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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(Damian is in a dead-end alleyway. He reaches behind a dumpster and pulls out a plastic bag. In it is a stolen wallet with several hundred dolars in cash, as well as a couple stolen rings and a set of stolen straps. Also in the bag is a stolen can opener, and several food cans, also stolen) Damian: (Thinking) I'll have to leave the food, but I need to bring the money. I'll sell the rings, then figure out where to start looking for this Cesto guy. (He reaches behind the dumpster again, this time pulling out two metal poles, which he straps to his back. He puts the wallet and rings in the pocket of his stolen shorts, then stands up and turns around. Six people, all male, block his way) Haven't you guys given up yet? I thought you were smarter then this, Ralph. Ralph: Shut up. I want to know how you did it. Damian: You mean how I snuck past all of you and stole all your food? I don't think I'll tell you. Ralph: Then we'll make you. (Ralph and the other five draw various weapons, from lead pipes to chains. One even has a sword) Damian: No guns? Too bad. You might have had a chance with guns. Ralph: You talk tough. Let's see you back that up. Damian: Your lives. (He draws his two poles) Bring it on.
Name: Damian Age: 18 Side: Earth Fighting Styles: None. He fights his own way. Weapons: Two metal poles, which he carries strapped to his back. Nationality: American Signature Move: He makes his opponent see him coming from multiple directions. while his opponent is distracted by these fake images, he comes in from behind and attacks, smashing his poles into his opponent's skull. Special Power: He can create illusions of various things, including fake copies of himself. The number of illusions that he can maintain at once depends on the size of the illusions. Description: A little over six feet tall. He has short, black hair, and brown eyes. There's hardly any fat on him, but this isn't because he doesn't eat much. It's because of the way he's forced to live. Bio: Damian is one of those people who always get the worst of everything. His life started well enough, but then his parents were killed when the house burned down. This happened when he was 13. He went to an orphanage to live, but that turned out to be a mistake. He chose one of those that looks nice until you live there. The whole place was horrible. Nobody ever cleaned anything, the adults all seemed to hate everyone living there, and the only way you could survive was to be tougher than those around you. After spending a year there, Damian chose the only other option: he ran away. Damian didn't want to live in another orphanage, so he turned to life on the streets. His time in the orphanage had toughened him up considerably, and that was probably the only reason he survived his first year on the streets. He wouldn't have lived for much longer than that if he hadn't discovered that he could do something that others couldn't. When he realized that he could make people see things that weren't there, he worked on mastering that ability. He has, and it's the only reason he's still alive. When he learned about Cesto, he decided to find the island and do whatever he had to, basically just because. He knows that he'll probably die, and he doesn't care. After all, it's not like he has anything to live for.
OOC: Keiji, there aren't any showers. Remember, this RPG's world is not a modern one. -------------------------------------------------------------- (On his way to the ports, Karanlik sees someone holding a plain white envelope, just like the one his letter was in) Karanlik: Hey, you! (The person stops, and turns to face Karanlik) Cyrrial: Yes? Karanlik: Can I see that envelope, please? Don't worry, i won't take it. Cyrrial: Fine, but I don't know what's in it. I can't read. Karanlik: I can, and I think I know what's in that envelope. (Cyrrial hands Karanlik the envelope. Karanlik opens it and reads it) Thought so. Cyrrial: What? Karanlik: I got the exact same letter. Cyrrial: Really? What's it say? Karanlik: It says, "It is time for you to learn your destiny. Go to the ports and find the ship Hysprona, which is currently being prepared for its departure tomorrow. Locate the vessel's captain, Pantrar, and say to him, 'Rest well, for dawn will bring a new journey, which will require all you ever had, and some that you have yet to see.' He will lead you to a secure location. Once there, wait for the others to arrive. Once they do, Pantrar will explain what comes next." I'm going, just because I want to know what this is all about. by the way, I'm Karanlik. Cyrrial: I'm Cyrrial. Karanlik: Are you going to come, too? Cyrrial: Might as well. Karanlik: All right, then. Let's get going. (Pause) Not good. Cyrrial: What? Karanlik: Someone was watching us. He just ran off. I should have seen him. Cyrrial: What do we do? Karanlik: Head toward the ports. I work down there, and I'm well known. if someone's after us, they won't try anything while we're there. Plus, others will be arriving, ones who probably got the same letter that we did. If I'm right, then finding those others is the best thing we can do.
