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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
I think Ditto's one. Smeargle,s another guess, but I'm not sure on either of them, and I don't know any others.
Well, seeing as how I like Armageddon(and all the other "disaster" movies I've seen(Which admittidly(sp?) isn't many)), the similarities are a good thing, in my oppinion. There were some very good sequences(I enjoyed the geode and diamond dodgeing sequences, for example), plus it was much funnier than I expected(I love it when [spoiler]that guy who has the tape recorder gets trapped in one of the sections of the ship(Named Virgil) that's going to explode and STILL talks into the recorder[/spoiler]).
Patamon has two commonly used Mega forms: Seraphimon and Goldramon. Seraphimon appeared in S4 and the movie, and goldramon has never appeared in the show.
Dj Professor DM, you're in, though I'd appreciate it if you rewrote your bio. You don't have to change anything, just reword it so that it's not a copy of mine with some added text.
Writing Digimon: Dark Conflict [Revisited]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
I noticed the split, and I think it works(And "Fracture" is a cool chapter title). I have two things to say. First, isn't the thing in the tank a she? And second, manoeuvres? That's the kind of spelling my little brother would come up with(and he spells "attention" as "atengen"). The correct spelling is maneuvers. You might want to run spell check. Anyways, this is a good story, and I' egearly awaiting the changed and new parts(epecially the new ones). -
Actually, I believe Icemon looks like a Gotsumon made of ice. I could be wrong, though. And for those of you who are turned away by what I posted as a story introduction, I know it might seem a little cliched, but my stories and RPGs normally start that way. The novel I'm writing starts like that, too(yep, I'm writing a novel. I decided to put my overactive imagination to use. Plus, it being from the point of view of an autistic person(like me; I'm autistic.) will give people an idea of what life is like for autistics). However, all of those(and this RPg) are all unique in some way(at least to my knowladge) and are certainally far from formulaic. They, like this RPG, just need to be given some time. Not too much, though. Things will get unusual on page two or three.
You still need to tell me your partner. You can meet up with him or her when the sory starts, but i need to know what Digimon it is, as well as its digivolved forms.
[i]Over the years, the digital world has been threatened many times. Evil Digimon have tried to either rule it or destroy it. When they have tried, humans have been chosen to partner with Digimon and stop them. But more evil Digimon have always appeared. Where do they come from? Some digimon are seen as threats because of mistakes they have made in their lives, and others because of things they have said or did, but not them. They are different. They always know more about the digital world then most other Digimon, and they are always more powerful then Digimon of their level normally are. Nobody knows why, and because they have all been defeated, the reason has been seen not to matter. But now, a new force has appeared in the digital world. None know what it is, for all that have seen it have been killed. Knowbody knows what it wants, how powerful it is, or even what it looks like. All that is known it that it is the most dangerous threat the digital world has ever faced.[/i] You play one of the humans selected by the digital world to fight this new threat. Your character can already have a Digimon partner, but he or she doesn?t have to. Here?s the sign-up, whit my character as an example: Name: David Age: 17 Description: 6 feet tall with brown hair and eyes. Average build. Almost always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David?s parents both lead very busy lives. As a result, they don?t have much time for him. They don?t know of his problems at school, and David suspects that they wouldn?t care if they did. David is autistic, which makes him a constant target at school. Everyone makes fun of him. He can?t say or do anything without someone makeing a rude remark. The only way he can deal with it is by shutting out everyone esle, which has made him a loner(Something which he is frequently teased about) David?s one true intrest is computers. He?s read every book on computers he possibly can and has done almost everything one can do with a top-of-the-line home PC. He can hack, he can program, he can repair, and he can do just about anything else with computers. It?s this intrest and knowledge that led him to discover a strange program on his hard drive. He couldn?t figure out how it got there, so he loaded it and almost instantly found himself in another world. That happened a year ago. Since then, he?s studied the new world(the digital world), and has learned a lot about it and the Digimon that live there. He met his partner when he first arrived, and the two have become inseperable. Other: As mentioned, David is autistic. This means that he can?t read emothions or postures. He takes words at their literal meaning most of the time, altough he does understand that there are times when that is not what is meant. He has no idea what people will be offended by, and constantly does or says the wrong thing. Digimon: Rookie: Guilmon X Appearance(Needed for Rookie form only): Pretty much identical to Guilmon. it?s not until he reaches his Ultimate form that his appearance is noticeably different. Champion: Growlmon X Ultimate: WarGrowlmon X Mega: Megidramon X Other(These forms are not avalible at the start(neither are Mega forms, although I?ll allow Digimon to go to Ultimate at the start). they include mode-changes, biomerges(if your Digimon has an alternate Meag form) and several others. I?ll tell you if your chosen Digimon has a form that fits this catagory): Gallantmon X There. That?s it. this RPG will be a llong one(although i?ll speed it along if it starts to die out). Also, things will start to get really strange after several pages, so make sure you can deal with being confused.
