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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. David: You don't seem at all concerned that Kantro will be joining us. Vash: Why should I be? David: He's the one they had to sedate to bring here. he's also resonsable for several broken bones. He didn't like it when they tried to analyze his Digimon partner, Gabumon. And I don't think he'll want to go an a mission. Vash: If he tries anything, I'm sure we can handle him. David: I'm more worried about him doing something durring the mission. He might get us all killed. Vash: If we're doing anything that dangerous. Brian: You are. I don't want to say much until everyone's here-I'd just have to repeat myself-but i will say that you're on what's probably the most dangerous mission anyone's been on.
  2. Kyuubimon: You want to take me on? Duskmon: Yes. And I don't plan to lose. Kyuubimon: Neither do I. Dragon Wheel! Duskmon: Deadly Gaze! (The two attacks hit and cancel out. Duskmon charges Lunar Plasma. Kyuubimon attacks with Dragon Wheel, and Duskmon jumps over it. He charges Kyuubimon and attacks, but Kyuubimon moves out of the way. She then attacks with Fox Tail Inferno and hits Duskmon from behind. Duskmon turns around and fires a Deadly Gaze, but Kyuubimon dodges and attacks with Dragon wheel, hitting Duskmon. she then charges him, knocking him into the basketball hoop's pole. She attacks with Dragon Wheel again before Duskmon can recover. Duskmon tries to get up, but can't) Kyuubimon: I win. Duskmon: Not... quite yet. I'm... not done yet Kyuubimon: You will be. Dragon Wheel! (After Kyuubimon begins her attack, Duskmon devolves. Karanlik doesn't attempt to get out of the way. Instead, he waits for the attack to hit, holding his digivice) --------------------------------------------- OOC: Nobody save Karanlik. I've dropped enough hints that you probably know what's about to happen.
  3. Duskmon: (Thinking) This isn't exactly what I planned, but it'll work. At least, it will if I don't attack them, too. But I can't trust myself to not attack them. I can't risk attacking them, but I could use their help. But if they leave, I might be able to manufacture a situation where my other spirit activates. I could probably do the same in this situation, but if it works, I'll be even more dangerous to my allies(sp?) as well as my enemies. But I didn't ask them to help me, and I'm here so that I can get my other spirit activated. I'm not going to change that. So I'll go one-on-one with a Digimon that has an advantage. those Tamers will think I bit off more than I could chew, not knowing that I want to lose. And when I'm almost out of the fight, I'll Make it more dangerous. I should be able to activate my other spirit that way. (Out loud) Kyuubimon's mine!
  4. (David and Melody are still on Fire Island) Melody: What do you want to do? David: I don't think that heading over to the Hoenn region is a good idea. What's happening is happening here. So if we're going to learn more, we should probably stay in this area. It's just... Melody: It's just what? David: I just have this feeling that we're missing something important, and I don't know what. (Pause) Let's go back to Shamouti. I want more information on that Lawrence III guy. (He releases Charizard. the two climb on its back, and it flies toward Shamouti)
  5. (There is a ringing sound. Brian takes his cell phone out of his pocket and answers it) Brian: This is Brian. (pause) He has? What about the other one? (Pause) Well, at least one's being replaced. Who's coming instead? (Pause) That's good. Anything else? (Pause) All right. Out. (He terminates the call) Well, that's good news. David: What? Brian: We're only getting one unwilling person. The other's been replaced David: By who? Brian: Vash. David: That's definately good news. We're still getting the other unwilling person, I take it? Brian: Yes. His name's Kantro, and his Digimon partner is Gabumon. David: I've heard that name before. Isn't Kantro the one they had to sedate? Brian: Yes. He was making quite a racket, apparently. He's also caused a few problems when they tried to do the analysis(sp?) on Gabumon. I don't know why he's coming, but I don't think he should be. David: Well, we can't do anything about it. ---------------------- OOC: In case you didn't pick it up, Marcus and Heezay, you're in. As for you, Arika, you still need to finish your sign-up.
