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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Karanlik: It began four years ago, just after my 13th birthday. I snuck out of the house with some friends, and we TPed our math teacher's house. None of us liked her very much. Anyways, when I got back to my house, it was burning. I ran away as fast as I could. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I stayed on the streets. Soon, I joined a gang. After almost two years, everyone in the gang waskilled by another gang, except for me. That same day, I found the digivice and spirits. A couple weeks later, the gang found me. They were about to kill me when I became Duskmon for the first time. That saved my life. It wasn't that long ago that Virtualmon-well, it was Clair, actually-found me. I learned that Virtualmon left the digivice and spirits for me to find, meaning that he saved my life. So, to repay him I agreed to get rid of the Tamers. I saw kari's digivice and followed her to the basketball court. You know the rest. So what's your story? Why were you there?
  2. New question time. Which Pokemon are the focus of the Pokemon 2000 movie, and in what order do they appear?
  3. That's right. Yuna and Rikku are also playable in FFX2. New question: What happens to Tidus at the end of FFX?
  4. OOC: Remember, Tsai is with Mika and Kantro. ---------------------------- David: (Thinking) I just don't get it. What was that thing, and why did is dissapear? it looked like some kind of rift, but-no. No way. That can't be right. That wouldn't have scared the digimon away, and there are five digimon that have prooved it. No, it's something else. It might be related to the message. Maybe whatever was in that rift is what the message was warning us about. No, that's not it. Maybe it left the message. (david sees something and ducks behind some bushes.Angel and the two digimon do the same)(Whispering) Be quiet. Angel: (Whispering) What is it? David: (Whispering) Two digimon. A Kyuubimon and a Rapidmon. If they keep following their current path, they should intersect with Vash and Kenzi. Angel: (Whispering) What should we do? David: (Whispering) Let's follow them. If they're not after Vash and Kenzi, then they might be going somewhere where there's some information. If not, then we'll be ther to help Vash and Kenzi. Angel: (Whispering) They won't need it, though, will they? David: (Whispering) Not if it's just those two, but if they are, then there're probably more of them.
  5. It's time for a new question. Name the party members in FFX, and the order they join your party in. Bonus: Name the FFX party members playable in FFX2.
  6. David: What the hell? Angel: I don't know. David: Well, it's nothing I've ever seen before. Angel: What should we do? David: You're assuming that we have a choice. We don't. A few more steps, and we'll be whereever the digimon are. (Guilmon and Ankokumon suddenly appear and run to David and Angel) Glad you made it back. What happened? Guilmon: I don't know, but there's something in there. David: Like what? Guilmon: I don't know, but I didn't like it. Ankokumon: I felt it, too. There's definately something there. David: Then let's find out what. (David walks forward, but nothing happens. He walks through the spot several times before stopping) Well, whatever it was, it's not there anymore. Another mystery to add to the list. Now let's get moving.
  7. Valo: Well, seeing as how I was only a year old when Lighuen found me, it's not surprising that I don't remember anything. It's perfectly natural. The Solas has nothing to do with it. Is there anything else you'd like to know, Lighuen? Lighuen: I have many questions, but none can be answered here. Valo: Then let's go. Sakura, I assume you have to let us out. Please do so.
  8. Karanlik: That's a new one. Angel: Where are we? Karanlik: I have no clue. Angel: So, what do we do? Karanlik: I'm going to contact Virtualmon. He probably doesn't know about what we did yet. (He contacts Virtualmon) Virtualmon? This is Karanlik. Are you there? Virtualmon: Yes. Is Angel with you? Karanlik: Yes. Virtualmon: Where are you? Karanlik: I don't know. There's something I have to tell you. It's about Clair and Gypsymon. They've gone over to the other side. Virtualmon: They say that it's the two of you who have gone over to the other side. Karanlik: Of course they have. It's an obvious thing to do. Virtualmon: But why would they go over? Karanlik: I don't know. Virtualmon: Stay where you are. I will send someone to find you. Karanlik: Understood. (He terminates the connection) Shit! Clair and Gypsymon already told Virtualmon about what we did. We need to get out of here. I wouldn't put it past Virtualmon to figure out that we ended up here. And we can't Spirit Evolve and fly, because we'd be too conspicuous. we have to stay on the ground. Come on. (they start off down the mountian)
  9. David: Fine. You go with Kantro. Tsai, you go with them. Angel, you come with me. Vash, you're with Kenzi. You all should have maps in your packs. We'll meetnear the center of this region, at coordanates X-23-y-54-z-09. Move quickly and quietly. Avoid fights if at all possible. And don't be seen. If you are seen, make sure that whoever sees you doesn't tell anyone. Oh, and one last thing. Whoever reaches the meeting point first, wait for 48 hours. At the end of that period, anybody there needs to get out and get to the pickup point. If someone hasn't made it by then, don't wait, because whoever isn't there probably won't be coming. any questions? (Pause) Good. Let's go. (The groups walk off in seperate directions, all heading into the interior of the Dead Zone)
  10. David: Let's go, then. We need to head north, which is this way. (He leads the others toward the Dead Zone) (Thinking) Kantro's theroy would make sense, but I don't think he's right. I think it has something to do with this assignment. I also have an idea of who left it there, but that doesn't make sense, either. If one of them left it there for us, then this mission would be a lot different. No, there's a fourth party involved in this. We just need to figure out who that fourth party is. (Soon, David stops, and everyone else also comes to a halt) (Out loud) I think this is it. We're about to enter the Dead Zone. Everyone, listen up. We don't know what's in there, so treat everything with suspicion. And don't go anywhere alone. Make sure you stay with the group. somewhere in there is what we're looking for, but there's also something in there that I don't think will like it that we're there. Be on your guard. Let's go. (They enter the Dead Zone) -------------------------- OOC: The Dead Zone got its name from the fact that nobody who enters it ever comes back out. It doesn't look any different then the rest of the digital world.