(Damian floats through, looking for Elyse) Damian: (Thinking) Damn, this is wierd. (Suddenly, he returns to his normal form) (Still thinking) What the hell? What the hell is this place? It's not anything like I expected. There's something I don't know about here, and if I don't figure out just what the hell it is, it just might get me killed. (Out loud) Elyse! Where are you? Elyse!
Damian: Fu**! I need that. God damn it! Imperialdramon, hold off! BWG, I need to follow her. Everyone else, give me some cover! (BWG picks Damian up. At the same time, Fleondramon and Fleonessmon attack Galfmon. Galfmon is unphazed by their attacks, but his counterattack absolutely devestates the two of them) (Thinking) He's taking them apart, and it doesn't look like he's even trying. This better work. (Out loud) Now! (BWG throws Damian toward Galfmon. Galfmon blasts BWG, who is knocked back to Rookie form. He then targets Fleondramon and Fleonessmon, who barely survive the attack. He's about to attack again when Damian slams into his head, activates his Sensus, and swings into Galfmon's mouth, determined to get to Elyse)
OOC: Ben, read my PM. It should explain things. ----------------------------- (David and Guilmon X walk in silence. Suddenly, David stops. He walks over to a nearby bush and appears to look for berries. Guilmon X notices and walks over to him. David puts a finger to his lips and becons Guilmon X closer. He comes closer, and David whispers to him) David: (Whispering) Be quiet. I think we?re being followed. Guilmon X: (Whispering) How can you tell? David: (Whispering) I think I heard a third set of footsteps. (The cracking of a fallen branch is heard) (Still whispering) That wasn?t you, was it? Guilmon X: (Whispering) Nope. i think you were right. What should we do? David: (Whispering) Make him think we?re on to him and are trying to escape. He can?t be too good, or else we wouldn?t know he was there. If we run away as fast as we possibly can, he?ll probably think we?re trying to lose him. We can stop and hide, and he should keep going right past us. Then we can catch him. So here?s what we do. You digivolve and carry me away as fast as you can. When I tell you too, devolve and we?ll wait behind a tree. He shouldn?t notice us hiding because he?ll expect us to still be running. When I say so, digivolve again and catch him. Make sure he doesn?t get away. I want to know why he?s following us. (Pause) (Normal Volume) Now. Guilmon X digivolve to: Growlmon X (Growlmon X picks up David and runs as fast as he can. When David gives the word, he devolves and the two hide behind a bush. Soon, a Gotsumon runs past. Guilmon X digivolves again. He easily catches up with the Gotsumon. He grabs the Gotsumon and carries him over to David) David: A Gotsumon, huh? INteresting. I?ve seen you before, haven?t I? (Pause) You were the one who told us about the village, right? (Pause) Speak up. (Pause) (To Growlmon X) Throw hin into a tree or something. (Growlmon X throws the Gotsumon into a tree, then grabs him again and looks at David. David nods, and Growlmon X throws the Gotsumon into another tree. both he and David walk over to to the Gotsumon) Ready to talk yet? Gotsumon: Y... yes. David: Good. Now, are you the same Gotsumon who told us about the village? Gotsumon: Y... yes, I... I am. David: And now you?re following us. Why? Gotsumon: B... beca... because I was... was t... told to make sure that... that you went to... to the village. David: And why is that? Gotsumon: I... do not know. David: I think you do. Tell me. Gotsumon: I... I do not... do not know. David: Bullsh**. Growlmon X? (growlmon X throws the Gotsumon into another tree, then picks him up and does it again. By this point, the Gotsumon is flickering) One mort toss and I think you?ll be dead. So tell me. Why were you told to make sure I went to the village? Gotsumon: i... t.. told you. I do... do not... not kn... know. David: It?s your life. Growlmon X, get rid of him. (Growlmon X throws the Gotsumon into another tree. The Gotsumon dissipates into data. Growlmon X devolves) well, we got something out of him. We now know that someone wants us in the village. Guilmon X: But why? David: I?d say someone?s setting a trap for us. The questions I have now are why and who. I think we need to find out. We?ll continue to the village, but not enter. At least, not right away. We now know that someone?s setting a trap. That knowledge is half the battle. Now that we know to expect something, we have a chance to turn the tables on whoever?s doing this. Let?s go.
