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David: I did [i]not[/i] expect that. Melody: What? David: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Melody: I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you. I used to not believe much at all, but my experiance with Lugia changed that. David: All right. Hope jusk spoke to me telepathically. Melody: What?! David: She has unusual powers. Remember what shinobi did? Melody: You mean the flying part? David: Yep. Hope's got that same kind of power. I don't remember her doing any telepathic speaking, although she has read my mind a few times in the past. Melody Um... i'll take your word for it. David: It honestly doesn't matter. We don't have time for discussions right now, anyways. We're here. (Sharizard lands by Hope and Shinobi. David and Melody get off of Charizard, and David returns it to its Pokeball) Hi. I assume you were expecting us? Hope: Of course. David: Then you probably know why we're here. We're looking for atios and Latias, and I thought that you might have an idea of where they went. Do either of you know?
David: See what I mean? The guy's an asshole. And yet Hope seems to like him. I just can't understand it. Melody: Hope? David: Shinobi's girlfriend. I don't know why she chose him. Melody: So, you know this Hope? David: Well, we didn't exactly meet today. Anyways, based on what just happened, I don't thikn that even you can convince Shinobi to give up on the treasures. What we need to do is find Latios and Latias. One of the others can probably tell me the direction they were going. Melody: How do we find them? David: We know that Shinobi went to Fire Island-he flew off in that direction-so we follow him. We catch up to him and ask him. I don't like asking him, but I don't know where any of the others would be. Charizard, let's go. (Charizard takes off, and flies toward Fire Island)
Name: Karanlik Age: 17 Description: About 6ft. tall wih short, black hair and brown eyes. He is of average build but very fit. He has several scars on various parts of his body. He normally wears shorts and a t-shirt, and his clothes are always very dirty, although in otherwise good condition. Personality: He?s a very fast thinker. He doesn?t really care about others. Everything he does is for himself. His feelings have become suppressed out of necessity. Although he doesn?t care about others, he?s very honorable. He has a behavorial code, and he never brakes it. Nothing ever scares him. He?s a bad person to be against, as he is very good at fighting people, and when necessary, killing them. He carries two metal poles with him whereever he goes. They are his weapons of choice in situations where he doesn?t spirit-evolve. Spirit Evolution: Duskmon Beast Spirit Evolution: Velgmon Fusion Evolution: Galfmon(there was no fusion Darkness form in the show, so I chose Galfmon) Element: Darkness Bio: Karanlik?s early life was fairly normal. He lived with his parents and sister, went to a public school, and did all of the things that kids do. when he turned 12, he started playing pranks on people. He never did anything dangerous, hoverer, and aside from that, was a very respectable person. But about three months after his 13th birthday, all that changed. He had snuck out of bed and joined a group of his friends, and they went to their teacher?s house and TPd it. they then split up to go home. While he was walking home, Karanlik saw smoke in the area where his house was. When he got thee, he found it on fire. Scared, he turned around and ran as fast as he could. Having nowhere to go, Karanlik turned to a life on the streets. he found a pair of metal poles early on, and quickly became excelent as using them, and he needed to. For the first few months, he barely survived. But he soon worked his way into a street gang, and quickly rose within it. He adopted the gang?s code, and lives by it, although he is more honorable then the rest of the gang. Despite that, he was their best person. One day, soon after he turned 16, Karanlik was assigned to divert some rival gang members so that his fellow gang members could sneak into an abandoned home that they used as a base. They were going to ambush the rival gang. Karanlik compleated his mission, then returned to the dead-end alleyway where his gang lived. when he got there, he found three strange objects on the ground. Two looked like strange creatures on platforms, and the third looked like some kind of electronic device. He picked up the electronic device first, and inspected it. It was purple in color, had a small screen, three buttons, and one more button on the side. suddenly, it started glowing, and the other two objects were drawn into it. He intended to tell the other gang members about it, but none of them ever returned, and Karanlik knew that the ambush had gone wrong. the gang they had tried to ambush soon found and recognised Karanlik. They trapped him, and he knew that he couldn?t fight his way out. Then, the strange device, which he had kept with him, started to glow. An image of one of the objects that was sucked into it appeared on the screen. Then, Karanlik changed. It was his first Spirit Evolution. He became Duskmon. As Duskmon, he easily took out the rival gang. Karanlik soon figured out that the two objects, a Human Spirit and Beast Spirit, were somehow inside the other device, called a D-Tector. he figured out that he could activate the Human Spirit to become Duskmon. He has repeatedly tried to figure out how to activate the Beast Spirit, but he never has. He believes thatthe Beast Spirit is more powerful, which is why it?s harder to activate. It?s been over a year since that day, and Karanlik has managed to survive on his own. Things that he couldn?t do before, he can as Duskmon. He has always wondered who put the D-tector and Spirits where he would find them, and why. But he does know that he owes whoever did his life. Side: Evil
I don't have time to sign up right now, so save me a spot as evil Digispirited with the the element of Darkness, please.
