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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Damian: I heard that. You told Fleonessmon that you'd extracted the corruption from Fleondramon. Now, if you managed to isolate it, she should still be in that form, but if you didn't, and it didn't look like you did, then she might have devolved. I don't know which is true, but it doesn't matter right now. What matters is Ace. You seem to know what he's up to, but you won't tell me or any of the others. Why not?
  2. How many realms are in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, and what are their names? Bonus: What is the boss at the end of each?
  3. Damian: (Thinking) What the hell is going on here? First, Elyse gets up as if she was never hit. That I can understand. She might have managed a convincing fake. Then Fleonessmon shows up, but she doesn't attack like I expected. That's also undertandable. Violence isn't always necessary. And now, the two are having what seems like a perfectly innocent discosion, except for the fact that they're enemies. Plus, Elyse is that last person I'd expect to be friendly with Fleonessmon after that thing with Takashi. Something's going on that I don't know about, and I need to figure out what. So I'll keep watching. And Elyse, if you're doing the mind-reading thing right now, don't give me away.
  4. I think four. I'l ask if I'm right.
  5. His name's Wart, and you have to throw vegtables into his mouth. In Super Mario RPG, what is Mallow's wish? (Hint: You find it on Star Hill)
  6. David: That's a new one. Mike: What? David: Nisha's digivice. It'n not like ours are. Hers is different. And now that I'm looking for it, Catt's is the same. Alexa's probably is, too. (He looks back at his laptop) What the hell? Alexa: What? David: The signature is gone. I'm picking up a different signature heading toward where the first one emerged. I've also got a digivice signal, but it's different. (Pause) Just as I thought. The digivice has the same type of signature as Nisha's and Catt's do. It's got to be Angel, and the digimon signature is NeoGuilmon at an advanced level. Based on the signal, I think he's at mega. And she's going where we want to go. Alexa: Then let's get moving. David: We're not using Imperialdramon this time. Veemon and Wormmon need to save their energy, as I don't know what we'll find. Let's move.
  7. For science fiction, I'd reccommend anything by Jack L. Chalker. He's writtecouple of his trilogies: [i]Tales of the Three Kings[/i]: His most recent trilogy, these books are about the discovery of a system with properties that are seemingly impossible. Only unmanned ships have ever returned. Each book deals with a seperate groop that reaches it. [i]Balshazarr's[/i](sp?) [i]Serpent[/i] is about religious leader Dr. Karl Woodward and the crew of his starship, The Mountain. [i]Melchior's Fire[/i] is about a crew of salvagers(people who go down to worlds where the people have died out and take everything they can). And [i]Kaspar's Box[/i] is about a millitary crew and Captain Murphy, who's basically a type of pirate. Each groop eventually reaches the strange system, and each group reveals a little more of what's going on. Very good books. [i]The Quintara Marathon[i]: these three books are among his best. They're about groups from the three different interstellar empires who discover a strange structure on a newly discovered planet. When they investigate, they're thrust head first into a string of worlds, each worse than the one before it. They have to reach the end, which is made harder by the fact that the groups are all trying to kill each other. Add in a bunch of demons, paranormal abilities, and the most memorable character I know of(Jimmy McCray), and you've got one hell of a trilogy. For those of you who like fantasy books, read [i]The Dragon Quartet[i] by Marjorie B. Kellougg(sp?). This is the second-best book series I've ever read(the best being Harry Potter), and I'm eagerly anticipating the release of the fourth and final book, which comes out on November 4th.
  8. [Eric: David, didn't Ken mention a Kari? he said she was here once, remember? David: Yes, but we didn't mention her. Eric: Then how does Nisha know? David: We know because we met Ken. She might have, or she might have met Kari. Or any of the others Ken told us about. Anyways, Catt's right. We need to get moving.] All right. I don't think the site is too far from here, but I don't know. I'll see if I can get a reading on it. (He takes out his laptop and runs the scanning program) I can't get a clear reading on anything. There's an erratic signal to what I think is the north, but I don't know anything more. Wait. Yes I do. Something just emerged from it and is heading our way. It's a clear signature. I've managed to pinpoint the site, but we'll have to deal with the Digimon coming our way first. Catt, Nisha, Angel, why don't you take this one? Let's see what you and your Digimon can do.
  9. (Damian and Mephistomon hadmade their way to the watch factory, but they couldn't get in. All the doors and windows were locked. Damian was about to give up when Mephistomon had destroyed part of the wall. They had entered, and were looking around) Damian: Nobody's here. Weird. These places are never turned off. Mephistomon: it seems to be operational. Damian: Which makes this even weirder. Nobody leaves the equipment running unattended. I do not like this. Mephistomon: do not worry yourself. There is nothing here that is dangerous. Damian: The unknown is [i]always[/i] dangerous. We need to figure out what's going on here. Come on.
