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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (Orear is still asleep and dreaming. [i]After the dragon flies off, Orear finds himself in a familiar location: the Air Dragon Clan. Again, nobody sees him. Orear looks around, and sees the dragon landing. It still has the child, but now it also has the man who told the woman to run. The man is badly injured. Several people run out to meet it, including a man who Orear recognizes as Luft, only he looks about 15, maybe 16 or 17 years younger. Luft takes the child from the dragon, which then puts the man down. Luft runs over to him) Luft: What happened? Man: Attack... they... were af- af- after... after... Luft: The child? Man: Y-y-yes. He... he is... h-he is the one. Luft: Are you sure? Man: Y-yes. (Luft looks at the back of the child's right hand. There is a symbol there: a circle set on a six-pointed star so that the circle intercets the star at every not-point intersecton of lines. Orear recognizes it as the Air Clan symbol. He has it on the back of his right hand. Every Air Clan rider does. The symbol marks them as riders. But it normally isn't put on a person until that person finds and bonds with a dragon, which the child is much too young for) Luft: So it is true. Come on. You need help. Man: I... am beyond help. T-t-t-take t-the child. Y-y-you know what... what he i-is. H-his name is... is O-Or-O-Ore-Orear. (The man stops moving, but Orear is too shocked by hearing his name to notice)[/i]
  2. Damian: I must admit that I don't understand what you just said. It really doesn't matter, though. Angel: Answer my question, will you? Damian: I think I'll deal with you myself. (Damian picks up the two poles, which were on the ground behind him) I'll give you a pole. Show me what you've got. Angel: What if I choose not to? Damian: Then my boys will shoot to kill. What happens now is up to you. Either we fight, or my boys kill you and the others. It's your choice.
  3. OOC: Text in [i]italics[/i] indicates a dream or flashback. -------------------- (Orear is unconcious while the healers work on him. He is dreaming. [i]In his dream, he is in a burning village. People are running everywhere. Orear draws his triple scythe and unfolds the blades. He suspects that the village is under attack. He looks up, expecting to see dragons in the air. He sees none. Orear hears the sounds of a battle behind him and turns around. two men are facing each other. They both have numerous cuts and bruses. Nearby, a woman stands with a small child in her arms. One of the men shouts to the woman) Man: I?ll hold this man off! Get out of here! Woman: But- Man: Go! Take him to the Air Clan! Woman: What if I don?t make it? What happens if I can?t get him there? Man: Just go! (The woman runs out of the village as the man attacks his opponent. Orear follows the woman, who doesn?t stop until the village is almost out of sight. When she does stop, she looks back at the village. Orear does the same, and sees a man armed with a triple scythe running towart the woman. She turns and runs. The man pursues, and Orear runs after him. The woman trips, and the man catches her before she can get up.) Woman: Please, don?t do it. He didn?t do anything! Man: I don?t care. (The man looks up and sees a dragon swooping toward him. He drops his weapon and draws a crossbow. He fires, killing the rider, but that doesn?t stop the dragon. It kills the man, then grabs the child from the woman?s arms and flies off)[/i]
  4. Damian: My problem? My problem is that you're my enemy.You showed me that when you kept me from fighting Nisha. While you may not have anything against me personally, your actions have marked you as a threat. And threats need to be eliminated. That's why you're here. Angel: What are you going to do to me? Damian: I'm sure you've noticed that there are others here. They're all armed. And if you try anything, they will shoot to kill. Angel: What do you want? Damian: I want you dead. And while I'm at it, I might as well kill Nisha, Ryoma, and Chaos, too. Nisha: But you said- Damian: I lied. I'm willing to let you live if you give me your digivices. If you don't, you'll die. Of course, you can try to fight, but don't forget that there's an unknown number of people around you, all armed. So, will you give me your digivices or not?
  5. First Name: David Last Name: Mironi Nickname: None Age: 16 Year finishing at School: 5 Desired Starting Pokemon: Absol, Charmander, Totodile, Bulbasaur, Mudkip Hometown: Lapine Falls Appearance: About 6ft. tall. He has brown eyes and brown hair, which he keeps short. He's thin and well-muscled, due to the fact that he works out a lot. He almost never wears anything but shorts and a t-shirt, which are normally white. Personality: David's the one to turn to when things get ugly. He never gets distracted, thinks very fast, and doesn't back down. If he decides to do something, he's going to do it, and he won't stop until he does. He enjoys Pokemon battles, and can usually be found battleing another trainer. But he dosen't care about winning as much as he does about having fun. He makes sure that he only battles people who he thinks have a chance of beating him, and he's always willing to help others get better. I hope that's ok. Blanko, it's not clear to me exactly what you want me to PM you. I think you just want an example of an RPG post, in which case you have plenty of my posts to use. If you want something else, tell me and I'll send it to you.