  11. [i]The Neanderthat Parallax[/i] is the latest trilogy by Robert J. Sawyer. If you've read any of his other books, then you know what to expect: A great story, controversial topics, thought-provoking discussions, and a ton of actual scientific research and evidence. Everything Sawyer writes about, wether it be time travel, immortallity, parallel universes, or anything else, is based on actual scientific research. it's just incredible. Saywer' latest is about a parallel universe where Neanderthals became the dominant species. They accidentally open a portal to our universe. From this launching point, Sawyer takes on magnetic field collapses, religion, agriculture, the Big Bang theroy, cross-species reproduction, hormones, and much, much more. The story's also very good, but it's the issues that move this trilogy, as with Sawyer's other books. I find it simply amazing how Sawyer can fit so much into a story, and do it all based on actual science. I don't know how he does it.
  12. (All the Digimon devolve) David: Where the hell did you learn that? (Kantro doesn't answer) Fine. rest for a bit. (He spots something on the ground where Okuwamon was, and walks over to it. It's a small stone slab with writing on it. david reads it out loud) "Seek not he who wants your lives. Seek instead he who wants your minds." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Kenzi: Well, I think the first part means that we're not supposed to look for anyone who's trying to kill us. But the second part... I don't know. David: Yes, the first part was obvious. But not the second part. True control over others isn't possible, not even in this world, so that's not it. It's probably some sort of metaphor, but I don't know what it's talking about. Vash: How'd it get here? Who put it there? David: I don't know. And as long as we're asking questions, how did whoever put it there know that we'd be here? Kenzi: I don't know, but someone knows we're here. David: that means we need to be somewhere else. As soon as Kantro and Gabumon can walk, we're moving out.
  13. David: This situation has gone past what I thought. This is something different. Melody, I don't believe that you know anything that is relevent in this situation. You should go back to Shamouti. If you want, I'll take you there as soon as I get a chance. Melody: I'm not leaving yet. There's more I can tell you that might be relevant. The situation is different, but there are several similarities. As long as I might be able to help, I'm staying. David: Fine. But none of your knowledge will come into play right now. There's Altomare. Now, we need to find Hope and Shinobi. Hopefully Hope will sense us and come to us. If she doesn't, it'll be tough to find them in this place.
  14. Honru: Okay, this is getting real bad real fast. We should get out of here. Clair: I don't like running, but you have a point. Galfmon: What's the matter? Scared? Clair: I know when to leave. Galfmon: Fine. Run if you want. We'll get you sooner or later.
  15. I'd guessing Electric Lizard, but I'm not sure. I'll wait for confirmation.
  16. OOC: Only the supply packs. Anything else is still in the real world. And by the way, my character's name is David. ------------------------------------ David: Kantro, stay out of this. Kantro: I'm trying to help! David: I don't know that. You might be, but I don't know that. Kantro: Just give me a chance! David: You have one chance. If whatever you're going to do doesn't work, then forget it. I won't give you another chance. Kantro: One's all I need.
  17. Lighuen: All right. Now, what's the big deal with that Solas thing? Valo: I don't know what it is, but I do know what it does. It gives me certain powers, all of which involve light. The vision is one. I can see perfectly well in any level of light. I can also light up an area to a certain extent, and also create short bursts of light. I can use lighe energy as a weapon, too. That abillity's limited in the dark to the energy I have, but when I'm in the light, I can draw the energy from it. there's one other thing, too. Remember that Predator movie? Lighuen: Yes. TV and movies are among the few "high-tech" things that I like. Valo: Me, too. Well, remember how the Predator was invisable, more or less? You could kind of see it when it moved, but it was just like an outline? I can do that when I'm in the light. Lighuen: But... how is that possible? What [i]is[/i] that thing? Valo: I don't know. Maybe Sakura does.
