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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Damian: I have no clue how I?m supposed to do that. Ace: Damian! Damian: What? (He turns around just in time to see Galfmon fire a blast at him. He activates his sensus, jumps over the blast, and charges Galfmon. He attacks, but Galfmon grabs him) Oh, ****! Galfmon: Do not try to defeat me. It is pointless. You cannot win. Damian(Sounding perfectly calm): We?ll just see about that, you son-of-a-*****. Galfmon: You will be the first to die. Damian(Still sounding calm): Well, fu** you. (Thinking) Elyse, I know you can hear this. What the hell do I do?
  2. David: What's so funny? Phantomon: Your victory here doesn't matter, yet you seem to think it does. You also want me kept alive. I'm assuming you want to ask me some questions, but I'm afraid that you will not be around long enough to do so. David: I'll ask one right now: what are you waiting for? (Pause) Come on, you know what I'm talking about. It's obvious that this isn't the real attack. You lost too easily. So, what are you waiting for? Phantomon: You will find out soon enough. This battle is not yet over. David: Yeah? Well, it shouldn't take too long to finish. Everyone, let's do this.
  3. I'll join. Name: Damian Age: 16 Role: Negative Appearance: About 6 feet tall, and of average build. Has black hair and dark brown eyes. Is almost never seen wearing anything besides shorts and a t-shirt(and shoes, of course) Attitude: He's the kind of person that you don't want to piss off. He always gets revenge. he never gives up, and is a very quick thinker. He can come up with a plan in no time, and his plans normally work. He'll do anything to get what he needs, and doesn't care about morals. He has no problem with killing people, as he's done it several times. He doesn't care about andone but himself. Country: America Bio: Damian is one of those people who always gets the worst of everything. His life started well enough, but then his parents were killed when the house burned down. This happened when he was 10. He went to an orphanage to live, but that turned out to be a mistake. He chose one of those that looks nice until you live there. The whole place was horrible. Nobody ever cleaned anything, the adults all seemed to hate everyone living there, and the only way you could survive was to be tougher than those around you. After spending a year there, Damian chose the only other option: he ran away. Damian didn't want to live in another orphanage, so he turned to life on the streets. His time in the orphanage had toughened him up considerably, and that was probably the only reason he survived. Digivice color/element: Black and purple/Mist of Black Water Digimon: Rookie: BlackAgumon Champion: RedGreymon(The greymon in the first part of the movie) Ultimate: SkullGreymon Mega: BlackWarGreymon Bio-Merge: BlackOmnimon(Made-up) Description: A black version of Omnimon Attacks: Um... I don't have attacks for him yet. I'll edit this when I do. Is that ok?
  4. David: I don't like this. It's too easy. Angel: What are you talking about? David; This is way too easy. This can't be a serious attack. I thing that we're being held here until the real threat can arrive. We need to get rid of these guys before it arrives. Guilmon X, give this one everything you've got. Guilmon X: Right. Guilmon X digivolve to: Growlmon X Growlmon X digivolve to: WarGrowlmon X Malsek: What the hell? David: That would be digivolution. Guilmon X just went to his Ultimate-level form, WarGrowlmon X. Patamon can digivolve, too. You're new, so he probably can't reach Ultimate, but I'm sure he can get to Champion. He won't be needed, but he needs the practice. Trust me, things will be a lot easier in the future if he practices now. So have him digivolve. Now.
  5. Ohkami, you're in. KnightOfTheRose, you need to chang your character's abilities. "Control over fear" just doesn't cut it. Here's what I suggest for abillities from a Darkness source: During the day, is limited to basic dark energy blasts, which are weak due to the light. Is stronger the darker it is. At night(or in any comparable amount of darkness), is able to draw energy from the surrounding darkness and channel it into energy blasts, hide himself and others from view, use the energy he draws from it as a shield, and even shape it into weapons. How's that? [color=green]I merged your two posts. Please don't double post. (Unless someone had a post in between yours, in which case, never mind.) --terra[/color] I'm starting it up now. KnightOfTheRose, you're in.