Regice/Regirock/Registeel: Clear Body ability Groudon: Drought ability Kyogre: Drizzle ability Rayquaza: Air Lock ability Latios/Latias: Levitate ability Name the Team Rocket members who are seen exclusivly in one of the movies(hint: there are four).[center] [color=indigo]- - - - - - - - - - - - -[/color] [/center]I didn't think that one was too hard. I guess I was wrong. Here's the answer: Iron-Mask Marauder from pokemon Forever, Annie and Oakley from pokemon Heroes, and Domino aka the Black Tulip from Mewtwo's return. I'll ask another question: What real-world location is the city of Altomare in Pokemon Heroes based on? [color=indigo]Combined the double post. - Desbreko[/color] EDIT: the answer is Venice. Okay, I'll ask a really easy one this time: Who are Ash's traveling companions in the Pokemon Advanced season (Hint: there are 3)?
(Charizard is nearing the others when David sees someone fly away from the others, toward Ice Island) David: That's probably Shinobi. He's after the treasure at Ice Island first. Do you know where the treasure is? Melody: Enter through the top. The treasure will be right there. David: Then we should be able to beat Shinobi to it. We'll wait for him where the treasure is. (Charizard flies to Ice Island, the over to and into the top. It lands on the icy but not slippery ground. david looks around and sees a blue sphere) I assume that that's the treasure? Melody: Yes. David: Well, we beat Shinobi. Now we wait for him. I hope you're good at convincing people of things, because this guy's stubborn. Melody: He won't do anything by collecting the treasures. David; He's trying anyways. It's a rather large waste of time, and I don't think that we have much time to waste, if any. We need to convince him not to go for the treasures. Melody: I'll do my best.
Suco: I can?t believe you?d do anything to me. Rorohiko: You and I bout know that that?s bullshit. I would, and you know it. Suco: (Thinking) Damn it! My bluff didn?t work. (Out loud) Fine. What do you want to know? Rorohiko: Start with Groudon and Kyogre. Suco: We heard of their dissapearance. We came here in hopes of finding a clue as to where they are now. Rorohiko: And? Suco: I believe that we found one, but we can?t put it to use. We don?t even know what it is, but several of us are gone because of it. Rorohiko: Gone? Suco: They were too curious. They touched it, then dissapeared. They just vanished. We then looked at every piece of information we could find here, hopeing to discover just what happened. We found nothing, and were leaving when you showed up. Rorohiko: Why do you want to find Groudon and Kyogre? Suco: We have no intrest in Kyogre. It?s Groudon we want. Rorohiko: And I actually thought you knew better. It didn?t work last time. What makes you think it will this time? Suco: I do not understand the process, but I have been assured that it will work. Rorohiko: Whatever. Personally, I doubt that anything will work, but there are two in my group who would know. Suco: And just who are they? Rorohiko: I don?t think I?ll tell you. But they?re the ones who ran off at the beginning. They?ve probably taken care of the ones who followed them by now, as well as the others who ran off. Suco: Whatever. What do you want me to do now? Rorohiko: Call off the others. And when the Magma members who ran off return-which should be any minute now-you will all leave. Suco: That?s what we were going to do anyways. Rorohiko: Then you?ll do it? Suco: Yes.
