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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(They land at the Grand Canyon. Everyone except Fleondramon is still there) Damian: Sh**! She must have woken up already. This makes things a little more difficult. I'll just have to work faster, that's all. Imperialdramon, there's a town near here in that direction(he points toward the town) Elyse is there. Let's go. (as Imperialdramon flies them to the town, Damian explains his plan) I think it'll work. BA: Are you insane? That's suicide! Damian: I don't think so. I'm sure she'll talk. If not, then at least I'll take her down with me. (They arrive at the town and look for Elyse) God da** it! She left!. BA: Now what do we do? Damian: We find her. Imperialdramon, do you have any idea how we can do that?
[Eric: I can't believe I saw this before you, but I don't think Angel goes in. David: I know what you're thinking, but no. Angel saw this in her dreams, remember? I think she's the one to go in. Of course, what you're thinking might be true, if not for the fact that he's dead. Mike killed him, remember? Eric: I remember. How could I forget? David: Good question.] Angel, go on in.
Damian: All right, fine. You told me some of what I need to know, but it seems that the only one who can tell me the rest is Elyse herself. And I think I can get it out of her. The problem is getting to her, because Fleonessmon's there. Of course, I've got a plan for that, too. Quite easy to do, actually. And so obvious, she won't expect it. And the funny thing is that she gave me this option. You weren't as much help as I expected, but it could have been worse. At least I know what to do now. Let's go. (He, Veemon, and BA exit the chamber. Soon, Imperialdramon flies the other two through a portal and to the real world) All right. Our first destination is the Grand Canyon. We find Fleondramon and get her to help us. She and BA as BWG will take on Fleonessmon. Imperialdramon and I will handle Elyse. Hopefully she'll talk. If not, she'll die.
OOC: i know about the differance between corruption and posession, but Damian doesn't. Don't worry, he'll figure it out soon. ------------------------ (Damian and the two Digimon walk into the Master Chamber. As soon as they enter, and before they even see anything, Damian speaks) Damian: I don't care who's in here right now, but I know someone is. i can hear you, whoever you are. So listen up. I'm sick and tired of being let around by someone who doesn't tell me anything. i'm sck of not knowing what's going on. But mostly, I'm sick of helping those who want to destroy the world. by that, i mean Elyse. She's the problem. Veemon here says she's corrupted-he actually said possesed, but that's the same thing, right?-but I don't know if i can trust him. But that doesn't mater. What matters is that you tell me what you know, and that you do it now. (pause) what's the matter? Don't trust me? Well, I'm not leaving until I get some answers. Any you're going to give them to me. i need to know who I can trust. I need to know how to contact Xander and the others without using the com watches, which Elyse bugged. And I need to know if she's indeed corrupted-possesed, whatever-, or if she's really behind all this. And if she is possessed, then by who? i'm not leaving until I know everything about those things you can tell me. So start talking.
Gaming What is your favorite Pokemon movie?