  6. [i]Hundreds of years ago, there were stories about The Aegis, a mysterious device of some kind hidden somewhere in the Arctic. Many tried to find it, but none suceeded. In time, story became legend. Eventually, even the legend faded, and The Aegis was forgotten. Until someone found it. He had left with another on a journy to the Arctic. When he returned, he told of a strange device that creates gateways to other worlds. He said that he and his partner had gone to one of these worlds, and that his partner decided to stay. He didn't remember why. He would have been locked up in the nuthouse except for two things, two pieces of evedence. The first was that he had several strange spherical artifacts, and the second was that he remembered nothing about himself-not even his name-or anything that happened before the journey. Only a few believed his story. To each of them, he gave one of the artifacts, saying that he was told to deliver them to the ones who believed him. The next morning, he was found dead. The ones how believed his story know what they have to do. They must find The Aegis and use it. They have been called to it, and they know. For they came to our world through it. THey are from the world the man went to. They are guardians of their true home. They seek out disturbances and stop them before they can cause problems. But they were forced to leave when they discovered that the world's ruler was at the source of a disturbance and eliminated him. Now, they have been called back, and they know that, no matter what the danger, they must respond.[/i] In this RPG, you play as one of the guardians. Here's what I need for a sign-up(with my character as an example): Name(see notes): Feuer Language of name(see notes): German Appearance: About six feet tall with brown hair and eyes. Is of average build. Never wears anything but shorts and a t-shirt. Personallity: Knows what he's doing. He's the one with the answers and the plan. He won't back down from a fight. He's very determined, and will never give up. Source(see notes): Fire Abilities from source(see notes): The basic fire blasts and setting things on fire. Can heat things to extream levels. Is immune to fire, and is unaffected by tempuature(sp?). Notes: Sources: Your character's source is basically what gives him or her the powers he or she has. Powers must be logical for the chosen source(fire- and heat-based abilities for a fire source, for example). Only one person per source, please. Sources are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Sources will be explored further in the RPG. Name: Your character's name must be another language's word for his or her source(Feuer is German for fire, for example). Be sure to include the language your character's name is from in your sign-up. Use this site to translate your character's source into other languages: [url]http://www.logos.it/new_dictionary/index_en.html[/url] Just type your character's source in the box and click the button by it. Spheres: The purpose of these will be revealed in the story. Each sphere is a different color, and the color is based on your character's source. I will choose your sphere color, based on your character's source(Feuer's sphere is red) There. I think that's it.
  7. Damian: To tell the truth, I saw what you seem to be getting at as one of two possible reasons for your actions. I'm not sure it'll work, though. This thing's no computer. Elyse; It'll work. Trust me. Damian: Forgive my suspicion, but why should I? You're inside that thing, hopeless, and you won't come with me. Suddenly, you come out in full sensus after transferring your power to him, and then Imperialdramon and... and whatever the hell that rotting thing was do the same. Plus, you haven't been in control of yourself for a long time. I don't trust you, Elyse. I don't see why you think thiss will work, and I actually don't think you're trying to get rid of him. You're still under his control, aren't you? I don't think I can believe otherwise. And I certainly won't act otherwise. Ace, she may be telling the truth, but we can't take that chance. We need to do whatever we can to bring this fu**er down. Galfmon: No matter what you do, it won't make a difference.. Damian: We'll just see about that.
  8. Damian: (Thinking) I hope he's not in my mind right now. I think I know, but I can't let him figure it out. And here I thought I was done with the thought-blocking technique. (Out loud) I don't know what you're up to, but I'm sure you can't figure it out in time to stop it. You are the biggest fu**ing moron I've ever met. First, while inside Elyse, you bring me and the others into this. Then, you actually help us fix the problems you caused, at the same time giving us sensus abilities. Then, instead of leading us on a wild goose chace, like you should have, you try to make us think that Elyse is to blame. And now, you think all of this doesn't have a point. I may not know the point, but I don't think that even Elyse is that stupid. No, you're not going to make it out of this one alive. You're fu**ed. You just don't know it yet. Ace, I don't think Elyse can help, so it's just you, me, and out partners. You ready for this? Ace: Of course. Damian: Then let's do this.
