, I'll have to speak with one who should know of a dragon that can and will do what needs to be done.
  4. OOC: Just a suggestion, Solo, but you might want to introduce the main plot soon. I think that doing so would encourage people to post. ------------------------------------------- "Want to go another round?" Jaht asked. "No time," Azufe replied. "Briefing starts in about five minutes." "What do you think this one's about?" Jaht asked Azufe as the two of them walked to the briefing room. "Don't know. Probably something to do with all the reports of data hunters. The frequency of hunter strikes seems to be increasing." "I hope I'm not assigned to deal with them," Jaht said. "I don't like going after other humans." "Niether do I" Azufe agreed, "but someone has to. They have to be delt with. If there are any assignments made, I'll probably get one. I've gone for a while without one," "Me, too. There just hasn't been a lot of need for us lately. Army's been busy, though." The two of them entered the briefing room and took seats in the middle, waiting for the briefing to begin.
  5. Jaht: (Thinking) ****! I'm low on time, and Talon had to leave. That makes things difficult. (He looks around, then walks over to a small pile of dirt. He brushes it aside, revealing the ragon Ocarina) (To himself) He seems to have dropped it here. How convienient. (Thinking) That was smoothly executed, if I do say so myself. Now, even if Siene's after Talon, I get what I'm here for. (He gets up and walks back into the volcano, stopping in the large cavern from before) (Out loud) Siene! If you haven't gone off after Talon, that's good, because there's no need to. I must have done a slopy job, because the Dragon Ocarina fell out. I found it just outside. I can't go much farther in, so if you want it, you'll have to come here. If you don't come in ten minutes, I'll assume you're not here, and I'll start looking for you.
  6. OOC: Solo gave me permission to participate via PM,so I'm participating. ------------------------------------ Azufe stood facing a man named Jaht. Each had two wooden poles in their hands. Azufe usually used metal poles, and Jaht carried twin swords, but when practicing, they used wodden poles to reduce the risk of injury. Jaht was very skilled, but Azufe was clearly the better fighter. He was keeping Jaht on the defensive, although Jaht was managing to block Azufe's strikes. When Jaht had the chance, he immedeatly did a very risky double strike, attacking low and high at the same time but leaving him open to a counter-attack. Azufe spun one pole, deflecting both of Jaht's. He used his other pole to sweep Jaht off his feet.Before Jaht could get up, Azufe swung his pole down, stopping the attack just before he hit Jaht's head. "Not bad," Azufe said as he helped Jaht to his feet. "You've improoved since last time." "Yeah, well, obviously not enough," Jaht responded. "You know, I thought I might stand a chance this time." "And just how drunk were you when you reached that conclusion?" They both laughed. "You have improved," Azufe explained, "but you're still making a couple errors. First, you seem to like double strikes. Unless your opponent is disarmed, he/she/it will get you with a counter-strike. And second, you kept watching my weapons. Watch me instead. You should know that you get a better idea of an opponent's next move from the face then you do from the weapon." "I know," Jaht admitted. "It just doesn't seem natural to take my eyes off the weapons." "I had the same problem, believe it or not. You just have to get used to it."
  7. Jaht: Fine. I brought the Ocarina to the mountian with me. I just didn't bring it inside. He doen't know this, but Talon currently has it. He probably though I just wasn't watching where I was going when I bumped into him, but I actually meant to bump into him. That's when I transferred it to him. Talon currently has it. He should still be on the mountian, if he hasn't decided to come in after me. Of course, I'm sure that somebody somewhere can make another one. But that's your concern, not mine. I did my job. Now it's your turn to fulfill your end of the bargain. You said, and I quote, "You will bring to me the Dragon Ocarina as you call it. Then I will return Sideria and reside here, a sentinel for High Haven, guardian of your fair city and all the lands around it." I brought the Ocarina. Now it's time for you to honor your end of the bargian.