  6. She summoned Cyber Harpie, then multiplied it with Elegent Egotist. She sacrificed the three harpies to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra, which actually ended up costing her the duel. It appeared sealen in a sphere, and only one who could read the text on the card could control it. Marik recited the text and gained control of Ra, using it to win the duel. Why did Kaiba allow Marik to stay in the tournament, even after regestering under a false name?
  7. favorite character? That's easy. It has to be Jimmy McCray from Jack L. Chalker's [i]The Quintara Marathon[/i] trilogy. Why do I like McCray? He's from an Irish world (this is hundreds of years in the future, and many countries have worlds by then), and a Catholic one at that. He was a priest, but didn't like it, so became a spacer. He has a parasitic-"ah, symbiotic"- creature named Grysta attached to him. He's also a telepath. Durring his religious education, McCray took an intrest in demonology, which makes him one of the most important characters in the trilogy. See, demon legends are the one thing common to every single known race. Demons even have the same basic appearance in every race's legends. Why? Because they actually exist, which is the concept at the center of the trilogy's plot. McCray's knowledge of the demon legends prooves to be invaluable, but what makes him a truly awesome haracter is how his attitude, his knowedge, his current situation, and his past fit togeather. He's this hard-core spacer who works with teams that have the extreamly dangerous job of being the first to land on new planets. While he maintains that image throughout the trilogy, he frequently quotes Dante, cracks both stupid and funny jokes at even the most serious moments (when naked and being asked for tribute to enter the demon city, he says, "Ah! Tribute! So it's a toll gate, is it? Well, terribly sorry, old boys, but I seem to have left my other pants in my other pants), and manages to figure out quite a lot about what's happening (what he figures out based on his knowledge of the demon legends is topped only by what Gun Roh Chin figures out through logic and guesswork). And [spoiler]when he dies, he goes out by taking a demon prince with him, laughing the whole time.[/spoiler]
  8. OOC: Marcus, Arika, and Heezay, you still need to edit your sign-ups. ---------------------------- (It's night. A MagnaAngemon Flies into a region of the digital world that has recently earned the name of the Dead Zone, as no one who has entered it for the past few months has ever been seen or heard from again. Occasionally, he thinks he sees something, but when he takes a closer look, there isn't anything there. Eventually, he sees a very large DIgimon flying toward him. When it reaches him, it stops. MagnaAngemon can't clearly see the Digimon, as night in the digital world tends to be very dark) Unknown Digimon: Why are you here? MagnaAngemon: I was sent by LordMagnadramon to investigate the disapearances in this area. Do you know anything? Unknown Digimon. You're here because LordMagnadramon is afraid. She is too afraid to come here herself. But soner or later, the Digimon Lords will have to come. But they will be coming into a trap. MagnaAngemon: Who are you? Unknown DIgimon: I'm the one responsable for the dissapearances. MagnaAngemon: You... you killed them. Unknown Digimon: A few. Most are under my control. As you soon will be. MagnaAngemon: You will not take me. (MagnaAngemon turns to leave, but is blocked by two Okuwamon, a Megadramon, and a Rosemon. MagnaAngemon turns to face the unknown Digimon) Unknown Digimon: You will not be leaving. You will serve me from now on. MagnaAngemon: Who are you? Unknown Digimon: I am LordMegidramon. MagnaAngemon: You lie! You can't be a Digimon Lord! It's not possible! LordMegidramon: Yes, it is. (He reaches out and grabs MagnaAngemon. A dark glow surrounds MagnaAngemon for about a minute. When the glow dissapears, LordMegidramon releases him) I am through waiting for careless Digimon to enter this area. MagnaAngemon, you will take these four with you. Find Digimon near this area, and bring them to me by whatever means necessary. Just be sure to keep them alive. MagnaAngemon: I will do so. (MagnaAngemon leads the two Okuwamon, the Megadramon, and the Rosemon away) LordMegidramon: (Thinking) With an increased number of dissapearances, sooner or later the Digimon Lords themselves will come to investigate. They'll come right into my trap. (David walks through a hallway in the DIROne facility, followed by Guilmon. He enters the breifing room and takes a seat. The breifing room is small, designed for up to ten humans and their Digimon Partners in Rookie form. David takes a seat, and Guilmon waits behind him. The only other one in the room is a man named Brian, the man who gives briefings) Brian: I knew you'd be here first. David: I always am. Who else is coming? Brian: Kenzi, Mika, Angel, and Tsai are on their way. And for some reason, a pair of our unwilling members will also be joining us, although probably not willingly. David: What?! Why? Brian: Because some dumbass ordered it. I don't like it, but I can't do anything about it. At least I'll get some amusement from their reactions when they realize that this is one government organization that actually knows what it's doing. (They both laugh) David: Well, this isn't your typical government organization. For one thing, we can't really be formal with each other all the time. After all, we all live here. We can't stay formal all the time. And if you're going to live with others, it's nice to be able to talk with those others. Brian: Most government organizations think that that kind of thing hurts performance. David: Well, they're a bunch of idiots. We do more than they ever could. (Pause) Where are the others, anyways? Brian: Give them a little time. Not everyone gets here as quickly as you do. ----------------------------- OOC: In your first post, have your character enter the breifing room. The unwilling characters should be accompanied by DIROne guards, all of whom are intelligent(No dumb guards at this place) and competent.