  9. Let's see here. The woman uses a sword, there are several other blade-type weapons shown, and two women try to kill each other with kitched knives(stopping when the child of one of them gets off the bus and walks in the door). Yeah, I'd say it'll be violent. Messy? Maybe, but I don't know. Violent? Yes. But that's a good thing.
  10. Actually, Reloaded hits the shelves on October 14. Personally, I enjoyed Reloaded. It has good characters(The Merovingian(sp?) is great, and the Twins are just awesome), great action secuences(The highway chace being the best of the bunch), and a confusing plot. Yes, that last one is for real. I enjoy plots that make you think. I realize that many people don't like being confused by movies, but I'm not one of them. Anyway, no matter what people think, I'm sure that Revolutions is going to be totally awesome.
  11. Why? Two words: [i]Matrix Revolutions[/i]. This looks like it's going to be just plain awesome. Why? Because the whole Matrix thing kicks major ***. Plus, there'll be the long-awaited [spoiler]Neo vs. Smith showdown, as well as the massive battle to save Zion.[/spoiler] Also, we'll finaly get the answer to the question of [spoiler]how Neo stopped the Sentinels at the end of Reloaded.[/spoiler] What are you looking forward to about the movie? By the way, all true Matrix fans should go see The Rundown. Why? [i]Revolutions[/i] trailer, baby!
  12. I'm sure that by now, most of you know that there's a Metroid movie in the works. Does anyone know anything about it? I don't even know the company that's doing it, much less anything like the plot or actora/actresses. All I know is that unless someone seriously screws it up, it'll be awesome.
  13. OOC: Angel knows a little too much, but the only thing you need to edit is the voice part. Noone knows about the voice that speaks to the unknown Digimon. As staten it the recruitment thread, nobody even knows what Digimon it is. As for the rest, leave it, but from now on, try not to have Angel or Ankokumon know anything anbout the other characters or the current situation. ----------------------------------- Malsek: You're autistic? David: Yep. I didn't expect her to be able to figure it out so easily, though. She must have met an autistic person or two before, and realized that I act the same way. (To Angel) I'm assuming you know more then Malsek, haveing obviously been here before. Angel: Just that there's some unknown Digimon or something that we have to stop. David: That's basically what I know. I'm sure there's something behind it, but I don't know what. I just hope the others chosen for this mission get here soon. I've got a feeling that we're about to be found.
  14. OOC: I read and replied to the PM before I read the new posts in this thread. -------------------------------------------- Damian: You know what? Fine. (He grabs Elyse's com watch) I'll need this. If you don't want to save yourself, fine. I'll just say this one more time before I go: cut the hopeless crap already! I'm beginning to think that the only thing I actually know about you is that you give up [i]way[/i] too easily. Don't give up, da** it! (Pause) You don't care, do you? Fine. I have the com watch. That's what I came for. If you want to die, that's your choice. I'm afraid that I don't have any time to waste trying to get you to come. (He goes through the portal and emerges outside of Galfmon) Da**, she knows how to be a pain in the ***. Ace: Damian! Where's Elyse? Damian: She's not coming. Ace: [i]What?![/i] Damian; She's not coming. You can fu** this bastard up now. (He activates Elyse's com watch) Xander! Kyle! Adrianne! Can you hear me?
  15. You're in. It's up, but I goofed and gave the thread the wrong title(The title it has is The Fallen, which some will recognise as the title of a failed RPG I started).