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Minazukii's topic in Noosphere
I really don't know which one I like the best. Pokemon: The First Movie is the worst, in my oppinion. For one thing, Mewtwo's power was overdone. That in itself isn't a problem(he's supposed to be unstoppable), but then Mew comes in, and the two seem to be equal(even though it was said many times that Mewtwo is the most powerful Pokemon). Plus, the whole Pokemon tears thing was kinda lame(okay, it was very lame). Pokemon 2000 is one of the best. The power levels make sense(Lugia's more powerful then the other Legendary Birds, but is not able to defeat all three of them. Also, those three birds are equal in power), the "bad guy' is gread(I love how he just doesn't quit), and Team Rocked actually has an important role in the film(it's nice to see those three being used for something other than comic relief). Pokemon 3 improved on some of 2000's weaknesses(Brock and Misty actually do something, as opposed to Misty and Tracy just watching as Ash tries to save the world), but it has it's flaws, too(The power levels are off here, too. Charazard actually puts up a good fight against Entei, which it shouldn't be able to do). It's not quite as good as 2000, but it's not bad. Pokemon 4Ever has only one real problem, but it's a big one: the power levels(strange how that one keeps poping up). Celebi is taken down by a Syther and a Houndoom in the beginning, but becomes untouchable when [spoiler]the Iron Mask Marauder(sp?) captures him(I know the Dark Balls are supposed to make Pokemon stronger, but still).[/spoiler] Another problem, but a minor one, is that Suicune's appearance is never explained. He just shows up. Of course, the biggest improvement made in this one is the ending(the best out of all of them). While in the other movies, the climactic sequence is some lame thing about feelings or thoughts, this one ends with some action[spoiler](and then we discover that Sammy is Professor Oak)[/spoiler]. As for Pokemon Heroes, it was good for the most part, but the ending sucked([spoiler]The jewel breaking and Latios sacrificing himself to make a new one is the best they could come up with? Come on![/spoiler]). Also, Misty and Brock again do nothing of importance. The water race seqence was the best part(The one at night, not the one at the start). So which one's my favorite? As I said, I don't know. -
Damian: (Thinking) So Elyse isn't the real problem. If Veemon can be trusted, that is. and even if he can be, he might not know the truth. If I had someone I didn't fully trust or who wasn't willingly with me, I'd certainly do my best to hide my true intentions from him. Either Elyse fooled Veemon into thinking she's corrupted, or she really is corrupted. Either way, I'll need backup. Hopefully, Azulongmon and the other Masters will be able to help. And I know I can trust them. If I couldn't, this fight would already be over.
I believe that nameslike Gabumon X and guilmon X are alternates for NeoGabumon and NeoGuilmon(If true, then it would also apply to the other "X" Digimon. As for links, I believe these will work: Guilmon X: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/GuilmonX.html[/url] Growlmon X: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/GrowlmonX.html[/url] WarGrowlmon X: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/WarGrowlmonX.html[/url] Megidramon X: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/MegidramonX.html[/url] For a digivice, I'll have a green D3. As far as my character goes, I'll change him if you really want me to, but I'd prefer to keep him the way he is(And don't worry. There is a reason he does what he does). If you truely don't want him that way, just tell me, and I'll change him(But please don't make me do that).
OOC: I didn't mean to imply that you were. I didn't know if you knew that or not, and I also wanted to make sure you knew that I meant the actual city and not a made-up one that I happened to give the same name. ------------------------------ (Damian drops his com watch, and he and BA, who had devolved before they reached Pheonix, run into a nearby alley. They almost collide with several mean-looking people who are trying to get a look at what is going on) Richard: Hey, Damian! Long time no see. What's going on out there? Damian: Long story, Richard, but here's the short version: this crazy girl I met wanted me to help her save the world. obviously, I don't want the world to be destroyed-who does?-so I agreed to help her. Turns out that she's the one causing the problem in the first place, and that she staged an elaborate and well-executed deception to throw us off. Still don't know why she told me, but I just think it was one of her many mistakes. Unfortunately, she does some things right, which is why I'm here. See, she gave me a device called a com watch, which can communicate with other com watches. I would have used it to call the others that she tricked, but she's bugged it. She can also determine its location. Johnny, you do a flawless impression of me. You're going to pretend to be me. Everyone else, I want you to treat him that way. If she uses it, she'll think I came back here like I told her I would, and it'll lead her to you if she tries to track me with it. Johnny: Got it. Damian: All right. Let me go get it. (He walks back to his com watch, picks it up, and silently gives it to Johnny. He and BA then walk back to Imperialdramon) Did it. Let's get out of here. We've got a portal to open.