[i]There is no more time to wait. Amvis will soon appear in this world again, and I must be ready when he does. Or, more acurately(sp?), those who I have chosen must be ready. There is only one way to destroy Amvis for good, but I am unable to do it myself. He would expect me to try it. I must use ones who he will not suspect until it is too late. And it's time for those ones to learn of their duty. But they must first find me, for I cannot go to them. I must be careful while drawing them to me, for Amvis will be looking for me. I can only provide clues as to my location. They must put the clues togeather(sp?).[/i] (Karanlik is sitting in a chair in his home in the port city of Vanduo, going over the day's mail. He works as a guard at the ports, but because he, unlike most guards, is intelligent, he helps manage things. Most of his letters contain scedules, information about cargo and passengers, and pictures of wanted men and women who are headed to Vanduo. But today is different. There is one letter with no information at all on the envalope. Karanlik opens the envelope, removes the letter, and reads it aloud to himself) Karanlik: (To himself) "It is time for you to learn your destiny. Go to the ports and find the ship [i]Hysprona[/i], which is currently being prepared for its departure tomorrow. Locate the vessel's captain, Pantrar, and say to him, 'Rest well, for dawn will bring a new journey, which will require all you ever had, and some that you have yet to see.' He will lead you to a secure location. Once there, wait for the others to arrive. Once they do, Pantrar will explain what comes next." (Thinking) Well, that only leaves me with about five thousand questions. There's no way I'm passing this up. I just have to know what this is about. --------------------------------------------- OOC: Remember, your characters all start in Vanduo. In your first post, have your character recieve the same letter that Karanlik did.
No forming objects from the wind. Also, true flight isn't possible (The force of the wind required would tear anyone apart). The rest of your sign-up is fine.
Ohkami, you're in. Nefertimon, please remove the seeing the dead part from your character's powers, then you're in. In this RPG, when you're dead, you're dead. There aren't any spirits, ghosts, or anything like that. I'll probably start this up sometime tomorrow.
erinzyger, the increased speed doesn't fit with your chosen element, so I have to ask you to remove it. Do that, and you're in. Circéus, your sign-up is fine.
OOC: David and Angel are currently in a battle. Kenzi and Tsai are headed for your group. ------------------------------- David: Angel, trigger a digivolution to Mega. Now! Angel: I'll do it when I want to. david: I'll never understand you. All right, then. After you do, press all four buttons at once. (David presses all four buttons. There is a bright flash, and David is suddenly in some kind of armor. Two metal poles appear in his hands) Bet you didn't know about this. Angel: No, I didn't. David: I only discovered it myself recently. This armor is really something. Trigger the digivolution, get your armor on, and let's kick some ***. ------------------------------- OOC: The armor can fly through levitation, can fire energy beams, and can energize the weapon it comes with (choose the weapon your character's armor has) to deliver very powerful strikes
Actually, it's Steven. The Pokemon is Beldum, which becomes Metang, then Metagross. In the story mode of Pokemon Colleseaum(sp?), what Pokemon do you start with?
(Karanlik appeared on the side of the battle) Karanlik: (Thinking) It looks like a lot's happened in a very short time. (Out loud) I have absolutly no clue what's going on here, but now obviously isn't the time to find out. It's fight time, and I know enough to fight who's on which side is obvious, and I don't think that those two stand a chance. So let's do this. (He's about to become Galfmon when he stops) Wel, that was quick. I guess now's the time. (Thinking) I should have known that that's what did it. (He pushes all four buttons at the same time. The digivice glows black, then Karanlik himself is enveloped in a black glow. He becomes a new digimon: Megidramon X) Megidramon X: This is very good. Honru: Not for us. Megidramon X: No, it's not. For you, it's very bad. Hell's Fire! (A blast of fire seems to erupt from the ground beneath Sakuyamon and invelops her. When the fire dissapears, she falls to the ground) Fire's Rage! (Megidramon X throws a strangely glowing fireball at Sakuyamon. When it hits, it seems to flow into Sakuyamon. She picks herself up off the ground) Kari: Something's not right. Megidramon X: How perceptive. You are correct. She is not your friend right now. Honru: What do we do now? Megidramon X: There's nothing you can do.
David: Actually, you and I are both staying here. Kenzi, Vash, you two get to Mika's group. Bring them back here. Angel and I will be fine until then. hurry up. Kenzi: Got it. (Kenzi and Vash head toward the fake meeting point on their Digimon) David: You ready for this? Angel: Of course. David: Good, because here they come. (A group of Digimon shows up, including several Kabuterimon, a couple MetalGreymon, three Okuwamon, and a Rosemon) We should be fine if no other Digimon show up. Angel, follow my lead. Trigger up to mega. (He pushes the left button on his digivice, triggering Guilmon's digivolution to the mega-level Megidramon) Do it now, Angel. Now!