  6. Damian: Very bad fake there, Alexa. Didn't I tell you that Angel considers Nisha to be her rival? Well, it doesn't matter. What did she tell you? Alexa: She said that she needed to talk to me, then she brought me here. Damian: You failed the test, Nisha. Alexa acted like she believed you only because she was told to. Nobody would believe that you had to come here to talk. Besides, you weren't supposed to tell her anything. I'm afraid that I can't trust you. (A gang member, Johnny, steps out from behind a tree and tackles Nisha) Back off, Johnny. (Johnny returns to his place behind the tree) Sorry about that, Nisha. Those boys don't like it when people don't do what they say they will. They'd kill you if I wasn't here, but they know that they couldn't take me and BA in a fight. So, what happens now is my choice. And I'm willing to give you a second chance. Angel's digivice will register on yours. Find her and bring her here. If you don't, then I'll kill Chaos, and you if you're here. So, what's your choice.
  7. Orear: (Thinking) Damn, that dragon's fast!. I don't think we can catch it. The rider obviously does, though. Trying to frighten me off by telling me his dragon will throw some stupid barbs at us? That's stupit, too. I can prepare for that. Not that it matters. The damn dragon's too fast. But that may not matter. [Powietrze, I don't think we can catch that dragon, but you might be able to knock the rider off. Direct the wind to blow that rider off of his dragon.]
  8. (Damian is looking at his digivice, tracking the others) Damian: (Thinking) What is Nisha up to? She meets up with Ryoma, then they split. Ryoma's heading toward Angel, but Nisha's going where I told her. And there's no digivice signal there, even though I gave Alexa the digivice I took from Keith. At least now I know what Keith's up to. I stole a fake. But that doesn't matter right now. Nisha might have figured out that I didn't tell her where Angel is. (Out loud) I think Nisha's on to me. Stay alert. She may have a trick or two up her sleeve.
  9. I just saw the movie, and I think it was absolutely hillarious. The part where [spoiler]two black guys whose names I don't remember were beating on that one woman's dead body because they thought she was still alive[/spoiler] was one of the funniest parts in the movie. The first scene was also hilarious, and so was the one with the teleprompter.
  10. (A guy about Damian?s age, Arnie, steps out from behind a particularly large tree and walks over to Damian) Arnie: I?m assuming that that girl was Nisha? Damian: Yep. And the unconcious guy is Chaos. Arnie: You told us that you didn?t know where this Angel person is. Damian: I?m testing Nisha. She thinks I had to find you. She doesn?t know you have cell phones. Arnie: You?re the only one who does that?s not a permanent gang member. Damian: Durring the time she thinks I was finding you, I was actually looking for a different gang. I?m the same status with them as I am with you guys. One of the members is a girl named Alexa, and she looks just like Angel. The only differance is that Alexa doesn?t have a Digimon partner like Angel does. Anyways, I got Alexa to go to the location I just told NIsha to go to. When Nisha gets there, she?ll see Alexa. Nisha will believe that Alexa is Angel. What Nisha does with Alexa will tell me weather or not I can trust her. And if I can?t, Chaos here will die.
  11. OOC: I really don?t see the point of putting a * in place of one of the letters in a swear word. It?s still obvious what the word is. By the way, when Orear is speaking telepathically to Powietrze(and vice versa), the words will be enclosed in [brackets] --------------------------------- Orear: (Thinking) Damn it! That asshole caught me off guard. (Out loud) Don?t bother with the whistleing. This dark whatever thing won?t be here for long. [Powietrze, blow this dark stuff away.] (Powietrze causes the wind to blow the dark cloud away from the riders) It?ll take more than a black cloud thing to keep an Air Dragon Clan rider and dragon in the dark. (He looks around) That Darkness Dragon clan rider didn?t move fast enough. I can still see him. There?s another rider on the way. Her name?s Liri. Wait for her here. I?m going after that Darkness Dragon Clan rider. (Powietrze flies as fast as he can after Kyru and Incu) [Hit the turbo, Powietrze] (Powietrze causes the wind to blow in the direction he?s flying, causeing him to go much faster) We?ll catch that rider in no time.