  8. Jaht: I see no reason to tell you, but I do believe I know why you were brought here. Talisman: And why's that? Jaht: Well, let's just say that there's been a power shift. Now if you don't mind, I have something to do. (Just then, Talon walks out through a cave opening) I was wondering where you were. Talon: It was getting too hot in there. Who's this? Jaht: I don't know. She's very suspicious, though. Talisman: Why's he here? Jaht: Because I left him here. He would have slowed me down. Now, I have business to attend to. (Pause) There it is. (He walks over to where the fake flute that he lost earlier is lying on the ground. Near it, he sees his two poles and takes them back) Now that I've located my equipment, I'm ready. (He walks toward the cave entrance while watching Talisman. He bumpa into Talon) Sorry. (He enters the cave and proceeds through the volcano until he reaches a large chamber. He doesn't know if it's the same one from earlier, but it's good enough) Siene! I took the Ocarina. It was much easier than I thought. Branit doesn't know how to guard people effectively, it seems. He had guards outside, but none with Chi. Chi was uncouncious, so it was easy to take the Ocarina. I replaced it with a fake, so she won't suspect anything for a while. However, I will be perfectly honest and tell you that I do not fully trust you. You don't seem to like humans too much, see. For that reason, I currently do not have it with me. If you get Sideria to me somehow, I will tell you where it is before I leave. Your insurance is that there's no way I could ever escape if you didn't want me to. I have one question, by the way. What do you want the Ocarina for? It only works for one of Chi's family. Besides, you're unable to use it. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask why you want it. I got it for you, after all. Oh, and you probably won't trust me, but I won't reveal your reason to anyone if you don't want me to. Keeping secrets is a point of honor in my business, after all. ----------------------- OOC: Jaht's actions depend on Siene's response, though only Jaht knows this. So please allow me to decide what he does in response to Siene's answer.
  9. Jaht: No problem. I'll get it for you. It might take me a little while, because I have to make sure I'm not seen taking it. Give me until this time tomorrow. If I haven't returned by then, don't bother waiting, because it means I've been captured. (He turns to Talon) You'll only slow me down, Talon. Stay here, go somewhere else, I don't care, but you're not coming with me. (He walks through the caves, retracing the route he used earlier until he's out of the mountian. He looks around, as if expecting someone. Soon, he sees Abiadura. The dragon notices him and lands near him) I was wondering how long it would take for Branit to send someone to find me. Abiadura: [Chi has arrived at the city safely.] Jaht: I need to get to the city. Now. (He climbs onto Abiadura's back, and the dragon takes off. It isn't long before they reach High Haven. Abiadura locates Branit and lands by him. Jaht hops off) Branit, is Chi still unconcious? Branit: Yes, but other than that, she's doing fine. Jaht: Good. Question two: Is there a reason you can think of to have the city evacuated? Branit: Evacuated? Why? Jaht: Because Chi won't stop going into the mountian until Sideria's out. She is still alive, or so I'm told. To save Sideria and Chi, I have to do something very bad. How good are those fake flutes? Branit: The only way to tell them apart from the real one is to play them. The only difference between the real one and the fakes is that nothing special happens when a fake is played, even if Chi plays it. Jaht: Good. Do you have a spare? I lost mine earlier. Branit: Why? Jaht: To save Chi and Sideria. I don't think this will have a god result, although it might. Just in case, this city needs to be evacuated. The volcano's been acting up. Use that as your reason. I need to see Chi alone. After I do, take her and get the hell out of here. I can't order you or anyone else to leave, but I can advise you to. I'm going to do what I need to do no matter what. Branit: You're sure you can save Sideria? (Jaht nods) Then take this. (He takes his fake flute and hands it to jaht, who takes it) Good luck. Chi's in that inn behind me. Jaht: Thanks. (He runs into the inn. About a minute later he runs out and over to Branit) I have to go solo for this one. I don't even want a dragon with me. I'm going on foot. That should give you enough time to evacuate if you choose to do so. I hope that it won't be necessary, but I don't think you should take any chances. (He heads toward the volcano on foot)