OOC: Basically Lugia's been captured, and everyone but David is following Latios and Latias, who I think are heading toward either Fire Island, Ice Island, or Lightning Island (I'm not sure on that one, though). Shinobi wants to find the three treasures, despite being told that only Ash can do anything with them. David was with the group, and in fact suggested finding the treasures, not figureing out that Ash is the Chosen One until after he did. He then went to Shamouti Island for more information. There, he hacked into a suspicious man's computer, learning that the man, Lawrence III, had attempted to capture Lugia once (lawrence iII is the name of the man who tries to catch Lugia in the Pokemon 2000 movie). Melody, the Festival Maiden in the Legend Festival, then told David, who was to act as the Chosen One this time, about what happened when he tried (which was basically a brief summary of the events in the movie). Melody then agreed to accompany David, who is now trying to find the others. Hope that helped. I don't really know much more than that, so ask Nate if you want more information. ------------------------------------- David: Now, just what do you know about Lugia? Melody: Not that much, actually. I've seen it, yes, but things were happening kind of fast, and I didn't have time to ask questions. David: What do you know? Melody: Nothing that you don't already know, really. Either you've figured it out, or I've told you. Probably the only thing I know that you don't is that it is capable of imitating human speach. I don't really know any better way to say it. Lugia wasn't talking, exactly. I think it was sending the words to our minds. David: You mean like telepathy? Melody: Yes. I'm not quite sure, though. David: That's certainly useful information, although it doesn't really have any importance right now. Right now, we need to find Latios and Latias.
OOC: Haven't seen you in a while, Blanko. -------------------------------------- (David is silent for a few minutes as he observes what's happening in the chat room) David: I think I need some more information Melody: Like what? David: I want to know who one of the users really is. All I know is that he's male-everyone refers to him as a he, and he doesn't object, so he's almost undoubtably male-and that he has the username L3. He's acting remarkably similar to a man I met right after I met you. He's asking about ten million questions about Lugia, he refuses to answer any, and he has something against a trainer named Ash. Melody: Ash? But how would he know Ash? And how do you know he doesn't like Ash? David: Well, I'm assuming he means the Ash you've met. I know he doesn't like Ash because when he responded to a question relating to the events when Ash was here, he said that he would know more if Ash hadn't ruined enything. That's exactly what the man I met told me when I mentioned those events. If this L3 person is indeed that man, then I want to know what he knows. So I'm traceing his connection and hacking into his computer right now. Just give me another couple seconds... got it. I'm in. Let's see here... That's him, all right. L3 is the man I thought he was. I found a picture with name, age, birthplace, that sort of thing. The username L3 is there, too. But the picture is what gave it away. Melody: I... David, I've met him. David: You have? Melody: Yes. It was when Ash was here. He was recruited for the ceramony, and went after the treasures early. The weather was even worse than it is now, and I was worried. His two companions and I set out after him. We found him on Fire Island. Then Zapdos appeared. David: What?! Melody: Surprised me, too. We soon learned that Moltres had been captured, and Zapdos was claiming its territory. Then Zapdos was captured, and we were taken with it. We then met the man who had captured both of them. David: That's this guy, right? Melody: Yes. Lawrence III. He never did tell us his name, but I recognise his face. He told us that he wanted to capture all Articuno as well. He did this to draw out Lugia. He was obsessed with catching it. He almost did, too. It took the combined efforts of Lugia, Ash, his two companions, myself, and a couple of wackos from Team Rocket to stop him. David: Well, I don't think he's behind it this time. Well, that's information to file away for later. Melody: Wht are you going to do now? David: Find Latios and Latias. Hopefully, they'll lead me to a few answers. And I want you to come with me. Melody: Why? David: One, because you obviously know a lot more about Lugia than I do, and I don't have time to stay here and pump you for information. And two, I'm hopeing that you can help me convince Shinobi that going after the treasures is a waste of time. Melody: Well, if there's something I can do to help, than I'm going to do it. So let's get going. David: All right. We'll use my Charizard. Charizard, go! (David an Melody climb onto Charizard's back) When I left, SHinobi and the others were heading toward the three islands, but were also following Latios and Latias. we should be able to intercept them if we go... that way. (David points in the direction he thinks they should go. Charizard flies in that direction)
Rorohiko: What's next? Suco: Go, Camerupt! Rorohiko: This will be easy. Absol, sit this one out. Go, Swampert! Suco: Camerupt, use Mud Slap! Rorohiko: Counter with Water Gun! (Swampert's Water Gun blasts through the Mud Slap and hits Camerupt) Hydro Pump, now! (Swamperts Hydro Pump KOs Camerupt) 5-0. Are you sure you won't give up? This is just a waste of time. Suco: I still have one more Pokemon. Go, Tyranitar! Rorohiko: Swampert, return! Suco: Which Pokemon will you choose? Rorohiko: I'll match you. Go, Tyranitar! Suco: This could be interesting. Rorohiko: Let's see whose is stronger. Tyranitar, Hyper Beam! Suco: Counter with your Hyper Beam! (The two attacks hit and cancel out) Hit it with Fire Blast! Rorohiko: Take the hit. (Rorohikos' Tyranitar doesn't move, and the Fire Blast hits it) Now use Surf! (The attack hits Suco's Tyranitar. It then slips and falls to the floor) Perfect. Use Hyper Beam! (The attack hits Suco's Tyranitar before it has a chance to get up) Finish it off with another Hyper Beam! (The Hyper Beam hits, and Suco's Tyranitar faints) That was easy. Tyranitar, return! Now, why don't you tell me why you're here. Suco: Why should I? Rorohiko: Because if you don't, Absol here will just have to convince you to. And trust me, you don't want that.