  16. This didn?t get any interest before, so I?ve changed the story a good deal and am trying again. If you still don?t like it, please PM me and tell me why you don?t. Anyway, here?s the modified story: [i]Evil has been a part of the digital world and always will be, but there is evil that doesn?t belong. many Digimon have appeared and tried to either destroy the digital world or control it. These Digimon are not like most, and many believe they are not in control of themselves. But no matter wht the reason, these Digimon have threatened the digital world many times. When the digital world has been threatened by these Digimon, it has chosen humans to partner with Digimon and protect it. This strategy has never failed. Why not? What makes the combination of human and Digimon so strong? The answer to that question is unknown, but it is taken as a given that humans will fight with Digimon whenever the digital world is threatened, and they haven?t failed yet. But the dark force that has been behind the previous threats has learned from the past. It knows that humans will be called to defend the digital world, and it can take steps to prevent them from interfering. It found a way to block access to the digital world, preventing humans from arriving to stop it. With the human threat neutralized, the darkness began its newest attack. But again, it had learned from previous attempts. Instead of finding random Digimon to do its work, it searched the digital world for a rookie-level Digimon with a compatable makeup. When it found one it could use-one who showed by his actions that he would support the darkness-it gave the Digimon a large part of itself. The darkness proved to have an incredible effect on the Digimon?s power. As the Digimon learned to use his new powers, the darkness was fusing with him. Once the darkness was fully integrated into the Digimon?s compatable makeup, it caused him to digivolve. When he did, the new form, which could hold more of the darkness, was given more of it, increasing its power even more. When he digivolved to the Ultimate-level Digimon Mephistomon, the darkness gave him even more of itself. Then, Mephistomon began the attack. The darkness inside him gave him enough power that no Digimon could stand up to him. He easily destroyed all that stood in his way, and soon gained control of the digital world. But the Digital World is extremely resourceful, and it eventually found a way to bring humans through the darkness' barrier. The selected humans have all been to the digital world before, and are the best of all the digidestined humans that have ever been chosen. They don?t know how they will defeat Mephistomon, but they do know that they have to do anything they can, even if it costs them their lives.[/i] I realize some of that might seem a little cliched, but don't let that fool you. i don?t want to say anything here, but i?m going to be taking this story in directions I?ve never seen anyone do with an RPG. If you want examples, tell me and I?ll PM a couple to you. Anyway, here's what I need for a sign-up, with my character as an example: Name: David Age: 17 Digivice color(Digivices are modified D-Powers with no card-slashing(the slot is used for something else(I'll reveal the use in the story). Besides, this RPG?s real world has no Digimon knowedge or products, meaning that there aren?t any cards to use for card-slashing), but several new abilities): Purple Description: 6 feet tall with brown hair and eyes. Average build. Almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David?s parents both lead very busy lives. As a result, they don?t have much time for him. They don?t know of his problems at school, and David suspects that they wouldn?t care if they did. David is autistic, which makes him a constant target at school. Everyone makes fun of him. He can?t say or do anything without someone making a rude remark. The only way he can deal with it is by shutting out everyone else, which has made him a loner(Something which he is frequently teased about). David?s one true interest is computers. He?s read every book on computers he possibly can, and has done almost everything one can do with a top-of-the-line home PC. He can hack, he can program, he can repair, and he can do just about anything else with computers. It?s this interest and knowledge that led him to discover a strange program on his hard drive. He couldn?t figure out how it got there, so he loaded it and almost instantly found himself in another world. That happened a year ago. Since then, he?s studied the new world(the digital world), and has learned a lot about it and the Digimon that live there. He met his partner when he first arrived, and the two have become inseparable. Two months ago, he found himself cut off from the digital world. He and Guilmon X have never stopped trying to find a way to return. Other: As mentioned, David is autistic. This means that he can?t read emotions or postures. He takes words at their literal meaning most of the time, although he does understand that there are times when that is not what is meant. He has no idea what people will be offended by, and constantly does or says the wrong thing. Digimon: Rookie: Guilmon X Appearance(Needed for Rookie form only): Pretty much identical to Guilmon. it?s not until he reaches his Ultimate form that his appearance is noticeably different. Champion: Growlmon X Ultimate: WarGrowlmon X Mega: Megidramon X Other(These forms are not available at the start(You can go to Mega, but no forms in this category can be used). They include mode-changes, biomerges(if your Digimon has an alternate Mega form) and several others. Choose a Digimon, and I'll find a form in this category for it. If I don't, then you'll need to create one or change Digimon, as these forms will play an important role in the story.): Gallantmon X Just a note: All characters have been to the digital world many times before, and generally know their way around. They all met their Digimon partners a year ago, and made their first trip to the digital world at that time. Include how that happened in your bio, as well as your character?s reaction to being cut off from the digital world two months ago. There. That?s it. this RPG will be a long one(although I?ll speed it along if it starts to die out). Also, things will start to get really strange after several pages, so make sure you can deal with being confused.