  10. (Dryoga soon locates Chi, who is on the ground, unconcious. He lands beside her. Jaht gets off, but Talon stays on. Jaht walks over to Chi and examines her) Jaht: She fainted. Looks like a combination of exhaustion and heat. We need to get her out of here. Talon, help me get her on Dryoga. (Togeather, Talon and Jaht manage to position Chi safely on Dryoga. Talon starts to climb on ryoga's back, but Jaht stops him) No. Dryoga, take her back to the city. Find a man named Branit. He'll know what to do with Chi. (Dryoga flies off) Talon: You'll only get yourself killed by staying here. One, this heat will get to you-and me-eventually. Two, Siene's in here. And three, I thought you didn't trust me. Jaht: I don't intend to stay here long enough to be really affected by the heat. As for point three, out there, while we were fighting, you appeared to truly believe what you were saying, meaning that I was wrong and you're not with the raiders. And since I let Chi go, I'm not after her, right? I still think you're hiding something. but I can't worry about that now. Chi will come back unless we can show her that Sideria's dead or get Sideria out of here if she's survived by some miracle. Either way, we'll need Siene. Only Siene can bring us Sideria or, more likly, her remains. I think I can get him to do so, but you're here in case Siene says no. Talon: How will you do that? Jaht: Telling you would take a lot of time. You'll see how I do it when I do it. (He takes a few steps out into the large cavern) Siene! I know you can hear me! I know you don't like humans or intruders, but none of us had any choice! A dragon named Sideria was chased here, Chi followed, and I followed Chi! I'm sure you know what she carries! I came to save her! The dragon Dryoga just carried her out of this volcano, but she will return unless she knows of Sideria's fate! To learn Sideria's fate, I have to be informed by you! I knew you'd never tell me, so I went to Anzunden. I brought Anzunden here and had him engage you! I'd taken all the factors into acount, and came to the conclusion that you would win! I knew that you would kill him, thereby becomming Element Dragon of Fire yourself! In return, I ask only that you release Sideria if she still lives, or show me her remains if she is dead! -------------------------------- OOC: Two things. FIrst, nobody but Jaht knows that what he just said is a lie. He actually thought that Anzunden would win, and is lying. Also, Jaht's tecniuque(sp?) is perfect, meaning that there is nothing to indicate that he's lying.
  11. Iggy Koopa, Morton Koopa Jr., Lemmy Koopa, Ludwig von Koopa, Roy Koopa, Wendy O. Koopa, Larry Koopa, and Bowser. Oh, and the fortress boss is always the four Reznor on the wheel over the lava. Name each character's most powerful weapon (The one that increases attack power the most) in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Bonus: Where do you get each weapon (Hint: Four are found in the same area)?
  12. (Before long, Jaht has Talon on the ground. He's about to move it when the mountian seems to shake) Talon: The volcano can't be erupting [i]again[i], can it? (The mountian shakes again) Jaht: No. there's no volcanic activity. What's happening here isn't natural. There's only one thing that could have happened to cause this. I've seen it before, and actually helped it happen. Talon: What's happening? (Suddenly, Dryoga lands. The dragon had been trying to locate Chi's scent when he saw Jaht and Talon) Dryoga: [Jaht, what's happening?] (The mountian shakes again) Jaht: I brought in Anzunden, the Elelment Dragon of Fire, to battle Siene while I took care of Talon. Talon has so far been unwilling say anything. Anyways, what's happening is what happens when an Element Dragon is killed by another dragon. I distraced the old Fire dragon while Anzunden killed him and became the new Element Dragon of Fire. The same thing happening now happened then. Siene must have killed Anzunden. Dryoga: [Then we need to leave.] Jaht: If we leave, we lose Chi. We can't let that happen. We should have some time while Siene adapts to his new role as Element Dragon of Fire. Based on Anzunden, I'd say we have about, oh, 25 minutes. (The mountian shakes again) Dryoga: [She must have entered through the opening behind you. I can smell her] Jaht: Good. We have no time to lose. Talon, either come willingly or Dryoga will have to drag you along. (Talon climbs on Dryoga's back, and Jaht sits behind him) I still have questions, but they'll wait until Chi's safe. Until then, you're stuck with me. Dryoga, let's move. (Dryoga enters the mountian, following Chi's scent)
  13. Vaxla: You two obviously don't read enough twentieth century novels. I've read several books where people knew something would happen and couldn't stop it. Also, even if people did know somehow, most would have thought they were imagining things. Laura: Could you for once let me say one thing without correcting me? Vaxla: Nope. Laura: Well, I just want to find a place with more books from that time. Vaxla: I've got some you might be interested in, but I don't think now's the time. Something's going on, or else we'd be hiding underground right now. We should be figureing out what's happening.
