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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Sign Up Form: Name: Orear Gender: Male Age: 17 Dragon Clan: Air Warrior type: Soldier Weapon: Triple Scythe Appearance: About six feet tall. He has short, brown hair and brown eyes. He's in very good shape, as he trains almost every day. He normally wears shorts and a t-shirt, and will only wear something else if it's very cold. Bio: Orear does not know his true orgins, nor does anyone else. He was found by the Air Dragon Clan at the age of 6. He quickly developed a bond with the dragon Powietrze. Orear took an intrest in the life of a soldier at the age of 15, and is very skilled with his weapon of choice, a triple scythe.He hasn't fought in many battles, but when he has, he's prooven himself to be one of the best in the clan. Orear is very loyal to his clan. There is only one thing that is more important to him: discovering his true orgins. It's almost an obsession with him, and he'll put aside all else if there's a possibillity for an answer. Dragon Name: Powietrze Dragon Gender: Male Dragon Appearance: A very large dragon, purple in color. His large wingspan more then makes up for this in flight. He's extreamly fast in the air. His size and sharp claws make him very dangerous at close range, and his abilities make his dangerous at longer ranges. Dragon Abilities: Whirlwind: Creates a vicious whirlwind, strong enough to rip a man apart. Air Blast: Focuses surrounding air and sends it in a blast that can rip smaller targets apart and knock larger ones back several feet. Airflow: Can control the direction and force of he wind, within limits. Can concentrate it in a small area, or cause it to have a wider effect. Constriction: Can create a barrier of wind arround a small or medium-sized target. Is that good?
  2. I really don't think we'll get eight more people. I doubt that we'll even get the two more required to fill up what you said are the most important spots: the remaining Legend One and Guardian. If you ask me, the only way we'll fill even those two spots is if people use multiple characters. Oh, and since I'm playing as the Great Evil(in adition to Noorden), I'll need plot information. Arika, could you PM me and explain what I need to know(like, is there anything the Great Evil is looking for?)?
  3. I don't recall Sara saying that only she can finish the story. Even if she did, she hasn't contributed in a while, so I don't think she has the right to determine when the story ends. As for the devas, I was never aware of the Ultimate-level tamerless Digimon rule. I know that that's how they were in the show, but I never picked up that they were always that way. And in this story, it's been stated multaplet times that that's not true. opmon's still being a deva(which has been stated in the story) is an example, and another is Caturamon in Devidramon's altranate-universe arc. Any yes, we basically control what happens in the story, since nobody else is contributing. The only thing is that what we do must fit with what's already happened. However, this story is a little to much for just the two of us to handle. Maybe try and get the other writers to come back.
  4. A: True, but the impression I got was that they don't. And how does knowing the fifth Sovereign's name fit into this? B: I don't know where you got that impression. Could you plase tell me what makes you think that Devamon is the fifth sovereign? C: Don't ever think that I can't recognize a plot twist. I have no problem with plot twists. It's when they don't fit at all that I have a problem. And having Devamon start destroying everything does not fit at all. The devas are supposed to protect the digital world. Why would they start destroying it when they combine? D: When were the devas defined as tamerless Digimon at the Ultimate level? I am not aware that that was ever said. Besides, it was said near the beginning of the story that Lopmon is indeed still one of the devas. E: What I said is not an attempt to control the story. I see what you did as an attempt to control the story by taking it in an entirely new direction, one that doesn't fit at all with the plot. There would be no problem if what you wrote fit with story, but it really doesn't.
