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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: Here we go. I forgot to mention one thing: I don't like the four-moves-per-Pokemon rule, so we're not using it. Do try to keep the moves a Pokemon knows to a resonable number, however. And a Pokemon can only use moves that it can learn in any of the games, or that make sense for it. I'll use Absol as an example. Earthquake can't be learned by Absol in the game, but I'll accept it because Absol is the Disaster Pokemon, and an earthquake is concidered a disaster. I'll accept any dark-type moves for it, because it's a dark-type. And I'll accept Future Sight being used by Absol, because Absol can learn it in the games. ------------------------------ (A boy and girl stand side by side on the beach off of Lillycove City. They both look to be about fifteen. It is 11:30 pm) Boy: Did you do it? Girl: Yes. They should be on their way. Boy: Good. (Pause) We should get going. We need to make sure that there are no threats in the area. Remember, they are much more vulnerable then we are. We'll need about ten hours to check the research facillity well enough for them to be safe, and around twenty if we also check the rest of the cavern. And we don't know when the humans will arrive. Girl: Then it's a good thing that we don't need to sleep as often as humans do. I assume you found a boat. Boy: Yes. Just a simple rowboat, but it will do. We don't tire as quickly as humans, which will be a big help. Girl: It would be so much easier if we could fly there. Faster, too. Boy: You know that we can't reveal our true forms out here. We can't risk anyone seeing us, especially durring a time like this. Even if we hide ourselves, there's no garuntee that we won't be discovered. And whoever or whatever is behind this may be after us as well, which increases the danger. I'm just glad we managed to correct for the temperature differance. Otherwise, we could be discovered even in these forms. GIrl: There are probably other ways of discovering what we are. Boy: Then we don't give anyone a chance to find out. We go as fast as we can, and we go now. (Pause) I really do enjoy times like this. Just the two of us on the beach, little risk of being discovered and/or captured, able to just relax. It's too bad that they never last. Girl: I know. But we can always come back when this is over. Right now, we need to get to work. ~Two days later~ (Rorohiko is riding towards the research facility on his Swampert. His Absol, which is his first and favorite Pokemon, is on Swampert beside him. Soon, they reach the facility's entrance: a floating platform that contains a docking area for small- and medium-sized boats and an elevator. The elevater goes through a sealed tube to the research facility, located in an underwater cavern. Swampert climbs abord the platform, and Rorohiko returns it to its Pokeball) Rorohiko: (Thinking) The message said to wait here. Hopefully, the others will be here soon. Then I can find out just what's going on here. -------------------------------- OOC: In your first post, please have your character reach the platform. Do not have anyone use the elevator, however.
(David is on his Swampert, which is swimming toward Shamouti(sp?) Island, located in the center of the Orange Islands. He had heard of the island's annual Legend Festival from the Festival Maiden, Melody, who he had met two months ago. The two became fast friends, and Melody informed David of the Legend Festival. Scince they hadn't yet found a trainer to act as the "Chosen One", David had agreed to do it. He's curious about a legendary Pokemon called Lugia, and hopes to learn more about it from the residents of Shimouti. After all, he knows that it has been seen there, along with Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. Melody hadn't told David anything, and David is hopeing to either convince Melody to tell him what she knows, or to find someone else who is willing to share information with him. But he didn't expect an eventful trip there, and he was quite surprised when it started to look like it would be that way) David: (Thinking) All right, this is [i]not[/i] normal. there are a ton of Pokemon flying overhead, including Latios and Latias. And they're all heading toward Shamouti. Something's happening there, and it's probably not good. (Out loud) Swampert, things have just become urgent. We need to go faster. We need to get to Shamouti. Hopefully, someone there will have a clue as to what's going on. ----------------------------------------- Shamouti was the island where the events of the Pokemon 2000 movie occurred, and scince our characters are in the Orange Islands, I assumed that this would be starting in that area. If I'm wrong, please tell me, and I'll edit.