  14. (It isn't long before a dragon lands by Jaht) Jaht: I assume you're the dragon Branit found for me? Abiadura: [Yes. My name is Abiadura.] Jaht: Mine's Jaht. All right, Abiadura. I need to get somewhere fast. Abiadura: [Where do you need to go?] (Jaht tells him) [You're sure? That's very dangerous. You probably won't survive.] Jaht: I've been there before. I helped him out, so he owes me. I need his help to save a girl named Chi. Abiadura: [Chi? Why didn't you mention her? Climb on and let's get moving.] (Jaht climbs onto Abiadura's back, and Abiadura takes off. As fast as Abiadura moves, he reaches Jaht's destination quickly. Once there, Jaht gets off and walks toward a large cave entrance in the side of a volcano. He turns back toward Abiadura) Jaht: You can go. Don't worry, I'll be fine. (Abiadura flies off, and Jaht enters the volcano. It gets hotter the farther in he goes, but he stops before the heat becomes dangerous. He's in a very large cavern) Anzunden! I require you assistance! (Anzunden remains unseen as he responds) Anzunden: [I remember you, Jaht. Why do you need my aid?] Jaht: Chi Iteki is in danger. She carries- Anzunden: [I know who she is.] Jaht: Of course. Well, she went looking for a young dragon named Sideria. Sideria entered a volcano near the city of High Haven. A dragon named Siene lives in that volcano. Anzunden: [I know of Siene, and of the human Talon who knows Siene.] Jaht: A band of raiders attacked High Haven earlier. I think they were after Chi. I got Talon to come to the volcano with me. He got there before Siene killed Chi and I, but that didn't improve things. He seems to be with the raiders. I got Chi away in time, but she went back, convinced that Sideria is still alive. Even if Siene didn't kill her, the recent eruption would have. Talon wants her, and she's walking into his hands. I'd go save her, but Siene would kill me. That's why I came here. If you can handle Siene, I can handle Talon. Anzunden: [I can, and to repay you I will.] (The great dragon Anzunden shows himself. As the Element Dragon of Fire, Anzunden is pure red in color. Nearing 4,000 years old, he is truly massive. He is a truly impresive sight to behold, and one can get a sense of his power just by looking at him. He picks up Jaht and exits the volcano. He reaches Siene's volcano quickly, and locates Talon and Siene. He puts Jaht down and engages Siene. Jaht faces Talon with poles drawn) Jaht: Where the hell is she? Talon: Jaht, what's going on? Jaht: Don't give me your bullsh*t. I've got you figured out. You're with the raiders. Chi came back here looking for Sideria. Siene would have located her almost immediatly. You need her alive, so she's not dead. Where is she? Talon: What?! Jaht, I'm not with the raiders! Jaht: You know that's a lie, and so do I. Now, if you won't tell me where Chi is, I'll have to force it out of you. Oh, and don't expect Siene to save you. Anzunden, Element Dragon of Fire, iis more then a match for him. So it's just you and me. Bring it on. --------------------------------- OOC: In case you don't remember, it's Arika who made up the Element Dragons in the first place. I just introduced one. I hope nobody minds. Oh, and Skedy, neither Talon nor Siene has to die or even be badly injured unless you want that to happen.
