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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (Orear and Powietrze were circling the battle overhead) Orear: (Thinking) This marble is one hell of a strange object. Powietrze was faster, the wind he used for extra speed was stronger, and now there's something strange happening to me, too. But what? What the hell? Something's happening down there. [Powietrze, what's going on?] Powietrze: [The Darkness Clan dragon is doing something. I do not know what.] Orear: [That asshole! I knew we couldn't trust him to fight fair. It's time we entered the battle. We'll take the dragon and let Bremma take care of that Darkness Clan rider. Let's do it.]
  2. OOC: Kyru does have the Plasma CLan marble, our characters don't know that. ----------------------------- (Orear and Powietrze arrive at the Air Clan. Orear immedeately runs to Luft's quarters and barges in. Luft looks up, startled) Luft: Orear! What are you doing here? Orear: I have some questions for you, and I'm not leaving until I have answers. First, when did I get the Clan's mark on my hand? Luft: Riders get the symbol when they are bonded with dragons. Orear: I didn't ask when riders got it. I asked when I got it, and I want the truth. Luft I have a feeling that you already know this, but you had it when you were born. It marks you as this clan's ancient rider. Orear: Thought so. What's an ancient rider? Luft: Each Clan has one ancient rider. It is said that they will unite the clans. Orear: First we need to stop fighting each other. The Darkness Clan one's not being too friendly. Why wasn't I affected by his poison? Luft: I do not know. Orear: One more thing. I need the clan marble. I think the Darkness Clan rider's after it. Luft: How did you know about that? Orear: I don't have time. Just give it to me. I think the Darkness Clan rider's after the marbles, and based on what I've seen, no normal rider is a match for this guy. Luft: I never said that I wouldn't. In fact, I've kept it with me ever since you left. I knew you'd be back for it soon. Here. (He give it to Orear) Keep it safe. Orear: Thanks. I'd ask you more questions, but I don't have the time. I've got to get back to the Mountian Dragon Clan. I don't know how much longer they can last against the Darkness Clan's ancient rider without me. His dragon can create a black cloud, and there aren't any Air Clan dragons there to blow it away. (He runs out and climbs on Powietrze, who takes off and flies as fast as he possibly can toward the Mountian Dragon Clan)
  3. There probably will be some totally new stuff next time, but there's still s little bit more that hasn't happened yet. After all, we can't go on until the next major plot twist is revealed.
  4. Damian: Don't believe her. You don't know what she did. Siaga: What did she do? Damian: When she came to tell me that we were supposed to come here, I was about to fight Nisha. Angel stopped me, saving Nisha. Nisha is a definate enemy, meaning that Angel, who helped her, is also an enemy. So I tried to get rid of her. Nisha, Ryoma, and Chaos fought me with her. That certianly marks her as an enemy. Siaga: Angel, is this true?
  5. David: (Thinking) Ten... nine... eight... seven... six...five... four... three... two... one... now (Out loud) Everyone, fall back! Don't ask any questions, just fall back! (Although confused, the Digimon retreat. The remaining Phantomon are about to come after them when they disappear) That takes care of them. Malsek: What happened? David: A portal passed through the area. The Phantomon were in its path. They are now back in the digital world. Everyone, we're almost there. The Digimon will carry us the rest of the way. Then they'll need to fight. the entrance is guarded. (Everyone climbs on or is picked up by his or her Digimon, who continue in the direction they were heading until they reach a very large cave entrance in the side of a clff. The humans climb off or are set down by the Digimon. They step back as two HerculeseKabuterimon emerge from the entrance) WarGrowlmon X, digivolve! Malsek: You too, MagnaAngemon! WarGrowlmon X digivolve to: Megidramon X MagnaAngemon digivolve to: Seraphimon David: Let's do this.
  6. OOC: DigiFan, please read the PM I sent you. ------------------------------- (Damian runs througt the tower, looking for the others) Damian: (Thinking) I have to move fast. I don?t know how long that fake will fool Angel, but it won?t be for too long. She?ll figure it out soon. But what she doesn?t know is that I?ve got more than one person pretending to be me in this tower. They should be able to keep her busy long enough for me to find the others. And it?s a good thing that the digivice signals don?t seem to work right in here, even though it does make it harder to find the others. Angel won?t be able to determine the real me by digivice signal. She?ll find me eventually, though. I just hope I can find the others first.