  18. Lighuen: Valo, is there something you haven't told me? Valo: Yes. Lighuen: What? Valo: I can't tell you. Not here. If the wrong person heard, I would dissapear. Death would be preferrable to my fate if that were to happen. Lighuen: Valo, what the hell are you hiding from me? Valo: I'm not. It's in plain sight. Lighuen: The Solas. Valo: Yes. Lighuen: What is it? Valo: I don't know. What I do know is what it does, or rather, allows me to do. Lighuen: The night vision? Valo: You're quick. Yes, that's one effect. There are several others, but I will say no more here. Sakura, we need a safe place to talk. One where there's absolutly no chance of someone overhearing us. Do you know of a place like that?
  19. Lighuen: Well, I guess I don't need to tell you anything. Sakura: You knew? Lighuen: That's Valo. (He indicates Valo) I found him when he was only about a year old. He's my adopted son. We came here because we were told that this is the Nightengale household. Is it? Sakura: Yes. My name is Sakura Nightengale. Lighuen: I'm Lighuen. My official job is a merchant, but I'm really with what we call the Industrial Resistance. Valo and I are against most technological "advances", and we provide information to those like you. We were about to knock when Valo saw someone-he has unusually good night vision-who I'm assuming is this other person. Valo guessed that this other man was going to steal something from the Temple, so he told me to tell you while he chased after the theif. Sakura: If that's true, why was he the one with the flute? Lighuen: He was trying to stop the theif. He probably did, and took the flute from him. Please, you must not hurt him. He only wanted to help. Sakura: I don't know. (She notices the Solas) What's that around his neck? Lighuen: That was the only thing with him when I found him. He never takes it off. He calls it the Solas. Why? Is it important? Sakura: I believe so. For one thing, it means he's quite likely innocent. How old is Valo now? Lighuen: Seventeen, I believe. I don't know his exact date of birth, but the doctors told me his age when I found him, and we celebrate his birthday on that day. Why? Sakura: Because the Solas went missing around sixteen years ago. That would be about the time when you found him. Lighuen, I believe you. Valo isn't the guilty one. The Solas prooves it. Lighuen: You must explain what that thing is sometime. Not now, though. We must question the real theif first. But before that, you should release Valo, scince you now know he was trying to stop the theif. He did nothing wrong, so there is no reason to restrain him. Please, release him.
  20. (Valo had seen Jerith climb onto the temple's roof. Having been in a temple before, Valo knows that the place most likely to hold something worth stealing is the centrl hall, where the alter is. He runs through the front door and through the temple to the central hall as fast as he can. When he gets there, he sees Jerith finish removing the flute. Valo keeps his poles strapped to his back, and he now draws them) Valo: Stop right there, theif! (Jerith freezes) Now turn around. (Jerith doesn't move) Jerith: Who are you? Valo: I don't think I should tell you. (Jerith tries to silently slip past Valo in the darkness, not knowing that Valo can see him until Valo moves over and blocks his path) And you can forget about giving me the slip. Unlike you, I can see perfectly well in here. Now, why don't you put back that flute you stole and leave. Either that, or we fight. Your choice.