  15. Jaht: (Thinking) ****! God damn it! What the hell does she think she's doing?! She'll just et herself killed! (Dryoga quickly reaches the city) (Out loud) Drop me in the main square. (Dryoga lands in the main square. Bodies are everywhere, both dead and dying. the decorations are torn, everything edible is gone, the streets are a mess, and anyone who can is helping to restore order. Jaht locates Branit and runs over to him) I thought you'd be here. Branit: Jaht! I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it. Jaht: I had doubts myself, but not because of the raiders. Do you know a man named Talon? Branit: Ambassador Talon? Jaht: He's an ambassador? Whose ambassador {OOC: Please tell me whose ambassador he is, skedy} is he? Branit: I don't know. Why? Jaht: During the attack, I tried to get Chi to safety. I think the raiders were after her and her... well, we've been calling it a flute for security reasons. She was too naive to realized that the raiders would have no problem with kidnapping her, so she left the safe place I found and when chasing after a dragon named Sideria. She and another dragon, Dryoga, tracked Sideria to that volcano that erupted earlier, and I followed on another dragon, Deep Sea. Fortunately, I got there before she went inside. See, inside that mountian lives a very old dragon. The things nearing three thousand years. I assume you know what that age would do to it. Branit: Yes. Jaht: Well, it's Talon who told me about that dragon, Siene, about a year ago. Siene doesn't like intruders or humans, Talon being the exception for unknown reasons. I sent Deep Sea to find Talon, which he did. Talon got to us before Siene did, but that turned out to be a bad thing. Talon wanted me to go into the mountian alone. That would have caused me to die, leaving Chi alone with Talon. True, there was Dryoga, but Siene could have killed Dryoga easily. Branit: You think Talon's with the raiders? Jaht: Yes. And as if that's not bad enough, there was something else he was concealing. At one point, he had a look of surprise on his face, and spun around like he was looking for someone or something. When he spoke nexe, he stuttered, and he appeared to be deliberatly avoiding eye contact. I had Dryoga get Chi and I out of there. About half an hour ago, we began heading back here. Chi, still convinced that Sideria's alive despite the fact that she's been inside the mountian since before Chi got there, decided to head back to the mountian after instructing ryoga to bring me back here. Branit: What do we do? Jaht: I need you to get me the fastest dragon in the area. I don't care if it's tamed or wild, as long as it can get me to where I need to go by yesterday. I think I can get into that mountian and come back out alive, but only with the proper help. Talon needs Chi alive, so if I can get back to the mountian before he leaves-which I should be able to-I think I can save her. I don't have time to say any more. Just get me your fastest dragon, and [i]now[/i]. Branit: Understood. (He runs off)
  16. (Jaht and Chi are riding Dryoga back toward the city) Chi: I still don't understand why we're going back tonight. I thought you said we wouldn't be safe in the city until tomorrow. Jaht: That was before I realized I was missing something. I know I had it at the mountian, and I couldn't find it after we left. It wasn't until now that the significance hit me. Chi: What is it? Jaht: A fake version of your flute. Branit-I assume you've met him. He's in charge of security for the festival-gave me one. A few others have them, too. They look exactly like the real thing. Since I lost it on the mountian, Talon's probably found it. I don't think Siene would be too happy if he thought Talon had the flute. And when a dragon like that is angry with you, you tend to die. I don't think we have to worry about Talon any more, and if we stay out of Siene's territory, he should leave us alone. Chi: What about Sideria? Jaht: Sideria's dead, all right? I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. Forget about Sideria. You won't see her again. You should be concerned with keeping yourself safe.