  7. Orear: (Thinking) It seems thee?s more that Luft hasn?t told me. What are these clan marbles? I guess I?ll find out soon enough. (Out loud) I can?t remain here. Bremma: What? Why not? Orear: Because there?s a lot haooening here that I don?t know of. I need to speak with my clan?s leader, Luft. Rannos: Can?t it wait? Orear: Surely you can handle a single rider. Bremma: I don?t know. Like I said, he isn?t a normal rider. Orear: Well, I did pretty good against him, considering that I couldn?t catch him. You shouldn?t need me. Just keep yourself safe, Bremma. In fact, you should probably leave. I think your clan?s Elder is right. This Darkness Dragon Clan rider is probably after that marble. Bremma: I?m not running away. Orear: then make sure he doesn?t get to you. I?ll be back as soon as I possibly can.
  8. David: (Thinking) Three... two... one... (Out loud) Time's up. Everyone, brace yourselves. This wil be a rough ride. (Suddenly, the humans and their partners dissapear. They reeapear in the Dark Ocean. The Digimon return to their rookie levels) In case you're wondering, there are certain points in the digital world that can send a portal to other such points, and recieve portals from anywhere within their range. I used them to get us here. They sent us to the portal that leads here. Angel: Why did you bring us here? David: Because there's another anomaly here. One that should provide us with some aid. Let me figure out where we are in relation to it. (He goes to work on his laptop) Okay, now [i]that[/i] is weird Malsek: What? David: The portals have shifted their movement pattern. They're rotating around a different point. That point just happens to be where we're headed. Again, a portal will pass by here in half an hour. Again, I must say that if you are not certian about what to do, you need to remain here and wait for it. Anyone who doesn't is stuck with all of this. this is your last chance to back out. Will anyone take it? Malsek: Not after what I've been through. Katt: I'm not leaving. Slade: I just found you guys. I'm not about to leave you. Angel: I'm not quiting. David: Good. Follow me. (They start walking, but in a different direction) Angel: David, I have a question. It looked like Galfmon was weakening. was he, and if he was, why did we leave? David: I believe that he was, but not fast enough. He obviously found a large amount of power somewhere. I think the black sphere has something to do with it. I believe that he now has a certian amount of energy that he uses for defence. At the start of the battle, nothing that we did had any effect. As the battle continued, he started taking damage. True, it was a pathetic amount, but it happened, prooving that he has limits. I believe that he was lessening the amount of energy he used to defend himself so that he could defend himself longer. I believe that eventually, he would have run out of the energy, making him quite vulnerable. But we would have been dead before we could have depleated that energy. And by the time we engage him again, I think he'll have restored it. We need a way to deplete it faster, which is what I hope to find where we're going. (A beeping noise is heard. David takes a strange-looking device out of his pocket) We have incomming. it's not Galfmon, but he probably sent it to delay us. we need to finish it off quickly. (A large group of Phantomon appear) Okay, so we need to finish [i]them[/i] quickly. Let's do this.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B]I'm still a little shaken after what happened to my last [RPG], so I'm going to impose my usual standards and screen applicants. In other words: Some of you will get in, some of you [[I]will not[/I]].[/QUOTE] You're not referring to me, are you? If you are, then I'm sorry. I believe that I've figured out what I did wrong(which wasn't easy, seeing as how I'm autistic), and I'll do my best to prevent it from happening again. Anyways, here's my sign-up: Name: Duskmon Level: Champion Attack/s: Deadly Gaze, Lunar Plasma Attack Description(Deadly Gaze): The eyes on Duskmon's body shoot energy beams. Attack Description(Lunar Plasma): Duskmon surounds himself with a kind of erergy, which he focuses into his sword-like weapons(I'll just call them swords). He then charges his opponent and attacks with his swords, releasing the energy. Other: Duskmon is a mercenary. He'll do your dirty work for you, but only if you pay him enough. What you want him to do seldom matters. To him, it's just a job.