  10. Possibly a cement mixer, but I'm not sure. I'll ask if I'm right.
  11. (Damian heard Elyse tell him to get hit, but he didn't. Instead, he fell to the ground just before he would have been hit, and faked sleeping, which is something he is very good at) Damian: (Thinking) I don't know what's going on here, but there's no way I'm just going to let it happen. I don't know what Elyse has planned, or what Ace is doing, but it can't be good. I'm probably the only one here who can pull off a fake like that, so I'm the only one who can do anything. But first, I need to know what's going on. Whatever he's up to, I need to know. And I need to stop him. I'm the only one still awake, which makes me the only one who can.
  12. [David: Smooth, Eric. Eric: What? That's how I would have acted if I didn't know who she was. David: Don't pretend there's nothing between the two of us. They need to get used to the way we act. It's who we are, Eric. And don't worry about Angel. She'll come around. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been chosen. Eric: I didn't want to give them too much new information at once. We've told them about Millenniummon. That's enough for a while. Give them time to digest that before you tell them anything new. David: I know. I just don't think we should pretend to be something we're not. Now, I want to hear what Nisha has to say.]
  13. David: he should save his strength. I don't know what's down there, and we need to be ready for anything. Imperialdramon can handle Devimon without a problem. (Imperialdramon reaches the whirlpool and flies into it. When Devimon appears, Imperialdramon takes him out with his Positron Laser attack) Nicely done. Now, let's see what's down there. (Imperialdramon flies to the bottom of the whirlpool. Suddenly, he passes through something and appears on the ground in another world. He transports everyone out of himself, then devolves into Veemon and Wormmon, who move over to Brian and Mike, respectively. Everyone looks around at the world they are in. There is no color to anything; it's all black and white. They are by an ocean, and the water is dark) Catt: Is this... Nisha: The Dark Ocean. I'll never forget this place. David: You've been here before? Nisha: Yes. David: In that case, would you please tell us what to expect?
  14. David: I do [i]not[/i] like this. [Eric: What do you think it means? David: I'm not sure. Definately something, though. He's not a very common Digimon. Eric: Tough, too. David Not that he'll be a problem. I just don't know what it means. Eric: Neither do I? David: And there's only one way to find out. We have to go down there.] Catt, the Digimon you saw is called Devimon. He's only a Champion, but he's stronger then most other Champions. I don't know how well you would have done on your own, but when we all go, we won't have any trouble with him. More significant is why he's there. You don't find Devimon just anywhere. If you se one, he'll have a very good reason for being where he is. We need to find out what, and to do that, we have to go down there. Everyone, it's time to go. (Imperialcramon loads them into himself) Let's do this.
  15. David: This is not going according to plan. TJ: No ****, Sherlock. What are we supposed to do about it? David: I don't know, but I know someone who might. (He turns and runs out of the throne room, where two guards are about to enter) Guard 1: Sir, what's going on in there? David: It doesn't concern you. I need you to find Tsurara as fast as you possibly can. Tell him to come to the Master's throne rom immedeately. If he hesitates or asks why, tell him that his brother's dead and we need his help to save his sister. Guard 2: Yes, sir! (The two guards hurry to follow David's order) David: I hope he gets here soon.
  16. Alexa: What the hell was that? David: Some sort of portal. (He tunrs to his laptop) Energy rewuirements are very large. The method won't be effective for more then two or three people and/or Digimon. I don't know how she discovered this, and I certainly don't see the point of using it now. She said she'll be back with coordinates, but I already know those. Besides, I don't think she knows what's there. I don't even know what's there, but I think it's a portal to the Dark Ocean.
  17. Damian: (Thinking) What is going on here? Ace is up to something, that's for sure, and Elyse appears to know what. Not suprising, seeing as how she can do that mind-reading thing. She's got something planned, but we need to find Ace for it to work. But what's she planning? And what's Ace up to? (Out loud) Elyse, would you mind telling us what's going on?
  18. David: We don't need a way to get underwater. There's something strange about where we're going. One of its effects is some sort of whirlpool. The data indicates that our destination is at the bottom of it. Getting there is simple. Imperialdramon can fly us there. No, the problem is that I don't know what to expect once we get there. The reading from the destination point is very erratic. I can't get a clear image, or even a decent reading. It keeps changeing. The only thing ever remotely similar is a portal to this world, but even that's nothing like this. I just don't know what's there. Eric: And the only way to find out is to go, which David here will do even if the rest of us don't. He can't resist things like this. David: Now, we won't make any of you come. It's your choice. So, who's with us?