  9. those who come unwillingly aren't usually sent on missions. They're taken mainly to prevent the general public from finding out about Digimon and the digital world. Edit the agent part out of your bio, and you're in. Marcus and Arika, you still need to edit your sign-ups. I'll probably start this tonight.
  10. Virtualmon: Initially, the other Spirit will only activate when triggered. It is triggered in the same method as your first Spirit. After that, you will know how to use it again. Karanlik: Got it. Virtualmon: Any progress? Karanlik: I've identified four of the tamers, but was unable to take care of any of them. They teamed up. I had to get out of there. I'm hopeing that the other sprit will help me. Virtualmon: It should. Karanlik: Out. (He terminates communications) (Thinking) So, if I want to use my other spirit, I need to create a situation similar to when my first spirit activated. It probably needs to be more dangerous, though. Well, that's no problem. I just have to fight those tamers again. I'll do that now, before they go somewhere else and I lose them. (Karanlik Spirit Evolves to Duskmon and returns to the basketball court, where the tamers still are) Duskmon: I'm back. Matt: Whatever happened to knowing when to leave? Duskmon: I also know when to return. Are you ready for round 2? Matt: Bring it on. Duskmon: You're not fooling anyone by acting tough. It's clear that you're scared. Kyuubimon: But I'm not. Dragon Wheel! (Kyuubimon's attack hits Duskmon, who quickly recovers) Duskmon: Not bad. Deadly Gaze! (Kyuubimon dodges and attacks with another Dragon Wheel. Duskmon jumps over it, and Falconmon runs into him. Duskmon pushes off of Falconmon, turns around, and hits him with a Deadly Gaze before landing. Guilmon fires a Pyro Sphere and hits Duskmon, but it doesn't do too much. Duskmon runs over and grabs Guilmon, throwing him into Kyuubimon. Falconmon then hits Duskmon from behind with a Toe Rocket. Duskmon charges Lunar Plasma, then jumps towards Falconmon. Instead of attacking, he pushes off of Falconmon and attacks Kyuubimon. He's about to hit Kyuubimon with a Deadly Gaze when Falconmon hits him with another Toe Rocket. Kyuubimon recovers and attacks with Dragon Wheel. Duskmon stops the attack with Deadly Gaze, and is then hit from behind by Falconmon's Toe Rocket and Guilmon's Pyro Sphere) Very good. But I'm not finished yet!