You need a hometown. Also, Crystal Onyx isn't allowed. To make it perfectly clear, no one-of-a-kind Pokemon are. And one other think that I didn't think would come up (this may or may not be true in the games or show, but this is my RPG, so I make the rules): although a few Pokemon may have longer lifespans than humans, most don't. And all of the ones that don't aren't ones that your character is allowed to have. One last problem: If it's not clear which "side" your character is on, then your character wouldn't have been sent the message, and therefore would not have come to the facility, meaning that he would have no role in the RPG. So, basically, the only things that are okay in your sign-up are name, age, and starting Pokemon.
OOC: Remember not to overdo it with the psychic stuff. -------------------------------------- Rorohiko: This round'll be a piece of cake. Sceptile, Razor Leaf! (Quagsire attempt to dodge, but is too slow) Now use Vine Whip! (Sceptile's Vine Whip causes Quagsire to faint) Are you sure you're actually trying? This is too easy. Magma Member: I'm not finished yet! Rorohiko: Well, Suco, I don't think you have much of a chance. Suco: So you figured it out. TOok you long enough. Rorohiko: Actually, I knew you were with Team Magma before I came here. I just didn't say anything. Suco: Whatever. Let's continue. Go, Charizard! Rorohiko: Sceptile, return! Absol, go! Suco: Charizard, use Fire Spin! Rorohiko: Quick Attack away! (Charizard uses Fire Spin, but Absol uses Quick Attack to escape) Now hit it with Thunder! Suco: Use Smokescreen! (Charizard's Someskreen makes Absol unable to see him, and Absol's Thunder misses) Now use Fire Blast! (Absol doesn't see Carizard's attack comming until it's too late. The Fire Blast hits Absol) I told you I wasn't finished. Rorohiko: You haven't won yet. Absol, Whirlwind! (Absol's Whilrwind blows away the Smokescreen) Use Thunder, now! (bsol's Thunder hits this time) Again! (Charizard was still shaking off the previos attack when Absol's Thunder hit. Charizard fell to the ground, KOed) The score is now 4-0. You're relly out of your league. Suco: I've still got another trick or two up my sleave. This battle's far from over.
Rorohiko: This should be easy. Absol, Thunder Wave! (Absol sends an electric wave at Magmar. Magmar tries to dodge, but doesn't react in time, and is hit) Rule number 1: Take your opponent by surprise. Not many people expect Thunder Wave on a Dark-type. Absol, hit it with Thunder! (Absol releases a powerful blast of electric energy, hitting Magmar) One more hit should do it. Another Thunder! (Absol's attack hits, causing Magmar to faint) And round 1 goes to me. What's next? Magma Member: This. Go, Machamp! Rorohko: A Fighting-type. How did I know? Absol, you know what to do. (Absol glows breifly, but nothing else happens) Magma member: What's that supposed to do? Rorohiko: Why should I tell you? Absol, Thunder Wave! Magma Member: Counter with Rock Throw! (Machamp's Rock Throw attack hits Absol's Thunder Wave, canceling it out) Now use Submission! Rorohiko: Dodge and counter with Quick Attack! (Machamp charges Absol, who dashes out of the way by using Quick Attack, then makes a quick turn and hits Machamp) Your Machamp's too slow! Magma member: But it also has a type advantage. And with its attack power, one hit and your Absol's finished. Rorohiko: If it can ever get a hit in, that is. (They both feel an unnatural breez for a second) And its time is up. (An energy sphere appears seemingly from nowhere and strikes Machamp) Absol, finish it with Thunder! (Absol's Thunder KOs Machamp) Round 2 also goes to me. Magma mamber: What the hell was that? Rorohiko: That was Future Sight, a Psychic-type move that strikes a minute or two after it's used. Nobody ever expects a Dark-type to use a Psychic-type attack, so nobody's prepared for it. Now, are you going to waste both our time by continuing this battle, or will you give up? Magma member: I'm far from finished. (Thinking) Charizard's no good, because that Absol knows Thunder. So I'll go with my surprise hitter. (Out loud) Go, Quagsire! Rorohiko: That's not a Pokemon one expects to see a Team Magma member use. But it doesn't matter. Absol, you're going to sit this one out. (Absol runs over to him, and stands beside him) Go, Sceptile! Magma member: You're prepared for everything, aren't you? Rorohiko: Of course I am. You should know that. Now, let's get on with it.