Name: David Age: Unknown, but looks like somewhere around 17. Appearance: 6ft tall. Short, black hair and brown eyes. Average build. Prefers to wear shorts and a t-shirt over anything else. Digivice: Black D3 Bio: Unknown. Other: David is an enigma. Nobody knows anything about him. He lives in the digital world. He and Guilmon X show up seemingly randomly, do something, and leave. Sometimes they help a Digimon, sometimes they steal something, and occasionally they kill a Digimon. They have helped both the new emporer's forces and those who are against him, and have worked against both sides as well. The only thing they don't do is cross to the real world. Nobody knows why. Digimon: Rookie: Guilmon X/Attacks: Fireball, Fire Mitt Appearance: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/GuilmonX.jpg[/url] Champion: Growlmon X/Attacks: Raiden Blade, Exhaust Flame Appearance: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/GrowlmonX.jpg[/url] Ultimate: WarGrowlmon X/Attacks: Atomic Megalo Blaster, Double Edge Appearance: [url]http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/WarGrowlmonX.gif[/url] Mega: Megidramon X/Attacks: Atomic Flame, Pyrotechnic Destruction Appearance: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/MegidramonX.jpg[/url]
Damian: Worth a shot. But first, I think I'll misdirect Elyse. BWG: How? Damian: Simple. One of my boys back home does a perfect voice immitation of me, and can mimic my attitude unerringly, as well. I'll give my com watch to him, and he'll pretend to be me. I'll make sure the boys know and play along. If she tries to listen in on me, she'll hear him and the others instead of me, and she'll get his location instead of mine. As for getting there, it's not too far. I'm sure you can get us back to Pheonix in no time. Veemon, you're coming with us. Veemon: Me? Why? Damian: Because, to be honest, I don't fully trust you. Also, if I left you, Elyse would be able to force you to tell her my plan, right? Now, let's move. We have no time to waste. ----------------------------- OOC: Yes, Pheonix is a real city. It's in Arizona, which, as you probably know, is also where the Grand Canyon is(and the Grand Canyon is where everyone fought Ace and SkullBullDramon).
Angel: Could you explain how HyperRosemon got that powerful? David: Alexa, she's your partner. You explain it to Angel. Alexa: Long story, but the short version is that while fighting Myotismon, my partner Palmon digivolved to Rosemon. Myotismon was too tough for her, but then this strange object-it was what we were fighting over, and I didn't know untill recently what it was-basicaally entered her, and she became HyperRosemon. She's been that way ever since. Of course, I now know that the object was something called a Digi-Core, which is a sphere of energy. The Sovereign ues them for something, but we don't know what. We do know that the Digi-Cores were used in the creation of Millenniummon and Huanglongmon. Angel: Where can I find one of these things? David: You won't need it. I'll explain later. I think those two Digimon up there want to show us something.
(As soon as damian is out of sight of Ace and Elyse, he does a full sensus transformation and runs to the others with BA on his back. When he gets there, he deactivates the sensus. He walks over to the others, finds their com watches, and throws them as far as he can. He takes his own com watch and puts it underneath Ki. He drags BA away fron the others, then does the same with Veemon. He then shakes BA to wake him up. BA looks around) BA: Where are Elyse and Ace? Damian: In a nearby village. Elyse is the enemy. BA: [i]What?![/i] Damian: She wants to kill everyone and start the world over. There's no way that'll work, but she doesn't seem to see that. i tricked her into thinking I was headed back to the streets where we live, then I came here. BA: Won't she know you're not doing what you said? Damian: nope. I tested that. it seems that my guess was right. She can't read deap down in my mind. I distracted er by forceing myself to think i was doing what I said, even though it's a lie. Then I came here. I tossed the other's ccom watches and put mine under Ki, then I dragged you and Veemon away from her so that Elyse can't hear us. then I woke you up. BA: So what do we do? Damian: We can't fight elyse on our own. She's the one who corrupted Fleondramon and Fleonessmon, after all. We need help, and I think I know who to ask. I just don't know how to get there. That's why I dragged Veemon over here. i think he does. I want you to digivolve. go to Mega. We can't take any chances. If I tell you to, I want you to kill Veemon. I'm going to interrogate him. BlackAgumon warp digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon (Damian wakes up Veemon, who looks around) Veemon: What's going on? Where's Elyse? (He sees Damian and BlackWarGreymon) Damian! What's going on? Damian: Don't play dumb with me. i know the truth now. Veemon: What truth? Damian: That Elyse is the enemy. that she's trying to start the world over. She told me herself. Veemon: i don't know what you're talking about. damian: then BlackWarGreymon here will have to get rid of you. Veemon: Okay, okay! It's true. She wants to start a new world. Damian: i need you to ell me how to get to the Digital world. Specifically, to the place where we spoke with Master A. If you don't tell me, BWG will, say, rip your legs off. then your arms. then just maybe your head. So start talking.