  11. Duskmon: (Thinking) Damn it! There's no way I can win this alone. I've got to get out of here. (Out loud) You're better at this than I thought. I'll have to finish this later. Matt: What's the matter? Scared? Duskmon: No, but I can tell you are. You don't know what you're doing, and you're not sure what will happen. You're afraid of what might happen for that reason. It's quite obvious, really. No, I'm leaving because I know when I should leave. (Duskmon runs off. Once out of sight, he devolves) Karanlik: (Thinking) They were smarter than I thought. They kept their Digimon partners out of sight. I'll have to be more careful next time. But not yet. I can't try again until I figure out what happened. Why did I attack Turuiemon? I should have accepted her help. I wanted to accept her help. So, why did I attack her? I just don't understand. Well, as long as I work alone, it shouldn't mean anything. Unfortunately, if those tamers stick togeather, which they probably will, i won't be able to take them out on my own. Unless... maybe if I figure out how to activate the other spirit. If I'm right, and it is more powerful, then I might have a shot. Maybe that wacko Virtualmon knows. He probably does. After all, he gave me the digivice and spirits. He probably knows how to use them. I have to contact him. Let's see here... how did he say I could contact him? It was this button, I think. (He pushes the button on the side of the D-Tector) (Still thinking) There. Contact should be established. (Out loud) Virtualmon, are you there? This is Karanlik. Are you there? Virtualmon: What is it? Karanlik: I need some information. I'm trying to activate the other Spirit, but I can't figure out how. Do you know?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Viper0529 [/i] [B]The sands of time is very good and I recommend getting it or at least a rental or two. It is interesting how you can slow, stop, or speed up time, like a Viewtiful Joe only better and without the bad storyline. The only problem is I find it hard to kill them. It takes a lot of hits (or maybe its just me :) ) [/B][/QUOTE] Viewtiful Joe's storyline is [i]supposed[/i] to be stupid. It's making fun of old movies. Anyways, I would definately reccommend Prince of Persia. The puzzles are challenging, but, thanks mainly to the visions, not too challenging. Combat is awesome, and the whole time-controlling thing really adds a lot to the game. It's quite enjoyable.
  13. Duskmon: This shouldn't prove too difficult. Lunar Plasma! (Duskmon leaps into the air. He is surrounded by some kind of energy, which flows into the sword-like weapons he carries. He falls to the ground, then jumps toward Falconmon, who meets him head-on. Duskmon strikes with his weapons, releasing the absorbed energy. Falconmon falls to the ground, and Duskmon lands beside him. Duskmon turns to face Matt) That was very easy. See, you and your Digimon are inexperianced, and it's clear that this is the first time that Hoodmon has digivolved. I saw it in the way you moved. You were uncertain about what you were doing. The difference between one who knows what he is doing and one who doesn't is quite obvious. Kyuubimon: You still have me to deal with. Fox Tail Inferno! (Duskmon jumps over yuubimon's attack) Duskmon: You'll have to do better than that.
  14. Only one digimon, please. Marcus, please edit your sign up, then you're in. Arika, you need to finish your sign-up. The rest of you are in.
  15. David: Well, if you're going to be reading my mind, then i'll just have to use my defense method. Shinobi: Defense method? David: Why don't you just read my mind and find out? Shinobi: I'm not getting anything about it. David: That's because I've pushed other thoughts further out. if your psychic thing is like Hope's, then you can only read my surface thoughts. I've learned how to think about what I want while haveing my surface thoughts be something different. I haven't been doing it because Hope knows how to control her powers, and Aurora doesn't get much right now. But I still know how to. if I want you to know what I'm thinking, then I'll drop it, but I normally like my thoughts to be my own and nobody else's. Now, what exactly are we going to do?
  16. Duskmon: That is a very good question. If you hate us, then why are you in our world? Kari: Us? What do you mean, us? Duskmon: (Thinking) Shit. I screwed up. I should have acted like I was a Digimon. Well, I can't do anything about it now. Besides. it'll probably freak them out. (Out loud) I am not truly a Digimon. I can become one, but I am really a human. Kari: That's not possible. (Duskmon devolves) Karanlik: And just why not? Kari: Oh. (Karanlik spirit evolves to Duskmon again) Duskmon: Time to end this. Deadly Gaze! (The eyes on Duskmon's body all 'look' at Renamon and fire red energy beams. Renamon is knocked into one of the posts for the basketball hoops. Duskmon turns to see Guilmon charging him. He steps to the side and grabs Guilmon's tail as Guilmon runs by. Using Guilmon's momentum to aid him, Duskmon spins Guilmon around and throws him into Hoodmon. He then hits both of them with a Deadly Gaze) That was easy. (He turns to the humans) I don't have anything against you personally, but someone else wants you dead, and seeing as how he saved my life, I figured I'd kill you for him. Any last words?
