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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Karanlik: I do not kill people while they're defenseless, but this is a very different situation. you're refusing to defend yourself. I will not back down because you refuse to fight. Angel: Just do it, and get it over with. Karanlik: No. This is not a normal situation, so normal ruls don't apply. You are right that I don't trust you, but I think I trust you enough to ask you to do something for me. As soon as everybody has been found, we're going to enter Virtualmon's realm and do battle with him. Clair has to open the portal for us, but I don't want her to pass through it. Virtualmon might have some measure of conrol over her actions. that is also why I can't risk fighting in my strongest form. I don't think Virtualmon can do anything with the spirits, but if I tap into the additional energy, he might be able to do something. Angel: What does this have to do with me? Karanlik: I don't think Clair will want to stay behind. She'll want to fight. I want you to make sure that she stays behind. if she fights you, trust your instincts. Don't plan your moves ahead of time, because she'll know them from your mind. Don't act, react. And, is all else fails, just get between her and the portal. Angel: I think I can handle that. Karanlik: One last thing. if she does that splitting into three Digimon thing, target the little girl. She'll be helpless. Now, let's go. they went this way. Come on.(the two of them head off after the others)
  2. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] Anyway, Magikoopa and he first appears in Super Mario World.[/QUOTE] Wrong on both counts. True, he is a Magikoopa, but I didn't ask what he is. His name is Kamek, and he first appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. He was the one on the broom who made normal enemies into bosses. As for the current question, I have no idea.
  3. Chi's looking for Sideria, and I don't think she'll give up easily. She searches in vain, because if Sideria's in there, she's dead. I have to hope Talon gets here in time. Meanwhile, I have to get Chi to understand the danger here. (He starts kicking rocks down and basically making as much of a spectacle as he can, hoping that Chi and Dryoga will notice and investigate) (Deap Sea flies fast into the city. He asks many about Talon before locating Branit. He lands by the man) Deap Sea: [I need to find someone named Talon. Do you know where he is?] Branit: No, but I do know what he looks like. (Branit describes Talon. Deap Sea takes off and flies around the city, looking for someone who matches the description. When he does, he lands in front of the person) Deap Sea: [I'm looking for a man named Talon. It's urgent. Are you him?] Talon: Um... yes. Who are you? Deap Sea: [My name is Deap Sea. I was sent by a man named Jaht.] Talon: I haven't seen him for almost a year. What does he want? Deap Sea: [The performer at the festival before the attack is named Chi. She took the dragon Dryoga and went to search for another dragon, Sideria. Jaht believes that the raiders are after Chi and her instrument, so he and I went looking for her. We tracked her to the tallest mountain in the area, and we believe she went inside to look for Sideria. Jaht knows what's in there, and he told me. He had me find you, because according to him, you know this dragon.] Talon: If Chi's in there, we'll be lucky if she's still alive. Siene isn't very fond of intruders. Deap Sea: [Then we must hurry.]
  4. (Jaht and Deap Sea had picked up Dryoga's scent, and had been following him and Chi. Now, they were nearing a very large mountian) Jaht: Are you sure they went in there? Deep Sea: [Yes.] Jaht: **** Deep Sea: [What's wrong?] Jaht: They don't know what's in there. I do. About a year ago, I met a man named Talon. It was in this area. I had been hired to see what was in that mountain, because everybody who had gone in had never come out. I accepted the assignment, and was about to enter the mountian when I met Talon. He told me why I shouldn't go in there. Seems there's a dragon who livees in there. The thing's going on 3000 years old. I'm sure you know what that means. We won't stand a chance in there. Neither will Chi and Dryoga. The only one who will is Talon. I want you to go find him. He should be in the city. I saw him earlier today. Leave me here, though. I have to try and find Chi, no matter what the risk. Leave me, find Talon, and get him here as quickly as possible.