Elyse: That's the last veiwpoint i'd expect you to take. Damian: I know my life sucks. But I also know that I'm at the low point. People today do tend to live better lives then people in the past did. at least by our standards. Sure, we've got problems, and I think this world could definately use some changes, but you don't need to kill everyone. (Pause) I'm starting to sound like I care. You know what? For a while, I've been trying to decide weather to help you or help Fleondramon and Fleonessmon. I thought those were two seperate options, but I was wrong. You're the one who first made me wonder which of those to do, and now you've shown me my decision. You're right. Life sucks. It's been worse, but it could certainly be better. On the other hand, what makes you think your plan will work? Because it won't. People don't like being on the bottom. they want to be on the top. But that would be your position. You'd be a constant target. And if you went, the whole system would go. And if you didn't, everyone else would go from trying to get rid of you. Elyse: Doesn't sound like you've made a decision to me. Damian: Oh, I have. Elyse: What is it? Damian: Why don't you tell me? You can read my mind, can't you? Surely you know it. (Pause) Elyse: Just as I thought. You do not have one. Damian: Thank you very much. You know what? I think I'll get the hell out of here and forget any of this ever happened. I'll go back to my life and to caring about myself and only myself. I'm out of here. (He walks off)
[Eric: How did Alexa know that there was a SkullGreymon coming? It was Angel that figured it out, wasn't it? David: Probably the same way we do it. Eric: Wait a minute. You're saying that Angel and Alexa are connected in the same way we are? David: Not quite. It's slower, for one thing. After angel got up, it took a few seconds for Alexa to react. It doesn't happen instantly, like with us, but it's there? Eric: Do you really think that's true? David: Yes. Not only does it explain this, but it also explains why she had an easier time opening herself. Remember that? We had an easier time with it because of our connection. Brian and Mike had a harder time, but Alexa didn't. I think that's because of her now apparent connection with Angel.] Alexa: You want to back down, SkullGreymon? (Pause) Didn't think so. HyperRosemon, take him. HyperRosemon: Of course. Needle Storm! (She fired a large number of thorns at SkullGreymon. When they hit, they exploded. When the dust cleared, SkullGreymon was gone) Easy. Angel: D*mn! David: And when we first fought Millenniummon, she got the **** beaten out of her, along with the rest of us. That should give you a vauge idea of what we're up against. Are you still willing to do this?
Damian: I- but- uh- what the hell is this? Elyse: What do you think? Damian: What I think makes you look like the biggest f***ing dumba** ever. What I think is that for some unknown reason, you're part of the problem. In fact, based on this, I'd say you're the cause. Explains a lot, really. Doesn't explain why you didn't kill me earlier, or why you brought me here, but I'm sure you have your reasons. So what are they?
Damian: I'd like it if my thoughts could remain private, but I guess you won't let that happen. And about Ace, I don't know what to think. Obviously you know something I don't, and for some reason you won't tell me why. Based on what I know, Ace does not appear to be on our side. Now, it's obvious that you know something that indicates he is on our side, but for some reason you won't tell me. And you know what? You're probably right. As long as I don't attack Ace, it doesn't really matter that I don't know what's going to happen. I'll know when we get there, and I've got a feeling we'll get there soon.
David: Let's do this in groups. Angel, Alexa, Nisha, and I will go down first. Eric, Catt, Brian, and Mike will follow. Alexa: Let's do it. (David, Angel, Alexa, and Nisha climb on NeoGrowlmon, who carries them down. They get off at the bottom) [David: We're down and it looks safe. Eric: We're on our way.]