OOC: I realize that Shinobi can't teleport, but to David it looks like he does, so teleport is the word I used. -------------------------------------- David: (Yelling so that the others can hear him) You guys can go look for the treaures if you want, but it'll just be a waste of time. Someone should follow Latios and Latias, as well. I'm going back to Shamouti. I have a few more questions for Melody. (To Charizard) Back to Shamouti, and quickly. (Charizard flies to Shamouti. He flies all over the island untill David sees Melody on the docks, running toward a boat. Charizard lands in front of her, and David jumps off) Hello again. Melody: David! you caught me just in time. I was about to go looking for Latios and Latias myself. Any new information? David: Nothing you don't already know, but I was able-with a little help-to figure out what the legend means. we didn't know who the Chosen One is, so we decided to go for the treasures ourselves. But then this guy named Shinobi mentions a trainer named Ash. That's when it clicks. I tried to tell him that Ash is the Chosen One, but he asolutly hates Ash, and i don't think he believes me. Melody: He should, because you're right. Believe me, I know. So, why does he hate Ash? David: Because Ash cares. Ash didn't catch a Diglet when a bunch were protecting their home. Shinobi would let their home be destroyed if it meant that he could catch oe. Ash released his Pidgeot to protect a group of Pidgey. Shinobi would let them die, just so he can keep all of his Pokemon. Ash released his Charizard in a place where he thought it would be happier. Shinobi wouldn't, because he would have one less Pokemon. he guy makes me sick. Melody: Are you sure you aren't judgeing him too soon? David: Maybe. but I don't have time for this. I have a question for you. Why can only the Chosen One, Ash, get any effect out of the three treasures? Melody: Because they only activate when gathered by the true Chosen One. David: That rules out any kind of tricks to make others think I or someone else is Ash. It neads the real Ash. In that case, I'll have to play a different card. I need to get online. Can I use your house? Melody: Sure. Follow me. (He leads David to her house) I don't have broadband connection or anything like that. David: Dial-up's fine. (He takes his laptop out of his backpack, finds a phone, dissconnects the phone from the jack it's plugged in to, and plugs a modem cable into the jack. He turns on his laptop) I need a local access number. (Melody tells him one. He connects using that number) I'm on. This will probably take a few minutes. Melody: What are you doing? David: A few months ago, I found a chatroom on one site of a web ring about Legendary Pokemon. There are all sorts of facts, theroys, and rumors about varios Legendary Pokemon on that web ring. This one guy's site focuses on the Legendary Bird Pokemon, minus Ho-oh. In the chatroom, people discuss those Pokemon. Scince this involves Lugia, I'm hopeing I can find some information in either the site or the chatroom. It probably woun't tell us what to do, but every piece of information helps. And even if nothing I find helps now, it might later.