[i]My name is Dawn. You do not know who or what I am. Nobody does. I'm not quite sure of what I am, myself. But I do know who I am. And I do know what is happening, and why. You see, my actions are what caused the current situation. It began over a thousand years ago, when a man named Amvis made a discovery. Amvis was a mercenary, one who had no morals left. He probably had them at one time, but they were lost. He was one of the worst people who could have mede the discovery he did. What he discovered was some sort of energy. He found it while chasing an assigned target through an abandoned ruin of some kind. Its physical form was nothing more than a large sphere. When he saw it, Amvis, showing the lack of common sense common when one is confronted with an unknown object, touched it. the energy flowed into him, giving him great power. But the energy also changed his mind. It took a small piece of his mind and rewrote his personallity and desires based on that small amout of information, in this case the desire of one who he had worked for in the past. Amvis gathered an army, and set out to rule all known land. None who resisted could stop him. I do not remember what I was like back then. What I do remember is that I wanted desperately to stop Amvis. I returned to the ruin where he found the energy, and began searching for anything I could use against him. I knew where the ruin was, because I had been there before. I was the one he was chasing that day, though I do not know why he was ordered to kill me. It was me who led him into the ruin. It was my fault that he found the energy, and I felt that I had to stop him. I found another energy sphere, identical to the one Amvis found. I did not know what it was, but I was desperate to find something, so I touched it. As had happened with Amvis, the energy flowed into me. At that time, I could only think of stopping Amvis. The energy based my new mind on that desire. I gathered my own army to fight Amvis's. I knew that mine was greatly inferior to his, but that did not mater. The army was used as a diversion. While the two armies fought, I confronted Amvis. We fought each other, but we prooved to be equals. So I took a risk. I focused my full power on him, forceing him to do the same to me. We destroyed each other, as I had hoped. But the energy had done more than give us powers and change our minds. It had made us more like it. Neither of us were truly alive at that point, so we couldn't truly die. I knew it was only a matter of time before both of us came back, and the conflict repeated itself. Which is where the rest of my gambit comes into play. This time, I intend to stack the deck in my favor, but in the end, I can only hope that my plan works, and that I have chosen the right ones to do it[/i] Amvis's existance has been forgotten by most people, as has Dawn's. The world is a basic medival(sp?) society. Magic is common, but normally very weak. It is used for many things, but never have individuals been able to use more than one element. There are a few large cities, most of them port cities. The rest of the people live in towns and villiages, which are scattered all over the place. Sign-up time. My character is listed as an example: Name: Karanlik Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: About six feet tall. He keeps his black hair cut short. He has brown eyes. He'He's reasonably thin, and well-muscled. Personallity: Probably the most determined person you'll ever meet. He'll never give up. He's also a very fast thinker. He can adapt to almost any situation. He's a good leader, but doesn't like following orders too much. He's very trustworthy, and is a person you'd want watching your back in a fight. He fights as a sport, but he's no pushover in a real battle to the death, even without using his powers. He carries two finely crafted poles with him almost everywhere, and he's an expert with them. Element(One per character, and only one character can have each element. The most obvious possibillities are things like fire and water, but there are many other choices, too): Darkness Powers(These must match your element. And be sure to keep it reasonable): When in significant light, such as durring daytime, he's limited to useing stored energy. He can use this energy in the form of basic energy blasts, and as protection, to a limited extent. He can also block out weaker light sources. When it's dark, he's much more dangerous. He can draw energy from the surrounding darkness, which he can use in the same fashions as durring the day, but to much greater effect and with much greater control. He can also hide himself and others from sight. Notes: First, no "bad guys". Your characters don't have to be the nicest of people, but I don't want anybody who can be described as "bad". Second, your character's powers are much greater than those of any standard magic-user. The reason for this will be explained in the story. And finally, there is a reason I didn't put a bio in the sign-up, so please don't include one. Oh, and just to avoid confusion when I start this, when the story begins, every character is in the port city of Vanduo. Your character can be there for any reason, as long as he or she is there. I think that's all. PM me if you have any questions.