  5. To save you all the trouble of counting, of the ones Arika says are the most important, there are three spots left(not counting the Great Evil, which I sign up for as a second character in this post): two Legend Ones and one Guardian. Arika, please tell me if that's not correct. Oh, and by the way, it's npc, not ncp. Npc stands for non-player character. Here's my sign-up for the Great Evil: Race: Great Evil Type: Demon Name: Karanlik(Karanlik is Turkish for darkness) Age: 4293 Gender: Male Description: About 6ft 3in tall, and rather slim. He has black hair, and his eyes are unnaturally dark. He has dark skin. Basically, everything about him is darker than usual. He wears clothing similar to that of medieval(sp?) preists, but instead of white, his are black. Location: Kuragari Weapon(s): He carries two metal poles that are black in color(what else?). He can focus his power into them to create concentrated blasts of dark energy, and he also uses them to store extra energy for use in the light. Magic/Skills/Spells: Basically anything to do with darkness. When it's dark, such as at night, he is able to essentially command the darkness. He can make it do things such as conceal him from view, sheild him, and feed him energy. When it's light, such as during the day, he is much weaker. When it's light, he is limited to basic dark energy blasts and such, although he is still extreamly dangerous. He is also able to lessen the light in an area to a certain extent. Personality: Basically what one would expect from an evil force that's trying to take over. He's not forgiving, shows no mercy, and will normally go through something, such as a city, rather than around it. He's good at coming up with plans, but he's powerful enough that he normally doesn't need to. Bio: Nobody knows for sure. The first reports of encounters with him were made right before he ventured into the kingdom of Kuragari for unknown reasons. At that time, he was described as confused, but determined. Nobody ever knew for sure why he was so determined, or what he was so determined to do. The next reports of encounters with him were made by people who had fled from a villiage on the border of Kuragari, which they said he had destroyed. It wasn't long before everybody knew him as the Great Evil. Soon after he became known as the Great Evil, it became common belief that he wanted the powers of the Guardians and Elite. After the Legend Warriors defeated him, Karanlik escaped, but made it look like he had died. Only the Guardians and Elite of the time truly believed that he was still alive, although a few citizens suspected it. Karanlik bided(sp?) his time. Almost 4000 years after his defeat, he has decided that it's time for him to reappear. He is again trying to take the powers of the Guardians and Elite, and is also after the powers of the Legend Warriors and Legend Ones. He believes that because the Legend Warriors are sealed, he will be able to succeed. Is that good?
  6. Damian: (Thinking) What the hell are these people thinking? There was no need to pull out. We were winning. We could have eliminated the threat of these positive force tamers, as the others called them. Instead, they're all still alive and fully capable, except possibly Keith, depending on what he's up to. Plus, we showed a weakness. They did, at least. I was forced to leave. Forced to leave by Angel, who protected that girl. Doesn't she know that in this world, preventing others from killing someone will end up getting you killed most of the time? How am I supposed to work with people who have no clue about what they're doing? I guess I'll just have to teach them. Until then, I might as well watch and see how these people do without my help. I'm sure I'll need to intervene soon, but I'll give them a chance.
  7. I don?t mind you writing in the story, but based on what you wrote, there are a few things you aren?t clear on. First, the Sovereign don?t know about Devamon. The way I understand it, only the devas do, and not even all of them are aware of it. Second, the Sovereign are not going to combine into Huanglongmon(and I can verify that Huanglongmon does indeed exist). Huanglongmon is the fifth Sovereign that some are searching for. Third, I do not believe that there was anything mentioned about Devamon being evil in any way; in fact, the way I see it is that Suzie will be Devamon?s tamer. This makes sense, seeing as how her current partner will be part of Devamon. I don?t like to tell people what to write or what not to write, but you really do need to fix those points. If you don?t know how you can do that, tell me and I?ll help you. The same goes if you have any other questions about the story.
  8. I don't know what a Bad Reaction to Simochi deck is. Could someone please tell me? Also, Upstart Goblin and Jar of Greed will not help you get Exodia or another card combo any faster. As I said in my previous post, the end result is the same(you have card A in your hand).
  9. I do hope that you realize there's no way that all the spots will be filled. It's rare to even have as many people as you do. Getting 31 more will be impossible. I say leave this up for a few days and maybe PM a few people, but then start it. The spots that aren't taken can be made up if needed. Another suggestion I have is that you allow people to have more then one character. While neither of these suggestions will fill up theremaining 31 slots, we can probably fill any that the story absolutely can't work without(The Great Evil, for examble). Any others(such as the Prophet Knights or even a few of the Legend Ones(I doubt that all nine are required to make the story work, and if they are, I can probably help you change it so that they aren't)) can be ommitted or, if needed, made up on the spot.
  10. Well, I know of two very useless cards. They are Upstart Goblin(your opponent gains 1000 life points and you draw a card), and the other is Jar of Greed(you draw one card). Obviously, Jar of Greed is the better of the two(It has Upstart Goblin's positive effect without the negative effect), but they're both quite useless. Why? I'll use Jar of Gred as an example. You've just drawn Jar of Greed. You use it to draw a card, which we'll call card A. Now, if Jar of Greed wasn't in your deck, you would have drawn card A. It doesn't matter if you have Jar of Greed in your deck or not, the result(having card A in your hand) is the same. Now, if you use Upstart Goblin, you still get just card A, but now your opponent has 1000 more life points. So while Jar of Greed is just a waste of space, Upstart Goblin helps your opponent while giving you essentially nothing(you would have drawn card A if you didn't have Upstart GOblin in your deck). Despite this, everyone I've played has these two cards in his or her deck.