  17. This is my latest effort to make a successful Digimon RPG. It's a bit different then the ones I've done before(a lot different, actually), so don't be put off by my record. Anyways, here's the story: [i]The digital world has faced many threats over the years. Humans are chosen to partner with Digimon to stop these threats, and they have always done so. But the evil of the digital world has learned. It knows that humans will fight against all threats, and it can take steps to ensure that they will not interfere(sp?). It found a way to block access to the digital world, preventing humans from ariving to stop it. With the human threat neutralized, the darkness began its newest attack. But again, it had learned from previous attempts. Instead of finding Digimon to do its work, it searched the digital world for a compatable Digimon. When it found a Patamon it could use-one who showed by his actions that he would support the darkness-it gave the Digimon a large part of itself. The Patamon, now fully with the darkness, tested his new powers at its command. When he digivolved(which the darkness caused to happen much sooner then it normally would have), the new form could hold more of the darkness. When he digivolved to the Ultimate-level Digimon Mephistomon, the darkness gave him even more of itself. Then, Mephistomon began the attack. No Digimon was able to stand up to his power, and he soon gained control of the digital world. But the Digital World is extremly resourceful, and it eventually found a way to bring humans through the darkness's barrier. The selected humans have all been to the digital world before, and are the best of all the digidestined humans that have ever been chosen. They are brought into a digital world controlled by an enemy more powerful then any they have ever faced, and given the task of freeing it.[/i] I realize some of that might seem a little cliched, but don't worry. This story is far from cliched([spoiler]we'll be exploring the true orgins(sp?) of more than one world, for one thing [/spoiler]), but mine tend to seem that way at the start. By page two or three, however, this will change. Anyways, here's what I need for a sign-up, with my character as an example: Name: David Age: 17 Digivice color(Digivices are modified D-Powers with no card-slashing(the slot is used for something else(I'll reveal the use in the story)), but several new abilities): Purple Description: 6 feet tall with brown hair and eyes. Average build. Almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David?s parents both lead very busy lives. As a result, they don?t have much time for him. They don?t know of his problems at school, and David suspects that they wouldn?t care if they did. David is autistic, which makes him a constant target at school. Everyone makes fun of him. He can?t say or do anything without someone makeing a rude remark. The only way he can deal with it is by shutting out everyone esle, which has made him a loner(Something which he is frequently teased about). David?s one true intrest is computers. He?s read every book on computers he possibly can, and has done almost everything one can do with a top-of-the-line home PC. He can hack, he can program, he can repair, and he can do just about anything else with computers. It?s this intrest and knowledge that led him to discover a strange program on his hard drive. He couldn?t figure out how it got there, so he loaded it and almost instantly found himself in another world. That happened a year ago. Since then, he?s studied the new world(the digital world), and has learned a lot about it and the Digimon that live there. He met his partner when he first arrived, and the two have become inseperable. Two months ago, he found himself cut off from the digital world. He and Guilmon X have never stopped trying to find a way to return. Other: As mentioned, David is autistic. This means that he can?t read emothions or postures. He takes words at their literal meaning most of the time, altough he does understand that there are times when that is not what is meant. He has no idea what people will be offended by, and constantly does or says the wrong thing. Digimon: Rookie: Guilmon X Appearance(Needed for Rookie form only): Pretty much identical to Guilmon. it?s not until he reaches his Ultimate form that his appearance is noticeably different. Champion: Growlmon X Ultimate: WarGrowlmon X Mega: Megidramon X Other(These forms are not avalible at the start(You can go to Mega, but no forms in this catagory can be used). They include mode-changes, biomerges(if your Digimon has an alternate Mega form) and several others. Choose a Digimon, and I'll find a form in this catagory for it. If I don't, then you'll need to create one or change Digimon, as these forms will play an important role in the story.): Gallantmon X There. That?s it. this RPG will be a llong one(although i?ll speed it along if it starts to die out). Also, things will start to get really strange after several pages(see spoiler text above for an example), so make sure you can deal with being confused. EDIT: This is implied in the backstory I posted for this RPG, but I need to nake sure you know it: All characters have been digidestined for a year. In your bio, include how your character met his or her Digimon partner a year ago, and what he or she did in responce to access to the digital world being cut off two months ago.