(David was following the others on Charizard, but he wasn't really paying attention to where they were going. Instead, he was thinking) David: (Thinking) Ash gathered the treasures. That guy who asked me all the questions about Lugia after he heard Melody mention it-what was his name? Oh, yeah. Lawrence III-walked off grumbling about Ash when I mentioned the strange weather a couple years ago. Melody said something about Ash being a CHosen One for the festival. He keeps popping up. But why? What role does he have in all of this? Wait. Of course. The stupid thing's a riddle. (Out loud) Charizard, I need to speak to Shinobi. Catch up to him, please. (Charizard catches up to Shinobi. David grabs Shinobi and pulls him onto Charizard) We need to talk. Ride with me while we do. It'll be easier to talk if you don't have to keep teleporting. Shinobi: What? David: You don't like Ash very much, do you? Shinobi: So? David: Everything you said about why you don't like him actually marks him as a better person than you. Shinobi: What the hell do you mean by that? David: Ash's actions imply that he cares not only about himself and his Pokemon, but about all Pokemon. The Diglet and Dugtrio were trying to protect their home. Would you really stop them from doing that? The Pidgy were being ruthlessly attacked by Spearow. Some would have probably died if Ash hadn't released his Pidgeot to protect them. And he thought that his Charizard would be happier in Chariffic Valley. He cared for it enough that he released it in an area where he thought it belonged. You don't like him because of things like that. He cares for all Pokemon. You probably don't. Would you have let the Diglet lose their home, just so you could catch one? Would you have let some Pidgy die, just because you were too selfish to release a Pokemon to protect them? Would you keep your Pokemon, even if they would be better off somewhere else? I'd say yes. Ash said no, and he still became the champion. You would say yes, and what do you have to show for it? Nothing. Shinobi: Who the hell do you think you are, judgeing me like that? David: Someone who's not afraid to say what I think. Oh, and one more thing. You can't do what Ash did with the treasures. Shinobi; And why the hell not? David: Are you good at riddles? Because the legend contains one. "Thus the earth shall turn to Ash." It doesn't mean ash as in the thing ash. It means the [i]person[/i] Ash. He's the Chosen One, not you. While you might be able to get the three treasures, I doubt that it'll do anything. I'll have to ask Melody why not. In fact, I think you should talk to her. Maybe she can talk some sense into you. Shinobi: Why the hell should I believe you? (Shinobi teleports away) David: (Thinking) I tried to tell him. ----------------------------------- OOC: Just so it's clear, David's willingness to say that stuff about Shinobi is because of his autism. He doesn't think about what others will think of what he says, because he doesn't understand why people would get upset when he tells them what he thinks.
(Charizard lands, and David gets off, returning it to its Pokeball) David: This island's starting to get crouded. By the way, this isn't the time for battles. In case you haven't noticed, things are really messed up right now. Shinobi: I know. Lugia's been captured. David: Are you sure? That would explain why Melody's song didn't do anything. Lance: Who's Melody? David: A girl I met about two months ago. She's from Shamouti Island, which is at the center of the Orange Islands region. There, they have this holiday they call the Legend Festival. It centers on some legend of a "Chosen One" who retrieves three treasures of some sort from the three nearby islands. Melody's the Festival Maiden. She basically runs the show. I was on my way there to participate in the thing. See, every year they have a trainer gather the three treasures and bring them back to Shamouti, just like the Chosen One in the legend. Lance: And what do you mean by her song? David: There's a song she plays on her flute at the start of the festival. Apparently, she saw Lugia once, and apparently it sang that song. According to her, she called it back by playing the song. She was trying it when I got to Shamouti, but it didn't work. If Lugia's been captured, then it makes sense that the song didn't do anything. Shinobi: So Lugia's a part of this lenged. Does the legend say anything about the screwed-up weather? David: Well, the legend goes something like this: "Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice, or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the Water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail. Thus the earth shall turn to ash. Oh, Chosen One, bring togeather all three, for their powers combined tame the Beast of the Sea." Darious: What's that supposed to mean? David: Well, let's figure it out, starting from the top. First, the titans of fire, ice and lightning. Any ideas? Shinobi: Aren't there three Legendary Pokemon with those types? David: Why didn't I think of that? Yes, there are. Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. I bet the Water's Great Guardian is Lugia. The song is probably the one Melody plays. Remember, she told me that Lugia sang that song. The earth turning to ash is obviously what happens if Lugia's song fails, which it will alone. Maybe that means someone's supposed to play the song with Lugia. Anyways, on to the next part. The Chosen One is supposed to "bring togeather all three," but there's no clues as to what three are supposed to be brought togeather. Hope: Didn't you say something about three treasures? David: I should have made that connection myself. It was just too obvious, I guess. Yes, I think you're right. The Chosen One-whoever that is-is supposed to gather the three treasures, which togeather, "tame the Beast of the Sea," whatever that is. Darious: Lugia, maybe? David: No, it's part of the process, remember? The "Beast of the ea" is probably a metaphor for something. I think I recall seeing Professor Oak on the news call some underwater current that. It was durring the unusual weather paterns a couple years ago, and he said that this current was the cause. That may be connected with what's happening now. Lance: Do you know anything else about all of this? David: Unfortunately, no. But I think a good first move would be to find those treasures. Does anyone here dissagree? ---------------------------- OOC: All of that stuff about Lugia and the legend was in the Pokemon 2000 movie.