  11. Please do not let this die out. I really want to see how this story ends.
  12. OOC: DigiFan, I don't think it's your job to decide if the Digimon can digivolve to their higher forms or not. Besides, just because the Digimon reach their higher levels doesn't mean that the story will end sooner. I find that the actual stories tend to not really get going until the Digimon have reached higher levels. I know it's that way with the ones I've been in. --------------------------- Damian: What the hell was that? RedGreymon(RG): I do not know. Damian: None of them have any sense at all. They've all screwed up somehow. Every single one. Even that Nisha girl, the only one still here. (To Nisha) It looks like it's just you and me. And Angel was right. I'll kill you. Nisha: Why? Damian: Because you fought against me. Nisha: No, I didn't. Damian: Not directly, but you're with the other side. That makes you an enemy. Nisha: Does it have to be this way? Damian: Yes, it does. (Pause) It's just us now. Nobody's here to save your ***. That means you've got two options. Either you surrender your digivice, or I kill you. Which do you choose? Nisha: You forgot option three: leaving. Damian: That won't do you any good. We'll just run into each other some other time. Leaving just delays the choice. So choose. Either give me your digivice, or I give you a pole, we fight, and I kill you. So, which would you perfer?
  13. David: Last chance. We've already waited too long. If you're not absolutely sure you want to come, stay here. Angel: I'm coming. Malsek: After what I've been through, there's no way I'm turning back. Katt: Do we really have a choice? David: Yes, actually. We either try and stop whatever Mephistomon's trying to do, or we wait until he does it. Katt: Then I'm coming. David: Good. Follow me. (They start walking) (Thinking) It's only a matter of time before things start to get really nasty. I hope they can handle it. (Out loud) Angel, tell Ankokumon not to do any more pranks. We can't waste our energy watching out for practical jokes. We need to be as ready as possible when the **** hits the fan, which will probably happen when we reach the central point.
  14. I'd like to know where to find the MTV Movie Awards: Reloaded. I can't find it.
  15. OOC: Read the posts, please. Only your character is still in the digital world. Everyone else is in the Dark Ocean. Have your character get there soon ---------------------------------------- David: Mephistomon's in the area. It looks like he's heading toward the central rotation point. That means that I was right. Oh, and Angel? Angel: What? David: I know it's dangerous. If you don't think it will be, don't come. If any of you don't think that this will be dangerous, then stay here. A portal will pass through this area in about half an hour. So, does anyone want to stay?
  16. Well, there is one crop circle(well, it's not really a circle) shown in the preview. It has an arrow pointing to a house and "Attack Here" written below the arrow.
  17. OOC: Keith isn't actually after Ryoma's digivice. He lied to Damian. He went to see if Ryoma needed help. ----------------------------------------- Damian: I've taken two of them out of the fight already. I'd call that weakening the opponent. Plus, Ryoma left. There's only Nisha and this new guy. And I don't think that either will be too difficult. Chaos: Then you've got another thing coming. Damian: Is that a challenge? I think it is. Think you can do better then the others? (Pause) It doesn't matter what you think, really. I'll kick your ***, and you know it. Chaos: I don't think so. Damian: Then fight me. I'll give you a pole. So, what'll it be? You gonna chicken out, or fight and get your *** kicked?
  18. David: We're almost there. Keep moving. I think Mephistomon's near. Katt: Why? David: That was just like before. Another weak attack. But we won faster this time. Of course, I don't think Mephistomon's after us. He's after what we're after, and that attack was meant to delay us so that he could get there first. Angel: Than let's get moving. David: Hurry. (They follow David, who is running. Soon, he stops) This will be a jolt. (He steps forward and dissapears. The others follow him. They appear by an ocean in a very strange world. There is no color to anything, not even the water. The Digimon return to their Rookie forms) We're here. Malsek: And just where is "here"? David: A world called the Dark Ocean. Angel: And what we're looking for is here somewhere? David: Yes. And I think I know where. See, portals here work differently then in the digital world. They can't just be created. Instead, there are a few preexisting portals in this world that are always open. Their locations are not set. They rotate around a point at varying distances. I know where that point is, but not what's there. I think it's what we're looking for. We need to move. We don't want Mephistomon to beat us there. Follow me.
  19. David: (Thinking) Last time I've been to where we're going, I was with someone who'd been there before, but I never had. This time, I'm the one who's been there before, and I'm leading others there. This time it's my job to explain the rules of that place, but I don't even know many of them. I just hope I'm up to this. (Out loud) Stay alert, everyone. We can't let Mephistomon catch us off guard, and he might be going to the same place we are. And we're almost there.