To find the second wing(Rainbow Wing for Silver, Silver Wing for Gold), talk to an old man in Pewter City(I think. It could be Veridian(sp?)). He'll give you the wing. I posted information about Pokemon that Crimson Spider didn't! Yay!
Damian: Whatever. It doesn't matter how powerful you are if you're so stupid. Did you honestly think I cared about that stuff I just asked you? I knew you wouldn't say anything that would be truly helpful. I was stalling. Buying time for BWG and the other Digimon to get here. Truthfully, I thought that after you left Elyse, Fleonessmon would return to normal. I assumed that bwG and Fleondramon would realize something happened and come here. And you know what? It worked. You've just showed me how easy it is to manipulate you. I can't believe you fell for that. Galfmon: It doesn't matter. I am strong enough to defeat you all quite easily. Damian: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enough already. Now you're going to say that what you did to Imperialdramon while still possessing Elyse is nothing compared to what you can really do. I've seen this before. Head of a rather nasty gang got too confident. He always said that his gang was too tough to beat. He made the fatal mistake of letting his guard down. I killed him very easily. Simple to do, really. If you let your guard down, you're an easy target. And you let your guard down. That makes you an easy target. Time to die, you fu**er.
Dickie Roberts,who saw it and liked it?
GuyYouMetOnline replied to moon-scar demon's topic in Noosphere
I haven't seen it, but I want to. If anything, it'll be worth it to see David Spade in a stroller say to a passing woman, "Aren't you a little big for a sidewalk?" I crack up every time I hear that line on the previews. -
Guilmon X: Where are we going? David: There's a village not too far from here that was attacked recently. Not many survived. We're going to see if we can learn anything about what exactly happened there. Guilmon X: Didn't that Gotsumon we met say something about a new Digimon Emporer? David: I know. I think he may have something to do with what that Vermillimon knew. The problem is that I don't know anything about this guy. I'm hoping that we'll find some information in the village.
Damian: Nice timing, Ace. Now why don't you kick this guy's ***. I'd love to help, but I really can't right now. Ace: Don't you worry. Chaosbulldramon and I can take him. Damian: I've got a couple questions for him first. (To Galfmon) One: What exactly are you trying to do? Two: Why did you need Elyse to do it? And three: What makes you think we can't take you out? BA mentioned a Galfmon to me once. I don't know if it was you or a different one he was talking about, but I do know that he said whichever Galfmon he mentioned, while stronger than the average Mega, still wouldn't be too hard to take out. So answer number three first, will you? Even if you don't tell me what you're trying to do-and I know why you might not want to-surely it can't hurt to tell me what makes you think you're so tough.
OOC: Sorry about that, Ben. I deleated the post. ---------------------------------- (David and Guilmon X walk away from the cliff) Guilmon X: You said you'd tell me why he was a target. David: I'll tell you what I know, which really isn't much. Basically, he knew something. I don't know what. I was only told that he knew it, not what it was. Guilmon X: When were you told? David: Last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, and some Digimon told me. I didn't get a good look at him, but he seemed to know more than he should. I'm hopeing that we'll meet again. I'd like to know what it is that the Vermillimon knew. I've got this feeling that it affects us somehow, and I need to know how.
Gaming What is your favorite Pokemon movie?