(Karanlik and DKaranlik battle inside Karanlik's mind. DKaranlik appears to be winning, but Karanlik is tricking him. He's pretending not to be as good. DKaranlik falls for it, and strikes in a way that is easy to block and leaves him open. Karanlik bloks the attack and does a leg sweep, knocking DKaranlik over. DKaranlik rolls over, stands up, and faces Karanlik) Karanlik: It looks like I'm better than you. DKaranlik: I'm not used to your body. A different one will be easier for me to use, as I'm more familiar with it. Karanlik: You can't change your shape. DKaranlik: Remember, this is just a representation of the battle that our minds are having. Here, I can use a different form, because this isn't real. (DKaranlik wavers, and is replaced by a different body, one that Karanlik recognizes as that of his fater, David, when he was Karanlik's age) Much better. Karanlik: All right, you son of a bitch. That's it. I'm not playing nice any more. You're dead, you bastard. DKaranlik: (Thinking) Perfect. Not only am I more experianced with this form, having controled David for a long time, but Karanlik's anger will serve to my advantage as well. He won't be able to think quite as clearly. (Out loud) I think not. Now, let's continue.
Yes, PG13. This is not your typical Pokemon story, although it might seem like that from what I have below. Very soon after it starts, it'll get a lot more interesting, and quite violent. This story takes place ten years after the events of the Pokemon Ruby and Saphire games, and I reccommend you have played through one of those games. Team Aqua and Team Magma aren't around anymore, and Groudon and kyogre have returned to their sleep. However, scince the location of Groudon and Kyogre is now known, there is a danger that others will try to control them. So the cavern where they are was transformed into a research labratory, where a hundred specially trained security personell work and live, making sure that nobody can reach Groudon or Kyogre, including the scientists themselves, who also live in the research facility and are allowed only to do remote examinations. Nobody ever actually enters the chambers where Groudon and Kyogre are. Robots are sometimes allowed in, but they are always inspected by 20 seperate people before they are. Nobody wants any screw-ups. The main goal of the research team is to find out what makes Groudon and Kyogre so powerful. the scientists do have communication with others, and they have shared their findings and theroies with other scientists. But nobody has ever figured out the answer. Of course, it was only a matter of time before something went wrong. Ten years after the discovery of Groudon and Kyogre and the establishment of the facillity, all communication from it stopped. A team was immediatly sent to the facillity. When the got there, they didn't find anything. Nothing at all. No people, no sign of what happened, and no Groudon or Kyogre. In the midst of the resulting confusion, several Trainers recieved a message. They were told to come to the facillity by whatever means necessary. The message said that they were going to locate Groudon and Kyogre, and solve the mystery of what happened. The message also said that they had no choice. If they didn't come, they would be forced to. Here's the sign-up form, with my character as an example: Name: Rorohiko Age(Nothing above 20): 17 Home town/city: Fortree City Starter Pokemon: Absol Other Pokemon: Charizard, Sceptile, Tyranitar, Swampert, Espeon Appearance: About 6 feet tall, with brown hair and eyes. He is of average build. He almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt with "My god can beat up your god" written on it. Personality: Rorohiko is a serious Trainer, but unlike many serious Trainers, he spends a lot of time with his Pokemon outside of battle. He's kind, and will help out if at all possible. He's a computer expert, and knows just about everything computer-related that there is to know. He seems to have a plan for almost any situation. He's also a smart-ass, although he can be serious about almost anything when he wants to. Other(Anything else. Not required): Rorohiko is autistic. He is unable to interpret body language, and as a result seems innappropriate quite often. He sometimes takes offense when none is meant. Other 2: He keeps his Absol out of it's Pokeball. Absol is his favorite Pokemon. Notes: 1: The lack of a bio is intentional. 2: Your home city doesn't matter too much, but it does have some significance. 3: Your starting Pokemon matters quite a bit, so pick one you like. I think that's it. PM me if you have any questions.