  17. OOC: Karanlik is following Kari. When she left her house, he followed her. Also, he isn't the type that attacks people just for fun. He only fights when he has to. -------------------------------- (Karanlik is watching Kari and the others) Karanlik: (Thinking) They all have Digivices, but they don't seem to realize that. And I don't see any Digimon, either. Perfect. This will be easier than I thought. I'll just take them out here, when they're without their Digimon and aren't expecting anything.
  18. [i]July 13th, 2005: Existance of a paralell universe is confirmed. Research on how to enter it begins. September 12th, 2005: A man is accidently sent to the paralell universe, and is never seen again. March 7th, 2006: Scientists figure out how to trigger a portal to the paralell universe. Animals and robots are sent, but none can be returned. January 21st, 2008: Animals successfully returned from paralell universe. January 25th, 2008: A man is sent to and successfully returned from the paralell universe. March 5th, 2008: An armed expedition is sent to the paralell universe. March 10th, 2008: The expedition is returned. Only 7 of the origional 15 have survived. They report seeing many kinds of strange creatures, some nice and some not, but almost all capable of speech. June 15th, 2010: One of the creatures is captured. When questioned, the creature says that it and the other creatures of the paralell universe are called Digimon, and that the paralell universe is called the digital world. The Digimon also reveals the workings of the digital world (basic things like digivolution), and about the Digimon Lords (this information comes later). November 2nd, 2010: People with devices called Digivices are discovered. They are found to have Digimon that live with them. The human-Digimon partnership is revealed (basic Digimon partner stuff). January 8th, 2011: Creation of Digital Institution of Research One, or DIROne, a research facility devoted to studying Digimon and the digital world. It has living quarters, places for keeping captured Digimon, specialized equipment for studying them, and the most advanced computer network anywhere.[/i] Since the creation of DIROne, research has proceeded at the standard rate: very slowly. Among other things, the high casulty rate has made it hard to gather data. Then, some humans with Digimon partners agreed to go. They all returned, which was a first. So, DIROne began searching for humans with Digimon partners. Those who agreed to help were taken to the facility. Those who didn't were also taken, mainly to lessen the risk of the public finding out about the digital world and Digimon. The ones who agreed to help are sent into the digital world by DIROne officials to gather data and, very rarely, to capture Digimon. Eventually, one group managed to meet a Digimon Lord, and they learned a few things about the Digimon Lords. The Digimon Lords are extreamly powerful Digimon who basically watch over the digital world. Each one is based off of a certain Digimon (meaning that they look a lot like those Digimon). IN addition to their powers, each Digimon Lord has a unique abillity. The group also learned of the orgion(sp?) of the Digimon Lords, something which only the Digimon Lords themselves knew at the time. The DIgimon Lords were origionally normal Digimon. One day a long time ago, they all happened to be in the same place at the same time. There was a Kabuterimon, an Ikkakkumon, a Birdramon, a Gatomon, and a Growlmon. They discovered what looked like a rift of some sort, and entered it. Inside, they gained great power. They emerged as the Digimon Lords. Kabuterimon became LordKabuterimon, Ikkakkumon became LordZudomon, Birdramon became LordPhenoixmon, Gatomon became LordMagnadramon, and Growlmon became LordGrowlmon. Not even the DIgimon Lords know that there is another like them. A few months after the humans learned about the Digimon Lords, another Digimon, a BlackGrowlmon, discovered the rift and entered it. He became LordMegidramon. Unlike the other DIgimon Lords, LordMegidramon doesn't desire to watch over the Digital World, but to control it. Unfortunately, the only ones who know of his existance are kept under his control, so knowbody knows about him. Until now. The Digimon Lords are as follows: LordKabuterimon: Based off of HerculeseKabuterimon. Larger, and colored red and black. Has the ability to create a copy of any insect Digimon. The copy is identical to the Digimon it's a copy of in every way except one: it's controlled by LordKabuterimon. LordKabuterimon can destroy the copy at will, and he can only have one copy at a time. LordZudomon: Based off of Zudomon. A bit larger, with a black shell and darker fur. Carries two hammers instead of one. He has