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Minazukii's topic in Noosphere
I just realized i forgot one: the direct-to-video Mewtwo Returns. I rank this one as just a little better then The First Movie, but not anywhere near as good as any of the others. One major problem in this one is the power levels(You'd think the people who make these movies would manage to get rid of that one, but no). When team Rocket tries to capture Mewtwo, all he does is free the other Pokemon. He doesn't even destroy a single blimp. He does fight the robots, which brongs up another point: why was the frist pair easy for him to destroy when taking out the second pair nearly killed him(I know he was in the feild, but he took out the first pair so easily that he shouldn't have had a problem)? Also, the ending is bad(Although the Pikachu ballon is a nice touch). There are some good things, though(Like the character Domino). -
Writing Digimon: Dark Conflict [Revisited]
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
Well, you have seen what Aidan looks like. remember the picture for Strabimon's Champion form in Solo's sign-up for your RPG? That's what Aidan looks like. As for the thing in the tube, I know what that is, too, but I'm not going to tell you. I'm glad you're giving this story another try, Solo. I look forward to finding out just what happens after you left off(with quite a cliffhanger, I might add). -
(David stands on a thick branch of a tree. He ties a rope to it) David: (To himself) That should do it. (He looks around, making sure everything is set up correctly. The tree he?s standing on is right on the edge of a cliff. He drops out of the tree and looks up) Good. Positioning is correct. Now I just have to wait. (He goes to a different tree a few feet away and climbs up a ways. He stops on a thick branch. earlier, he and Guilmon X had hauled a log up there, which was tied to the same rope David had just tied to the other tree) And it looks like I won?t have to wait long. Here they come. (Guilmon X is being chased by a Vermillimon. As an Ultimate level Digimon, Vermillimon, who looks like a red Monochromon, is too strong for Guilmon X to defeat in a fight, but if there?s one thing David has learned in the digital world, it?s never to give up. Instead of fighting Vermillimon, Guilmon X is leading him into a trap. guilmon X stops under the branch David tied the rope to, and waits. When Vermillimon draws near, Guilmon X runs to the side. Vermillimon stops himself before falling over the cliff, but David pushes the log off of the tree. It swins into Vermillimon, pushing him right to the edge. He turns around just in time to see Guilmon X?s digivolved form, Growlmon X, charging toward him. He?s close enough to the edge that the force of Growlmon X?s impact is enough to send him over the edge. David drops out of the tree and walks over to Growlmon X, who devolves. They both look over the edge, and can make out a cloud of dust at the bottom) I don?t care how tough you are, that?s gotta hurt.
Damian: All right. Let's move. (While Imperialdramon flies to Oregon, Damian remembers something) Good thing I remembered this. You need to make sure you're not thinking about the plan until I tell you to. We can't risk Elyse figureing it out. Imperialdramon: Got it. (They reach Crater Lake. Elyse barely has time to notice before she finds herself with Damian inside Imperialdramon) Damian: Hello, Elyse. Didn't expect to see me, did you? I was going back to my life before all this happened, remember? That just proves that even mind-readers can be fooled. Which is good, because if you knew what I'm about to do, you could prevent me from doing it. As it is, you have no clue what's about to happen. And there's no way you'd ever expect anything like this. (He leaps toward Elyse. Before she can react, she and Damian are suddenly outside Imperialdramon, and [i]very[/i] high up. Damian, who's momentum carries him into her, grabs her and pins her arms to her side, preventing her from flying) I'd say it's about two minutes before we hit the ground. I recommend you start talking.
David: That is [i]not[/i] normal. Alexa: What? David: Multiple signatures just appeared out of nowhere. i count four-no, five-make that six. Six Digimon signautres have entered the cave. (Pause) And they're not here for us. It looks like they're after him. He must not have learned anything. Catt: Um, what exactly is going on? David: The human I detected appears to be attempting to avoid the six Digimon I detected. none of them are here for us, but that doesn't mean they won't find us. And I think I know who one of the Digimon is, too. if they find us, we could be in serious trouble.
Damian: We were actually looking for you. As for what's going on, i was hopeing you could help us figure it out. See, I think I can get Elyse to tell us just what's happening, and maybe even free her from whatever's controlling her. the problem is that Fleonessmon's still with her, and I can't have him screwing things up. Now, I seem to remember you telling me while you were still corrupted that he's stronger then you. i don't know if that's true or not, but I don't want to take any chances. So, while imperialdramon and I are confronting elyse, I want you and BWG to keep Fleonessmon busy. You don't have to hurt him. Just keep him from interfearing. If all goes well, I'll be able to get rid of his corruption. Of course, before we can do this, we have to find Elyse, which is prooving difficult.
I'll take Isolation(as in being alone).
(David takes out his laptop) Mike: What are you doing? David: I never did manage to translate that writing Eric found. I'm going to work on it while we wait for Angel. (Several beeps are heard) Or maybe not. (David looks at his digivice) There's someone else in the cave. A human with a digivice. (he runs the scanning program on his laptop) No Digimon, though. Mike: No. No no no no no. Catt: What's with Mike? [Eric: David, are you thinking what I'm thinking? David: We're both thinking what Mike seems to be thinking, but I'm not sure how that's possible. We can figure that out later.] Everyone, we've got a problem. We need to prepare for battle. Even if he doesn't have a Digimon with him, the person that I-and Mike-think is approaching is very dangerous. Be on your guard. This guy's tough.