Writing Digimon: Dark Conflict [Revisited]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
Please post more, Solo. I just have to find out what happens next. -
Name: David Age: 17 Gender: Male Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Appearance: About 6 feet tall. He keeps himself in shape through excersize, normally training with metal poles. He almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Demeanor/Personality: He's one of those people who don't seem to be surprised by anything. He could wake up and find himself standing on the celing, and he wouldn't act shocked. He thinks fast. He's also the person you go to if you have an odd question. He knows all sorts of seemingly random facts. Pokemon(Note: All items held by Pokemon are the ones that increase the power of a certian move type, except for Absol's Quick Claw, whick makes it faster): Name: Absol Attacks: Bite, Ice Beam, Thunder, Future Sight(Yes, Absol can learn all of those attacks, either by leveling up or from a TM.The same goes for all of David's Pokemon, no matter how odd some of the moves may seem) Item: QuickClaw Other: Absol is David's first Pokemon, and his favorite. Name: Swampert Attacks: Return, Surf, Strength, Hydro Pump Item: Mystic Water Other: Caught as Mudkip Name: Tropius Attacks: Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Body Slam, Synthesis Item: Miracle Seed Name: Charizard Attacks: Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Steel Wing, Hyper Beam Item: Charcoal Other: Caught as Charmander Name: Skarmory Attacks: Steel Wing, Return, Mud Slap, Swift Item: Silk Scarf Name: Misdreavous Attacks: Psybeam, Pain Split, Psychic, Toxic Item: Twisted Spoon Other: David is autistic. He's very smart, but he as poor social skills. As a result, he can seem rude at times, and often sees things that aren't rude as rude. He can't interpret things like tone of voice or facial expressions. David is extreamly skilled with computers. He can hack, he can program, etc. Basically, if it can be done on a computer, he can do it and probably has done it. He carries a laptop with him wherever he goes, along with adapters and cables of just about every variety(sp?).
Seuneu: Then it's settled. We're all going. Let's go. Rokas: How do we get there? Seuneu: My parents are out. They aren't here to complain if we take the pickup, and I know where they hid the keys. Meet me in the garage. Zemiah, we'll see you at the park. Don't be late. (He goes into the bathroom and lifts the toilet seat. The keys are under it. He takes them and goes to the garage, where the others aare already in the back of the pickup. He gets in the driver's seat, turns the pickup on, pulls out of the garrage, and heads towards the park)
He's wrong. There are more than fifty.
(Karanlik pushes the scythe away with one of the Arigias, and with the other, he hits Athen with a very powerful dark energy blast, knocking him back) Karanlik: (Thinking) Well, that prooves it. When outside the circle, I have to maintain it. Well, Mika has the advantage over Shiro. and it seems that I was wrong. Somehow, I can get a location on Asa through her weapon. I wonder why it doesn't work with the other weapons? Well, it doesn't matter. I can get to her, and I can probably take this guy with me. (Athen gets up and charges Karanlik. Karanlik sidesteps and trips Athen, then concentrates. He and Ather appear in Mirror City. Karanlik looks around after moving away from Athen) (Still thinking) Okay, this is [i]not[/i] normal. There's two of everyone. So where's my duplicate? (Karanlik doesn't notice one of the Arigias glow black. He hears something behind him, and turns around to see himself) (Out loud) I was wondering where you were. Duplicate Karanlik(DKaranlik): So you were expecting to meet yourself. Karanlik: Yes. DKaranlik: Well, I don't think that I'm quite what you were expecting. You see, this place did form a duplicate of you, but that duplicate was weak-minded. I failed to control you, but I had an easy time entering and controlling him. This gives me a body to use, even though it's not quite normal. But I don't want this body. I don't like it. Fortunately, I can use it to enter you. Scince I don't belong in it, I won't be able to gain full control of you with it, but I can use it to make it easier. Karanlik: You're what was in the Arigias! And in my father! DKaranlik: You're quick. Now, let's get with it, shall we? (He runs at Karanlik, who strikes with the Arigias. The next thing Karanlik knows, he and DKaranlik are on a metal floor, facing each other) This is a representation of the battle that our minds are having. It works just like a real battle. Whoever wins gets control of your body, and whoever loses dies. Oh, and by the way, no powers will work here. (Two poles appear in his hands, and Karanlik takes a fighting stance with his Arigias) weapons powers will also have no effect. This will be a strictly physical battle. (Athen watches as DKaranlik seems to flow into Karanlik. Karanlik falls to the ground, uncouncious. Athen moves in for the kill, but when he swings his scythe, he is thrown backwards) -------------------------- OOC: Theteleportation thing was also in the origional, but I toned it down a bit. Karanlik can currently locate only Asa's weapon, because Asa used it on him.
