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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: (Thinking) This isn't supposed to happen. A Digimon can't digivolve when it's been destroyed. And it certainly can't reform itself. Something's not right here. Something's very wrong, and I don't like it. But that's not something to worry about now. We have to get rid of this thing, and I have a feeling that the longer it takes, the worse off we are. (Out loud) All right. Let's take care of this thing, and fast! The longer we stay here, the more likely it is that something more dangerous will find us. So let's take that thing out!
Name: Valo Age: 17 Gender: Male Item: Small, bright yello sphere attached a chain. He wears it around his neck. He believes that there is more to it than he knows. He calls it the Solas. Personality: He's very adaptable. No matter what the situation, he seems to fit perfectly. He can be an extremly caring person, he can be totally obsessed with something to the exclusion of all else, he can be just about anything. It all depends on the situation. The only thing that never changes is his desire to know more about himself. Physical Appearance: A bit over 6ft tall, with short, brown hair and brown eyes. Average build, but well-muscled due to the fact that he works out a lot. History: Valo doesn't know where he was born, or who is parents are. He was found in the middle of nowhere by a Realist merchant, who took him in. The only thing founds with him were the Solas, which he never removes from around his neck, and a piece of papar with "Valo" written on it, which the merchant took for the boy's name. The merchant, Lighuen, raised Valo in the Realist system of beliefs, but Valo was never very accepting of them. He never saw any real good come of anything technological. He believes that science will eventually ruin the world. Valo was given a home-school education by Lighuen, who is very educated. He didn't see any real use for what he was being taught, but learned it all anyways. It wasn't until his fifteenth birthday that he learned Lighuen's true job. Lighuen's official job is a traveling merchant, one of the very few who ever visit Elementalist communities. But that's just a cover for his true job. Lighuen is part of secret group of Realists who rejected the system privatly while still following it in their actions. He travels to Elementalist communities as a merchant, but in reality goes there to inform them of everything he knows about Realist activities, especially ones he believe are vulnerable to attack. In effect he is an informat. Valo, who shared Lighuen's beliefs even before he knew Lighuen believed them, has joined in the fight. Despite knowing that Lighuen is against the Realist beliefs, Valo hasn't told him something that he has discovered in secret. He knows that telling anyone would be to risk discovery, and for him, a fate much, much worse than death. Only he knows what the Solas does. It gives him limited powers of the Light element. He is able to see perfectly well in any level of light, he can create bursts of light to temporarily blind people, he can illuminate his surroundings to a certain extent, and he can use light energy as a weapon. When in the light, he is able to reflect light off of himself for short periods of time, effectively becoming invisible(think Predator or the car in James Bond: Die Another Day). He rarely uses his powers, knowing that every time he does he risks discovery, and a fate worse than death. Partners: None Important Possessions: He carries two metal poles with him whereever he goes. He is an expert at fighting with them. Element: Light Placement: Realist --------------------------------- OOC: For those of you wondering, yes, I cleared that with Ohkami.
OOC: Your posts need to be longer. If you're going to post, put something worthwhile in the post. Otherwise, there's no reason to post. ------------------------------ David: Kantro, stay out of this. Vash: Terriermon, go! (Vash triggers the digivolution, and Terriermon digivolves to Gargomon, who joins the battle. David moves over to Kantro) David: Look, I know you don't want to be here, and honestly, I don't want you here. But you're here, and we have to deal with that. ButI want you to do as little as possible. Kantro: And why is that? David: Because I don't trust you. ?You don't like us, and I have no reason to believe you won't have Gabumon attack one of us if he digivolves. So, until you've shown that we can trust you, don't do anything, and stay out of our way. Got it?