  5. Baralai. I'm pretty sure that's right, but if not, then ignore my question. In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, what is the name of the hypnotyst in Little Fungitown, and what game did he first appear in? (Hint: It was an SNES game)
  6. Karanlik: Katrina, you think you can help Sakuyamon? Now that I'm not able to maintain the effect, it will wear off in a couple minutes. Katrina: I'll try. (Katrina's crest activates. Sakuyamon glows, then stops moving and looks around before devolving to Renamon) Renamon: What happened? Karanlik: You were destroyed, Kalimon brought you back under her control, I took control of you, then Katrina here put you back to normal. Also, we've all agreed to work together, minus Gypsymon, who you know as Kalimon. Clair got rid of her. Which reminds me. (He grabs his digivice) Nobody say anything. Not even a whisper. (He contacts Virtualmon) Virtualmon, come in. This is important. Virtualmon: What is it? Karanlik: Gypsymon went against us. Clair and I had to destroy her. Unfortunately, as Kalimon, she managed to to a good bit of damage to Clair, who's unconcious right now. Virtualmon: I need proof. Karanlik: I know I know. You can't trust me, because Karanlik's betrayed you once already. Well, I'm afraid I don't have any right now. Clair's out, so she can't confirm it, and I can't show you because this device doesn't do images. But when Clair wakes up, I'll contact you again. No, better yet, I'll bring her to you. I'd do it now, but she can't open a portal while unconcious, so I can't get to you. Virtualmon: No. Have her contact me when she wakes up. Karanlik: Smart, not letting someone you don't trust get to you. I'm starting to like you. Oh, and by the way, I think I have Angel convinced to stay on our side. (Pause) Someone's coming. I have to go. (He terminates the signal) There. Now Virtualmon thinks Clair's injured. That buys us some time to locate the others. We'll need everybody for this. Everyone who's on our side, that is. So, we first have to find everybody. Oh, and the thing about Angel was so that I can "leave Clair with her", which will allow me to ask Virtualmon a few questions before we take him on(The group notices Angel coming toward them) You start searching. I'll deal with her. Honru: Isn't she against Virtualmon? Karanlik: She just wants to fight. She'll go to Virtualmon's side, because if we get rid of him, we'll be done with fighting. She won't like that, so she'll fight us. If we lose, those with Virtualmon will still have more fighting that they can do. Trust me on this one. Honru: All right. You do seem to know what you're doing. Karanlik: If there was even one time that I didn't, I'd be dead. (The others leave, leaving Karanlik alone with Angel) I was wondering when you'd show up. You're too late for the battle that just finished, but I'm going to give you a fight anyways. Angel: Why? I saw who you were with. Aren't we on the same side again? Karanlik: You'll switch again at your next opportunity. More fighting if you do that, after all. No, I can't trust you, so this ends here. Of course, I'd be able to destroy you without a fight if I went all out, so instead, we'll do this a different way. (He draws his two poles, which he keeps strapped to his back {OOC: I mentioned these when I signed up}, and throws one to Angel) I assume you can use that. Angel: Yes, but I don't want to fight you. We have a common enemy, and we should work together against him. Karanlik: I only work with those who I can trust. I can't trust you, so I refuse to work with you. And I can't have you showing up in the middle of our next planned battle, so I'm taking you out now. Only one rule: no becomming a Digimon. Aside from that, anything goes. Let's get this over with.
  7. I don't really have a favorite death sequence, but as for a death scene, my favorite has to be when [spoiler]Dingo (your character) dies in ZOE2. He's just had his *** handed to him by Anubis and is in one of BAHRAM's battleships. In a corridor, he encounters his old boss, Nohman, who is also the pilot of Anubis (Dingo pilots Jehuty). Dingo refuses Nohman's offers and is about to head back to the room he's being kept in when Nohman suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots him in the back. Several times (Cowardly, isn't it? Then again, Nohman's never really any different. Even in the final battle, he constantly teleports away). Fortunately, Ken Marinaris (Daughter of a late friend of Dingo's, Richard Marinaris) manages to get Dingo into stasis quickly enough to save his life.[/spoiler] Even though I knew that that would happen, haveing read about it, it was still an awesome scene to watch.
  8. [QUOTE=Omar Harris]Jake 2.0 was a Wednesday show. Top Model replaced Rock Me Baby, and whatever shows UPN replaced the Mullets with. [/QUOTE] Every Wednesday, right after Enterprise, they rerun the most recent episode of Top Model. That timeslot used to be occupied by Jake 2.0. I'll never understand why the UPN people did that. How they could think that Top Model is an improvement over Jake 2.0 is beyond me.
  9. Megidramon X: Where's Katrina? Imperialdramon: Why should we tell you? Honru: Because he's on our side. That's Karanlik in there. I'm not sure exactly what he's doing, but he is fighting Kalimon right now. Kari: He did something to Sakuyamon, too. They can contro her. How do I get her back? Megidramon X: With Katrina. She's done similar before. Kalimon: She won't do it again. She'll be dead now. Imperialdramon: That's a lie. She's still alive. Megidramon X: Then find her and bring her here. And do it quickly.