  18. In that case, I'm sure of my answer: Earth and Dark. Here's a question: Why was it a bad idea for Bandid Keith to steal Joey's Glory of the King's Hand card the night before the Duelest Kingdom finals(Hint: Think of the reason he entered the tournament(sp?) in the first place)?
  19. Damian: (thinking) This... whatever the hell it is is turning her feelings against her. It must be. That's the only explination. And I can't just leave her here. Even if there was nothing else she can do, there's no way the com watch will work in here, and even if it did, I need her to track her group. Besides, I can't let my sister die. (Out loud) Snap out of it, Elyse! You've told me many times that my lack of emotion is a major handicap, but that's all that's keeping me from ending up like you. You need to do wht I do. Ignore your emotions! You can't supress them, so just fu**ing ignore them! (Pause) Don't give up on me now, Elyse! You've been through too fu**ing much to just give up now! {Outside} Galfmon: Defeating me is impossible. I am sure you are much stronger then you were when you were seperate, but it doesn't matter. I used only a tiny fraction of my power then. Ace: And just how much power do you really have? Galfmon: All the power of every evil Digimon there has ever been is mine. I took their power when they were defeated. The longer I waited to reveal myself, the more power I gained. You have seen only an insignificant amount of my power. You have no idea of my true capabilities. My power is beyond imagining! You have no hope against me! Ace: We'll just see about that.
  20. Random guess: Fiends and spellcasters? I'll ask if I'm right.
  21. As long as they get here. It looks like you've changed a few things with Aidan, but i don't know. I'm making some assumptions, but not without supporting evidence. Anyways, please at least try and hurry up.
  22. OOC: It's good. I didn't plan on it raining, but that doesn't really matter Oh, and by the way, "Voice:" refers to the voice that speaks in the unknown Digimon's head. -------------------------------- (The unknown Digimon is flying in the direction of the pull he feels. At one point, he is attacked by a Garudamon, an Ultimate-leveln Digimon, and easily destroys it. Soon, he is attacked by another Ultimate, Sylphimon. He destroys it, and then is attacked by a Garudamon and a Slyphimon at the same time. After them, he destroys the Mega-level Valkariemon(sp?). When Valkariemon is destroyed, the unknown Digimon continues to follow the pull) Unknown Digimon: (Thinking) They delayed me. Not for long, but they did delay me. Was it a coincedence, or did they know? Voice: They could not have known, but it doesn't matter. You must not stop to fight any others. The chosen ones are your priority. They must be destroyed. Unknown Digimon: Understood. (David and Guilmon X look at the new arrival. After he gives his name to Patamon, David goes over to him) David: Hi. I'm David. I see you got my message. Over there is my Digimon partner, Guilmon X. The Patamon is yours, Malsek. Malsek: How- David: How do I know your name? I heard you tell it to Patamon. Malsek: What is this place? David: Welcome to the digital world. Please check your knowadge of how things work at the door. Malsek: What's that supposed to mean? David: Things are different here, Malsek. (David explains the basics of digimon and the digital world, such as partners, digivolving and digivolution levels, and the role of those called digidestined) there's more, but it can wait. there may be others who don't know about this world, and I don't want to have to repeat everything. I'll tell you the rest of what I know when the others get here.