  10. OOC: No, you don't. I'll get it to you soon, but don't think that using it is the only way to get a Digimon to the Mega level. ------------------------------------- David: (To himself) 70%... 80%... 90%... 100%. Relay network active. Begin synchronization. (He turns around just in time to see Galfmon easily lift and throw MetalGreymon, despite MetalGreymon's size) Only another couple minutes. Galfmon: You will not survive that long. Megidramon X: We'll see about that. Fires of Devestation! (Galfmon laughs as the attack hits him, doing absolutely nothing) Galfmon: You are pathetic. Seraphimon: My turn. Strike of the Seven Stars! (Seraphimon's attack also has no effect) Galfmon: There is nothing you can do. Just give up. Megidramon X: Never! Galfmon: Your mistake. (He charges Megidramon X, moving surprisingly quickly. He grabs and throws Megidramon X into Seraphimon) David: Just hold him off for another minute.
  11. I think it's an excellent story, Solo. My only problem is that you don't post new chapters quickly enough, although I do understand why they're as spaced out as they are. I'm just eager to read the brand-new stuff. I want to know what happens after you left off before.
  12. OOC: Just to make sure that this is clear, we are not going to win this battle. In fact, we're going to get our asses kicked. It won't even be a real fight. And again, make sure you allow me to end it. As with the first encounter with Meohistomon, this fight will lead to story development, but only if I end it the right way. ---------------------------------- (David is focused entirly on his work, and is unaware of anything about the battle) David: (To himself) Reload image... isolate unknown... translate... got it! Now for the relay point. Locate... found it. Isolate... activate... relay point online. Establish connection... connected. Set relay network... ready. Begin power-up. (Out loud) Keep him busy for a few more minutes! I've almost got it!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875][spoiler]So, what does Neo do? Neo allows himself to be overwritten, essentially. But he is still somewhat alive within Smith. Smith is not powerful enough to completely overwrite Neo. Neo cannot defeat Smith as a seperate entity -- but when he's inside Smith, there's one important thing he can do; he can commit suicide. He can self-destruct. This seems to be what happened. Neo, as Smith, essentially committed suicide. It was the only way for Neo to destroy Smith and all of his duplicates.[/spoiler][/color][/B][/QUOTE] I'm afraid I have to disagree. I believe that [spoiler]Neo did not kill himself. I think that the machines killed him. After Smith copied himself onto Neo, the machines gave Neo's body quite a shock in the real world. I believe that this killed Neo. As a part of Smith, Neo's death caused the rest of the Smiths to die.[/spoiler]
  14. ([i]Still in his dream, Orear can barely force himself to follow Luft, but he knows that he must. It?s obvious that Luft knws more then he has told Orear, and Orear realizes that he will probably learn more by following Luft. Orear didn?t think anything could shock him as much as learning that the chile is him, but where Luft takes his younger self comes very close. None have ever been taken to the dragons at such a young age. But Luft doesn?t bond the child with a dragon. Instead, he lets them all look at the child. One particularly large dragon grabs the child, and holds him up for a closer look before returning him to Luft. The dragon nods, and Luft takes the child to his house. Orear is about to follow them inside, but as soon as he opens the door, he wakes up.[/i] He looks around, wondering where he is. He then remembers that he was taken to the Mountain Dragon Clan for healing. A healer walks over to him) Healer: How are you feeling? Orear: Considering the fact that I saw poison on those barbs I was hit with, I?m feeling very good. Healer: The poisons didn?t seem to have any effect on you. None of us can figure out why. Orear: (Thinking) I think I now one who can. Luft knows more then he?s said about me. He might just know why the poisons had no effect. (Out loud) There were other riders who arrived with me. I would like to speak with them. Healer: Of course. (He goes to find the others)