  10. Jaht: ****! I told her to stay there! Soldier 1: What's going on? Jaht: I think that the object I mentioned is what the raiders are here for. The attack is a diversion. I think these six were speciffically assigned to find Chi, but it's certian that many others know who she is and what she has, as well as what she looks like. We can't let them get their hands on her. Soldier 3: What should we do? Jaht: I need a dragon. One that knows her scent. Soldier 4: That one. (He points to a dragon that is flying back into the city) I was assigned to the stables when she brought it in. It's name is Deep Sea. Soldier 5: It looks like it's heading towards the gates. Jaht: You all stay here. Make sure nobody else makes it through the pit. Soldier 2: Can you ride? Jaht: I'm no expert, but I can certianly ride. (Jaht runs toward the gates. When he arrives, he sees Deap Sea, who had landed and is fighting on the ground. Jaht runs up to the dragon) I need to find Chi. Do you know where she is? Deep Sea: [She is looking for Sideria, another dragon] Jaht: (To himself) I'll never get used to that. (Out loud) I saw you flying into the city. Where were you before that? Deep Sea: [I was helping her look. She sent me here, and continued searching on another dragon.] Jaht: (Thinking) She'll keep searching until she finds this Sideria, it seems. She'll probably follow a systematic search pattern. From that area, the closest sector is Sector 1. She'll start there. (Out loud) Do you know this other dragon's scent well enough to track it? Deep Sea: [Yes.] Jaht: Good. I believe Chi will have gone to Sector 1. We'll go there, then follow the same search patten that she probably used. If you catch this other dragon's scent, follow it. We need to find Chi, and fast. I believe she has what the raiders are here for. They'll be after her. Deep Sea: [Get on. We'll find her] (Jaht climbs onto Deep Sea's back, and the dragon flies toward Sector 1)
  11. You actually like this show? I think it's ****** up, personally. First of all, I've never bought the whole "reality show" concept. Then there's the fact that I find the concept to be discraceful to women (even though I'm a guy). And, finally, this is the program that replaced Jake 2.0, which I really enjoyed.
  12. Please, Solo. finish the story. I just have to know the end, and I'm sure that others want it finished, too.
  13. Karanlik: You just made two mistakes. Kalimon: And just what are they? Karanlik: You forgot that size matters. And you know what? You I don't have any problems with going all out against. There's no risk if I do it now, after you attacked Clair-your other mistake. I have no worries about doing this now. (Karanlik triggers the evolution into Megidramon X. The differance in size allows him to break out of the web) Megidramon X: You won't survive this encounter. Kalimon: We'll just see about that. Web of Doom! Megidramon X: Inferno Cross! (Megidramon X forms a cross-shaped fire blast. It hits Kalimon's attack and burns through it. Kalimon dodges the attack) Fire's Rage! (Again, Megidramon X throws the odd fireball at Sakuyamon, with the same results) Two-on-one, Kalimon. i don't think you can handle it. Kalimon: What's that supposed to mean? Megidramon X: Simple. I turned Sakuyamon against you. And I seriously doubt that you can handle both of us.
  14. (Jaht reaches the pit, where several soldiers are standing, ready to fight. Six men can be seen making their way across the pit) Jaht: Has anyone else crossed? Soldier 1: No. Jaht: Good. All right, I'll handle these guys. I want all of you to find an inncalled the Prancing Dragon. ask for Chi Iteki, and tell her that I sent you. Keep her safe, and make sure she doesn't lose it. don't ask her what it is, just make sure she still has it. She'll know what you mean. Soldier 2: You sure you'll be okay, Jaht? Jaht: You kidding? Those six won't know what it them. Now go, and hurry. (The soldiers run off, and Jaht turns to the six, who are just getting out of the pit) Bring it on.
  15. Damian: No. Kyle: Why not? After all, it's clearly marked, or can you read? Damian: I can read, and I am well aware of what it says. That's why we're not getting on it. Kyle: Why not? Damian: You're a very good fighter, but you don't think right. That boat is obviously the one that this Cesto guy wants us to get on. And he's the one we'll be up against. The boat's a trap. You can get on it if you want to, but I won't. I plan to follow it. Kyle: How? I doubt you have a boat. Damian: Well, seeing as how I stole the registration forms for a pretty fast motorboat, I do. And I know how to steer it, too. I'd be no good in rough waters, but under standard conditions I'm good enough. You can come with me if you want, but it's your choice.