  12. Well, the spots that Arika said are most important are filled, so she'll probably start it soon(hint, hint).
  13. Damian: Don't worry. He's fine. He's only unconcious. Nisha: What do you need me for? Damian: My partner and I can take Angel without a problem. We just can't catch her. And even if we do, she'll leave when she starts to lose. Now, there's a street gang whose territory is nearby, and when I'm there, they listen to me. No surprise, seeing as how they've seen my partner, here. Anyway, they can give Angel a reason not to leave. If she tries to escape, they'll shoot and probably kill her. But if she sees them comming, she'll be able to run away before they can get close enough to be accurate. That's where you come in. Look around. There's plenty of good hiding spots here. The gang boys are on their way here. That's why I needed 45 minutes to get here. I had to tell them to come. Once here, they'll hide and wait. When Angel arrives, they'll reveal themselves, and she'll be trapped. I'll get her digivice and destroy it. Nisha: What do you need me for? Damian: Bait. I need a way to get her here, and I don't think that she'll chase me here. She'll certianly chase you, though. So, go find Angel and get her to follow you here. I don't care how you do it, just make sure she gets here. Once I've destroyed her digivice, I'll release Chaos. If you don't agree to lure Angel here, or if you tell her what I'm planning-and I'll know if you have-I'll kill Chaos. And you' if you're in the area. Angel if she's here. So, do you accept?
  14. I never found those Mythrill weapons. The few I did find were random mission rewards(aside from the one I started with). Oh, and if you're having trouble with the final boss(es), here's what I did(Includes story spoilers, but if you're at the final boss(es), then you alredy know the whole story): [spoiler]I entered with full JP for everyone. Everyone I used in the final two battles had a combo ability with a range of at least 2 equipped, and most had range 4 combo abilities. Everyone had some kind of healing ability(Except Marche, who wore an Angel Ring instead), even if it could only affect the character that used it. Everyone had armor or clothing that absorbed or nullified either Holy or Lightning. For the battle with Lednar, I used Marche(a Fighter), a Ninja, an Assassin, and Ezel Berbier(You get him by choosing Gossip in the card shop after defeating Ritz, clearing the mission he posts in the pub, then repeating. After you do that, he'll offer to join(you can't accept him if your clan is full)). Ezel used Azoth, and everyone attacked Lednar. For the first battle with Remedi, I just hit her with everything. For this and the other fight with Remedi, I used Marche, Montblanc(a Gunner), the Assasin and Ninja from the battle with Lednar, a Dragoon, and a Sage. I used no Totema in any of these three battles. I used one combo in this fight, but I saved the rest for the next fight. For the final battle, I decided, after losing twice, that I needed to prevent Remedi from having a turn. I couldn't Slow her, but the Earth Veil of my Ninja and Marche(who had Ninja Tech as his second a-ability set) delayed her turn. They kept Earth Veiling her while everyone else moved in and used combos. The two Mateus Totemas she had weren't a major problem, as most of their attacks healed or were ineffective against most of my units.[/spoiler] Hope that helps anyone who has trouble with that fight(I know I did).
  15. The MTV Movie Awards: Reloaded is absolutely hillarious. I enjoyed the scene with Neo, Justin Timberlake, and the Oracle(played by Wanda Sykes) the most, as well as the sequence that follows. [spoiler] Neo: I see Trinity. And something bad happens. She falls. Then I wake up. Oracle: Now that's fu*ked up. Oracle: Come on, show me some moves! Justin: Do I have to? Oracle: I'm the Oracle, d*mmit! Justin: You can do the robot with JT Neo: What if I can't? What happens if I fail? Just: Dude. You need to lighten up. Seriously. It's just the robot. (When Justin's fighting the swarm of Sean William-Scotts(In Smith outfits), one Sean starts punching another after Justin causes the one being punched to hit the one doing the punching) Sean(the one doing the punching): Stop hitting yourself! (Someone farts. Everyone freezes) Who farted?[/spoiler] Just hillarious.