  17. Jaht: Why wouldn't you be fine? Well, let me tell you what I saw. First, you had a look of surprise on your face, then you spun around as if looking for somebody. You stuttered when you spoke, too. Also, you're avoiding eye contact, which is frequently a sign of hiding something. There's something you aren't telling us, isn't there? Talon: I- no. No, there's not. Jaht: Bullsh*t. You're hiding something, for sure. Talon: No, I'm not. Jaht: I know how to read people, Talon. It's a skill that's saved my life several times. Chi, we need to get out of here. Now. Chi: What about Sideria? Jaht: Let Talon take care of Sideria. Chi: I- Jaht: If you try to stay, I'll be forced to break your legs. You're coming with me, and you're coming now. The situation just got a lot more dangerous, but I think we might be able to survive if we get the hell out of here. Come on! (Jaht and Chi climb on Dryoga's back. Dryoga takes off and flies toward the city) Don't go to the city. We need to put as much distance between us and that mountian as possible, but in a different direction. (Dryoga turns away from the city) Chi: Why? Weren't we safe with Talon there? Jaht: Until Talon started lying to us, I thought we were. I was wrong. Now, not even the city's far enough away from that mountian. And if we're in the city, we're putting everyone there in more danger than they're already in. We need to wait at least a day before we can risk returning. I think Siene was instructing Talon, telling him what to do. If I'm right, then we're not safe with Talon, or anywhenr near that mountian. Tomorrow, I think things will have settled down eoungh to risk returning to the city, but not before then. Chi: Are you sure? Jaht: I've lived this long because I know what I'm doing. If I didn't know exactly what I was doing all the time, I'd be dead by now. Yes, I'm sure. (The two sit in scilence for a few minutes) Chi: Jaht, I just thought of something. If the mountain was too hot for Talon to go into it, why did he think you could? Jaht: I don't- ****! Chi: What? Jaht: Talon didn't want to help us. He was sending me into the mountian so that Siene would kill me. You'd be alone with him. Chi: So? Jaht: Talon knows you have the flute, I believe. Chi: You're saying he's with the raiders. Jaht: Exactly. That son-of-a-*****! He's dead if I ever see him again. I don't care what happens to me. If I have the cahnce, I'm going to kill him.
  18. Jaht: About time you got here. Talon: You're very lucky to be alive right now. Jaht: I had to come here. Chi's still alive right now, and that's what matters. I think she's still convinced that Sideria's alive. Chi: Sideria is still alive. She's with the dragon Siene. Talon: How did you know his name? Jaht: Why do I think we've left "normal" back in the city? Chi: I had a- a vision. Jaht: Definatly no more normal. Well, Talon, I don't know if Sideria's dead or alive, but no matter what, you need to convince Siene not to kill us. After that, you can determine sideria's condition. Think you can handle it?
  19. (Not only is Jaht holding his own against the raiders, he's winning. Three are dead already, and he's about to take out a fourth when he sees something. He runs toward Chi) Jaht: Dryoga, take them! (He tackles Chi. The two of them tumble a good distance down the mountian. When they stop, Jaht stand and helps Chi up) Sorry about that. Chi: Why did you do that? Jaht: I noticed a very well-hidden archer. He was aiming for you. Your sholder, to be precice. His arrow had some kind of substance on it. Chi: Poison? Jaht: If he wanted to kill you, he would have aimed for the heart. No, I think it was a tranquilizing substance. He was about to fire when I got to you. I couldn't have reached him in time, so I tackled you out of the way. Didn't think we'd end up down here, but at least you're safe from them. Dryoga should be done with them by the time we make it back up there.
  20. Jaht: Well, all we can do now is wait and hope that Talon gets here before we're dead. (Six armed men in the raider's uniforms show up) Never mind. Raider 1: That dragon could be a problem. Raider 3: We can still complete our assignment. Raider 1: True. (To Jaht) Didn't expect to see you here, Jaht. Chi: Wait a minute. Jaht, do you know him? Jaht: No, but I have worked with this particulal group of raiders before. The symbol on their uniforms marks the group they're from, and I recognise their symbol. Raider 2: We're here to- Jaht: Shut up. Dryoga: (To Chi and Jaht only) [I'll take care of them.] Jaht: No. If we keep the dragon entertained, we'll live longer. And it might just enjoy a six-on-one battle, especially if I hold my own, which I'm more than capable of. So, boys, how about it? The six of you against me. If you kill me, take what you're here for. Raider 2: We can take him. Raider 1: He's a very skilled fighter, but I think we can win. Jaht, we accept. (The raiders draw their weapons. Raider 1 has two katanas, and the other raiders each have a sword. Jaht draws his poles) Jaht: Then let's get started.