control over water. LordPhenoixmon: Based off of Phenoixmon. Larger, and a dark red color, with the wings a dark, yellowish orange. When defeated in battle, LordPhenoixmon is revitalized, meaning that he must be defeated twice before he is truly defeated. LordMagnadarmon: Based off of Magnadramon. Larger, with fur a darker pink. She can heal most wounds, on other Digimon or herself. LordGrowlmon: Based off of WarGrowlmon. Larger, with no blades, but his arms are armored, as are his legs. The armor is black. He is able to draw energy from other Digimon, but only to a certian extent. LordMegidramon: No description needed here. Just look at the attachment. He has the abillity to corrupt Digimon. A corrupted Digimon becomes totally obedient to him. Some Digimon can resist being corrupted. The corruption generally wears off after about a month. The date that this RPG starts is December 19th, 2012. Here's the sign-up form, with my character as an example: Name: David Age: 17 Appearance: About 6 feet tall, with short, black hair and brown eyes. He is of average build. He wears shorts and a t-shirt that has "I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't stick my head that far up my ass" written on it. Pinned to his shirt is a button that says "My god can beat up your god". Personallity: Very determined. He never gives up. He's a fast thinker, and seems to be able to quickly come up with a plan. He doesn't like to act without information, but will if he has to. Nothing ever seems to shock him. He's also very smart. Choice(Came to the facility willingly or unwillingly): Willingly Digivice Color: Purple Bio(Doesn't have to be too detailed. Be aware that they can't have come to or been taken to DIROne before it was created, that they must go there at some point, and that they currently live there): David's life was basically a normal one until his 13th birthday, when he discovered a Digivice(In this RPG, the DIgivices are circular, with a screen in the middle and four buttons evenly spaced around the side). He then met his Digimon partner, Guilmon. Aside from the presence of Guilmon, who only himself and his parents knew about, David's life continued to be pretty normal until he turned 16. A few days after that, he was found by DIROne agents. After they explained everything to him, he decided to go with them. His parents didn't like it, but they knew that they couldn't do anything about it. David quickly became a valuable field agent for DIROne. Whenever he and Guilmon were sent on a mission, be it alone or with others, they always completed it. He was part of the group that gathered information on the Digimon Lords, and is responsable for it's success. He also became an expert with computers, taught by DIROne's computer techs, who are the best in the buisiness. Digimon(descriptions are required for ficDigimon): Rookie: Guilmon Champion: Growlmon Ultimate: WarGrowlmon Mega: Megidramon Other(Not required): Gallantmon I think that's everything. PM me if you have any questions.
  19. David: (Thinking) What have I gotten myself into? This isn't what I first thought it was. I thought that this was just Lugia being captured, but now it seems that there's more to it than that. And I have way too many questions. Like, what are Team Magma and Team Aqua doing here? And what would they want with the treasures? Aqua might be behind this, but not Magma. Maybe that's it. Maybe Team Aqua somehow captured Lugia, and they're gathering the treasures to return things to normal after it rains enough. Team Magma would be trying to stop them. But that won't work. if that's true then Team Aqua is dumber than I thought. No, it's something else. I just don't know what. I need more information, and I don't know where to get it.
  20. David: Well, we have all three treasures now, right? Hope: Right. David: What comes next, Melody? Melody: The three treasures are taken to Shamouti Island. They are placed in the alter-like structure I was standing in front of when you came the first time. Then, I play the song. However, it won't have any effect. Only Ash can awaken the power of the three treasures. Trust me, I know. After all, I was there. Lugia told Ash and his companions, and I was there. Shinobi: It told you? David: According to Melody, Lugia is capable of telepathic speach. Anyways, if you want to waste more time, do what Melody just said. Of course, Team Aqua or Team Magma might be there, waiting for us. Shinobi, I don't know what you have against me, but I do know that this isn't the time to be fighting. I think the battle's over-for now, at least-but there's still more to do. We need to cooperate. Which is why if you decide to waste time and take the treasures to Shamouti, I'll come with you. It's your decision.