  16. (Damian sees Chaos walk into a yard that he and RG are passing) Damian: (Thinking) I'm not passing this oppertunity up. I'll get Nisha's cooperation first (He tells RG to stop. RG devolves to BA and walks into the yard. Chaos is distracted by him, and doesn't see Damian sneak up behind him. Damian claps his hand over Chaos's mouth. BA digivolves to RG and grabs Chaos. Damian climbs on, and RG moves a few blocks away before setting Chaos down. Damian climbs off, and RG devolves) Chaos: What do you want? Damian: Nisha. Chaos: Then why did you kidnap me? Damian: You were alone. Now you're a hostage. Chaos: How do you plan to keep me under your control? Damian: If you try to escape, BA will digivolve and catch you. He's much faster than you in his Champion-level form. Don't worry. If you cooperate, you won't be harmed. If you don't, you'll be in so much pain that you'll wish you were dead. Chaos: But you won't kill me. Why not? Damian: I need you to be the bait. I've got to get Nisha to listen. She and the others will attack me on sight if they don't have a reason not to. You're that reason. If they know I'll kill you, then they'll be more willing to listen. And if they don't, then you're dead. (BA digivolves and picks up Chaos. Damian climbs on, and RG returns to the house that Chaos walked out of. Damian climbs off) If you want to see Chaos alive again, get out here! (Terriermon is the first to come out, followed quickly by Nisha, Ryoma, and their Digimon partners) Ryoma: You! What do you want? Damian: Cooperate, and Chaos won't be harmed. Refuse to cooperate, and I'll kill him. Nisha: You wouldn't! Damian: Correct. RG will. Ryoma: Let him go, you asshole! Damian: Only if you agree to do what I say. Nisha: And what's that? Damian: Ryoma, this doesn't concern you. I only need Nisha. Ryoma: i'm staying right here. Damian: Fine. I don't really care. Nisha, you're in danger. Angel's after you, and I don't think she'll let you live if she finds you. and sooner or later, she will. Nisha: And just why do you care? Damian: Because I want Angel dead, and you can help me do it. Nisha: No. Damian: I didn't think you'd be willing to help me kill her. I am willing to let her live, but only if her digivice is destroyed. Nisha: Why would you do this? She's on your side. Damian: I don't know who's side she's on, but it's not mine. She's prooved that. Now she's my enemy, meening that i need her killed, or at least rendered helpless, which destroying her digivice will accomplish. If you want me to tell you anything else, meet me at the fountain in the middle of Shinjuku Park in 45 minutes. If you're not there within... oh, I'll give you an hour. If you're not there within an hour, I'll kill CHaos and leave his dead body there. (He climbs on RG, who runs off, still holding Chaos. terriermon tries to follow, but RG is too fast) That went well. Now let's go find the boys, then we'll head for Shinjuku.
  17. (As the dragons fly toward the Plasma Dragon Clan, Orear and Luft see two other dragons in the distance) Orear: I've got a bad feeling about this. Luft: Why? Orear: I don't know. Soldier's instinct. Luft: What should we do? Orear: Get there as fast as we possibly can. My dragon's faster, so I'll go ahead. (Powietrze flies as fast as he can. As he closes on the other two, who Orear can now tell are from the Plasma and Mountian Dragon Clans(and that they aren't fighting), Orear sees a dragon and rider near the ground) Shit! That's a rider and dragon from the Darkness Dragon Clan, for sure. Those guys are never friendly. I better take that guy and his dragon down. (Powietrze swoops down toward the Darkness Dragon Clan's rider and dragon)
  18. Damian: (Thinking) I can't let her get away with this, but there's no way I can catch her.And if we fight and it looks like she'll lose, she'll just leave. So I have to take her out instantly, and that means getting the boys in on it. But they won't be able to do anything if she sees them coming, so I'll need to lead her to them. But she won't follow me, so I can't lead her into the trap. There's only one she'll follow. I need Nisha to lure Angel into the trap. I'll probably even let Nisha go. Can't kill someone right after he or she helps you, after all. Very bad for your rep. (He whispers his plan to RedGreymon, then climbs on the digimon's back. RG leaves the area to find the people Damian referred to as his boys)
  19. Orear: We?ve already heard that each clan is sending out a rider. We just don?t know why. Liri: I do not know about the riders from other clans, but I have been sent to try and reunite the clans, with the help of a rider from each clan. Orear: You?re referring to the legend of the 6 riders. Liri: Yes. Orear: Personally, I think that that legend?s just a bunch of bullshit, but I think the same about all the legends I?ve heard of. They?re just stories. But that doesn?t really matter, does it, Luft? Luft: Nope. Go with Liri. Orear: Knew you?d say that. Well then, let?s get going. The plasma Dragon Clan?s the closest, so we?ll go there first. Just let me get some supplies, then we?ll go. (He runs off to gather what he?ll need, then runs to the stables and climbs up on his dragon, Powietrze. Liri gets on her dragon, and the two of them head toward the Plasma Dragon Clan)