  21. Chi: Sideria's not dead. Jaht: There's no way she survived. Chi: I can't accept that. Jaht: Well, we can have Talon check if we're still alive by the time he gets here. Chi: Or we can check now. Jaht: We go in there before Talon gets here, and there's no way we'll survive. Chi: I still have the flute. If the dragon attacks us, i'll use it. Jaht: There are a couple things wrong with that plan. One, if that dragon comes for us, we'll have absolutly no time to react once we know it's there. And two, what makes you think the flute will work on this dragon? It's had a very long time to strengthen its mind. I'm sure it can resist the flute. Chi: We have to do something. Jaht: What we'll do is wait for Talon. Chi: we need to do something now. Jaht: If you try to go into the mountian, I will not hesitate to use force to keep you out. I'm here to save your life, and I have no problems with doing it against your will.
  22. Galfmon: You always have others do your work for you. I think it?s time to see how well you do on your own. Virtualmon: I don?t. Galfmon: You don?t have a choice. (Virtualmon breifly glows black, and data seems to focus on a point in front of him. The data forms into Kalimon) Oh. Kalimon: Web of Doom! (Galfmon devolves, causing the attack to miss. Karanlik quickly becomes Duskmon, hits Virtualmon with Deadly Gaze, then positions himself between virtualmon and Kalimon. Kalimon attacks with Web of Doom again, but Duskmon slides to Velgmon and flies over the attack, causing it to his Virtualmon. Velgmon lands and devolves, and Karanlik becomes Galfmon again) Galfmon: Surprised? Unlike you, I realize that power isn?t the only thing that matters. Kalimon: That was luck. Power matters most. Galfmon: You really sound like Kalimon. Kalimon: That?s who I am. Galfmon: It?s completly obvious that Virtualmon created you. He?s too afraid to fight me himself, so he made you to do it for me. Kalimon: That makes little difference. Galfmon: True. Of course, this could get difficult if he keeps creating Digimon. Fortunately, it's very obvious that he can only have one at a time. Otherwise, he'd have made more than one. That means that I have the advantage. Kalimon: We'll see about that. Web of Doom! (Galfmon devolves to Karanlik, causing the attack to miss. He then becomes Megidramon X Megidramon X: Fire's Rage! (Kalimon dodges, but Megidramon X hits her with another one) You've just lost your help, Virtualmon. Virtualmon: Then I'd better go get some more. (A portal opens) Megidramon X: Bad move. (He charges Virtualmon, knocking him into the portal. Virtualmon's abscense causes Kalimon to revert to data. Megidramon X enters the portal, and emerges outside of Clair's house. Virtualmon is there, too. Gon, hearing something, opens the door) Gon: Um, Clair? You might want to see this. Clair: What? (She walks to the door) Oh. Virtualmon: Clair, I need help. Karanlik's been playing both sides this whole time. He's trying to destroy me. I need help. Megidramon X: You came to the wrong place. Clair's not on your side anymore. You did exactly what I wanted you to by coming here. Now it's three on one. And you can't do your Digimon creation thing, because i can turn it against you. face it, Virtualmon. It's over. -------------------------- OOC: It's your RPG, Nefertimon. You get the last post.
  23. Three after I sign up. I've never played as a female before (In case you're wondering, I am a male), so this will be a new experiance for me. Name: Vaxla Chaengre Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Around 6 feet tall with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. Average build for her height in all ways, but very fit. Looking at her, one can tell that she frequently works out (Shouldn't she be at the Y?). Personality: Very determined. She never gives up. She's also a fast thinker. Very smart, too. She can seem offensive, rude, or downright mean at first, but she's actually a very nice person when you get to know her, though she can and will hold a grudge. She's also a high-functioning autistic, and if you assume she's not very intelligent because of the autisim, she'll hate you for the rest of her life. She has trouble precieving the emotions of others and generally has no clue what emotional signals she's sending to others. She often has no cule what her facial expression is, and the same goes for her tone of voice. She also has trouble getting anything from the body language of others. She tends to unintentionally be very offensive, which is why almost nobody really ever gets to know her. Her hobbies include reading and working with computers (We still have those, don't we? Power/Control: Alter Group: Library Animal: Tiger Bio: Her life was pretty normal for the time of the Raid until she discovered her powers at the age of 11. She has since mastered them (The ones she knows about, that is), although the only others who know that she has them are Laura and Mara, who, by the way, are quite used to the way she acts (meaning the autistic charictaristics(sp?)). Her parents were killed when she was 16. Since then she has dropped out of school, started and still is educating herself, lives by herself, is unemployed, and uses her powers to get the money she needs (100% authentic to everyone but her, seeing as how she uses authentic money to know what the money she makes should be like). The only people she still gets together with are Laura and Mara, and she does so often.