Seuneu: There?s been a recent surge in strange sightings and occurrences. Tyros: I knew it. What is it now? Aliens in the White House? The Eiffel Tower turned blue? Seuneu: No, but someone entered the White House and found himself in the Eiffel Tower. There?ve been quite a few occurances like that, and also several people have seen the air in front of them seem to shimmer and ripple. A few even claim to have seen a landscape of some kind through the shimmering and rippling. Zemiah: We?ve been through this before, Seuneu. We investigate, and we find nothing. Seuneu: But this time, we know more that just where to look. We also know when. See, three days ago, at 4:30 p.m., there was a wave of sightings. Five minutes later, they stopped. The next day, the exact same number of sightings was reported. They were in the exact same plases, and at the exact same time. the same thing happened yesterday, and the same thing should happen today. (He looks at a clock) It?s 3:55 now. One of the areas is at the park, by the bathrooms. We can easily get there by 4:30. You can come with me if you want, or you can go home. I?m going to the park no matter what you think. So, who?s comming with me?
(Karanlik stood back, letting Mika fight) Karanlik: (Thinking) Why did that happen? I didn't do that. Why did it happen? I'd definately know if that thing that was there when I found these was back, and it's not, so why did that happen? If they weren't mine, I wouldn't have been able to pick them up, so I know that they're mine, just like they were my father's. Wait. Of course. He found them when he was being controlled by that... that thing that was inside him. The light crystal got rid of it, but maybe the Arigias still have a part of it in them. No, he used the light crystal. He put it in a slot. Wait. He put it in a slot on one pole. Each pole has five slots. There might be some of that thing left in the other pole. I need to find the light crystal, and fast. But first, Mika and I have to deal with Shiro. (He rejoins the fight.)
Time for a new question. Name all of the known Team Rocket members. This include scientists, as well as those seen only in the movies.
OOC: What? ------------------------------------ (David and DDavid are at seperate computer consoles, bothe of which are hooked up to a large dabase, as well as a lot of varied equipment) David: Even in this database, which shouldn't be here in the first place, I can't find anything. DDavid: What are you looking for? David: Some answers. Like, who told you that my group are the duplicates? DDavid: Well, we don't know his name or what he looks like, but he told us to call him the Restorer. David: Restorer. Restore... no. No way. DDavid: What? David: I've just found another piece to the puzzle. Unfortunately, I have no idea where it fits. But it elevates the importance of another piece. DDavid: What? David: I told you about Restablir, and about what he said. Someone or something prepared all of that for him. We need to find out who, or what. BUt more importantly, we need to know why.
OOC: Ohkami's right. My character's name is usually David. This isn't the first time I've put david as my character's name when it isn't. I fixed it, though. ---------------------- Karanlik: Angel should have stayed. I came here to find her. But there's no time for that now. You any good with that thing physicaly? Mika: If you mean sing it as a weapon, like my old one, I'm not bad. Karanlik: Good. I don't want to take any chances. This fight will be strictly physical. Mika: Strictly physical? Wait. You mean like David did against Halo? Karanlik: Yes. (He concentrates, and a black ring appears, enclosing Karanlik, Mika and Shiro) With the power of four crystals, the Arigias can make this ring. No sphere or weapon powers will work inside of it, including mine. I don't want any surprises from Shiro. Shiro: It doesn't matter. I don't need powers to win. I'm quite skilled with swords. Karanlik: I think you're rusty from relying on the powers of the Einlizers too much. As for me, I practice with metal poles daily. And Mika will fight with me. We have the advantage, Shiro. You may fight us if you wish, but you will not win. ------------------- OOC: The "no-powers zone" was in the origional Elemental Spheres.