  20. (Orear enteres Luft's quarters) Orear: You wanted to see me? Luft: orear! How many times have I told you to knock? Orear: As many times as I've been here. Luft: And you won't ever start knocking, will you? Orear: Nope. Luft: Then why do I even waste my time? Anyways, you're here because I have an assignment for you. I've heard that the other clans are sending out riders. One rider from each clan is being sent. I do not know why. Orear: But everyone else seems to, right? Luft: It's always the same. This clan never gets any respect. We're never told anything. The only reason I've heard that the other clans are sending out riders is because there are rumors everywhere about why. Orear: And you want me to check it out. Luft: Yes. Orear: Then I guess I should get going. (He leaves Luft's quarters)
  21. Malsek: I thought we wanted to get to the central point, not enter a portal. David: Did you expect the central point to be just sitting there? It's isolated from the rest of this world. That portal we passed through was different. It was more of a gate. It closed, but I'm sure it won't be long before Mephistomon finds another one. Katt: So we're still in the Dark Ocean? David: Yes. We're just in an isolated area. Angel: So, what exactly are we supposed to do? David: I don't know. (He looks around, then points) But I think that that has something to do with it. (They all look where he points. What they see is a large black sphere) Unfortunately, I don't know what. (Mephistomon passes through a gate and into the isolated area) Oh, ****! Mephistomon: I didn't expect you to make it here, but it does not matter. You are too late. David: We'll just see about that. Guilmon X, do it. Guilmon X warp digivolve to: Megidramon X David: Everyone, use the program I gave you! Just do what I did the first time I used it! With all of our Digimon at Mega level, we'll kick his ***. Mephistomon: We'll just have to see about that.
  22. Damian: (Thinking) Surprisingly, it seems that my aid isn't required here. That's fortunate, as I need to deal with Angel. She must be set straight. I may even have to kill her. I'll almost undoubtably have to take her digivice to keep her from getting in the way, and to nutralize the threat that she is. (Out loud) Angel? Angel: What? Damian: You might want t reconsider your position. Angel: What are you talking about? Damian: I don't even know what we're supposed to be doing, but I do know that you probably won't do it. Angel: What's that supposed to mean? Damian: You saved that Nisha girl back there. She's the enemy. At least, she the enemy of most of us. I'm not so sure that she's yours. Angel: She's my rival. I told you that. Damian: And I still think that that's complete bulls*it. You're what's called a traitor, Angel. You helped the enemy. And I can't let that go. The others are busy. It's just you and me. What I do next depends on your actions, but I can't let you go. Whatever happens, you'll be a little worse for wear. It might be that I have your digivice, that I've broken a few of your bones, or maybe even that I've killed you, but it will be something. What I do depends on what you do now. So, make your move.
  23. (Orear is locked in a feirce battle. He strikes at his opponent with his triple scythe. His opponent, who also uses a triple scythe, parrys and counters with his own attack. OrearSwings his weapon at his opponent's. The two triple scythes interlock. Orear surprises his opponent by letting go of his weapon. He then trips his opponent with a leg sweep, grabs his weapon, and has one of it's blades at his opponent's neck. Orear: Not bad, but still no match for me. (Orear lowers his weapon. His opponent, a woman named Aria, stands up, picks up her weapon, and faces Orear. They bow to each other, then walk out of the training area) Aria: I really thought that I could beat you. Orear: Maybe some other time. But probably not. Well, I've got to go. Luft asked me to go see him when I was done training. Aria: What's the old man want now? Orear: Beats me. I'll just have to go find out. See you later.
  24. Just get it up as quickly as possible, please. And get the new stuff done. I can't wait to find out what happens after your first version stopped.
  25. Well, I've finished all of the extra missions(the ones that appear after you complete all 300 of the missions that appear in the Report screen), and I have to say that I was dissapointed by the difficulty. I just used Marche and [spoiler]Cid[/spoiler]-who are the two characters you have to use(you're allowed up to six)-on the final mission, and I won without a problem. [color=indigo]Fixed the spoiler tag. You had an italic closing tag instead of a spoiler closing tag. - Desbreko[/color]
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