Rorohiko: What is it? Latios: THere are others here. Ace: Other people? Latias: Eight of them. I don't know how they got down here. Rorohiko: What do they want? Latias: Probably Latios and I. Rorohiko: Then you should leave. Latios: We're staying right here. Rorohiko: Your choice. Who are they, anyways? Luke: I read somewhere about groups called Team Aqua and Team Magma. Could it be one fo those? Latios: No. They were disbanded ten years ago. (Eight people in Team Magma outfits enter the facility's main room) Rorohiko: I don't think Team Magma's totally gone yet. Those are Team Magma uniforms. Luke: How do you know? Rorohiko: Long story. I'lll tell you later. (One of the Team Magma members steps forward) Magma member: Who are you, and why are you here? Rorohiko: (Thinking) That's his voice, all right. (Out loud) We don't know. Why are you here? Magma member: Why should I tell you? Rorohiko: Because if you don't, we'll have to make you. Magma member: Tough talk. Let's see if you can. Rorohiko: All right. The others can battle my companions. I'l battle you. (To Latios and Latias, whispering) They probably don't know who you are. Each of you take a person and lead them out of here. You shouldn't have any problems dealing with them, but it's better if the others don't know who you are. (Out loud) I hope you're ready for this. (Everyone finds a Team Magma member to battle. after Latios and Latias find mambers, they turn and run, as if scared. The Team Magma members they picked chase after them) Absol, you first. Magma mamber: I'll start with Magmar. Go, Magmar! Rorohiko: Let's do this.
Rorohiko: Don't ask me. Latios and Latias sent the message. Derrel: What? Rorohiko: That boy right there is actually Latios, and the girl beside him is Latias. Derrel: No way. Latios: It is true. Latias: We are who he says we are, and we sent the message. Latios: And Luke is correct. Everyone is now here. We will now proceed down to the facility. Everyone, please enter the elevator. (The trainers and their Pokemon all enter the elevator) The elevator will take you down to the facility. It travles through a sealed tube, so don't worry about the water. Latias and I will see you in the facility. Ace: Why aren't you going to ride the elevator? Latias: In our natural forms, we can fly. We perfer not to be in small, enclosed areas. If there's a choice, we always take the less enclosed option. Rorohiko: Are you telling me that you're claustrophobic? Latias: No, we have no fears of enclosed areas. We just like more open places. We'll see you in the facillity, which, by the way, was built with the location in mind. The cavern's ceiling has been reinforced, but no roof was added to the facility. The cavern's ceiling serves that purpose. We'll be perfectly comfortable. Latios: But that really doesn't matter. We'll see you there. (The elevator closes and begins its decent towards the facility)
(Charizard flies over the tidal wave and to the island where Lance, Darious, and Shinobi are. David sees them and directs Charizard down. Charizard lands between the two battling Trainers) David: You are aware that there's a title wave coming this way, right? By the way, I'm David. (He notices Shinobi floating) That's a new one. Anyway, I recommend you get off of the island. Shinobi: No kidding. Let's go. Lance, Darious, stop the battle for now. We need to get above that title wave.