OOC: Marcus, the fusion form for your spirits is Aldamon. ------------------------------------------ (Karanlik runs toward the battle, not bothering to spirit evolve. he runs around, deliberatly trying to get into harm's way. When Zudomon attacks Clair with a Vulcan's Hammer, Karanlik jumps in the way. As he's about to get hit, he presses the bottom button on his D-Tector, activating both spirits at once. The two spirits combine, and Karanlik fusion-evolves into Galfmon) Clair: I didn't expect that. Matt: Shit! Kari: This is [i]not[/i] good. (Instead of attacking, Galfmon just stands there) Kari: What's going on? Clair: Why doesn't he attack them? Honru: I don't think he can control himself yet. (Galfmon seems to flicker, then devolves. Karanlik lies motionless on the ground) Honru: What happened? Is... did he lose the fight for control? Clair: No. I sense something more going on in his mind. Honru: What do you mean? Clair: His battle is not yet over. (Karanlik stands on a featureless surface. He is facing himself) Karanlik: Who are you? Other Karanlik(OKaranlik): I'm you. Karanlik: You aren't me. I'm me. You're someone or something else. OKaranlik: Obviously. Karanlik: And you're the reason I attacked an ally. You did it, not me. OKaranlik: You're fast. Karanlik: What do you want? OKaranlik: The same thing you want. Control. Karanlik: You... you're why I wasn't able to control myself the first time I became Velgmon. And it was you who tried to control me as Galfmon. OKaranlik: Correct. I couldn't try when you became Duskmon, because that spirit is too weak. I could only do one short thing, which was make you attack an ally. I tried when you became Velgmon, but you fought me off. the beast spirit alone wasn't enough. But both combined made us even. So now we're here. Karanlik: You used the spirits against me? OKaranlik: Yes. A spirit is needed only to reach a form, not to maintain it. After you fusion Evolved, I was able to latch onto the dormant spirits and use their energy to boost mine temporarily. But I could never more than tie you in that situation, which is what happened. That brought you here. This is a representation of the battle that will occur in your mind. Nothing that we do here actually happens. Our wills are clashing, and this is how we percieve the fight. (Two metal poles appear by each of them. They pick them up) Whoever wins will be in controll of the body. Whoever loses will cease to exist. Karanlik: Then prepare to die.
(Karanlik wasn't paying attention to the battle. Instead, he was examining his digivice) Karanlik: (Thinking) Four buttons. One calls Virtualmon, the other two activate my Spirits, but what does the other one do? (He pushes the bottom button. Images of both spirits appear on the screen) (Still thinking) That was obvious. That button activates both at the same time. Now all I need to do is trigger the process by activating them both when I'm in danger. And I can easily get myself in danger. That battle is perfect for what I need. There's a risk that I'll attack the ones on my side, but I'm willing to take it.
Karanlik: (Whispering) Because I'm not in full control of myself right now. Before you all arrived at the basketball court, I attacked a digimon that was trying to help me. But I didn't do it. It wasn't me that attacked the digimon. It was something else. And I don't know when that something else will make its next appearance. Until I've figured out what it is, I want to be around others as little as possible. Now, go over to where the others are. Make sure Honru told them to attack. When they do, you go in with them. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Go now.
Mario's Time Machine Name all of the unlockable characters, cups, and modes in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Bonus: Name the unlockable karts. Double bonus: Say how to unlock each unlockable. Tripple bonus: Name the special items of the hidden characters.
(Karanlik spots Clair and Arukenimon hiding, and points them out to Honru) Karanlik: (Whispering) You go over there. Tell them to attack. you go in with them. Andif they ask questions, you tell them that I've been in situations like this before, and I know what I'm doing. (Honru moves over to where Clair and Arukenimon are hiding) (Thinking) I just left the battle. If they all go in, the Tamers won't be able to rest. They'll still be weakened by the battle I just had with them, while Clair and the others are fresh. I'll help if I need to, but they should be able to handle it. Meanwhile, I want to see if I can figure out the spirit-combination problem.
Um... it's already started. It's in the Adventure Arena. This is Recruitment.
(Velgmon is outmatched, and he knows it. He knows that he can't win the battle the way it's been going, so he leaves. He flies away, but makes it look like he goes farther than he does. What he actually does is devolve close to the Tamers and then make is way back to where they are. He hides and watches them) Karanlik: (Thinking) whenever I have the upper hand, they always come back and drive me off. There has to be something I can do that they won't be able to counter. it's likely that that incomplete feeling has something to do with a new form. Both spirits seem to have something missing. Maybe I need to combine them somehow. And I'll certainly need to be in danger again. I'll do that later. For now, let's see what they're up to.