  21. OOC: Thanks for making my post color black, Ohkami. I don't know how to change text color. ------------------------------------- (Lighuen and Valo arrive in an Elementalist town, Jupe. They're in an eighteen-wheeler. Although they don't like the environmental effects, they have to act like they don't care so that people don't suspect them. They're traveling as merchants, complete with goods to sell, but are really informing various elementalist groups of realist activities) Valo: Who are we looking for here? Lighuen: We're looking for the Nightengale family. They're with the church, or whatever they call it. I have to remember to ask someone one of these days. Valo: Why them? Lighuen: Because they're who I was told to find. I don't know why, but it probably has something to do with their church affiliation. (He pulls the vehicle over and stops in front of Sakura's house) This is the place. Let's go. (The two of them exit the vehicle. As they're walking to the door, Valo stops) What's wrong? Valo: I saw someone heading toward that temple. Whoever it is didn't want to be seen. Lighuen: I didn't see anything, but you do seem to have abnormally good night vision. What do you think we should do? Valo: If whoever that was doesn't want to be seen, then he or she is certainly up to no good. Even worse, the person's heading toward the temple. Someone needs to be told, but by the time help arrives, it could be too late. But I know, and you know. You stay here. Tell the Nightengales what's going on. I'll go after that person. Don't worry, I can take care of myself. (He runs off after Jerith as Lighuen knocks on the Nightengale house's door)
  22. OOC: I don't know what the effects of Galfmon's attacks are, and I don't like the names either (I think they're absolutly awful, to tell the truth), so I've made up his attacks from scratch. And for those of you who don't know what he looks like, a picture is attacted. --------------------------------------------- (Galfmon manages to pin Aldamon to the ground. Aldamon prepares to fire at Galfmon, but stops when he notices that Galfmon is doing nothing) Galfmon: (Thinking) It's time to reveal my little change of plans. (Galfmon releases Aldamon. Aldamon doesn't know what's going on, be he realises that Galfmon doesn't want to fight him anymore, so he turns his attention to Phantomon. Galfmon also chooses a new target. Distracted, his target doesn't notice) (Out loud) Curse of the Darkness! (A black energy sohere forms in his hand, and he throws it at his target, Kalimon. Caught totally off-guard, she's hit by the sphere. She falls to the ground, unable to move, although she can still speak. The fighting stops, and everyone watches Galfmon, shocked by his betrayal) You didn't think I'd lose, did you? If you did, then you're dumber than I thought. Kalimon: What are you talking about? And why the hell did you do this? Galfmon: While it's true that Virtualmon saved my life, he did me no favor, so I owe him nothing. For what he did, I'll make him pay. Kalimon: What? Galfmon: There was a... presence of some kind within my digivice. It's what made me attack an ally, it's what made it hard to control myself as Velgmon, and it's what stopped me earlier. It tried to destroy my mind, and gain control of my body. We fought within my mind, and I defeated it. He said to me, and I quote, "Very good. But you haven't won yet. He will still have what he wants." That's when it all fell into place. Kalimon: What do you mean? Galfmon: You don't see it yet? Kalimon: No. Galfmon: The presence was obviously in the digivice from the time I found it. Now, as the one who left the digivice for me, Virtualmon is obviously the one who put it there. It tried to control me, obviously at Virtualmon's orders. The son of a bitch saved me to control me against my will. He did no favors, so I owe him nothing. What he actually did, I won't tolerate. Payback's a bitch, and I'm going to be the one to give him his. Matt, Kari, everyone, listen up! You can choose to leave, or you can choose to stay. But know that my attack will wear off soon, and it won't work as well if the target has been hit with it before. I'll do whatever the majority decides, but I recommend we staand fight. We have the advantage now, and we should use it.
  23. Arika normally takes quite a while to finish her sign-ups. I've never seen her do it before the RPG actually starts. So I suggest that you start this up. Don't worry about Arika. I've RP'd with her a lot, and she always shows up rather quickly after an RPG starts.
  24. (David and Melody spot two Pokemon burst out of the water and head quickly towards Shamouti) Melody: What the heck? David: No. No way. I don't believe this. What the hell have we gotten ourselves into? Melody: What is it? David: Very bad. One of those two Pokemon I don't recognise, but the other... I've seen it before. Melody: Where? David: I've hacked my way into Team Rocket's computer network a few times. Once, I found information on some kind of research program. It was cloneing research. Someone found a fosilized... I don't remember what, but it was identified as being from Mew. They used the DNA inside it to clone Mew. But they didn't just clone it. The DNA was altered, changeing the clone's apearance and abilities. They named the new Pokemon Mewtwo. Team Rocket leader Giovanni wanted the world's most powerful Pokemon, but Mewtwo didn't obey him. It escaped, and I don't know what happened to it. Mewtwo was one of those two Pokemon. Melody: Are you sure? David: Yes. Melody: What do we do? David: We have to tell the others. (Charizard turns around and flies as fast as it can in the direction that Hope and the others went in)
  25. (Karanlik and OKaranlik are fighting, and they're evenly matched. When Karanlik attacks, OKaranlik blocks. Okaranlik's attacks are blocked by Karanlik. but Karanlikis beginning to tire, while OKaranlik isn't. Karanlik knows that he'd have to win soon. So instead of blocking OKaranlik's next strike, he drops under it and throws one of his poles, which hits OKaranlik in the face. Karanlik knocks him to the ground, then smashes his other pole into OKaranlik's chest as hard as he can. He then jams in into OKaranlik's chest) OKaranlik: V... very good. But you... haven't... won yet. He... will still... have what... what he wants. (OKaranlik dissapears) Karanlik: (Thinking) That son of a bitch! It all fits now, and that son of a bitch is going to pay. He wasn't doing me any favors, so I won't do him any. Now it's payback time, and payback's a bitch.
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