  23. OOC: Here we go. Remember, this might seem overly cliched at first, but that will change very soon(around page two or three). Just stick with it. One other thing. I forgot the digivices. Digivices in this RPG are upgrades D-Powers. They have all the features except card-slashing(the slot is used for something else), and several new ones(which will be revealed as the story progresses). Make sure you mention the color of your character?s digivice in your opening post(David?s is purple). Also, I will be making references to 02 events, but we are [i]not[/i] using a post-02 real world. ------------------------------- (A Digimon stands in a forest. He has just angered a HerculeseKabuterimon, who is preparing to battle him) Unknown Digimon: You do not want to fight me. HerculeseKabuterimon: You are the one who should want to avoid a fight. Unknown Digimon: So you have seen one of this form before, then? And you think that I have the same power as that one? HerculeseKabuterimon: I have done to another of your form what I am about to do to you. You have one last chance to leave. Unknown Digimon: I will not leave. HerculeseKabuterimon: Then you shall die. (HerculeseKabuterimon charges the unknown Digimon, who flies over him. He turns and shoots a Mega Electro Shocker at the unknown Digimon, who counters with his own attack. His blast blocks HerculeseKabuterimon?s and hits the Mega-level Digimon, knocking him through several trees. The unknown Digimon walks over to him) Unknown Digimon: Now do you see the foolishness of chalenging me? (herculeseKabuterimon suprises the unknown Digimon by grabing him. He then stands up, with the unknown Digimon held tight in his hand) HerculeseKabuterimon: I see no foolishness in challenging one such as you. Unknown Digimon: Then you have a bad definition of foolishness. (Suddenly, there is a dark flash, and HerculeseKabuterimon is on the ground with the unknown Digimon standing beside him) You have no hope against me. HerculeseKabuterimon: I?m not finished yet. Unknown Digimon: Oh, but you are. You just don?t know it yet. (He picks up HerculeseKabuterimon and throws him into some trees. The unknown Digimon then walks over to him) HerculeseKabuterimon: H... h... how... h... how d.. did... Unknown Digimon: How did I do it? I am the one chosen by darkness to change this world to it?s desires. It has given me the power I need to do so. (The unknown Digimon fires another blast, and HerculeseKabuterimon dissipates) And I use it. (He starts to walk off, but stops a a voice speaks in his head) Voice: The chosen ones have arrived. Their location is known now, but will not be knowable if you do not get there in time. Lesser warriors have been sent to delay them until your arrival, but they will not last long. You must go now. Follow the pull to the location. Unknown Digimon: Understood. (David is in a thin wood{OOC: Not the one the unknown Digimon is in}, and Guilmon X is with him. There is a backpack at his side, and he is working on a laptop computer. As Guilmon X wacthes, he thinks about what happened a few minutes ago) ~Flashback~ [i](David is working on his desktop PC) David: We?ve got a call. Guilmon X, get my things ready with all my computer equipment. This looks like a tough one, and I want the abillity to use the program if I have to. Assuming I can finish it, that is. I have the identities of the other chosen ones, and am sending them a message with detailed instructions for opening a portal to our normal meeting spot{OOC: David has worked with others before, but he?s never met any of your characters} without a digivice. Guilmon X: New ones? David: A couple. I can?t be sure they have digivices yet, but in case they do, I?ve included instructions for opening one with a digivice, too. They?ll arrive at the same place we?ve met the others we?ve worked with before. Doesn?t look like any of them are in this bunch, though. (Guilmon X hands David a backpack, which he puts on) Thanks. (He opens a portal, and they enter it, energing in the digital world)[/i] ~End Flashback~ David: (Muttering to himself as he works on his laptop) If I change this to this, then that will reinforce that, which fits with that, but the link won?t work. Maybe if I place this here instead... Got it! Program compleate! Guilmon X: Good. Do you think we?ll need it? David: Yes. And so will the others, when they arrive. Guilmon X: When will they get here? David: I don?t know. Soon, I hope. -------------------------- OOC: All right. In your first post, have your character find his or her digivice(if he or she doesn?t start with a Digimon partner), receive David?s message, and enter the Digital World(Remember that your character will appear where David and Guilmon X are). If your character doesn?t have a Digimon partner yet, have that happen, too(in the digital world, please).
  24. ACtually, the more monsters like Marche(make them like him better by feeding them items), the stronger the Morpher's abilities will be. One capture tip It took me forever to figure out: You can never capture the last monster on the feild. There must be at least one other enemy unit on the feild to have a chance for a successful capture.
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