  19. David: (Thinking) Where's Ken when we need him? He's been here before. He found whatever's down there. [Eric: True, but he wasn't himself when he did. David: He remembers everything else he did when controlled by the Dark Spores. I don't think he'd be willing to go down there now, but he'll certainly what's there. Eric: Probably. When are you going to tell them about the Dark Spores? David: When the reality of this situation hits them. I don't think they truely understand what we're up against. Things like the Spores can wait untill they understand how dangerous this is. After they see us in battle, they'll have an idea of how tough it is to take us down. That should give them an idea of how powerful something has to be to beat us without even trying, like Millenniummon did the first time. Eric: Yeah, but we're stronger now. David: So we fight o the level we were at when that happened. It's easy to do. we just don't use the stream. They'll see how tough we were before, and they'll have an idea of Millenniummon's power. Then we'll see if hey're still willing to help]
  20. Damian: (Thinking) I do not like this. Why would he leave like that, when he knows that the enemy is approaching? Does he not want to fight? I don't think thay's the case. He seemed fine untill now, so there's no reason he should just chicken out. No, there's something else going on here. And what did Elyse mean by saying her plan flew away? Obviously she's refering to Ace, but why? What can he do? Whatever it is, it's probably connected to the reason he left. I just need to know what.
  21. David: Before we proceed, I want to determine the exact location of this site. (He takes a laptop computer out of his backpack and turns it on) All right. Distance is good. Resolution good. Run program... what the hell? Catt: What? David: I just ran a scanning program to determine the exact location of where we're going. The site is out in the middle of the ocean, and a good ways underwater. I didn't know how we'd get down there, but if I'm interpreting this correctly, that's not a problem. According to this, there's some sort of whirlpool effect. It's not anything close to normal, though. I think there's still something left. He didn't take it all. Nisha: Who didn't take all of what? David: I don't know the what, but it was something used in the creation of Kimeramon-long story-but I do know the who: Ken Ichijouji(sp?). It's another long story, but the short version is that he's from an alternate version of what we call the real world. He mentioned something about an unknown energy he used in the creation of Kimeramon. We know that half of Millenniummon's data was included in Kimeramon, but we don't know what this energy is. I think it has something to do with some other dimension called the Dark Ocean, which Ken told us about. Eric: And I think David's jumping to conclusions again. David: Maybe, but that doesn't change the situation. We need to get to the whirlpool area. We'll learn if I'm right or not when we get there.
  22. Master: What happened? David: The guards are dead. Master: Who killed them? Hirei: I did. David: We're here to kill you. Master: Do you really think you can defeat me?David: Maybe I can't but he can.Master: And who is he? David: He is Hirei. Master: That's impossible! Hirei's been dead for centuries. David: He's still alive, and he's here to kill you. The others and I are here to help. Master: Others? (Everyone else enters the room) Kurayami? You want me dead? Arika: Yes. David; We're here to kill you. You won't sacrifice yourself to maintain this world, so we're here to do it for you.
  23. OOC: I forgot to mention this. Since David and Eric don't talk to each other(because of their connection), "converstaions" they have will be enclosed in [brackets]. These "conversations" happen instantly and can't be overheard or prevented. ----------------------------- David: When they're here, we'll load up in Imperialdramon-he has a kind of cargo area-and go to the site we're looking. Of course, there's an aditional problem. Angel: Yeah? What? (Before David can answer, Imperialdramon arrives. A wide beam from his forhead hits everyone, and they find themselve in the area David mentioned. Imperialdramon heads toward the area where they're going. David introduces everyone) Angel: Now, what's this problem you mentioned? Eric: The site is located underwater. We know where it is, but not how to get to it. We know there's a way, though. It's been done before. David: There's probably a Digimon of some sort in there as a guard. There always is. Make sure you're ready for a fight.
  24. (David walks through the palace, thinking) David: (Thinking) Surely I'm not the only one who still wants to do this. Why did we leave? We were supposed to kill the Master. Why did the Princess pull us out? (He hears noises and runs to the throne room door, where Hirei is standing over the dead guards) (Out loud) Hirei, what are you doing? Hirei: I am doing what we are here to do. The others are somewhere in this palace, presumably resting, but there is no time to waste. If they aren't here, then I will do this myself. (A guard comes running toward them) David: Guard! Guard: Sir, what's going on? David: Find the Princess and tell her it's begun! Guard: What? What's begun? David: Do it! That's an order! (The guard runs off to find Arika. Hirei opens the door and enters the throne room) I hope we can do this. (He follows Hirei into the throne room)
  25. David: Anything I've forgotten? Alexa: Not that I know of. David: All right, everyone. We've got work to do. Our mission is to try and find more information. In this world, there's usually a prophecy of some kind for something like this. We need to find it, as it might tell us what we need to know. Now, there are two places that it's likely to be. When Millenniummon was imprisioned, his data was split in half. The two places where we should look are the places where the data was sealed away. We went to one the last time we fought Millenniummon, so we'll try the other one this time. Eric's met up with Brian and Mike, and they're on their way now. Catt: How do you know? David: I'll tell you later. They'll be here shortly. Imperialdramon moves very fast. I expect them to be here in about a minute.
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