  16. (Megidramon X devolves, and Karanlik walks away from the battle. Once he's out of sight, he circles around and makes his way toward Psychomon, unseen) Karanlik: (Thinking) Psychomon's obviously distracted. That's good, because Clair s obviously Psychomon, and she's the most dangerous. Plus, I have to play it safe. I can't use the new form. I'll have to stick with Galfmon, which should be more than enough with Psychomon so distracted. This should be very easy. (He Fusion Evolves into Galfmon) Galfmon: Curse of the Darkness! (The attack hits Psychomon head-on, freezeing it in place) You always were too cocky, Clair. I guess being able to read minds does that to you. But even you can be fooled. You made a very big mistake, and that was relying(sp?) too much on your telepathic abilities. You don't get one mistake in this business. You get none. Black Sphere! (He fires a large black energy sphere at Psychomon. When it hits, it invelops Psychomon, then contricts, fitting itself to Psychomon's form as it does. When it's as small as it can get without releasing Psychomon, it flows into Psychomon. Suddenly, the energy explodes from within the Digimon, who falls to the ground, severely damaged) And if you do make a mistake, you pay with your life. -------------------------------- OOC: yes, I took Clair's powers into account. I'll explain how she was fooled in a future post.
  17. (Jaht had seen Chi, and had recognized her as the one who had summoned all of the dragons. As she left the inn, Jaht ranover, grabbed her, and dragged her into the inn) Chi: What are you doing?! Jaht: I can't let you go out there. Chi: Why not? Jaht: I saw you earlier. Before the raiders attacked. You had something with you when you summoned the dragons. Do you still have it? Chi: You mean the flu- Jaht: Yes, but don't tell anyone what it is, or that you have it. What do you think these raiders are here for? Chi: Many valuables are in this city, especially durring the festival. The raiders probably just want stuff to sell. Jaht: Then why would they come here, at the time when security is the tightest? No, they want something that they can't get any other time. This festival is the one time they know where it is. Che: The flu- Jaht: I told you not to say that you have it! But yes, that's surely what they want. Based on numbers and the ratio of dragon-riders to those on foot, I'd say this is about three-fourths of their total numbers. They knew they'd need force, but that's not enough to win a battle. They're not here to win. They're here to take what you have, and, since they won't know how to use it, they'll be after you as well. Stay out of sight, and make sure they don't get it, even if you have to destroy it or yourself. (He exits the inn, leaving Chi inside it, and heads toward the dragon **** pit, knowing that some raiders will sneak in through it, bypassing the security forces, who would be busy at the gates. the ones coming through the pits would be the ones after Chi and the flute) -------------------------- OOC: Just because Jaht thinks that the raiders are after Chi and her flute doesn't mean that they are. that's what Jaht believes, a belief that is based on his experiances.
  18. (Branit runs to Jaht) Branit: They've broken through the gates! Jaht: Let me handle that problem. You find every archer, and anyone who can accurately throw a pointy object of some kind, such as spears, pikes, or daggers. Aim for they eyes of the raider's dragons. If the dragons open their mouths, target the insides of their mouths. The wings are also a good target. Branit: Got it. Jaht: And make sure a few men stay by the dragon **** pit. I'm sure raiders will sneak in through there. (He runs as fast as he can toward the gates, drawing his two poles as he does. Soon, he's there, and he joins the battle) Don't let them through, boys! We stop them here!