(Alone, Karanlik continues on to where Virtualmon is) Karanlik: Yes, I know you wanted Clair here, but she left. I don't know why. Virtualmon: It doesn't matter. I was told that you have some questions for me. Karanlik: Yes, I do. I realize that you probably don't feel ready to tell me some things, but I'll ask you a few questions that you'll surely feel safe telling me the answers to. First, what exactly do you want me to do? I'm assuming it's still get rid of the ones you told karanlik were called Digidestined. Virtualmon: Correct. Karanlik: Now, Karanlik's fought them before, and they're very tough. Is there anything you can do to make it a little easier? Virtualmon: There is still energy that Karanlik hasn't learned how to release. The knowledge of how to use it will come to you at the proper time. Karanlik: I can accept that. And, lastly, why did you manipulate Karanlik the way you did? Why him? Virtualmon: Because the method I used eliminated a potential problem, and caused a potential enemy to hate humans. The Lopmon that's been showing up was origionally going to be the partner of Karanlik's sister. Karanlik: So you somehow made the house burn down while Karanlik was out, killink his sister and making Lopmon very upset. She probably thinks that Karanlik's sister abandoned her or something like that. Karanlik was driven into the streets, where he was toughened up. You then saved his life by leaving him the digivice and spirits. Clever. Now, I really must be going. Put me where Clair is, will you?
#1: Mack #2: Boyer #3: Punchenello #4: None. It's on Star Hill, and it's just sitting there. #5: Jonny, they Yardovitch #6: Czar Dragon/Zombone, then Axem Rangers #7: Smithy In which games has the character Kemek appeared, and what is his role in each?
Red: Can go through fire Blue: Can go through water Yellow: Can be thrown farther, and can carry and use bomb-rocks In Metroid Prime, name all the rooms in which you fight Chozo Ghosts (Hint: They are all in the Chozo Ruins).
(While following the Kyuubimon and Rapidmon, David looks at his map. He stops. The others notice and walk back over to him) Kenzi: What's going on? David: The map's not working right. It's regestering the meeting point as nearby. And Mika's group is heading for it. But that's not the real meeting point. Something's screwing up our maps. Vash: So Mika's group will be at the wrong place. So what? I mean, we'll be there shortly. David: I think that those two Digimon know about it. If they continue on their present course, they'll fall in [i]behind[/i] Mika's group. They'll speed up and hit Mika's group from behind. If they're joined by enough other Digimon, Mika's group will have no choice but to run. They'll run to the fake meeting point, where I'm willing to bet there are other digimon waiting. Mika's group will run straight into a trap. And if the maps are screwed up, then we certainly can't contact Mika's group. The signal is within the same range as the map frequency. Anything that screws up one also screws up the other. Vash: So what do we do? David: We get to Mika's group, and fast. With all of us, we shouldn't have any problem with the Digimon that will force them into the trap. So let's go. (They trigger digivolutions to the Champion level, and the Digimon carry them as fast as possible toward Mika's group)
OOC: I know you haven't aprooved my sign-up yet. If you don't like it, I'll delete this post, but I want to make sure this thread doesn't die out, plus I'm not sure if you're checking the Recruitment thread anymore. ---------------------------------------------- (Arvuti is sitting on a bed in a hotel suite. He has a laptop computer on his lap) Arvuti: (Thinking) I'll never cease to be amazed by this place. The world is amazing enough, but the really mind-boggleing part is the approximation of others. It's impossible to concieve of how this is possible. There's even a fully functional Internet, not to mention technological advancments, like the wireless connection. I really wish I knew just why that Seeker guy is doing this, not to mention how he found the technology to do it. (A popup window appears on the screen. Arvuti reads the text in it aloud to himself) "Be on your guard. One who would end this is coming. He will come to you at some point. He is a threat to all of this. If you see him, get rid of him." What the hell? (He tries to trace the message to find out who sent it, but he finds nothing) All right, then. I'll have to be at my best for this, because whoever's doing this is good. But I won't take the easy way out. I never have with stuff like this, and I never will. (He runs a seiries of programs, all of which return no information) Okay, there's only one possible answer to this. None of my programs have even found a connection. They've found nothing, not even the recipt of the message. It was inserted directly, which means it could only have come from one source. Reality. But why? And how? Is it a deliberate message, or some kind of glitch? What the hell is going on?