David: I've programmed the entry point. We'll drop where we're supposed to. Kenzi: I ran a check on the surrounding area. There are a couple Digimon near the the entry point, but I don't know which ones. David: Supplies will be delivered in transit. Kantro: What's that mean? David: I won't bother trying to explain it to you, because you won't understand it, but basically, there will be some added data. When we emerge, that added data will become the supplies. In the digital world, everything's data. I've been trying to figure out the reason for that, but I haven't made much progress. But that doesn't matter. We enter now. Kenzi: Systems report nominal status. We're go. David: Let's do it. (Kenziactivates the portal, and everyone is transported to the digital world. On the ground beside them are several packs) We're here. And it looks like the supplies made it, too. Now, where are those digimon? (He looks around) There they are. Yep, they're heading this way. Two Kabuterimon and a Kuwagumon. I don't think they're here to say hello. (an electro Shocker attack passes overhead) I was right. Let's do it. Ready, Guilmon? Guilmon: I'm ready. (David pushes the top button on his digivice, triggering the digivolution process) Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Everyone, let's do it.
(Velgmon turns around and hits Ikkakumon with a Dark Vortex at point-blank range. He takes off. Falconmon returns to the air and fires his Talon Rockets. Velgmon dodges and attacks with Dark Vortex, knocking Falconmon to the ground. He swoops down and picks up Ikkakumon, droppng him on Falconmon. He flies behind Kyuubimon and rams her, knocking her into the other two) Velgmon: Time to end this. Dark Obliteration! (A large, red circle form on the ground, with the three digimon in the middle. As soon as the circle is completed, an energy dome starts forming from the circle in two halves) Matt: I don't like this. Kari: Kyuubimon, get out of there! Now! (Kyuubimon gets up and runs toward the edge of the circle, followed by Ikkakumon. Falconmon tries to fly out, but Velgmon knocks him back down with Dark Vortex. Kyuubimon makes it out of the circle. Ikkakumon posistions himself under Falconmon, who lands on his back. Velgmon is about to hit them with Dark Vortex when Stingmon slams into him from the side, knocking his aim off. Ikkakumon makes it out just before the dome finishes forming. A second later, it dissolves. Everything that was in it is gone, leaving only a large hole in the ground) Matt: Holy shit!
(Karanlik had become Duskmon to move faster. When he reached water, he had changed to Velgmon to fly over it. While doing so, he sees a girl with a Digimon partner. He lands by them and devolves) Karanlik: Hello. Maria: What the heck?! Karanlik: You have a Digimon partner. Instead of me having one, I can become a Digimon. Maria: Who are you? Karanlik: My name's Karanlik. Maria: I'm Maria. Karanlik: Who's side are you on? Maria: What? Karanlik: I need to know who's side you're on. Maria: I don't know what you're talking about. Karanlik: Wait. I've seen you before. You were at the basketball court, weren't you? Maria: So? Karanlik: So you're on the other side. See, I'm the guy who was Duskmon. So I'm afraid that I have to kill you. And I'll use my stronger Digimon form, just in case you have any hidden tricks. (Karanlik Beast Spirit Evolves to Velgmon and takes off, circleing overhead) Gomoman: You have to make me digivolve! Maria: How? Gomamon: Use the card! Swipe it through your digivice! Maria: I'll try. (She swipes a digivolution card through her digivice. Gomamon digivolves to Ikakkumon) Whoa! Ikakkumon: I don't know if I can win, but I'll do my best. Maria: Be careful.
Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: James Best Newbie: Arcadia Most Improved Member of the Year: Vikky Writer of the Year: Solo Tremaine Role-Player of the Year: Arcadia Digipeep of the Year: Me(Takuya) Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Solo Tremaine PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Crimson Spider [size=8] Pick me for Digipeep of the Year![/size]
This really isn't that hard. I'd give the answer, but I can't remember it myself right now(and right after I said that the question isn't hard). I'll post it when I do. For now, somebody else ask one.