  19. Human Sign-Up Name: Azufe Age: 21 Gender: Male Equipment: A laptop computer (computers are still around, right?) and equipment such as a flopy drive, disks, all the wires and cables he could ever need, and extra batteries, all of which he carries in a backpack. He also has two metal poles that he carries strapped to his backpack in a way that he can pull them out in an instant. Digimon Partner: Terriermon Digivice: Circular, about four inches in diameter and one inch thick. There is a screen on top, and four buttons evenly spaced around the side. A purple color. Appearance: A little over six feet tall, with short black hair and brown eyes. Thin and muscular, and he keeps himself in shape by being sure to train every day. He wears shorts and a t-shirt, usually green in color. Biography: Azufe's been involved in the war for as long as he can remember. He and his parents were always running from place to place, trying to survive. It wasn't long before he became tired of running. He wanted to fight back. At one point, he came across two old metal poles that were once a part of something. He spent all of his free time practicing with them, learning their feel, developing his own style offighting based on them. If you fight him head=on with comprable weapons, such as swords, you will lose. As soon as he was old enough, Azufe joined the millitary. He didn't like any of the modern weapons, and refused to use them. He was about to be kicked out when he found the digivice. He was about to go try and find someone who knew what it was when he saw Terriermon. Azufe was sure he could handle a terriermon and was about to attack when Terriermon said that he was to be Azufe's partner. Terriermon proceeded to explain everything he knew about the Digivice, and ended by telling Azufe that he was willing to fight with Azufe, even if it was against his own kind. Upon learning of this, Azufe's superiors transferred him to a Special Ops unit. Members of that unit normally worked alone and had the more dangerous assignments. Azufe fit in perfectly, and he's never once failed to complete a mission. Other: Azufe is a computer expert. Computers have always been an intrest of his, although fighting back is and always will be a higher priority. Nevertheless, he knows just about everything there is to know about computers and related devices. Digimon Sign-Up Name/Species: Terriermon Level: Rookie Attacks: Bunny Blast, Terrier Tornado Digivolutions: Terriermon-Gargomon-Rapidmon-MegaGargomon Appearance: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Terriermon.html[/url] (The one on top) Bio: Unknown. Terriermon doesn't really remember anything about his past, which is why he is so willing to fight with Azufe, even against other Digimon. He doesn't see any reason not to. He trusts Azufe completely. He does want to know why he can't remember his past, though, but he isn't sure if he wants to remember that past.
  20. Karanlik: So I was right. Cyrrial: Right about what? Karanlik: You should know. You just showed me that I was right. Cyrrial: The plant? Karanlik: Yes. Cyrrial: You can do that, too? Karanlik: No, but I do know that doing what you did is beyond the ability of any magic-user I know of. I have powers that are beyond any standard magic-user's power, also. Kayin: Me, too. Karanlik: I think that everyone who got the letter can say the same thing. (He sees a man walk off of a ship) There's Pantrar. Kayin: How do you know? Karanlik: I work here, and I know most of the captians of ships that make port here. (The three of them walk over to Pantrar) Hey, Pantrar. Pantrar: Why, hello, Karanlik. Who are these two? Cyrrial: My name's Cyrrial. Kayin: I'm Kayin. Karanlik: Rest well, for dawn will bring a new journey, which will require all you ever had, and some that you have yet to see. Pantrar: All three of you? Karanlik: Yes. Pantrar: Follow me. (He leads the three onto the [i]Hysprona[/i]. He takes them to his quarters, where someone else is waiting) Wait for me here. Cyrrial: This is the secure location? Karanlik: The captian's quarters is one of the safest places there is. Sailors tend to stick together. If you do something on a ship against its captian's will, then you'll have more then just that ship's crew after you. Any sailor who can will help that captian catch you. Pantrar: Correct. I should be back shortly. (He leaves) Karanlik: I'm Karanlik, this is Cyrrial, and this is Kayin. What's your name? Chi: I'm Chi. Do you know why we're here? Karanlik: I believe it has something to do with our rather unusual powers. I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about. Chi: Yes. Yes, I do.
  21. I'd write more, but if nobody else is going to, then I won't. I'm not even going to try finishing it by myself.
  22. Damian: What's your name? Kyle: My name's Kyle. Damian: Mine's Damian. (Pause) (Whispering) Stop moving, and don't move until I tell you to. Don't ask questions, just do it. (They both stop. A few seconds pass, then Damian starts walking again. He stops) (Out loud) Cone on, Kyle. (Kyle walks over to Damian, who stops him) (Whispering) We're being followed. Kyle: (Whispering) How can you tell? Damian: (Whispering) I heard footsteps. The footsteps stopped when we stopped, and didn't start again until you started walking again. We're definately being followed. I think there's six of them. I guess Ralph brought some backup. Be on your guard. they won't get me-I'm too good for them, and besides, they don't want me dead, just incapacitated-but they won't have any problems with killing you. And Ralph has a gun. Kyle: (Whispering) I can take care of myself. Damian: Good, because I'm not going to be protecting you.