Most Opinionated Otaku: PoisonTounge Member most likely to be here in two years: Me(Takuya) Best Location: GinnyLyn (Definiton of word "Location") Honorable Mention: Shinmaru (Sammich one) Role-Player of the Year: Arika Honorable Mention: Blanko Digipeep of the Year: Seinor Ding Dong Honorable Mention: Sage Nintendo "Mario" Award: Sniglefager PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Crimson Spider Honorable Mention: Metatron
OOC: That?s fine, Nefertimon. Just don?t overdo it. -------------------------- Ace: Everyone?s here, right? So can we go now? Boy: There is still one more. Ace: But you said there were only two more, and two more have arrived. Girl: One more has arrived. The other was already here, just down below. Ace: That counts as not here. Girl: Not to us. Ace: It should be obvious to everyone. Boy: We don?t think in the same way that you do. I?m actually surprised that nobody?s gotten any of it yet. Rorohiko: Don?t be so sure about that. I don?t know just what you are, but I?m pretty sure that you?re not human. Girl: Right so far. Rorohiko: You?re both Pokemon, and probably psychic-types. Boy: Very good. Anything else? Rorohiko: Yes, actually. You probably know the answer to the research team?s main question. Boy: Right again. Rorohiko: And that means you?re probably legendary Pokemon yourself. Girl: You?re good. Have you figured out anything else? Rorohiko: Well... no. Boy: Then we?ll tell you the rest. Um, by the way, how did you figure all of that out? Rorohiko: Simple. First, the Pokemon reacted strangely to you. That told me that you?re not what you appear to be. Second, you seem to know how many of us are coming. The most likely reason for that is that you sent the message, which means that you know why we?re here. You?re not in your normal forms, which implies some sort of ability that could only be called psychic. Since Ditto, the only Pokemon I know of that can transform, can?t mimic knowledge and therefore would not know our language, you?re ability is probably more specific. And because Ditto?s ability is due to it?s nature, and yours is more specific, yours is probably done with some sort of psychic power. Because not even the most powerful measured-meaning its type, power, and special abilities, if any, are known-Pokemon can do what you can, you?re oviously unmeasured Pokemon. Since the only known unmeasured Pokemon are the legendary ones-most of which have known types but not known power levels or special abilities, you?re most likely legendary Pokemon. And legendary Pokemon would certianly know why they?re so powerful. Boy: That?s very good. And you?re right on all counts. I am actually the Pokemon Latios. Girl: And I am Latias. We use these forms to keep people from discovering us-although is?t not perfect-and scince the dissapearance of Groudon and Kyogre, we?ve had to be even more on gaurd. Rorohiko: Do you have any idea what happened? Latios: We know who, but not how or why. Latias: We do have some theroies, however. We?ll tell you when the last trainer arrives. It shouldn?t be too long.
(Swampert reaches Shamouti. David returns Swampert to its Pokeball, then runs into the island's town looking for Melody. Eventually, he finds Melody's sister, Carol. Carol leads him to a point on the island where six stone pillars are arranged in a circle around a raised center with an elaborate sturcter on it. Melody in on the raised center. David runs up to her) David: Melody, what's going on? (Melody turns around and sees David) Melody: You're early. The festival starts the day after tomorrow. David: Whatever. That's not important. On my way here, all sorts of Pokemon flew above me, including Latios and Latias. I know there was something involving Legendary Pokemon in this area a couple years ago, and it's possible that something similar is happening. Any idea what? Melody: No. This isn't like last time. And if Latios and Latias are in the area, then whatever is going on is probably a lot more serious. David: We need to do something. Melody: I've tried all the ideas I've had. David: Why did you come up here? Melody: Because this is where I was with three others when Lugia appeared. A few minutes later, I called it back by playing the legend festival's song on my flute. Lugia sang the same song. I tried to call it with the song, but it didn't work. David: You'll have to tell me more about that after this is over. Right now, I need to figure out what's going on. Hopefully, I can find out where Latios and Latias are going. Charizard, go! (Charizard appears, and David climbs on its back. It takes off, flying in the direction David came to Shamouti from)
OOC: Nefertimon, everyone's on the platform, not in the facility. Also, try not do do any psychic stuff. Nobody else's character can, so it would be unfair if yours can. You don't have to edit your post(except to remove Rorohiko from it), just don't do any psychic stuff in the future. And you might want to get your character to the platform with the others. It'll be a little bit before they get down to the facility. --------------------------------------- Rorohiko: Hopefully, something will happen soon. Luke: Maybe we should go down. Rorohiko: The message said to come here. It didn't say to go down, so I don't think we should. (They hear the elevator) Besides, it looks like someone's coming up. (The elevator reaches a platform, and the boy and girl step out of it) Boy: We're glad that you could make it. Girl: This is actually better than we thought. We anticipated having to track down around half of you, but only two of the ones we sent the message to are not here, and we believe that they are both on their way. (All of the Pokemon that are out of their Pokeballs walk over to the boy and girl. after inspecting them in various ways, they return to their trainers) Ace: What was that about? Boy: Pokemon usually react to us in this manner. I think we don't smell like humans, although humans can't tell. It is something we need to work on, though. After all, if anyone's looking for us, they can use Pokemon to smell us out. Fortunately, nobody seems to have thought of that yet. Girl: We'll answer your questions shortly. We just want to give the others a chance to arrive. Untill then, we will remain here.