Writing Marjorie B. Kellogg's [i]The Dragon Quartet[/i]
GuyYouMetOnline posted a topic in Creative Works
Has anyone else read this excellent fantasy series? If not, then you should. Obviously, it's a four-book series that has a lot to do with dragons. The whole plot is centered around them, and I think that the way Kellogg has imagined them tops any other author's vision of them. She has them as very powerful creatures with various abilities, but she doesn't make them as perfect as many other authors do. Her dragons are just as falliable as humans, and, in terms of personallities, they basically are (well, except for Air). One has even lost his memory. But this series isn't just about entertainment. There is a very serious message in all but the first book, and it's said directly in books three and four. The message is that [spoiler]humans are screwing up Earth, which will most likely have very dire consequences.[/spoiler] Personally, I agree with that, and I think it's a serious problem. I enjoyed Kellogg's interpretation fo that greatly. I do have one complaint, though. In my oppinion, the first book is way too slow. It starts slow, as do most books, and picks up when Guillimo arrives. But after a few more chapters, it slows down again, and doesn't really pick up until the journey to Erfurt. But aside from that, I don't have any complaints. This series is excellent, and if you haven't read it, you should. Especially if you like dragons. -
Karanlik: (Thinking) Holy shit! Just the kind of person I didn't want to meet! But it's a good thing I decided to do the fakeout. Virtualmon wouldn't have been happy if I had killed her. (Out loud) Yes, I know Virtualmon. Believe it or not, he's the one I'm working for. Honru: What?! Karanlik: I'm doing this for him. It's a good thing I didn't kill you, because he wouldn't have liked that. He seems to want you to help him. It's a good thing I tricked you. Honru: What? Karanlik: I decided to trick you. I acted like I couldn't control myself when I became Velgmon, but I could. I wanted you to underestimate me, and I also wanted to make sure you didn't know anything. Trust me, I could have easily taken you out as Velgmon if I had tried to. Anyways, if Virtualmon really wants you to help him, then you should be able to contact him with your digivice. I'd stay with you, but there's something wrong with me right now. I don't know what, but it made me attack an ally before. I don't want that to happen again. If you need to find me, I'm heading toward the desert area. It's the only place I have any reason to go to. (Karanlik walks off, headed toward the desert)
OOC: I meant to type "she", but I guess I didn't. I just edited it. ----------------------------- Karanlik: (Thinking) This is working well. She's underestimating me. She doesn't think I can control myself as Velgmon. But it was easier than I thought when I knew what to expect. What she doesn't realize is that I was in coplete control of myself, but acting like I wasn't. This way, I can find out what she knows, if anything. Then, when I'm ready to kill her, she'll underestimate me. That'll be essential if she has any hidden tricks, which I doubt. Still, it never hurts to be prepared.
Karanlik: (Thinking) This is perfect. She's all alone, and he doesn't know what's going on. Of course, misleading him isn't an option. The other Tamers will see right through it. Besides, she's one of them, and Virtualmon wants them dead. so, I'll take care of this loner first. This is also a perfect opportunity to practice control of Velgmon. If things go bad, I should be able to defeat Wizardmon as Duskmon. (Out loud) I'm looking for all of you. I didn't expect to find one alone, though. Honru: Why are looking for me? Karanlik: Well, this one Digimon saved my life, so I have to repay him. He wants all of you dead, so I'm helping him out. Honru: You're [i]what?![/i] Karanlik: You heard right. Honru: You would kill me just to repay a debt? Karanlik: I've killed before. Besides, what does it matter? You're not that important, I don't think. You're one of the masses. It doesn't matter if you live or die, because your life isn't important. So yes, I will kill you to repay a debt. Wizardmon: You'll have to go through me first! Karanlik: That shouldn't proove too dificult. See, you don't know what you're dealing with. But don't worry. You're about to find out. (Karanlik Beast Spirit Evolves to Velgmon) Honru: That's a bad thing, right? Wizardmon: Yes. Velgmon is very powerful. But I don't think that he is in complete control. If I'm lucky, and he doesn't gain conrtol, I can probably defeat him. But if he does gain control of himself, then I won't be able to. Honru: Give it your best shot, Wizardmon.
Karanlik: (Thinking) I think I can trust Angel, but she can't trust me. Not even I can trust myself right now. Not only can I not control myself as Velgmon, but even as Duskmon, I might attack Angel. I can't risk that. (Out loud) I can't stay with you, Angel. Something's happening to me, and I need to be by myself until I know what it is. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. (He turns around and walks off) (Thinking) I have to figure out what's going on with me. But I don't know how to do that, so until I can figure out what to do about that, I'll work on controling myself as Velgmon.But first, I need to get far enough away from Angel that there's no risk I'll attack her.