  24. Jaht: Holy ****! (Thinking) Either the dragon's trying to scare me off or, more likely, it's playing with me. what it doesn't know is that it just helped me. Chi and Dryoga certianly noticed the small avalanche that the dragon caused. (He looks up, and spots Chi and Dryoga coming in for a closer look) (Still thinking) Sloppy. This could be a trap, and yet they're still coming straight in. It's a good thing I'm not one of the raiders. (He notices a shred of fabric by one of the dead dragons. He picks it up and looks at it. There is a symbol on it, which he recognizes) (Still thinking) No wonder I predicted their actions so accurately. (Dryoga lands, and Chi hops off) (Out loud) I thought I told you to stay in the inn. Chi: The O- Jaht: You had the right idea back at the inn. If you absolutly have to mention it, call it a flute. Chi. Fine. The flute only works when used by one of the Iteki family. Even if it is taken, they wou'n be able to use it. Jaht: Do you think these people won't know that? They sacrificed a huge number of their group in the attack, knowing full well that they couldn't win. that was to distract everyone while a few others snuck in and took what they were after. This isn't the kind of thing you do until you know absolutely everything relevent. Chi: Then they probably aren't after it if they know they won't be able to use it. Jaht: These people launched a large attack as a diversion. They killed many people. Do you really think they won't be willing to take you, too? Chi: Oh. Jaht: But that's a secondary concern right now. I was brought here by a dragon named Deep Sea, who told me what you're doing. I sent him off to find a man named Talon, who's in the city. Chi: Who's Talon? Jaht: The only one who can enter this mountian with a 100% chance of survival. See, inside this mountian lives a dragon that's going on 3000 years old. i'm sure you know what that means about its capabilities. Chi: Yes. Jaht: This dragon is not fond of intruders. It tends to kill them, like it did to these two. Is either of them Sideria? Chi: No. Jaht: That just means that Sideria's body is in the mountian somewhere. but not alive. there's no way Sideria has survived, and we'll be dead soon, too. There's no way we can escape this dragon. Our only hope is for Talon-who told me about this dragon, by the way-to get here before we're killed.
  25. (Karanlik walks toward Virtualmon's area) Karanlik: (Thinking) When Virtualmon figures out that I'm against him, he'll want Clair here. At that point there will be an open portal. That's my chance. Clair will be with at least some of the others. Force Virtualmon through the portal, and not olny will he lose the home field advantage, but I'll have help. (Karanlik reaches Virtualmon) Hello. Virtualmon: I told you to have Clair contact me. Karanlik: That's what I meant to do, but events got out of my control. But as long as I'm here, there's something I have to tell you. Virtualmon: And just what is that? Karanlik: Clair can read minds, right? So, how could she not know what I was about to do? Virtualmon: What are you talking about? Karanlik: Even telepaths can be fooled. I know how to do it. The method was one I origionally mastered for undercover work. It involves thinking like what you're pretending to be while still keeping your own thoughts. It's usefull when pretending to be someone else, because if you think like who you're pretending to be, you'll act like that person. It can be used to fool telepaths, too. I learned this when Clair didn't anticipate me punching her. She can only read my surface thoughts, so if the thoughts are ones I don't agree with, she still thinks that I do. That's how I was able to pretend to be under the control of that thing you put in my Digivice. Everything I've done since then has been leading up to this moment. You know, you should have kept your mouth shut and not revealed all of that about my sister. Before I knew that, I just wanted payback. When you told me that, it became personal. Now, it's finally come down to you against me. Virtualmon: I still have allies. You have been against both sides, and so have none. Karanlik: Allies don't matter if they aren't here. (Karanlik Fusion Evolves to Galfmon) Galfmon: This is a one-on-one encounter. And I intend to win. ----------------------------- OOC: What are Virtualmon's attacks?
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