There are two secrets you can discover at the Chocobo Ranch (the Amazing Chocobo and a secret dungeon) by sending out 3 chocobos of level 1 and having them return, then doing the same with level 2 chocobos, all the way up to level 5 chocobos. Can they be the same chocobos? That is, if I send three level 1 chocobos and have them return, then level them up to level 2, send them out, have them return, level them up to level 3, etc., will I still get the Amazing Chocobo and gain access to the secret dungeon?
i hope it's not too late to join. Name: Arvuti Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: About 6 feet tal, with short, black hair and brown eyes. He is of average build. He wears a t-shirt that has "I used to care, but now I take a pill for that" written on it. Personae: Arvuti is very smart. He enjoys figuring things out, and piecing togeather clues. He never gives up. If you're nice to him, he'll be nice to you. Just don't piss him off, because he'll never forget, and he can hold a grudge for a very long time. And, as one can tell from his shirt, he can be a smart-ass at times. Bio: Arvuti had a pretty normal life until he was 12. He went to a private school, his parents worked, etc. But then his father died in a car crash, and everything changed. His mother switched him over to a public school, because she wasn't making enough money to pay for a private school. Arvuti found that everyone except his mother told him what they thought he wanted to hear, but he would hear them say other things when they thought that he couldn't hear them. He stopped trying to socialize with others, because even his friends had lied to him. Only his mother was truthful with him. Then the Seeker found him. He was 15 at this time. He agreed to go, and was strapped in. World Description: A lot like modern society. Technology is quite a bit more advanced, mainly in the areas of health care and computers. Another differance is that international relations tend to be more toward the positive. Pollution is also a lot less of a problem. people tend to be more carring, but there are still those who aren't.
OOC: Text in [i]italics[/i] indicates a dream. ---------------------------- (Lighuen had gotten sleeping bags out of the truck, and he and Valo are sleeping on the floor by Jerith's prison. Valo is dreaming. [i]He was walking through a temple. This temple is different from any other temple he's been in. It's more like a labrynth, and Valo is lost. Eventually, he enters a large room. At the far end of the room, he sees an object that he recognises as the Solas. someone is in the room, and that man takes the Solas, looks around, then runs out of the room. Valo follows the man, who can't seem to find his way out of the temple. Soon, the man turns a corner and runs into a woman) Woman: Who are you? Man: That's none of your business. Woman: What are you doing? Man: Leaving. Woman: Not with the Solas, you're not. Man: I don't think you can stop me. (He pulls out a pistol) Now, get out of my way. You wouldn't want me to have to use this, now, would you?
Karanlik: Well? Clair: He's agreed to speak with you, but he wants me to be there. Karanlik: Why? Clair: He doesn't trust you. He doesn't think that you can do anything to him, but he wants to be sure. After all, he doesn't know what you truly are. you might be able to leave Karanlik and enter him. If you try, I'll be there to keep you out of him. Karanlik: That's acceptable. I wouldn't trust me is his position. After all, Karanlik betrayed him. Plus, he really doesn't know what I want. And he certainly doesn't know what I can do to him if I try. truthfully, I expected him to say no. Now, shall we be going?
You're correct. Ask away.
(David and Angel follow the Kyuubimon and Rapidmon. The two Digimon pass by Vash and Kenzi, who are also hideing. They join David and Angel, who are still following the two Digimon, being sure to stay hidden) Kenzi: (Whispering) Where are they going? David: (Whispering) We thought they were after you. They're obviously not, but they may be after Mika, Tsai, and Kantro. Kenzi: (Whispering) If they are, then others will probably join them. Mika's group might need help. David: (Whispering) That's why we're still following them.
Karanlik: Assuming you're right, the only way to get rid of the bad part is to destroy the whole thing, which will kill the good part, too. But there may be a different way. I need more information. Clair: Like what? Karanlik: Well, that's one thing. (He punches Clair in the face) Didn't expect that, did you? Clair: You'll pay for that. Karanlik: We'll see about that. (He Fusion Evolves into Galfmon, then freezes. After a few seconds, he devolves and collapses) Angel: I've seen this before. (Karanlik stands up) Karanlik: He's been taken care of. Angel: What? Karanlik, what are you talking about? Karanlik: I'll use that name. Gypsymon: You're not Karanlik, are you? Karanlik: The body is, but I am not. Angel: You're that... whatever that was in his digivice! Karanlik: Correct. I took Karanlik by surprise. He thought that I was gone. I caught him off-guard, and it was easy to get rid of him. (He faces Clair) You can read my mind, right? If you can, then you know that what I say is true. And you know what I want. I need to speak with Virtualmon. Can you take me to him?
Actually, you were wrong. The order is Moltres-Lugia-Zapdos-Articuno. After Moltres is captured, you see Lugia underwater. As for your question, Sealeo evolves into Walrein. I don't know about the second part, though.