(The door opens, and Kantro walks in, followed by Gabumon. Three armed guards enter the room) Brian: It's ok. You can go. Guard 1: Are you sure? This guy's dangerous. Brian: We can handle him. Guard 1: All right. By the way, I told him the basics on the way here. {OOC: That refers to the information in the first Recruitment post, except the stuff about LordMegidramon, which nobody knows yet} Brian: Good. (The guards leave. Tsai enters the room with her partner and takes a seat) All right. Now that everyone's here, we can get started. Kantro: What's all this about? Brian: For some reason, you've been assigned to this mission. Kantro: Why should I agree to go on it? Brian: Because you don't have a choice. Kantro: Why do you need me, anyways? Brian: Actually, I don't want you here. This is a very dangerous mission, and your presence will jepordize it. But unfortunately, it's not my decision. I'm going to start the briefing now, so you might want to shut up. Kantro: Fine. (Kantro takes a seat) Brian: Good. (He walks over to a large screen and grabs the remote by it. He pushes a button, and a map of the digital world appears on the screen. He isolates a portion of the map and zooms in on it) This is a section of the digital world. It doesn't seem to reaaly be unlike any other section, and in the past, it hasn't been. But starting a few months ago, nobody who's entered this area has ever been seen or heard from again, earning it the name Dead Zone. The Digimon Lords have been trying to figure out what's going on, but they don't want to risk going there themselves. They think that whatever's behind this wants them to go there, so they aren't going to go. Instead, they've been sending other Digimon to investigate, none of which has returned. Yesterday, we were contacted. Angel: By who? David: I'm guessing one of the Digimon Lords. I told them how to contact this facility when I met them. That was about ten months ago. Brian: And you're right. It was LordMagnadramon who contacted us. she asked us to send a team into the ead Zone. You were selected. (He zooms the display out a bit, them marks a spot south of the Dead Zone) You will enter the digital world here. You are to then enter the Dead Zone, and find out what's going on. Don't stay any longer than you have to. Once you know what's going on, or if you can't stay any longer for some reason, return to the entry point. We'll be watching that spot. When you're there, we'll bring you back. Head to the Command Center. There, you'll be given supplies. You will then be sent to the digital world. Any questions? (Pause) Good. Go now. (Everyone except Brian leaves the room. David leads the way to the Command Center)
Personally, I like Ikaruga's music. I just think that it fits perfectly with the intesity of the game, especially durring the boss fights. Another game with great music is Paper Mario for the N64. I especially like the music durring the boss fights. I don't like the music durring the General Guy fight as much as I do the other boss fight tunes, but I do have to say that it fits.
(Before Kyuubimon's Dragon Wheel hits Karanlik, his digivice glows. Then, the attack hits. Only Karanlik isn't there anymore. His Beast Spirit had activated, and he had Spirit Evolved into Velgmon. Hnow flies over the battle, and Falconmon flies up to meet him) Falconmon: Talon Rocket! (Falconmon's attack hits Velgmon, but it doesn't have much of an effect) Velgmon: Was that your best shot? Too bad, because you'll need more than that to stop me! Dark Vortex! (Velgmon fires a red energy beam, which hits Falconmon, knocking him down. Instead of following up on the attack, Velgmon flies around wildly for a few seconds, then lands away from the battle and devolves) Karanlik: (Thinking) God damn it! That wasn't supposed to happen. I enter a fight I know I won't win, then intentionally almost get myself killed, all to activate the Beast Spirit. And when I do, I can't control the damn thing! That fucking Beast Spirit has a mind of its own. That'll make using it difficult. I'll have to learn how to control it. At least now, I know what to expect. That should make it much easier to control it next time. But untill I'm sure I can, I'll have to use it only in situations where a lack of control won't mean much.
Anime "Upperdeck told me", or how to make a fool of yourself...
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Circ's topic in Otaku Central
I dueled a guy once who thought that Witch of the Black Forest's effect put the monster into play. He tried to use his Summoned Skull that way. No matter how many times I tried to tell him that WBF put the monster card into your hand, he didn't believe me. Not even after I read him the card's text. So we dueled his way, and I won. -
Writing Digimon: Dark Conflict [Revisited]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
I will continue to ask for more of the story to be posted until all of it has been. So please post more.