Rokuki: I see a pond up ahead! Asa: That's it. I can feel it. we need to land on the far side. (Rokuki flies them to the other side of the pond, and they land.) It's here. Somewhere. Karanlik: You can feel it, right? Where does the feeling come from? (Asa sticks her hand into the pond, and pulls the crystal out) Asa: Found it. (A pure white staff appears in her hands) Is this mine? Karanlik: It's your weapon. I don't know why you didn't have to search for it, but that doesn't matter. (He makes duplicates of the crystal for the other weapons, including his) Now, I need you to do someting for me. It worked with the earlier group, so it should work for us. Your weapon allows you to sense the life force of people. I need you to find a person with two life forces. Asa: Um... I'll try. (She concentrates for a few seconds) That is [i]not[/i] normal. Karanlik: Did you find one? Asa: Yes. And there's also someone with something really strange. I can't describe it. Karanlik: So I was wrong. All right. I need you to figure out the location of the strange one. Focus on it. (She does) Got it. Asa: What did you do? Karanlik: The location was sent from your weapon to mine. Now that I have the exact location, I can go there. Get the other two crystals you're after, then go back to the base. I won't be able to find you, so I'll meet you back at the base. Rokuki: What are you going to do? Karanlik: I have to talk to Angel, and in person. If that group has found a crystal, and I'm guessing that they have, then i might be able to get some answers. i'll explain when we meet up again. (He dissapears, and reappears with Mika's group) Hello. Mika: Karanlik! How'd you get here? Karanlik: Long story. Do you have a crystal? Mika: Um... yes. Why are you he- Karanlik: Get down! (He tackles Mika to the ground. Shiro's blast passes overhead) You're lucky I saw him coming. What's he doing here? Mika: Is it Shiro? Karanlik: Yes. (He sees Mika's new weapon) Oh. You mush have found the water crystal. And that's one of the special weapons, isn't it? Mika: Yes. Karanlik: Then let's go kick Shiro's ass. (He duplicates the crystals for Mika's weapon, then duplicates hers for his weapon) We've got a major advantage here. Let's take advantage of it.
(Asa moves towards Karanlik again) Matt: Asa, don?t! Asa: He needs help. Matt: What if he attacks us? Asa: Then Austin can knock him out again. (Karanlik sits up) Karanlik: Son of a bitch! Austin: Karanlik, are you okay? What happened? Karanlik: There was something in the Arigias. When I picked them up, I felt it. After a few seconds, it left, and I passed out. Matt: What about the part where you attacked us? Karanlik: What? Asa: Just before you passed out, you released an energy wave. Karanlik: I didn?t do anything like that. All that happened was that whatever was in the Arigias left. Asa: What was it? Karanlik: I don?t know. But it?s gone for now. Matt: Why just for now? Karanlik: I have this feeling that it?s not gone for good. But let?s not worry about that right now. We have to find the crystal here. (He?s silent for a second, then he looks at the Arigias. The crystal is in a slot in one of them) Never mind. It?s already in one of the Arigias. Odd. (The crystal in Austin?s weapon glows, then a duplicate form and flies into a slot in one of the Arigias. A duplicate of Karanlik?s crystal flies into a slot on the Ziamia)There. Now our weapons are stronger. Keep in mind that the duplicates can only power up the weapons. Now, let?s go. We?ll head toward Angel?s Pond next. Asa, that?s where your crystal and weapon are. Fights will be much easier when you have them, because your healing will be a lot better. It?s in that direction. (He points in the direction of Angel?s Pond) Rokuki, give us a lift. (Rokuki lifts them off the ground, and they head toward Angel?s Pond)
David: Location set. DDavid: Now what? David: We activate the portal. (The humans, their Digimon partners, and the duplicates are in a large, circular room. There's workout equipment in one area, recreational stuff in another, and a kitchen in another. There are two hallways) Where are we? DDavid: This is where we live. everyone, make yourslves comfortble. (To David) we have some things to talk about. Follow me. (the two Davids walk down a hallway)
Karanlik: Let me go first, Austin. Austin: Why? Karanlik: I don't know, actually. It's just... I have this feeling that there's something strange here, and since I'm the darkness person, and this is the ruins of Dark City, I think it's best that I go first. (Karanlik takes the lead as they keep walking. Eventually, he stops and shifts some of the rubble around) I feel them. They're around here somewhere. There they are. Austin: What? Karanlik: The Arigias. They're right here. But they shouldn't be. They should be with the crystal. Austin, if anything that didn't happen when you got your weapon happens knock me out. (He grabs the Arigias. He stands still for a few seconds) Austin: Karanlik? (An energy wave blasts in a circle from Karanlik's position, knocking everyone into various peices of rubble. he then falls over, uncouncious) Well, at least I don't have to knock him out. He's already out. Rokuki: Someone get the Arigias away from him. I don't think he should be holding them right now. Austin: No. Don't touch them. Only the one a weapon belongs to may hold it. if you grab the Arigias, you might not survive the resulting energy surge. Matt: So what the hell do we do now? ---------------------- OOc: Nobody have Karanlik wake up.