  15. David: I can't figure it out. Nothing I can think of would account for the signature change. Angel: Could he have digivolved? David: No. That was the first think I thought of. But that's definately not it. Malsek: What about that black sphere? David: Readings don't quite match. That's part of it, but there's something else. I've managed to isolate the unknown differance, and I've never seen anything like it before. But I don't have time to figure it out now, because he's on his way. Guilmon X, you know what to do. Malsek: You too, Patamon. Guilmon X warp-digivolve to: Megidramon X Patamon warp-digivolve to: Seraphimon David: Here he comes. (Mephistomon lands in front of them) I really thought that you'd get here sooner. Why didn't you? Mephistomon: Because I had to adapt. David: To what? Mephistomon: You know what. David: I have a pretty good idea. I just don't know what that black sphere was. Mephistomon: You do not need to. And it does not matter, because you will not escape this time. David: Seems to me like we won last time. Mephistomon: This time, it will be different. Because I am different. David: I know that. I just don't know what's different about you, other then the sphere. I can't figure it out. Mephistomon: You will now see the awnser to your question. (Mephistomon starts to glow black, and changes) Angel: What the hell is he doing? David: He was holding back. That's what it was. He was holding back a digivolution. This is [i]not[/i] good. Malsek: What do we do? David: We last as long as we possibly can. Buy me some time. I think I can get us out of this. Angel: How strong can he possibly be? David: I don't know, and I don't want to find out. (Mephistomon finishes digivolving) Malsek: What is that thing? David: That's Galfmon. Mephistomon digivolved into it.{OOC: Attached is a picture of Galfmon} Galfmon: Correct. Not that it matters. You will not survive. David: We've heard that line before, and we're still here. Galfmon: You won't be here much longer. David: We'll just see about that. Megidramon X, Seraphimon, attack. Katt, Angel, use the program I gave you. Slade, you just do your best. Keep him busy as long as you possibly can.
  16. (As Katt explains what's been happening to Slade, David is working on his laptop. He has a spherical device attached to it) Malsek: What are you doing? David: I'm examining scan data. The device I have attached to my laptop uses various types of sensors to record what's happening. It detects several different things, including form. But form's not what I'm interested in right now. It can also detect various forms of energy. That data is giving me some useful information about what happened. Malsek: Where did you get that device? David: I programmed it myself. See, this world is based on binary code. 1s and 0s. t their most basic level, computers are also based on binary code. I've figured out how to create programs in a way that allows me to transfer them to this world, where they take a pysical form. (Pause) Holy shit! Malsek: What? David: The energy level of that black sphere. (Pause) Shit! Malsek: What? David: I'm picking up the kind of fluctuation that indicates a portal opening. There's a signature at the center of it that matches Mephistomon's. It's different, but still close enough that I'm sure it's him. And he's headed our way. (He looks around) I'm going to try and find out what exactly is different about Mephistomon. You go find Angel. Tell her what I've just told you, then get her back here. I have a feeling that we'll all be needed if we're going to survive.
  17. Please post the rest of the story, Solo. It's a very good story, and I'm dieing to find out what happens after you left off the first time.
  18. After you beat the game, you are able to do any missions you haven't yet compleated, as well as several new ones. I only had somewhere around a third of the missions compleated when I beat the game, and I now have every mission cleared.
  19. Damian: (Thinking) Damn it! There's no way that SkullGreymon can take on two Ultimates by himself. It's time to go. (Out loud) We're out! (He swipes the Hyperspeed card through his digivice again. SkullGreymon grabs him and runs as fast as he can out of the park) They'll think we've gone this way. Change direction for the tower. The others should be there by now. (SkullGreymon heads toward Tokyo Tower) (Thinking) What the hell happened back there? How did Ginryuumon and Gargomon escape the blast? Was it Ankokumon? I didn't think that she could teleport others. But that's not the primary concern now. The primary concern is that I'll need help if I'm going to fight them again. The others should be suficient. They're not that good, but they'll do.
  20. You don't have to let Ezel join your clan, but I recommend that you do. azoth is awesome. And as for what to do next, go to Ambervale. The last mission automatically starts once you go there and then try to leave.