Damian: (Thinking) This is getting weirder and weirder, not to mention more dangerous. Elyse and Fleonessmon don't fight because each wants the other to trigger any traps, Ace's gone AWOL and Elyse won't say why, she seems to think getting rid of the corruption in Fleondramon was a waste, and Fleonessmon's adapting extreamly fast. Now we're following Fleonessmon and Ace, who are probably leading us into a trap, and she [i]still[/i] won't say what Ace is planning, which leaves me with one question: what the hell is going on here?
In Silver, there's not anything about the Unown. You just catch them. In Crystal, however, there are hidden chambers in the Ruins of Alph, and there's writing(with Unown shapes) in them. I don't have Crystal, so I don't know what the writing says.
Mack, Boyer(sp?), Punchinello(sp?), Johnathin "Johnny" Jones/Yairdovich(You get it from Johnny, but Yairdovich takes it and you have to fight him for it), Czar Dragon/Zombone/Axem Rangers(The Czar Dragon turns into Zombone, and the Axem Rangers take the star after you defeat Zombone), and Smithy. Name the 7 Star Stamps you compete(sp?) for in Mario Party 3, and the character you have to duel to get each(for the 6 you must duel for. the seventh has no duel) Bonus: Which Duel Map do you duel for each Star Stamp on(for the 6 you duel for)?
Damian: All right. So now we know where to go. Now hte question is do we go now, or wait for everyone else to wake up? You handled Fleondramon quite well by yourself, so you can probably handle Fleonessmon the same way. But if it doesn't work, we'll need the others. Of course, we can't afford to wait for to long, if at all. I say we go now and leave a message for the others when they wake up. Of course, if you can wake Veemon up, he can take everybody as Imperialdramon. But can you do that? And one other thing. I'm assuming that that was Fleonessmon's true form. If it is, how was he in it? You said he couldn't be in it on land, so how was he?
OOC: Brian and Mike are with everyone. --------------------------- David: That would help, but we should focus on not getting seperated in the first place. Catt: And how do we do that? David: Well, as long as nobody wanders off, we should be fine. Of course, I don't know anything about this place, so it may not work. I do have a way we could find each other if we're seperated. Nisha: How? Alexa: This has something to do with you and Eric, doesn't it? Eric: Yes. He and I are connected. I know what he sees, hears, says, and even thinks, and he knows what I see, hear, say, and think. Among the thinhs this lets us do is find each other unerringly. If we can set it up so that if we're seperated, it's into two groups, and David and I are in different groups, he and I can lead the groups to each other.
Alexa: And I thought the digital world was strange. This place gives a whole new meaning to weird. David: Weird, yes. And if Angel's right, a perfect place to hide something that you don't want found. If it shows you what you want and you don't know it's a fake, you'll go after it. But if you can somehow resist the effcts of this place, you'll be able to find something here without a problem. I think that's what happened. Someone or something put what we're after in this cave somewhere to hide it from anyone who wanted it. They wouldn't be able to find it in here, because they'd keep seeing illusions. Whoever or whatever hid it here will be able to resist the effects of this place and find it. And I'm willing to bet that whoever or whatever did has some way of knowing that we're here, know about what this place does, and that Angel can lead us through. that person or thing or whatever it is will be coming after us. It'll have the advantage here, so be careful.
Damian: Okay, okay. No need to go all psyco on me. I just want to know what's going on, but if you won't tell me, then that's fine. I'll just base what I say on what I know. And that's that we need to follow Fleonessmon. Of course, we don't know where he went, so that's not easy. We can't track him, unless you've got some trick up your sleave that I don't know about. But you did bug the com-watches. Surely there's a way to determine a bug's position. We can use that to track Ace, who's following Fleonessmon. Will that work?
(The group reaches Angel and NeoGuilmon at the Dark Heart Cave) David: I thought it was you. Angel: What? David: I detected your digivice. I realized you were heading to this area, so we came. Of course, I don't know what this area is. Alexa: I don't understand anything here. David: Well, I think what we're after is in that cave somewhere. et's go.