Time for a new Pokemon, and I choose Mudkip. Mudkip is the best starter in terms of Gym battles. he's good against the first gym, and had no avantages or dissadvantages over the second. And by the time you reach Wattson's Gym in Mauville, it'll probably have evolved into Marshtomp, making him immune to electric attacks. Plus, he's good for Ruby players, who will fight fire-using Team Magma. I chose Mudkip my first time through, and I'm glad I did. It was harder when I used the other two.
Story recap first: [i]Many thousands of years ago, creatures such as dragons, phenoixes, etc. existed. Some were feared, some were ignored, and some were revered. But they all existed. Unfortunately, they soon ceased to exist. As time passed, memories of them became stories, and stories became legends. None today believe in them, except for a select few who know the truth. These few, though human, are different from other humans. Each one has the essence of one of the creatures inside of him or her. The essences are a part of them. One with an essence is able to become the creature of that essence. These people must join forces and uncover the source of a recent disturbance that threatens all life on Earth[/i] A list of users, the characters of those users, and the creature that each character can become: Takuya(Me)-Seuneu-Phenoix Anyu WhiteWolf-Zemiah-Dragon K.K.C.-Tsuni-Griffin Anime Otaku-Tyros-Griffin Rokas-Rokas-Iron Wolf Arika-Latrina(Trina)-Unknown Oh, I forgot two things. One is that this story starts on December 21st, 2012. The other is that our characters all know each other. And now, we begin. --------------------------------- (Seuneu sits at his computer. As a computer expert, there's really not much he can't do with a computer. Currently, he has hacked into the FBI's network, and is looking at highly classified reports of strange occurances, such as people seing an area seem to waver, or someone opening a door and winfing up in a different state) Seuneu: (Thinking) Those idiots don't realize what's going on. They know something strange is happening, but they still don't think that these things are possible. But I think that they are. After all, they'd call me impossible. I'd better tell the others. (He exits the FBI network. He writes an e-mail message to the others, telling them to come to his house immedeatly) (still thinking) They'd better get here soon. ----------------------------------- OOC: In your opening post, please have your character recieve the e-mail message from Seuneu.
Arika, complete your sign-up and you're in. Everyone else is also in. I'm going to start this now.
Karanlik: Rokuki, stop us now! (They all stop and float down to the ground) Rokuki: What is it? Karanlik: First, we don't want the Corrupts to see us. Second, we were going the wrong way. Rokuki: What do you mean? You were going that way. Karanlik: I was about to change directions. I said that we were going to Windy Plains, but at that time I spotted one of the Corrupts spying on us. I decided to throw them off of our trail. We can't risk them getting to our true destination before us. Austin: Why not? Karanlik: Now that I'm sure each weapon is hidden with the appropriate crystal, I know where each weapon is hidden. So we're going to the ruins of Dark City, where the Arigias are. They're mine, and they're probably the most important of the weapons to get. Matt: Why? Karanlik: Because according to what I read back at the base, the Arigias can create duplicates of the crystals. These duplicates are used to power up the other weapons. Each weapon gains power from the crystals. The Arigias allow all of the weapons to have that power by creating copies. These copies power up the other weapons, but that's all they do. So, once we get the Arigias, I can use them to duplicate the crystals and make our weapons stronger. If the corrupts get there first, they might be able to get the Arigias, although I doubt it. I think that they get different weapons then we do, but I'm not sure. We can't take the risk that I'm wrong. Now that the corrupts think we're going to Windy Plains, we'll have an easier time at Dark City. We can afford to let them have the Wind Crystal. We can't afford to chance letting them get the Arigias. Rokuki, can you keep us very low? Like, no more than two or three feet off of the ground? Rokuki: Probably, but that risks one of you hitting something. Karanlik: Everyone, if you're about to hit something, destroy it. We have to stay low. Otherwise the Corrupts might see us and figure out that we've tricked them. Rokuki, do it. (Rokuki lifts them a couple feet off of the ground, and they head toward Dark City) ---------------------------- OOC: All of that stuff about the Arigias is also in the origional.