  20. Race: Guardian Type: Red Lion Name: Noorden, Guardian of the North(Noorden is Dutch for north) Age: 1564 Gender: Male. Description: The North's human form has a gold lion's mask over his eyes. His hair is sparkling red. He wears light armored pants. The colors on his pants are fire red, gold, and white. He carries around a sword in his scabbard and a shield on his back. His eyes are the colors of fire as it burns across the night sky. Location: Temple of Fire Weapon(s): Sword and shield Magic/Skills/Spells: The North Guardian has the powers of Fire and Light. The North?s creature form is the Fire Tiger. He has the ability to turn the day into light. He also has the ability to control fire. He can create a firestorm, etc. He is the Summer. Personality: Very persistant. He will never give up. If attacked, he will fight, but he doesn?t looks for fights. He does what is necessary. No matter what the situation, he always has a plan, and his plans quite frequently work. He?ll do anything he can to avoid unnecessary death. He?ll do what he can to help others, as long as doing so doesn?t interfere with his duties as Guardian of the North. Bio: Noorden was born in the normal manner, and expected to live out a standard life. He was no different then the average resident of SouSei. Or so he thought. He was going for a hike one day when it happened. He was hikeing on a cliffside trail when the edge crumbled and he fell. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't. He was still alive, but he couldn't even move. Within a minute, he lost conciousness. He didn't know how much time had passed between then and wakeing up. When he did wake up, he was in a temple of some sort. But he almost didn't notice, for his thoughts were focused on figureing out how he had survived, and why his body appeared to be in perfect condition. His questions were answered by one who introduced himself as the Guardian of the North. The Guardian said that his time was up, and that Noorden was to replace him. He explained the duties of the Guardians, and everything else that Noorden needed to know. He then completed the process, and died. Ever scince that day, Noorden has carried out his duties as Guardian of the North flawlessly. Aside from the information I don?t know, is that good?
  21. Austin: What the hell was that?! Damian: He agreed to trade Ryoma's digivice for his. If you want to try to get his back, then be my guest. (Pause) Didn't think so. (Thinking) Keith's up to something. I don't know why he didn't think that whispered conversation would make me suspicious. Of course, he might want me to be suspicious, but I can't think of any reason for that. No, he's got some trick up his sleave. Maybe he's running to Ryoma for help instead of to take his digivice. I'll worry about that later. For now, there's still the matter of these others. (Out loud) You want to try me again, Austin? Or maybe you, Nisha? Or what about you, mister new kid with the Gargomon? Anyone want to take me on?
  22. (Damian and Keith continue fighting. At one point, Damian thrusts his pole at Keith, who parrys forcefully, appearing to knock Damian off balance. Keith takes advantage of this with a swing intended to hit Damian's legs, but Damian, who was fakeing his loss of balance, kicks Keith in the chest, then does a leg sweep, knocking him to the ground. Damian grabs Keith's digivice, then takes the second pole back) Damian: I knew you'd fall for that. Everyone does. Keith: Give me my digivice. Damian: Or what? You'll take it? (He laughs) You've just proven that you can't. Oh, and by the way, you took the bait. I only took Austin's digivice to give you a reason to fight me. He's too weak to be a threat. I let you take it. I just wanted to get yours, because you are a threat. Now, you have a choice to make. You've got two options. Either you do what I want, or I destroy your digivice. Keith: And whay exactly do you want me to do? Damian: Find Ryoma and bring me his Digivice. He's a bigger threat then you are. If you bring me his digivice, I'll give you back yours. But until then... (he drops Keith's digivice into his pocket) I'll be keeping your digivice. Unless you refuse, in which case I'll destroy it. So, make your choice.
  23. Damian: That was absolutely pathetic. Much easier then I hoped. Maybe Ryoma could put up a fight. And your Digimon isn't much better. But he doesn't truly matter anymore. You have something that I want, and you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you? Austin: I have no clue what you're talking about. Damian: The digivice, you a**hole. Give it to me. (Pause) Fine. I'll just take it. (He slams his pole into Austin's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Damian then quickly grabs Austin's digivice, drops it into his pocket, and picks up the other pole. He steps away from Austin and turns to face Keith) You want to try me? (He throws Keith one of the poles, then takes Austin's digivice out of his pocket) Maybe try to get this back? (Pause) Well? You have a pole. Are you going to fight, or chicken out?
  24. Feuer: (Thinking) i didn't expect the call to come so soon. Normally it's a decade or two between disturbances, but this one's just a couple years after the last one. There are many who will recognize us, and some will undoubtably be angry with us for what we did. i just hope they don't try to do anything to us. we don't have time to waste fighting them off. (Out loud) All right. Getting out is easy. Just take the path that isn't by a colored circle. Let's move.
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