  21. (Karanlik had noticed Kari go by him, and he had seen her D-Arc. He had Spirit Evolved to Duskmon to keep up with her as he followed her to her home. Once there, he remained outside and returned to normal. He is currently hidden by the side of the house, watching) Karanlik: (Thinking) For most of a year, I search for the guy who left me the D-Tector and Spirits, then when I find him, he turns out to be a compleate psycho. But I do owe him big, so I'll do this for him. I'll take out these-what did he call them? Tamers, that's it-for him, but then I'm done with all of this.
  22. You missed one: Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1. I'm sure that that's all of them, so I'll ask a question: Why does Noah destroy the four Big Five members attacking Joey, Serenity, Duke, and Monkey-Tristen(as I call him)?
  23. Rorohiko:It seems that your absent companions may be in worse shape than I thought. Suco: It doesn't matter. Everyone, we leave now. (The Team Magma members enter the elevator, followed by the Team Aqua members) Rorohiko: That takes care of them. Now we need to find the others. Tell everyone to meet back here. Starr: What are you going to do? Rorohiko: There are several computer terminals over there. I'm going to take a look at any data stored in them. I might be able to learn something.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nate [/i] [B][u][b]OOC:[/b] Takuya.... You just blew the sory line.....heh[/u] OOC:Nope. David tried to stop the battle, but that doesn't mean it actually stops. The battle can continue without Articuno. Oh, and if you want Articuno included, that can also be accomplished. If you can't think of a way to do that, PM me and I'll give you some suggestions. I neve make irreversable(sp) plot twists in someone else's RPG. ------------------------------------------- David: (Thinking) Hope, if you're reading my mind right now, then I need to know if the battle ended. I don't feel safe checking on Tropius, because it's too slow to reliably dodge any attacks, and I don't think what I just did is something that the Legendary Bird Pokemon will be happy with me for. I'll be on Fire Island, or you can send to me again. Oh, and don't bring the ice sphere. It's possible that it will reenergize Articuno, which will deffinately restart the battle. We'll help it once we're sure it won't restart the battle. (Tropius reaches Fire Island and lands by Melody and Aurora. He returns Tropius to its Pokeball) Hi. Melody: David! Weren't you following Latios and Latias? David: The trouble is in this area. If they're leaving it, then they probably don't have anything to do with any of this. I left you because what I just did was very dangerous. By the way, where are Charizard and Absol? Melody: They're in the air. I think they're trying to spot you. (Charizard lands, with Absol still on its back) And here they are. (David returns Charizard and Absol to their Pokeballs) David: Let's wait for Hope. And while we do, I have a few questions for you.
  25. (Charizard doesn't fly toward the Hoenn region, but instead circles around and flies toward the battling Legendary Bird Pokemon) David: (Thinking) I hope Melody understands why I left her behind. I wish I didn't have to. She probably has more that I need to know. But that's for later, if I survive. This is way too dangerous to have anyone else with me. I don't like it, but I can't think of anything else to do right now. (David releases absol, who rides on Charizard behind him) (Out loud) All right. What we're about to do is extreamly dangerous. If there are any screw-ups, I'll probably be dead, so do it right. Charizard, get me above the battle. When you're in position, I'm going to jump. I'll pass through the battle, distracting the Legendary Bird Pokemon. At that time you and Absol will attack Articuno. You use Fire Blast. Absol, you use Thunder. Keep it up until Articuno faints, ending the battle. When it does, Absol will use Ice Beam to freeze the water under it and prevent it from drowning. It should survive the impact. You two will then return to Fire Island and and wait for me there. Don't worry. I'll make it. (Charizard flies above the battling Pokemon, and David jumps. He passes between them, and they stop fighting for an instant, startled. At that time, Charizard and Absol attack Articuno. Their continuous super-effective assult is too much for even it to handle, and it quickly faints. Absol freezes the water underneath it with Ice Beam, then Charizard flies off to Fire Island, with Absol still on its back. Meanwhile, David releases the Grass-Flying type Tropius underneath him. He lands on Tropius's back, and it heads toward Fire Island as well) (Thinking) That should stop the battle. I just hope I didn't make things worse.
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