  23. (Jaht is working with security for the festival. He is currently talking to the head of security, a man named Branit. They are sitting down at a table with a map of the city spread across it) Jaht: Security is weakest in this area. (He points to a spot on the map) Now, the reason for that is perfectly understandable-I know I don't like walking through dragon ****-but that's the most likely place for someone to slip past your boys. Branit: You're sure about that? Jaht: I've done it. Branit: You've done it? Jaht: Isn't that why you hired me for this? Because I've caused trouble durring the festival in the past? Branit: Not to mention the people you've somehow managed to kidnap, rescue, kill, or whatever. True, several others have stolen festival items or done whatever, but there's also the fact that of the ones we know the identities of, you're the only one who's willing to work for us. Jaht I don't have any problems with this job. Now, if I was asked to tell you names of people I've worked for in the past, or break a promise, or arrange a false trade, orsomething like that, I'd have to say no. I don't do anything dishonorable. I even make sure that when I'm killing someone, that someone has a chance to fight back. But this is fine. I have no problems with improving security, but you have to listen to me. The dragon **** pit is the most vulnerable area. Branit: I'll station additional men there at once. --------------------------------- OOC: Nobody ever said a mercenary couldn't work for the law-abideing side, now, did they?
  24. Damian: I'll give you one last chance to leave. Ralph: And I'll give you one last chance to tell me how you did it. Damian: I'll take that as a "no". Well, if that's the way you want it, then that's fine with me. Ralph: Let's get him, boys. (Ralph and his boys charge. The one with the sword reaches Damian first. Damian doesn't even try to block the swordsman's strike. Instead, the strike passes right through Damian. The fake image of Damian dissapears, and Damian suddenly appears behind the swordsman. He slams his poles into the man's head. The man falls to the ground) Holy ****! Damian: Had enough yet? Ralph: How the hell did you do that? Damian: Your man attacked an illusion. I got behind him under the illusion that nobody was there, then took him out. Ralph: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Damian: It means that you can never be sure where I am, even if I appear to be two inches from your face. In fact, you're all looking at another illusion. (The fake Damian dissapears, and the real Damian appears behind another of Ralph's boys, attacking in the same manner and with the same results) Obviously it was the real me that just took him out, but the question is, am I still where you see me? (Ralph pulls out a gun and shoots Damian) You just prooved that I'm not. Intresting that you didn't use the gun at first. I guess you wanted to see if you could find out how I did it. Well, now you know. (The fake dissapears, and Damian takes out another of Ralph's boys) Had enough yet? Ralph: Let's get out of here! (Ralph and his remaning two boys leave) Damian: (Thinking) Well, then. Now that they're taken care of, it's time to get going.
  25. Just so you know, Ohkami has said that I can sign up. Name: Jaht Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Mercenary Weapon: Two metal poles, which he carries strapped to his back. Partner: None Personality: Jaht is very nice for someone in his line of work. If he hasn't been hired to kill you, capture you, or whatever, he'll probably get along with you very well. He's a fast thinker. He's also very determined. If he's trying to do something, he won't give up. He tends to make assumptions very quickly. Also, he can hold a grudge for a very long time. If you do something he doesn't like, he'll remember it for a few years, at least. Appearance: A little over six feet tall, with short, black hair and brown eyes. Well-muscled, and thin not because of eating habits, but because he makes sure he stays in good shape. History: Nobody knows much about Jaht, not even Jaht himself. He has no memories of his life until about five years ago. He doesn't know why. The only thing he remembers is the villiage where he lived with his parents being attacked and destroyed by a wild dragon. Jaht had to learn how to survive on his own, as his family was killed in the attack. He found two metal poles the day after the attack, and has become an expert with them. He learned how to fight, and he's never lost. The proof is that he's still alive. He also learned how to avoid being seen. At the age of eighteen, Jaht began working as a mercenary. It started when he survived a surprise attack by a man named Krimen. Krimen, it turned out, was looking for someone with Jaht's skill set, and was testing aht. He convinced aht to carry out an assassination for him, which aht did. Scince then, Jaht has been hired for many different jobs, including assassinations, captures, rescues, bodyguarding, and a lot more. As long as he has no objections to the assignment or the reason what he's being asked to do is being done, he'll do it. He's worked for an amazing variety of people, including wealthy individuals with grudges, crime lords, and even a disgruntled farmer. He's never failed an assignment, and probably never will. He's even survived several encounters with wild dragons.
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