  21. OOC: Digifan, you might want to stop the special powers thing. It's too controling. ----------------------------------------- Damian: I'm not finished yet. Rule number one of setting traps: always have a backup plan. And I think this one will be quite effective. Angel: And just what is it? Damian: This. (He pulls two cards out of his pocket. He swipes the blue one through his digivice) Digi-modify! Matrix Digivolution activate! RedGreymon digivolve to: SkullGreymon Chaos: What the hell is that thing? Damian: That would be SkullGreymon, a very powerful Ultimate-level Digimon. (He swipes the other card through his digivise) Digi-modify! Hyperspeed activate! (SkullGreymon, who is moving very fast because of the hyperspeed card, charges Gargomon, grabbing and throwing him into Ankokumon. SkullGreymon then grabs Ginryuumon and throws him into the other two Digimon) That surprised you, now, didn't it? Didn't think one like me would have any cards, now, did you? I'm well aware of how useful they are, and there's no way I'd ever let such an advantage pass me by. I stole them about a month ago. Ryoma: You just shut up. Damian: Angry, are we? Well, don't worry about it. Soon enough, you won't be able to hear anything, because you'll be dead as soon as your Digimon are taken care of. SkullGreymon, get rid of them. SkullGreymon: My pleasure. Dark Shot! (He fires a missile from his back at the three Digimon) Chaos: Gargomon! Ryoma: Ginryuumon! Angel: Ankokumon! Get out of there!
  22. Malsek: Um... who are you? David: If I?m not mistaken, he?s the other person I sent the message to. His name should be Slade Slade: That?s right. How did you know? David: No time for that now. Someone tell him what?s going on. I?m going to see if I can figure out what the hell just happened.
  23. (Karanlik observes the Prophet Knights unseen) Karanlik: (Thinking) Why must they fight each other? Do they not realize that it is pointless? Or is there truly no hope for them? At least Reiki has left them. There may still be hope for him. (Karanlik follows Reiki to the sanctum of ancient texts. When he arrives, he allows himself to be seen. Reiki is startled by Karanlik's sudden appearance) Reiki: Lord Karanlik! Karanlik: How many times have I told you not to call me lord? Titles have no purpose. If you don't know who someone is without hearing a title, then there is no reason for you to know who that person is. Reiki: I'm sorry, sir. Karanlik: That's better. As you know, Ba'do and Sei'ichi'ro are fighting each other. You must stop this battle and tell them their assagnment. Reiki: What is the assignment? Karanlik: As you are aware, I have been trying to determine the locations of explorers who claim to know where strange artifacts are. I now know the locations of three of them. One is in a village on the southern border of Roza, minor kingdom of Silva. Sei'ichi'ro will go there. Another is in a town on the eastern border of Hyouden. You and Ba'do will go there. I believe that you will both be needed, as the explorer there always travles with a very skilled escort, the best he can find. The third is in a city at the center of Moll, minor kingdom of Aptus. I will go there myself. Once you find the explorers, which shouldn't be too difficult, you are to bring them here. You may use whatever methods you wish, but they must be kept alive. You will leave as soon as possible. Tell the other two now.
  24. Many thought he was dead, but he was only injured when bakura defeated him and took his Millennium Eye. As of last weekend's U.S. episodes, who has which Millennium Item(s)?
  25. David: Megidramon X, attack! Megidramon X: Fires of Devistation! (Two rather large fireballs form in Megidramon X's hands, and he throws them at Mephistomon. Because he's distracted by Seraphimon, Mephistomon doesn't see them coming until it's too late. the fireballs hit, creating two large explosions and knocking Mephistomon to the ground) Malsek: All right! Katt: This might not be that hard after all. David: We're not done yet! Megidramon X: We will be soon. Fires of Devestation! Seraphimon: Hallowed Knuckle! (Both attacks hit Mephistomon, who is knocked back several feet. He hits the black shpere, and is enveloped in some kind of dark energy) David: That can [i]not[/i] be good. Angel: What do we do? David: We get out of here! (He quickly pulls out his laptop and works on opening a portal to the digital world) Katt: I thought portals couldn't be created here. David: Portals to this world can't be, but portals from it can. There. It's open. Let's get out of here! (Everyone runs through the portal. They appear in the digital world, at the same place where they had first arrived there) (Mephistomon is still enveloped by the dark energy. The longer he is, the smaller the sphere gets. When the sphere is gone, the darkness around him dissapears, and the Dark Ocean can be seen again) Mephistomon: This world will collapse soon. Its anchor is gone. Voice: That does not matter. (Mephistomon finds himself in the dark area where he was brought before) You will adapt here. When you have, you will return to the digital world and eliminate the humans and their Digimon partners. Mephistomon: Understood.
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